Chapter 6: Holiday Cheer

Story by KlausNightfur on SoFurry

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#7 of Bunny Tails

Short and sweet! I am super tired from being up so late so if I missed any typos I will fix them asap! I wanted something a bit happier to give these two a break from all of the drama so I decided to tell something of a happier event from their story. I hope you all enjoy and as always any and all comments are appreciated!

Miles shivered and pulled his coat tightly against the howling winds and pouring sleet that buffeted him, threatening to topple him as if he were no more than a pup. The weather had been horrid all day, which had only added to his already dreary mood. Christmas was two weeks away and Miles was surprised he did not see more furs out crowding the shops. Guess I'm the only one stupid enough to be out in this weather, he thought wryly. The wolf had been trying to find the perfect gift for his mate for the past two weeks, yet every turn seemed to end in disappointment. His head ached as he wracked his brain trying to think of the perfect gift to get his mate. Klaus was not a picky individual, which made it all the more difficult to buy for him. He would be happy with whatever Miles chose, yet Miles being the wolf that he is could not just settle on something that Klaus would like. No, he had to try and choose something the bun would adore. He finally had ascertained the location of a shop which carried a very special item of interest. Now all that was left was to get there before any other fur decided to take possession of the particular item.

He hurriedly stepped in out of the weather, murring happily as the warmth of a lit hearth welcomed him with a tender embrace. Miles closed the door against the chilling wind and sniffed as he glanced around the tiny shop. The place was quiet save for the soft whispering between a single, cloaked customer and the old badger of a shopkeeper. Miles chuckled to himself at the thought, The shopkeep really is an old badger. He smiled and shrugged off his heavy coat. The jet black fur on his arms bristled with delight as the warmth of the room caressed it gently. He inhaled deeply, exhaling as he began to peruse the plethora of items settled around the shop.

Miles carefully searched for the item of interest as he forced himself not to become distracted by some of the odd trinkets that seemed determined to catch his eye. His face brightened as his eyes landed on a small golden locket nestled behind a glass case. The locket face was embroidered with an Edwardian lattice work centered within a pattern of floral vines. It was obviously old, yet very well kept. It seemed to give off a dull glow as the light from the blazing hearth danced across it. The wolf smiled as something deep within him clicked. This would be perfect. He had wanted to find something that would truly be special for his mate. Lockets this old were a rare find, and even when you did find one the actual age would be questionable since vintage was no longer a look given solely by age. Miles had gone through several "legitimate" dealers of the antique only to find that each one had been nothing but a ruse. After his latest failure he had stopped by a local pub to grab a drink. The wise old bear that tended the pub had been more than willing to listen to Miles and his troubles. The bear had quietly drew out a map on a napkin and told the wolf that this shop dealt solely in hard to find objects of some age. Miles had not been disappointed.

He looked towards the badger and waited patiently for the shopkeep to finish his current dealings. The customer was a very curious one indeed. The bright red cloak seemed to tug on something in the back of the wolf's mind. It was as if he had seen it before. It was then that the customer turned to leave. The bright gold eyes of a feline met his own ice-blue eyes. His ears twitched curiously as he stiffened in surprise. "Allahna?" His voice was thin and disbelieving.

The feline stood silent and motionless before him. Her ears noticeably twitching underneath her hood. "Miles... Long time no see..." Her voice held a thinly veiled air of contempt.

Is she still mad at me? Miles frowned and shook his head in disbelief. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved overseas for school..."

"I did, but my mom is sick so I had to fly back a few days ago."

"But why here? I mean, why aren't you back home if your mom is sick?"

"Nice to see you too... This was the closest hospital that the type of treatment she needs. What about you? College treating you well?"

"Y-yeah... It is going very well actually..." Miles scratched his head solemnly and shuffled about. "I am actually here to buy a gift for someone..."

"Your new mate? I heard you are with some guy now... I have to be honest I did not really believe it."

"It's true, Allahna. I am gay."

Allahna started, her eyes showing genuine surprise. "Well then... I guess Tessa really did a number on you. I guess I know why you rejected me back then." Her chuckle hinted slightly at the sadness that was evident on her face.

"Allahna... look I'm sorry about back then... I" Miles was stopped as the feline held her paw up with a shake of her head.

"No apologies. I have to go, but I am glad you seem to be doing so well. I will have to meet this mate of yours one day. Goodbye, Miles." With that she pulled her cloak tightly around her and walked out into the stormy darkness of the night.

Miles sighed and looked over at the fire burning as strong as ever. Allahna had been there for him after Tessa had broken his heart. He and the cat had been friends since he was a pup, yet he had never imagined she had come to develop feelings for him. The night he found out about Tessa's discretion was the same night Allahna had confessed to him. He was an emotional wreck at the time so he was unresponsive to her feelings, leaving her to storm off in a fit of anger and tears as he sat statue-esque on the ground outside of his home. He had not seen her since that day, only hearing from his mother that she had decided to study overseas at some prestigious university. He had his regrets of course, but he had left those behind when he met Klaus. Miles was brought out of his brooding by a firm grip on his shoulder.

"Son, you ok?" The old badger smiled as he spoke. His voice was a deep, raspy baritone. His eyes surprisingly kind.

"Yes sir, I'm fine. Just shaking off a few bad memories."

The badger nodded knowingly, "We all must do that from time to time. The past can be a thing of infinite beauty, or unimaginable horrors. What you mustn't do is dwell on those things. You're young. You have a long life ahead and there will be more bumpy roads I assure you. Take it from an old fur, just find something to believe in and hold on tight to it. Without something to believe in, something to fight for, our lives are as meaningless as a clock with no hands. A real clock mind you, not those damned digital ones everyone's using now-a-days."

Miles chuckles and smiled at the old fur standing in front of him. "Thank you sir. I will heed your words of wisdom." The wolf held a paw out in thanks. "My name is Miles."

The badger shook his hand firmly, "Alden's the name. I am always here to lend what little wisdom my years have earned me. So anytime you think an old fur can help, you stop by youngling. Now, what can I do for you?"

"I came here to procure a certain locket you have among your wares. I am hoping you will sell it to me." Miles gave his most confident smile as he gestured towards the glass case holding the locket."

"Oh? Well you have a good eye on you lad. That particular piece is almost 200 years old you know. I have the papers stating its authenticity. It is one of the prize pieces of my shop."

Miles felt his heart sink slightly, "I am guessing it is not for sale..."

"I never said that! I just am not of the mind to sell it to just anyone. Now, what would you be wanting this for exactly? Some lady-friend of yours I suppose?"

Miles blushes and shrank, Might as well be honest I suppose... He cleared his throat and spoke as clearly as possible. "Actually... it is for my boyfriend. He and I have been together for two years now and I wanted to get him something truly special." Miles waited for the inevitable change in mood that was the norm when older furs were faced with his sexuality.

Alden raised an eyebrow and his expression became serious as he spoke, "Ah... well I must say I did not expect this." He looked down at his forepaws as he flexed them repeatedly. "Let me ask you one thing. Do you love him? I don't mean the young puppy love where you find it hard to speak around them or you can't wait to see them, I mean real love."

Miles' ears perked with curiosity at the question. "I do love him. With all that I am. When I am with him I feel as though the world itself could end and I would not even blink. When we are apart I long to be with him again, yet at the same time just knowing he is thinking about me allows me to be apart from him without worry. I just want him to be happy, whether it is with me or not. I would fight for him, die for him, and...let him go if I needed to for him to be happy. Yet I could never stop loving him for even a second." Miles blushed at the outpouring of emotion to this stranger.

Alden nodded and walked over to the case, unlocking it and pulling the locket out carefully. He silently wrapped it up in cloth and place it inside a dark, wooden box before placing it on the counter in front of Miles. "This... is quite the rare piece. It says a lot about you and your mate that I am even considering this. I am sorry that it will still be a bit pricey, but it is difficult to price something so full of memories." He handed Miles a price written on a piece of paper and Miles nodded as he reached for his wallet. This would take up the entirety of what he had saved for Klaus, plus some. It was all worth it.

"Thank you so much Alden. This really means a lot to me. I know he will love it." Miles could barely contain his excitement as he handed the badger his money.

"Well, you seemed genuine enough. Just take care of your mate. The love of another is precious, and fleeting..." Alden smiled softly and handed the wolf the heavy wooden box. "Now, be careful in the weather and remember, I am here if you need a kind ear. An old ear to be sure, so you may have to speak a bit louder, but a kind one all the same. It was nice meeting you lad."

"You as well Alden. It has been a pleasure." Miles shook Alden's paw once more and left the warmth and comfort of the small shop. The sleet had lightened up some, but the wind seemed to grow even colder as it blew, cutting through his coat and chilling him to the bone. He shivered as he undertook the long walk back to his truck. His thoughts were a jumble of happiness over his luck at finding such a gift for the bunny. Yet, a small amount of sadness crept into his mind. Allahna had looked at him with such disdain. He never meant to hurt her, yet he had no idea how to patch things up. Was she even willing? Does she actually want to meet Klaus or was she just being civil? His mood darkened somewhat as he thought about the cat and their past together. It all seemed so obvious now, thinking back on their time together. _How did I not notice it?_Miles drove home surrounded in a brooding silence.

Klaus looked up at the clock sitting on the mantel above the fireplace. Miles had been out for far longer than he would have expected from the wolf. The bunny finished hanging the garland around the fireplace before grabbing his phone from his back pocket. He dialed the canine's number as he laid down on the sofa with a tired sigh. He had been decorating all day and Miles had only been able to help with the lights on the outside before he left to run some errands. Klaus listened as the phone rang repeatedly, finally redirecting him to voicemail. "Miles, I just wanted to check on you love. Give me a call or shoot me a text letting me know you're safe ok? Love you!"

The bunny sighed as he hung up. The wolf was going to hear about this one for a while. Klaus had just sat down when a knock at the door startled him back to his feet. A sense of dread fell over him as he approached the door. He just knew something had happened to his mate. He looked through the peephole and saw Miles shivering outside. He threw the door open and yanked the wolf inside. "Miles! What happened? Come here and let's get you warmed up." He drug the wolf over by the fire and ran to put on some coffee.

"I'm sorry love... My truck ran out of gas and my cell is dead. So I had to walk the last half mile here... I didn't mean to worry you." Miles shrugged off his coat and smiled as warmth seeped into his fur. He was glad he had been able to find what he had been looking for. The perfect gift for the bunny. The wolf looked up as his mate walked back in from the kitchen. His cheeks grew increasingly warm as he noticed what the bun was wearing. Klaus loved the holidays, especially Christmas, and usually went all out to decorate. This happened to include the way he dressed, a fact which always brought a smile to Miles' muzzle. His ears twitched as he looked his mate over. Klaus was wearing an unbuttoned coat similar to the stereotypical Santa Claus coat. He had foregone pants in his home and opted for a pair of red boyshorts with "HoHoHo" written across the back. Miles felt the warmth spread from his cheeks as he stared longingly at his mate. "You are so beautiful..."

Klaus giggled and blushed as he sauntered over to the canine. "Why is it that no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to be upset with you? It is quite the conundrum I must admit."

"Oh I don't know. Why can't I look at you without falling for you all over again hmm?"

Klaus smiled and leaned up pressing his body against his mate's as their muzzles met. Miles moaned into their kiss as his forepaws immediately began to caress the bunny's lower back. Klaus felt his body tingle as their tongues entwined. The two furs stood there for close to an hour, letting their bodies and feelings do the talking. Klaus grinned as he pulled away, a paw teasing the wolf's obvious bulge as he began to walk back towards the kitchen. "I think we need to get a bite to eat. I think dinner should be should be ready by now!"

Miles sniffed the air curiously. How he had not noticed the enticing scent before was beyond him. The wolf quickly followed his mate into the kitchen, sniffing the savory scent along the way. His mouth was watering and his tail could not help but wag in anticipation. Klaus had pulled a freshly baked lasagna out of the oven and placed it on the small table by the nearby window. Klaus smiled as the canine wrapped his arms around the bun's waist, squeezing him tightly as he put the finishing touches on a small green salad. The wolf whispered softly into his mate's ear, making sure to get close enough that each word would send a hot breath into the bunny's long ears. "Do you know just how sexy you look right now? I don't know if waiting until after dinner is going to even be possible. Especially with that cute butt staring me in the face."

Klaus's fur prickled slightly as he inhaled sharply at the wolf's seductive words. He leaned back into Miles' embrace and felt something press firmly into his back. The bunny bit his lip as his body began to respond to his mate's advances. "You are such a bad boy..."

"Is it truly a bad thing that I am so attracted to you that I find it difficult to control my urges? And here I am thinking it is a compliment." Miles let go of the bun and stepped back, looking as if he was resigned to give up for now. He turned and took a small step when he felt a tug on his shirt. He looked back, ears perked eagerly as he came face to face with a look that he was all too familiar with. That wanting look in his mate's eyes made his heart palpate with the fervor of a war drum. Those blue eyes staring longingly up at him. His raven hair falling into is eyes, the streak of white in his bangs obscuring one eye. Klaus's ears stood tall, expectant. Miles had no chance of resisting.

The wolf pulled his mate into a tight embrace, pulling the bunny's chin up as he leaned down kissing Klaus deeply. Klaus felt himself melt into the kiss. His paws slowly caressing and exploring his mate's taught physique as he slowly began to undress the wolf. The heat from the bun's cooking had caused Miles to begin to sweat even before they had begun. Klaus leaned in close to the wolf's stomach and inhaled the distinct aroma. It was by far his favorite scent and it only heightened his arousal as it filled his head. He kissed the wolf's hard stomach and lowered himself to his knees. He slipped off the canine's pants and boxers and sat back on his heels to admire his mate's full glory. The hardened muscles of Miles' body spoke wonders about his dedication to staying in shape. The wolf was used to strenuous athletic training, so seeing as he had quit the football team he was forced to push himself hard to ensure he stayed in top condition. His hard worked had paid off.

Klaus felt his own body responding to his mate's. He shrugged off the soft red coat and let it fall to the floor. The bunny then ran his forepaws up the wolf's muscled thighs and began to gently stroke the thick red member that stood out against the jet black fur. Klaus closed his eyes and placed his muzzle around the thick shaft. He moaned as he savored the taste of his mate. He felt the canine shiver as pushed the cock deeper into his maw, enjoying the taste of sweat and pre. Klaus lingered at the base before slowly bobbing and sucking on his prize. Miles ran a paw through the bunny's hair as he worked to stay his hips from thrusting hard into the bun's throat. The sounds of lustful moaning filled the room as Miles struggled to control the urges of his instincts. The inner primal side of himself growled and longed to ravage the bunny before him. This side of him was strength, pure and simple. Yet he always kept it in check for fear of hurting his mate. The canine growled softly as Klaus continued to work his thick shaft eagerly picking up speed. If the bunny kept this up then Miles was not sure he could maintain his composure for much longer. He was a bit startled when he felt the loving maw release him from its warm embrace.

Klaus quietly stood and walked over to the low-lying island in the center of their kitchen. The top was hastily cleared before the bunny hopped up onto the top and sat, displaying himself as he slowly removed the remaining piece of his clothing. Klaus winked at Miles and motioned his mate towards him. The black wolf stepped forward with an enthusiastic grin. The two furs met with a passionate kiss. Their tongues danced and Miles slowly reached up to grip the bunny's slender hips. Klaus did not hesitate to pull the wolf into him. The air filled with the sounds of their lovemaking and the heat in the air grew heavier as they lost themselves to passion. Klaus shivered with every thrust of his mate's hips and the smell of comfort, warmth, and love seemed to work with the wolf to release him from the troubles of the past few months. Every inch of the canine's thick wolfhood was repeatedly thrust into him. He begged for more, wanting nothing but the fullness that his mate provided him with. He inhaled sharply as Miles let out a soft growl and plunged the thick knot into him, sinking himself to the hilt. Klaus's head spun as the two furs climaxed as one. He lay panting heavily as the wolf leaned on top of him. Miles kissed the bun's chest lovingly, his paws running through the soft fur along Klaus's sides. Klaus felt safe here, tied with the one he loved. He gave himself over to a feeling of inner silence, a tranquility that he had been all too afraid he had lost only a few weeks back.

Klaus smiled as he thoroughly dried himself after a hot shower. For all intents and purposes it had started as just a quick rinse to clean up before they ate, yet it had turned into much more as he found both himself and Miles still wanting. They had spent over an hour making love in the confines of that space, the water running over them always seemed to add an extra dimension to things. He sighed contentedly as he walked into the kitchen wearing his usual sleep attire, a loose fitting pair of shorts that even seemed a bit too short for him. Miles had set up their meal and he sat down to enjoy the fruits of his labor, though now that it had been reheated he knew it would not be quite up to his standards. Yet, it was still very good. The conversation and laughter seemed to make every bite taste better than the last. The two lovers recounted the events of the day and Klaus seemed particularly interested in the old badger Miles had met while out. It was funny, he did not have the heart to tell Miles that he knew exactly of the place he was referring to. Mika was a bit of an antiques nut and had frequented that shop due to the propensity of the shop keeper to collect the most odd and old of items. He could not help but wonder why Miles had ended up there, or even how for that matter.

The two moved their conversation to the couch in front of the roaring fireplace. Klaus felt himself grow tired as he lay with his head in the wolf's lap. Miles ran his paw through the bunny's hair and continued to softly speak of his drive home. Klaus could not help but feel sorry for his mate's run of bad luck, yet at the end of the day all that mattered to him was that Miles was safe at home. The wolf stilled and Klaus felt himself begin to drift away. Miles leaned down and whispered softly into his mate's ear before staring back into the light of the burning flames. He began to sing softly a song of the holidays and Klaus felt himself lose his grip on consciousness as sleep finally took him.