The Serpent's Embrace (Ch. 2)

Story by Khaesho Scorpent on SoFurry

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#6 of Child of the Sands

Man, look at all the tags over there! I have absolutely no clue what this chapter could be about. Do you think Khaesho manages to seduce her? :D As is my tradition, personal thoughts, notes, ETC are in a comment at the bottom. Drop a comment if you can spare the time, I love to talk to people :DRate if you liked it.

Fav if you loved it.

Comment if you want to motivate me to get back to work and bring you the next chapter :D

Khaesho and Kalokin are essentially me, and Shouyousei belongs to herself. Grab my ear(hole) in one way or another, and I'll gladly give you permission to feature me in just about anything, but I would appreciate if you flip a coin in my direction first.


So, Khaesho's accent is very much reduced overnight, almost like magic! There is a totally legitimate reason for this that you'll be able to piece together later, but for now, simply enjoy the fact that his speech isn't near incomprehensible anymore.

In the intervening time between posting this and now, I actually did a little research about snakes, so now Khaesho's mouth has all the details a snake's mouth should.

Aside from that, I gave numerous "Quality of life" improvements. Shou has a bad habit of assuming herself as the subject for role playing (entirely understandable) but it makes grammar checking a pain as I have to go through it line by line.

Her dreams were twisting things, things she wasn't certain of, but they were warm. Warm, and heavy and soothing to her senses despite the tumidity of emotion she had felt before falling into her rest. Something twisted in her dreams, something dark that did not belong, and in her sleepy curiosity, she reached for it. It recoiled in surprise and vanished, just as the memory of it soon vanished from her mind.

How long she slept she didn't know, but Shou stirred finally after what felt to her like days spent resting. A slight shiver, and she turned her head, ears twitching as her lids slowly fluttered open. There was a memory of the sun, of spices and of dry scales whispering against soft fur. A soft keen escaped her again, despite her attempt to muffle the noise as she rapidly blinked moistened eyes. Trying, and failing, to gather her bearings and figure out just where she was, and what had happened. It was like a half-remembered dream, but it was certainly a dream she didn't want to forget. The world was pitch black, and something warm and heavy pressed against her from all sides. A moment of panic gripped at her before she remembered where she was and what had happened the night before. The torch must have burnt out some time earlier in the night, and without it's fire, the cave was such an inky black that she saw absolutely nothing.

Her hands and arms were free, but from her chest down, she was wrapped in some sort of odd blanket. It was warm and soft, but not soft like any fur or cloth she'd known. Her hands touched him, stroked and caressed as she tried to figure out what was atop her. It had a smooth, almost slick feeling to it, and she wondered at it for several seconds before Khaesho twitched in his sleep. A shiver of fear raced down her spine and she inhaled sharply as she realized what he'd done. While she was asleep, he had coiled himself around her, not unlike how a constrictor would. She quaked in instinctual panic for a moment before she reminded herself that she was safe. He wasn't going to hurt her, he had promised. Still, being alone in the dark while wrapped in a Naga's coils whispered fear into the primal, wild parts of her brain. He was not wrapped tightly, though, and a few minutes would surely see her free, but doing so would almost certainly wake him.

Her shoulders sagged, and she closed her eyes. Having them open in the dark was useless to her anyways as she curled a little bit. But she was awake, and her body demanded to stretch. So carefully, carefully, she unfurled as much as she could while still wrapped in his coils. Back arched and a little growling moan escaped her as bones creaked and muscles pulled. Then she sagged against his coils, boneless and relaxed once more. She trusted his word, he'd given her no reason to believe that he would hurt her, so she lay in the dark, stroking the scales she could reach, shifting just so to lay on her side and curl into his coils. She told herself it was more comfortable that way, though the truth might have been she was getting closer to the one who made her feel safe in this total darkness.

Khaesho mumbled something in his sleep, and reached up to wrap his arms around her upper torso. Her back was directly against his chest, and her fur tickled the entire length of his body. As he slept, he dreamed of good times in better places. He was back in the desert, half buried in the sun baked sand, and he luxuriated in the warmth. Even living in a volcano, unless he went all the way down to the lava's edge, a long journey in and of itself, there was nothing that matched the warmth of the desert sun. He was starting to wake, but the cave was dark, so he drowsed a bit longer, wanting to make the dream last before he awoke to cold reality once more.

Shou's ears twitched as she felt his arms around her and she realized that her back was against his chest. The warmth that bloomed shouldn't have pleased her, but it did. Eyes drifted closed once more as she nestled back into him. Pressed all the closer as her tail set to a slow wag, brushing against his scales and his body - relaxed as she was, she couldn't stop it. Indeed, the wolf girl was warm easily putting off a comforting heat, and after so long spent wrapped around her, Khaesho emitted a comforting warmth too, exactly like a rather large and scaly blanket.

As Khaesho awoke, his perception shifted from the dream to the cave. He was still magnificently warm, but the warmth came from... something else... he was wrapped around something indescribably warm, and it reminded him of home beneath the desert sun. His eyes snapped into focus, even if focus meant nothing in the darkness, and a shiver ran through his length. It was a slight tension, a roll of pressure that traversed from his head to the tip of his tail, a literal wave that passed through his muscles. He remembered where he was, and who he was wrapped around, and now that he was awake, he immediately thought that it was a bad idea to have done so without her permission. Then he felt her hand. She was stroking his scales calmly, as if nothing were wrong. Her calm radiated outwards into him, and he relaxed by miniscule degrees. Still he said nothing, not wanting to break the silence, not wanting to cause this moment to end.

Shou murmured softly as she felt the soft squeeze of his shiver, nonsensical noise as she continued to absentmindedly stroke her hand along his scales. Her hands drifted far, feeling the curves and the length, and she smiled to herself in the dark. Every so often she paused in her stroking, to trail a finger along a single scale as if memorizing the shape before she moved on to continue her petting. The relaxing of his muscles told her more than the change in his breathing. As he relaxed, she murmured again - nonsensical noise meant to soothe. She was in no hurry to get up, the darkness at this point was quite comforting.

Wrapped around her, he was happy. He enjoyed the soft caress of her fur against his scales, and he shivered slightly with each caress of her careful hand. Perhaps he enjoyed her touch a little too much though, and he whispered to her before he accidentally ruined the mood.

"Careful. If you carry on likhe, that, you might, ghive a fellow ideasss"

He shivered more strongly this time, sending waves of contractions that traversed his entire form, and Shou could feel it travel in a spiral through the looped coils of his flesh that surrounded her. The sound of his voice prompted her to chuckle. When she spoke, her voice was low, soft, and completely relaxed just as the rest of her was. The shiver that traveled his form had her snuggling deeper into his coils - coincidentally, deeper into his light embrace as well. Her hand never paused it's careful stroking over scales, and she found herself near whispering as she responded to him.

"I can't help it... they're soft, unique, so different from what I expected..."

Her tail continued to wag, to sweep her fur along his scales, even as her skin rubbed as well. She let out a pleased little noise, a soft murmur of content. Eyes half opened, though she couldn't see anything and she rubbed her cheek to his arm. "Mm... cozy.."

He spoke carefully, uncertain about many things, most of all where this would lead to. He knew where he wanted it to go, but he wasn't sure how to get there. His words were clipped; each had its own definitive start and end, and he enunciated each syllable separately, which gave his speech a choppy, slightly disjointed feel to it. It sounded a bit odd at first, especially considering his usual soft slurs, but for the first time since she'd heard him speak, he managed to not slide the softer sounds together.

"There is much a-bout me that you might not ex-pect. You might soon find out just... how... much..."

Her tail wagged slowly, ears twitching a little bit as she nuzzled into his scales. His odd change in pronunciation prompted her to turn her head some and blink. She tried to to look up at him, though she couldn't see in the dark as her ears pricked forward, and her blue eyes shimmered slightly. His careful enunciation had her tilting her head a bit as she wriggled in his arms to roll over and face him. Like that might somehow help her see him in the dark. He shuddered again; her warmth and the caress of her hand was arousing him. A little longer, and the physical evidence of his desire would make itself known to her. He didn't want to break the embrace, but he wasn't sure how she'd react. Was she doing it on purpose? Or was this just an affectionate caress, and she would think him some animal, ruled by base impulses? He knew that the Civilized bipedals lived according to entirely different rules, but he didn't know what those rules were.

"That I might not expect..?"

"Do you... re-mem-ber... what you saw?"

"I recall..." She murmured softly, as she looked up at him. There was, she thought, the faintest glimmer of light in the darkness. Could she see his eyes? The light from within, that glimpse, she couldn't tell. It could be a trick of her mind, she wasn't certain, but her breathing was soft as her heart beat a little more rapidly.

"I long to be tou-ch-'d..." He reached up to stroke her hair, and he dragged his claws through her vibrant purple locks in a way that made her whine with satisfaction. "to be ca-resss-'d..." His voice broke as it dropped to the barest of whispers, and her ears pricked forward to catch every word he murmured. "to be love-'d..."

He swallowed, and continued in a slightly louder tone. His words started to slide again, slipping back into his previous cadence of soft slurs.

"I am afraid. Afraid that, if I move too quickh-ly, I might, scare you away. Afraid that, if I takhe too long I might, miss my chance, and you will leave. I don't, know what, to do... all I know isss that, your touch, your fur, issss driving me crazy... I can't, thinkh ssssstraight." His careful cadence was gone, and his voice fell back into its soft slurs as he all but gasped the last words out. "I... should tell you though... Naga... we are far closer kin to wild sssnakessss than we are to you."

His revelations caught her by surprise, and she stilled her hand, even if she could not stop her tail from wagging.

"I.. I am affecting your thoughts? Do... you want me to move...?" She wasn't sure what he meant about wild snakes, but then she felt him. She felt the pressing hardness of his erections. Her eyes widened, breath caught in her throat and she let out a surprised squeaking noise.

"Naga are hemipenessss..." Like the serpents they were molded from, Nagas had two penises, and she could feel both of them tickling her stomach in the gap between her shirt and her shorts. The feeling of her soft fur against his slowly rising flesh only excited him further, but even as his members became fully erect, he relaxed both his arms and the coils around her; if she wanted to jump away, he would not stop her, but he held his breath in desperate hope that she would not.

The feeling of his hard cocks pressed into her stomach had her tensing, but not in a fearful manner. She was confused, uncertain what to do. Her cheeks were crimson with embarrassment, her body trembled, and as he relaxed - she hesitated to move. In fact, she gripped hold of his arm, to keep her balance in his loosened hold. She fought the urge to squirm at the feeling, and failed - which only served to rub her fur along those hard lengths pressed against her. Her voice trembled just slightly - shyness, not fear.

"Khaesho... w-what do I do..?" Looking up at him again, her eyes were wide, her ears were half splayed and her cheeks were crimson beneath her gray fur.

Something was... off... about the air. There was no light that could possibly have breached the caves dark depths, but all the same, she thought she could see him. There was the faintest glow in the air, a slight blue tinge that provided -just- enough light to see by. Had she thought to look, she might have seen that the light was coming from his scales. She didn't though, her eyes looked only into his face. Khaesho took in the sight of her wide eyes, her blushing cheeks, and then he smiled. It was a weak smile, still pulled taunt by nerves, but it was a smile nonetheless. She didn't look at him as if he were a monster, and that... that was worth more than anything to him.

"Well... you have two... choices. You can sssay no. I will uncoil mysself, and, ah... try to calm down. If you would let me, I would ssstill enjoy your friendship."

He shivered as he had before, and the motion caused his erections to shift against her fur again. His proud spires were all but buried in her luxurious fur, and the sensation was... distracting, to say the least.

"Or... You can ssay... Yesss... and we shall ssssee what happensss from there."

Shou could see the curve of his jaw, the silhouette of his form, and she didn't question why - or how, she was too busy staring at him in wide eyed shyness. The feeling of his hard erections rubbing into her well toned stomach had her quite distracted as well. Though she tried to push it from her mind, the warm rub of soft flesh against her distracted her even as she struggled to decide what she wanted. She gave a darkening blush before she moved slightly.

She squirmed against him, which rubbed her furry form further against sensitive flesh, but that wasn't her goal. Her goal was leaning up to brush her nose in a small nuzzle along his jaw. And a soft, shy murmur. Excitement lent a musky tinge to her scent, as she decided on a course of action.


Khaesho made a soft sound in reply, somewhere in between a sigh and a hiss, as he grasped her tightly. She flushed, trembling slightly, horrified for only a moment at her own boldness. What would he think of her? Would he think her a whore, so willing to try something with someone she barely knew? It had her cheeks flushing darkly. But the horror faded almost as swiftly as it came, replaced with excitement.

"Then letssssssee if we cannot make you a little bit more... com-for-ta-ble."

He stretched the last word into four separate syllables, and the timbre of his voice had her shivering in response. His voice was low, full of insinuations and wrapped in husky desire. He ran his fingers from her shoulders down to her waist with a sensual pressure, before reversing the movement to bring them back up. The masculinity of his voice had her shivering in response, and she writhed slightly beneath his touch. Hands traveling upwards, he pressed all his fingers underneath the hem of her shirt, and ran them slowly through her fur as they rose. She lifted her arms above her head and wriggled as he continued, pushing higher until he cleared her fingers, dropping the clothing somewhere behind him as her bare breasts pressed against his scales.

The light was intensifying, and a moment's glance showed jagged runes and designs etched across Khaesho's scales in a luminescent blue. It cast a mottled pattern of light and shadow across the room that shifted and sheared whenever he so much as twitched. Wrapped within his coils, Shou was bathed in soft blue light that wrapped around her without shadows. The fact that he was glowing didn't seem to surprise the Snake, and he didn't seem troubled by it, though Shou certainly was.

"Khaesho... you're glowing!"

Her eyes jerked up to his face, and she stared. He sighed, having long since resigned himself to that fact.

"Yessss... It isss a long story, and it isss part of the reasssson I am exiled from the great desssertss. 'tis an interessting tale, to say the leassst, but it would take ssome time to tell... I assure you, it isss not harmful at all, merely an... inconvenience."


The light flickered for a moment, and Khaesho's eyes drifted out of focus before snapping back to Shou.

"If you'd care to hear it, I'd be happy to tell you... but perhaps another time, when there are lessss... interessting things that we might do instead."

He cupped her breasts in his four fingered hands, squeezing experimentally. Shou's breasts were large and soft, especially on her slender frame, residing squarely in the double d size. She was noticeably not wearing a bra, but Khaesho lacked the knowledge of what a bra even was, and even had he known, he still would have been to fascinated to care; Serpents, Lizards, and Birds had no need of breasts, their young hatched well enough developed to consume solid food. His hands played over her form, groping and massaging her more from curiosity than anything else. As he did with almost all things, he turned his head towards them to flicker his tongue against her fur, tickling her immensely as he tasted her scent. The quickly hardening nubs of her nipples tasted different from her fur, and he flickered his tongue against them to continue his observation, unknowingly arousing Shou immensely. Her tail was wagging, even if she tried to keep it from doing so, and her hands slid down her sides to fidget with the button of her shorts.

He unwound a few coils of his tail near her feet, and dexterously maneuvered the tip of his tail upwards. The smooth tip wiggled its way between her shorts and her fur, and pushed further, until it poked out at her waistband. His feather soft touch tickled her immensely, and her nipples immediately hardened beneath his inquisitive tongue. Shou was certainly becoming more interested in the strange Snake as she learned more about him, but as she felt his tongue tickling her, she gasped, and her attention drifted from his story to what he was managing to do to her body. She groaned softly as she answered him.

"A-ah... another time... t-then... promise?"

"I promisssssse."

But her mind was already elsewhere, the feeling of his tail against her thigh, and out the top of her shorts was incredibly distracting, especially as she felt those butterfly kisses. It had her shivering, and little moaning noises escape her, fur fluffed out just slightly and she felt his tongue. It was enough to heat her blood, even as it tickled, causing breathless giggles to escape her. Her nipples were hard, her body was burning, and she felt an ache start low in her belly as she stared at him, watching him. Shyly she reached out, allowing one of her hands to smooth over his chest, stroking - exploring, steadily downwards where she knew his dual cocks rested, hard and waiting.

He continued to tickle her, flicking his tongue just close enough for her to feel a breath of air as it passed before yanking it back into his mouth, teasing her perky nipples with just the idea of a caress. While he was thus occupied with tormenting her, he reached down to explore the button on her pants. He had little knowledge of clothing, but he was a quick thinker, and after a few seconds managed to undo the bind on the cloth prison. He used his tail to drag her pants down to her ankles as his hand drifted lower. Their combined arousal filled the air with a heady aroma, and she wriggled her hips slightly to help get her shorts off, and these joined her shirt in a pile off to the side. He smoothed her fur with a soft caress as he moved his fingers towards her waiting clit, but gasped as she found his sex first. The soft fur of her hand met his stiff meat, and her careful fingers elicited another shudder from him. Tiny pearls of pre were already forming at the tips, and his erections throbbed with impatience, eager to be buried inside of the wondrously soft creature snuggled up against them. Drawing his attention from the wonderfully fuzzy feeling of her hand on his spikey, almost barbed flesh, he returned the favor, tickling her cunt with his hand. He started with his fingertips, moving them across her swollen lips as he enjoyed the slide of her slick flesh against his smooth scales. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his hand, and her eyes rolled back as she let out a soft, breathless moan. Fingers curled around him and she teased her thumb over the tip of one of his cocks, smearing his pre around in sensual circles.

When he stopped in his ministrations, she whined in neediness; she was impatient as he was it seemed. Still, a simple spiral was a good posture for keeping warm and for snuggling, but it didn't leave him much flexibility, something he'd soon need. So, he stopped their activities for a moment to re-wind himself. He slid around her in a spiral, moving into a simple coil against the fur covered floor of the cave. It arranged his coils in a neat circle and his torso lay back atop them, with Shou laing atop him, head near his tender flesh with her vulnerable velvet folds open to the Serpent's inquisitive tongue. He resumed his careful massage of her clit, tickling her with the tips of his claws much like the way his tongue had tickled her breasts. She was wet, and he smeared her juices across his fingers, covering them in the slick fluid. Then, carefully, he pushed a single finger between her folds and into her pussy. He worked it deeper, careful not to hurt her with his sharp claw, until most of his finger had wormed its way inside of her. She spread her thighs with a pleased moan, gasping softly, before she curled her own body forward, leaning towards him. Her lips parted, and her tongue swept over the tip of one of his cocks, while her hand resumed stroking the other, feeling and teasing him. She licked the bead of pre from the tip before sucking on him gently. As she soon had her mouth around the tip, she swirled her tongue against him, taking her fill of his flavor.


His flesh tasted similar to his tongue, like desert heat and cloudless skies, with just a stronger undercurrent of exotic spice. It was strange to attribute taste in such a way, but it fit, and there was no better way of describing it. It was something that pleased her, as she worked him over, her saliva slickening his length to make it easier for her to bob her head and suck him. Taking him slowly deeper into her mouth, she ran her tongue along his many barbs, enjoying the way he shuddered as her tongue tickled the sensitive tips. Pulling back, she licked the tip, and switched to his other cock, taking turns to taste and work him over. She went deeper with this one, carefully feeding his dick into her mouth until it prodded the back of her throat. She continued slowly forwards, pushing his flesh down her throat until her lips brushed the firm scales of his belly. His fingers set her whimpering, moaning with her throat tightening and vibrating around him. Her throat squeezed, tightening to milk more of the viscous pre from his flesh.

He stretched his jaw wide using both hinges, which did a stimulated his salivation in anticipation of a meal, until his warm spittle puddled in his mouth. He pushed the index finger of his other hand into her vagina, then spread her wide to give his tongue easier access. She pulled hear mouth off of his throbbing length and cried out as he spread her wide, panting against his lengths before she started to suck all over again. He clamped his jaws down around her entire midsection, covering everything from her moist twat all the way up to her naval, and her thighs trembled as she pressed towards him. His saliva immediately saturated her fur, and his wiry tongue shot forwards, questing into her depths, determined to explore every crack and crevice. His long, flexible tongue writhed within her like a snake in its own right, pressing against her walls and scooping her fluids out into his mouth. Muscles twitched, tightening, and her juices dripped into his mouth - around his tongue. She was so wet, and wanting. Occasionally, he would swallow, and the suction pulled hard on her, tugging on her vagina with a temporary vacuum. She groaned in desire, wanting more, and her hips bucked slightly as she ground her crotch against his rough tongue. Heat rolled through her, and she pulled her mouth off his length, gasping in desire as she gave a squeeze around his cock.

"A-ah...! K..Khaesho..!"

Her eyes were half lidded, her face flushed. Needy whines escaped her and whimpered with lust as Khaesho gave one last long, sucking swallow before he pulled his mouth from her sopping waist. He licked his lips, then squirmed beneath, then above her, until he had flipped her over and his chest lay pressed against hers. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her firmly for the first time. He wrapped his tongue around hers, allowing her to taste her own arousal on his tongue. The taste and flavor of herself on his tongue was swallowed down with eagerness. It seemed when she realized what she was tasting she became more passionate, kissing him more eagerly. Her tongue thrust against his, and twisting against him. His mouth was as alien to her as hers was to him, and she cautiously began exploring it, trying to press her tongue into all the nooks and crannies. Tiny rows of sharp teeth lined each side of his lower jaw, and she followed his tongue back to a curious hole that lead down into his neck. The back of his mouth was much further back, and it puzzled her until he exhaled softly into her mouth. His breath came not from the back of the throat, but from what appeared to be a separated trachea, reaffirming the truth that Naga were not far from the snakes still seen in the wild. Her tongue pressed upwards then, knowing what she would find, but still hesitant to find them. Soon enough though, she found the long ivory spike of his fang, smooth and round, pressed neatly into the top of his mouth. Her tongue drifted across the top of his mouth towards the other one, but the roof of his mouth felt extraordinarily odd, far softer than it should have been. Even her light touch there sent a spasm through him, and he pulled back abruptly. Whining when he pulled back, she struggled to gather her thoughts.


"That, was my thrlsh... thinkh of it likhe a tongue, but far more sensitive. It lets me taste what is in the air itself... not unlike your sense of smell, I believe. I was not, expecting so sharp a feeling as you directly touching it."

"I... oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Did it hurt?"

"No... you merely surprised me." He smiled as his hands returned to softly grope her breasts, and he leaned closer as his voice dropped to a whisper. "If you're feeling... Dangeroussssss... I have ssssomething I would likhe to try that, you might, enjoy. Or, if you would rather, we could ssskip to the... main event." He positioned one of his coils between her legs and pulled it back in a slow continuous movement, sliding his rougher upper scales between her legs in one continuous slide for several seconds.

"D..dangerous..?" Her chest heaved slightly, as she moaned. "I... if I... I won't get h-hurt... or c-cause any... p-permanent d-damage... y-you can tr-" Her voice pitched up an octave when he rolled his coil between her thighs. She rocked her hips, half forgetting what she was saying a moment, before she managed to get out breathlessly, "T-try... a-anything!"

He grinned a dangerous grin, but the danger stopped there. His eyes were still calm, and the way they turned up at the corners turned his malicious smile into a teasing expression; a mockery of danger. He chortled, low and slow, as he moved his torso down to her feet. Every movement he made had his scales sliding against her fur, and again, he left his erections within easy reach for her, though he doubted she'd have the presence of mind to do anything but bask in the pleasure of what he was about to do. Shou was panting softly as she stared at him, her eyes half lidded and her breath trembled. The maliciousness ate at her for a moment, until she saw how his soft eyes and she smiled faintly. Bottom lip was bitten, and she groaned when he moved down along her. The sliding of scales against fur had her panting. Fingers were still curled around him, and they stroked and teased. Touching him as she wanted.

"Do not worry, my little ssweet. You are perfectly sssafe. If you ever feel at all... uneasy... ssimply ssay sso, and I will sssstop."

"A-alright..?" She sounded questioning instead of certain as she wanted, but Khaesho was already moving, sliding around her before gently depositing her on the furs. She sat up, leaning back on her hands to see him stretched out across the cave with his head was already down at her feet. He stretched his jaw and tickled her carefully with his tongue, flicking dust and dirt from her pads with light, deft movements. She twitched at his tickles, squeaking in surprise, but it didn't last long. He stretched his mouth wide on both hinges, opening up to a cavernous size before he grasped her feet by the ankles and pushed them into his mouth inch by inch. His jaws were pushed further apart, and his throat stretched outwards as he pulled her feet into his mouth. He did not stop there though. With his lips firmly wrapped around her lower calves, he reached up with his arms and pulled again, sliding her legs in up to the knees. Her toes were far enough down his throat that it stimulated his neck muscles, and he twitched as his neck jerked convulsively. He swallowed, using the powerful muscles in his neck to pull her further down his throat. He swallowed again, and again, massaging her legs muscles with his inner walls as she was slowly and inexorably pulled deeper inside of him. He had her knees and thighs now, and was rapidly approaching her messy slit. Further, further, until his mouthed claimed her waist as well. He was bloated from her lower body filling his throat, bust as her waist disappeared into his maw, he stopped, resting the tip of his nose just shy of her bellybutton. He panted through his trachea beneath her, but aside from that, her body stretched his throat as wide as any large meal.

For a single, terrifying moment she had been afraid she was going to get eaten. But it passed as soon as it came, as the heat, and damp settled into her fur, and her eyes half lidded. Her lips had parted and she was panting, squirming a little bit as she wiggled her toes. It felt... she couldn't really describe it, as it was unlike anything to have happened to her before. It was incredibly warm inside his gullet, hot and moist in just the right combination. This far down his throat, his saliva was replaced by fluids that acted as both lubricants for pulling prey deeper and preliminary digestive fluids to soften prey for consumption. If she spent upwards of an hour or so inside of him, her fur would have started to decay, but a few minutes wouldn't cause any true harm, and a few minutes was more than enough. Her fur became completely saturated with the near frictionless slime and he pinned her shoulders with his arms so he could swallow further, accomplishing nothing more than squeezing and pressing against Shou's entire body from the waist down. With her hips just inside of his mouth, he was in the perfect position to shove his tongue right into her cunt. He pushed his tongue in all the way to the base, reaching far deeper into her than he had before, and his tongue twisted and flexed, exploring her depths almost like a snake in its own right. Everything from her naval down was absolutely soaked in his slime, and his tongue massaged her vagina in much the same way that her legs tickled his throat.

When he stopped at her waist, she nearly spoke, before she felt his tongue and her eyes widened, as her back arched. A cry escaping her lips as she tilted her head back, and let out a hoarse whine for more. Her body trembled, and her breath rushed, as her chest was heaving. Her hands gripped at his as her muscles convulsed and she felt the strange burning warmth of his maw spreading through her. She couldn't keep still, especially as he drove her consciously towards the edge. His skilled tongue rapidly accelerated into a frantic pace, and his writhing oral organ was more than enough to push her howling over into orgasm. Her head was thrown back, cunt tightened down on his tongue, gasping as her body arched. Juices dripping out and soaking his tongue as her orgasm rolled almost violently through her.

The action was not entirely for her sake; Snakes enjoy eating whole prey, and combining that pleasure with sex in the form of soft vore was something every single snake enjoyed without exception, and he received no small amount of carnal pleasure from having her halfway down his throat. Every time she so much as twitched, he felt her saturated fur move against his muscular throat, and her constant writhing combined with his tongue up her clit almost sent him over the edge himself. He drank deep of her pleasure, sucking the liquid from her with his powerful throat, so that rather than feel satisfaction, she only felt more need. He dutifully swallowed every drop, sucking her fluids from her until her orgasm started to fade. She slumped against him, limp and boneless on the floor, panting heavily as she trembled when she felt him pull his tired tongue from her. Then came the hat trick; his throat started to convulse in reverse, pushing her out of his stomach as he pushed himself backwards. He twisted, then looped a few coils around her chest and gave her a meaningful look. She grabbed hold of him reflexively, and between his neck and his coils, he pulled her out of his gullet at a decent pace.

Shou felt extraordinarily strange as he pulled her out. His throat remained tight and wet, and she almost protested the removal in an attempt to return to that all consuming warmth, but she knew such a pleasure could only continue for so long before he would start to digest her for real. She was tilting her head back and letting out another little groan; it was almost as erotic going out as it had been when he "swallowed" her, but finally, her feet cleared his mouth. They were both tired from the ordeal, and Khaesho sprawled his torso beside her soaking form as they panted to regain their breath.

"Well... That, workhed about, as well as I had hoped. How did you enjoy being eaten?"

She wriggled her toes, wagged her tail, and half turned to him panting and laughing. Her laugh was a warm, husky noise filled with an obvious sound of happiness, and he smiled as he regarded her.

"It was... v-very enjoyable... How'd I taste?"

"You tassste... deliciousssss... a divine morssel, indeed."

He laughed with her, and for a moment they simply lay there together, enjoying each other's company. She grinned to him, content, for now. Her body ached, pleased, and she had her eyes closed a moment.

"Now, there is but, one... question... yet, to be answered. One... or two?"

Soft pants eased into steady breathing until his question drew her to open her eyes and smile to him. Ears pricked forward, and she rolled her hips against his coils. Heat settled within her once more, and she wanted. Oh how she wanted. Khaesho was still rock hard, and she was more than willing to help ease his "problem".

He ran his coils across her body, rubbing dry scales against soaking fur, until his achingly stiff cocks tickled the fur between her thighs. She spread her legs more than willingly and arched up, to rub soft fur against hard cocks. A breathless moan escaped her, as it ignited the desire all over again - once more wet and eager, she rocked towards him, needy.

"L-let's play with fire... and say two..." It was a slow, lazy grin that spread her lips as she said it. Hands reaching over to him, and stroking across his scaled chest in a gentle caress.

"ooohhh... a Naughty one. If you think you can handle it."

"I.. I think I can..."

Then she shivered, and she whined softly as he tickled her. He pulled her close against him as he nestled both cocks between her legs. He licked her chin playfully, pushing slightly to rub his poles between her legs. She immediately gripped him with her thighs, and he exhaled in a sharp hiss as fur and flesh rubbed together. He tickled her vagina a little, but it was still sopping wet from his saliva and her previous orgasm. No, his focus now was on her tight ass hole, wet from his mouth, but still rough inside. He pushed one finger lightly into her backdoor and started massaging her to prepare her for what was to come. He opened his mouth wide then, and reached back into the top of his throat, where the slime coating his walls was almost entirely lubricant without any digestive fluid. He scooped a handful of slime out, and brought it against her dry, tight ass. Using his fingers, he pushed as much of it as he could into her, spreading it around inside of her with probing fingers, until all of the slick substance was either inside of her or smeared against her soft cheeks. It was slightly painful, and she gasped, muscles twitched and tightened, before she forced herself to relax. He reached into his gaping maw for a second handful, and this, he smeared liberally against his spikey flesh. Her juices dripped slightly as she arched her back, spreading her thighs a little more for him. The rubbing of that slime against her had her moaning and then finally gasping as it made her moan for him. A little whine for more as she arched her back some and pressed towards him. She gazed up at him half lidded as he spoke, thick voice dripping with soft hisses

"Lasst chance to... reconssider... I do nothing only halfway." He could feel the heat pouring off of her, and it took all of his self control to not brutally fuck her then and there..

" either... fuck me, Khaesho..." And she down to grab his coils, pulling a few loops of his body up for her to squeeze. She pressed her mouth against his, panting the words in desperation.

He kissed her passionately, wrapping her tongue in his before pulling back, pulling her tongue into his mouth. There was a needy moan from the wolf girl as she pressed into him and tasted him. She was coming to enjoy that flavor of desert heat, the subtle burn of dried spice. It was something that she wanted to taste more of, something she never thought she would enjoy quite so much.

"Jussst... relax..."

A mute nod at his words, and she panted softly. He lay her head against his coils, propping her up on her side so he could line her holes up just right. Settled against his coils, she trailed her own hands up to tease her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples to partially distract herself, and to keep herself relaxed. He reached down and grasped his right dick with his hand, guiding it forwards until it met the soft flesh of her vagina. He pushed and twisted a little, sinking a few steaming inches into her tight little cunny. She twitched and tightened around him, squeezing the tip of his cock. Soft moans met his ears, and Shou's eyes closed, tilting her head back as she gasped, only to relax a few moments later as she kept teasing her body. He turned his attention to his other cock; its tip pressed against her tight ass, and it would need a bit more persuasion to help it get inside. He pushed two fingers into her ass, then brought his other hand to her ass, and pushed the first two fingers of that hand into her ass as well. He pulled gently, spreading her tail hole wider, until he had a target large enough to hit. He pushed forwards, getting the tip into her, seating himself inside of her hole. He pushed forwards again, a short thrust, and both cocks sank another inch into her holes which already felt tight. She was moaning when he pressed his cock into her again. It felt so strange, to have each hole being stretched open, the fullness made her ache. It caused a whine, unbidden to slip from her throat

"If you tense up that'll only make it hurt. I'm going to try to go all the way in with one thrust. On the count of three. One... Two..."

The sneaky bastard lied. On two, he shoved forwards as hard as he could, pulling against her with his coils as he impaled her on his thick girth. She slid all the way down to his stomach and instinctively gripped hard on his spiny meat. She cried out and quivered, moaning from the pleasure laced with pain as he pushed deep within her smaller, indescribably tight body. She clenched around him spastically, squirming from her seat atop his impaling flesh. Being spread that wide from both holes like that was enough to drive her slightly mad. Ears folded back and pinned to her head, she groaned and whimpered before she was kissing him back. He held her like that for a few seconds, giving her time to stretch out to accommodate him. He rocked himself back and forth against her waist as his tongue danced against hers. His hands met hers on her breasts and he helped her, gently tweaking and tickling the nipples as her ass and cunt slowly relaxed around his spines. Her noises of pleasure were lost into his mouth as she pressed in closer, whining with need. After a while, her cries lost the slightly sharp, pained edge to them, and he judged her to be stretched enough that he could continue.

He pulled back slowly, making her squeal as she felt every barb scraping at her on the way out. Then, he slid in again smoothly, loving the way she moaned and panted. His mind was all but wiped blank by the pleasure ofher fur on his scales and her flesh around his, and he slowly lost the ability for conscious thought. He pulled back and slammed into her again, harder, faster, rougher, and a wicked grin split his face as his primal nature began to overthrow his mannered façade. Ruled by his lust and his carnal pleasure, all the world focused down to ramming the tight wolf he'd caught in his clutches. Shou's head tilted back as she cried out and moaned in desperation for more. Reaching towards him, she gripped his arms, spreading her thighs a little bit more, trying to pull him into her with each thrust. Her muscles tightened and squeezed his pistoning flesh as her juices dripped around him. Her nipples were achingly hard, and his fingers tweaking them only heightened both the pleasure and the pain. Feeling his fingers torturing her body was all she could think of, and she gasped as she cried out to him in desire.

He started a slow, stroke by measured stroke, but quickly accelerated until his flesh was pounding her so quickly that her ass barely had time to contract before it was forced wide open again. He shoved his dicks deep, smearing his reptilian pre-cum inside of her as a sample for what was to come. He kept his hands on her breasts, still twisting and teasing at her pink nipples, as he screamed a violent hiss of carnal pleasure. Without losing any speed in his furious assault, he leaned over her and stole another kiss, savoring the taste of her on his tongue even as he shoved his lengths deep inside of her. The second stolen kiss had her pressing into him, lips parted and her tongue swept against his. Pulling him into her with a trembling and needy whine, she only wanted to be filled with him. Whining for more, as she felt her muscles spread and speared by his hard cocks, and desperate for more of it. He was pushing her towards a second orgasm, and she raced towards it with all consuming need.

He continued slamming her at a manic pace, spearing her tight ass and soft cunt with the relentless force of a sandstorm. Shou was gasping, just as desperate for completion as he was, and she arched her back against him and panted. When he came, it wasn't with a whispered warning to his mate. No, his orgasm arrived with a scream of primal exaltation as he slammed his rock hard dicks as deep into her as they could possibly go, and the torrents of his cum filling he was enough to send her howling into an orgasm once more. His coils' grasp on her went from firm to almost crushing, pressing her against his cocks so hard that he almost hurt her. His barbs flared outwards, digging into both her ass and her vagina, helping to lock him in place as his foreign seed jetted into her, filling both womb and ass to the brim until there wasn't any space left in her to fill. Garbled noise that could have been his name echoed into a howl that bounced off the cavern walls as Shou joined him in screaming her pleasure to the warm cave air. His girth strained both of her holes, but the pressure of his cum inside of her built up until it squirted out around his hard flesh, dripping down to stain his scales, her thighs, and most of the furs they lay on. He held onto her as she milked him of every last drop of his seed, until the last spurts of his seed had been emptied into her. She whined in pained pleasure as she slumped against him, absolutely unmoving but for her pants as she was left exhausted in the aftermath.

He wrapped himself around her again, no neat coils this time, just a big complicated knot where he tried to get as many of his scales rubbing against her fur as possible. He left his cocks inside of her as he hugged her in the way only snakes can. Shou was surrounded by the scent of desert heat, the musk of snake, and the spice she now associated solely with Khaesho. Nestling her face against his scales, she gave a tired noise of happiness as her tongue escaped to give a few licks along his neck and jaw. Her hips were sore already, and she knew she would feel it for hours yet. She pressed into him and her eyes started to drift. With a resounding murmur of content happiness and the afterglow of pleasure she began to drift off in his arms. Literally an afterglow in this case, for the jagged runes on his scales continued to give off a slowly fading blue light. Pressing tight as she could manage, while still stuffed full of him, warm sleep stole her away. They snuggled together with a contented sigh, and nothing in the world existed but for the his coils wrapped around her soft fur...

Part Three