New Home

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This is my second story, and like the first one I did, this is a series type of story. Howver, this story takes place where anthroanimals walk to earth and are well known to the general human population. However, they are worst than the most hated animal, and are kept in small pens. From these small pens they are sold to the richest buyer, who keeps them as a pet or a slave or does whatever they want with them. Even though these anthro's can speak and show intelligence, the human race in this story is pretty ignornant. The main character in this story, I will be writing in first person, is a anthro-wolf, just captured from the forests of Northern British Columbia, and is kept in a pen until the right buyer comes along. So without futher adeu, on with the story!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - Curling my lips back so the two men in front of me could see my razor sharp teeth I gave a blood chilling snarl. I was sitting in the corner of my pen in the shade away from the extremely hot sun as the fat man who ran the pen and the man with the baseball cap he was talking to looked at me. I hated this human city with a passion! I was born in the northern wilds, only having to worry about the loggers and the local wildlife (bears, cougars, a wolf's worst enemies) and now I had been stuck in a small 6 foot by 6 foot pen in a smog-filled, run-down city of what the humans called America. Besides, it wasn't like I hated this America place or something but wouldn't you like a place if it kept you in a six by six 'cell' or made your nice shiny black and white coat all dirty and 'grey'. The man with the baseball cap put out his hand and whistled to me to come and let him pat me, like a common dog, and was luckly yanked back by the fat, balding man who gave him some words of wisedom. Too bad, I would have liked to have had a quick snack before going to sleep. Considering the fat man fed me only once every two days, and several times I had gone without water for as much as five days. The two men slowly walked away as I lied down and began to run my tounge along my side to keep my coat nice and clean. I cringed as my tounge's taste receptors almost made me vomit when they came in contact with the soot that covered my black furred back and my white furred stomach. I sighed softly and wished for a hot anthro-wolf female so I could just fuck her all night long. Probably get a nice reaction out of the fat man and his customers. He would probably say, 'come one come all horny gentlemen to see two human-like wolves screw each other. You would trade in your own mother to be the male right now.' I smiled and licked my furry lips just thinking about that, feeling my erection slowly come out of my sheath. At that moment the fat man returned with a collar and leash and I got to my feet, standing on my hindlegs, and snarled at him before feeling an electric shock shoot through me. Another electric shock had me down to my knees and the collar and leash was attached to my furry neck. The man with the baseball cap smiled at the fat man, before grabbing my leash and tugging me along after him. I got down on my four legs, and followed along like any animal, listening to several people make comments about me. The man with the cap whistled softly as we walked along the pavement. Which by the way hurt the pads to my feet, and burned them also on this hot stuffy day. We soon came to a stationwagon, a family car like I had come to suspect from this man, and I realized that I am now embarking on a life as someone's pet. An anthro-wolf becoming a pet, sad! The man opened the door to the passenger seat and I hopped in and sat down like any ordinary human would do. Even though this position did hurt my tail, I had to show that I wasn't just some ordinary animal. I was higher than that! The man smiled as he slid into the driver's seat and got out his car keys and started the engine. He put the car into reverse and I was out of that pen, and I knew I wasn't going to be going back. As we continued down the highway, the man cleared his throat and began to speak. Man; "My name is Daniel. I know how it must feel to be put in a cage like that but us as humans are afraid of the unknown, and you are the unknown. Do not worry though. My family is extremely liberal on the issue of you uh... um... anthro's." Me; "Ha. That is a laugh! I do not care! Don't look at me with shock, didn't you know we could talk. Grrrr!" Man; "Well, I diddnn't know anthro's could talk. I am sorry if I have offended you. Please tell me your name." Me; "My name is Lunicrous Alkkav from my father's side. Just call me Lun." Man; "Please to meet you Lun. I bought you because I would like you to be like a guarddog, or something for my three little girls. Anita, Sasha, and Halle. They range from the ages of 10 to 15, but in a world like today, boys are often asking girls as young as 8 to go behind to bushes for um ... well you get my drift. And I don't want any boys sneaking around my house to even talk to my girls." I grunted in return to show my acknowledgement and looked out the window. My tounge slowly rolling free from my mouth as began to pant. Hey! It is not my fault that I had a shaggy black & white coat of fur on. Besides, I was now guard wolf! - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry for the sleezy ending. Do not worry, the story is not over. Well in the next chapter, Lun, the wolf in the story will get to meet the family. Especially the three girls the man was talking about. Humm! I wonder where I will take this story. To be continued . . .

Stealthy Darkness of Night

I have never written a story regarding a human and an animal or an animal and an animal in a yiffy kind of way. However, upon stumbling onto this site several weeks ago I have gotten interested in the stories written on this internet site, and most I...

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