Dragon's Love III

Story by Karai Crocuta on SoFurry

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#3 of Dragon's Love

Dragon's Love, part the third, by Karai Crocuta

Warning! This piece contains wanton sexual acts between two males, one who is underage. If this is not your cup of tea, then I would suggest you instead read something else. The characters Kieran and Stormfire's Wing are copyright Karai Crocuta, and they have been mine for over six years now; I've only just recently begun to tell their story. So, if I haven't scared you off just yet, please do continue.

The crimson wyrm awoke, golden eyes opening to the morning light. The world was tranquil, like it hadn't been in years, it seemed. Stormfire savored the sunlight for a moment, before remembering the previous night's events. His student, Kieran, was still curled up in his arms, slumbering. The young wolf had an expression of pure bliss on his brown muzzle. Stormfire couldn't help but smile, remembering how affectionate the youth had become, and how wonderful it had been to release his own pent-up urges after...how long? He couldn't remember, so he settled on watching the lad's chest rise and fall with his slow breaths.

Kieran was a teenager now, so as could be expected, he had begun to reject some of his sensei's expressions of affection. Whereas before, he would always accept tickles wholeheartedly, and would never complain about kisses around his ears - nowadays the dragon was lucky if he could give a hug without being spurned. Stormfire's smile widened a bit as he relaxed his body, curling it around that of the cub's lazily. Now, though, there was little doubt that the youth wouldn't be shrinking back from shows of affection anymore. Especially after last night.

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To the boy, the world was dark presently, yet filled with a comforting warmth. The warmth was intimately familiar to him, but the darkness...well, it was familiar also. Yet, it was harder to remember why. Then, in his dream, a soft voice spoke:

"You are a very special cub, Kieran."

He found himself struggling to recognize that voice. It felt like ages since he had heard it, and he felt despair at his failure to remember. He waited what seemed like an eternity, desperately hoping that he would hear the voice again. He began to panic, forgetting even what it had said earlier, until it finally returned.

"You have to promise me that you will keep your mother and Aiden safe for me. Someday, you will be a strong warrior, and even your brother will need your protection."

Memories flooded back to him suddenly. He remembered strongly doubting that Aiden - that bully - would ever be weaker than himself. He remembered watching the figure who spoke through tears, but didn't discover the source of his sadness and anger, until he saw the strange, black vessel ascending into the sky, quickly becoming smaller and smaller before disappearing entirely. He had been abandoned...by...father. But why?

Then, the warmth returned to him and intensified. Suddenly, he felt comfort and reassurance. As he felt a soft kiss being planted on his brow, he woke to the loving presence of his mentor.

Stormfire smiled as the youth woke at his touch. The amber eyes focused on the wyrm slowly, reflecting all of the feelings that the boy felt for him. Love, admiration, affection, even lust...the dragon's extra-ordinary senses could tell him exactly what was in the cub's heart. It made him want to weep for happiness, because no one had ever felt like this about him, let alone returned all of his own feelings and more. Kieran didn't know it, but the dragon admired him more than any other being on this world or others, and feared for him...

"Good morning," the dragon said, pressing another soft kiss, this time to the young wolf's lips. Kieran moaned softly at his intimate touch, remembering how Sensei had kissed him last night. This time, there was no tongue, and the lips left his with a soft click. A broad smile formed almost by itself upon his face.

"Morning, Sensei." He rolled over, curling his body against the warm embrace of the dragon, pressing his muzzle against the broad chest. He was held close, squeezed, and nuzzled softly as he melted, murring. He felt so warm and safe while in those arms. He was dumb to have ever turned down a hug like this, he realized. His world was wonderful, complete. The painful memories of his dream had left him as soon as the dragon had roused him.

Stormfire closed his eyes again, letting Kieran's touch banish all of the inconsequential thoughts from his mind. He did not regret his actions, as he thought he would. As soon as the cub had awoke, he knew that there was nothing, no confusion, no fear in the cub's mind. In fact, the thoughts he sensed there made him realize that Kieran had needed some way of reestablishing the relationship that they previously had. They had been drifting apart, mostly because of the harsh, difficult training and lessons that Stormfire realized must be confusing, if not incomprehensible to a boy of Kieran's age. Now, the two were closer than ever - brought together by their mutual feelings of love and adoration.

Underneath all of those thoughts, though, lay a powerful urge. Lust can drive mortals to do things they would never dream of, and it was strong in both dragon and wolf-cub, especially after last night.

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"Very good, Kieran. Now, try to turn it in place."

The rod wobbled, still floating a few feet above the ground, and began to rotate. Kieran's brow was creased with concentration as he attempted to manipulate the object with telekinesis. After an unsteady quarter turn, the rod suddenly shot toward the ground at a tangent, burying itself halfway into the earth.

Kieran slumped.

"Sensei, it was too difficult."

Stormfire only smiled, and embraced the youth.

"Incredible, Kieran. I've never seen anyone do that with just their minds. Magi may learn spells that manipulate objects in that way, but you can do it without scrolls or chants."

The cub's eyes opened in surprise. Sensei had appeared stoic during the entire training session until the iron rod hit the ground. Now, Kieran realized what he had finally succeeded in doing. He was a true Psion. There had been none like him for centuries, perhaps millennia. Even the dragon had not seen one in his lifetime.

For a moment, he allowed himself to become lost in the wyrm's embrace. So much had happened since he began training with Sensei. Now, he was finally making progress. Finally, he could begin to fight against the demons with his powers, and not be a bystander. He was, at long last, a weapon against evil.

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Night fell almost lazily, perhaps reluctant to banish the light of the red sun on the horizon. 'The day had been full indeed', Stormfire thought. He smiled. It had taken long enough for the cub to find a bit of pride in his accomplishments. Perhaps now he would listen a bit more when being told of his potential.

"Your move, Sensei."

The wyrm's head turned back to the game board. Kieran's latest move was an obvious attempt to ensnare one of his important pieces, but the boy had overlooked something. Stormfire moved a foot soldier into a square adjacent to one of Kieran's generals, forcing a choice of trade or withdraw.

The furry ears drooped, then perked unexpectedly as the cub decided his next move.

"Got your commander in two moves, Sensei," the young wolf grinned as he slid a token sideways, forming an unstoppable pattern of offense with his troops.

The dragon showed little reaction, though he was inwardly pleased. Kieran was becoming better at this game every day. Still, Stormfire not only had invented this game, but had been a player for quite a few decades.

"I'm afraid two moves is too slow, Kieran."

His next move placed two of his units in a position where they could both attack the enemy general next turn. Kieran could take one out, but the other would still take the match.

The amber eyes blinked twice, the brows above drawing together in a display of consternation that would have made the dragon laugh if he wasn't trying to be sportsmanlike.

"You win again. I guess I can't expect to fool you that easily."

Stormfire allowed himself a smile. "Perhaps not, though I expect that if you keep improving like you have lately, you may best me soon."

Kieran grinned again, proud that he, a mere mortal and a cub at that, could come so close to besting a dragon in a test of wits and strategy. Ever since he had lifted the iron rod with his will alone, he had trained twice as hard as before, hoping to increase his power. Stormfire had made it clear to him, though, that no matter how much power he possessed, a sharp intellect was just as important if he were to gain victory over his foes.

The boy was the only being with whom the dragon could consider sharing the sum of his life's knowledge. It wasn't his potential for raw power, or even his remarkably intelligent mind that made him worthy - it was his bearing, his individuality. Stormfire had not met another life form on his world so far who could treat him as a friend, even an equal. Everyone else revered the wyrm as a god, or at the very least a powerful, benevolent spirit.

No one in their right mind would seek to spend time with the dragon, or even speak to him without shows of bowing and offers of supplication. It had been this way for a millennium, right up to recent times, when the culture was showing the first signs of a future among the stars. Stormfire had watched carefully, all those years, for a time when he could signal to his colleagues that another world was ready to walk among the stars.

Then, the demons had come - an ancient race of conquerors, who had somehow awakened from an eternal slumber. Stormfire had not spent all of those years becoming familiar with - even enamored of - the cultures of this world, just to have it burned and pillaged by the Scourge. However, the dragon had found out that his own powers alone were no match for their technology and numbers.

Now, they had a chance. The demons had made a big mistake. They had allowed one of their own to sire an offspring with a native of the planet. Now, there was one being on the world who could use their own power against them. They had sown the seed of their ruin.

That seed was Kieran.

Stormfire's mouth opened, his eyes suddenly trying to bulge out of their sockets. He immediately clamped his jaws shut, but could not hold out for long. It was a surprise attack . He knew that he'd been lost in thought again, and had let down his guard. It was a fatal mistake - one that he would have to stop making.

Dragon laughter was a sound seldom heard in this part of the galaxy, but oddly enough, Kieran heard it fairly often. Stormfire, of course, was furious that he had been caught off-guard. The boy had gotten him in one of his best tickle spots - the area just underneath his left armpit. However, at the same time he was fairly delighted to be reminded of how much he enjoyed being with Kieran.

On the other hand, he couldn't let the cub get the better of him. So, in short order, the sound of uncontrollable laughter rang again, though this time it was coming from the young wolf.

Kieran was pinned down, and tickled mercilessly. He bore it well - it was several minutes before he surrendered, breathless, his sides sore from laughter.

He lay there, a broad smile betraying how much he enjoyed the attention that the dragon gave him. He was staring into Stormfire's mesmerizing, golden eyes when the dragon leaned down, taking him into a warm embrace. Their mouths met, and both beings remembered the passion that they held for each other.

Stormfire's eyes slowly opened. He watched the boy's face as they kissed, amazed that such a being could make him feel this good. The exquisite sensations of being touched in this way by someone who loved him unconditionally were new to the wyrm, and he didn't want to let the moment slip away.

Kieran would have forgotten to breathe if he didn't feel the warm exhalation of the dragon on his muzzle. He was sharing feelings that he never knew he could have felt - all through the language of touch. Sensei's tongue filled his mouth, and he never realized how supple the dragon's lips were until they were against his. It all felt so wonderful that he scarcely believed that it was really happening, especially to him.

When Kieran was once again aware of his surroundings, he found that he was sitting on the belly of a reclining Stormfire. The dragon's long neck allowed him to reach the cub with his snout even in this position, and he was currently content to run his claws through the soft fur, and nestle.

Kieran murred, his back arching as the claws massaged him. He reached up with his paws, bringing Stormfire's snout down for another kiss. He brought a moan from the dragon as their tongues met. Then, as he reached behind himself to grip the huge, jutting maleness, he brought another.

Stormfire's shaft pulsated in the cub's grasp, and the resulting drop of pre-seminal fluid ran over the small paw. Stormfire exulted in the way the cub's body yielded to his touch, his kiss, as it responded with passion equaling his own. This body was his to caress; his to pleasure. It had been his to shelter and care for, and now it was an object of lust as well.

He could smell the boy's arousal, and didn't plan on letting it go unnoticed.

Kieran giggled and broke the kiss as a tickling claw attacked his tummy. Then he watched as another claw joined it in removing his pants. The cub groaned softly as his erection was stroked, leaning back to keep his balance. In retaliation, his paws began to move up and down on his sensei's own huge cock, gripping and squeezing.

Stormfire's dick bobbed against Kieran's back, getting his fur sticky with precum. Curious, the youth turned around to examine the maleness again. The fat tip was almost at chest-height as he sat on the dragon's stomach, the shaft's slight curve causing the slit to point straight at his face, a dollop of cloudy fluid still clinging to it. Kieran found it irresistible.

The wyrm's breathing quickened as he felt the cub's lips and tongue on his cock-head. He moaned in encouragement, words leaving him for a time as he watched Kieran's head move. Slowly, the wyrm slid his arms around the wolf-cub's waist, using one claw to gently stroke the erect maleness, and the other to cup and fondle the pair of warm testes.

The dragon's eyes shot open suddenly as his glans entered the warm mouth. He had lain with others in the past, but none of them had used their mouth on his cock. Now, inch by inch, it was sliding past the cub's lips, the jaw stretched wide open.

Stormfire felt almost half of his cock slip into the youth's mouth before his glans pushed up against his throat. Then, just as slowly the lips slid back up, the dragon's dick throbbing as it was freed from the warm, wet orifice.

The wyrm sat up, his arms encircling the cub, and rested his chin against Kieran. He paused, grunting softly as the youth collected more predribble from the fat cock-head. Noticing the dragon's eyes watching him closely, Kieran smiled and kissed the slit again.

"It's good, Sensei...does mine taste like that?"

Stormfire arched a brow. "Similar, but I like yours better."

Kieran grinned.

Stormfire groaned as the lips slid over his glans again, engulfing it while the amber eyes stayed locked with his.

"Unnn...that feels amazing..."

The young wolf put as much of the dragon-cock into his mouth as he could fit, then moved back to caress the glans with his tongue, harvesting the sweet, salty fluid. He watched his sensei's eyes close as he went back down, sucking as hard as he could. He knew he was getting somewhere when he felt the dragon shudder, grunting as he began bobbing his head faster. Kieran grinned inwardly. Now he was giving the dragon a taste of his own medicine.

"Ung...Kieran...keep moving like that...yesss...relax your jaw and suck...unh! Just like that..."

Stormfire was completely amazed. No one had given him pleasure like this cub had. He was already very close to orgasm. His body tensed, his claws clutching the boy's waist gently but firmly as he began to rock gently with Kieran's movements.

The wolf-cub was savoring the texture of the broad cock in his mouth, starting to get used to its size. His eyes finally shut as the dragon started to feed it to him, and he felt a claw gently close over his head, careful to avoid his ears, but firm as it held him. Moaning, he concentrated on providing as much suction as he could. Sensei's cock felt so nice, sliding in and out, the head pulsating and throbbing. The taste of the dragon's pre-fluid was making the young wolf's head spin.

Stormfire was having trouble focusing as he began to slowly ride the youth's mouth. Not too far in, not too fast - he didn't want to make the cub choke. However, all of his fears about his immense size being a problem were soon extinguished - marked by a loud gasp from the dragon.

Kieran had begun to move along with the dragon again, but he took advantage of the not-so-firm grip on him, and at the bottom of a down-stroke, he suddenly pushed hard. His throat opened, and all at once, the dragon's cock-head going deep into his food-pipe, followed by the thick shaft. It was clutched tightly, and even before Kieran began to lift his head, it suddenly jumped, pulsating and expanding. The cub didn't have time to react before he felt the dragon's hot, thick seed exploding into him. His eyes opened wide in surprise, his ears growing red as his stomach was filled with dragon-cum.

Stormfire's body stiffened and shuddered as he held the boy in his claws. He looked down through slitted eyelids, seeing Kieran's lips pressing against his crotch. His cock was buried completely in the young wolf once again. He was too lost in the throes of orgasm to do more than grunt and pant, so he simply hunched and clutched his lover, riding the waves of ecstacy until his body finally relaxed.

Kieran's ears had splayed a bit, his eyes wide and crossed, the expression on his face resembling that of a shark who's bitten off more than it can chew, only much more adorable. Stormfire couldn't help but smile broadly, panting as he was. The cub's face was cupped by dragon claws, and gently lifted.

"...amazing," was all that the dragon could utter. The boy hadn't choked or coughed, or even flinched as he took the entire length of the dragon-cock.

Kieran's eyes finally uncrossed after watching the immense shaft come out of his mouth. The red finally started to leave his ears as he was brought into the dragon's arms. Looking up into his sensei's eyes, he blinked at the stare he was getting.

Stormfire only smiled at the cub, cuddling him close. Both of them were worn out from the day's activities, and Kieran was soon snoring, curled up against his sensei's body, looking so comfortable. The dragon stared at the young wolf for a long while, again being reminded of how lucky he was to have met and saved such an incredible boy.

Then, his own weariness kicked in, the warmth and softness of his cub's body the last thing he was aware of before he was taken into sleep's embrace.

///Updated 8/10/05, 12:38 AM

///Email comments, suggestions, etc. to [email protected]