Raven's Capture 2

Story by RavenVenice on SoFurry

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Copyright Raven Venice

Contains: Master/Slave , Bondage , Slavery , Anal , Oral

I groaned, waking up with a soft whimper, I stretched out the best I could, I remembered where I was, I rubbed my nipples, blinking as I noticed that the clips were no longer clips...at some point in the night, somehow, without waking me up, my nipples had been pierced, copper rings in the nipple. I looked at it with some wonder, realizing that my ears had also been pierced...the fact that it wasn't hurting was what was worrying me. "Good Morning my pet." I blinked, raising my head, I looked at Jelken. "Does it hurt?" I shook my head, looking away. So, he'd defiled me in a new way...at least it didn't hurt. He had even rethreaded the chain through.

"How did you do this to me without waking me up?" I asked, halfway looking at him.

"As you already know, Magick is a powerful tool...and that's all it took. A little magick." I nodded, not exactly happy, but at this point my body belonged to him, and he could do with it as he pleased. I looked at him, swallowing.

"So...Uhm...what's the plans for today?" I asked, almost regretting it as soon as I did, when he just smiled.

"Don't know. Was thinking about going into town and getting some stuff, but I don't know. Might be more fun to stay home and break you in a little more." I was also wondering how he knew I was adapt in magick, when I realized that he had picked me for who I was after all. I rubbed under the collar, looking at him. I already had the accustomed morning woody; my cock inside the metal ring, the plug was a minor discomfort, as I looked around. I was the only one up at the time, the others still in deep sleep, when I noticed that he had unclipped the leash from the pole. He waited for me to stand up, removing the ankle chain. "I've decided. We're going for a walk. Time to show off my catch. I think I can trust you enough for you to not try and run...as you already know what'll happen if you do." I nodded, mentally growling. He knew how to threaten, that was for sure. And I knew he could back up his threats.

He hummed, walking me to the bathroom, he removed the body jewelry, except for the ear and nipple rings. "Take a shower. Don't want you stinking up the area around me." I nodded, knowing he was trying to cover up the kindness with rudeness. I turned on the water, holding my paw under it; I played with the knobs, getting it to a comfortable temperature, before jumping in. I murred as the water drove into my fur, re-liquefying the old cum, I grabbed the shampoo, pouring some in my paw, I began to rub it through my fur, pulling away my hand with a grimace of disgust, my hand coated with a mix of suds and cum. I held it in the water flow, watching it disappear down the drain. Now that was disgusting.

I turned off the water, Master Jelken waiting with a towel. I took the towel, drying my fur; I grabbed my mid-back long hair, squeezing out the water before running the towel through it. "Stand with your back to me." I obeyed, facing the mirror, as he pulled out a comb, he began to comb my black fur and hair, with me murring as I managed to pretend I was being petted...it was about the same feeling. And, it did feel good to have someone combing me...even if he wasn't exactly someone I really liked. Though...Besides the uberly mean outer shell, he was actually a decent guy...and I thought I could learn to deal with him, at least until I found a way to escape. Maybe I'd come back to taunt him when I was done...or turn him into a slave for my dragons. I'd have to see when the situation arose.

He put the comb on the counter, looking at me, he nodded. I nodded, looking at him, shrugging. "Thank you....Master." He chuckled, locking the bronze collar around my neck. He then re-threaded the blue stones/gold chains through my nipple rings, collar, and around my waist. He then applied something to the base of my sheath, holding the bronze ring around its perimeter, He let go, the ring staying in place. "Now, you won't have to think about it." I nodded, one less thing to worry about. He locked the leash around my neck, then led me outside, where there was a jeep waiting. I slid into the passenger seat, watching as he got in, he handed me 4 leather straps.

"Put these on." I nodded, buckling them around my wrists and ankles; I was actually somewhat surprised at my sudden eagerness to please. I sat back on the leather seat, watching the desert disappear as we drove towards town...he was right, I wouldn't survive ten minutes out here...the desert heat would kill me. At night, I might stand a chance...except for the whole being bound to something, and the fact he was a dog, which meant he'd hear me trying to escape. I looked over at him; he was wearing a pair of black pants. I could still see his six pack, and almost had to laugh. He just seemed so natural as he drove. We came to the border of town, as he pulled the jeep over, he got out, closed the driver side door, watching as I followed suit, handing him the leash.

We walked around town, not seeming to be looking for anything in particular, as he went from shop to shop, not picking anything up. We stopped at an adult toy shop, I blinked as he looked through the various toys, picking a few out, he seemed to be going for a size variety, not going any bigger than 6 inches in diameter. I frowned, deciding I had to ask. "Master...If I can...what exactly are you doing?"

"Adding to my collection, so I have more things to tease you with." I nodded, rubbing my muzzle. So, that's what he was up to. Understandable. Creepy, But understandable. I continued to follow him around, watching as he paid with a credit card; I amused myself by actually memorizing his code, not that it would help me. He picked up the bag, petting my head. I purred in contentment, part of me just happy to be getting attention. He chuckled, leading me out, I hummed as we walked along, when I suddenly heard a voice. I gritted my teeth, the voice reminding me of nails on chalkboard.

"Yo! Is that you Raven?" I turned, looking at the white tiger, I growled at him.

"If you know what's in your best interest, you will never, ever mention this to anyone...because, so help me god, if I find out that you spread this, I will make sure that you don't live..." I turned back to Jelken, "No matter the consequences." He looked at me with a nod, I could tell that he fully understood, and would let go of the leash within seconds if I were to ask.

"Heh. The money I could make on this..."

"Master, give me 2 minutes."

"...is...what are you doing?"

"Thank you." I growled, the leash dropping onto my chest, I flexed my claws. "Sword of honor, sword of justice, I call to thee, give me your strength." I closed my hand as a Katana appeared in my hand, the base of the hilt growling in anger. This was my personal favorite weapon, a dragon's soul trapped in the blade, each movement causing it to cry out in anger...Though it had a drawback. I flicked my wrist out, the tiger's clothes dropping off with the skillful swipe. "Master, I offer you a new slave. If you wish to accept." I said, the sword disappearing as Kenny, The white wolf reached for his clothing. "Leave it."

"I thank you for the gift my pet." I kneeled down, both as an honor to my master and so that I could pounce if he tried to get away. Kenny realized he was in a situation out of his control as Master took up my leash, He turned to Kenny. "You have a choice. You can follow, like a good boy, or I can just knock you out, and leave you in the desert, stripped and bound to a cactus."

"I'll follow."

"Master, can you do me one favor?"

"What is it?"

"Make it so this one never talks in my presence. His voice annoys me."

"As you wish. When we get back he will always be gagged, either with dick or object."

"Thank you. Are we going home now?"

"Yes, we are. Follow."

"Yes master." I followed obediently, my leash in his paw, Kenny following obediently, I chuckled mentally, knowing he was probably going out of his mind trying to think of a way out of this...but I would make sure that he died before getting out of this one. That, and at least now I had made all the slavery I was going to suffer worth it. We reached the car, where Master led us to the back of the jeep. He grabbed a spreader bar, wrist cuffs, and foraged through the bag.

"Well, Kenny, I hope you're gay." He said, pulling out 2 4 inch thick dildos. "Grab your ankles, and hold on." Kenny obeyed, not seeming to like the idea of being left bound to a cactus, as Master slid the dildo in without any lube, he pulled Kenny back to standing, and had him get into the jeep. "Raven, my pet, use this spreader bar and the jeep's roll bars, and make sure he doesn't move much back here will you?" I smiled, happy to oblige.

"Of course Master!" I placed the spreader bar, then grabbed Kenny's right leg; I buckled his left ankle in place, and then did the same to his right. While I did this, Master was busy handcuffing Kenny's wrists together around another part of the jeep, so that he was sitting in the back, unable to move. Master then reached around him, sliding the second, pink dildo into his mouth.

"Don't use your teeth; hold this in your mouth the whole way back. If it falls out, you meet the cactus. If I see bite marks, you meet the cactus. If I find reason to believe that you bit it, even slightly, you will meet the cactus. Am I understood?" Kenny nodded eagerly, his muzzle gently wrapped around the pink rubber shaft. "Good. Raven, get in."

"Yes master!" I hopped into the passenger seat, watching as he got in, starting the jeep up.

"So what's the story between you two?"

"He's basically a reporter, button pusher, and otherwise all around nuisance that can't seem to get it through his mind that people don't like everything told about them."

"One of those type huh? I see. Then I won't punish you for your actions...plus you DID provide me with more money, so it does make it a bit more even. Sounds like he's having fun back there. Halfway feel sorry for him...bumpy desert roads and my threat...I don't know if he's even going to pull it off." I shrugged, looking back, smiling as he looked at me with scared eyes.

"He's a good boy...he'll pull it off. I know he won't want to be bound to any cactuses any time soon...and that'll be enough for him. So...what's going to happen to him exactly?"

"Oh, he'll go to one of the helpers, and when he's ready, he'll be sold. With his good looks he'll probably end up with some nympho horse." I chuckled, nodding. It would be his luck for that to happen. I looked over at him, smiling. Maybe if I could get him to break out of his Tough Boy Shell, He and I could get along as a Master and Slave...I was starting to like this guy. He came to a stop, humming as he went to the back of the jeep with me in tow. He removed the dildo, looking it over, he nodded, a look of surprise on his face.

"Wow, you actually pulled it off. Good job."

"Please...just let me go...I won't tell anyone..."

"Trust me, he'll tell everyone."

"Shut up Raven..."

"Hush my pet."

"Yes master."

"You're not going anywhere...you're a profit. A good one at that. Probably sell for a good 50 grand. So shut up and enjoy it while you can." He said, untying the tiger. I watched Kenny as he came out, I frowned, noticing there was blood on the floor where he was sitting. It wasn't much, which meant that it was only a minor tear...it would heal within a few days, but I never knew he was a virgin...in fact I thought the exact opposite.

"Please...I don't want to become a homo..." He said, seeming to look like he was planning to run, I could see a trickle of blood on his inner thigh.

"Master, I know I'm not supposed to speak...but he is bleeding..."

"I know. He'll get medical treatment...though with the way he's acting, it'll be completely tied down treatment...He's worse then you Raven."

"Heh." I said, squatting down. They continued to talk, with me staying there in a comfortable squat, the shade pleasantly warm, the breeze rustling my medium length black fur.

"Stop begging me, you're only going to make your situation worse. Raven, Stay put."

"Yes Master." He shoved the dildo back into Kenny's mouth before half-dragging him into the house. I chuckled, shrugging a bit. Figures he'd be a homophobe...at least he was getting his proper treatment. They came back a few minutes later, Kenny limping but otherwise fine.

"He's of no use to me sexually right now, but...I am pondering about making him go through the wash cycle...what do you think Raven?"

"I think he'll definitely enjoy that Master." I said, smiling at Kenny evilly. Oh he was really going to love it...Master motioned for me to follow, me happily obeying, as he went to the giant anthros. "Master, I have to ask...why are they so big? Besides magick of course...and how come they don't seem to mind having an anthro tied to them?"

"Because that's their main purpose...a torture tool...and they only ask for pleasure in return...which of course they get whenever they want..." I nodded, watching as Kenny looked at the giant cock standing at attention in front of him.

"Now, Kenny, you really have to make a choice. Would you rather take the cactus, or will you let us tie you to this giant phallus?"

"I'll...take this..."

"You'll take what?"

"Tie me to the dick."

"Tie me to the dick..."

"Please tie me to this dick master?"

"Better. Raven, Help." I nodded, the gems tapping against each other as I helped master tie the fox to the Jackal cock, I looked at him after he was fully bound, smiling as I petted his shoulder.

"It doesn't hurt....I can promise you that much. And it really is quite the experience." I smiled, glancing at Master as he motioned for me to follow. I bounded over on all fours, looking up at him as I sat with my paws on the ground between my feet. "Yes Master?"

"Just watch the show."

"Yes master." I turned so that I was sitting next to master, my leash in his hand, As Kenny found himself squeezed through the Husky's sphincter, I was wondering what he was thinking about now, as I saw his front half stay emerged, his back half going back and forth. "You did this for me, didn't you Master?"

"I found him to be obnoxious."

"I understand. Thank you. I am at your mercy."

"Just the way it should always be. Remember that my pet."

"Yes Master." Kenny disappeared completely into the husky, the jackal's knot binding him and the husky together, I was almost willing to bet that Kenny was definitely NOT enjoying the cum-bath, and wished I could see his face, as Master gave my leash a jerk.

"Hrm? Yes Master." I followed behind, being led into a room with leather straps connected to the walls, a leather bondage sleeve laying on the floor. he rolled me onto my back, lifting my legs up so that he could buckle the straps together, the leather sack and straps holding my legs together, He then lifted me up, binding my wrists together behind my head, he connected the straps so they held me up in the air, my crotch at the same level as his head. I groaned as he wrapped his paws around my hips, he began to lick my shaft, I gasped, purring as his rough dog tongue ran across the bottom of my cock. I moaned, wiggling as he continued to lick my engorged member, when he suddenly took my length into his muzzle, his sharp canine teeth teasing the flesh as he began to suck.

I gasped, groaning as he pulled back, my seed pulsing, I tried to stop the flow as it splattered on his face. "Don't..." I closed my eyes, relaxing, the spurts traveling through my body as I came. He chuckled, licking the cum off of my rod, he untied me, leaving my legs together in the sleeve, he slid up on top of me, his cock rubbing against mine as his tongue probed into my muzzle, I opened my mouth, letting his tongue enter, my own tongue sliding into my mouth. He wanted to share my gift between us, as I tasted the cum, transferring a small amount onto my tongue as our tongues explored each other's mouths.

He kneeled down, leaning back, one arm holding him up, I removed the leather sleeve, I got on my hands and knees, my tail flicking lazily behind me, I knew that I was reaching his standard of slave, as I reached between his open legs, taking his sac and sheath in my paw, his hand on the back of my head, I slid his 7 inches into my maw, my lips wrapping around the engorged penis, his hand rocking my head up and down the length, my own cock bulging between my open legs. I could feel my pre-seed building up on the tip of my own rod as I sucked on his salty club, my fingers gently rolling and squeezing the dog's orbs. I closed my eyes as he came, his seed spraying into my mouth, I swallowed with each burst, letting the last burst sit in my mouth as it dripped back down onto him. He reached down, wrapping his paw gently around my lower jaw, sliding me off of him, my tongue tracing its route up the bottom of his shaft. I smiled, purring as he scratched my chest.

"You've done well, and you've proven to be a good slave. Stubborn in some ways, but in the end you always obey...My kind of pet." I purred, rolling onto my side, my head sitting in his lap as he moved his legs to sit Indian style. I murred, mewling up at him, I began to purr louder as he started to pet me, chuckling to himself. "Definitely a good pet..." THE END