Charlotte's Game

Story by WriterOfSmut on SoFurry

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#2 of The Brothel

Commission for a person. leumas-asrov over at FA.

It involves brothels and sex and stuff, so I just so happened to lump it in the same universe as a certain slutty kangaskhan who likes to have sex with large groups of guys.

(Pssst. It's this one:

Meaning, you don't have to read that one to understand this one.

Male human x Female (Anthro) Aurorus

(Also look up hanging bookshelves. They're the coolest shit ever.)

Three in the morning. Probably not the best time to go out for snacks, but when Sam had a craving, there was nothing that could stop him. There was only one store in his area open that time of night: Barney's the 24-Hour liquor store. Not the nicest place, but there were snacks and drinks aplenty.

It was far too cold and icy to ride his bike. Instead Sam opted to walk. What normally would have taken ten minutes at most was now a half an hour trip. He was determined though. No amount of snow would keep him from his mission. The munchies waited for no one.

Halfway into the walk, Sam had lost track of the time. Having made this trip hundreds of times, he let his legs carry him where he needed to go. At that time of night, there wasn't a sound to be heard besides the wind and the crunch of snow beneath his boots. The serene sounds of the night were almost enough to put him to sleep. He stared down at the white streets as he moved, only half paying attention to the world around him.

The sound of a trash can hitting the ground woke him from his daze. He could only it was a stray pokemon in an alleyway somewhere. As the sound was off his normal path, he didn't care much to investigate. He continued to walk, but upon hearing what sounded like a brief scream, he immediately ran toward the alley.

As he suspected, there were multiple people. At least three of them. Two men and a third whom they had pinned against the wall, their hands muffling their victim's screams.

"Hey!" Sam didn't hesitate to yell down the alley. The men looked back and upon seeing Sam sprinting after them, they quickly cut their losses and ran. By the time Sam had reached the collapsed victim, the men were long gone. Relieved, Sam sighed as he slowed to a stop, staring down the alley to make sure they weren't coming back . Once he was sure, he turned back to the person on the ground whom he quickly identified as a pokemon. He was relieved to see she wasn't hurt. Besides a rip or tear here and there on her sweater, she seemed unharmed.

"Are you alright?" He asked to just to make sure. "They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"N-no," she whimpered as she struggled to stand up.

Even in the dark of the alleyway, Sam could see her shaking. He rushed to help her to her feet. Once she stood up, he could finally see her face. An auroras, certainly a rare pokemon outside of television. Sam expected them to be taller. Not counting the elegant, cream-colored fins on her head, she reached only his chin in height.

Sam noticed the auroras' discomfort as he stared at her. Quickly he looked away. "What are you doing outside this time of night? It's like almost four in the morning."

"I-I was just coming home from work when they jumped me."

"Work? At four in the m- never mind. Let's just get you home. Do you live far from here? Can you walk?"

"I think so..."

Though her legs were wobbly, the auroras could walk. Slowly but surely she made her way out of the alley. Sam stood next to her the entire time, making sure she was okay. It took time, but eventually the aurorus upped her pace. Halfway there, she sped up even more. She seemed somewhat desperate to get home and Sam couldn't blame her. He would want to get home too after what she had been through. They were in the complete opposite direction than Sam had originally intended, but he didn't mind. He couldn't abide by a frightened woman walking home alone on his conscience.

It took a good ten minutes to reach her home. She was silent the entire trip, lightly shivering despite the warmth of her oversized sweater. Sam saw the biggest look of relief on her face as she saw her own front door. She breathed a heavy sigh before running in, not even turning once to look at her savior. Not exactly the ending Sam was expecting, but a happy one nonetheless. His good deed for the day was done. With that, he continued on through the cold, feeling pretty pleased with himself.


"You did what now?" Sam's roommate asked in utter disbelief.

"Pretty badass, right?"

"There's a word I'm looking for. Can't quite think of it- oh right: stupid. Exactly the opposite of badass. What if one of them had a gun? Hell, even if they had knives, they would've fucked a pasty kid like you up. Then you'd be stabbed AND not have your corn chips. Which, by the way, you should have told me you were going to the store. We're out of Cola."

"Yeah well they didn't, and because of that, I saved that girl's life and/or wallet. Felt pretty good, man. Also, I know. I got two, two-liters."

Knowing Sam as long as he had, it came as no surprise to Gareth that he would pull such a stunt. Sam was reckless, but it hadn't gotten him into trouble, not yet anyway. His curiosity drove him to continue questioning as he heated his pizza in the microwave. "What did you say she looked like again?"

"She was like a scaly, blue dinosaur thing. Big fancy fins on her head. Couldn't tell you much more because she was wearing this really huge sweater for some reason. It was way too big for her. I don't know. Maybe she lost her coat."

"An aurorus? Wait, was she really short?"

"Shorter than me."

"That's short for an aurorus. I think she goes to our school. Unless there's another huge sweater-wearing aurorus and I'm just being racist or something. She's in my 'Calc 1' class."

"Neat. Don't tell her you know me, so I can forever remain the mysterious stranger that saved her life. It'll be...cooler that way. "

Gareth sighed. "You're retarded."

"Haters gonna hate."

The rest of the morning went on as usual. After breakfast there was the typical commute to the college they both attended. With separate schedules they rarely saw each other during the day, which meant, for the most part, Sam was bored out of his mind. The vast majority of the day he spent daydreaming, staring out whichever window was closest as he idly doodled in his notebook. His mind occasionally wandered back to what he had heard from Gareth and he wondered if it was really the same girl he had saved the night before. As big as his campus was, it was entirely possible he had never come across her. Then again, Sam wasn't known for being the most observant of his surroundings. He still didn't know half of his classmate's names. The thought was a decent a distraction until class was over.

Done for the day, Sam headed to his usual spot in front of one of the school's many parking lots. Gareth's class ended shortly after Sam's. On an average day, he would only have to wait maybe fifteen minutes until Gareth arrived. After that the two of the them could drive home like normal. Strangely, Gareth was late that day, which was very unlike him. Even on the worst of days, in the worst of weather, Sam could count on him being on time.

"Come on, man. It's Friday," Sam muttered to himself. He splayed himself across the hood of Gareth's car in the most unflattering manner possible. There he stayed for another ten minutes or so until his tardy roommate returned.

"What the hell are you doing?" Gareth asked. "Wait, don't answer. I don't care. Get off my car."

"But the sun makes it sooooo warm. It's like the inside of a preheated oven. On that note, it kind of burns, but I'm not moving yet because fuck you for being late on a Friday."

"Says the guy who's been late to class more than he's been on time. You see? This is what I have to put up with every day."

His eyes closed, Sam had no idea the two of them weren't alone. Upon actually looking, he was met with a pleasant surprise, a familiar-looking blue dinosaur, in a big yellow sweater.

"Oh...hi again."

The aurorus smiled and laughed. It looked like, despite prior events, she wasn't scarred too badly from the night before. It was a big relief for Sam. That had been on his mind all day.

"I thought you might have been full of shit, so I decided to ask her myself. Lo and behold, you were not lying, and she kind of wants to thank you, so pardon me if I ignored your request to remain the anonymous super hero. "

Sheepishly the aurorus stepped forward. "Also I kind of wanted to say sorry for just running away without saying 'thank you,' so uh, thanks."

"Not a problem, milady."

"I really want to thank you proper though. I'm Katherine by the way. Call me sometime so I can take you out to lunch or something, kay?" The aurorus handed Sam a slip of paper and walked off without another word. A brief glimpse at it revealed a phone number and a poorly-drawn picture of a smiley face.

"...did I just get a date?"

Gareth shrugged. "I guess so. I'd be careful though. I heard she was crazy. But, grain of salt and all that. Now get the hell off of my hood."

"Yeah, yeah."

Crazy or not, it would have been rude to turn Katherine down, so the next day, around noon, he called her number. Within the hour they set a time and place to meet. Sam arrived first, a good ten minutes or so before the designated time. The place in question was a fancy-looking uptown coffee shop, a place he had passed several times but never bothered with.

The inside looked nice enough, if not a little more rich than Sam was used to. Hard wood floors and tables, burgundy booths and stools, a large assortment of cakes, brownies, and rolls beneath the glass of the front counter.


Though he had expected to wait, Sam was pleasantly surprised to find Katherine enter the shop a minute after he did. He had already taken a seat in a random booth and begun snacking on the complementary bread before his date arrived.

"Glad to see you're enjoying yourself already." Katherine smiled as she took the seat across from Sam. "Don't fill up on the bread though. That's how they get ya. For every basket they bring out, they charge an extra five bucks."

"Underhanded..." Having already eaten half of a piece, he swallowed the last bit and pushed the basket away to avoid temptation.

"Besides that, this place is great, don't you think?"

"Uh, yeah. Not much of a coffee guy, but 'breakfast served all day,' seems more my speed."

"Then you should definitely try the pancakes. Short stack. They're top notch. Order as much as you like. It's all on me today." Katherine's smile was genuine and bright. It was uplifting, especially considering Sam spent most of his time staring at Gareth's scowl of maximum dissatisfaction.

It wasn't long before a waitress approached the table. She carried menus in hand and wore a smile that rivaled even Katherine's. She went to begin her usual greeting when she spotted the sweater-wearing pokemon in the booth. Her mouth hung open for a moment before she regained enough composure to continue.

"H-hello. Welcome to Taylor's. My name is Paula and I'll be your server today. Can I get you two something to drink?"

"Actually I'm already ready to order," Katherine said with her usual smile. It seemed to the put the waitress on edge. "I'll just have the breakfast bonanza like usual. What about you, Sam?"

"Guess I'll go with your suggestion and get the short stack. Possibly a side of bacon, and some orange juice too."

"Alrighty." The waitress hurriedly jotted down their orders and left, being as polite as possible as she hurried away from the table.

"Huh. She seemed busy..." Noting the relative emptiness of the coffee shop, Paula's pace struck Sam as odd.

"Oh she's always like that. Such a busy body. Well, we've got some time to kill. Mind telling me about yourself?"


Having nothing better to do, the two of them filled the time with conversation, the topics varying wildly from school subjects to their favorite bands, and even their jobs which, for the most part, Katherine avoided talking about. Though Sam felt like he was doing most of the talking. For the most part, Katherine sat and listened, her tail swinging to and fro as Sam regaled her with random, inconsequential stories. Regardless of how silly they were, Sam held her full attention. Even after their food had arrived and the meal was half over, Sam felt almost forced to keep talking.

"And that's how me and Gareth became friends. Though, I don't think he ever forgave me for the...well that I'll have to tell later. "

"Aw, come on, you can spare the time to tell me one more, can't you?"

"Well, it's not that interesting..." Sam felt as if he had said that line ten times, when in reality it had been more like twelve.

"Please?" She clasped her hands together in the most childish of begging gestures, and once again, Sam couldn't help but oblige.

"Alright then..."

Though Katherine had mostly ignored her food, Sam's plate was clean. Noticing this, Paula stopped by to pick it up. "Are you finished with that?" she asked pointing toward the empty plate and glass. Sam nodded and Paula went to grab the plate only to have a fork jammed into the table in front of her hand. Holding the fork was Katherine, a look of surprise on her face.

"Uh...oops." She chuckled as she quickly retracted her hand and tucked it under the table. "Oh no...not now...I-I'll be right back." Without another word, she leapt from the booth and dashed toward the women's restroom, her arm shaking violently.

Confused, Sam sat in the booth, wondering what the hell had just happened.

"She's crazy," Paula whispered to him. "Just leave now while you can."

As fast as she could, she picked up the dishes and made her escape. Having seen enough movies to know where the situation was going, Sam decided to do the same. He calculated the tab as best he could in his head and laid the money on the table, leaving a bit extra just in case. Afterwards, he turned to leave, but directly in his path was a familiar-looking aurorus. Something felt very off about her.

"So...where you off to?" There was a confidence in her voice that wasn't there before. It was off-putting.

"Oh you know...places."

"She told you I was crazy, didn't she?" Sam said nothing. "You think I'm crazy now, don't you?" Again Sam nothing. Katherine sighed. "Well she's half right, I guess." Slowly she made her way toward Sam. Too afraid to move, he simply stood and watched as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"That's cool. I think I'm gonna go to those places now. Bye." Try as he might, Sam couldn't break free of her arm. For someone so short, she was surprisingly strong.

"Ha. I like you, Sam. I like you a lot, so I'll cut you a deal. We hang out for a little bit longer, and I won't cut your balls off." Sam struggled to hide the fact that he was almost sweating. He struggled to get a word out. Katherine laughed. "Oh take it easy. I was just joking. Come on, I know you're cooler than this."

"Wasn't a very funny joke..."

"Says the guy who puts his best friend on a raft and pushes him into the middle of a lake while he's sleeping. Great prank, by the way. I've got to try it sometime." Katherine laughed loud enough for everyone in the coffee shop to hear. "We got a bit of time to kill before I have to skedaddle, so hows about I show you something neat. Trust me, you'll love it. They give out free samples and everything."

" samples of what?"

A long trip later, the answer hit him hard as he laid eyes on Katherine's place of employment. Built like a Shiro - a Japanese castle - embellished with blood red mood lights from top to bottom, it was an unmistakable structure. Sam knew of only one place in the entire city built to such specifications.

" at a...brothel?"

"Pretty awesome, huh?" Not sure if he should be impressed or not, Sam decided to not answer. "Come on, I'll show you my 'office.'"

Katherine took Sam by the hand and lead him into the employee entrance of the unholy structure. She flashed her badge in front of the electronic lock and it opened promptly. They rode up several floors on a dirty-looking elevator, each second making Sam more uncomfortable than the last. Awesome as the idea seemed, he felt unclean in such a place, even more so when he and Katherine arrived at their floor. Upon exiting the elevator and turning a corner, his first sight was of a scantily clad kangaskhan in nothing more than silk gown and lace leggings. At least that's all he could see from behind. He could only imagine what she looked like from the front.

"That's Emma," Katherine spoke as she noticed Sam staring. "She's always here. She co-owns the place. She's probably all that's here though. Maybe Zody too, and Tanya...either way, it doesn't really start jumping around here until six. We can hang out in my office in the meantime."

Sam was given no choice as Katherine pushed him down the spacious hallway.

Though he spotted many lights similar to what he expected to see in a night club, none of them were on. The walls and ceiling were solid black, giving everything a mundane look to it, not at all how Sam expected such a place to look. Then again, so early in the day there was really no reason for 'mood lighting.'

Halfway down the hall Katherine stopped at a door labeled 'Charlotte,' in cursive golden letters.

"This is your 'office?'" Sam asked.

"Ya huh." From her pants pocket, Katherine pulled a keyring with only a single key on it. "Can't use my badge here. The sensor's broken and our IT guy is lazy." She unlocked the door and not-so-gently pushed Sam inside. "Ahh, I love the smell of freshly-laundered blankets. Thanks Roberta." She closed the door and turned the lights on as she pushed her way past Sam and plopped herself onto the large bed near the back of the room.

Sam had to stop himself from 'oohing' and 'ahing' as he looked around at the various decorations and knick knacks around the room. Intricate vases, lava lamps. Books hanging on unconventional, but visually interesting upside shelves which themselves were held up by cleverly hidden mechanisms screwed into the wall. Unlit candles graced any unused shelf along with things Sam had only seen in movies or online like Newton's Cradles and floating magnetic tops.

"I like to keep it just like home. Pretty nice, right?" Katherine took his lack of an answer and amazed look as a 'yes.'

While he was distracted, she took the opportunity to slip out of her oversized sweater and slip into something more comfortable from her wardrobe. She took her time slipping on her thigh high, white stockings and tall, black, heeled boots. Casually she adorned a loose-fitting corset, and a pair of long black gloves to complete her uniform. Sadly there was no time to apply her makeup, but Sam would have to deal with it.

"Yo Sam," she called. "I've got something even better to show you."

Having engrossed himself in magic of the floating top, Sam only gave Katherine a cursory glance, but upon realizing what he had seen, he quickly turned to look again. Given her usual baggy attire, her shape was impossible to make out, but now Sam could see it unhindered. Katherine may have been short but she was curvier than a woman twice her age. Her hips were massive. Sam found it hard to look away.

Katherine couldn't help but chuckle at the stupefied look on his face. "What's the matter? Never seen a woman before?"

"I-I have but...this is...I mean I barely know you. "

"So what? I think you're pretty cute. From all that blushing it looks like you feel the same about me. We had 'dinner,' skipped the movie, now we can have a little fun. No harm, right?"

Sam tried to list all the reasons it was wrong in his head, but none of them could properly win over Katherine's logic. Then again, Sam was sure he wasn't thinking straight as the blood had long since forsaken his brain in favor of more important parts down below. "Well, if you insist, Katherine."

"Katherine's asleep for the day. My name is Charlotte. Nice to meet you."

Sam shrugged his shoulders. Although confused, he decided to go along with 'Charlotte's' game before she changed her mind for whatever reason. It wouldn't be the first time.

Charlotte extended her hand and Sam didn't hesitate to take it. The moment he grabbed hold, Charlotte pulled him into her arms with more strength than he would have thought possible from such a, relatively, small girl.

"Don't be shy now," she said as she pressed Sam's face into her bosom. "I hate shy guys."

"Yes, ma'am," Sam attempted to say, his words muffled by the aurorus' big, blue breasts.

"Upsy daisy." With another powerful jerk, Charlotte threw Sam onto the bed behind her. Before he had even realized it, Charlotte was in between his legs, admiring the growing bulge in his jeans. Casually she unbuttoned them, rubbing the insides of Sam's thighs as she did. Once unbuttoned, all it took was a swift pull to get them around his ankles. His underwear went down just as quickly, allowing Charlotte an ample view of Sam's half-hardened shaft.

"Oh no. That won't do at all," she said in a tone of false disappointment. Smiling she wrapped her three-fingered hand around it, chuckling as it throbbed to life. With only a few gentle squeezes and rubs, it grew fully erect in no time at all. "Well someone's excited."

"Can you blame me?"

Charlotte laughed. "I guess not. I'm getting a little wet, myself. Here, take a look." She flung herself forward, very quickly crawling up Sam's chest, her thighs soon straddling his head. Sam did little to hide his smile as he was faced with Charlotte's fleshy lower lips. True to her word, they dripped ever-so-slightly and ran down Sam's chest and neck. They looked even smoother than the rest of Charlotte's body, but with an added glossy shine courtesy of the juices dripping from them.

A wide smile crept across Charlotte's face as she brought a hand in between her legs and began toying with her privates. Tenderly she brushed her large fingers across her clit, knowing just what the extra stimulation would do. The more she teased, the wetter she became and the more Sam would be coated by her watery discharge. He seemed mesmerized at the sight.

"It's not just for show, you know." Charlotte made sure to spread her lips wide open, giving Sam a clear view of the pale wet skin inside. He had been thinking about it for some time now, but now that Sam had the go ahead he was all too happy to give his new friend a helping hand.

Charlotte shrieked briefly as Sam brought his hands up to her thighs. He squeezed them hard as he pulled her closer. It was sudden, but she didn't complain when she felt Sam press against her soft lower lips. He wasted no time sliding his tongue in between them and taking every drop of her fluids into his mouth. Though the taste wasn't great, it was all worth it just to hear Charlotte's moans.

Charlotte had little time to speak, her face having quickly contorted into a look of rapture as Sam pleasured her nether region. He had had some practice, she could tell. Not wanting to be outdone, she decided to help him out as well.

For a moment, Sam was confused as he felt something wrap around his shaft. With one hand fondling her own breast and the other on the back of Sam's head, Charlotte was out of arms. Only after getting a glimpse of her tail did realize that it was doing work behind her back. Before Sam knew it the long appendage had wrapped itself around his cock twice over, the circular knot on its tip caressing the underside of his balls. Rhythmically it pulled on him, up and down, over and over seemingly independent of Charlotte's own actions. It was a strange feeling to be sure, but very quickly 'strange' began to turn into 'pleasurable.' The touch of Charlotte's scaly tail was a novel one; amazing in its own right, but very distracting. Sam was having trouble returning the favor, but found he didn't have to try very hard as Charlotte had taken to grinding against his face.

She looked down on him, amused at Sam's ever-changing face. She could control it at will with nothing more than a simple flick of her tail. She could be as rough or gentle as she liked, and Sam wouldn't object. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it all. With little effort, Charlotte could bring him to the edge, feel his body tense, and then wait, denying him his release entirely. He wore an expectant look as he stared into her eyes, but never once complained. It brought a sadistic smile to her face.

"You're really getting off to this, aren't you?"

"I don't know," Sam struggled to say as he pulled his mouth away from her crotch. "Keep going so we can find out."

"Oh I am loving you." Forcefully she pulled Sam's face in between her legs again. She squeezed her thighs around his head and tightened her grip on his hair. Sam quickly noted the sudden rise in enthusiasm. The smile on her face grew even wider.

On some level Sam enjoyed the rough the treatment, but the perverse look on Charlotte's face was somewhat worrying. He contemplated telling her to stop, but the thought escaped him as Charlotte's tail began to rapidly jerk his shaft. He squirmed underneath her, his hands digging into her large thighs as he struggled to keep his composure. All the while, Charlotte drove her crotch into his face. She hammered his head into the bed, her tongue hanging from her mouth as she derived her sick pleasure from the forceful domination.

Sam clenched his eyes shut. There was little he could do but wait, not that he minded. Overzealous as she was, it wasn't often Sam was likely to find someone as...interested in his perversions. Eccentricities aside he enjoyed her 'company,' very, very much.

The minutes seemed to stretch on as Sam was subjected to the endless cycle of orgasm denial. All the while Charlotte continued to bring herself ever closer. Slowly the pitch of her voice climbed and higher and higher, alerting Sam to her impending peak. Her thighs began to tremble. Her control over her tail began to falter. It wouldn't take much longer. In a desperate move, Sam reached around and grabbed her behind. It took all the strength he had to hold it still as he pressed his mouth to her clit. Almost immediately Charlotte's attempt at rapid thrusting came to a halt. She fell forward, unable to stifle her moans as Sam vigorously sucked on her clit.

The new angle made it a difficult feat, but Sam tried his hardest to keep his mouth firmly planted on Charlotte's sensitive nub of flesh. By the sounds of her voice, he was succeeding. Being as close as she was, it didn't take long for Sam to drive her over the edge. She screamed obscenities as he continued to suck up to and beyond her orgasm causing her to shake and writhe, wildly attempting to thrust her hips into Sam's face. She pressed her face to the bed, trying her hardest to stifle her own screams, but with Sam's mouth still wrapped around her clit, it became increasingly difficult. Within seconds she had lost herself to the pleasure. She clawed at the bed, fighting to keep her violent convulsions in check. It was a losing battle. She resigned to the pleasure, shamelessly enjoying it as she rode Sam's face.

For a short while afterwards she sat and panted, basking in the afterglow. But, having been deprived of his own release, Sam had grown impatient. He tried to slide forward, working to move himself from under her, but no sooner after he moved did Charlotte grab his shoulders and pull him back. With an impressive display of strength she pulled him up to eye level with only one yank.

"Oh don't worry," she reaffirmed him. "I didn't forget about you."

During Charlotte's short rest Sam's shaft had remained rock hard. It now throbbed and begged for attention as it rested in between Charlotte's broad thighs. Hell bent on paying Sam back ten-fold, she didn't waste time guiding it toward her dripping entrance and very slowly lowering herself upon it.

Sam was surprised. Not a minute after she had just came and she was ready to go again. He didn't care to ponder it. He had been teased for so long that sex was all he could think about. He did nothing but watch intently as Charlotte sank his cock into her hole. Not that he could move very far with her hand rigidly pressing down on his chest. It took only seconds to Charlotte's lower lips to completely envelop his length, but once the slow part was over, the vicious smile once again returned to Charlotte's face.

"Now let's have some real fun." Sam felt a hint of worry as she pressed down on his shoulders, but it was far too late to tell her to stop. Very quickly she lifted her hips and slammed them down, causing him to gasp. She set an immediate rhythm of powerful pounds, ramming herself into Sam's crotch as hard as she could. She took great pleasure in the pained, but somehow blissful look on Sam's face. With every vigorous slam he'd let out a anguished moan, each one louder and more euphoric than the last. Though obviously in some amount of pain, Sam made no effort to escape. He could only throw his head back and forth and clench his eyes shut.

Charlotte could gyrate her hips and feel his body tense, stiffen the muscles in her walls and watch him moan, or she could do nothing and stare at his desperate face. She felt such control, and it was a massive turn-on. She panted loudly both from exhaustion and an unrivaled sense of ecstasy filling her body. As she stared at Sam's lust-filled face, she couldn't help but speed up her thrusts. His reactions thus far has been wonderful stimulus, but she was anxious to see his finish.

She very quickly readjusted herself and doubled her pace. She huffed and puffed, ignoring her fatigue and aching muscles to finish him off.

"Come on," she panted. "Cum for me, you little bitch."

She could no longer hold her own sadistic smile. It disappeared and a look of intense euphoria took its place. While pleasing Sam was her immediate purpose, she couldn't help but derive satisfaction from the act. Even though she had just started she couldn't bring herself to stop, or even slow down. The thrill of control was overwhelming.

Her body began to feel heavy and before long the muscles in her arms buckled under the pressure. Her top half dropped to the bed while her bottom half continued to grind against him. She rested her head on his shoulder, the close proximity allowing her to more vividly hear his ragged breath. It was a sound she was very familiar with. The sound of someone fighting to choke back their moans and failing at it. Sam was close, she could tell. She needed only to last a bit longer, but that short bit of time proved to be more than she could handle.

The carnal pleasure quickly overcame her and soon she was once again wailing into Sam's ear. She wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him as hard as she could. She couldn't believe how perfectly she timed it. Just as she reached her peak, Sam reached his as well. His hands free, he reached forward and pulled her hind end downwards. The amount of strength he mustered was a feat in itself. Though Charlotte's hips tried desperately to continue thrusting, Sam held them firm. His teeth gritted, he drove his shaft deep as he emptied his load inside of her. His vision went hazy, his arms and legs rigid. It was draining.

"Sam. Sam?"At first the words came in quiet, muffled, but little by little they cleared up as the person speaking them slapped at Sam's face. "Sam! You alright?" Sam opened his eyes, then realizing he had almost passed out. He was still panting and there was still an aurorus straddling his chest. It couldn't have been very long after they had finished.

"Phew," Charlotte sighed. "Scared me for a minute there. Thought I broke you."

Sam groaned. Exhausted, he was having trouble moving even his mouth, let alone the rest of his body. "Well I don't think I'll be able to move my legs for a few hours, if that counts for something."

"You're still breathing, and that's all I care about. You and me, I think we're gonna good buddies from now on, really good buddies."

Sam wasn't sure if he would ever get used to that terrifying smile of hers. "Should I be scared?"

"Not as long never leave my sight...ever again." Charlotte laughed. "Kidding, kidding, but seriously, you even think about leaving and I'll castrate you."

"...yes ma'am."

Shy Ones

He had seen her before, many times, but never approached. She was always off to the side somewhere, alone in the most isolated corner of whatever room she was in. Whether in the cafeteria or the classroom, she kept to herself, which was a shame. In the...

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Kayla sighed as she stretched her arms and back. "How much longer do we have to keep doing this? There's nothing here but dirt, dust, and more dirt. Oh, and broken glass." "Shut up and keep filming. How do you expect to make a documentary if you...

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The Mansion

"That one?" "No." "What about that one? Look at the muscles on him." "No," she sighed. "Not one of them looks even remotely interesting. I think this was a waste of time, again." "You're so picky, Gale. You'll never find a decent one...

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