A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 52 (Inner Demons)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#53 of A Fox, a Dog and a Raven

The final chapter of our story, our team rush back home to try and get help for Naruto. Will he be able to transform back into his original self or will he forever be stuck as the Kyuubi??? Epilogue will be posted tomorrow, thank you everyone who has taken the time to follow this story to it's conclusion.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way, this is a non-profit fan-fiction written for fun.

In any case, you came here for the story, so I hope you enjoy it.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"What about the ninja?" Tazuna asked.

"You won't be seeing them again, I can promise you that." Sasuke remembered the look of fear on their faces when they left them in the forest, once they confirm the death of Zaraki they will leave the area and never return.

"Thank you again, you've freed The Land of Waves for a second time!"

"Don't worry about it, now I've really got to go!" Sasuke returned to Naruto and Kiba, Naruto had tried but still couldn't return to normal nor could he communicate with Kisuke or the Kyuubi, making Naruto feel even more worried about his fate. They headed back with all haste to Konohana, careful to avoid the roads and other travellers, they didn't want to start a panic if someone saw Naruto in his current form. They all hoped that Lady Tsunade could help him.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Inner Demons - Part 10

Sasuke looked on as Naruto sat in his living room, still trapped in the form of the Kyuubi, crying his heart out. Sasuke could only imagine what was going through his mind, the fear and the worry that he felt about his future if he was unable to transform back into his original form. The Kyuubi after all was symbol of fear and hatred, many of the villagers would not take kindly to the thought of having it living in the village and Lady Tsunade would be forced to do what was right for the safety of the village, she was the Hokage after all.

Sasuke desperately tried to think of a way to alleviate Naruto's worry, but he was failing to come up with anything. Kiba and Akamaru had gone to retrieve Lady Tsunade, but he was taking too long, they should have been back by now. Sasuke imagined the Anbu Black Ops surrounding his house in readiness to attack and restrain Naruto, but he quickly dismissed the idea, Tsunade wouldn't allow harm to come to Naruto, she would be the first to enter, but even Sasuke knew that it would be unwise not to have the Anbu ready in case Naruto lost control again.

"Every thing's going to be okay Naruto. I'll help you through this, no matter what happens." He whispered resting a hand on his shoulder but it had little effect. Naruto felt like a monster, how could anyone accept him the way he was now?

Naruto's sobs were like nails on a chalkboard to Sasuke, each one making his heart throb in pain. He needed to do something to cheer him up, Naruto needed to know that he was going to be there for him no matter what happened. That's when the plan that Sakura had helped him to devise came to mind, it had been intended to try and win his affections, but right now it would be used to show Naruto that someone was there for him, and that was more important right now. He went and sat at the grand piano in the corner of the room, he had been taught to play by his mother, she loved music and this piano had been her most treasured possession. Sasuke ran his fingers along the keys as he prepared to play, looking over at Naruto's hunched form by the window, his orange fur glowing in the light that poured in.

His fingers began to move, they pressed the keys and filled the room with the gentle music, Sasuke watched Naruto slowly begin to calm and turn to look at him. He continued to play and slowly Naruto crawled towards him, Sasuke smiling to himself as he thought about what his mother once told him.

'Music can sooth the soul and tame the most ferocious of beasts.'

He looked into Naruto's eyes, the blue orbs glistening with happiness, all his worries gone for the moment. Encouraged by Naruto's reaction the music he began to sing.

"Ohhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhhhh"

Naruto's eyes widened when he heard Sasuke begin to sing, his voice was like silk, he had never known that Sasuke could sing.

"Oh, your eyes, your eyes,

make the stars look like they're not shinin'.

Your hair, your hair,

falls perfectly without you trying.

You're so beautiful,

and I'll tell you everyday.


Naruto felt a lump in his throat as Sasuke sang to him.

"I know, I know,

when I compliment you you won't believe me.

It's so, it's so

sad to think that you don't see what I see. But every time you ask me

"Do I look okay?" I'd sayyy..."

Naruto moved closer to Sasuke, drawn in by his loving gaze and words of silk, he could feel all his worries melt away as he was trapped in the moment. He sat on the edge of the bench with Sasuke in front of the piano, his gaze floating from Sasuke's eyes to his hands as he watched his fingers dance along the keys with delicate grace before looking back up into Sasuke's eyes.

"When I see your face,

there's not a thing that I would change,

'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are,

and when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while 'Cause Naruto, you're amazing. Yeahhh..."

Sasuke stopped singing but kept playing, he smiled at Naruto and for the first time since The Land of Waves a smile graced Naruto's face, although a bit contorted by the muzzle he now had, but the way his eyes lit up Sasuke knew in his heart that it was a genuine smile. "Naruto, no matter what happens I'll be here for you."


"Even if we have to live in a forest, or in the desert, I won't abandon you. Because without you Naruto... You saved me from a life of darkness, showed me what happiness could be, and now it's my turn to return the favour." Naruto was on the verge of tears, but this time it was tears of happiness, tears he could no longer hold back when Sasuke leant forward and pressed his lips to his snout, Sasuke's hands came to a rest on either side of his face. Naruto returned the awkward kiss, but as awkward as it was, it felt perfect.

Kiba lead Tsunade and Jiraiya into Sasuke's house, Shizune and Sakura following close behind as they rushed to Naruto's aide. They stepped into the living room and were taken aback when they saw Naruto's form, but also the fact that he and Sasuke were kissing. As they watched they saw an orange chakra flicker across Naruto's fur, flowing from all over his body towards his right hand which sat atop the piano and took the form of his sword, his body slowly reverting back to normal. But despite this Sasuke and Naruto continued their kiss, their eyes shut as the enjoyed the moment, completely unaware of the others in the room watching them.

Kiba felt his heart break, watching them he knew that he had lost Naruto, Sasuke had won his heart and he wasn't going to try and spoil that. Sakura and Shizune began to cry at the moving scene, no words were needed to understand what had transpired here. Jiraiya and Tsunade exchanged knowing smiles before they cleared their throats. Sasuke and Naruto jumped, their heads snapped round to see their audience and both of them blushed, Naruto pulling on the shredded red robe that he wore to conceal his modesty; the was robe several sizes too big for him.


Naruto and Sasuke sat in Sasuke's living room at either end of the couch. It was now early evening and the others had finally left, Tsunade had demanded a full set of tests be run on Naruto, it had taken several hours but now all that was left was to wait for the results. Naruto hadn't missed how Kiba quickly left after he had found out that he was going to be okay, he guessed it had something to do with the kiss he and Sasuke had shared in front of everyone. Naruto looked nervously over at Sasuke who was doing the same and they exchanged nervous smiles.

'I guess I've made my choice.' Naruto smiled to himself, happy that the decision had been made, a little guilty about how Kiba had found out it.

Sasuke meanwhile was nervous that he was reading too much into the kiss they had shared. He felt like Naruto had accepted him and that they would now be boyfriends, but he didn't want to assume only to have Naruto tell him other wise. He thought back to the kiss, it had been wonderful, he longed to feel it again. His thoughts interrupted by Naruto's rumbling stomach.

"I guess you haven't eaten for over a day... I'll go make us some food." Sasuke said, looking for an excuse to end the awkward silence that had fallen over the room. Without waiting for a response he left and went to the kitchen, Naruto watched him leave. With a sigh Naruto leant back into the couch and picked up his sword, staring at the black scabbard and closed his eyes.



"Hey kid." Kisuke beamed as he appeared in Naruto's vision. He was once again standing in front of the Kyuubi's cell, standing ankle deep in water, the dim lighting making it difficult to see beyond the bars of the cell.

"What happened to me?"

"Well... when you got stabbed you're seal was opened slightly, partly due to my nature as a sealing sword, I acted as a sort of key as it were." Kisuke explained. "With the seal partly open Big Red over there tried to force his way out but I acted as a barrier, stopping him from escaping completely, but a large amount of his chakra escaped and with me combining with you to hold him in place the chakra transformed you into something half human, half demon fox."

"My head hurts."

"Don't worry about it, you're back to normal now! And from what I can tell, you've got a boyfriend! Congrats!"

"Thanks." Naruto blushed as the realisation fully hit him. He had a boy friend.

"And I've got some more good news for you!"

"What is it?"

"Well, Red over there agreed to the deal!"

"Really!?" Naruto cheered happily before a confused look washed over his face. "You never did tell me what the deal was all about."

"Detail, shmee-tails!" Kisuke waved his hand dismissively. "I'll talk to you about it tomorrow, in the mean time you've got a boyfriend to go ravage!" He giggled pervertedly making Naruto blush.

"So what made Kyuubi change his mind?" Naruto asked trying to change the topic.

"Oh, he enjoyed feeling the wind in his fur or something like that. He doesn't get to experience much trapped in his cell, but when you were transformed he got to feel everything you did, since you were both essentially one being. So he would like to experience that again, so he agreed. But like I said I'll go over the details tomorrow!"

"Okay, tomorrow then!" Naruto beamed a smile. "Thanks Kyuubi!"


"You have a name?"

"OF COURSE I HAVE A NAME!" Kyuubi snarled. "IT'S KURAMA!"

"Kurama... Kurama..." Naruto said the name aloud, testing it on his tongue. "That's an awesome name!"

"Well then, see you tomorrow Kisuke... Kurama!" Naruto giggled as he faded from sight.


Naruto opened his eyes as Sasuke walked back into the room. He threw himself off the couch and lunged at Sasuke and pressed his lips to his. Sasuke was taken aback by the sudden move but quickly began to return the kiss, wrapping his arms round Naruto's lower back while Naruto's arms were wrapped round his neck. The kiss lasted several long moments before Naruto pulled away with a blush.

"Wow..." Sasuke grinned.

"Yeah..." Naruto giggled.

"Uhh... I was just... there's no food in." Sasuke said as he struggled to pull his thoughts together after the sudden kiss. "Do you want to go out for some dinner?"

"Yeah... I'd like that."

"And afterwards..."

"We can kiss some more." Naruto smiled, Sasuke smiling back, his eyes shimmering with eagerness. "Ichiraku's?"

"Perfect." Sasuke grinned.

A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 53 (Epilogue)

**Epilogue** Naruto roused from his sleep feeling perfectly rested, his eyes blinking open to the dimly lit room, but it wasn't his room but he was perfectly familiar with it. He felt the comforting warmth from the body under him, his head nestled in...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 51 (Inner Demons)

**Inner Demons - Part 9** Sasuke looked past Kisame and Karabe to the giant, two-headed, white wolf that was Kiba and Akamaru. Sasuke smirked and could tell that Kiba was thinking the same thing as he was; What the hell happened to you? Sasuke drew...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 50 (Inner Demons)

**Inner Demons - Part 8** Naruto gradually roused, his entire body ached and his head felt like it was going to explode. He tried to move his hand to rub his head, the act felt impossible, even trying to fight against the pain from moving his arm...

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