White and Black pt.1

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#1 of The White and Black Story

Ok This is my First Story EVER if you like it let me know if not.. well too :)

It was 6o'clock as TJ heard the alarm ring on his radio but all he could do was yawn and didn't give it to much thoughts,

dreamily he was fast asleep again until he hear his dad scream,


"uh huh" was all he managed to answer.

He slowly climbed out of the bed and wondered (man that dream again wonder if ill ever see him again) he thought to himself.

5 minutes passed as he changed in some clothes and went into the bathroom passing his father and waving at him to let him know

hes awake now. As he looked in the mirror it was his usual to start the day with a smile, grinning he looked at the mirror

seeing his white fur standing out he tried to brush it back to normal but no helping it wouldn't move where he wanted it to be.

After some minutes of fighting with his fur he decided to take a quick shower the young Albion wolf jumped in the shower and

turned on the hot water just how he liked it. Checking his body he shampooed his entire body not a single dot in his fur h

was completely white. He washed his face and yawning again he wiped the sleep out of his red eyes. After he was finished with

his morning ritual in the bath he dressed and headed down in the kitchen where his father was busy making breakfast.

"Hey dad" TJ said with a low tone... his father knew he had something in his mind...

"Hey little one how did you sleep ? any problems getting used to the new house?" he asked caring for his son.

"uh had some problems falling asleep nothing major" TJ replied.

"Ok then, got everything ready for your big day?" He heard his father say as he helped himself with some cereals.

"I guess have my books and stuff but u know its kinda hard to be the new one" TJ said with his ears hanging down a bit.

"Aw c'mon your such a nice guy everyone will like you there" His father said to cheer him up, and it did.

"I hope your right dad!" TJ said with his tail swinging a bit happily as he ate his cereals.

"See oh and please go easy your in no hurry so take your time and eat ill take you to school"

"Its ok dad I can handle it my own I'm 14 in a few months I'm not your little kitn anymore" TJ said in a way his father had to laugh.

"HaHa ok son I see where your coming from just like your mother always wanting to be independent" He said letting go of the

newspaper he took one last bite of his toast and said

"Ok kid I'm off to work then if anything happens call me and now give me a hug"

"Oh Dad please... ok" he hugged his father quickly and waved him off.

As the big brown wolf left the house TJ realized he had to pack his books for School and hurried up with his cereals.

Quickly he grabbed all the stuff he needed and went to school. Closing the door behind he he checked if he had everything

(Key, School Stuff money for the lunch break... do we have PE ? ah never mind don't want to be late) He thought to himself

and went off. 10 Minutes Passed and he looked at his neighborhood Noticing not many kids around he hoped he could find

some friends but he was very shy and became an outsider in his last school. He shook of that thought speed up and headed

towards the school entrance.

He didn't knew anyone here and a lot of the other kids looked at him. Not knowing him they talked to their own "He must be new here"

TJ heard some say as he passed the first door. Ignoring the other kids he headed for the Principals office.

(I hope this day ends fast) he thought. As the other kids stared at him his pure white fur his blue jeans his blue cargo shirt

everything matched he looked good, but the hottest thing about him were clearly his lightning red eyes. Not giving

too much attention to the others arround him he made his way through and knocked at the door in front of him.

"Yes come in please" He heard a female voice say.

Slowly he opened the door, as shy he was and looked at the female lioness.

"Hi I'm TJ nice to meet you I'm starting here today" TJ said and thought to himself (i hope shes nice)

"hello there young wolf sit down please lets talk a bit first so i can get to know you a bit ok?" She said in a soft tone.

Tj sat down and put his stuff down to the floor next to him.

"Your a shy one aren't you" The female smiled a bit and handed him some candy.

"There you go take some I hope it brakes the ice, feel free to ask me anything you want to ok?" She said in a caring tone.

"Ok thanks Ms?" TJ asked.

"Its Mrs Hover sweetly, now eat up and tell me why did you changed to this school, i heard you had

trouble in your old school what happened there?" She asked.

"You see Mrs Hover my mom... She..." Sobbing a bit TJ could't finish his sentence.

"It's ok i heard that from your father don't cry sweety" She handed him a Handkerchief and patted his head a bit.

"Lets talk about that later how about ill show you around the school a bit you don't have to be in class while with me."

She said and hoped it would cheer the little wolf up.

"Ok" TJ said wiping away his last tear he followed Mrs Hover around the school.

"Now this is the Cafeteria you can get lunch here it tastes good even I eat here a lot its really really good"

She said and waved to the cook who was preparing some food for later in the back of the kitchen.

TJ smiled and waved at the cook hoping he could enjoy his first meal here as he heard him shout,

"Ill make you a good lunch kid don't worry!".

TJ smiled even more since he loved good food but that didn't show on his body he was in perfect shape!

"Ok where do you want to go next then ? oh I know how about the pool?" Mrs Hover asked and TJ's eyes widened

"You have a pool here ? do we have swimming lessons here ? can I swim in it ? how big is it?"

He jumped a bit while flattering his ears and Mrs Hover had to laugh a bit.

"Oh wait and see I hope you like it" she said.

Following her TJ exited as he was waving his tail was stunned as they arrived at the big house with the pool inside.

"WOW its HUUUGEEE" He said. Running around he couldn't believe his eyes it must have been at least 100 meters long.

"Don't fall in Thomas she said" And TJ Immediately froze.

"Please don't call me that, only my mom did that or my dad when something happened, Please say TJ" He said a tear

running down his cheek.

"I'm sorry ok TJ it is then" Mrs Hover said, "But please watch your step okay?" she continued.

Heading back they got into the office again and they talked about some school stuff like what did you learn in your school,

did you have friends there, all that what wouldn't lead to silence since Mrs Hover hated it if people just stare at each other..

It was close to 11o'clock when they finished and she handed him some things he might need if anything happened.

"This is my number you can call me all day ok? if there is anything I can help you with don't hesitate that's why im here for!"

She said in a Parent like and caring tone.

"Ok I will" TJ answered and put the card in his wallet.

"Now off you go you know you have still time left eat, look around and meet with your homeroom teacher later he will

introduce you to your class." Mrs Hover said again in that familiar caring tone TJ liked.

"Oh and you might want to join the music class I heard from your Father you love to sing we have a really good music Teacher,

i bet you like him" She said.

"Oh well maybe I didn't sing after.." TJ's ears hung low and Mrs Hover knew..

"Its all right TJ time helps and remember to call if you need anything or pass by!" Mrs Hover said and smiled waving him off.

"Ok i will!" TJ said, waved goodbye and made his way to the cafeteria.

"Hey Kid" he heard a voice say, wondering where it came from he looked around.

"I'm right here" TJ saw a hand wave and headed towards it.

There was a Fox in the kitchen the voice was familiar it had to be the cook from 2hrs ago.

"Hello" TJ said.

"Hey there whitey how can i help you? Lunch will be at 12" The fox said.

"Oh ok i heard your a good cook Mrs Hover said she loves your food!" TJ said in a way the fox hat to laugh.

"HaHa you bet she likes it im her husband ill cook her the best like i do for you guys i enjoy cooking"

TJ's eyes where about to pop out as he heard the fox say that he was the husband of Mrs Hover.

"WOW that's unexpected!" The fox laughed even harder.

"HaHaHa kid you have a funny face here ill let you taste some stuff come in seems like you got time anyway"

The fox offered and opened the little knee door. TJ helped himself with a apron not to get his clothes dirty.

"OK have a taste of my special Lasange" The fox handed him a shovel with food and saw TJ taste it.

"WOW this is really good can i have more?" Greedily the young wolf asked.

"HaHaHaHa" the fox was about to burst in laughter but liked the fact that the young wolf really liked his food

"Sorry kid wait til its 12 ill get you a big portion don't you worry!" The fox said smilingly

"OK Ill be back don't forget about me!" TJ Said exited and hungry for more of that delicious lasagne.

The fox laughed a bit and shouted after TJ who headed towards the pool.

"No one leaves my cafeteria hungry don't worry!"

TJ thought that the cook was a really nice guy just like his wive Mrs Hover he had to laugh and imagined them both

next to each other "hehe never thought he would be her husband" he said but no one was around and he didn't care.

Happily he entered the pool house he liked this big building the big pool it was so good to be in there alone

just him no one else he thought. As he became a bit depressed and wondered if he should start to sing again in

this school because singing was his life he loved it but never sang again since that day 1 year ago. He Closed his eyes

and began to feel the emptiness in his heart. Within Seconds the huge room was filled with a beautiful voice that sang

"Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading So sick and tired of all the needless..." He Stopped right there as he heard

voices coming closer to him and he was nervous and tried to hide himself.

"Did you hear that? It must have come from in here!" someone said

"Yea wonder who had that voice it had a nice sound" another one said, TJ blushed

"QUIET! you two this is my hall! i don't want any singer in here find that bastard ill show him what it means to come

in my territory without asking me first! and singing that shit he will never be able to speak again if i grad him!"

TJ had his eyes filled with fear he didn't know what was happening he didn't sing for 1 year and in this split second

he couldn't handle it and sang he had people coming after him for it. What wrong did he do ? he didn't know, but

he also didn't want to know he tried not to get caught and ran for the room he was next to. He had No idea where he was

but it looked like a locker room.

"Hes in the locker" He heard a voice scream.

Nervous he didn't know what to do. He tried to open the next door but it was locked. As the locker door opened

three Guys walked in on him looking surprised to find that they didn't even know who that kid is.

"Who the Hell are you?" The older looking Orca said in a demanding voice.

"I-...I-...I'm n-nnnew h-here aan-d..." TJ said staggeringly

"WHAT? Why did you even enter this building ? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" The orca shoute

"I-..." TJ's eyes filled with fear and tears he didn't know what to do.

"I'm Randy I'm the Star Swimmer here This is MY Training place DID YOU GET THAT?" The orca Grunted

"S-ss..sorr-y" Was all TJ managed to answer.

"OH now your Sorry? You sang that shit im'a have you shut up forever hold him down" The orca commanded the two Dolphins.

Doing as they where told they held him down and waited to what would happen.

Meanwhile another fur headed to the Pool house not knowing what was going on he headed in and heard some commotion but..

he didn't want to get in trouble he had his warnings already and didn't want to get suspended...

Back in the Locker Randy got his hands on the young wolfs throat and squeezed it a bit...

"NOW SING AGAIN" Randy demanded

All TJ managed to get out was a really high tone and it was loud too he hoped someone would hear it and help him.

Randy however hit the young wolf in his guts and grunted "SHUT UP"

However someone outside who didn't want to get in trouble found that this tone was rather familiar and decided

to have a quick look at what was happening. Slowly but steady he made his way and saw Randy the usual suspect

he knew that Randy found prey and was not going to let it go. He also saw the two Dolphins Max and Mic the two

twins where always around Randy for some Reason he never knew. But what he really wanted to see who they where

up against but couldn't until.

"Hey you stupid fur ill end you now and no one will cry about a dead fur like you" Randy said with a devilish look in his face

"All i have to say is i found a drowned corpse in the pool no one will suspect me for it." He laughed..

TJ began to cry more he didn't know how he upset the orca so much that he would kill him he tried to get away from him

but had no chance he was at least 16 very muscular and his grip around his throat was too tight.

As randy Lifted the cub up he held him with one arm high in the air choking him with his grip. TJ didn't get any air

to breath and made weird noises. The Dolphins said it would be enough but Randy didn't let go.

Meanwhile the fur who hid behind them looked at the cub who was now high in the air and it hit him like Lightning.

He knew this white fur he knew immediately who it was they had been bullying and he lost all Control over his body.

"Let him go this instant or your life is at end!" He Shouted loud enough to be heard at least 2 blocks. His face was

filled with pure anger and hate.

Surprised Randy looked around, who was it that shouted ? he knew that voice.

"Kevin sup i found a little rat sorry I'm not letting go of this singing fag. Really sorry get lost now i have business."

Randy said and Laughed at the white cub.

"You must have a death wish then"

Kevin said and made his claws appear. His face now total lost in fury Randy noticed and threw the cub against a wall

next to him. As he saw the White Cub smash against the wall and heard that weird noise

he now was no longer a fur that you can talk to. Randy afraid of what he did and most of all afraid of Kevin tried to

get away from there as fast as possible the two Dolphins followed suit.

Kevin was not sure what to do, his primal instincts told him to follow Randy and kill him but his heart told him to help

the young cub. He let go of the anger and quickly looked after the cub and was in shock. TJ somehow managed to hit a hook

on the wall and had a hole in his back. He was breathing in a non-regular rhythm. His white fur was now covered in red

from the blood on his back he was in no good shape.

(This is my fault why didn't i stop this right there I'm so sorry so sorry...)

Kevin thought to himself.

He came back when he heard the fur cough. TJ didn't see who it was but he was happy at least

someone came and helped. His vision was blurry. His body was in pain. He cried but at least someone was there.

Kevin gently piked him up and carried him to the school nurse. On his way all the other kids just stared at them.

The white fur was bleeding no one know who he was or what happened? Kevin shouted:

"Get the Fk out of the way!"

and hurried inside.

At the nurse she was shocked and didn't know what to say.. Finally she managed

"Lay him down here ill treat him"

The Raccoon was in shock she never expected this in a high school she saw some bruises here and there but this was different.

"How did this happen? Kevin did you do this?" the Raccoon asked

"No Mom it wasn't me I stopped this but a bit too late." he said beginning to sob.

"Its ok hun don't cry who is this let me see... t-this is? Is this TJ ? how?when?w..w?" The Raccoon was out of words.

"Ok get Mrs Hoover NOW" She shouted "I will call an ambulance hurry up Kev!" She shouted again

"As fast as i can mom!" Kevin ran in the direction to Mrs Hovers Office. Tears running down his cheek.

He didn't hesitate and opened the door to her office and explained the situation,telling her to follow.

Mrs Hover was also shocked at she arrived at the nurses office she didn't expect it to be so dramatically.

A few minutes passed and the Ambulance arrived they headed towards the nurses office and saw the cub.

They checked him and told them it wasn't major just a deep cut. They checked the cub again and talked to the nurse.

"He was really luck a bit deeper and it might hit his lung but don't worry he will be ok in no time." The elephant said.

The raccoon was in tears and happy nothing bad happened to the cub.

"Oh and we will sew this wound so please give us a minute." The elephant continued.

"Alright" She said and looked for her son... "Kevin? where you at boy?"

"I'm here mom" he said in a low tone still sobbing a bit.

"That's TJ how and why is he here i mean its been 2 years now that we didn't see them how did they

end up here ?" She asked caring for her son she pulled him closer and said in a low voice

"Its ok hun he will be all right its nothing major just a cut on his back don't cry" she patted his head.

"Mom if i had stopped this earlier it would never happened" Kevin said in a way his mother knew he cared for TJ.

"Can't be helped now hun its past u can't change it" she explained to him.

"Ok but will he be okay then? i mean he was in so bad condition he will be ok right mom right??" He asked his mother.

"He will be ok don't worry and now go back to class it already started u don't want to be too late or?"

She tried to get his attention of off TJ but all he managed to answer was

"Can't i stay here ? just in case?"

He looked at Mrs Hover who was still there caring for the cub and she looked at the Black Wolf and said

"Well Ok you can Stay i guess you know each other ? I will take your mother with me and get the details on this please stay by his side until

he is back up and let us know ok Kevin?"

He shook his head and promised. He saw his mother walk away with Mrs Hover and decided to walk in.

He saw TJ naked and his fur was red from all the blood.

"Who are you kid ?" the ambulanceman asked.

"I'm here to watch over him he is my friend" Kevin said with all his pride.

Smiling the medic said

"alright kid but don't look at it if you can't stand blood i don't need another patient in here u know"

the medic laughed and brought his attention back to TJ.

"I can look at blood don't worry!" Kevin said and sat beside TJ who was still out cold.

"Ok We are done here tell him not to move and go to a doctor to remove the stitches after 2 weeks ok kid ?" the medic asked.

"Sure thing sir, ill keep a close eye on him!" Kevin said in a respectful tone.

With the medics gone he realized that his best friend was next to him. They had to move 2 years ago because of his mothers

job and they where so close it hurt him a lot to lose the person he grew up with. He remembered back in the days they

called them White and Black. Kevin was Black like the night and TJ was Pure white. He laughed a bit remembering all that

old stuff and wondered why he was now next to him.

"Better ask him" he said to him self quietly.

"Ask him what?" TJ managed to say softly.

"TJ!!" Kevin jumped up and his tail was swinging his ears where flying he was so happy his friend recover consciousness.

"Who's there i can't see clearly. where am I?" TJ was full of questions.

"well you are at the nurses do you know what happened?" Kevin answered

"yea i got beat up by an orca and all i can remember is that.." TJ stopped there

"that what ?" Kevin asked

"Oh nah is ok can't be him guess i was hallucinating things i haven't seen him in ages" TJ said Sobbing a bit.

"Who? maybe i can help ? i know some people in this school tell me how he looks like.? Kevin said

"Well he is the best friend you can imagine he has black fur and has dark brown eyes he is taller then me and is also

a wolf but he is really pissed if you touch his ears hihi" TJ Laughed a bit through the pain.

"Maybe he is closer then u think he is" Kevin said with a smile

"HaHa can't be last time i saw him was 2 years ago he never said a word and just left me there" TJ started sobbing a bit.

"Hey it was just to hard i coudn't say goodbye to you that would have made things worse for me" Kevin said not realizing

he gave him completely away.

"Mayb... WHAT ? who's there ?" TJ tired to shout but coudn't he opened his eyes and saw a blurry black fur in front of him.

"C..can't be, did they gave me something i think I'm hallucinating" TJ said and tried to focus his eyes on one spot.

Silence hit the room but TJ regained his eyesight slowly and discovered the black fur he was still a bit blurry but

managed to recognize him immediately.

"YOU How dare you to run away and don't say goodbye to me" TJ said in an angry voice.

Kevin feared this question. His ears now flat to his skull, he didn't want to upset him but it was to hard to say goodbye to him that time.

"I'm really sorry TJ I mean it we where best friends i couldn't do it, it was just to hard !" Kevin said in a sorrow voice.

"Did you ever think about me ? Do you know how i felt ? It hurt it hurt so bad you know" TJ said sobbing now not from the

pain but of the memories.

"TJ my mom told my I can do what i want but i can't change the past. Things that happened, happened. All i can do is tell

you how sorry i am. If there is anything i can do to make it up for you just say it and ill do it. Please forgive me!"

Kevin managed to say in a pleading voice a tear rolling down his cheek.

Moving up a but TJ reached out for the Black wolf and tried to wipe away the tear but was still blurry ne nearly fell

of the bad if Kevin didn't hold him there.

"Thanks Kev seems like i have no control yet. Sorry to make you worry about me" TJ said

"Its ok that's what friends are for anyway right ? But how did you end up here ? i never saw you here!" Kevin asked.

"First day heh.." TJ managed to say his throat still hurting from the grip earlier he felt the pain coming back.

"Oh man I'm so sorry" Kevin said.

"Not Your fault but tell me kev uh uhm i really need to.. pee u know... so.. where is the bathroom!?" TJ crossed his legs.

"Sorry i was told to not let you get up!" Kevin said

"WHAT? I'm not going to go in the bed c'mon! Your my frind not my enemy right ? Please!" TJ crossed his legs harder.

"Cant help you with that but..." Kevin went away for a second and returned with a vase.

"I Guess i can help you" He said.

"HOW?" TJ Asked eyes shut concentrating not to pee.

Kevin threw of the covers and gripped his friends shaft and moved the vase near.

"What are you doing !!!" TJ screamed in a funny tone his ears standing straightly up.

"Just let go its ok!" Kevin said and held back he had to laugh at the funny sound TJ made but resisted it.

"N..N-no I ccan't !" TJ Stumbled but couldn't help if nature calls it calls for good.

As TJ let go Kevin carefully guided the stream into the vase and flushed it down the toilet next room afterward.

"I can't believe you did that" TJ said blushing through his white fur.

"Why ? I did see you naked like 1000 times who cares ? c'mon we are best friends nothing to be ashamed about right?"

Kevin said in his usual tone TJ remembered back in the days Kevin never had any problems with being naked around

each other...

"You have a point there but you know.. me.. I'm.."TJ couldn't finish as Kevin said

"Shy i know" Kevin laughed

"But it looks like someone is happy to see me again" Kevin blushed a bit as he saw TJ's shaft rise up and giggled a bit.

TJ didn't notice his member began to harden the pain was still there but he saw it as he looked down and blushed

so intense Kevin had to laugh.

"HaHa its ok i also saw that before but hell you grew a lot ! it looks like 6 inches ! WoW!" Kevin said with Respect

"Don't stare at it idiot ! Return the covers don't be mean ! its cold !" TJ Said and tried to hide his rising cock.

"Cold huh looks like it wants some attention!" Kevin laughed

"Not Funny" TJ said but laughed a bit too.

"Aaah" TJ said in pain.

"What is it ?" Kevin asked worried.

"Pain is coming back i guess and now this thing appears guess u saw an embarrassing day of me today!" TJ said

"I help you to get over the pain TJ" Kevin said and moved his right paw to his friends cock slowly touching it.

"What are you doing?!" Asked TJ with eyes wide open.

"Lay back and enjoy ok? Ill let you forget the pain." Kevin said in a sweet voice TJ had to blush even harder.

He didn't say anything the feeling of the paw on his member was too good a slight moan came across his lips and

Kevin knew this would help him to forget the pain.

"Feels good huh? Kevin asked and smiled.

"Idiot" was all TJ managed to answer.

"oh ok" Kevin said moving his paw away slowly but found TJ rise up as he did so he decided to go even further.

"I know you can't see well but close your eyes please TJ." Kevin asked.

Doing as he was told he closed his eyes and felt the paw leave his member but was soon replaced with something

warm and slippery.

"Wh w.wwhat are -pant- y-ou doin?"

TJ moaned and loved the feeling of it.

"Imf suhcking yofu off brain head" Kevin said his mouth still full of TJ's cock and making funny noises as he spoke.

TJ was in pure bliss the pain from his body and the pleasure from Kevin it was to much to handle, he panted heavily

and Kevin knew what was going on.

"Wh Watch-pant-Ou-t" TJ managed to say

But Kevin didn't care he always wanted to do this and he enjoyed it to its fullest his First Blow job and he wanted it to last.

He sped down a bit and explored TJ's shaft with is tongue sending waves of pleasure through TJ Body, Moaning TJ laid back

and enjoyed it. Kevin moved his tongue to TJ's balls and licked at them that however made TJ moan even more.

He put his balls into his maw licking and sucking them to its fullest making TJ moan louder then ever.

(Good thing no one is near this office) Kevin thought to himself. and continued with his friends shaft.

Placing his friends fully erected member in his maw he started to lick it's head and bob his head a bit.

TJ was in heaven he never felt anything like this before!

"Please Kev gon-na cu-m" TJ moaned

Kevin didn't want to tease his friend too much so he decided to bob his head faster and watched his teeth. Sharp as

they where he better wouldn't ruin it in giving him even more pain. As his head went even faster TJ tried to remove

Kevins head since he didn't want to cum in his maw but Kevin had other Plans.

Within seconds TJ shot his load into Kevins maw and he Greedily sucked it down.

TJ nearly exploded his tail was swinging around as he felt his friend suck his cum and

his orgasm was never in such heights he was in heaven it was too good!

As Kevin felt TJ's cock going limp he took it out of his maw and moved up to his friend and Kissed him on the lips.

TJ didn't know how to react he never kissed anyone before what should he do? He felt his friend moving his body over his.

He reached out his right paw placing it on his friends chest and felt Kevins heart beating extremely fast.

Knowingly he decided to kiss him back with all he had left in him. His other paw holding Kevin Close and ditn't

want to let go of him ever again.

He didn't know why but he felt save now and there. Kevin now on top of TJ started to tongue his friends maw and explored it.

TJ however tasted something in his maw it was his own cum.

(god this tastes good) he thought.

Giving back the kiss they stayed like that for what seemed hours but it was only 5 minutes.

Neither of them wanted this to end but they heared footsteps getting closer to the Office.

Quickly Kevin jumped up and threw the covers back over his Friends naked body.

"shhhh, that's mom and Mrs Hover" Kevin whispered.

TJ nodded and lay down.

Outside Mrs Hover and Kevins mom got closer to the office Talking to each other worried about TJ they entered the room.

Luckily Kevin sprayed some medical things around so the room wouldn't give them away by smell and Mrs Hover did have

a heavy perfume on so they didn't notice what happened here not to long ago.

"Hey TJ you up ?" The Raccoon asked.

"Is that you miss Banier ? TJ asked.

"Ow come one how often did i say call me Rachel!" She laughed and was happy to see that TJ was alright.

"Ok sorry to worry you hey Mrs Hover your husband does make some good lasagne!" TJ said still hurt but feeling a lot

better after what happened moments ago.

"HaHa you bet he does, he never made a meal i didn't like! Imagine that!" She said blushing a bit.

"Ok Kevin told me earlier what happened and i will look into that with Randy later" She continued

"I also called your father he will pick you up after work so stay here until he comes he sounded worried but i

ensured him you are all right so don't worry."

"Thank you Mrs Hover oh is lunch over yet ? i wanted more of that lasagne" TJ said with a hungrily look in his face.

"Don't you worry kid my husband will make you some and Kevin too please go to him and he will give you some, and

please keep some for TJ! bring it here you can eat with him here just in case so that food will arrive here"

She laughed and knew kevin ate a lot because of his muscular build.

"Hey i don't eat that much! I just work out a lot my mom said sound mind sound body!" Kevin said

and went off to the cafeteria twinkling to TJ.

(wow that has to be the best day ever) Kevin thought to himself

(I'm so sorry for him to go through that if i only helped him earlier)

still in thoughts Kevin walked into the cafeteria and explained to the fox in the kitchen...

Back at the Nurse Office TJ Was in Thoughts(WoW that was... WoW) The older females told him to eat a bit and to wait

til his father arrived but his mind was filled with Kevin..

Well end for now let me know if you want a part 2

At least i know not to use the java editor hehe :)