prologue: unexpected invitation

Story by lobopunk93 on SoFurry

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#1 of Student or Mate

this is something that i should have finished months ago oh well what do you think of it so far? :P

anyway this story introduces my new character gal. sadly there's no sex but ill leave that for a little later

merry Christmas and a happy new year even though this story is far off that time :P

comment rate fave feed back is good


Just one of those days when you're in high school, it's Friday and you want to get out of school and just chill out with your friends or maybe just go home sit down in front of the TV and play with your video games etc. And to make things seem a little more anticipating its June and school is about to be out. Almost all the students have waited long for this day to come. Some will be graduating the others are entering their senior year they will be going on vacation to wherever. It's a fun feeling knowing that school is about to end. However not everyone is excited as most are. This year turned out to be one of the worst for a junior student. "Man I can't believe that bitch failed me all because I failed this one fucking test. After all this shit I have been through with that cunt." The angry teenage collie cursed out as he was cleaning his locker.

"Damn Ralph you OK man you look like life failed you today" Ralph look to see how called him. His cheetah buddy stared in an awkward look as he watched him clean out his locker. "My bitch fucking English teacher failed me because of two fucking misspellings on my final man. And now I got to do this shit in summer school and I wasn't planning to go to summer school bro. I wanted to go out to the beach and spend time with my family, sleep late, get high and all that shit. but no I have to put up with the bullshit and now I'm not going to have my fun because of this bitch god I hate teachers man FUCK!!!" Ralph could only slam his books on the ground feeling bummed out. "Hey man chill out it's not the end of the world dude and besides summer school is not as bad as it sounds. In fact throughout my 3 summers I thought it was pretty easy and there were times where I didn't do any work at all. It's not all that bad as you think man"

Ralph sighed as he packed his last book in his bag before zipping it up. "Whatever man you maybe got lucky to have a fun and easy teacher and all but me I never wanted summer school in the first place. All I can say is I hope it goes quickly" his friend chuckled before saying "man you really need to find someone to keep you happy if you know what I mean man" "pff yea right bro like anyone is going to make me happy when I'm sitting in a class for 2 hours with a boring teacher while people are out having the summer of their lives or whatever" Ralph said as he walked with his buddy to the back exit of the school. "You'll never know ralphy man; you might just hit gold with some hot lady someday. "Ralph looked at him with a grumpy face before throwing a paper ball at him. "And I probably will regret being with that woman I meet if she turns out being a big snobbish bitch from hell" he said as they both walked out of the school exit and down the street to their block.

2 weeks later Ralph was sitting at his desk along with several other students as they waited for their teacher to arrive. She was running late obviously and some students were becoming impatient they were just about to get up and leave. Others however where just sitting down, chatting with each other. Ralph on the other hand sat in the back of the room dazing out the window. He was still a little aggravated at the fact he had to make up for this class. The class for the next 6 weeks would be 2 hours long and depending how the teacher works things out. It might be the most boring 2 hours of his life. In his mind he never expects a fun teacher or a sweet teacher for the most part. Though there were times where he was cool with some teachers. Suddenly the door opened which caught the attention of all the guys and some gals as a tall middle aged raccoon lady wearing a red button up shirt and brown skirt walked in the room. She had long light brown and goldish hair that reached down to her lower back. She looked like she had 3 or 5 inches to Ralph's 5,10 frame not including her high heels from the looks of it. Most of the class went quiet except for a few girls who continued chatting with each other somewhere in the back while most if not all the guys just sat there gazing at her beautiful figure. "Sorry I'm late class I hope we didn't lose anyone here" she said as everyone stared at her like a model on stage "alright then let's begin by introducing myself my name is Mrs. Nichols and I will be your English teacher for the next 6 weeks. As you know I like to keep things simple and clean but also fair, I don't want to make lessons boring and overwhelming for you so I'm sure it'll be fun and interesting for all of you. So lets go ahead and introduce ourselves starting with you over there" she said pointing in ralph's direction. Ralph looked around him who she was pointing at. "yes you there collie guy im pointing at you" Ralph gulped, "out of all the people" he though

"uhh well my name is ralph and...uhhh well i uh like playing soccer and....well...I uhh..i hate English..sooo that's why im here he said nervously. The raccoon crossed her arms staring at him with a "uh huh" look as if she took offence to that. This only made him nervous as she gazed at him for a few more seconds before smiling. "You're a pleasant one are you young man? Well I hope I can make you change that in you after all I have you for the next 6 weeks so the last thing I want to see is you sleeping in class" she said in a playful warning. But that only made him feel as if he was gonna have the worse summer in his whole life.

As the day went on Ralph seemed to take interest in her. Not just her way of teaching but her features as well. Throughout the entire lesson he watched wide hips swayed beautifully with her long fluffy ringed tail. Her enormous breasts bounced and jiggled beneath her loose clothing she wore, Ralph suddenly began to feel his member slowly grow inside his tight jeans. "Damn she looks so gorgeous" he though as he tried to contain his hardening erection. "Alright then for the last 30 minutes of the class I want you all to write a short paragraph on what you plan to accomplish when you get out of high school. When you're done you can sit and talk quietly until the bell rings" the class right away began to write Ralph however as he wrote began stealing glances at her as she sat at her desk reading a newspaper while observing the class. while writing his paper he glanced at her bosoms most of the time as they rested on the desk. They were huge of course; they probably ranged in the EEs, maybe bigger. He then looked a little lower getting a glimpse of her red string thongs. His eyes went wide at that then looked back up staring at her tits as she kept reading the newspaper. She then sat up stretching out a bit, letting her breasts balloon outward looking as if they were about to burst out into the open. Ralph couldn't help but stare at her lovely figure. With a tall and fit body like that she looked like she can pound somebody through whatever she laid them on until either they busted a nut or they busted furniture.

That would be many guys dream to have a voluptuous hot raccoon in bed, especially if she's the one who's teaching your summer class. Ralph like always started picturing her without her cloths on, Thinking how soft her tits are, how heavy they might be. That's all that was going through his perverted head. Just feeling her tits rubbing up and down his face as he heard her call his name out, panting and moaning. Then suddenly he felt her she reach down, unzipped his pants and releasing his member from it confinements. she smiled down at him rubbing on his 6 inch cock, leaning down Whispering naughty things in his ear "ohhh such an innocent puppy you are hun I love making young guys like you squirm and struggle" she whispered. Then she began sliding his young cock into her passage making her moan out in pleasure, hearing her pant out his name over and over and over as she bounced on his lap harder and harder "ohhh ralph oh baby ah ah ah ah ah yes fuck yes ohh ralph ralph" she repeated over and over "ralph honey ralph ohhhhhh ralph RALPH!!!!" Someone yelled out before a big paw slammed down on his desk snapping him out of his little fantasy world.

He found himself staring at two golden eyes which seem to glow from the sun light coming from the window. His felt his heart skip a few beats like he's seen an angel fall from heaven. But at the same time he was awestruck at the woman's size up close. Most raccoons he met in his life never really surpassed 6 feet and if they did they didn't come near as tall as she was. "If you weren't hearing me the first time young man I called the papers up now" she said as she grabbed the hand written sheet from him. His body remained frozen as he watched her walk back to her desk, glancing at her wide sexy hips. It was quite a site for sure but at the same time it was kind of embarrassing as the class stared at him smirking and giggling like if he were back in elementary school again. He sunk back in his desk hoping that the other guys didn't notice him dazing off at her. He glanced back at Mrs. Nichols as she was reading the papers she collected from us. About 20 minutes later the bell rang and everyone began walking out the door to their next class or either home. For the young collie, he couldn't wait to get home. He couldn't wait to lie in his bed play games watch TV: cough: get high: cough: you know what I mean. All that thought was suddenly interrupted by the teacher calling his name "Ralph"! He heard stopping him in his tracks before looking back at her. "Why don't you stay for a moment I need to have a word with you" she said to him as the rest of the class piled out of the room until it was only him and her in the class. "Um what do you want to speak to me about Mrs? Did I do something wrong?" She looked at him with a smile.

"No there nothing wrong. I'm just wondering why you're in my class when you should be out in the sun relaxing. Looking at your essay you seem to know what you're doing aside from the run on sentences" ralph felt relived in some way assuming she was gonna ask why he was checking her out during class. But at the same time he felt annoyance like if his English teacher had screwed him over threw out the year. "Well....that's something I should be asking my teacher I had all year. For some reason I think she was unfair with me with the last assignment she had us to" the older raccoon looked at him with a questioning expression

"Who was your teacher for the past year" Ralph looked up at her taking a quick glance at her massive breasts which were bigger than his head before looking up at her. " Mrs white she teaches English A and B" she sat back in her chair with a smile. " Mrs white? The poodle bitch? Ohhh now that's why you're here" she said giggling. "What you know her?" She gave him with a mischievous smile sitting up and pulling herself closer to him. "Oh yes you better believe I do. I know her back since my freshman year in high school. She was the know it all type of person that always thought she's superior to everyone. She walked all over the school like if she were top dog of the school because of her outstanding grades. Teachers praised her like if she was queen of some make believe world. Through her first and second year of college, she was a straight A student but in some eyes a straight A bitch on a Popsicle stick. Just letting teachers lick her all up if you know what I mean" she said with a wink.

Ralph surprised at what she was saying "whoa.. wha...wait what do you mean?" With a grin and a simple right finger through the O shaped fingers of her of her left hand, it was obvious what she meant. "Wow, just wow I can't believe she even has a job at his school" he thought. "Aside from all that, all I can only say she is one spoiled mutt to be reckoned with. But with me though, she couldn't even face up to me no matter how hard she tries. Many times she tried to outdo me in high school and college but I would always put her in her place. I made her look dumb in front of people when she tried to be wiseass. She hated me mostly because I was the one stealing guys away. This made her take a go at me but to put it short I put her down countless times whether if it was verbal or physical. But to cut the whole rivalry story short I'm her worst nightmare that always comes true. Same goes with others who try to be smart asses around me" she said in a stern voice looking down at her claws. Ralph looked at her paws seeing the size of her claws he sort of gasped in a way knowing what she can do with them. He wondered if she is part feline due to those especially her size. He was guessing she might be part tiger or lion. She saw the look in his eyes and smiled "hey don't be scared of these as long as you're a good boy you don't have to see how I use these. Though throughout my days many people found out how I really use these. Including that bitch poodle and trust me it isn't pleasant" Ralph let out a gulp as she extended her paws out in his face showing how thick and sharp her claws are.

Looking over her shoulder at the clock it past time she headed out. "well then ralph it was great talk we had knowing that my old school rival hasn't changed much after what I did to her" the collie stood up from his chair. "Oh and before you leave ralph I have to ask you are you doing this afternoon" the collie stood there for a moment. " n..nothing much maybe go home watch a movie or.....something. This whole summer school thing pretty much cancelled my summer plans" Nichols smiled at him and stood up. Ralph was awe struck, she was taller then he though. His muzzle was almost at level with her chest as he tried hard not to stare at her huge tits. "Well...I was thinking...I'm having a BBQ this weekend and I have plans over the next few weeks. Why don't you come by my house and maybe it will make up for the time you're missing out on.

Ralph began to sweat now; this beautiful raccoon was inviting him over to her house. "umm... huh..i ..i uhh..i don't know mrs Nichols. i think maybe I shouldn't I....i mean it's weird having a teacher invite a student who she just met to her house and..and..." He glanced down at her chest with sweaty paws ready to reach out and grab them. Then he felt her large paws cup his chin making him look up at her. "My eyes are up here young man" she giggled smiling down at him. "And there's nothing wrong with me asking you to come eat out at my pool. I trust me I know how to make things fun around here. I promise you'll like what I have planned" By the look in her face maybe it wouldn't hurt to check it out. Probably it would be worth his time and hey she's serving up food it's not every day guys like him get something like this.

"Umm...uhh...well I guess I can stop by. When and where" she reaches down in her pocket pulled out a pen and wrote it on a piece of paper before handing it to him. "Don't be late these guys can be like the hungry hungry hippos when I plan summer party like this they obviously love my cooking. Anyways why don't you walk with me maybe get to know you a bit more sound good?" with a quick nod of his head both of them walked down the hallways the main entrance of the school. Outside the young collie walk alongside the tall raccoon stealing glances of her plump curvy figure as they continued to chat. Reaching her blue 2012 Nissan maxima Mrs Nichols opened the door to the back and tossed her stuff before opening the driver's door facing the collie "well then Ralph I guess I'll be seeing you this Friday then huh"

Yea i...i guess thanks for the invitation Mrs. Nichols.

She sighed "do me a small favor Ralph call me Maya and its my pleasure. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Oh by the way I hope it doesn't hurt to ask and don't be shy to answer this but are you seeing someone?" That caught him sort of off guard. "Are you asking if I have a girlfriend mrs nich....i mean Maya? He asked with a surprised look on his face. She nodded not caring for anything but an answer. "uhh n..noo not really why?" a slow grin formed as she looked at him for a few seconds before shrugging her shoulders. "Just asking in case I expecting more people. One thing that is a fact" she said as she hopped in her car, starting it up. "When you invite one person to a party he or she ends up bringing 10 more of her friends with her. That's what gets on peoples nerves ya know. Well then puppy see you this Friday then" she said with a wink before pulling her car out of the parking lot and driving out into the distance. Ralph stood there slightly blushing at that question. "Why in the world would she ask me that" he stood there for a few minutes then started his walk back home thinking nothing but how it would be like around her outside her job.

To be continued...........

Face to Face

Morning times was always something that makes people feel like todays the big day. For some though it made them not want to get out of bed. Today Jake was having one of those moments. He tried his best to think of the plans he had for today but it was...

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forest love

WARNING: this story contains all the good stuff that shouldn't be read by our young viewers so for all you children out there who are reading this right now you should be outside playing in the sun instead of reading this sh\*t. Story created by...

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