A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Christmas Special

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#55 of A Fox, a Dog and a Raven

Here's the Christmas special I promised, only a day late. Sasuke and Naruto spend their first Christmas together with their new family. I may be doing a few other one shots like this over the coming months, so keep your eyes open for them, this one is short and sweet, mainly because I wanted to get it out while it was still technically Christmas.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way, this is a non-profit fan-fiction written for fun.

In any case, you came here for the story, so I hope you enjoy it.

Christmas Special

"COME ON SASUKE!" Naruto whined.

Sasuke slowly headed towards the room with his usual stoic expression and laid back attitude. As he walked in he couldn't help a smile creeping across his lips as he saw Naruto, dressed in his glaringly bright orange pyjamas, kneeling in front of the Christmas tree looking excitedly at the presents. Kurama was curled up on the couch next to Naruto, from the way his tail and eyes twitched Sasuke knew he wasn't sleeping, he was trying to ignore what was happening around him.

"You're such a kid Naruto!" Sasuke teased, but he knew how important this was to Naruto, in fact he knew exactly how Naruto felt. Naruto had never had a family to celebrate Christmas with, while he had lost his family and remembered the pain of not having them here to celebrate with him. Since his family had died, this would be the first Christmas he would have celebrated.

"Shut it Teme!" Naruto huffed, blowing a raspberry at Sasuke.

"All right, all right!" Sasuke chuckled as he knelt down next to the tree and picked up one of the presents. "Here, this one's for you Naruto."

Naruto's eyes lit up as he laid eyes on the six foot long box that Sasuke held out to him, taking it gingerly from his grasp as if it would disappear if he handled it too roughly. He looked at the perfectly wrapped present, wrapped in a colourful red paper and bow, and his eyes watered as he tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from them.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" Kisuke announced as he burst into the room wearing a Santa outfit. He leapt across the room in a single jump and landed on the couch next to Kurama, giving the fox a fright.

"KISUKE! DAMN YOU!" Kurama snarled.

"Merry Christmas Red!" Kisuke beamed, not phased by Kurama's threatening behaviour. "And here, I brought presents for everyone!" He declared hoisting the sack of presents he was carrying into Kurama's face.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Kurama spat and launched himself at Kisuke who let out a girlish squeal, ducking under Kurama's attack before running from the room, Kurama in hot pursuit of him.

"Those two will never change..." Sasuke said as he rubbed his temples, Kisuke's antics already giving him a head ache and he hadn't been awake more than ten minutes, he was going to need a lot of coffee before the day was done. "So how about that present?" Sasuke reminded Naruto, who looked at the box on his lap and the smile returning to his face.

Naruto tore off the wrapping with childish glee and opened the box and was shocked into silent amazement at what lay inside. He looked up at Sasuke who wore a knowing smile and then back down into the box and giggled in childish delight. He threw himself at Sasuke and gave him a bone crushing hug and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Naruto cheered. "Now I feel bad, my present to you is pretty poor in comparison."

"Oh don't worry about that! If you really want to I can think of a few ways to... uh... pay me back." Sasuke assured him with a lustful tone, Naruto felt a shiver of excitement run up his spine at the implications, Sasuke no doubt had a few plans for their time tonight.

Naruto returned to the box and tenderly pulled the contents from it. Naruto lifted the beautifully crafted sword from the box, now he would be able to use his blade while both Kurama and Kisuke were materialised; their materialisation required a part Kisuke's sword, the scabbard or the blade itself. The scabbard was lined with silver, the metal forming intricate floral designs down the length of the scabbard; Naruto ran his fingers along the designs in awe. He slowly drew the sword and was still amazed further at how the blade was polished to a perfect mirror sheen, the hilt of the sword was specially designed for quick-draw, the slight curve and intricate grip allowed the user prefect grip and motion during quick-draw.

"I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!!!" Kisuke bellowed from the doorway in an over dramatic way, tears beginning to stream from his eyes. "I'VE BEEN REPLACED!"

"No! Kisuke it's just..."

"Oh woe is me!" Kisuke wailed as he fell to his knees and began to sob uncontrollably, ignoring Naruto's attempt at an explanation.


"To be used and thrown away like a soggy tissue!"

"KISUKE!" Naruto bellowed finally snapping Kisuke from his overly dramatic sorrow. "I'm not replacing you! The sword means that I can fight while both you and Kurama are materialised, that's all!"

"Really?" Kisuke sniffled.

"Really really!"

"So I'm still your favourite sword?"

"My first, my favourite and the best!"

"Oh Naruto!" Kisuke began crying with tears of joy as he barrelled into Naruto, knocking him to the ground as Kisuke hugged him. "I promise I'll be the best sword a sword could be!"

'This is your life Sasuke Uchiha!' Sasuke groaned inwardly to himself.


Sasuke and Kisuke were busy preparing dinner while Naruto was in the dojo practising with his new sword. He gripped the hilt and lowered himself into his quick-draw stance and unleashed a powerful strike on the straw mannequin in front of him. The blade sliced through the mannequin so cleanly that Naruto barely felt any resistance, a faint hum emanated from the blade with the strike, almost like the very air itself was crying out in pain.

"This is so awesome!"

"Having fun?" Kurama asked as he sauntered into the room, his three tails waving behind him.

"Yeah! It's an awesome sword!"

"Iruka and Kakashi have arrived."

"Thanks for letting me know!" Naruto grinned.

"Don't think I did it for you, I just want peace and quiet, when you go to see them this will be the best place to get that." Kurama said coldly as he walked past Naruto to the far end of the room. Naruto smiled to himself, he knew that Kurama was trying to act distant and that slowly but surely Kurama was beginning to warm up to his new life, he was just being stubborn.

"Okay then, later!" Naruto waved as he sprinted from the room.


"Iruka, Kakakashi!" Sasuke smiled as he opened the front door to welcome them. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas Sasuke!" Iruka grinned as he held out a neatly wrapped box.

"Come on in." Sasuke smiled as he graciously took the box and stepped aside allowing them entry. The walked in and Sasuke escorted them through to the kitchen where they were assaulted by the tantilising smells of a full turkey dinner cooking. "Dinner should be ready in an hour or so."

"Smells great in here!" Kakashi commented.

"Merry Christmas gentlemen!" Kisuke waved from across the room before returning his attention to preparing various vegetables for the meal.

"I still find it a little weird when I think that he's actually a sword." Iruka whispered to Sasuke.

"You're not the only one." Sasuke whispered back as Kakashi walked over to the sword spirit who was clad in his regular black leather attire but wore a pink frilly apron rather than his red leather trench-coat.

"How are you doing Kisuke?" Kakashi asked with a smile.

"Oh I'm doing great! I love Christmas! The food, the presents! Santa! What's no to love?" Kisuke waved his arms round dramatically, showing his enthusiasm before returning to slicing up parsnips for cooking with expertise that you would expect from a sword master with the knife he held.

"That's nice." Kakashi grinned, enjoying Kisuke's child like enthusiasm for the holiday, he reminded him a bit of Naruto.

"Iruka-sensei! Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto yelled as he ran into the room and hugged Iruka in a welcoming hug.

"Merry Christmas Naruto!"

"This is awesome! Best Christmas ever!" Naruto grinned, his infectious smile making every one else in the room smile.

Soon they were all sitting round the table, the table filled with excessive amounts of food and drink, everyone wearing party hats and reeling of the poor jokes from their crackers. Naruto and Sasuke on one side of the table sitting opposite from Iruka and Kakashi, Kisuke and Kurama sitting at either end of the table, Kisuke sharpening the knife in readiness to carve into the perfectly cooked bird in front of him.

After gorging themselves on the delicious food, they all spent the evening chatting and playing various games to wile away the hours, except Kurama who refused to join and spent the time pretending to sleep. As time wore on it got late and Iruka and Kakashi decided to make their way home, leaving Naruto and Sasuke alone, Kisuke having passed out on the couch in food coma.

"That was the best Christmas ever!" Naruto grinned, for the first time he had a family to spend the holiday with.

"Well, I know a way to make it even better!" Sasuke smiled.

"What's that then?" Naruto asked curiously. Sasuke wrapped his arms round his waist and leant in and kissed him, Naruto responded and kissed him back, both of them kissing for a few long minutes until the had to part for breath, both of them breathless as the stood with their foreheads pressed against each others. "Wow!"

"How about you make up for that present now then?" Sasuke asked with a lustful smile.

"You're so on!" Naruto exclaimed as he dragged Sasuke to the bedroom by his collar.

A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 53 (Epilogue)

**Epilogue** Naruto roused from his sleep feeling perfectly rested, his eyes blinking open to the dimly lit room, but it wasn't his room but he was perfectly familiar with it. He felt the comforting warmth from the body under him, his head nestled in...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 52 (Inner Demons)

**Inner Demons - Part 10** Sasuke looked on as Naruto sat in his living room, still trapped in the form of the Kyuubi, crying his heart out. Sasuke could only imagine what was going through his mind, the fear and the worry that he felt about his...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 51 (Inner Demons)

**Inner Demons - Part 9** Sasuke looked past Kisame and Karabe to the giant, two-headed, white wolf that was Kiba and Akamaru. Sasuke smirked and could tell that Kiba was thinking the same thing as he was; What the hell happened to you? Sasuke drew...

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