Virgin Studies!:Chapter 2: School Dayz(Grey's P.O.V.)

Story by Kiruru on SoFurry

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#2 of Virgin Studies

"Man school's going to be annoying today" I said as I walked into the front door of the school, it was only about 7:30 so I still had some time to kick around before classes started. I decided to walk around the school for a bit. As I walked into the cafeteria, I was greeted by some of my enemies... If you can really call them that.

"Hey look it's Grey, Cory this maybe be your chance to get even with him after what he did to your girlfriend." said Phil to Cory as he sat back on the cafeteria seat. Cory looked at me with fury in his eyes, he ran towards me screaming about something I couldn't understand. He punched at me, as quick and as fast as he could, I dodge his fists, and with his last punch I grabbed his hand and flipped him on his ass.

" God your such an asshole Grey!" he screamed at me " Dude really why are you so mad at me?" I said with some annoyance, he looked at me with white hot intensity " it was for what you did to my girlfriend you jerk!" His girlfriend.... What the hell did I do to his gir-. Then it hit me, I showed her respect, I taught her that she didn't have to put up with his crap, I couldn't stand how he constantly berated her and made her seem so worthless.

I remember now, I stepped in while he was saying something about her and told her how much of a jerk he was, she left him, guess he still hasn't forgiven me. I walked away from a still pissed Cory, It wasn't quite time for school to start, and I was starting to think about not evening going to class at all.

I sighed staring to get bored, so I headed to the roof of the school, my usual old haunt, I watched the clouds go by, it was still morning, and the sun was still trying to peek its head through the clouds, I lay on the ground, slowly closing my eyes, letting the cool breeze, and sweet silence take me, but while I was relaxing I didn't hear the roof door slowly creek open.

I yawned lazily and opened my eyes, to see a shy looking mouse girl with glasses, her white dress flowed elegantly in the morning breeze, she looked like a angel in the sunlight. I looked closely at her, it was Cory's ex. "What could possibly want" I wondered. She slowly walked towards me, I don't know why but she had this look about her, that I couldn't put my finger on.

I stood up with my eyebrow raised, she was quite flushed, her cheek had a light pink tint, maybe she was sick? " Uhh...hi Sasha" I said looking into her ice blue eyes, she looked to the ground, then looked back at me.

"I-I wanted to thank you...for showing me the truth about Cory..." I turned and laid back onto the ground.

" Oh it was nothing, I can't stand jerks like that, demeaning women to make himself look better" I said getting back into my comfortable position, I long abandoned my notion to go to class today, so I was just gonna skip anyway.

I noticed that Sasha still hadn't left yet, and she was standing over me.

"Sasha wh-" Sasha, to my surprise laid right on top of me and kissed me, I was shocked, but strangely, it felt right. I kissed her back, my arms slowly wrapping around her, and pulled her closer to me, I broke our kiss to bite her neck, she moaned softly, her moan is so cute, she even squeaked when my tongue touched the same sensitive spot.

I slide the straps of her dress down her slender shoulders to give me more access her body, what is this girl doing to me? I never felt like this, all my senses of reasoning were clouded, all I could see was her. My tongue made a path to her collar bone, slowly swirling my tongue around it.

"Mmm...Stop...that tickles" she playfully pleaded, I was still under her, but I think it was about time I changed that.

I flipped her on her back, to her surprise, when I did she gasped out of shock, but all I could do smile at the gasp, I began to unclip her bra and pull it off, her blush grew wider as I wrapped my lips around her left nipple, while my hand massaged her right breast, she wriggled and moaned under my touch.

Her hands went to my ears gently stroking them, making me moan myself, somehow she knew all the right buttons to press today, she pulled my her away from her breasts and gently pushed me onto my back. She lifted my shirt over my head, discarding it next to us.

Our lips met again,the skin to skin contact made this all the sweeter, her hands slowly traveled down from my chest to my belt, slowly she loosened it and pulled it off making my pants go slack, her hands then went from my waist to into my pants, her fingers gliding over my silk boxers and my male hood, which was growing with her every touch, How does she turn me on so much?

I thought it couldn't get any better then it was now, I wasn't going to be a virgin anymore! Or so I thought... when the moment was getting hot, I stopped her hand.

" Wh-" I tried to question but I cut her off.

"Shhh... I hear someone coming..." I picked her and our clothes up off of the ground, and took her to a deeply shaded part of the roof where no one could see us.

The person, or should I say persons the came up to the roof were, who else but Phil and damn Cory, My happiness and pleasure started to lower as me usually amount of hatred and anger started to come back, those assholes ruined everything!

"Dude Phil I'm telling you, I could heard moaning coming from up here" Cory said looking around for some scenes of activity

"Yea, yea what ever lets just go..." Phil shot back.

They began to walk back down stairs until Cory stopped and turned back around, his badger nose started to pick up something,something that arced his brow.

"Damnit! Sasha's scent!" I thought to myself with a look of shock, where we laid was covered in it, and now he was picking it up.

" Dude Cory what's up?" Phil said, then Cory's head turned to the shadowed part of the roof.

"Fuck were caught!" I thought again, but with the biggest stroke of luck Cory turned back around.

" Nothin's up...lets go" they walked back down from the roof leaving me and Sasha time to get redressed.

After we got dressed we were about to go back down to the main hall of the school, before Sasha went through the door she turned and gave me one final kiss.

" Thanks for sticking up for me..." she said softly before leaving through the door. I smiled softly, she was exactly my type, wow... then I remembered something horrid...something vile...that made me shout in anger