The Dragon’s Dungeon, Chapter 1 - Ren: Abduction

Story by Torin_Otter on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dragon's Dungeon

This is the story of Ren, an otter who gets himself and his roommate kidnapped and enslaved in a cruel sex dungeon to a group of sadistic masters. The chapters will cycle between the points of view of the various slaves and masters in the dungeon and all of their kinky misadventures.

This chapter focuses on Ren's capture and his first night as a slave. Looks like it doesn't go very well for him... BONDAGE AND BOOTY SEX GALORE!

Illustration is by neoneon on FA:

Sorry if there are any formatting issues--I copied this from Google Docs and apparently that was the grandest of mistakes.

The Dragon's Dungeon Chapter 1 - Ren: Abduction by Torin Otter

"Authorities are baffled by yet another disappearance, this time hitting close to home at a West Hill University dorm. We advise viewer discretion for this upcoming segment; this content may be upsetting to some viewers."

The screen cut to a female lynx, made up for the camera, looking her best in her miniskirt and heels. Not a single bit of fur was out of place as she gave the camera a smile. It was almost hard to believe that there had even been a kidnapping at all.

"Thank you, David," the reporter said, her Hollywood expression shifting to one of perfect sorrow. "It is with great sadness and disgust that I am here on the scene of this tragic situation. Authorities estimate that, at around 2 AM last night, Raul Cordova was abducted from this dorm room, making him number four in a series of bizarre kidnappings around the West Hill area. The police have reasonable suspicion that the four cases are related, as evidenced by the culprit's trademark vandalism of his or her crime scene."

The reporter stepped aside, revealing the yellow police-taped dorm room. Everything was in tatters, clothing and destroyed books and papers everywhere. The bed had been flipped on its side, cheap stuffing coming out of the mattress, which looked as if it had been slashed open. Adorning the walls was bright red spray paint, oddly neat words spelling out "NO ONE LEAVES THE DRAGON'S DUNGEON."

"This same cryptic message was found on the crime scenes of the other three kidnappings, although done in different writing at each site. Police refuse to comment further on the situation.

"Cordova was a senior at West Hill, majoring in English. He was last seen around 1 in the morning, leaving a party at a friend's house. Fellow residents in the dorm reported no noises or odd persons in the dormitory last night, leaving authorities no leads to go on. This dorm has been shut down, but the president of the university intends to continue classes as scheduled. Coming up is an interview in which he explains this decision to--"

"Tch," Ren scoffed in annoyance as he shut off the tv. As usual, the media and police were absolutely useless. Four kidnappings? He had been watching the news after receiving the crime notice via his campus email, but the report had told him nothing new. They just wanted to thrive on the extra attention West Hill was getting. The otter sat up on the couch, putting his bowl of cereal aside to look at his laptop again.

Raul Cordova. Ren remembered the rattlesnake from a few of his journalism classes. With a twinge of guilt, he realized it was only because the reptile was quite attractive; otherwise, he wouldn't have paid him much notice. Raul never showed much motivation in class...but the otter remembered the tank tops the snake wore...and his muscles...

"Hey, Ren."

Ren jumped, looking up to see his roommate, Satch. The stallion had evidently just returned from his morning run, his shirtless body glistening with sweat. Tossing back his blond mane, he sat down next to the otter. "Whatcha looking at?"

The otter quickly moved the laptop over his rapidly swelling erection. Masculinity emanated from the horse, chestnut coat dripping beads of sweat and driving Ren's insides wild. Trying to keep his voice steady, Ren spoke. "Not much...did you hear about Raul?"

Satch frowned. "Yeah...what the fuck is happening to our town? What is this, the third guy?"

"Fourth," Ren corrected him, trying not to stare at his roommate's bare body. The stallion was brilliant--pre-med and top of his class--but he was so damned thick sometimes. Ren could have taken out his cock then and there and Satch still wouldn't have realized that his lutrine roommate lusted after him. Not that Ren was going to test that anytime soon.

"Still think you're going to solve them, then?" the horse asked, smirking.

"Tch," Ren sniffed, annoyed. "I'm not trying to SOLVE them, Satch. I just think I can do a better job than these guys can." He pointed to the TV, which showed the university's president, a stuffy-looking lion, drawling on and on about the standards of the school. "And the guys down at the Underground think so, too." The West Hill Underground was a relatively new paper, its small staff dedicated to cutting the bullshit and bringing news worth reading to the inhabitants of West Hill. Ren had been interning with them since the semester began, and he was NOT about to give up the chance of becoming a more permanent addition to their team. He knew that his series of articles on the kidnappings would impress them--the couple he had written had already been a success--but he had hit a wall. Something was fishy about the government's incompetence in solving the case, and he was going to find the big scoop.

Satch laughed. "Just messing with you. I've seen your work, remember? You can do more than better than that crap." He propped his feet up next to Ren's bare paws, the running shoes massive by comparison. "Anyway, I've got some info you might want to check out. Matt told me he saw Raul last night at the rec center, in the gym. If you wanted to go poke around tonight, before the police find out and stuff, I could plan to have a workout...y''s dangerous for a skinny otter like you to walk around at night now!"

"Awww, the smelly horse cares about his roommate!" Ren joked, lightly punching Satch in the arm. But really, he was grateful. Nobody was going to mess with them with an athletic stallion over six feet tall! "But yeah, I'll tag along tonight! Sounds like it might be worth my time!"

"Smelly, am I?" Satch said in mock scorn, giving Ren a playful punch back. The otter couldn't help but wince--Satch was a bit stronger than he was. "Well, smelly horse is taking a shower. Let's leave from here at 7, okay?"

"Got it," Ren said, watching his roommate leave the living room, trying not to stare at his tight ass. How on earth had he ended up with a friend who looked like that? He was definitely horny enough to go beat off, but he had some more research to do. He'd have a long session after the night's investigation, with a few guilty thoughts of a certain smelly horse...

******************************************* "Alright, here we are," Satch said, opening the door to the gym area of the student rec center. It was eerie how quiet the whole building was. The two of them had seen no one on campus the entire long walk from the parking garage to the center. The kidnappings definitely had people on edge, no matter how much they pretended they weren't. The horse tossed down his gym bag and sat on a weight bench. "I've got my phone here. Call if you find anything interesting, okay?"

It was cute that Satch was worried about him. It was such a shame the horse wasn't gay. Ren nodded, showing his own phone and waving as he left the silent gym.

Nobody in the halls...Ren's footsteps echoed, no matter how quiet he tried to make them. He couldn't help but admit he was a little nervous. Don't be silly, he told himself. You're perfectly safe. If only he could shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

He had been really excited about finding clues here, but as he made his way around the halls of the deserted center, he soon realized he had no idea what he was looking for. A bunch of locked doors, a wad of trash here and there: nothing. What was he even expecting? Ren paced back and forth through the hallway near the gym. For all he knew, Raul had just gone home from here and gotten kidnapped later in the evening.

Suddenly, with a loud click, everything went dark. Ren could feel his heart racing as he immediately stopped his pacing. Just a power outage. I've got the best damn luck. But was it really? Nah, he was just being paranoid. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket; he had forgotten about it in his moment of panic. Taking it out, he noticed he had a message from Satch.

"Power went out. Where r u?"

"It's out here too. I'm in the hall, near" He shined his phone on the placard on the door nearest to him "Room 217. I'll leave my phone's light on." His phone gave a little beep indicating the message sent successfully. There was still cell service... Maybe the campus was trying to save some electricity?

It didn't take long for his roommate to join him, panting and dripping with sweat, the front of his tank top soaked. "Went off right when I was doing weight training, ugh. Why's everything on this campus going to shit?"

Ren sighed. "Yeah, tonight was a waste. Let's get back home."


The two mammals' heads jerked up at the shriek that echoed in the empty hallway. "What the hell was that!?" Ren said, feeling his heart pounding in his ears.

"You don't think..." Satch trailed off.

"I dunno," Ren said, biting his lip.

"We've gotta try to help, yeah?" Satch said, but he didn't need to ask; they were already sprinting toward the source of the shouting.


Ren panted, reaching the door a few seconds after Satch. The men's locker room. The stallion pushed it open, and the two of them dashed into the dark room.

"Hang on! We're here to help!" Ren called out, shining his light in the direction of the shouts.


"It's okay! We're here! Are you okay?" the otter called again, louder. But the voice continued, not appearing to register him. What was going on?! His phone's light glinted off of something, and he bent down to pick it up.

A wireless speaker. Just an electronic playing those horrible screams over and over. "What the hell is this? Some stupid prank?" Ren asked, flipping the speaker off. Light blinded him as the room's power was restored, dazing them both. It took his eyes a few seconds to adjust.

"Ren!" came Satch's voice. The otter immediately knew something was wrong; Satch's voice had shifted from its usual laid back timbre, now noticeably disturbed.

"What is it?!" Ren didn't like this. He turned around. The stallion's finger didn't have to point--the otter's eyes immediately went to the wall.

Red spray paint. The same almost disturbingly neat writing from the dorm on the news.


"That's right," came a voice, a powerful hand grabbing Ren from behind. "You're the newest guest in The Dragon's Dungeon!" The otter's nostrils burned with chemical stink as a cloth was pressed to his face, his vision growing hazy. He could make out a big black figure--a dolphin?--and someone big and green subduing Satch. He felt he should help him, but he was just so tired...



Ren groaned as his vision slowly blinked into focus. He groggily made out some bars...some kind of prison cell...? With another groan--god, his head hurt--he reached up to rub his eyes...

Nothing. With a jolt of adrenaline, his eyes shot open. His wrists refused to move! Looking over, he realized he was strapped to some kind of cross, spreading his arms and legs in a large X shape. "Satch!" he called out, his head (thankfully, his neck wasn't shackled down) turning desperately back and forth.

"Satch! Where--Satch!" Ren's eyes found the unconscious horse, strapped to another X cross on his right. Satch's head hung forward, his mane drooping down over his face. His sleeveless exercise shirt hung downward and was still wet with sweat--Ren must not have been unconscious very long. "Satch! Wake up, Satch!" No response. Was he...? Ren could barely make out the stallion's chest, still gently expanding with his sleeping breaths. Ren breathed a sigh of relief; they were both still alive. But why chain them up like this? Was the fact that the two of them were being kept alive a bad sign? Ren shuddered. "No one leaves The Dragon's Dungeon..." he thought, remembering the spray paint at the crime scenes. This did not make him feel better. Suddenly, wanting to solve the mystery of the abductions seemed like an incredibly stupid idea. His heart pounded, feeling like it was between his ears. Rudder flicking nervously, Ren tried to take in his surroundings, desperately looking for a way to escape.

It didn't take long to find that they were completely trapped. The strong metal shackles showed no signs of budging--a few minutes of struggling only gave Ren raw wrists as a reward. And even if he had managed to free himself from the cross, the cell seemed even stronger. Heavy bars--iron, by the looks of it--and a gate that led into a small entranceway with another gate, this one with three different locks. Where were they?! The otter's breaths grew more audible...he wasn't going to panic! He wasn't going to panic. "Satch! Wake up...please..." he tried again, just as useless as before.

"Oh, he'll be a while."

Ren's head jerked toward the source of the voice. A lion stood outside of the cell, golden mane tousled about his broad shoulders. His toned chest bore a leather, studded harness, which was matched by belts around his biceps and wrists. A tuft of golden fur led down from his abdomen, growing and then disappearing into his black leather pants. "Like the outfit? I got into costume just for you, boy!"

"W-who are you?!" Ren stammered, shrinking away from the lion even though the two of them were separated by heavy iron bars.

"Ah ah ah! Show a little respect," the lion said, twitching a finger at him. Ren noticed that the feline held a briefcase in his other hand. "Introductions will come, otter," he continued, producing a set of keys and unlocking the first gate. "But first, we need to change a few things. Your master is feeling awfully underdressed in front of you, and that is simply beyond rude!"

"What?! Master?! What the hell--"

"Shh," the lion chided. Ren's mouth shut; he hadn't wanted it to, but something about the male made him feel that interrupting would be a very, very bad idea. "That's better," the lion smiled, shutting the first gate behind him and unlocking the second. "As I was saying, boy. You shouldn't be more dressed than your master! And besides," the lion shut the cell door behind him, putting his briefcase on a table. "I have a little present for you. But first, the clothes have to go." The lion pulled out a boxcutter, using a claw to push the little triangle blade out.

"No! What are you doing?!" Ren shouted, desperately trying to back away from the advancing lion. "Stop! Don't do this! Please!"

The lion shook his head, sighing. "Tsk tsk tsk. You slaves never learn. I tell you exactly what's happening and you still struggle and don't get it." He bent down and started untying Ren's sneakers, slipping them off. The otter tried to kick, struggle, anything--but all he accomplished was wiggling his socked toes at his captor. The lion's nose wrinkled, and he laughed. "Someone needs to wash his socks more! Pity for you, it really is." The lion slipped off Ren's wet ankle socks and turned them inside out, balling them. "Open wide!"

Ren clamped his mouth shut, staring at his captor defiantly.

"Need I remind you I have this?" the feline said, gently touching the boxcutter to Ren's throat. He laughed as the otter's mouth almost instantly opened as wide as it could. "That's it," he said, shoving the dirty socks into Ren's mouth. "I'll take them out once you're suitably, undressed."

"MMMMFFF!" Ren was beginning to regret his decision to put off his laundry that morning. The taste of his own foot sweat stung his senses as he gagged on the mass of cotton in his maw. Was there a single thing he did today that he wouldn't kick himself for later on?

"You're lucky I was chosen to prep you today, boy. Not to brag, but I am one of the nicest masters here," the lion said, grabbing the neck of Ren's t-shirt and slicing it open. "I know at least four others who would have flayed you alive for refusing a direct order." The shirt completely sliced down the middle, the lion grabbed and gave a yank, ripping it from Ren's body. The otter barely noticed, though. The words "masters" and "four others" rang in his mind. How many sick bastards were down here?! And what were they going to do to him?!

"And don't worry about the shirt--you won't be needing it anymore anyway," the lion laughed, popping open and unzipping Ren's shorts. Ren could only give an "MMMPPPHH!" of protest as the lion's paw brushed against the front of his groin. The lion deftly yanked the shorts down, slicing them open in no time and tossing them to the growing pile of discarded clothes on the prison floor. Ren was now stripped to his underwear, a pair of black briefs that left little to the imagination. Ren had always liked how sexy he felt wearing the tight briefs, but his enthusiasm had dwindled quite a bit since the stripping began.

The lion purred, lewdly groping the bulge in the tight underwear. "Oh, like that, do you?" he teased. Ren gave another muffled protest, face flushing crimson. As if being stripped by a stranger weren't humiliating enough, his cock was indeed stiffening. "Aw, don't be embarrassed, otterboy! I've already seen your dick. I had to measure it for your present while you were sleeping!"

"MMMMPPPPHHH!" Ren shook his head. This wasn't happening!

The lion reached inside Ren's underwear, giving his balls a squeeze before slowly inching the briefs down the otter's legs. Ren's penis stood semi-erect, to his total embarrassment.

The lion may have been a psycho, but he was true to his word; now that Ren had been stripped, the socks were removed, making him cough and gasp for air. "Now it's time for your 'Welcome to the Dungeon' present!" the lion said, opening his briefcase and taking out some sort of metal device. The device was made up of a series of rings with a little black box attached. Ren had no idea what it was, but he did not like the looks of it at all.

"What do you want from me? What are you doing?!" Ren demanded, his voice cracking slightly from his panic. Again, his captor ignored him and roughly grabbed his exposed balls, eliciting a squeak--more out of shock than pain--from the otter.

"This will be snug, just warning you, boy. But I'm sure you'll get used to it." The lion slipped the largest metal ring over Ren's balls. The otter grunted in pain at the constricting feeling, but it soon got worse. The feline began turning a little key, tightening the ring until Ren cried out in pain.

"Ah, don't worry! I've been making and using these for years. No chance of long-term damage with this model!" The otter could only moan in response, and the lion laughed, tousling the fur on Ren's head. "Now for the rest. Hold still." The lion slipped the remaining rings over Ren's cock, tightening each one until they all felt latched to his penis, squeezing and making his dick throb.

"Ahhh...Take it off...please!" Ren moaned, trying to thrust his hips forward in a useless effort to get the contraption off of his groin. Goddamn, it hurt so much! Not only did it feel like his cock and balls were being pinched all over, he still wasn't fully hard...and his body was betraying him, desperately trying to achieve a full erection that could not possibly happen. To top it off, the rings were so tight that his penis, half-hard as it was, was kept in its current state, leaving him in a horrible purgatory between flaccidity and arousal. It was an awful feeling. A thought sprang to his mind, anxiety churning in his stomach: they knew that his body was going to react this way. There was no other explanation why the lion had it specially made for him. Who were these people, these freaks? How could they know everything about him while he knew absolutely nothing about them? He let out a moan of frustration.

The lion chuckled, securing the tiny black box in place at the base of Ren's cock. The box was oddly heavy, adding to the otter's discomfort. "Almost done, boy. Then we'll have our introductions." A tiny padlock completed the complicated setup on Ren's groin, and the lion stood up. He was finished.

"Ah, that's better. Let's see if it works," the feline said, pulling out a small remote control and pressing a button. Ren screamed as he found out what the black box was for--electric current surged through his genitals, sudden, horrible, unbearable! It was over almost instantly, but Ren felt sapped of energy. His head drooped forward, much like the unconscious Satch next to him, and he let out a whimper of pain.

"Ah, it's functioning beautifully! I apologize for the pain, I really do. But your master wanted it extra painful for you. And he's the boss! So I really had no other choice." The lion's words were apologetic, but he was grinning. He pressed the button again, making Ren thrash and scream on the cross.

"Oh, how rude of me! In case you haven't figured it out--and believe me, I quite understand if you haven't--you are now a slave in The Dragon's Dungeon. Ah ah ah!" The lion held up a paw, cutting Ren off as he tried to speak. "You're going to try to protest and scream at me, maybe beg if you're the more submissive type. You can just save your breath. You'll be wasting both of our time." The lion paused, and Ren decided to follow his advice and stay silent. "There's a good otter. You will call me Master Lionel. Wasn't that funny of my parents?" Ren didn't laugh. "The way things work around here is that the slaves--that's you--all address their masters--that's me--with respect. So whenever you speak, you will put in a 'sir,' or 'master.' Understand?" Ren nodded miserably, then screamed a third time as he was shocked again.

Lionel held up the remote. "Doesn't that hurt? This will happen if you don't follow that rule. Respect for master is the foremost tenet of a slave. So I will ask again, boy. Do you understand?"

Ren gritted his teeth, glaring at the lion. "Yes...sir."

"Tsk tsk tsk," Lionel chided, shaking his head condescendingly. "Defiance doesn't suit you, otterboy. The words are not all that is important; you have to mean it as well." The lion's voice, playful thus far, suddenly took on a more serious tone.

"You are going to belong to Master Slithar after today. He is not like me; I am being very patient with you. Master Slithar demands respect, and he gets what he wants. He is the one who owns this dungeon and everyone in it. He's my boss. If you acted like this in front of him, he would have you severely punished. And to be quite honest, I am getting tired of your disrespect too. So I'm going to have to punish you," he said, returning to his briefcase and pulling out a thick leather collar. "I was trying to avoid using this, but you leave me no choice."

"No! Get away!" Ren shouted, trying to move his head out of the way as the lion descended on him with the collar. Bound as he was, it wasn't much of a struggle; Lionel easily belted the thick leather into place. Ren could feel little metal nubs on the inside, rubbing against his neck. Studs? As the collar tightened, Ren had to crane his head upward because the leather was so wide. It was really more of a sleeve than a collar. His shoulder brushed against something, and the pit of his stomach danced with fear: another black box, just like the one that was on his cock.

Lionel stepped away, busying himself with undoing the belt around his waist. He snapped it on the floor a few times with a loud echoing SMACK, the remote control still in his left hand. "Here's how this punishment is going to work, boy. You're getting ten lashes with my belt here. After each one, you are going to say 'I'm sorry for my disrespect, Master Lionel!' If I don't feel all warm and fuzzy from your apology, this is going to happen..."

Stinging, powerful shocks surged through Ren's body from the collar around his neck. At the same time, his chastity cage sent waves of electricity down his cock and balls for the third time that day. He screamed even louder this time, thrashing on the cross as his body tried to shake off the pain that refused to leave.

The shocks stopped just as quickly as before, but the pain still lingered all throughout Ren's body. He let out a groan, the grinning Lionel standing in front of him, belt at the ready. "See? You don't want us to do that more than we have to. Let's begin, shall we?"

Before Ren could respond, the leather strap hissed through the air and struck his chest with a loud SMACK. "AGGH!" Ren cried out as the belt's bite stung his skin.

"What do we say now, boy?"

Ren desperately tried to remember the line Lionel had given him to say. "I--I'm sorry, sir! I--AAAAAHHHHHH!" he screamed at the top of his lungs as the evil shocks coursed through him again.

"Tsk tsk. That will not do!" The lion suddenly seemed much, much more dangerous than before. The nonchalant way he was going about the torture made it even worse. "Let's try this again with number two!" The belt struck him right across the belly this time, the crack echoing in the cell.

"Owww! I'm sorry, Master Lionel--AAAAAARRRGGGHHH!" More shocks. Instead of getting used to them, Ren found that the shocks only got worse the more he received. It was as if the electricity was finding new areas of his body to shock, new types of pain to make him feel! His chest heaved with exhausted breaths, sweat dripping down his face and body. He flinched as Lionel spoke again.

"Now for the third lash, boy," Lionel said conversationally, as if he were speaking to Ren during a walk in the park instead of beating a tied-up slave. "I'm going to have to tell you the phrase again if you can't get it right this time. And believe me," he smiled, showing off his brilliant white teeth, "You do NOT want me to have to tell you the phrase. Three!"

CRACK! Ren squealed as this one struck his chest again, a red mark standing out under the cream-colored fur of his front. "I'm sorry for disobeying--AAAAAHHHHH MAKE IT STOP! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" the otter howled in agony, convulsing on the cross. He couldn't take much more of this! As the shocks faded, he started to break down, sobs shaking his body.

Lionel shook his head. "I am very disappointed in you, slave. This is going to have to be reported to Master Slithar, you know. I tried giving you ample chances to redeem yourself, but you misspoke one too many times."

"But Master Lionel, I couldn't remember--AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!! PLEASE! NO! NOO! AAAAHHHHH!" Ren screamed. His insides felt as if they were on fire! He couldn't hold the tears back any longer; he cried in a mix of pain, misery, and frustration. He wanted to go home, to be away from all of this!

"I'm only going to say this once: 'I'm sorry for my disrespect, Master Lionel!' Four!" The lion swung the belt at the otter's torso again, harder than before.

"I'm sorry for my disrespect, Master Lionel!"


"I'm sorry for my disrespect, Master Lionel!"


"I'M SORRY FOR MY DISRESPECT MASTER LIONEL!" Ren screamed desperately. They went well past ten, past twenty...Ren lost count by the time Lionel stopped with the lashes. The otter's chest and belly burned, bright red underneath his fur. "I'm sorry for my disrespect, M-Master Lionel..." he whimpered softly. His body was one big mass of ache, his body tingling still from the shocks, his front beyond sore, his cock still obstinately throbbing in its steel prison.

"That's better, slave," Lionel slipped the belt back on, buckling it. "Do you see now why respect is so important?"

The otter wasn't going to dare answer anything other than "Yes, sir." His voice shook.

"Unnggghhhh..." came a voice to Ren's right. Master and slave turned to see a stirring Satch, who seemed to go through the same crisis of awareness that his roommate had upon his awakening.

"Ah, he's awake! About time, too. He took quite a lot more chemicals to go down than you did, otter," Lionel said, walking leisurely to the stallion and gripping him by the chin. "I know you have plenty of questions, but I'm not the one who's prepping you for slavery. Bryce will take very good care of you, so let's not waste any breath." Satch began to protest, but Lionel pulled a large ball gag from his briefcase and shoved it in the horse's mouth, buckling it behind his head. "But I can take care of the stripping for you. You would like that, wouldn't you, otter?"

Ren felt a new sense of dread inside himself. "No...please! Not this too!"

Lionel chuckled, ignoring an "MMMPH?" from Satch. "Oh, it's okay, boy! I went through your computer. Nice selection of gay porn on there. That's why I made this for you!" The feline gave Ren's caged cock a rough tap. "Can't have you going and enjoying being a slave! Defeats the whole purpose, wouldn't you say?" Ren flushed crimson, feeling the tears well up in his eyes again. Satch was watching in disbelief. "You've got some rather vanilla interests,'ll be fun to keep things interesting with you!" Lionel laughed. Ren trembled in humiliation and fury. "You should see the candid photos he took of you, big boy!" the lion said, thumping Satch on the chest. The horse's eyes met Ren's; Ren quickly looked away.

"Let's strip you, big boy! Your roommate here has been learning a lesson for the past hour or so...I think it's time for him to get a little reward!" Lionel grabbed the boxcutter again, slicing the straps on the stallion's tank top.

Unlike Ren, Satch took the stripping in stoic silence. He glared at the lion, his teeth visibly digging into the rubber gag. Next to go were the stallion's tennis shoes and athletic socks, which Lionel sniffed after slipping off the horse's foot. "Ah, we caught you right after a workout, didn't we? Why don't you have a smell?" Satch's eyes widened as Lionel rolled up the sweaty sock, stretching the elastic as wide as it would go. Muffled protests were all that the equine could do to fight back; Lionel had no trouble forcing the sock over the horse's snout. "Such a masculine pony, isn't he?" Lionel asked Ren, chuckling once more.

Ren was too upset to speak. All he could do was glare at Lionel through the tears that rolled down his face. The feline smirked, leaving Satch alone to walk back to the otter's cross. Without a word, he picked up the shock remote and pressed the button.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH! AAHHH! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! AAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Lionel held the remote directly in the otter's face, pressing the button again. "AAAHHHHH! PLEASE! PLEEEASE! AHHHH! AAAAAHHHH!" Ren shrieked and wept, his head thumping against the wood of the cross in his panicked thrashing.

"I do grow tired of your defiance, slave. As I said earlier, it doesn't suit you," Lionel said, fiddling with the back of the cross. The sobbing otter, his shackles opened, collapsed to the floor in a defeated heap. But he wasn't even allowed that brief respite. A feline knee roughly jabbed between his shoulder blades, wrists forced behind him and handcuffed near the small of his back. Lionel grabbed him by his shock collar and forced him to his knees. "I am your master. What do I deserve from you, boy?"

Ren sniffed. "Re-respect, sir."

"That's right. Respect. And when we masters don't get the respect that we are entitled to, we are not happy. And you, little otter, are not making me a very happy master. Do you know what that means you need?"

Ren held back a sob. "I need punishment, sir..."

"Right again. And Master Slithar is going to hear about this, too. He's going to be very upset with you tonight. I gave you numerous chances to be a good slave, but you had to let your pride get in the way of it," Lionel sighed, shaking his head. "Lose that now, slave. I'm telling you this for your own good. You should listen up as well, horse.

"Your old lives are over. You now exist to please your masters. You are property. Our property. We don't care if you don't like it; it's our pleasure that matters, not yours. So when you hinder that pleasure, you'll pay for it in pain. And otterboy here has already gotten a few tastes of what pain feels like. It's about time for another taste!" Lionel held up the remote again.

"PLEASE! DON'T DO IT!" Ren desperately begged. His eyes squeezed shut as he braced his body for pain. But instead of electric shocks, the cage on his cock started to vibrate with a soft buzzing sound. Opening his eyes, he looked down at his groin, confused.

A yank on his collar distracted him. "Come on, boy. Time to finish with your friend." Lionel sounded excited...Ren did not like it at all. As he was dragged to Satch's cross, he couldn't help thrusting his hips a little bit. The vibrations were making his dick, still in that awful half-arousal, even more desperate to become fully hard.

And there he was. Kneeling in front of his roommate's groin. The otter could smell the manly and familiar scent of the stallion...goddamn, why couldn't he get hard?! Lionel grabbed Satch's gym shorts, giving them a yank and revealing the horse's jockstrap, bulging with what proved every stereotype about horses to be true. Ren blushed, trying to turn his head away, but Lionel forced it right back.

"Nuzzle his balls, slave! What's with the hesitation? You know you're loving this!" the lion ordered, laughing at the humiliated otter. "Don't make me get the remote." This simple statement certainly motivated Ren; he pressed his nose to the bulge in Satch's underwear, his body again betraying him as his cock throbbed in its cage. The odor was overpowering in the otter's nostrils, and he let out a little moan. It wasn't a good smell, by any means, but it was Satch and it aroused him...or at least, it tried to. Grunting in frustration, Ren tried to touch himself, but the handcuffs kept his paws locked behind him. The vibration in his cage was really starting to drive him crazy--he wanted the damn thing off!

A powerful paw grabbed his head and pulled it back. The other golden hand reached inside the waistband of Satch's jock, pulling it down and exposing his cock to the dungeon air.

That cock! Ren felt his jaw drop. It was...gigantic. Not even erect, and it was already bigger than himself at his hardest. His hands instinctively tried--and failed--again to grope himself. A little sound, halfway between a gasp and a moan, escaped his lips, and he felt a strong gaze on him. With a start, he realized Satch was staring at him, his eyes wide in disbelief and fear. Embarrassment jolted the otter out of his reverie. He was finally seeing Satch naked, but it was all completely wrong. Both of them in chains, a monster behind him forcing his face into the horse's had life suddenly become this?

"Since your mouth's already wide open, why not give it a few licks?" came Lionel's voice. Feeling his face heat up even more, Ren quickly shut his mouth. A part of him would have leapt at the opportunity to pleasure Satch's cock, but not now. Not with those gentle eyes of his, staring down at him, filled with fear and hurt.

Electricity surging through his body sent him to the floor screaming. When his vision cleared, a feline footpaw greeted him, the shining black claws clicking as it tapped impatiently on the concrete floor. "My, you ARE a slow learner, aren't you, slave? Back on your knees. Forget licking it; you're going to suck that cock. You're on VERY thin ice, otter. Keep in mind you might earn your boyfriend here some punishments too if you keep this up. Understand?" Lionel's voice had taken on a hint of ice. Ren shuddered.

"Yes, sir," he gulped, opening his mouth wide and clumsily taking in the flaccid length. The otter had never been with another male; with the exception of a few butt toys, he was rather inexperienced sexually. Due to its girth, Ren was having difficulty. He hesitantly sucked on the end, his tongue flicking all over the place.

"Now ain't this cute? Little slut's so pathetic." boomed a deep voice behind him. A long stream of drool kept horse cock and otter mouth connected as Ren pulled away to look at the new male.

A rhino opened the cell door, slamming it shut behind him. Even taller than Satch, the rhino was enormous. Completely naked, his chiseled body radiated absolute dominance. Ren's nostrils wrinkled at the stink of overpowering musk. When was the last time this master--Ren needed no telling that that's who the rhino was--showered? The musk was unquestionably sexual; it was as if he sweated pure testosterone.

"Ah, slaves! Meet one of your masters! This is Master Bryce. Ponyboy here gets the pleasure of being prepped for slavery by him!" Lionel laughed. Judging by Satch's panicked reaction, he didn't find the news to be much of a pleasure at all.

Bryce's giant hand, incredibly powerful, gripped the bit of the scruff of Ren's neck that wasn't covered by the collar and yanked, lifting him in the air with a submissive squeak. "Listen up, slut. That was some of the worst cocksucking I've ever seen. We all know you're a little faggot, so what's the problem? You a virgin?" he demanded. Ren whimpered, earning him a slap to the face. "When I ask you a question, you will fucking answer, you understand? Are you a virgin?"

"Y-yes, master," Ren quickly said, his voice growing higher and higher as he looked at his feet in embarrassment. His toe claws barely scraped against the dungeon floor.

The rhino grunted in annoyance, looking at Lionel. "Thought you were supposed to teach this cock sleeve some manners! Little shit needs help answering a fucking simple question!"

Lionel smiled in response. "He's a slow learner. Perhaps a quick lesson from you would help before I take him to Slithar's room?"

"Thought you'd never ask," Bryce said, dropping Ren to the floor in a whimpering heap. "On your knees, slut. I'm gonna teach you what it's like to suck a REAL cock!" Ren didn't dare disobey. "A virgin, huh?" the rhino continued, stroking his growing erection. "Wish Slithar hadn't claimed you as his own. I woulda loved to destroy a slutty virgin fag cunt like yours!" Ren couldn't help it; he let out a whimper of terror. "Oh, but don't worry," Bryce said, stroking the otter's face. Even the lightest touch from the rhino was rough. "I'll have my turn with you soon enough. Can't tell you the last time I had an otter toy to rape!" The rhino gave Ren a wide smile that showed no kindness. All the otter could do was stare at this new, cruel master in terror.

"So open your fucking mouth. Wide. Horse's got me beat in length, but I'm much thicker than he is." Bryce rubbed his cock against the otter's lips. Ren had thought that Satch, fresh with workout sweat, had smelled. It was nothing compared to Bryce's stink. The powerful sweat stung his nose, mixing with the odor of stale cum that remained from...Ren did not want to think of what. Tears welling in his eyes, he opened his mouth as wide as he could...

...and immediately gagged as the full length of rhino manhood jabbed down his throat. He desperately tried to pull away, but the huge hand grabbed the fur on the back of his head, yanking him backwards and slamming into him once again. "You've gotta get a rhythm going if you wanna please your master, slut! Like this!" Ren wasn't doing anything; it was all Bryce. The rhino pumped the otter back and forth on his hungry cock, using a combination of brutal thrusts and literally moving the otter's entire body as if it weighed nothing. His filthy balls slapped against the otter's chin, making Ren's nose explode with the stink of musk as it was grinded into Bryce's pubes with each cruel thrust. Ren wasn't sucking his master's--no! Bryce's--cock. This was a face fucking, where there was no such thing as gentleness.

His throat burned as he choked over and over again, desperately trying to keep his gag reflex down. "Yeah!" Bryce grunted in pleasure. "How's it feel to taste a REAL male?" He pulled out of the otter, leaving him coughing, sputtering, and sobbing on the floor. Mustelid drool coated the rhino's dick, which, hungry from its sampling of otter, oozed beady drops of precum.

"Alright, Bryce. Slithar's getting impatient. Time for the toy to meet its rightful owner," Lionel said, his smirking face showing no signs that Ren had just been savagely raped. If not for the obvious bulge in the lion's pants, it would've been hard to believe he had even seen it at all.

"Shame. Was just getting started," Bryce said, reaching out and grabbing the otter's collar, making him squeal unintelligibly. "Lookit you! So fucking scared!" the rhino laughed. Pain shot through Ren's groin and stomach as a chiseled rhino hand gripped his caged balls. "I'm gonna have so much fun with you, bitch!" He yanked, and Ren screamed. Bryce was going to rip off his balls!

"Hope your friend here's less of a puss than you are," the rhino taunted, mercifully letting go of Ren's sack. The otter whined in pain. "When Slithar lets me have a turn with you, you and I are gonna have lots of...quality time. But until then, I've got another slut to break..."

"MMMMFFFFFF!" Satch howled through his gag as the colossal hand smacked his heavy ballsac. It formed a fist and squeezed, making the stallion thrash around on the cross.

"Come on, boy. He'll be a while. It's time to meet Master Slithar." Ren looked up at Lionel, who clipped a leash onto his shock collar. The feline gave it a tug, Ren stumbling in his struggle to stay on his knees. "Slaves don't walk, otter. They crawl on all fours," Lionel said, kneeling behind his slave and unlocking the cuffs around the otter's wrists. "Come on, boy. Crawl behind me. Time for walkies!"

Ren sniffed, still crying at the pain and humiliation of it all. When was his nightmare going to end?! Lionel led him out the two gates of the cell, slamming them with a crash of metal-on-metal, a sound of finality that made Ren sob. It was really starting to sink in: he was a slave. He crawled behind the lion's feet like he were a pet dog. No--dogs were at least allowed to walk in front of their masters. The thought was too horrible to bear, and he wept some more. From far down the hall, back at the cell, came Satch's screams. They had to get out. Somehow.


Ren struggled, spread-eagle on the rack, thrusting his hips forward as much as he could. Free of the distractions of pain and rape, the otter fully began to appreciate his cock cage. Lionel had brought him to the torture chamber and forced him in the device with no trouble, cranking up his still-vibrating cock cage to maddening levels. How long were they going to make him wear this? He couldn't even touch himself!

Just as bad as the denied release was the fear. The room was fairly simple, the rack he was strapped to the only furnishing besides the locked cabinets that lined the walls. But what was in the cabinets? Ren had a feeling he did not want to find out. Lionel had made a point of telling him this new master was going to punish him, and punish him hard. He let out a whimper in spite of himself. What were they doing to Satch? His roommate's screams echoed in his mind, making him shudder. What was going to happen to them? Were they even in West Hill? Ren hated all the uncertainty, but he knew one thing WAS certain: they had to escape.


Ren's head jerked up and he let out a yelp. Standing in the doorway was an angry-looking dragon, his green scales glittering in the torture chamber's bright light. The otter gulped; something about the reptile's icy demeanor made him feel small and worthless, even more fearful than when he had first met Bryce. Like the rhino, the dragon was completely naked, his cock standing proudly erect. Without a word, the dragon slammed the door shut behind him. The only sounds Ren could hear were his own terrified breaths, the incessant buzzing of his cock cage, and the thud of his heartbeat in his ears. Why wasn't the dragon saying anything?! He slowly advanced toward Ren, the stony glare unblinking as it gazed upon him. It was instinct; the otter immediately knew the master was incredibly dangerous, someone he desperately needed to escape! "No! Get away!" he shouted, tugging fruitlessly against the straps around his wrists and ankles. A stinging backhand to the face quickly put an end to his struggles, and he lay, unable to look away from his new master as his face burned, eyes filling with tears. Claws dug into his scalp, yanking his head forward so that slave and master were face to face.

"You just earned yourself a beating, pup." The dragon's voice was soft, but each word carried a weight that Ren could almost physically feel. He couldn't help but whimper. "Absolutely pathetic. We're going to see whether you've learned anything so far. Who's the master who prepared you for me?"

Ren could feel his body shaking in terror. "Lionel, sir--AAAAAAAUUUGGHHH OH GOD!" he howled as fire burst in his joints, explosions of pain flaring in his arm and leg sockets. The gears and pulleys of the rack gave a rusty creak underneath him, the dragon's free hand gripping the crank handle. Sweat rolled down his nude body as he broke down, sobbing from the worst pain he had ever felt.

"MASTER Lionel, you stupid slave. And you will always call me 'master.' None of this 'sir' bullshit. I am the reason for your existence, so I deserve the proper amount of respect. Understand?" He drummed his fingers on the rack's controls, terrifyingly close...

"Yes master!" Ren cried immediately. Was he even going to live through this? How could he possibly have thought, just that morning, that he would be the one to solve the kidnappings? "I'm sorry, master! AHHHHHH! PLEASE! PLEASE STOOP! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" His limbs! The evil machine yanked them farther and farther--Ren wasn't sure how much more his body could take before he was damaged permanently.

"From this day onward, the words 'I' and 'me' are no longer part of your vocabulary. You will replace these words with names that show what you really are: slut, bitch, creative. Understand?" the dragon asked again. There was only one possible answer.

"Yes, master! Slut understands!" Ren said, the word foreign and foul on his tongue. He was ashamed, but it didn't matter; he would say whatever the dragon wanted to hear to avoid more of the horrible pain.

"Another question for you, bitch. What is my name?" the reptile demanded, his claw again gripping the rack's crank. Ren felt his stomach churn; he couldn't remember! Lionel and Bryce said it dozens of was something weird...starting with an...S...T? He let out a wail of despair, realizing he didn't know.

Knowing that the rack was going to stretch him more didn't ease the pain a single bit. The dragon wasted no time in turning the rack's controls, the clockwork groaning in unison with its victim's screams. He felt his shoulder pop, and his cries reached a new pitch. "EEAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHH! PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP! AAAEEEEEEEAAGGHHH! YOU'LL RIP THEM OFF! PLEASE!" he screamed as loudly as possible, begging for any small scrap of mercy that didn't exist anywhere in the cruel dragon.

The reptile's hands squeezed around Ren's mouth, forcing it shut. He bent over the otter until their noses touched, his amber eyes glaring and unblinking. Ren didn't dare look away. "It's Master Slithar, you pathetic slut. Don't fucking forget it again. That name is God to you. Understand?" Slithar growled, slackening his grip on Ren's face. It was obviously a cue for him to respond.

"Yes, Master Slithar! Slut understands!" Ren quickly said, desperately trying to please the dragon. "S-Slut is sorry for--"


The closing of Slithar's hands again was not necessary; Ren's mouth clamped shut at the command. The dragon hadn't raised his voice above his hissing drawl, but the weight of the order made him feel as if he had been a slave his entire life. Somehow, Ren could tell that Slithar knew this about his new slave already.

"It's time you learned a few things, boy. I own this dungeon and everything in it, and that includes you. You are no longer a person; you should never have been one in the first place. You are my slave. I know for a fact that Lionel told you this, and this is where you made your first mistake. The instant you learned I own you, you should have memorized every tiny fucking tidbit you heard about me. When you're left alone with other slaves, you are to ask them how best to serve me. When another master says something about me, you are to take it to memory, word for word. You WILL be tested. And I expect perfection when I order my slaves to do something. Since you have been nothing but disrespectful and incompetent the moment you were brought here, I'm going to be extra hard on you. I have ordered all your other masters to do the same. And judging by your performance today, you're going to be constantly punished for a very long time."

At this, Slithar gave Ren the first smile he had seen, his impossibly white fangs almost reflective in the chamber's light. A whimper of fear and misery escaped Ren's shut mouth.

"What's the matter? Do you not like the sound of all that? Because I'm going to be honest here--I very much like the sound of punishing you for the rest of your miserable life." Ren made another noise, somewhere between a whimper and a sob. Slithar let go of his slave's mouth and started feeling the otter's body, claws lightly brushing against his nipples.

"Master...why are you doing this to m--to slave?" Ren asked, having trouble keeping his voice steady. The black claws closed, pinching on his nipples and making him shout in pain. The dragon refused to let go as he responded.

"Because it pleases me. Do I need another reason? I already told you; you are now my personal toy. And toys don't have feelings--not ones that matter, anyway. This hurts, doesn't it?" Slithar asked, twisting the otter's nipples and making him scream some more. "It doesn't matter. It pleases me. And your life from here on out is going to be nothing but looking for ways to please me even more."

At this, Ren wept. The dragon was insane! "Please, master! Don't do this to me! I'll do anything! My family can give you money, however much you need! You can take my car! I promise I won't tell anyone about your dungeon! Or...or..." Ren was getting desperate. "I'm good with computers! I can do whatever you want! I'll hel--AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Ren's babbling was instantly replaced with screams, his vision becoming white as all senses turned to pain.

"You really are pathetic," Slithar hissed in disgust, holding up the shock remote. In his other hand, he held a black leather pouch with belt straps hanging from it. "I'm saving you from more punishment by doing this. Your mouth is not doing you any favors, slutboy." Ren's nostrils burned with the scent of leather as the muzzle was forced onto his face. Slithar buckled it behind his head, yanking on the straps and tightening them far past comfort. "Ahhh, that's better. I think you deserve a nice punishment for your little outburst, especially since I heard quite a few of those forbidden words." The dragon opened a drawer and pulled out something that looked like a whip, except it had dozens of short leather tendrils instead of one long one.

"It's been a long time since I've had an otter slut to play with," Slithar said, waving the flogger over Ren's chest and belly. "Little bitch was a prostitute. But even then, he wasn't anywhere near the slut you are," The flogger came to rest on Ren's caged balls, making him whimper in horrible anticipation. "Always thought it was a shame I couldn't keep him. That was before I had this dungeon built, you see. But I definitely gave him more than he thought he was getting. Did you know whores don't really care about getting paid after a few days of pain?" Ren squirmed as the claws and flogger moved down to his footpaws, tickling at his bare soles. "Heh, just like him. Looks like sensitive paws are common to slutty otters. Ever heard of bastinado, painslut?" Ren shook his head fearfully, but didn't like the sound of the word at all.

"MMMPPH!" he tried to shout as the flogger connected with the soles of his feet. Despite all the tendrils, it felt like one big block of pain on his paws. He whimpered as Slithar touched the tender spot he had just whipped, claws stroking the sensitive flesh. With Ren's body stretched to its limit, he was helpless to whatever his master wanted to do to his vulnerable feet.

"This is bastinado, you stupid otter," Slithar hissed, striking his feet again. "Where." SMACK. "I." THWACK. "Beat." SMACK. "The." CRACK. "Shit." THWACK. "Out." THWAP. "Of." SMACK. "Your." CRACK. "Paws!" CRACK! THWAP! THWACK! Ren's head, the only part of his body he could move, thrashed back and forth as his muffled howls tried to escape the muzzle on his face. Slithar grabbed the otter's footpaws, brushing his face against them and giving them a lick. This almost shocked Ren more than the whipping, his toes flexing in panic.

"Someone doesn't like it when his paws are played with, does he?"

"MMMMMMMMPPHHH!! MMMPHHHH!" Ren sobbed. He didn't like it at all! He wanted out! HE WANTED OUT!

"Hm. It's a shame, because I love playing with them." And to prove his point, the dragon stroked his slave's sore feet with his cock, smearing pre onto them. "Let's make a deal, slave. You tell me what my name is and I'll stop. Otherwise, I don't think these paws are quite as red as I want yet. So, what's your master's name, slut?"

Ren stared at the dragon, barely holding back another sob. He wasn't going to be able to say anything with the muzzle on!

"I'm waiting, slave!" Slithar growled, smacking the otter's feet with the flogger again.

"MMMPPHHHMPPHHH MMMPPPPHHH! MMPPPHHHH!" Ren desperately tried to make the words "Master Slithar" come out of his muzzled mouth, but of course it was useless.

"Oh, what's wrong? Can't talk with that thing on?" the dragon taunted, giving a couple more floggings to Ren's footpaws. "Should have thought about that before you tried all that pathetic bargaining with me. Just a little tip, otter whore," Slithar said, dropping the flogger and turning back to the cabinets. "Anyone who owns a dungeon like this will have quite a bit of money. And especially from a college student, offers of money are insulting." He turned around, a dowel rod in his hand. "Now splay your toes back and keep them there. This is going to hurt."

And hurt it did. With his paws already tender from the flogger, it wasn't long before Ren was screaming his lungs out. The thin rod stung like hell, and Slithar quickly built up an incredibly fast pace. Five...ten...twenty...Ren lost count of how many times his master whipped his poor feet. By the time it was over, he wasn't sure if he had any tears left from how much he had wept.

"There. I think slut has learned his lesson. Isn't that right?" Slithar asked, gently stroking the dowel across Ren's abused soles. Even the slightest touch sent waves of pain through his sensitive paws. The otter gave his master a miserable, desperate nod. "Good boy," Slithar said, patting him on the head. Ren flinched at the touch, shaking as the dragon unbuckled his muzzle. "Now, who's your master?"

"You are, Master Slithar!" Ren cried, hoping he sounded submissive enough. To his enormous relief, the dragon seemed sated. He opened the shackles on the rack and pushed the otter to the floor. His limbs weak, Ren's body wavered unsteadily as he got to his hands and knees.

"Crawl over here boy. I want my feet cleaned," Slithar commanded, holding up a bare foot, its pale surface black from the dungeon floor. Ren couldn't have walked anyway; his feet were too sore! He crawled to the filthy foot and, with nothing to clean it with, took the back of his forearm, using the fur on it to wipe at the dirt.

The next thing Ren knew, he was on his back on the floor, chest aching from the kick he had been dealt. The big reptilian foot pressed on his chest, its size making Ren appreciate how much bigger his master was than he. He wheezed as Slithar pressed the other musky foot to his face, standing on his abused body with all his muscular weight.

"I can't figure out if you're really this stupid or you're being a smartass. Because if you're really this stupid, which I'm starting to think you are, we're going to have more lessons like the one I just gave you tonight. It looks like pain is the only way to get through to you! Spread your fucking legs!" With a squeal of pain, Ren obeyed as fast as he could. The foot on his face grinded back and forth, forcing its stink into Ren's nose. "When I tell you to clean anything, ANYTHING, whether it's my foot, a slave's ass, the floor, or a fucking poison spill, you will take your slutty tongue and lick it up! AND KEEP THOSE LEGS SPREAD!" Ren's legs had been drifting close together again, and he spread them with a yelp. Immediately, Slithar's foot lifted from the otter's chest and stomped on his balls. Ren gave a choke, his body trying, but unable, to double up in pain. The foot on his face lifted ever so slightly. "I'm not leaving your balls alone until my foot is clean, bitch. Get licking!"

Ren didn't care that the foot was filthy, that he could taste sweat and dirt, that it was one of the most disgusting things he had ever done. None of that mattered when a powerful dragon was standing on his balls! He made an absolute slut out of himself, slurping the reptilian foot in front of him, making sloppy, desperate strokes with his tongue. His tongue even ferreted between Slithar's toes, because he had a feeling the dragon would be pleased by it. He licked as hard as he could, until none of the dirt remained, swallowing the filth he picked up--he didn't even want to think of what Slithar would do if he spat it out.

Mercifully, his master seemed pleased. The newly-cleaned foot pressed hard on his face again, but that didn't matter, because the evil foot on his balls lifted, making him moan. It came to rest on the otter's heaving chest. "How does it feel to have me stand on you? Really helps you learn your place, doesn't it?"

"Mmffff...Yesh, Meshtar Swethar..." Ren said, the foot's weight on his face making it difficult to talk.

"You make a fairly acceptable pawslut when I stomp your nuts...we'll have to remember this. I've got a lot of toys for them...your little balls can make you scream all night long if I want them to," Slithar said, climbing down from his slave, mercifully not demanding his other footclaw cleaned. The dragon grabbed a leash and clipped it on the slave's collar. "On all fours. You're coming to my bedroom."

Ren gulped. He didn't have to ask what that meant. He shakily forced himself back up and followed his master out of the torture room. Slithar was much brisker with the leash than Lionel had been, choking Ren a few times as he struggled to keep up. As before, Ren was lead down a maze of hallways. Soon, the stone floor became plush carpet, the atmosphere becoming brighter and friendlier. The doors had changed from steel with bars on the windows to beautiful hardwood. Each door had an engraved nameplate that shone in the light. Were they solid silver?! The sudden luxury put him on edge. They passed a door labeled "BRYCE," then continued quite a while before seeing "LOWEN." For the doors to be that far apart, the rooms must have been huge! Ren was just grateful for the comfortable floor to crawl on. The path branched off into three hallways, and Slithar led them down the left one, where Ren gasped.

Two life-size bronze statues of Slithar stood on either side of the double door to Slithar's room, which bore a gold nameplate instead of silver. The statues glared down at them, nudes with erect cocks whose girth matched the real thing. "Like them?" Slithar chuckled. "I find them a little gaudy, but everyone insisted I go for the extra luxury. And I did eventually find a use for them--slaves look very nice chained on those dicks. Instant entertainment. I'll have to put you up there one of these days," he laughed, opening a panel next to the door and placing his palm on the surface. Ren whimpered, looking up at the statues. His ass felt sore looking at them.

"ACCESS GRANTED," came a voice from the panel, and the doors clicked. Slithar pulled one open and yanked on the leash, forcing Ren to crawl inside.

Marble flooring greeted them, emerald carpet leading to a room on both the left and right sides of the room, as well as a marble staircase. It was beautiful. On each side of the staircase, a gargoyle was mounted in a carved section of the wall, spewing a waterfall into a small pool of water on each side. Slithar seemed to allow him to explore a bit, so he cautiously crawled to the edge of one of the pools. The water smelled refreshing, his otter instincts kicking in and enjoying the flecks of water that jumped from the waterfall to his face as they hit the pool's surface. The pool seemed very deep--as clear as the water was, Ren could not make out the bottom of it. But something He looked up and noticed a pair of shackles hanging from a pulley system on the ceiling. Looking at the other side revealed a pair above the other pool as well. The staircase's rail had a lever on each side that he hadn't noticed earlier. With a sudden surge of horror, he backed away from the water, which now seemed evil instead of calming.

"Come on, slave. It's time for bed," came Slithar's voice and a not-so-gentle tug on his leash. Ren crawled and followed his master through the door on the right. Slithar flicked on a light, revealing more marble and the largest bed Ren had ever seen. The dragon seemed not to be much for decorations, as the room was pretty sparsely furnished. It could have been a room in the fanciest of hotels save for one thing: the BDSM equipment. While a fancy hotel room would have had paintings and plants, Slithar's room had cages, whips, and chains decorating the wall like some bizarre museum. Ren had no doubt that the beautiful wooden dressers and wardrobes that sat along the walls were filled with torture equipment as well. Even the bed had a few pairs of shackles that dangled from the head and foot of the frame. Slithar led him to the foot of the bed, where there were three cages, all in a row. Ren couldn't help but wonder if all these restraints were ever occupied all at once. He shuddered at the thought. The dragon gave the smallest cage a tap.

"This is where you're going to sleep if I'm not satisfied with your performance tonight," he said. Ren whimpered. Even on his hands and knees, the otter was taller than the cage. He had no idea how he would even fit in it, but he was sure Slithar would find a way. The dragon's hands grabbed him, removing the leash as well as, surprisingly, the bulky shock collar. Suddenly, without torture to distract him, Ren realized he was incredibly horny, his cock cage still buzzing away. "Um...master? Could you, um, possibly be forgetting something?" he asked, his voice betraying how desperate he was for some release.

"Oh, yes. How silly of me. Tail up!"

Ren whimpered, knowing immediately he had made a mistake. He curled his rudder back until it touched the nape of his neck. He looked behind him in time to see Slithar descend on him with a whip. The first hit stung his ass cheeks with a loud CRACK, and he cried out, knowing to keep his tail and ass raised for the rest of the whipping. It was another punishment for daring to suggest his master had been wrong. He started crying again as the lashes rained down on him, more out of despair that his life had changed so much for the worse than out of pain.

Slithar was an expert with the whip, and it was with a rather nasty strike to the balls that the punishment finally ended. "Did I forget anything else, slut?"

"No, master! Slut was wrong!" Ren wailed as Slithar put a foot on the back of his head, keeping him crying into the floor.

"My, you've certainly been whipped quite a bit today, my little pain toy. If you didn't scream and cry like the little pussy you are, I would think that you love it." At this, Ren choked back a sob--nothing could be further from the truth! He hated the whippings! "I can arrange for you to have a nice whipping--let's say fifty lashes or so--every morning. How does that sound?"

"Please, master! Not that! Slut will be a good boy!" Ren pleaded, and he meant it. He wanted to please the dragon however he could! He didn't want to be punished!

"Then I'd better not see any more fuck ups this evening, bitch," Slithar hissed, hitting Ren again in the scrotum with his whip. "I don't want to hear about that cage again for a while. Because you're a faggy little sub, that's going to stay on. We can't have a slut's own pleasure distracting him from his masters'! We usually only let our fags cum every two weeks...but an exception needs to be made for you. I'd say once a month should be very sufficient," the dragon laughed as Ren let out a very high-pitched whine. The otter had masturbated every day for years...and now he had to hold it for a full month?! The prospect of living in permanent chastity scared him even more than the threat of torture! He was already ready to blow his load could he make it for thirty more days? The otter couldn't help but sob some more.

Slithar gave no sign of concern at his slave's misery. "What's the holdup, slut? Get on the bed," he ordered, whipping Ren in the ass again. The otter yelped and scrambled onto the huge bed, hugging his knees and curling up as he waited for his master. Slithar busied himself in a drawer for a bit, pulling out what looked like a short leash, but it had collars on both ends. As the dragon brought it closer, Ren realized that the part he thought was a leash was a small, stiff bar. Slithar wasted no time in forcing one collar around his slave's neck, the other around the tip of his rudder. As Ren tried to move his tail, he realized what the device was for; his ass was now completely and unavoidably exposed.

"Now, slave," came Slithar's soft voice, the lights in the room dimming. "Am I going to have to chain you to the bed, or are you going to be a good little slut?"

Ren's face flushed in humiliation as his master spoke to him like a dog. "Slut will be good, master..." he made himself say, refusing to meet Slithar's gaze. His heart was racing; he was not at all looking forward to what was coming.

The dragon climbed into the bed, laying backwards and stretching his arms behind him, resting his head on his palms. For the first time, Ren could fully appreciate his master's muscular body. Toned and powerful, but not overly muscled, his form glittered with deep green scales, complementing the duller, pale color of his belly and chest. Only half-erect, his cock dangled lewdly between his legs, ballsack large and heavy. The otter's nose wrinkled at the smell of musk--strong and dominant, like everything else about the dragon. Slithar's legs crossed, his foot gently stretching in the air, bony toes flexing luxuriously.

"Like what you see, bitch? Put that slutty tongue of yours to use and worship your master. You can start right here," Slithar said, pointing at his exposed armpit.

Ren couldn't help but whine miserably, but his balls still ached from the day's earlier lesson. He crawled to his master, giving the dragon's underarm a hesitant sniff. Ren had enjoyed the smell of Satch after a long workout...but Slithar was completely different. The salty musk stung his nostrils and put him on edge--it was horrible and disgusting, but still he was aroused, because of the damned vibrator on his cock! But his master was dangerous, terrifyingly so. Disgust, lust, and many sensations, all of them terrible. How had life come to this?! With a defeated sob, the otter began worshiping his master, his tongue stinging with the taste of sweat as it made long, hard strokes in the dragon's armpit. A clawed hand lightly prickled the back of his head, guiding it across the smooth chest, where Ren lapped at Slithar's nipples. He could hear the dragon's rumbling growls of pleasure, which only humiliated him even more, his cheeks burning as his licks were guided down to his master's chiseled abdomen. Although Ren felt the dragon's strong hand leave the back of his head, he kept worshiping, trying not to whimper as his licks got closer and closer to the now fully-erect cock in front of him. Hands roughly grabbed him by the ankles and yanked, dragging him awkwardly until he was on top of his master.

Ren's heart raced; he was closer than ever to Slithar's groin. He yelped as sharp claws dug into his rump and squeezed. "Nice ass you've got here, otter." Ren moaned as something wet and slimy--dragon tongue!--probed him. "Mmm!" he hissed in pleasure. "Nothing like a virgin hole right before it's ruined!" The otter squeaked, desperately trying to cover himself with his rudder, but the twin-cuff system held firm.

"What's wrong, slut?" Slithar said, smacking his slave's ass and eliciting another loud otter yelp. "You don't like the sound of me destroying your cunt?" A long claw brushed against his entrance, lightly stroking him, teasing him. Ren moaned again, his starved, buzzing cock wanting release more than anything, his mind and ass desperately wanting the dragon's violations to end.

"Aaahhh..." The gasp escaped Ren's lips as a new sensation--pleasure, horrible, unfulfilled pleasure--welled up between his legs. The dragon's tongue had begun its sampling of Ren's body again, this time roughly licking against his taint. "Master...please..." Ren begged, not even sure himself if he was pleading for physical or sexual release. A claw roughly forced itself into the otter's ass, wiggling inside and making him howl.

"I never said you could stop licking, boy!" Slithar hissed, forcing his middle finger inside the otter as well. Ren's body clenched involuntarily, and he let out one of his most submissive, pained moans yet. The clawed digits curled inside him, the mix of pain and pleasure coursing through his insides like the shocks he had been given throughout his training. "Start sucking!"

"Aaaahhh...yes, Master!" Ren opened his mouth and gave the large cock in front of him a lick, but the dragon's claw gripped the scruff of his neck.

"Not there. Here," came the growled order, and Ren's nose instantly exploded with the musk of Slithar's groin as it was guided under his master's ballsac. The otter whined in misery as he made himself open wide and, using his tongue to guide it, take one of the dragon's testicles into his mouth and suck. This apparently pleased his master greatly, as more rumbling, lustful growls filled the room. Ren felt something wet and sticky drip on his face, and realized it was the dragon's pre. He couldn't help but shudder, but still he sucked obediently, the sweaty, masculine taste almost burning on his tongue. Its work done, Slithar's hand left Ren's head and moved to his balls, yanking downward and exposing his taint for more licks. The otter gave another moan, muffled by the sac in his mouth--he wanted it all to end! He felt tears well up in his eyes again, everything he had been through that day replaying in his mind. Why was this happening to him?! Why did he deserve this?! Because it pleases me, his master's words echoed in his head. What that meant was very much beginning to sink in.

"Suck the other one now," came the next command, Ren wincing in pain as Slithar's fingers pulled out. The otter clumsily took the other ball into his maw, trying not to squirm as the dragon's tongue poked into his ass again, snaking inside him. The tongue was a lot more finessed than the fingers had been, sending jolts of pleasure through his insides as it massaged his prostate. Not that Ren could take any solace from that--pain or pleasure: both were torture with his cock cage.

Slithar continued his exploration of Ren's nether regions, licking at the base of his rudder, giving his balls and cheeks a nibble, tracing a claw around his entrance. The otter had never felt so violated in his life. But he had no choice--he had to take it all while he worshiped his master's balls. Besides a few moans and squeaks, Ren did nothing to fight against the molestation.

The licks eventually stopped, followed by a slap to his ass that made him yelp, the ball slipping from his mouth. "Up. On all fours," Slithar commanded.

"Yes, master," Ren said, his voice shaking. The bed was so large that he was able to crawl next to his master and face away from him, his ass feeling more exposed than ever.

"I knew you were a little whore," Slithar said, and Ren's reward was another cruel slap to his bottom. "Showing that ass without my needing to ask!" he laughed. Shame churned in Ren's belly and filled his face with heat. "Go on, grab those ass cheeks. Spread yourself for your master!"

His chin resting on the bed, Ren reached behind himself and gripped his cheeks, spreading them as wide as he could for the dragon. He was beyond resisting; he just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. He felt completely defeated. There was no way he could feel more humiliated.

"Since you're such a slut, let's hear you beg to be fucked, boy!"

Apparently Ren had been wrong.

The otter whimpered, trembling as he struggled to keep himself spread. "Please, master...r-rape me..."

Ren moaned as the dragon's cock--damn, it felt huge--brushed between his cheeks, teasing, making him tense up, but refusing to enter him. He let out a whine; he wanted it over with, but at the same time, he very much didn't want his virginity taken like this!

"You and I both know you can put on a better show than that, whore," Slithar said, bending over his slave, cock still resting between the otter's cheeks. Ren flinched as the dragon's face was immediately next to his, so close he could feel his master's hot breath. "I want you to convince me that you deserve your master inside you, that you want it." Slithar hissed in arousal, giving him a lick on the nose.

"But master," Ren whimpered. "I don't want it! Please!" He cried out as reptilian teeth sank into his ear.

As the bite let up, Slithar gripped Ren's muzzle in his powerful hand. His golden eyes, intense, unblinking, stared into Ren's own terrified blues. "Oh, slut doesn't want it?" The dragon's tone was very dangerous. "Since you don't want it, I'm going to make sure this the worst night of your life." With that, Slithar suddenly slammed his cock into Ren's hole, hilting it with little difficulty. The otter screamed, letting go of his ass cheeks and trying to push the dragon off of him, desperate but fruitless. Slithar let out a growl of dominance, beginning a steady, none-too-gentle rhythm that felt like fire in Ren's ass. The strong, clawed hands grabbed his wrists, pinning them to the bed and squeezing, drawing blood and making the slave howl in pain.

Ren's toys couldn't have prepared him for this. With his plugs, he was able to go at his own pace, get his own rhythm. But Slithar's dick was thicker than what he was used to, and even with the "lube" the rimming had provided, it was still too much, too fast. All he could do was scream as it felt like he was being torn apart from the inside out. The dragon seemed intent on making him hurt as much as possible, pulling out completely and thrusting back in, making Ren's shouts of pain louder and louder. The reptile's balls slapped lewdly against those of his slave with the force of the hard fucking. And that's exactly what it was. A brutal fuck. Ren had imagined his first time as a gentle mating with his lover, and this was about as far from that as it was possible to be. Tears rolled down his face as he was used like the cock sleeve he had become.

"UNGH! Nice...and tight!" Slithar let out another dominant growl, his thrusts picking up pace. "Tell me what you are, bitch! Who's your master?"

Ren gave some agonized howls, the thrusts becoming so hard he felt himself move forward in the bed. "I'M A SLUT, MASTER! YOUR SLUTTY OTTER WHORE! YOUR SEX TOY! AAAHHHHH!" Ren screamed again as the dragon bit hard into his shoulder, slamming deep inside him. Warm stickiness filled his insides, and he felt sick. Not that he had expected the cruel dragon to pull out, but the reality of having...that inside him made him feel even more like property, like he had been marked as the dragon's territory. Slithar collapsed on top of him, and they both hit the bed, basking in the dragon's afterglow.

But Slithar wouldn't even let him rest then. The horribly familiar hands reached around and grabbed his nipples, pinching and tugging and making him sob. It just reinforced how vulnerable Ren was, and how much his body now belonged to his master. He shuddered as his face was licked again, but the dragon mercifully pulled out and pushed himself off the otter.

"Roll over, fuckmeat. On your back," came Slithar's next command, as businesslike as ever. Ren whimpered and obeyed, silently pleading for the dragon to leave him alone. Slithar grabbed him by the ankles, spreading them and hoisting them upward. "Keep your legs up, bitch," he growled, and of course Ren obeyed. Claws gripped his cheeks yet again, the dragon's long tongue sampling the dripping, ruined entrance. The otter watched in surprised disgust as his master slurped at his ass, licking up the cum. Moans of mixed pleasure and pain alike came from Ren's lips, his newly-stretched ass incredibly sore and the invasive licks not helping.

Eventually, the dragon was done, and, not saying anything, he bent over his slave again, taking the otter's head in his hands. Ren's eyes widened as he suddenly realized what was happening. But there was no time to react. Slithar's lips met his, strong hands prying open his mouth.

"MMMMFFFF!" was all Ren could protest as his mouth filled with the taste of his master's cum. It was disgusting, coming from his own ass! He wanted it out! The mixture of dragon saliva and semen swirled around his mouth, his master's tongue probing, urging, mixing... The same hands that had opened his mouth now clamped it shut--it was clear that the only option was to swallow. He gagged, trying to make himself down the awful mixture while he was forced to make out with his master.

It took a few attempts, punctuated with dragon tongue punishing him with darting movements down the back of his throat, but finally the otter managed to gulp it all down. He gasped for air as the two of them separated, but still Slithar wasn't done. Grabbing the otter's ankles again, Slithar hoisted Ren forward so that his footpaws rested on each of the dragon's shoulders. He bent toward the recumbent otter, making Ren groan at the strain as his legs were pushed backwards.

"Wrap your arms around me. Now. You will not let go until I say so." Ren was confused at this new order, but he did as his master said. Now on his knees, Slithar put one hand on each side of Ren's ass, hoisting upward. The otter gasped as he was lifted into the air with seemingly little trouble, but he hugged his master tightly anyway. The awkward position made him sore, but the pain on his legs had lessened as Slithar wasn't leaning on him anymore. Something rough poked at his aching hole, making him yelp. Looking down in panic, he realized the tail had come forward between Slithar's legs and was now waiting directly underneath his exposed ass.

"No! Please! Anything but this!" Ren wailed, trying and failing again to cover himself with his bound rudder. He couldn't take anything else inside him like that! Especially not that tail, which was a lot thicker than his master's cock!

But of course Slithar had no mercy. "Oh, we're doing this, fuckmeat," he said, squeezing Ren's cheeks with his claws. "You've earned this for yourself. Remember what I told you before? This is your training. You're learning what being my slave is about. So let go of me. Now."

Ren choked back a sob. "Y-yes, master," he made himself say, letting go of the dragon, who continued to hold him precariously close to the tail.

"Good slut," Slithar cooed, again making Ren blush. "Gravity's going to be your lube tonight, boy. Be glad I already opened up your ass a bit." And with that, he let go of Ren.

"AAHHHHHHHH! PLEASE! TAKE IT OUT! TAKE IT OUT! PLEASE! MASTER! AHHHHH! AAHHHH!!" Ren shrieked, speared on almost a foot of the scaly tail. He thought his insides had felt full with the cock, but the tail was unbearable! His hands instinctively went to the bed to support himself, but Slithar grabbed his arms, keeping him in the air, his only support the tail and his footpaws on his master's shoulders. Mercifully, the tail didn't pump in and out of him, the initial pain fading to a throbbing fullness as his sphincter adjusted to the tail's girth.

"So you want it out, bitch?" Slithar hissed. The otter groaned, nodding desperately in reply. "Then bend down and suck my dick. I know otters are flexible; you can do it."

Ren did not need telling twice; the reptilian tail inside him was more than enough persuasion. The dragon let go of his hands and he immediately pressed them to the bed, curving his back and jerking his body toward the awaiting cock in front of him. Each strained movement only forced Ren deeper on the tail, something he was sure Slithar had had in mind when making the order. He cried out, feeling as if his insides were being torn apart.

The green hand grappled a handful of fur on Ren's head, helping him take the cock in his mouth, which Ren guessed was more out of impatience than any sort of mercy. The otter didn't care that the penis had just come from his own ass; he sucked it as if it were giving him nourishment and he were starving, so desperate to please his master and get the evil tail out of himself! It tasted of sweat and the familiar musk, as well as the dragon's seed, but he realized it tasted much better than Bryce's had. Was Bryce's more disgusting, or was he just so desperate to please his master that his mind simply thought it tasted better? He felt knots form in his stomach as he considered the possibility that he was coming to think of himself as his master's slave.

His thoughts were interrupted by an incredible jolt of pleasure he would get no satisfaction from; the tip of the tail inside him had curled, touching something deep in him, a sweet spot that made his vision go blurry for a moment. Almost immediately afterward, Slithar's second orgasm rushed into his mouth. Still in a daze, he wasn't ready for it, and he gagged, cum dribbling down his chin and onto his chest as he pulled away, coughing. Miraculously, Slithar didn't seem to mind; on the contrary, he seemed to enjoy seeing his slave messy with his seed. His pale green chest heaved in the afterglow, and, as promised, he slowly pulled his tail from Ren's insides.

The otter cried out as the biggest part pulled out of him, giving a long moan while the rest of the tail worked its way out of him. Slithar let Ren's legs drop, and the otter collapsed to the bed with a moan. His ass was so sore! He gingerly reached between his legs, feeling his rectum. A quick look at his fingers showed no blood. Somehow. With a whimper, he hugged his knees to his chest, just wanting to go to sleep.

"Ah ah ah," came Slithar's voice, and Ren whimpered again. "You haven't earned bed privileges, tailslut! On the floor!"

Tears streamed down the otter's face as he clumsily climbed down from the bed. "Master...please..." pleaded Ren, not even sure what it was he was begging for. Sleeping in a warm bed? A break from the pain? His chastity cage removed? The dragon patted him condescendingly on the head, leading him by the bar between his collar and rudder cuff. Ren knew what was coming as they made their way to the foot of the bed.

The cages. To Ren's dismay, but not surprise, his master chose the smallest one, opening the door. "This is your luxury suite tonight, slut! You pleased me reasonably well tonight, so I'll reward you. Would you rather be muzzled or gagged tonight?" Slithar asked, and it sounded like a legitimate question.

Ren whimpered again, not liking the sound of either. But really, the muzzle wasn't so bad, if it was like the one from earlier...and Satch had looked so uncomfortable in that ball gag. "Muzzle, master," he said, praying that this wasn't another trick or punishment. "Thank you for letting t-tailslut choose, master," he added hastily.

"Good boy. You're finally starting to learn," Slithar said, giving him another humiliating pat on the head. "Now kiss master's feet and tell him goodnight."

"Goodnight, master," Ren sniffed, pressing his lips to Slithar's footclaws, humiliated but no longer caring. The dragon pulled open a drawer, taking out the muzzle and a length of rope. Grabbing Ren by the chin, he slipped on the muzzle, securing it behind the otter's head just as it had in the torture chamber. A reptilian foot lifted and stomped on the small of the slave's back, making him fall flat on his belly. About a minute of ropework later, Ren's paws had been hogtied securely behind him, preventing all movement. Standing back to admire his work, Slithar smirked at the exhausted otter.

"I think we'll let that ass of yours rest tonight. But we still need some sort of pain, don't we, fuckmeat?" Slithar asked, chuckling at Ren's panicked head movements, shaking back and forth as he tried to shout a muffled plea. The otter definitely had had enough pain already! He whined through the leather muzzle, helpless as his master pulled out two strong-looking clips. "Butterfly clamps are perfect for a slut like you. This should keep you busy tonight." Ren could do nothing as the dragon kicked him onto his side, applying one of the clamps. New pain flared up in his left nipple, muffled whines the only sound he could make in response. The remaining clamp dangled from a chain attached to the first one, which Slithar left alone.

"It's time for bed, otter boy. I'm going to be out taking care of some business tomorrow, but I've got a busy schedule set up for you with Master Bryce!" The dragon effortlessly picked up Ren and crammed him knees-first into the tiny cage. At the sound of Bryce's name, Ren let out a miserable whine. "I'll be sure to let Master Bryce know just how much you're looking forward to it," he said, taking the nipple chain and threading it around a few bars of the cage before clipping it on the otter's free nipple. Ren's body heaved with a sob of pain as his master cruelly gave the chain a few tugs. "Welcome to your new life, slave," Slithar said, grinning, truly grinning. It terrified Ren even more than the bursts of anger had. "We're going to have lots of fun with you. Sleep well. Tomorrow is another day!"

And with that, Slithar flicked out the lights, leaving Ren in total darkness. As uncomfortable as he was, he was exhausted, and the solace of sleep soon took the new slave. As his master said, tomorrow would be a new day.

© November 2013 - Torin Otter