Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 3

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#3 of Unicorn's Destiny

Changing bodies means that everything changes, even the things you might have taken for granted.

It was the one place that Lance didn't want to be, it was the one place that rubbed his nose into what his world had become and it was the only place that he could sort out what his change meant. He stood at the edge of the sprawling estate and pulled his ears flat back to his head, flaring his nostrils delicately and snorting out the scents on the air, hating the way that they were all so strange and intense. No matter how he tried to clear his senses with a few snorts as he did his level best not to look at Emily. If he looked at her, if he turned his head, he might smell her and that would just humiliate him beyond all words. It had taken all of his strength to let her come with him to see him off, even when every time he even thought about how she smelled his body began to react. The only saving grace was the fact he hadn't had to ride in her car with her, his parents mini-van was the only thing that would fit his new body now.

<I hope I'm doing the right thing.> He heaved a sigh, trembling a little as the warm sweet scent of her started to cling to his muzzle again making him step forward. <Emily, are you sure you're alright with this? Truly.>

"You've got to figure it out, Lance." She crouched down, dropping to one knee so that his head was a bit higher than her own. "I just want us to get sorted out together and for that to happen you have to figure out who you are now and I need time. I just wish I could stay here with you."

<NO!> He almost snapped the word out, his tapered silver ears flattened down to his head before he sheepishly dipped his head down, careful not to bump her with his horn. <I don't want them to be eyeing you. You know how unicorn-.... We are.> He amended. <I was told I can have visitors and that there's a computer around here designed for use by a unicorn.>

"We'll keep in touch." She moved a hand out, her fingers almost touching him so that a tremor ran through him. He held his breath, not daring to drink in her scent as the pads of her fingers lightly touched the curve of his cheek. "I'll be back in two weeks to visit, and then we can talk more. I still have to talk to my parents, you know."

<I know.> He leaned into her touch, feeling the fingers gliding higher while a flush of heat ran through him. He was nearly shaking as he resolutely kept his breath held, ignoring the urge to shove his nose against her arm. It was almost painful denying that urge. <I'll see you in a week. Maybe you can talk to Roger while I'm here, I don't think my parents understand.>

The hand dropped away and he stepped back, shaking slightly as his loins tightened and made him well aware that the tip of his pale pink shaft was trying to push out into the open. It was almost painful stopping it, almost impossible, but it was only for long enough to step backwards and give his head a bit of a toss. When he drew in a breath it came with the strange male scent of other unicorns on the air, not his girlfriend, that was a relief. His breathing came out a bit faster as he looked up at her and then glanced back towards his parents. His father was still avoiding looking at him, a slightly uncomfortable expression on his face whenever he turned to look at his son. His mother simply look pleased, pleased that he was going to get help, pleased that he wasn't going off to college, pleased that his future had changed. Those he could handle, but his brother was positively enraged by the fact that he had been Changed. Roger had demanded to know what he'd done to ensure that he would Change, what secret he held, what trick he had used and when he couldn't answer.... Well, his little brother had refused to see him off, refused to even say goodbye.

"I'll try and talk to him." Emily promised him, trying to put on a brave face for him as he took a step back, his breathing in deep. "Be safe, alright?"

<Of course.> Lance felt a stab of worry as he watched her stand up. Would she wait for him? Truly? She would have to speak with her parents, who would no doubt feel horrified at the fact she was even considering staying with him through this.

She has to wait for me... I can't imagine my life without her. I can't imagine leading a life without her at my side and in my heart. His silvery ears fell back mournfully as he watched her step away from him. He would learn, he would conquer this new body and prove himself to her all over again. No matter what.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ulysses' estate was a strange mixture of a massive sprawling farm and an English countryside, complete with large bushes carved into sprawling labyrinths and high hedges. Every building was a single story, but were spread out so that they were some of the largest Lance had ever seen. The house itself was built with an open plan with only a few doors that sectioned off private rooms while the main entrances were sweeping arched doorways that one could walk through easily. There were no stairs, only ramps that they could go up easily and without tripping over their hooves. Ulysses, himself, was one of the oldest unicorns in the area, well over two hundred years old and his fur had gone darker at the points with his age and his horn had a faintly tarnished look to it. His beard was curled and hung down to his chest, the wisps of curling fur ran right along his chest, nearly as long as his flowing mane. Lance had never seen such an ethereal and interesting being as the stallion who walked along with his long leonine tail curling as he inspected all six new 'colts' that he was lined up with.

<I understand that, to some, this is a shocking new life and to all of you there will be adjustments that will need to be made.> Ulysses spoke in a deep resonating mind voice that made Lance twitch his ears a little bit. <You are free to leave at any time, but your new lives will take a great deal of adjustment and much of that is better seen to in the company of others of your kind. Myself, and others, will act as your mentors and help to introduce you to your new lives carefully, but there are rules here that must be followed. First and foremost is, you are not allowed to bring lovers onto our grounds, or court females while you are here.>

<But... I have a girlfriend.> Lance spoke up without thinking, his head jerked up in shock as the older stallion gave him a long look in answer to the question.

<You are young and full of new thoughts, new hormones and a body that is very different from your lovers. One issue that will be addressed will be the... care that must be taken with humans.> The stallion gave his head a short toss and snorted. <Humans gave up many things in evolution, one of them is the raw hold on their primal natures and understanding of their senses. You have heightened senses now, smell and hearing are both sharper than you have ever accessed and with those come instincts. I refuse to have my land turned into a battle ground because one of you wishes to bring a lover here that might attract others.>

<That's not fair!> Another colt spoke up with a snort, his head tossing up high.

<It is fair, if you disagree you may leave. You are young and not in control of the instincts of your own body, and I will not tolerate fighting on my land.> Ulysses shook himself out, the thickness of his mane falling backwards towards his shoulders. <For now, I want you all to get used to your bodies. We will be teaching telekinetic abilities later on when your minds are stronger. Your bodies need to be exercised. The Change gave you a certain amount of muscle definition, but you will need to build up more. Every evening you will do two laps around the estate at a canter, and later on at a run. Dinner will be served at seven and you will be expected to be on time. We will have others come from around the area to talk with you and help you, as well as a Professor that will work at job placement and assigning classes. For today, one of my harem will take you about the estate and allow you to get to know the area, feel free to talk among yourselves. Tomorrow we will begin educating you in our rich and varied history.>

The stallion gave his head a little dip to one side where an older gentleman was standing a discreet distance away. Lance felt a moment of shock at the familiar face that turned towards them. Though he had only seen the man through the haze of panic and denial, it was hard to forget anyone that had come so close to him the day his world had changed along with his body. It was the man that had cut him out of his clothes, but now he was dressed in a rather stiff looking white shirt and tie and a long overcoat. His hair was grey along his ears and the side of his head, dark at the top and gelled into stiff stylish looking spikes. Lance flicked his ears back a bit in shock, a member of Ulysses' harem? He felt a moment of confusion as his ears tinged red in understanding, he had always assumed that those Changed would be straight, but apparently that wasn't the case.

"You can call me Jon. Come along, now. I'll take you down to the lower building where you'll be staying, it's the newest building of the lot." Jon offered a smile and gestured, his head tilted to one side as two of the other newly Changed stallions stepped forward.

<I really don't get why we can't invite people here.> One of the colt's gave him a look, the blue eyes glancing nervously. <I have a girlfriend too, I was hoping she'd visit me here.>

Jon began to lead the colts away and Lance had to follow, but the other youngster kept close to him as if sensing a kindred spirit. He was a bit paler than himself, almost an alabaster instead of boasting the silvery hue that Lance had. He also looked a little less than pleased at being here, a fact that endeared him to Lance as they started down to the path at an easy walk.

<How did she take your change?> Lance glanced over at him and belatedly ducked his head. <I'm Lance, I'm from just south of Chicago from a little town you've probably not heard of.>

<Ben. I'm Ben. I'm from Whitewater.> Ben lifted his head up, his ears pricking up higher on his head. <She is excited, I guess, at least that's what my Mother said. I haven't talked to her yet, I don't want to weird her out.>

<Did you... want to change?> He asked awkwardly, trying to keep up with the other four who seemed perfectly happy to look around the sprawling estate. <Everyone else seems to be at ease and happy, I'm wondering if I was the only one.>

<I didn't really plan it like some.> Ben gave him a look and then tried to shrug, the automatic movement made him stumble and nearly fell down over his cloven hooves before he got them beneath him again. <I'm not really sure how I feel about it. Makes me wish I'd done something a bit more special with Lisa last night, if I'd known it was my last day with hands I would have done a lot more than just a quickie.>

<She's not a virgin?> One of the other colt's spoke up with his ears going up high. <Dude, bad on you! That's gonna suck when she finds out.>

<Finds out what?> Ben whipped around as Jon paused and gave the interrupting colt a look.

<Well it's not like you'll want her now. She's going to reek like every human that ever banged her.> The colt continued on as if he had absolutely no tack at all. <Time to move up in the world, you'll have plenty of choices you know.>

"That is enough of that!" Jon snapped out, making the colt fold his ears back and step back a few paces, flaring his nostrils. "This isn't the time or place to discuss such things. You will have plenty of time later."

The amiable talks stopped completely, they turned into awkward silence as they continued on and Lance glanced at his new friend. The other unicorn had a stunned look, his head lowered down and his ears were pinned down flat to his head. Lance couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the lad. Everyone knew that unicorns were drawn to virgins, but in the last two days he had learned that they couldn't abide women that had already been taken by another man. If she were taken by a unicorn they could be tolerated, but once they had been claimed by a male of their own species it made it nearly impossible to desire them. There was something about the reek of another male on them made a unicorn feel nothing more than a sisterly affection, no matter how close they were. The reason had to do with procreation, a woman that was no longer a virgin could no longer be bred successfully. For whatever reason, she was no long viable and able to accept a unicorn's seed to carry their young.

Hell, some unicorns wouldn't even tolerate the scent of a woman that had ever been with a human at all. Others were alright with it if they had lost their virginity to one of their kind, but it was rarer for that to be the case. Their species was hard wired to spread their seed, to have offspring, a fact that made him uncomfortable when he realized that it was likely he would be driven to take on more than one female. The ones that Changed were rare enough that they had to be prolific to assure that their kind would continue, that was why so many boasted harems of females instead of just a single mate. Something he was sure that Emily would not tolerate. But better to have that problem than to face his new friend's problem. Ben was going to lose his girlfriend, no matter how he tried, he was going to lose her.

At least that's still going for me... He lowered his ears a little and moved in closer to Ben, glancing at the blank expression on the lad's face. I hope that it works out for him, I can't imagine if Emily wasn't a virgin. What would I do?

They continued on with the tour in silence, Lance's thoughts lingered on his own future and what it meant.

~ ~ * ~ ~

That night, Lance found himself sleeping in a barrack's style housing situation that was lined with soft thick pillows perfect for a unicorn to sleep on. There were small screens to either side to give a hint of privacy, but he wasn't completely cut off from the rest of the young stallions that stayed here. Ulysses had explained it was because they would want to be near each other, they needed to cultivate a sense of their selves and would crave the company. He had doubted it, but he couldn't deny that it felt reassuring the smell and hear the sound of other unicorns around him. It had felt a bit like home as he picked out a 'bed' to claim as his own across from the rowdy young stallions. Then again, he had grown up sharing a room with his younger brother, perhaps that was what made him comfortable enough to lie down and pass out. He slipped into dreams, comfortable in the soft feather lined pillows and exhausted from a day of going around the estate and situated close to Ben's set of pillows.

His dreams were fogged over and strange, in a place where his body shifted back and forth constantly. One moment he walked on two legs and was human again, confident and able to hold hands with his girlfriend as they walked through a forest laughing and bumping hips together. And in another moment he was on all fours with her horrified face watching him as he tried to walk on two legs, despite his best efforts. Always it went back and forth, flashes of his memories of being with her, knowing the touch of her skin, the way that she leaned in to kiss him and pressed her lips against his own, but again it came with a flash and a change. His thick soft lips were pushed against her, equine lips against her human ones, and her scent changed to that sweet erotic scent again that made his stomach tense up. She held him still, wrapping her arms around his back and pulled him in close. He stood on his hind legs, staring into her face while his sagging pink sheath spread open to reveal his cock so it bumped against her.

Her scent was thicker, heavier, growing in the air until he was sucking it down his lips curled back along the line of his muzzle. She let him go, sliding her fingers along his legs as the scene changed and suddenly they were standing in the park, but this time no one was around and she was nude. The scent of her was flooding him, making his cock drop lower beneath him as he drank in the sight of her. He dropped his nose towards her breasts, his tongue swept over them, sliding towards the apex of her nipples while his cock tip drooled wet precum towards the ground. The fingers moved towards his legs and she blushed prettily as he nipped her soft nipple lightly, her breath spilled out in a hot rush of humid breath. Her hands grazed over him, her eyes lidded with pleasure as his nose dropped down lower and her hand reached beneath him, ran towards the line of his sheath and hanging swollen shaft. She didn't look scared or horrified, she wanted him, until the fingers brushed against his inhuman cock and he froze. She jerked back, eyes wide as she stared at him and his cock slapped against his belly with a wet clapping sound, ignoring his humiliation.

"No! Not like this!" The dream Emily cried out in protest and pulled away from him. "I didn't want this!"

Lance woke up with a shudder from the nightmare of his beloved Emily's horrified and disgusted face, trembling, the words ringing in his ears as he panted shallowly. He shifted slightly on the pillows, stretching his forelegs out, but when he started to roll he had to stop as his cock was pinched awkwardly beneath his belly. He'd dropped in his sleep, half hard from the erotic dream that had ended so horribly. His ears pinned down flat to his head while he tried to clear his mind, ignoring the ache of his loins as he tried to forget that arousal. Just as he had the other times, it was almost painful, but he managed it as he cleared his head and became more awake. His heart throbbed steadily as he became aware of other sounds in the barracks, soft wet sounds that made his ears twitch up and he turned his head about blearily, who would be awake.

Lance froze as his eyes flicked across the room and the sound that caught his ears. It took him a moment to focus in the darkness, but the moment he did his ears went back flat to his head. One of the colts was standing up on all fours, his legs splayed open wide to keep himself up, but beneath him was another one of the Changed stallions. The young male was kneeling awkwardly on his forelegs, his head tilted higher up in the air so that the soft white mouth was wrapped around the pink swollen flesh. The large muzzle was spread open wide, the soft thick lips clutching as the slender head leaned forward while the throat started to bob as he was swallowing. There was a low snort and groan as the unicorn's hips rolled forward, pushing into the maw eagerly, lewdly showing himself off as the stallion let out a groan.

Lance didn't know what to say, he just gaped as he noticed the one kneeling was showing every last inch of shaft hanging down beneath his belly. The tip was drooling something slick and silvery towards the pillows as it tensed and slapped upwards. For the first time, he got a very good look at what a unicorn possessed hard and aroused. Looking at his own had been awkward, but now he could see the firm stiff line that looked nothing like a human shaft. The head was flatter and broader, the edges lifted up slightly while the thick cannon of flesh was smooth all the way down to a ridge of flesh about halfway up the spire. Just behind it, the flesh grew thicker and heavier all the way up between the hind legs. It was swinging up, slapping while the stallion moved his head up higher in the air and pushed more of the thick shaft into his throat.

The standing stallion didn't even look at him as the hips quivered and jerked forwards, thrusting harder to force the other male's muzzle all the way up towards the too thick base. Wetness was oozing out around the corners of the soft thick lips, spilling down along the chin as he let out a choked noise when the standing unicorn gave a harder thrust. He pulled his head backwards, inch after slimy inch of shaft running from his lips while he swallowed and suckled hotly. The nostrils were flaring wide as he seemed to be trying to catch his breath under the assault of shallow rapid thrusts. They didn't even care they could be seen, there was no attempt to hide it, they were flaunting their game until Lance's cheeks burned a hot deep red and his ears flattened down on his head. He turned his head away and tried to ignore the hot wet noises that continued to come from across the room.

His shaft was still awkwardly dropped, the first six inches swayed back and forth as he moved and turned about. He dragged his tip across the soft pillows and it gave him a shudder of pleasure that made his hips tense up. The scent of sex was on the air, he'd never really thought about such a thing having a scent, but now it did. A strange musk that filled his nose as he tried to tuck his head down to rest against the pillows to block it, embarrassment making the heat rush along the edges of his muzzle and cheeks. What sort of people would behave this way? Couldn't they have at least gone to the bathroom if they decided they wanted to play with each other?! He burrowed his nose down, trying his best to ignore them, but he wasn't the only one. He heard Ben shifting about before his horn was used to slide the curtain partially open.

<They've been doing it for about an hour now.> He 'spoke' in a quiet mental voice, barely more than a whisper. <The first round woke me up.>

<Do they have to do it here?> Lance couldn't stop the disgust and embarrassment leaking over as there was a short whickering groan that came from across the room.

<Doors lock at night to make sure we don't make a try at Ulysses' harem.> Ben answered and barely glanced across the room, his ears splayed to either side. <I guess they just wanted to give in early rather than later.>

<Gave in?> Lance lifted his head, catching sight a flash of movement from across the room, he didn't want to look, but his eyes still slid there to where the stallion on his knees was using his tongue to lick around the swelling tip. It was larger, far larger than it had been.

<To get relief, or else they're just not ashamed to have to look at one of the other guys to get off.> Ben crinkled up his velvety soft muzzle. <I don't think I could, I'll just find a quiet time to use the post.>

<Post?> Lance felt even more confused, it was like his fellow unicorn was saying something in a foreign language. <What post?>

<You know, the mounting post..> He tossed his head a little towards the doorway. <We're supposed to use it to get accustomed to our size and shape now, and well... It's not like we can really do anything to get off ourselves. I just don't think I could do anything with another guy.>

<What... Masturbate?!> Lance flattened his ears and crinkled his lips up in disgust. "On a post? Like a fence post?>

<No... it's just like a barrel with a sleeve in it. It's supposed to help us learn control, but it's right out in public. That's why some just do things with each other, at least in here most of us are sleeping or ignoring. Not in front of the whole harem.> Ben shivered and then lifted his head, looking to one side at the way Lance gaped at him. <Just think about it, you can't do anything about your arousal, and I guess we'll get worked up easier. And what are you going to do? Just guess with your first human, we're just not... well.. We're not sized right anymore, we're supposed to explore.>

<I don't want to explore!> Lance glanced towards the two stallions, shuddering a little at the way the standing one was humping harder, jerking his hips forward while the head lowered and he was letting out short groans. <And I'm not gay.>

<You have too.> Ben gave a look, almost a miserable one. <Talk to Ulysses, he was the one that talked to me before everyone arrived. There are horror stories of what stallions have done to human women not knowing how large they really are. And... haven't you gotten aroused yet? It's... kinda painful after a while to not be able to get off. They're just pairing off early, probably easier to make a friend to get relief than going to that post.>

<I guess...> Lance kept his ears back and shifted on the pillows, trying to block out the wet noises that kept coming from across the room. <It can't be that bad, how hard is it to just not get off?>

He mostly meant the last for himself as he tried to ignore the thickened inches of his own shaft, this was beyond depraved. He didn't need to be taught how to be careful, he could manage it on his own, he wasn't that far gone after all. He curled himself up uncomfortably, trying to keep his eyes away from the colts enjoying themselves, even after there was the sound of something wet and a gasping noise from across the way. He didn't want to know or see what had happened, he just wanted to sleep. He closed his eyes tightly and struggled to find himself in sleep, but it was to the sound of enjoyment happening all over again as obviously the stallion that had been relieved was taking his turn being the relief. The sound of sex and equine noises sent him down to his dreams, but they were hardly restful as he fitfully began to dream of Emily once again. His body responding even in his dreams, without any way to relieve himself of that need, only the dream of touch and pleasure.