Devoted Beginnings

Story by Firus Lupinalos on SoFurry

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#1 of Devotion

Conall and Clíodhna are Irish names. I just want to clear up the pronunciation problem that I know almost everyone (except maybe some Irish people) will have and tell you that Clíodhna is pronounced KLEE-u-na.

Insert standard "must be over 18 or in some places 21 to view this material" shpiel and add the "this material contains adult content of an incestuous nature, and if that offends you then why did you even click on this title when one of the keywords is incest?"


Conall was setting a table in the back yard of the house he and his family lived in. It was a spacious area, at least as big as their house was, mostly made up of grass except for a twenty foot long, ten foot deep pool and a decent sized patio. But those things still left plenty of room for the volleyball/badminton net and anything else they wanted to do. The few trees made the yard perfect for Halloween parties.

The white male wolf was setting the table for two, using all of the classical fancy tricks one sees at a fine restaurant. He had the tablecloth, the fine china plates, the good silver, the napkin folded just so, and of course a pair of white twelve inch taper candles. He heard the timer go off in the kitchen signaling that the spaghetti noodles he had been boiling were done. He ran into the house to take the pot off the stove and pour its contents into a strainer he had waiting in the sink. When he was sure he'd gotten most of the water off, he dumped the noodles into a large bowl and check on the meatballs and sauce he had keeping warm on back burners. The sauce was nothing truly special, just some store bought spaghetti sauce to which he had added a little extra thyme. No, the secret to his night was all in the meatballs, which he had made himself. They were mostly hamburger with a little sausage mixed in, a little basil, a little mozzarella, and a pinch of chili powder and paprika. When he had made the meatballs, he had made them early so they would cool enough for him to add a secret ingredient that he would never dream of using if his parents were to join the party. On each ball, he placed a drop or two of rose water, the real thing. He didn't use enough to make his date and him do anything they didn't want to, but enough to... make them more comfortable.

When he was taking the spaghetti out to the table to serve it up, he walked by the fridge and happened to glimpse a picture of the one he was doing all this for. It was a picture of his older sister and him in the woods, sitting near a fire snuggled together asleep in a camp chair. Since they were covered by a blanket, no one could tell which of them was holding the other, and by that point his memory had stopped working because he was falling asleep. All he knew was that the smell of the woodsmoke combined with his sisters scent and presence had been like heaven. It was one of the best memories he had, and the picture was the cause for no small number of comments, most focused around how cute they were together. When he saw the picture, he stopped and stared at it, thinking of that wolfess with him in the picture, whose fur was white with just the faintest hint of grey, like diffusing smoke.

Clíodhna, Cliu to him, was everything someone like him could ask for in a big sister. She had always looked after him when he needed it, had always lent him a shoulder to cry on when he was depressed. She'd spoiled him when he was younger, giving him almost anything he asked for. She even called him "Con" because he could con her into anything. She'd always protected him when he couldn't do it himself, had always tried to make sure he never needed to. Had always given him an ear when he needed to talk, even about some of the embarrassing things a preteen goes through. Even with his fruitful imagination he couldn't imagine how his life would have been without her, that sort of situation just seemed... impossible. She'd always been in his life, had always tried to tailor her life so she could be there. Once, when he asked her why she was so good to him she had said "Because you are the most important thing in my life hun." She said it with a sly smile and a wink she knew he wouldn't understand. He had only been nine after all.

Seven years later he looked back on his relationship with her and smiled to himself. He knew now why she had winked at him. He had known for a year or two. She loved him, really loved him. But about a year before he figured that out, he realized that he loved her. He had always loved her, and always would. He knew this, because whenever he looked at her, he saw the most beautiful thing in the universe. Whenever she spoke, he couldn't not listen. Whenever she said she loved him, his heart pounded and his blood sang like a choir of seraphim angels. When he had finally figured out that she really meant it when she said she loved him, that was when he began to plot.

He had planned out this night for a whole year. He played out every scenario, thought of every little detail he could see. He created a list that he kept in a secret file on his computer that he added to whenever he thought of something new. He had bought everything he would need an item at a time, usually hidden among things when he had to get stuff from the store for dinner and such so as not to arouse suspicion. He had even arranged for their parents to be out of the house on his planned night. They had a reservation at a hotel that he had talked them into making. He had said that he wanted to just give her a special night and that he was going to wait on her every whim and fancy, which was not itself a lie. He was going to wait on her like a queen tonight. He was going to make tonight special. After all, it was her twenty-third birthday. Not in itself a specific milestone, but it was her birthday, which gave him the perfect excuse to do this as far as the parental figures were concerned.

His sister herself was waiting upstairs, since he had threatened her with an extensive tickling if she didn't wait until he called

her down. He had asked if she would dress like they were going somewhere fancy to eat, he even asked if she would wear his favorite dress for him. So she waited patiently, thinking about what exactly he might have in store for her. While she daydreamed about it, some of her more fanciful ideas causing her to smile wistfully, she stepped into the shower and made sure to thoroughly clean her fur, being meticulous about even the smallest patch. When she stepped out of the shower, she used a blow dryer to fluff up her fur and make it soft and fuller to the touch. She walked out of the bathroom and back to her own room, pausing momentarily to sniff at the air and wonder what the smell was in the air, like cooking meat and... flowers? She shrugged it off, dismissing it as a flight of fancy, and closed the door.

She padded over to her closet and took out her brother's favorite dress and examined it with a small smirk on her face. It was a slim, knee length dress of a dark indigo color, so dark it was almost black except in the brightest light. He said he loved it because it made her light brown eyes seem golden, but she knew that he really loved it because of the slit that went about three-quarters of the way up her right thigh. Hell, it was so obvious when he stared the way he did that it was a wonder their parents hadn't noticed. Or maybe they just plotted it down to his being a teenager, yeah that was probably it.

She quickly put on the dress, and quickly went over to her little dresser and mirror where she kept her extremely limited supply of what she called "cover-up products". She looked at herself and thought about her little brother; sixteen to her now twenty-three, and yet she was absolutely in love with him. She had known he was the love of her life from the first moment she visited her mother in the hospital after she gave birth to him. She had taken one look at him in their mother's arms and immediately said, "I'm going to marry him when I grow up." Their parents had laughed hysterically and thought it was just one of those crazy things that seven-year-olds will say. But she had meant it, she hadn't even known what it meant, but she knew it was true. Of course, now she knew that that wasn't actually possible, but she felt no less about the little one that had become her whole life from then on.

She sighed and started to apply a small amount of mascara to her eyelashes, making sure it didn't clump them together. She desperately wanted to tell him how much she loved him, but she was afraid it might drive him away. And knew that if their parents ever found out it would be the end of her living there, which she only did because she had recently attended a local college and hadn't yet thought about looking for her own place. So she bit her tongue, and decided that she wasn't going to say anything tonight, because he was obviously putting a lot of effort into his little surprise, and she didn't want to potentially ruin the evening. She sprayed a little perfume around her neck, hoping for once in her life that the stuff would do it's job, and make her smell attractive to her brother. She smiled to herself. Well, I only said I wouldn't bring up the issue, she thought to herself.

Following this train of thought, she pulled open a small drawer in her dresser, and reached all the way into the back. When she extricated her paw from the confining space, she held a tiny vial of clear liquid in her hands, pure pheromones. She had only ever opened the small bottle once, and that was because she desperately needed attention, and her brother couldn't help her yet. But she tried not to ever think of that night. Blocking the images from her mind, she opened the bottle and trying not to inhale the scent, place her finger on the end, tipped it over and placed the small amount just on either side of the nape of her neck. Never said I'd make it fair either, the wolfess thought. I wonder if he'll finally notice just how much I adore him. After placing the small vial back in her drawer, she sat on her bed, and started to read her latest book, waiting for her brother's call.

Conall stood next to the small table and went through his mental check list to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything important, because he had the strangest feeling that he had done just that. Let's see. Candles, check. Table and etc., check. China and silver, check. Dinner, check. Rose water on the meatballs, check. Suit, he ran his hands down his black suit and bow tie, checking to make sure he had everything in order, check. What the hell am I missing? As he thought about the rose water again it hit him. Of course, the actual roses. He went inside the kitchen to the counter and lifted the small six inch bowl with short stemmed red roses arranged so that their scent and therefore their aphrodisiacal effects could be spread by the gentle air currents over the course of dinner.

As he set the bowl between the two candles on the table, he checked the spaghetti to make sure it hadn't cooled too much, and then grabbed a match book from near the grill on the patio. He lit the candles and made sure they weren't going to gutter out before stepping back inside the house and leaping up the stairs and stopping before his beloved sister's door. He took a moment to collect his nerve and thought, Here we go. He knocked on the wooden portal and waited for her to open it.

When she finally did, he was slightly awe-struck at how she appeared. She looked like a goddess to him. The dark dress made her white fur stand out and her eyes seemed like pools of molten gold. The only thing that could complete the mental image would be if black feathery wings sprouted from her shoulder blades at that very instant. And she smelled wonderful, and very... arousing. Almost like all a field of flowers in a meadow, mixed with the crispness of a running river, and an undertone of... something else. He quickly took in the sight of her and then bowed slightly, holding out his paw to her. "Dinner, milady, is ready." She giggled and placed her paw in his and let him guide her down the stairs.

She was taken slightly aback at the effort he had put into his little birthday surprise for her. He had put together quite the... romantic little dinner for the two of them. When she first saw it all and he held out her seat for her, she quickly kissed his cheek before sitting down. When he had sat down and served up the food, with a few little flourishes he had practiced, they sat and chatted about trivial things while they ate. Nothing important, just things to fill the amiable silence they would have enjoyed anyway. When they were full and couldn't eat anymore, they stayed and chatted more, gradually scooting their chairs together until they were actually side by side. Conall tried to keep her at the table as long as possible, as he felt all the rose water doing it's job. They were relaxing more than even was usual with them, and he noticed that his sister seemed more attractive than ever she had before.

When he felt he could no longer stand it anymore, and a small lull had cropped up in their conversation he finally started to speak to her about the true reason behind his plan. He leaned over so his muzzle nearly touched her ear and whispered, "Ya know Cliu, I'm not blind."

She turned to look at him, blushing slightly. "What are you talking about?"

He smiled and placed and paw on her thigh. Her flesh thrilled at his touch. "You know what I'm talking about. I've seen the way you've looked at me, even when I was much younger. I've thought about why you've always tried to do anything you could for me. And," a mischievous twinkle lit in his eye, "I remember a certain wink you gave me when you told me I was the most important thing in your life all those years ago. Sis, you love me."

She really blushed now. Thoughts raced through her head faster than ever, Oh my god, he figured it out. Now he's going to tell mom and dad, and I'm going to get kicked out, and I'm never going to get to see him again, and... Why is his paw traveling upwards?

Conall moved his paw up towards her hip and up under her dress. As if he could read her mind he said, "And I'm not going to tell mom or dad, I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm not going to shout 'freak' and run from you or tell you never to speak to me again because," His paw reached up between her legs to find that she had neglected to wear any panties under the thin fabric of her dress, as she stiffened at his touch on her slit. "I love you too sis." He nuzzled into base of her neck and inhaled the intoxicating scent there. "I always have and I always will. I'll love you for always, unto oblivion."

Clíodhna finally unfroze from the shock of what he was doing and the pleasure of his paw enough to wrap her arms around him and nuzzle into him as well. "And I love you brother. From the moment I first ever saw you, I loved you more than just a brother. I just never thought that you would actually love me back. I dreamed and I thought about telling you-" She broke off as he placed a finger from his other paw on her muzzle.

He removed his finger and looked deep into her eyes, looking for any hesitation. When he found none, he said, "Just kiss me like you've wanted to since I was a little pup." He leaned forward then and brought their lips together. She pulled his head harder to her, and locked her muzzle with his, kissing him with the passion she'd been bottling up for sixteen years. Their lips parted and opened to one another, their tongues dancing and twisting in each other's mouths. When he broke the kiss, he smirked and said "I guess the rose water on the meat balls really worked."

She quirked her head to the side. "Rose water on the... Oh you brat." She said, laughing and swatting him on the nose. "Here I thought I wasn't playing fair, and you've gone and buttered me up with aphrodisiacs."

"Only a drop or two." He said, defending his case. "Not nearly enough to make you do anything you didn't want to." He buried his nose in the nape of her neck again. "And I knew there was something not completely right. Special new perfume?"

"Mmm, no. Pheromones." She replied with a wide grin.

"Oh, and I'm the one using aphrodisiacs. Mine's not even that potent when it's pure." He kissed her again, slowly and exploringly, before lowering his voice and saying, "Ya know, the parentals are out for the night and won't be back until tomorrow. It would be a shame to let all that time go to waste."

She shivered at the thoughts that popped into her head at his words, images she had never let herself get too worked up over but now she couldn't help but play out. "Oh gods, you don't know how long I've waited to hear you say something like that Conall. C'mon, my room, now." And with that she lifted herself off the chair, grasped his paw in her own and nearly ran through the house and up the stairs to her room in her excitement to finally be touched and loved by the one who mattered most to her.

Conall let his love lead him by the paw up the stairs and to her room. A room he anticipated he would spend a lot more time in when it was possible. He delighted in the fact that his plan had gone so smoothly. Sure he could have always just have been blunt on some night when their parents were out on a date or something, but he had wanted the moment to be special. And thus he found himself in his sister's room, embracing and kissing with an enthusiasm that would make onlookers think their world had just begun.

He slid his sister's dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. He raised his brow when he noticed his sister wasn't wearing any underwear at all. "Were you expecting me to confess undieing love to you?" He asked a little suspicious.

She murred as his paws slid through her fur. "No, actually I figured that in the best-case scenario you went crazy with lust from the pheromones. Worst-case scenario, I only had to take off my dress before I could satisfy myself." She smiled and locked her paws behind his neck. "I like this better." She kissed him, slowly, trying to impart all the love she had had to hide for so long in that one moment.

She freed herself from him and looked him up and down. "But someone I know is way over dressed." She said, removing his suit jacket and popping loose the buttons on his shirt. Taking the hint, he unbuttoned and zipped down his pants, letting them fall and reveal that he wasn't wearing any underwear either.

He grinned, "Well, I was anticipating it. And I was very sure about you, love." He stroked her cheek with the back of his paw. "I knew that the only reason you hadn't done anything yourself was because you were afraid of my reaction. I knew that once I took that doubt away, we'd be free to love each other." His grin dissolved into a smirk. "And naturally, I hoped the situation might evolve this far."

They looked each other over and examined each other as they hadn't had an opportunity to do for years. They each reveled in the sight of their loved one bared before them. Clíodhna reached a paw down to his legs and cupped his balls and growing arousal. "Actually, I thought there was one more barrier, but I find that I actually want the opposite." She put her muzzle close to his ear and whispered. "I want your seed in me brother. I want to have your pups." She held his head close to hers with her free paw when he tried to pull away. "Not now of course, I'm not even in heat yet. But eventually. No matter what anyone thinks or says, I will bear your children."

She let go of his head, and he slowly pulled back to look her straight in the eyes with a look of such love it nearly broke her heart. "Then eventually you shall have them, because there is nothing that could ever make me happier." He leaned his forehead against hers. "I could graduate early from high school no problem. You know that. We could be out of here in a matter of a month or two, without even hurting myself with a GED. I've been looking for an excuse, and now the biggest reason I could ever find is staring me in the face. I love you Cliu. I love you more than life itself." He lightly pecked her on the lips. "Enough of this heavy talk. We have a lifetime for that. Where were we?" He nuzzled the nape of her neck and drew his paws from her shoulders down the front of her body sending shivers through her flesh.

"I'd say we were just about there," She said to him. She stroked his sheathe, sliding it down his ever growing erection. She made him let go of her neck and pushed him onto the bed. She crawled up the soft surface until she was looking down on his organ. He was nearly fully stiff by now, almost eight inches. She licked her chops in anticipation of the things to come and ran her tongue along his full length, from fur to fleshy tip. The taste thrilled her. She wrapped her tongue around her brother's rod and brought her muzzle down on him, sucking gently on him. She bobbed her head on him slowly, drawing out the process to give herself the satisfaction of knowing that it was real. She used her paw to gently roll his balls around, her claws raking lightly on his skin.

The new sensations of his sister sucking him off were driving Conall crazy. He couldn't believe that this was actually happening. His plan had worked, not that there had really been a chance of true failure. But he still couldn't believe it was real. He could swear that any minute he would wake up, though if he did he at least knew that only this night was the dream, and maybe he would just be bold the next day. But he wasn't waking up and the slow loving attentions of his sister felt wonderful. He placed a paw on her head and gripped the fur there, not interfering with her pace at all.

Finally, when he was near his peak he stopped her. She looked up at him and with a wink he said, "Wouldn't want to waste the potential. You may not be in heat, but it wouldn't be unheard of."

She smiled and crawled further up the bed and kissed him, straddling his waist. "Are you sure you're ready?" She asked a little nervously.

"I've been ready for two years hun. I'm yours, body, mind, heart and soul." He replied, looking into her eyes again. "And I know you have been for even longer." He smiled. "Of course, this is all on one condition. Will you be my mate Clíodhna?"

"After all this, you should know that I will, and already consider myself so." She said, just a little disappointed.

He kissed her. "I know, I just wanted to hear you say it."

"Then," She she grabbed his member and lined it up with herself. "Let's take advantage of our time." She said, and plunged herself down onto him.

They both moaned from the pleasure of the sudden move. Conall reached up to his sister's head and brought it down on his, kissing her with a fervor. Their tongues danced as his member buried itself in it's rightful home. As they moved their mouths in sync she moved her hips up and down on his, thrusting him into her up to the hilt each time. He brought up a hand to her breast, massaging the perfect orb in his paw. His other paw found it's way to her hips, moving up and down with them.

Her hips pistoned up and down, moving slightly back and forth. He dug his claws lightly into the flesh there, creating tiny little spots of pain that drove her faster like a crop. Having already been near his peak once before, it didn't take long for his knot to swell up, signaling he was near again. Soon they were sweating from the exertion and moaning together in their passion. "Sis, I-I'm gon-gonna..." He stuttered out.

"Me too baby, me too." She told him. She leaned down to his ear and growled at him, "Fill me up love. Give me all you got." She bit down at the base of his neck.

The bite to his neck was all Conall needed to drive him over the edge. He returned the bite and howled into Clíodhna's flesh and fur as he pumped his seed into his sister's womb. The feeling of being filled by her little brother caused her orgasm to explode forth, their mixed juices trickling down their thighs as she clamped down on his knot, locking him to her.

They collapsed onto the bed and lay there basking in the warmth and closeness of the moment. She lay on top of his chest, luxuriating in the feel of his soft chest fur on her face, when a strange thought popped into her head. "Con?"

"Yeah love?" He asked as he tried to look down at her.

"How long have you been planning this night?"

He laughed lightly, low in his chest. "I think perhaps longer than I knew I had."

She sighed into him. "Then all that hard work you put in at school? The advanced classes and quick credits?"

He kissed the top of her head. "All preparations for after tonight love. But I still have a little ways to go."

"I'll wait baby. Just don't make me wait too long." She said with a mock pout.

He smiled at her. "I don't know, I don't like my writing classes, I might have to do them all again."

She scoffed at him and pounded her fist lightly against his chest with a smile. "You little twerp." She said as she continued to pound on his chest until he caught her wrists and held them close to each other. They laughed together and kissed each other. Coming from downstairs they heard the sound of the front door slamming.

They heard their father yell up the steps. "Kids, we're home. The hotel gave away our room because they filled up." They heard shuffling and footfalls up the steps.

Thinking quickly Clíodhna jumped up from the bed, turned off the lights and shoved their clothing under the bed. She climbed back into bed and said, "Face the door and pretend to be asleep." When Conall obeyed her, she cuddled up to him from behind and brought the covers past their shoulders just before her door was opened by their parents. She pretended to sleepily rub one eye and making a shushing motion to her mother. Their mother tilted her head and pointed to her nose. Clíodhna whispered to her, "We'll talk later." Their mother sighed and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Conall turned around in his sister's arms. "So much for the plan." He sighed.

"It was a good one, you couldn't have anticipated the damn hotel." She kissed him on the nose. "Go to sleep dear heart. Tomorrow, we'll have to stand for our actions."

He kissed her lovingly. "I still love you Cliu. For always unto oblivion."

"Me too Con. Me too." She yawned and they slipped into sleep, encircled in the arms of the one they loved more than anything else.