Stay Awhile

Story by Noxxycat on SoFurry

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Birthday gift for one of my best friends! FA: Jevin

"Come on, Jev! I'm practically giving you a free pass to my feet. I -know- how you love 'em." Nox grinned, flicking the slightly taller wolf's nose, earning a huff and a flustered glare from him. He leaned heavily into him, as the pair sat upon the large couch.

    "You've had those shoes on -all- day! Nnf.. No way, that's gross." Jevin mumbled, turning away and staring out of the small window of their shared dorm. At least he wouldn't have to put up with the bat's smug grin, this way. Just his effeminate and teasing voice.     "Yeah, I've been wearing these for a really long time. Ever had bat feet after a long day? Of course you haven't." Nox nudged the wolf, still grinning. When he didn't turn to face him, the oddly colored bat rolled his eyes, then stooped down and pushed a finger into his shoe, wriggling the long digit down into his converse, with his foot still in it. He wriggled his finger along the side of his foot, accumulating a nice amount of sweat and musk. Once his finger was hot and damp, he tugged it back out, reached over, and lewdly smeared his finger against Jevin's nose.     The wolf's cheeks flushed a bright shade of red, but he didn't pull away. Pleased, Nox leaned in closer and began to whisper into the lupine's ear. "Good, right? D'you want more?" The bat breathed out over Jevin's perked up ear, causing it to twitch.     "N-Nnmph.. T-that's.. Gross.." Jevin forced out, finally removing his muzzle from the bat's finger. It took a good amount of willpower to actually resist the strong scent that adhered to that finger; Jevin simply wanted to bury his nose into it, and keep breathing the strong musk in.     "Oh yeah? Well, if you're not up for a little bit of fun, I'll just go finish some homework." Nox dragged his finger along Jevin's nose again, snickering as he felt the wolf greedily inhale. After the brief tease, Nox hopped up to his feet, stretched, and began to walk off towards the bedroom.     Jevin bit his lip, a soft groan coming from within his chest. What was the harm of indulging in the bat's feet for a while? He wasn't rough, not like the norms. Plus, he was offering for the wolf to enjoy himself! The norms only wanted their feet cleaned, and didn't care if the little wolf enjoyed the grime and sweat, or not.     "Nox..?" Jevin sighed out, wriggling on the couch. Nox paused, a large ear perking up; the smug bat was probably grinning. "F-fine.. I'll do it.." He added hastily, his own ears flattening down out of embarrassment.     Nox spun around, wearing a toothy grin. "Oh, I knew you'd reconsider, you little slut. I'll stay awhile!" He

snickered, making his way back to the couch. "Alright, down boy. It's easier for me this way." The bat cheerfully chirped out, gently nudging Jevin off of the couch, and onto the rug. He took the wolf's former seat, sitting on the comfy leather, and setting his converse-clad feet onto his roommate's lap, sullying the lupine's jeans.     Jevin rolled his eyes, working on tugging Nox's worn shoes off. Those purple converse had definitely seen better days. Playfully, Nox raised a shoe up and nudged Jevin's lips with the white-gray tip. "Take your cloaker off after you get my shoes off, 'kay? Just set it nearby, and put it on when you're done." Nox hummed quietly, wriggling his long toes within his shoes.     Jevin nodded slowly, finally removing one of the bat's shoes. Before he even set it down, he could smell the strong musk coming from the bat's elongated talon-feet. Upon closer investigation, there was a thin layer of sweat, grime, and dirt, all along the white bottoms of his feet. The light color made it easier to notice the little flecks of dirt and lint.     Nox lifted his foot up and gently his heel against Jevin's nose. His sole pressed into the wolf's forehead, while his long toes curled around and pushed at the base of Jevin's skull. "Good, right?" The bat chrrled quietly, gently rubbing his damp and smooth heel against the wolf's sensitive nose, allowing it to partially sink into the sweaty flesh.     Jevin shivered and closed his eyes, breathing as much of the pungent air as he could. He could already feel his jeans 'tightening' from the excitement. He blindly groped about and managed to slide Nox's other shoe off, but this time, it didn't go to his face. It went straight for his tented crotch, where it pushed and pressed at the wolf's trapped arousal. Nox grinned, idly licking over one of his fangs. "Alright Wolfie.. Off with the cloaker. Oh, and your clothes too, we don't want to get sweat all over 'em."Jevin bit back a moan, instinctively pressing back into the bat's talon-foot. Almost as soon as he was asked, he yanked his cloaker off. This reduced the wolf to a mere two inches in height! He all but tore his clothes off, tossing his shirt to the side, along with his tiny shoes, pants, and underwear. After this was accomplished, Nox lowered a foot to either side of Jevin, and gently pressed then together, sandwiching the wolf between two soft and sweaty soles.     Jevin was (willingly!) trapped in a damp prison of hot and musky flesh. White sole surrounded him on

every side, trapping the pungent air in, and increasing the heat; it felt much like an oven, at his size. The 'walls' began to gradually move against one another, as Nox cautiously ground the little mutt between his feet; he soaked Jevin in sweat, and saturated his fur with bat musk.     He didn't need to ask the wolf if he was enjoying himself; he felt something poking into his left sole, and he knew it wasn't the lupine's muzzle, since he was already feeling it licking eagerly at the glistening surface of his foot! It was rather nice feeling his friend between his feet, much like a tiny sponge.     While the bat above was relaxing in the cool air of the dorm, Jevin was panting and heaving in the intense heat and heady musk. His little body was slick with sweat, giving him a 'freshly-showered' appearance. He kept up a steady rhythm of bucking and thrusting, pressing into the hot and soft flesh, allowing his hips to sink in partially. Nox's feet weren't exactly the softest, being a bat and all, but after a hot day in shoes, the soles of his feet gave way -just- a bit.     Nox tapped away on his phone, humming to himself, shoe simultaneously pressing and grinding his feet together, for the little wolf. It only took another thirty seconds, before he felt something sticky and hot washing over his soles, and oozing between his heels. Instead of parting his feet and exposing the wolf to the cold air, he decided it was better to let him relax between them, after such effort.     "Happy birthday, mutt." He gently teased, chuckling.

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