Ashchu and Pikachu Meet Mew

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#2 of The Adventures Of Ashchu

Disclaimer: The author is in no way affiliated with any third-party and all works are purely for fan enjoyment. All works, original characters, concept, and plot are copyright 2008 The Tinkler. This fiction was created with no intention of copyright infringement. Do not redistribute without permission.

Warning: This chapter contains a small amount of non-consensual foreplay and detailed scenes of consensual sex between three Pokémon. If you are below the age of 18 or 21 (whichever is legal age for your area of residence), I suggest you don't read this. Come back when you are able to!

Ash and Pikachu continued walking away from the cave where Ash had just transformed into a male Pikachu. They continued walking back toward the path to Pallet Town that they were on before they got sidetracked. They soon reached the path and started walking back down it toward Ash's hometown, where Ash and Pikachu had first met each other.


About thirty minutes later, Ash and Pikachu noticed something out of the corner of their eyes while they were still walking. They turned their heads and saw a pink blur flying toward them and it was about to crash into them, but they couldn't do anything about it, since they were still carrying Ash's backpack with his Pokémon in it. They stopped walking and braced themselves as best they could for the impact.

The figure crashed into them and then, they started tumbling off the path and into the forest that surrounded the area. They kept rolling until they started to slow down and eventually came to a complete stop. Ash and Pikachu got up and started rubbing their heads -- which hurt quite a bit -- from the pain of just being crashed into. They looked to see what had crashed into them and they saw a Mew in front of them. But neither of them knew that it was a Mew, since the last time they saw one, Mewtwo had erased their memories of seeing one. Mew got up off the ground and floated over to them, to make sure they were okay.

"Sorry about that. I was just flying through the air and I didn't look where I was going. Are you two okay?" she asked, rubbing the back of her head nervously.

"Yeah, we're fine," Ash replied. He looked over her small body and noticed how cute she looked: her pink skin, her long and curved tail, and her blue eyes. "I've never seen a Pokémon like you before. What exactly are you?" he asked with curiosity.

"I'm a Mew, one of the legendary Pokémon," she replied, looking at Ash and Pikachu curiously. She thought they were pretty cute for a couple of Pikachus, especially Ash with the hat and hair he still had on his head. The reason she was thinking like this was she had just gone into her heat a couple of days ago and was looking for someone to satisfy her need to mate. Even though she had just met them, she wanted one of the two Pikachus to satisfy her need, but she was keeping herself in control -- for now anyways. Trying to get her mind off of her own needs, she decided to get to know them better. "So, what are your names?"

"Well, I'm Ash and this is my buddy, Pikachu," Ash replied as he pointed to his Pikachu.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Ash and Pikachu," she said. She could feel her heat begin to affect her mind, calling out to her to get what she wanted from one of the two Pikachus. She decided to continue talking to try to get her mind off of her desires. "Ash, why do you have hair and a hat on your head? I've never seen a Pokémon with hair or wearing a hat before. Also, your eyes look different than those of a normal Pikachu."

"Well..." Ash started as he tried to figure out how to explain this as best he could, "I'm not actually a Pokémon, but a human."

"You're a human? But, how come you're a Pikachu now?" she asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion.

"We don't know exactly. We were just walking back to Ash's home, when we got sidetracked and found this cave. We decided to explore it to see what was inside. We found this stone that said it would grant a wish to a person. Ash wished he could understand me better, but after that he started turning into a Pikachu. But we couldn't reverse it, since we discovered afterward it said it would only grant one wish to a person," Pikachu explained. Mew's expression was one between that of shocked and confused.

"Wow, that's quite a tale. What are you going to do now?" she inquired, curious of their plans. She hoped that they would figure out what was wrong with her and help her with her problem, but she was still doing her best to control herself for now.

"Well, we're going to go back to my hometown, where this Pokémon professor lives. He's the one who gave me Pikachu and if anyone might know of a way to transform me back to a human, he might be able to," Ash responded. "So, we should get going now. It was certainly nice meeting you, Mew," he added, as he was about to walk off.

When Mew heard that, something in her mind snapped and her heat began to affect her full force at that moment. She wasn't about to let them go and so without a moment's hesitation, she jumped forward and grabbed onto Ash's body as she started to kiss him passionately. She was trying to stick her tongue into his mouth, but he had it closed tight.

Ash and Pikachu were shocked as Mew suddenly sprang forward and started trying to kiss Ash. They didn't know what had gotten into her, but had they sniffed the air beforehand, they would've noticed the scent of her heat roaming through the area.

Mew continued trying to kiss Ash, trying to stick her tongue into his mouth. She could feel that her cunt was desperately needing attention, so she moved her body a little closer while still kissing him and started rubbing it over Ash's sheath, where his member would come out of, now that he was a Pikachu.

Ash gasped as he felt Mew rub herself over his crotch, so she took this opportunity to stick her tongue into his mouth, kissing him passionately. He could feel her tongue swirl inside his mouth and he started to enjoy it a little, but he was still confused about what was happening and knew that he shouldn't be kissing her. He started trying to push her away with his paws, but finding that she had a pretty good grip on him, it wasn't easy for him to do.

Mew continued kissing Ash, starting to curl her tongue around his own. Feeling him trying to escape, Mew doubled her efforts and upon a moment's thought, she wrapped her tail around Ash's body, so he couldn't get away that easily. Then, she brought her tail around them and started rubbing the tip of it over Ash's tail hole.

Ash gave a moan as he felt Mew rub his tail hole with the tip of her tail. He was going to get her off of him, but he knew it'd require extra effort, since she had her tail wrapped around him now. Ash continued trying to push her away, so he could try to ask her why she was doing this to him. Finding that she wasn't budging by just pushing her, he started thinking of another way to get her off of him. Quickly, an idea came to mind. Thinking that what she was doing to him seemed like a good way to get her attention, he flexed his tail as much as he could and after feeling an opening with it, he started rubbing his tail against it.

However, it wasn't her rear he was fondling, but her snatch instead. Mew moaned loudly as she felt Ash rubbing her needy cunt, enjoying the sensation of what he was doing to her. Thinking that he had decided to help her out after all, she released her grip with her tail around him slightly.

When Ash felt Mew release her grip on him, he started pushing as hard as he could with his paws. After pushing her with as much force as he could, he finally succeeded and managed to push her away from him, breaking a strand of their saliva as their kiss was suddenly ended. He stumbled backwards a bit as he got out of her grip and fell down on the ground, but he quickly picked himself back up off of the grass.

Mew had a disappointed look on her face when Ash pushed her away. She thought he was enjoying what she was doing to him, but quickly remembering what she did, she blushed and turned away from him with an ashamed look on her face.

"What was THAT about? Why did you kiss me and do what you were doing, Mew?" Ash asked with an empty and confused expression on his face. Then, he smelled Mew's scent -- which was heavy in the air -- as it blew in front of his nose and it made him moan slightly at how sweet it was. "What's that smell? I've never smelled anything like it before. Where is it coming from?" he asked, forgetting for the moment about what she had just done to him.

After hearing Ash say that, Pikachu started sniffing around for what his trainer was talking about. He picked up a scent that was heavy in the air and could tell it was coming from nearby. It smelled familiar to him and he quickly realized what it was. He started sniffing around some more, looking for the source of it. When he moved towards Mew, he sniffed again and could smell that it was coming from her. "It's coming from you. I knew I smelled the scent of someone in heat, so I should've figured out it was coming from you."

"Yeah, I've been in heat for a couple of days now. I've been trying to find someone who would help me with my situation, but finding a decent Pokémon isn't as easy as it sounds," Mew replied, admitting to what Pikachu had just said. Ash was standing there confused at what his Pikachu and Mew were talking about.

"Heat? Situation? What are you two talking about?" Pikachu and Mew both started chuckling as they turned to face him with smiles on their faces as Pikachu decided to answer his trainer's question.

"You see Ash, us Pokémon have mating seasons which are signified by the females going into sexual need, otherwise known as heat. I have no idea what it's like, but I've been told it can grow to an unbearable point where you feel like mating with anything, just to get it to go away." Ash gave him a nod, telling him that he understood.

"Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm fine for right now, though I really do need to find someone to help me with this situation of mine and soon. That's why I jumped on you, Ash. I'm sorry," Mew added, frowning as she remembered what she had done.

"It's okay, Mew. I was a little surprised by what you were doing before, but it did feel nice," Ash replied. He had enjoyed what Mew was doing, though part of him wanted more. Little did he know, that he would soon get what he wanted.

Ash's comment had completely caught Mew off-guard. She expected him to be upset or mad with her, but he actually liked it? "T-thanks. I'm glad you liked it, Ash," she blushed, turning her pink cheeks a deep shade of purple from the comment. But after that, she groaned as she could feel her cunt burning again, desperate for relief.

"Are you okay, Mew?" Ash asked with concern. Mew frowned, but she nodded her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just really burning inside. I need to find someone soon..." she trailed off as she felt another throb in her cunt, begging for someone to mate with her. She didn't know how much longer she could last at this rate. Pikachu and Ash turned to face each other, to discuss what could be done about Mew's situation.

"What should we do, Pikachu? She needs someone to mate with, but I don't know who we're going to find that'll help her," Ash stated.

"Well, there is always the two of us," Pikachu laughed. He did want to help Mew out with her problem, but he wasn't sure if his trainer would go for it, since this would be his first time mating.

"Wait, you want us to help her out?!" Ash asked with a disbelieving tone. He couldn't believe what his Pikachu had just said to him. He had suggested that Ash have sex with a Pokémon! He wasn't sure whether he wanted to do that or not, but he knew he couldn't just ignore Mew's problem.

"Yeah, Ash. It's okay, if you don't want to do it, you don't have to. I'll help her out if she doesn't mind," Pikachu replied. It had been a while since he had last gotten to mate with a female, so he would gladly take the chance to help out Mew if it meant to get some pleasure in return.

Ash took a few moments to think about what he wanted to do. He did know about the basic concept of how to mate, from hanging out with Brock. But the concept of him having sex as a Pokémon was completely foreign to him. Before, he never would've considered having sex with a Pokémon; but now, after feeling what Mew did to him... he knew that he wanted to feel that kind of pleasure again. So, gathering his courage, he replied, "No, I'll help her out too. I'm curious to know what this 'mating' feels like, if it's anything like what Mew was doing to me before. I know a little bit about it, but not that much."

"Ash, are you sure you want to do this? I know you've never mated before, so I don't want you to feel pressured to do it. Are you really sure?" Pikachu asked. He wanted to be sure that this was what Ash wanted to do. It wasn't like he couldn't show him what to do; he had mated a few times in the past himself, but had never found anyone who wanted to settle down with him. His trainer gave him a nod, telling him that he wanted to do this.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't worry, it'll be fine." Then, he turned to face Mew to make sure she would be okay with them helping her out. "You don't mind if we help you with your problem, do you?" he asked with curiosity. Mew shook her head from side-to-side.

"No, I don't mind. To be honest, I was hoping you two would help me because you seemed like nice guys to me. Usually, I can confirm these things since I'm a Psychic-type," she replied with a grin on her face.

"Yeah, I was wondering how you were able to fly since you don't have any wings," Ash laughed. Then, he stopped as he quickly remembered the situation and cleared his throat. "So, how do we do this? I'm not really sure what to do, being a Pokémon now." He turned to his Pikachu to see him smile as he started speaking.

"Don't worry, Ash. Just watch me and do what I do," he winked as he walked over to Mew. Ash was watching him curiously as he laid down on the grass on his back. He then saw Mew move her head down to Pikachu's sheath. He was confused at what they were doing, but he gasped when he saw Mew lick Pikachu's sheath.

Pikachu started moaning when Mew started to lick his sheath and he closed his eyes in pleasure. He laid still while Mew continued to lick his sheath, urging his dick to come out. And in about a minute, her licking had gotten Pikachu's cock to peek out of his sheath. She continued to lick his sheath, trying to get more of his maleness to come out. And a few minutes later, her licking had gotten Pikachu's dick to become fully erect.

Ash was breathing a little quickly as he finished watching the scene unfold before him. His own phallus had started to peek out as Mew had finished licking Pikachu's sheath. Pikachu got up and walked away from Mew and he nodded to Ash, telling him it was his turn now. Ash nodded back and walked over to in front of Mew. He laid down on the grass on his back in front of Mew, just like his Pikachu had done.

Then, Mew moved her head forward and started to lick Ash's sheath, urging more of his dick to come out. Ash started to moan as she was doing this, enjoying the sensation of his first time as she continued to lick him. He bucked his hips in her face, showing her how much he enjoyed it. And in about a minute, Mew's actions had gotten his member fully erect as well.

She moved her head away from him as she looked at Ash and Pikachu's members with a smile. They were definitely long enough for her to feel pleasure from what was about to take place. Ash got up off of the ground as he felt Mew had stopped her licking of his sheath and looked at her with a smile as he started speaking.

"Wow, that felt great," he panted through his breathing. He was so turned on that he couldn't wait for the next part to happen. He heard his Pikachu chuckle as he started speaking.

"Doesn't it? But, if you think that was good, that's nothing compared to what's next," he replied. He started walking up toward Mew and then walked behind her. He placed his erect dick at the entrance to her tailhole. He looked over toward Ash who was confused at what to do next, so he continued. "Okay, Ash. Walk over toward us and stop in front of Mew."

Ash was confused now as to what to do, but he nodded at his Pikachu's words as he started walking over toward in front of Mew. Once he was in front of Mew, he stopped and looked down her body. He gasped as he saw the area where Mew was feeling the discomfort from. Her lips were swollen with the need to be satisfied. He placed his cock at her entrance, like Pikachu had done with her tailhole. "Now what, Pikachu?" he asked.

"Now push yourself in gently until you're all the way in," he replied. He saw Ash give him a nod as he started to push in and Pikachu decided to push in himself. It was rather hard for Pikachu, since there was no lubrication used beforehand on Mew's tailhole, but he kept trying to push his way into her gently. Meanwhile, Ash was moaning as he continued to sink himself deeper into Mew's folds.

While Ash continued to sink himself deeper into Mew's vaginal folds, Pikachu had finally managed to start to push his own erection into Mew's tailhole. He moaned as he did this, feeling how tight she was. As Pikachu started spreading her anal entrance apart, Ash continued pushing and could feel himself fully inside of Mew. He was unsure what to do now, though he had an idea, but he waited for Pikachu to finish pushing himself into her as well.

Pikachu continued to spread her anal entrance apart as he pushed himself in deeper. Soon, he had managed to sink himself fully into her as well. Mew was moaning when she felt both Ash and Pikachu fully inside her. She knew she was definitely going to enjoy this, the feeling of two erections plowing inside her. She could feel a tiny bit of pain from both erections inside her, but whatever pain she experienced only added to her arousal. "Now that I've done that, what's next, Pikachu?" Ash asked as he looked at his buddy.

"Now slowly pull yourself out until you're almost completely out. Then, push yourself back in gently and continue doing that," Pikachu replied. Ash nodded as he slowly began to pull his erection slowly out of Mew. When he had only the tip left in, he slowly thrust back in. Pikachu also started to slowly pull his own dick out of her tailhole until it was almost out, beginning to feel it close up again as he did so. He thrust back in, feeling it open again to accommodate his member.

Ash continued to thrust into Mew slowly, while Pikachu eventually found it easier to grind through Mew's tailhole. Mew meanwhile was moaning loudly, enjoying the sensation of Ash and Pikachu's erections inside of her. Ash continued to thrust into her, eventually picking up speed as he did so. Pikachu felt Mew's anal entrance had spread open farther to accommodate his member and out of the two, he felt slightly more pleasure from how tight her ass was.

Less than the first minute of the experience, Mew's juices began to seep out of her vaginal walls, which provided extra lubrication for her and Ash. Mew's anal entrance had spread open during Pikachu's constant thrusts, making it easier for him to thrust in and out of her ass. All three of them sighed and moaned in pleasure as they continued to enjoy themselves while they mated. Especially Ash, as this was his first mating experience, he couldn't believe how good it felt to mate with a Pokémon.

During the experience, Ash and Pikachu could feel their erections touch each other as they kept pushing into Mew, with only a tiny strip of flesh that separated her two entrances from each other. Mew noticed the limited room between the two Pikachu cocks' as she was the female being mated from both ends. It required some skill on Ash and Pikachu's part not to hinder each other's movements inside of her. Somehow, they managed to succeed in not stopping each other's movements, even though Pikachu was the more experienced in mating out of the two.

Minutes continued to pass as the three kept moaning and enjoying the pleasure that they were all experiencing. Each of them could feel that they were approaching their own individual climaxes during the three-way exchange. Ash and Pikachu were thrusting into Mew rather quickly now, trying to reach their climax soon as they could feel it was coming fast.

Then, Mew reached her own climax as she felt both Pikachus thrust all the way into her. She sprayed her juices all over Ash's member and onto his groin as he was all the way in. Her walls squeezed around his cock, which triggered his own climax. He started to spray his own cum into her cervix, as a way to end her heat for now. He continued to expel his semen from his cock as he continued to spray into her, giving her all he had.

Meanwhile, when Ash had thrust in and Mew reached her own climax, her anal walls closed around Pikachu's member. He felt incredible pleasure from this and soon, it triggered his own climax. He started to spray his own semen from his cock into her anal entrance, going up into her intestines. He moaned as he continued to spray all his cum from his body, trying to give her all he had as well.

Soon, the three-way exchange of individual climaxes died down and they all laid there in a panting, sweating mess. They all felt tired, especially Ash, since this was his first mating experience and it had drained a lot of his energy. Both Ash and Pikachu pulled their members out of Mew's body with a soft pop. Mew felt horribly empty when she felt both of them pull their cocks out of her, but also really happy from them helping her with her heat.

The juices that had gotten into her started to seep out onto the grass below her from both of her entrances. Soon, she fell asleep with a smile on her face from the wonderful experience she just had. Meanwhile, Ash and Pikachu had a little more energy than her and were able to talk for a little bit. "That was so incredible. I can't believe I haven't done that sooner," Ash said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I never get tired of it. Maybe I can show you some more things later on. But right now, I'm tired. That was a mating I won't soon forget," Pikachu replied with a smile similar to Ash's. He closed his eyes and soon, let sleep overtake him as he was too tired to do anything else.

"Sleep well, buddy," Ash said as he looked at his friend and closed his own eyes. Within two minutes, Ash had fallen asleep as well with a smile on his face from what he had just done. He couldn't wait to mate again, especially if it felt that good.

Meanwhile, while the three of them were sleeping, a figure that had been watching the scene was now watching them sleep. He was trying to figure out his next move and what he would do when they woke up. "Sleep well, for now. Cause when you wake up, you'll be in for quite a surprise," the figure said with a sickening smile on his face.

Heh, leaves you wondering doesn't it? Sorry for ending it in a cliffhanger, but don't worry, all will be revealed about that figure in the next chapter who watched the three of them. Leave a review or e-mail me with comments, suggestions, etc.