Lover in the Night

Story by DJgalven on SoFurry

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Dj yawned as he lay down in the bed, the phoenix slowly pulling the covers over himself as he started to settle down for the night, the only light coming from his laptop, the pale blue glow washing over his face, casting them deep into shadow. He slipped his headphones over his eartufts, making sure they were firmly in place before clicking on his favorite music in his media player, resting his head on the pillow and closing his eyes. He was so into his music, he didn't notice the shadow stealing along his window in the pale moonlight, nor notice the window slide open slowly until a shadow stood next to his bed. He shivered visibly, a sense of evil in his midst making him open his eyes and look to his side, before a paw flew to his face and covered his beak instantly, keeping him from screaming.

"I know you're alone, phoenix. And I know that screaming would be useless for you at this point." The shadow said, the red eyes narrowing a bit. "Take off your headphones, stand up, and come to me..." Dj found his body betraying him, slowly standing up and walking to the shadowed creature, his features never really revealed. The lights in the room suddenly flared on, and Dj found himself looking at a jackalish creature with horns right between his long ears, and fangs extending past his bottom jaw, denoting the jackal's heritage almost instantly. He found himself freezing in fear as he noticed something else, then blushing as he took it in... the vampire was naked, his sheath hanging proudly in the open, the cold of the room apparently not bothering him in the slightest. "Hehehe... I see you like my form, little bird... mm... hehehehe.... I might have fun sucking some of your life force out of you after all. And here I thought it'd be just business as usual." A wink, then Dj found himself quickly taking off his pajamas, shirts and pants slipping down to the floor, leaving him in his panties, the light fabric tenting slightly. "Oohh... you like to wear women's clothes... don't you? Hehehehe..." Dj didn't know what it was, but that laugh made him feel... warm inside, almost happy that the jackal found him humorous, even making him feel complete. "Well... let's just leave those on for now, you silly little bird... come here..."

Dj walked forward as the jackal closed his eyes and held his head out, asking for one, clear and obvious thing, which the phoenix offered willingly, taking the jackal into a passionate kiss, feeling strong paws wrap around his body and hold him close, even as the jackal's long tongue slipped into his beak, entwining with his own and tasting the inside of his mouth. Dj let his paws roam along the vampire's back, his cheeks flushing a bit as he let himself be swept up into the kiss, lifted so easily from the floor and carried to the bed where the jackal continued the kiss, Dj laying on the bed while the jackal leaned over him and rubbed lightly over his chest, thumbing over his nipples hidden deep in his feathers, causing Dj to arch his back and moan softly into the kiss. The kiss finally broke, a small trail of saliva dangling between them for a brief second. "My my... you're a passionate phoenix... I like that. It makes everything more enjoyable." The jackal gave a soft smile, his ears perked upright on his head before he leaned in and started to slowly kiss along DJ's feathery neck, nibbling lightly on it, eliciting another moan from him. "Mmnn... you taste good... really good... and your pulse is pounding right now with passion and lust... or could that be love I hear in your breath..." More sensuous kisses, but moving lower on his body, leaving Dj knocking on the door of ecstasy, even without any attention to his nether regions, the jackal's paws firmly at his sides, rubbing and scratching lightly, not tickling, but pleasing all the same. Dj shivered in the cool night, but a few small rubs from the jackal made him warm again, his beak left open in a silent moan as the jackal moved down from his chest and to his stomach, tongue flicking inside his belly button and tasting the inside, then finally... paws gripped at the hem of his panties, pulling the silken pink garment down and away, tossing it aside, Dj's ebony black shaft rising to the occasion for the vampire, presenting itself proudly for the loving touch of the jackal's mouth and tongue. A few flicks of the tongue, and where Dj had been in ecstasy before, he was in pure heaven now, his body arching into the attention and when the jackal finally pulled away, he whined a bit before a finger silenced him, the jackal's smile filling his gaze. What came next from the jackal's mouth made his heart swell in his chest in anticipation. "Do you have lube and condoms, my little pet bird?"

Dj gave a fevered nod and pointed to his bedside dresser, more specifically to the top drawer. "U... under the shorts... left hand side... ohh... wh... why do you need them?"

The jackal chuckled softly and tapped Dj on the beak. "Must you even ask?"

The jackal got up from the bed and went over to the cabinet and opened the specified drawer, pulling out the items. As he turned back around, Dj got a glimpse of the proud canine member, already fully hard and ready to go, pulsing softly in the glow of the moonlight. The jackal tore open a condom packet and lubed up his shaft with a paw, then slipped the condom on. Dj found himself being flipped over gently, then gasped as he felt a tongue at his hole, followed by a lubed finger, spreading him open ever so gently and lovingly and rubbing his insides. Dj moaned ever so softly as his entrance was teased and licked, then whimpered as it was taken away, only to gasp as he finally felt the latex-encased shaft press against his entrance, ready to penetrate. "Mmnn... just say the word, sweet little songbird... and I will make your night one to remember... do you want that? Do you want to feel my shaft inside and taking you? Let me know little bird... sing for me."

And sing Dj did, his beak opening and crooning out with pleasure laced into every single word he spoke. "Yes... please... take me, shadow of the night... make me yours for this temporary time and make me whole... I must feel you taking me, mating me, making me one with you... oh please, please... even if I know not your name... take me..." He could feel the jackal smiling behind him, as his hips pressed forward gently, pink jackal flesh pressing against his rosebud, the latex-encasing making it slick already. Dj shivered as it pressed in, his ring starting to reject it, but the jackal forged on as Dj forced himself to relax, shivering as the spear of flesh took his tight, hot tunnel as its own.

"My name... is Bazz... please remember to moan it out when we are truly one, my little, pleasured songbird..." And then the shaft pressed forward more, taking more and more of his passage, causing Dj to cry out in a mix of pain, and carnal pleasure. And then, finally, the two became one, the jackal's hips pressing against Dj's own. As if on cue, and remembering the jackal's words, Dj moaned out softly and near wordlessly, except for one he managed to force out.

"Ohh... b... Bazz... b... Bazz!" His breath caught in his chest, his eartufts flattened and flared red, his arms gave way even as the jackal started to slowly thrust, peppering the back of Dj's head with kisses, wordlessly whispering to the back of Dj's head, hot breath passing around Dj's neck as each word was softened by a pant, even as the jackal started his rhythm, the soft, slick sounds of sex starting to fill the room, along with their twin musks, the scents dancing in the air and forming into just one continuous scent, the smell of two lovers becoming one. Bazz started to pound slowly faster and faster, taking his time with it, the blue glow of Dj's laptop, long forgotten, fading out as the battery died, falling to the floor as Dj's back paws kicked out, the loud clattering ignored as suddenly, the jackal's fangs pressed into Dj's neck, sharp teeth tapping directly into one of the phoenix's veins and starting to take of his life force, the red essence spilling out, in this instance nothing more than symbolism of Dj being willing to give his all to this lover of the night, electric ecstasy passing through his veins and into the jackal's own, as pre leaked from both shafts, warming both bed and hole, the reservoir tip of the condom swelling out a bit inside of Dj's hot tunnel, his body responding in kind to the jackal's continued loving, not minding that his strength was ebbing slightly from the blood being lost to the jackal's bloody thirst, the phoenix's neckfeathers being stained with the dribble of blood the jackal missed.

"Mmnn... Dj... I.. I'm close.... Ohhh... d... do you love this... being one with me... giving to me your essence?"

Dj thought for a moment, head tilted to the side as he lay on the bed, then gave a fevered nod. "Yes... yes... I love this... I love you... please... take me the rest of the way... please oh please... let me know that you love me in the way of the world... please... hunter... of the shadoowsss..." And at that moment, the jackal found his release, his seed spraying into the condom, filling the reservoir tip of the condom, as at the same time, Dj found his, his own milky white essence shooting in thick jets onto the bed, forming a small puddle as his ebony shaft spat out the hot ropes of the fluid. The two collapsed onto the bed as their orgasms ebbed away, leaving them floating among the clouds and slowly coming down as the jackal removed his fangs from Dj's neck, licking over the wounds as they closed instantly, leaving no trace at all that Dj had given of his life's blood except for a few small clots along his shoulder. The jackal stroked tenderly over his neck, breathing small, heavy puffs of air over Dj's neck, ruffling the feathers softly.

"Ohh... little bird... little bird... do you love me?" the jackal said softly, punctuating each few words with a kiss to Dj's neck. The phoenix nodded slowly as the jackal pulled out and slipped the condom off, deftly throwing it into the trash.

"Yes... yes... I love you, I love you... must you leave... my lover in the night?" A smile from the jackal as he shook his head softly, taking the phoenix in his arms and snuggling with him.

"No... there is no where I need to be... not right now, except with you, little bird. Now rest the night away with me... and we can whisper sweet nothings to each other in the morning." Dj leaned back into those powerful arms and closed his eyes, his mind drifting away as he laid with his lover in the night, a vampire he had come to love in the space of an evening, and one that he knew he'd love for a long, long time to come, even as dreams swept in and took him, letting him replay the wonderful night over and over, each time as beautiful as the last...