The Long Haul - Chapter 1

Story by Dagon Xander on SoFurry

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#1 of The Long Haul

Remauld Du'Bois, a run of the mill Test Pilot, get suckered into The Harlequin Project. A secret construction that's been generations in the making. The Consortium, a corporation run government Is the only thing that holds Remauld to his contract and the orders he receives seem to be going against everything his charter stands for... Will he blindly follow the orders of government officials? Or will he seek freedom in the stars?

This Story is a work of fiction, any resemblance in whole or in part, including names and scenery is wholly coincidental. This chapter does not include more than innuendo and suggestive themes. However, the ensuing chapters may be of an adult and, in some cases or regions, taboo nature. Reader discretion is advised. If you are not over the age of consent to read adult works, this chapter will be your only glimpse into this world as it will be illegal to read further! I am not responsible for any illegal actions taken before, during, or after the reading of this story and it's subsequent chapters!

The lights dimmed throughout the entire complex of Sep-Con Three, a research outpost settled in the dark of space, anchored on a moon sized asteroid. Thousands were housed in what could only be called a city and among those thousands the few that were affected the most by the abrupt change in the power output were frantically working on returning their creation to the stand-by state it had woken itself from. It wasn't a panic just yet, but if the engines on the experimental cruiser came to life, each of the inhabitants of the large, and secret, docking bay would be atomized by the neucleonic phase projection system that would serve as the ship's propulsion.

It took the willpower and determination of just one to keep the computers from going further than they already had and, as the lights in the complex soared back to their full luminosity, everyone breathed an audible sigh of relief. It was a milestone achievement. A portable and self sustaining Brackard Core, capable of powering an entire planet. Coupled with the most sophisticated artificial intelligence ever created. All of it resting comfortably, if not a little eagerly, inside of the cruiser class starship that hung between the joists.

From concept to realization, this project had taken the work of three generations of scientists, physicists, and engineers to produce. Nearly two hundred years of work was finally ready to be taken on it's first foray into the vacuum of space. The problem was, the computer was very interested in stretching it's metaphorical legs and had nearly powered up the entire ship before the workers could get it safely under control.

"I've got the computer partitioned and running simulations on hull integrity and avoidance maneuvers." A voice called out over the din of harried workers on the intercom. "It will only take so long before Roald gets bored of it and tries to start the engines again."

"Well then," another voice drifted up from the side as the intercom was shut off. "Let's get everything finished and the floor cleared before then. All we're doing now is re-checking each and every thing that's already been checked a thousand times."

The face in the monitor was that of a rough and aged feline, his grey streaked golden snout and hardened emerald gaze told of countless hours served with the Government and it's Military. "We've wasted enough time, Doctor Listrem... I'd like to see the ship taken on a real run before I retire..."

Doctor Listrem hadn't even looked up from his screen as the Commander spoke and replied absently to the drone from the monitor. "Yes, yes... You've said that dozens of times, Commander, but this isn't something we can just let loose on the skies of Merchard! This is space! The hull has to be perfect, the engines have to be perfect, the computer has to be in perfect sync with every vital station so that, when we get it out of the airlock, it doesn't simply implode and ruin the last two hundred years of work and, might I add, trillions of credits expended. Would you risk that kind of loss, Commander, on a minor mishap?" Listrem looked up then, the projective screen winking out as his deep blue eyes turned to meet the Commander's impassive gaze. "I know I wouldn't and I'm just as eager as you to see it on it's maiden voyage."

The Commander didn't seem perturbed by the condescending tone, the only concession made to the comment was a raise to his otherwise stoic brow. "I understand what's at stake here Doctor but the funding is running dangerously low for this project and we must get it completely operational within the next few days or we're looking at a complete shut-down and repurposing of The Harlequin Project." The Commander's brow lowered back to it's completely unperturbed state before he spoke again. "I expect your final figures and projections by tomorrow morning, and so does the rest of the Consortium." The face in the screen softened some as a click was heard in the background. A smile lit the commander's face for a short moment, something that only happened whenever he was alone in the room. "As always, you have my full support and confidence, Marshall... Get our pilot flying that thing, old friend, or we're all going to be in very big trouble."

Glad to see the real face of his dear friend return, Marsall Listrem returned the smile, his own feline features graying and losing it's youthful vigor, and nodded his once expertly groomed and still roughly handsome head. "I'll have everything for you by morning, Lorres. You can count on it. Tell the girls I said hello and give Jasmine my love. If this goes as planned, I will be home on Friday and we'll be heroes."

With that, the comms screen went black and Listrem turned back to his console, the projection screen popping back up just in time for him to cycle the AI, Roald's, simulation program to something less boring. "Very soon, Roald, you will be out there making the universe jealous." he muttered softly with a pleased smile on his face.

The levity would be short lived, however, as the station's foundation seemed to rock and tremble. Claxon horns blared and a loudspeaker communication blasted out to the entire complex. "Battle stations... Battle stations... This is not a drill. Raiders attacking the outer structure. I repeat, all personnel report to battle stations." The communication was cut short as another explosion rocked the compound.

Listrem, surprise warring with anger, stood from his console and spoke over the local comms. "Okay folks, we're too late in this to just abandon our work. If Roald breaks through this partition we will have to be ready to let him out of the airlock, so let's get ourselves ready." He opened a large book next to his console, consulted a few notes then spoke into the microphone again. "This is an Emergency Activation, Authorization alpha, nine, nine, lima, charlie, bravo, three! All personnel report to emergency stations." He then switched off the comms and sat back down in order to continue his work.

"Everything looks fine... Gods help us if it's not."

The Long Haul - Chapter 2

This Story is a work of fiction, any resemblance in whole or in part, including names and scenery is wholly coincidental. This chapter is of an adult, explicit, and, in some cases or regions, taboo nature. Reader discretion is advised. If you are not...

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A New Life

(I'm sorry this is so long, hehe It just wasn't long enough to put in two chapters, anyways I hope you all like it! ^\_^ ) It's a nice day to be outside. Raganzi Harven thought to himself as he looked out of the window to his office. A realy pity i'm...

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