Bond of Brothers 2

Story by Thunder Darkstone on SoFurry

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Well, I must admit that I was and still am impressed by the sheer popularity of Bond of Brothers. Like... a lot. It's far surpassed any submission that I have ever done. I thank everyone who's read it and posted your kind comments. I've had a lot of furs that were dying to see a sequel to it. Gotta give the fans what they want! But, before I let you cut into the meat of this story and indulge, I must first give a fair warning as to what this story contains.

WARNING! Bond of Brothers 2 has many sexual fetishes and practices in it. It firstly contains incest between two brothers. This story also contains football gear fetishes, watersports (light), anal yiff, shower fetish, a few instances of very light master and slave play, and light bondage. If any of these quite aren't your gleaming silver can of trash, then I suggest you not proceed. However, if you are alright with this... do please proceed with Bond of Brothers 2 and enjoy.

It was two weeks after the most memorable afternoon with his brother. Typhoon sat on the bench of the sidelines, deep in thought about having been in his brother.

He murred with delight at the thought of the tightness and hot cum filling his younger brother's tight hole. He continued murring, replaying that scene over and over again in his head, but keeping quiet enough about it so that a couple of his teammates sitting nearby didn't hear him.

Typhoon continued watching the plays going on on the field of his own varsity team, but kept also a close eye on the underclassmen as well, keeping a close eye on number 38 with the name "Pirtuk" above the big white numbers. His own last name, he was lucky that he was in all of his football gear, as the cup was severely limiting his full arousal as there just wasn't room.

He was beyond yiffy as the last time he had done anything with Tundra, let alone even pawing off, was those two weeks ago as they had both been swamped with homework and other family issues. They hadn't had a chance to do anything other than hug and give a kiss in passing each other in the hallway.

However, just to throw a little kinkiness into the equation, after last night's game, they swapped sweat soaked cups and jock straps with each other.

He sighed, now thinking about the project for his Chemistry class instead, trying to keep his mind off of his sexy little brother and the fact he was wearing his jock.

It seemed to work, and he got a break when their coach him and the other guys off the bench to work out some kinks in a blitz play. However, even through the running, watching the others in his team to complete plays and through the coach's loud yelling... he still couldn't stop thinking about how much he loved Tundra.

He was brought back to the real world by a side swiping full sprinting line backer and crashed to the ground with a grunt. "Holy shit! I actually tackled you!" the horse said with a slight whinny.

Typhoon blinked at him. "Yea. That you did."

"Dude, what's up? You've never EVER let me even get close to you normally you're too fucking quick."

"Oh... I just had something on my mind..."

The horse laughed getting up. "Man, you best get bright. Rumor has it that you're going to be getting the quarterback position. Don't fuck that up man. Think about the cheerleaders some other time." He said helping Typhoon up and shaking his head using the mask.

He nodded again, and then looked over to the other end of the field and saw his brother bent over, his shiny blue spandexed butt up in the air getting ready for a snap.

"Yea... cheerleaders..." Typhoon laughed, slapping the horse on the back. All that turned into was picturing his little brother in the cheerleader's outfit. He shook this out of his head... now he WAS in fact, getting weird.

They went through another few grueling plays, which he though were executed well, but was never enough for the coach and they had to run two miles around the field.

After it was all said and done, he felt like falling down where he stood and dying, but even after all of that- his yiffy drive was just as strong.

The bull coach blew his whistle. "Alright guys! Hit the showers and get out of here... I'll see you all at tomorrow's practice!"

They all turned and started heading for the locker room, but the bull stopped Typhoon. "Got a minute?"

"Sure coach. What's up?" Typhoon stopped and turned to talk to him.

"You know... I've been watching you on the field. You've got some talent and fancy footwork. You know we need a good solid quarterback. Are you interested in taking this team to an all new height?"

Typhoon was slightly taken aback by this. "Uh... yea! That would be an awesome opportunity coach!"

The bull nodded. "I figured that you'd love that opportunity. Well, go ahead and hit the showers. We'll start you out in that tomorrow." He said. Typhoon nodded happily wagging his tail and turned and started heading for the lockers.

He entered, quite surprised to see that everyone was mostly in the showers. Quite a few of the other guys had apparently just left to their respective cars or parent's picking them up. He walked to the corner where his and his brother's locker was and sat on the bench, and sighed, thankful to sit down again.

"What was all that about Ty?" Tundra asked also sitting on the bench.

"Coach made me quarter back. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow at all now." He said shaking his head slowly and resting his helmeted head in his paws to catch his breath from the run.

"Ah... don't worry about it big brother. He can't be THAT hard on you."

Typhoon sighed and chuckled. "We'll see."

"Think of something else. I know I haven't been able to stop thinking at all about the fact I'm wearing your jock and cup." Tundra said in a whisper with a smile looking around the room to make sure no one was listening or paying attention and he winked pushing his cup up against his pants.

Typhoon gave a slight murr watching him fondle his crotch, and felt his sheath swell with excitement staring at his brother's crotch.

"Hey guys! I'm surprised you're not clamoring to get out of here." A guy said walking up to his locker in the same row with a towel wrapped around him.

"Hey Mitch." Typhoon said to the human, one of his teammates. "I need to sit and recoup a little. That's all. You seem like you're in a rush though."

He nodded and pulled his clothes out of the locker and dropped the towel onto the bench and started pulling on his clothes. "That I am pooch. I've got a date with Nancy."

Typhoon racked his brain, and played the part. "Oh... that cheerleader with the huge rack?"

"That's the one. Man... cheerleaders are the shit... when are you ever going to ask one out?"

Typhoon shuddered at the thought. "Oh... one of these days I'm sure. None of them really are my type."

Joe smirked at him. "What? Not your type? What do you like? The librarian type?"

Typhoon turned his head his head slightly to see his brother just out of the corner of his eye. "Yea... something like that maybe."

Joe laughed stuffing his towel into his duffle bag along with the rest of his gear and zipped it up. "You're so bizarre sometime Ty." He laughed and started heading for the door. "I'll see you at tomorrow's practice."

"See ya Joe." Typhoon said not even turning around. He took a deep breath, feeling his heart rate return to normal and he got up and tapped his brother's helmet. "Come on... lets get showered and get out of here."

Tundra nodded grinning in his helmet and pushing his snout mask into Typhoon's crotch before getting up. "That's fine... I'm with you on that... I gotta take a piss anyway."

They each grabbed their bags with their towels and headed into the showers. Typhoon was almost amazed. It was devoid of anyone. He turned and looked back in the locker rooms to see the last furson leaving.

Apparently it just wasn't him that was itching to get the hell out of there. He followed his little brother into the open shower stalls, six shower heads on each side and tossed his bag on a hench on the outside next to Tundra's.

He stopped, when he looked back and saw Tundra bent over rooting through his bag looking for his soap. He murred, feeling his cock slide out of its sheath almost instantly at the sight of the shiny sweaty blue pants.

Tundra leaned back up with his towel and soap in his paws and turned to see his brother. Typhoon grinned at him. Tundra looked at him slightly confused and cocked his head to the side. Typhoon looked back to the lockers and then kicked the door shut, grabbing his brother, who dropped the things he had and roughly pushed him into the tiled shower area.

He slammed him up against the wall and pushed his crotch against his brother's back side and gently humped it. Tundra murred at the forcefulness, holding himself slightly bent over against the wall with his gripped gloves murring.

"What are you doing big brother?"

"You've been teasing me with your beautiful self too long." Typhoon reached in his pants and pulled the cup out and cast it aside pushing his crotch roughly against his brother's tight, smooth pants.

"Ty... we can't do that here!"

He growled grinning and pushed him to the shower floor, which was still slightly wet. "Tough shit little slutty boi!"

He grabbed and unfastened the belt on Tundra's pants and pulled it completely off. Tundra murred at this, but struggled a little when Typhoon grabbed his paws and using the belt, tied his paws behind his back.

"Ty..." Tundra said finding his paws tied erotic.

"Hush boi!" Typhoon said getting up and pulling Tundra back to his feet and slammed him against the wall. He pinned him against the wall by his neck using one paw and he turned on the shower to the right of them.

Tundra looked over at the shower water and before he could ask what was going on, Typhoon pulled him off the wall with his bonds and turned him around. Typhoon grabbed his cup out of his brother's pants and tossed that to the corner along with the other one. He smiled deviously looking into his brother's blue eyes.

"So... you still gotta take a piss?"

Tundra nodded. "Yea... I'll be right back, but I need you to untie my..."

"Go. Now." Typhoon smiled wagging his tail, still holding his brother against the wall.

"What? Here? Like this? Typhoon... I..."

"Shut up and piss." The black husky grinned, his member starting to throb in his gear with anticipation.

Tundra blushed a little and looked down at his crotch, Typhoon watched his exposed midsection between his pants and the bottom of his short jersey as it flexed. He listened closely, hearing nothing at first, but saw a dark spot begin forming in his crotch, and as it grew bigger and became more soaked, he heard Tundra's flow spraying against and through the thin material of the jock strap and against the pants.

He murred watching the flow slowly turn the blue pants a darker color, pouring down his legs to his knee high red socks, and down into his cleats. He murred as the wet warmth filled his pants.

Meanwhile, Typhoon was a rock in his pants, watching his brother release himself into his gear. He pressed his paw against his brother's crotch and rubbed his sheath through the layers, murring as his brother finished emptying himself, and feeling his glove get wet from it.

He grinned at his mess and pulled him back from the wall, side stepping them a few feet over. He tapped his helmet against Tundras, then turned him around again and pushed him against the wall again, and murred as he heard and watched the water pour onto Tundra and slowly start soaking all of his football gear.

Tundra murred, his paws writhing in his bonds as feeling himself grow slowly more and more wet was turning him on even more, his own husky meat beginning to swell and grow in his football pants.

Typhoon murred watching him become glossy from the water, and he turned on s second shower head, to their left and then stepped forth, grabbing his brother and pushing him to the tiled floor.

"Oh Ty!" Tundra moaned as he splashed in the puddle on the floor. "Yiff me!" he cried out, pushing his butt up into the air. Typhoon murred as he kneeled behind his brother, feeling the water soaking him now, and filling into his shoes.

He pulled off his helmet and slid it across the floor where the cups were thrown, and then did the same with his brother's. He rolled Tundra onto his back and quickly lay on top of him, murring loudly as he felt their two stiff cocks throb against each other through their laced pants.

He pressed his muzzle to the purple husky's making sure also not to crush his brother's arms as they were now under him. Tundra's maw opened and welcomed this kiss, letting his older brother's tongue dive into his maw and wrestle with his tongue.

While he made out with his purple sibling, his gloved paws quickly unlaced Tundra's pants and he leaned up, water pouring over his head and pulled them down just enough to access.

He rolled Tundra back onto his stomach and was delighted when his brother all too willingly propped himself up on his knees, tail curled tightly against his back murring as the water ran between his butt cheeks and over his exposed tail hole.

Tundra quickly removed his jersey and shoulder pads, tossing these off to the corner and pushed off his brother's as well, untying his paws only for a moment to do so, before re-tying the bonds.

He took a wet finger and gently rubbed it over Tundra's tight pink hole, slowly and sensually listening to his brother's groans of pleasure before finally and slowly pushing it into him slowly, feeling the warmth quickly penetrate the glove.

Tundra moaned softly. "Oh big brother! I have needed this so much!"

Typhoon grinned, teasing his brother for as long as he himself could even stand. Finally, after fingering his tail hole for a minute, he pulled it out slowly, and smiled at him again.

He moved Tundra's arms over his head carefully as they were still tied firmly with the belt from his pants. He stripped his brother's shoes, socks and lastly the pants, leaving him soaked in nothing but a jock strap on the wet tile floor.

He unlaced his pants and pulled them apart slowly, pulled his wet jock strap down inside the pants and stroked his freed cock with the slick, wet glove, murring as he did so.

He rolled Tundra to his back once more, and grabbed each of his legs and put them over his shoulders, sliding him across the floor and against him. Typhoon's scent was very strong, almost overpowering with want to finally get off.

He grabbed his eight inch husky cock and guided it to the entrance to his brother. He murred at the warmth on his tip, feeling some pre cum leak out of him and against his awaiting brother.

Tundra was going wild with want to take him, and was doing all he could to push himself onto the throbbing cock pressed against him. His wish came true almost instantly as Typhoon slowly pushed himself in, stopping at his knot, moaning as his brother's warmth encompassed him.

"Oh I forgot how awesome you feel Tundra!" Typhoon moaned out, gasping and panting at the incredible feeling of his sibling, his knot swelling up from the sheer pleasure that it had been only too long since he had felt.

He backed himself out, murring loudly still, and pushed himself back in, and continued these thrusting motions, gaining a little more speed and intensity each time he went back in.

Tundra moaned loudly, his own husky cock pressing and tenting out the soaked, transparently wet jock strap that was over it. "Yiff me Ty! Yiff me hard! I'm a dirty slut!" he moaned out.

Typhoon murred a response, increasing his speed even more, and pushing himself deep into his brother, gobs of pre cum spraying out of his cock, giving ample lube to his thrusting. As he pounded his brother's tight hole, his left paw grabbed Tundra's arousal, wrapped the jock strap around his cock and quickly started pawing him to the same rhythm and intensity of his own.

This drove his little brother wild. "Oh big brother! Uuuuuurrraaag!" was all he was able to get out inbetween moans of pleasure and his heavy panting. He closed his eyes to compute all of the sensations at once, his cock getting pawed in his wet jock, his brother filling his tail hole, the water soaking and running down his fur, and the tight bonds keeping his paws together.

Typhoon kept yiffing as hard and fast as he could, he heavy, full white furred husky sac and thigh pads slapping hard against his brother as he took in quick, fast breaths of their scent. He wasn't going to last long at all.

His paw kept pounding up and down the throbbing hard shaft of the younger husky, watching pre spray out and onto his stomach through the thin cloth of the jock. His mostly naked, soaked, hard and moaning little brother was all he could take any more.

"Take it slut!" he moaned out loudly slamming his knot into his brother, mating them together. He panted twice in quick gasps of air, and then howled loudly, pushing as hard and deep as he could into Tundra as his knot swelled up and huge ropes of his husky seed began exploding into the insides of the purple husky.

As Typhoon's spunk and tip of his cock pressed into Tundra pushing hard against his prostate, his own climax peaked and he howled as well, mixing with that of his big brother's and his pent up two week load sprayed through the material, the first gush flying over his head, the rest spraying onto his face, muzzle, arms and chest.

The showers soon were over powering with their scent and the smell of hot cum, which made both of their orgasms last quite some time longer, both still moaning for a minute or two after their semen had stopped flowing.

Typhoon kept gently and slowly pawing his brother, watching the last few bits of his cum seep out through the jock strap and onto his glove. He panted heavily, looking down at his cum soaked brother, watching the water slowly dissolve the large gobs and wash them away.

He slowly and carefully pulled his knot out of Tundra, and gently pushed in and out a few more times to fully milk his own self, before letting it slide and flop out.

He slid the purple and white husky legs from his shoulders and lay next to Tundra on the shower floor, untying his paws and tossing the belt away. He pulled him into his arms and held him against him.

"I love you little brother."

"I love you too Typhoon."

"Is this really what you want? To be in love with your older brother?"

Tundra looked up at him. "Yes. This is what I want more than anything."

The black husky squeezed him tight and kissed him, licking away a few left over drops of cum that were still dotting his face and muzzle. He then got up, helped Tundra up and stripped both him and his little brother down, pushing all of their wet gear into the corner. He then returned to him under the shower, pulled him back into his arms, and looked into his brilliant blue eyes.

They said nothing... only looked at each other for a long while, Typhoon putting his head on his brother's shoulder, Tundra nuzzling back against his chest as they held each other tight.

Bond of Brothers 3

AHA! Finally, the long awaited 3rd installment... due to popular demand, I have once again stretched a tiny little yiff story into a trilogy! I hope that you all enjoy it... But before I let you get into the meat of the story, I suppose that I...

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In The Darkness

Wow... due to extreme demand and from the sheer popularity of "Bond of Brothers" I said, well, I'll give my furries another incest story! I tried something a little different, a tad more risque' with this one. I like the way it wound up coming out. Not...

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Bond of Brothers

Holy crapola! Another short story! Probably the last one for a while... anyway, this was written as it seems to be in popular demand. Hope you enjoy! But before I let you go off on a merry reading adventure, I must first give a... ...

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