
Story by Pokegirl on SoFurry

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#1 of My Pokemon

He was the first Pokemon I officially caught.

I had just left Sandgem Town, having received my Chimchar from Professor Rowan and a Pokedex with his request to go forth and capture as many Pokemon as I could. Surprisingly, I acquired a Chimchar matching my gender, something odd considering Chimchar's are typically males. I was mildly disappointed at first because I had longed to name my Chimchar "Goku," after the legendary stone monkey hero but the rarity of a female Chimchar was enough to give me a secret thrill of glee, considering how the other trainers might react. I opted for naming her "Chichi" which she seemed to like because she could actually say it.

At any rate, Chichi and I left Sandgem Town on our way toward Jubilife City. Bean, being in his typical rush, had probably already been there and gone but that fact didn't encourage me to hurry. Rather, it had the opposite effect. I slowed down to take my time, enjoying the scenery around me. Besides, I wouldn't be able to catch many Pokemon if I was zipping by like a Pachirisu on a Pixistick. No, I would take my time and go my own pace.

That was when he appeared.

As I had been walking through some of the high grass, most of which rose above and beyond the top of my head, a little bundle of blue and black fur suddenly appeared in front of me. We scared each other but he recovered first, crouching down and hissing. I fumbled as I reached for my Chimchar's pokéball, uncertain of how to do this. I mean, I'd been showed how to battle and catch a Pokemon, even studied about it in school and everything... but this was different. There was no one to help me if I messed up.

When the Wild Pokemon seemed like he'd had enough and was going to leap and attack me, I finally got Chichi's pokéball free from my belt. I flung it a little farther than I'd meant to and would have hit the Wild Pokemon with it if he hadn't have moved. He began growling lowly within his throat but thankfully Chichi appeared and he turned his attention from me to her. My Chimchar didn't have many moves, just the standard Scratch and Leer but the Wild Pokemon didn't seem to know much either, just Tackle and Leer. It was pretty evenly matched but Chichi finally seemed to be winding the other Pokemon down. Grabbing for an empty Pokéball, I took a breath then threw, hoping my aim would be better this time.


The orb rolled back and forth, shaking from right to left as the Pokemon struggled within the confines. I thought for sure he would break out and just when I was expecting him to do so the light binged red and the ball stopped moving.

He was the first Pokemon I caught.

After seeing to Chimchar's wounds, using one of my few Potions at the time, I returned her to her Pokéball, eager to see the new member of our party but realizing that it would be best to find a spot out of the tall grass, in order to avoid having any other Pokemon randomly surprise me.

I made it to a clearing next to a sweet smelling tree. Close examination showed there were no Bug Pokemon anywhere in the branches (as far as I could see) and I decided this would be a good spot to set up camp and get to know my new team member. I quickly went through the mundane tasks of setting up the tent, finding fresh water, and gathering fallen branches to use for firewood later. Finally, all tasks finished, I prepared to greet my new Pokemon. I was a little wary about releasing him. Would he be upset at me for catching him? I hoped not but it seemed likely he might.

Releasing the pokéball and hoping for the best, I waited as the red light erupted from the orb and took the shape of the little blue and black Pokemon I'd caught. The pokéball returned to my hand and I equipped it back to my belt before taking a good look at him.

He was crouched down again, but he wasn't hissing. I took that as a good sign. His ears were lying flat down on his skull and he seemed tense. I still didn't know what kind of Pokemon he was so I took this opportunity to slowly reach for my Pokedex. Perhaps it had some information regarding how to make friends with him...

"Shinx. The Flash Pokemon. Its forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Its body shines and all of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed or it feels endangered. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded."

"That's funny, I don't remember you trying to light up before..." I turned my attention away from the Pokedex screen and back to the new Pokemon, Shinx. He seemed a little ruffled at my statement. Literally. His fur was puffed out on end and he began yowling at me.

"Shhhhhinnnx! Shin-shin-shinx!"

He glared at me, clearly awaiting a response but I had no clue what he was saying. I looked down, biting my lip a little, feeling bad at my inability to understand him.


"Would you like something to eat?" It was lame, I know, but it was the best I could do at the time!

His fur flattened and he lifted his head high, nose stuck in the air as his tail swished from side to side in clear agitation before giving a grumbling-huffy long drawn out sigh of a, "Shinx."

Huh. It seemed my new Pokemon had a little bit of a "tude."

I moved over to my backpack and removed a small bowl as well as some standard Pokechow. The standard stuff wasn't as well liked by the Pokemon, compared to the specialized types such as Electric Pokechow or Water Pokechow which used an assortment of nutrients related to specific types, but the standard was still edible and often times appreciated. I poured him some and took it to him, planning on setting it in front of him but he scouted away from me so I opted for setting it down and moving back a little, giving him his space.

He continued to watch me for a while, golden eyes suspicious. Hunger must have won out in the end for the little fur ball edged towards the bowl, eyes on me the whole time, and nibbled at a pellet. He gradually worked at it before giving into full-blown hunger and digging in. The way he was eating made me wonder if he was starving.

"Sooo... what to call you." He jumped a little at my voice, looked up, then went back to eating, slowly at first, apparently having forgotten I was there.

"Hunter?" It was a good name but the Shinx in front of me didn't look much like a Hunter. He was just too damn little and cute. Perhaps if he evolved the name would fit him, but for now... "Ebon?" Not really. He was black and blue... Ebon was something that would fit an Umbreon better than this Sphinx.

"What about... Momo?" I liked that name. It was a silly name, I know, especially considering now that he's fully grown and evolved but then, it was the perfect name. My little Momo.


Oddly enough, I grew to connect with Momo on a level that I just didn't have with Chichi. That isn't to say I didn't like Chichi or treated her poorly, I just treated Momo differently. Even compared to the rest of my team (Betty the Machop, Krillin the Bidoof, Kagome the Starly, and Moose the Psyduck), Momo was somehow... special.

It might have been because it took longer for Momo to warm up to me compared to the others. He was always so...aloof. He wouldn't let me touch him or get within a Starly's feather of him, he was always distant. And yet... he was curious about me, like I was about him. Don't get me wrong, I didn't see it at first. I thought he HATED me. But then I noticed little things. Like, how he'd run up a tree as soon as he was released for the night but I'd always feel watched, stalked, almost. Then I'd look up and see the reflection of the fire gleaming off his eyes... let me tell you, I screamed the first time I saw that!

Other things though... how he would listen to me. I mean, all of my Pokemon listened. But Momo, you could see him listening and thinking. In the beginning, I was worried he would rebel against me as a trainer but he just... listened. Not just to orders or commands either, simple things too. Even if he didn't look like he was, he was. I might not even be talking to him, he might be ten feet away, facing another direction completely, and still his ears would twitch ever so slightly to the sound of my voice.

I found out early on why he didn't flash or light up when we first met. Momo was unable to do so. Nurse Joy pulled me aside and told me of this when I brought him to the Poke Center for the first time. Come to think of it, Momo had been very adamant against going but I hadn't guessed the reason till Nurse Joy pulled me aside to explain.

Apparently, Momo had been to this Poke Center before, in the past, with different trainers. He had also been abandoned here, multiple times, once said trainers discovered that he couldn't house electricity like other Shinxs. Or, rather, he couldn't house as much as the other Shinxs. Once trainers heard that, they left him here with Nurse Joy, seeking out another, stronger Pokemon.

This was the fourth time this month he'd been brought in, she'd explained. Each time he was abandoned, he'd try again to find a trainer to take him and each time, the trainer would return him. I couldn't believe the heartlessness behind it.

I asked her if there was anything wrong with him, physically, that might be causing this problem. Honestly, I was more concerned there was a health aliment than how it might effect his battling.

"No," she explained softly, shaking her head so that her red ringlets shook as well. "There's nothing to explain why this is. I suspect at first it just might have been that he was slow to develop it... then, it might have developed as more of a mental handicap than a physical one."

"Is there anything I can do to help him?" I wanted Momo on my team. If he couldn't use any electric abilities in the future, it would be harder to keep him with me, fighting, but I could do it. He had other attacks he could learn, things that would make him an asset.

"Not really." She gave a soft sigh before adding, "I suppose you'll be leaving him here as well?"

Anger burned at the back of mind. "Hell, no. He's part of my team and he's going with me."

I almost missed the little shadow lingering at the door that looked surprisingly like a Sphinx.


After the visit to the Poke Center, Momo seemed to become a little more attached to me. Granted, it was a very gradual process, as though he thought I might still turn around and abandon him so he didn't want to get too attached to me. The first big step he made I almost missed because I'd been so absorbed in reading a magazine I'd picked up at the last town. I was trying to read in the firelight which wasn't working too well because the shadows and the light from the flames kept dancing over the words so I had to squint to make out anything. I was really interested in reading about some different strategies for battles but the poor reading conditions were really aggravating me. If only I had gotten some fresh batteries while at the store!

When a warm form touched against my side, I absently reached out, thinking it was Chichi. As my first Pokemon, she was somewhat of a prima donna and seemed to like lording her status as my "first" over the others. For the most part, the others just ignored her. When my fingers touched, it wasn't the short, soft hairs I'd expected. I glanced out of the corner of my eye, tensing a little, unsure of what would meet my eyes. For some reason, Ursaring came screaming into my mind though I knew the odds of meeting one in this area were slim.

It was Momo.

He was tensed too, ready to bolt. I could tell because of the way he felt, ready to spring away at a moments notice. Stilling my breathing, not wanting to spook him, I just kept lightly petting his head. He was very soft, softer than Chichi, and his fur was thicker too. I loved the texture of his fur, the warmth that emulated from it as I stroked it.

I was touched by this show of trust he'd given me, allowing me to touch him for the first time. I was even more shocked and overwhelmed by this little bundle of fur, when he ever so hesitantly placed a paw onto my lap and began to climb on top of my lap. I waited for him to settle before lightly touching his fur again, running my hand down his back. He was a still a little edgy but soon curled up into a ball and began to give a soft, quiet little "purr."

Those trainers were such fools.


The connection between us grew exponentially the day Momo saved my life. I had just finished a battle with a Galactic Grunt along my way to one town or another, taking out her Glameow with my Machop, Betty. I didn't think anything of the battle, really. I mean, I'd already fought five or six of them so far with these Galactic people. Normally, I'd fight them and they'd let me pass or spout something about "Revenge!" before running away. Not this one. She was pissed! Her screech was so loud that it was almost the perfect imitation of the Pokemon attack. She came at me with fists first, I barely got my arms up in time before she started pummeling me. I didn't know how to fight back and I couldn't reach my belt to call one of my Pokemon to help for fear of having her knock me out with a well-placed hit to my head. I really regretted having returned Betty so soon...

She knocked me to the ground and still kept attacking. I tried to retaliate but she was better versed at fighting than I was and any attempt I made to attack ended in pain. I was about to call for help when one of my pokeballs popped open. The red flash died away but the grunt didn't even notice until she was forced off of me with one swift hit. I could only lay there on the floor, trying to reorient myself. My arms were aching and one of her punches to my stomach left me gasping for air. I felt lucky she hadn't tried strangling me or pulling a knife. Leaning forward on my elbows, I saw Momo growling at the bitch, fur bristling. That... and he was glowing. Not, mind you, glowing to evolve. He was glowing, with electricity. Whatever block had been preventing him had been released and boy, was he crackling! I could feel the hairs on my arms standing on end.

Stupid bitch didn't even realize how much danger she was in. She tried reaching around for a weapon, finally grabbing a large tree branch, when Momo launched himself at her again, Tackling her in her gut. She buckled immediately, not even getting a chance to swing her makeshift weapon. She tried to block him from her face but he began Biting at her arms, causing severe damage. Suddenly, I was afraid. Not for her, but for him. The laws were very strict about Pokemon attacking humans and even though his attack was justified, if he killed her it would be hard to get them to spare his life.

"Momo!" He persisted in attacking and my voice wasn't loud enough. That one wheezy cry hadn't risen above her frantic screams. "MOMO! ENOUGH!"

He paused in his attack, still brilliantly glowing. He didn't get off her and remained poised to continue his assault till I could call the authorities and had them take her away.


Shortly after that, I began to feel differently about Momo. It wasn't a sudden change, it started gradually. I didn't really notice it till after he evolved. Just after a battle with a Bug Catcher, Momo began to glow. Electricity sparked around his body and covered him till his form grew bigger and brighter, the light gradually fading and revealing a Luxio where my little Shinx used to be. Just looking at him... I was awed. He still had somewhat of a cutesy look but there was also a subtle hint of "beware" to him that made me catch my breath.

Shortly after that, he learned Spark, his first electric attack.

That probably doesn't seem like a big achievement to you. For him and I, it was monumental. For an electric Pokemon who thought he'd never be able to do simple flashes of electricity with his fur to suddenly have the ability to shoot off blasts of the stuff, it was tremendous! Powerful too! It was almost as though all the electricity he hadn't been using in the past had been stored within him and now was just being unleashed. I found myself using him more and more to battle, growing slightly negligent towards my other teammates in favor of seeing him perform.

And perform he did.

It was as if he knew that it excited me to see him battle, to see how swiftly he could dart across the area and take down his opponent. Don't get me wrong, there were losses, instances where I'd be forced to return him and send out another, but the victories out weighted the losses and watching him was exhilarating.

Too exhilarating.

At night, every once in a while, I found myself thinking about Momo. How he moved, how soft his fur felt, how the electricity danced around him. It made me... it made me... tingle. Tingle down there, you know? It made my cheeks grow warm and want to touch, to feel. But I felt so horrible, so guilty and sinful, thinking about Momo and feeling that. It was wrong! But still... I felt aroused.

I was petrified they would find out. My Pokemon, especially Momo! What with his sense of smell. My God! Could you imagine?! I tried to stifle it, not think about it, but whenever I watched him battle it affected me. I could feel my breasts aching for a touch that wasn't there, my nether region grow warm and wanton. Finally, I resigned myself to one night, just one, to relieve the desire. I thought if I did it once I could forget about it.

Oh boy, was I wrong.

I returned all my Pokemon into their pokéballs that night. I made some stupid excuse, it was too cold or something, just so that they'd not be near to hear or smell anything. I put their pokéballs into my bag and zipped it up, just for an added safety measure in my mind.

Inside my tent, lying on top of my sleeping bag, I thought of Momo's battles earlier that day. We'd fought three different fishermen in a row, all with Magikarps and Goldeens, pretty much a waste of time for Momo. All he had to do was shock them once a piece and they were done for. Now, a Gyarados would have been something... Watching Momo dodge that huge thing, charging up his attack, his fur sparkling gold...

My breathing had become shallow, one hand sliding under my shirt and under my bra as I slowly, gradually caressed my breast, teasing at the nipple as I felt myself growing wet with longing at the thought.

His fur, so soft. I'd felt it across my skin before, when he was just a Shinx. It had been hot that night and he'd come to cuddle with me, as my Pokemon were want to do. I was sweaty and not really in the mood to cuddle with such a bundle of fur and heat but man, his fur felt so gooood across my skin.

I tried to imagine it now, brushing across my flesh. My hips wriggled a little. What would his tongue feel like against my nipple? That same tongue that licked my face.

A little cry escaped past my parted lips as I continued to tease my nipple and slip my other hand down my jeans and into my panties, already soaked with my juices. I whimpered as I allowed myself to wonder further, what would it taste like, down there? Having him lick at me? I stroked my finger against my netherlips, as though it were his tongue there. The tip of my finger sunk in and I moaned, thrusting more of it in.

What would he feel like, fucking me?

I picked up the pace of my finger, adding another to join it. How would he fuck me? On all fours? Would he treat me like a bitch Pokemon? Bury his shaft into me? Rape me till he came?

My jeans were too confiding for me to properly go at it so I hurriedly unzipped them and tossed them to the side of the tent. My panties were easier to stretch so I left them as I continued thrusting my fingers within.

Would he bite me? In documentaries, sometimes a male Pokemon, when fucking a bitch on all fours, would dig his fangs into her neck to hold her still. The idea of his teeth in my flesh turned me on even further, though I suspected it would hurt, I wanted a mark to show... show I was his bitch.

I hit a spot in me, a spot that made me see lights for a moment. It took me by surprise and I couldn't stop the groan that came out. I kept playing over the spot, feeling the same wave of pleasure again and again. It wasn't until I heard a rip and saw a flash that I realized pokéballs weren't exactly soundproof.

In a lustful haze, I saw him there. Momo. Ready to fight, prepared to protect me. Panting, I watched confusion fill his face when he saw me. I could only imagine how I looked, hair tussled, fingers between my panties, hand on my breast, whimpering for something I wanted, something I needed, something he could give me.

"Momo..." his name was a plea.

There was this tightening in my chest as I whispered his name again, longing and desire coiled inside me. I needed him. I couldn't have him. I wanted him.


He knew. He knew what I needed. He came to me and I reached for him, lightly tugging on his mane so I could kiss him. His tongue slipped in, rough but not painfully so as it played with mine. I could feel the sharp tips of his teeth with my tongue and felt the vibrations of his chest as he growled, pulling away to look at me, assess me. I whined and he growled again, deeper. He butted his head gently against my hip, nudging at me before forcing in earnest. I turned to comply, putting myself on all fours, as he continued to growl, watching, circling. I kept my eyes on him, wondering what he was going to do, if he was going to do what I hoped. I got my answer soon enough as I watched his cock slide down from its sheath.

"Fuck," I moaned, watching it gradually grow before my eyes. I'm no good when it comes to measuring but dammmn... that was either going to feel really good or hurt really fucking bad when it went in. I felt myself pulsing from within and found I really didn't care either way, I just wanted it in me.

He moved behind me and I started a little when I felt his fur on my ass. There was a tug on my panties followed by a rip noise as the tattered remains fell to the ground. I was going to scold him for ruining one of my favorite pairs when I felt a breath of air tickle past my groin. Then a thrust as his tongue plunged into my folds.

"Ahh!" My throaty little gasp seemed to persuade him for he stuck it in further and began to lap at my pussy. The thought made me giggle a little, that my thunder lion was lapping at my pussy, before he overrode my ability to think completely by hitting the same spot I had earlier with my fingers.

He kept licking and licking while I squirmed and wiggled, panted and whined. I couldn't help it, it felt so fucking amazing, the things he could do with his tongue. I felt my self growing frustrated though, when it seemed he wouldn't do more. I was hanging at the brink of something, something BIG, I could tell. But he wasn't letting me get there.

"Momo, please..." I was almost sobbing at this point. "Please..."

His tongue stopped. He slowly pulled it out and I gasped, suddenly missing the feeling of it in me. Then, I felt him put a paw testingly on my hip. He added a little weight to it before moving closer. I silently cried out as I felt his cock bump against my clit. He felt so warm...

He moved it back and forth against my entrance, as though having a hard time getting it in. I was moving one of my hands to help him when he suddenly thrust inside of me, the swift motion ripping past my barrier and digging dip within me. There was an intense pain but he barely noticed as he kept thrusting his dick inside me. It hurt, it hurt worse than what I thought possible but the pain gradually receded into pleasure. Immense pleasure as I began to moan and move with him, feeling his body slapping against mine as he kept thrusting into me.

"Yes, oh yes, please Momo!" My words seemed to encourage him and help him speed up. Perhaps the reason he'd listened to me so often was because my voice gave him pleasure, as his battling did for me. "Please Momo, fuck me. Let me feel your dick buried in me!"

The intense thrust of his hips at his words seemed to prove me right so I kept beseeching him through my pants and moans. "Oh, God, Momo. Yes! Please, just like that! Ohhh, fuck me..."

I didn't last long. He felt so good within me and to think about what we were doing, how he was treating me like his little fuck toy, it made me cum right there. But he didn't stop.


He kept plunging himself in me, frantic, as he felt my walls grip him tighter due to my orgasm.

"Yes! Yes, baby! Cum for me... Fuck me, I'm yours, your bitch."

Those words seemed to put him over the top. He gave two more hard thrusts before unleashing his seed into me. His fur sparkled and lit up the tent, tiny jolts of electricity pulsing within me as he released. I came again and again, feeling the liquid from my cum and his seed running and pooling on the sleeping bag. Moaning, I felt him pull out of me, limp. I ached for him to be filling me again but I was a little sore and my knees hurt from kneeling for so long. I opted instead to turn around and lay on the sleeping bag, motioning him to cuddle with me.

His fur brushed against my arms, my shirt thoroughly crumpled and my bra somewhat skewered but I was too tired to fix it. Momo rested his head upon my chest, allowing me to lightly stroke his mane. I have to admit, even in the glow of our shared pleasure, I worried what might happen because of this. Pokemon and human relationships were not something acceptable by most standards but Momo... he wasn't just a Pokemon to me. Momo was Momo. He was smart if not smarter than most humans and even if it wasn't love, we had a bond. A bond that went beyond trainer and Pokemon, human and Luxio.

I needed him.