Born Again Angel: Chapter 2 - Explanations

Story by Quirk on SoFurry

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#1 of Born Again Angel

Warning! This series will have strong religious and adult overtones. If you are sensitive towards such things, stop reading right now! That goes double for you if you're underage!! I take no responsibility for your emotions, thoughts, and feelings should you choose to read this.

Any similarities of names, characters, or circumstances are purely coincidental.

All comments, good and bad are welcome.

For centuries there have been stories told of werewolves, Sasquatch, and other such creatures. While most of these stories are just flights of fancy, some are not.

Ever see that faint flicker out the corner of your eye, dark shapes flitting just out of your vision. A shimmer as if on a hot summers day on tarmac?

Ignorance is bliss...


Mark awoke with a start, thinking he'd just had a bad dream. Sitting at the edge of his bed in the dark room, he rests his face in his hands. Something didn't feel right, his hands brushing back along his cheeks, then forward along his...muzzle? Frantically he explores his features, his ears perking forwards as he hears another startled sound before him.

"Who's there?"

"S...Stacey...who...Mark? Is that you?"

He breathes a sigh of relief, even though he couldn't see her, he was glad to know she was alive.

"Mark...something weird is going on...I..."

"Have fur too?"

" also? What the hell is happening here?"

Their eyes are suddenly assaulted bright light of day as the thick leather hide was pushed back and tied away from the doorway. That familiar white she wolf, Raven as he thought she was called, stood at the door holding two bowls of delicious smelling food.

"Oh good, you're already up. Welcome to the Vale"

She smiled warmly at the two, both getting a good look at each other for the first time. Stacey had seemingly been transformed into what Mark thought best could be described as an arctic vixen, her once long luxurious golden tresses having gone as white as the snow. Though rather peculiarly there was a single lock of ebony at her fringe. Those enchanting emerald eyes remained unchanged however.

Mark in the meanwhile had been changed into a rather average looking red fox, bright red fur with black ears, paws and feet. Both vulpines stared slack jawed at each other, their minds having more than a little hard time computing the changes they'd undergone, both looking towards Raven for answers. The she wolf merely smiled and turned around before heading out the door, her words drifting in the air behind her.

"Answers later, eat first to gain your strength back. Xandros will be waiting for you in the main hall"

The food having been temporarily forgotten under the shocking revelation of their changed forms, the enticing aroma making their mouths water. The two give each other a fleeting glance before setting to task, ravenously eating the food set out before them; though with more than a little difficulty not used to eating with claws and muzzles and making a fair mess of themselves. A moment of silence follows the meal, both Mark and Stacey sitting on their respective beds, looking themselves and each other over.

"Well...I don't think it could get any worse"

She finally says, giving a sigh and standing up before heading to the door.

"Might as well go get some answers, see if there's a way back to reality."

That self same calm assuredness filling her again, Mark marveling at her self control, while he was on the verge of breaking down. He nods and stands, padding behind her and letting her lead the way.

The main hall

Inside the main hall the pair of vulpines were met with a field of eyes, belonging to all species ranging from bobcats to horses and even one very large and imposing looking bear on what could only be a throne at the head of the hall.The hall was larger on the inside than it appeared on the outside, stone stairs leading up to the main door. Just past the main door was the dining hall, two long tables with benches along each side ran the length of the hall to the dais with the throne at the center. Thick wooden beams carved with intricate

patterns held aloft the vaulted ceiling. Chandeliers of brass and ivory hung between the pillars, one main large design in the center of the ceiling. All holding aloft fires to light the otherwise dark hall, the only other light coming from small windows high in the roof and the open door. Doorways leading off the main hall were recessed into the stone arch doorways.

"Xandros, I do believe our guests have arrived. I think you'd best take Raven with you this time, those other two didn't take it so well coming from you. I hate to say it old friend, but you're as subtle as a kick to the head"

The large bear, 'Belar' Mark thought he'd heard Raven address him, said with a thundering laugh while talking to a rather large looking grey wolf.Raven got to her feet, rising from between a palomino horse and a rather cheeky looking female skunk that was looking at Mark while giggling. Mark didn't know why, but he blushed at the look she was giving him, Ravens telling smile only fueling it.Raven nodded to the wolf whom he assumed to be Xandros, padding over to a door leading from the main hall. She held the door open for Xandros and ushered the vulpines inside before entering and closing the door shut behind her.

A smaller version of the main hall was contained in this room, though a small fireplace was in one corner to keep it nice and warm. Xandros sat at the head of the smaller table, Raven beside him at one side. The two vulpines stood confusedly at the doorway until Raven nodded and indicated the seats before them. Both giving a nod simultaneously and taking the offered seat.

"You both want answers and I'm here to give them to you. Though it might be best if Raven fills you in on the meat, and I'll just give you the Belar says, I lack subtlety in these matters."

"Indeed you do Xandros"

Raven teased, laughing and patting the grey wolfs shoulder.

"You're not going to like what you hear, but in reality you don't have a choice but to accept it and move on. Beating around the bush isn't going to help you, so I'll be blunt. You're both dead."

Raven says with all seriousness.


The vulpines both blurt at once, not believing their ears.

"Raven!" Xandros bellows disapprovingly at her, growling at her rather cruel joke.

"Alright! Alright...I'm just kidding, sheesh...grow a sense of humor why don't you, you old fossil"

She says while laughing, giving the two a wink.

"But seriously folks, you aren't in Kansas anymore, and there ain't no red heeled shoes you can click together to get back home either. I hope neither of you needs the bathroom, well...mainly because there isn't one out here, and you're going to shit yourselves at what I'm about to tell you"

Both Mark and Stacey agreeing they didn't need to go anytime soon, Raven begins to tell them of their situation.

The vale between Heaven, Hell, and Reality

It was the end of days; they were practically in a version of purgatory. Good and evil had made a wager for all of humanity, both deciding to leave it to humanity to decide their fate. The real world was too easy to manipulate, both their influences had spread far and wide and created an unleveled playing field. Thus they created the vale, a place where neither of them had any real influence. Since the dawn of time people had been conscripted both against their will and of their own free will to join the fight. Raven spoke at length about such people as Richard the Lion Heart, Joan of Arc. Also of brief instances where the vale had occasionally breached and beings crossed over, springing up stories of werewolves and the Sasquatch.

Feeling it unfair to simply dump the players into this world without any knowledge of how it works or what to expect, both sides decided to put forth four keys each. Good sent four angels, while Evil sent four demons. No prime evils or arch angels were to be allowed on the playing field, and no direct influence from either side.

Death was not allowed or even possible in the Vale, instead only a version of death. Each participant had an allotted amount of energy determined by various aspects ranging from fitness and stamina to belief and personality; indicated by the glowing symbol on the palm of their left hands. Each symbol was only visible by its bearer, though could be shown to others or be seen if allowed by the bearer. To gain or lose energy, encounters with opposing forces or the other denizens of the Vale would be required. A form of vampirism was the way Raven described it, keep your energy high and be able to do amazing things, or loose all of it and become "The Wild".

"The Wild" as she described them were 'players' that lost or otherwise depleted their energy, reverting to beings of the most basic and primitive instincts. Savages that often attacked unsuspecting victims; they were the only beings where energy could not be gained from. They were leeches, only able to be reverted to sentient beings by an angel of resurrection. Xandros being one of two, the other having vanished centuries ago. Failing that, a sacrifice of energy from another player, which would put them at being on the brink of becoming one of "The Wild" themselves, could bring them back.

It wasn't all bad though; energy could be created almost as easily as lost. Becoming "The Wild" was in place of death upon losing all energy, though the opposite had also become true. Through mutual satisfaction, both parties could create energy reserves. All preconceived notions of sexuality would soon be lost due to the nature of such encounters, pleasure was pleasure, and war was war. Gender didn't matter when it came to survival.

Mark turns a bright red as Raven mentions the skunk in the main hall wanting to energize him, this comment even bringing a slight smile to even Xandros' lips. When questioned as to why she was still so happy about her predicament, Raven simply shrugged her shoulders and mentioned she was religious in the real world and this was her way of fighting on the side of the light. Plus she thought she was damned hot compared to the others.

The creatures that had pursued them outside the walls were shades, wild cards in the Vale. Working for neither side, similar in nature to "The Wild", but once you knew how to deal with them, a great source of energy. There were variations of the shades, ranging from swarms of bee like shades, to larger than elephant sized types. The thing that took the Weasel was apparently not a shade, but rather one of the demons. Sekh as they called her; a vicious bloodthirsty bat creature. While death was not possible, this did not mean torture was out of the question. Sekh played by the rules only so far as she could bend them without being sent back to hell. Most of the demons had such an attitude towards the Vale and its rules.

What ever had happened to the Weasel, while it wouldn't kill him, it surely wouldn't be a picnic either. Despite their dislike of their teacher, they both knew they couldn't just leave him to suffer in the clutches of this Sekh creature. Both knowing what the other was thinking as they exchanged a brief glance.

"We're going to rescue him"



Flashes of things too impossible swam around in Nates mind as he drifted in and out of consciousness. At one point he thought he saw some form of canine looming over him, staring down at him. He didn't know if it was his concussion, but he could swear that not only was this a canine he'd only seen in a National Geographic expose on the African Wild Dog, but more so that it appeared different. The colors and textures of its fur and features were what he would've expected had he been on safari. More disturbing was the fact that it looked more human. One brief instance of lucidity even brought to his attention that it was dragging his limp form somewhere.

Something cold and wet was being pressed to the back of his head, the feeling soothing. He groans and shuffles slightly, still not quite able to regain full consciousness, though drifting on the verge of passing out again. That face hovers over him again, large ears perked towards him. Deep soulful brown eyes staring at him, full of concern. He laughs softly, finding the thought of a wild canine being concerned for his well being. The laugh dying off to a soft whimper as the darkness consumes him once again, his breathing becoming steady as he slumbers once more.

He doesn't know how long it'd been since he was last awake, but something begins to tug him from his forced slumber, something feeling very good. He groans softly, the feeling like something from one of his many wet dreams. A warm wet mouth suckling at him, a hand stroking along his inner thighs and ever so

gently caressing his sac. Soft moans and heavy breathing is heard as he begins to buck up into that feeling. His eyes fluttering open briefly, getting a glimpse of that same canine from before, it's muzzle wrapped around his cock as its head rises and falls against him. Another deep groan spills from him just before the darkness claims him.

Time passes again, just as before a pleasant feeling tugs him from his slumber. This time feels different, his eyes fluttering open again. He looks down to find his hands grasping the waist of the canine atop him. His hips bucking up into her, his eyes staring down at their joining. He doesn't know why, but the knowledge of the canine creature being female was something of a relief to him. Slowly he begins to regain full consciousness, his grip on her hips becoming firmer as he starts to thrust back into her slender form. It was almost as if he were in the passenger's seat, watching his body do as it pleased with the female on top of him. He finds himself staring into those deep soulful eyes again, searching for something. He could tell she was smiling, willing and eager for whatever was going to happen to take place. Her hips undulating and gyrating down against him as she pleasures both herself and him. Not having much experience in such matters it doesn't take long for Nate to reach his brink. With a deep shuddering groan he climaxes, feeling his seed spurt deeply into her. Fingers indenting against the flesh of her thighs as he grips her tightly, trying to get as deeply within her as possible.

He lies panting beneath her, his eyes starting to drift closed as the darkness begins to consume him, this time it was merely the slumber of expended energy. The wild dog female leans forward, her paws stroking tenderly against his chest as her lips meet his own in an almost chaste kiss. As the kiss lingers he has

an odd sensation, something like the feeling of fingers being gingerly stroked along the back of his neck. He thought the words more than hearing them, a calming feeling seeping into him and sending him back into his slumber all the more quickly.

"Call me Ezra"

That's it for part two. Chapter three is hot on its heels, this one will be more adult oriented. The action will only be starting to heat up as sides begin to be defined.