Betrayal and Revenage

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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#4 of Freedom Figthers

Here's number 4 of FF. I managed to finish this during my day off. I also did helped with 3 successful triple heart bypass surgeries.

Enjoy!!!!!! ^_^

Betrayal and Revenge

"I will not tolerate any more failures. My son will not make a fool out of me" my father said walking back and forth in anger. People all around him were scared as lightning shot everywhere from his rage making holes in the castle walls.

"Calm yourselves Xellos. If you can't beat him, use him" the statue said.

Xellos looked over at the statue of a figure kneeling down on one knee with his chin resting on one hand. The muscles in the arms were clearly defined and well sculpted. You really couldn't make out the clothes it wore except that the person was wearing a cape.

"What do you mean lord Thanos?" my father asked.

"Use the trust between them to tear them apart."

"How do propose I do that my lord?"

A portal opened as two raccoons stepped out. One of them had a black vest, army pants, and a whip attached to his hip. The other one had on a hat and sunglasses along with a blue vest and black pants.

"This is Nightshade and Shadow, the best stealth fighters I have. Use them to your advantage and retrieve the power stones they have in their possession. I wish to leave this stone prison as soon as possible."

They walked up to my father and kneeled before him.

"We are at your service lord Xellos" they said together.

"Go and get the power stones from them as my son" he said handing them a crystal that had a picture of me on it. "Do not fail me."

"We will not fail my lord" they said and disappeared.

I was tearing up the hut I was in to find the power stone we got.

"Hurry up Ultimus" Annabelle shouted as she was warming up the jet.

"Yeah don't rush me" I said reaching under the bed for the power stone.

I pulled it out and walked out the hut to be greeted by her father.

"I just want to thank you again for helping us. I never thought we would be saved by an outsider" he said extending his hand.

"No problem. It's the least I could do for your hospitality" I said shaking his hand.

"Here take this amulet. My wife insisted that you take it as thanks from her" he said placing a small necklace with a red emerald inside of a pendent.

"Um...thank you."

I turned to head near the jet before he grabbed my shoulder.

"Oh yeah just one more thing before you go."

"Ok what is it?" I asked.

He put a little pressure on my shoulder as his eyes lit up with a little fire.

"Don't break my daughter's heart. If you do, I will hunt you down outsider. I'll make sure you never recover from what I will do to you."

I felt like my spine was made of ice because I felt very cold and afraid. Annabelle walked over to where we were standing.

"Daddy what are you telling him?" Annabelle asked.

"Nothing Leeloo. I'm just giving Ultimus my thanks. Right son?" he said giving my shoulder another squeeze.

"Yeah....sure....thank you."

We hopped in and took off, heading for home. I was still shaking when Annabelle looked over at me.

"Ok what did he say to you?" she asked.

"Um...nothing. Why do you asked?"

"You're sweating and shaking like a baby. Did he threaten you about me?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"That's just a test he does to all warriors that want to court me. He won't hurt you. He's too much of a softy."

"Did I pass it?"

"I don't know, but you passed my test" she said moving her hand up my leg and to my crotch area.

"Um aren't you supposed to be flying?"

"Don't worry about that. Let's do it again right now before we get back" she said putting the plane on autopilot.

"Wait a minute" I said as she sat on my lap and giving me a deep kiss.

"What's wrong? Don't you like me? Wasn't last night special enough to do it again?"

"Yes and I don't want to spoil that moment" I said trying to control myself which was hard because she was rubbing my crotch area as my penis became erect quickly and started making my pants uncomfortably tight.

"Looks like somebody thinks otherwise" she said as her scent started to fill the jet making my erection more painful.

"He doesn't count. Listen I have some things to do. Can you drop me off near town?" I said lifting her up.

"I guess" she said giving a pouty face.

I gave a chuckle as she landed the jet near the trail used to get to town.

"Oh yeah, can you give this to Tasha for me" I placing the amulet in her hand.

"Sure. No problem."

"Thanks" I said giving her a kiss as she twirled her tongue around mine. She gave a sigh of disappointment when I broke away and headed for the door. "See you later."

I hopped out and she took off as I watched her disappear over the hills. I walked out of the trail and headed towards Chris's house. Chris was in his driveway talking with some friends from high school when he saw me walking up.

"Dude the annual contest is being held again" Chris said.

"Which one?" I asked.

"The Marvel vs. Capcom 2 tournament at Good Times. Winner gets 200$ and a month of free tokens."

"Sweet, when does it start?"

"In about 20 minutes. Tony, Jean, and I are heading there now."

"Got room for me?"

"Always" Tony said getting into Chris's car. "I need a good challenge."

We all got in and took off for the arcade. Nightshade and Shadow were making their way towards the base. They moved quickly and quietly until they were in front of the balcony.

"Is this the place?" Nightshade asked.

"According to the reading from the crystal, this should be it" Shadow answered as the crystal he held vibrated harder as they got closer.

"Fine, then lets get this over with" Nightshade said.

Shadow took out the crystal with my picture on it and gave it a once over. He tossed it away and began to concentrate as a black bubble covered him. Light started shooting through it and you could hear him grunting as he shifted into the picture of me. The bubble dissolved as Shadow stood up and pulled out a mirror to look himself over.

"Not bad if I do say so myself" Shadow said.

"Enough bragging lets go. The stones are on the other side of this building."

They walked in, being sure not to attract any unwanted attention to themselves. Everything was going smoothly as they made their way towards the north side of the building. The crystal started to glow and they looked down the hall and saw a door with security cameras guarding it. They headed towards the door until Greywolf turned the corner with a towel around his neck.

"Hey there Ultimus, what's going on?" he asked.

"Um nothing much. Just the same old" Shadow replied.

"That's good. Who's your friend there?"

"Oh this is um, my friend from school."

"Does he have a name or should I call him friend?"

"Name.... oh yeah he's name is um.... Gary."

"Well nice to meet you Gary. You guys have fun, I'll be seeing you. Don't forget we have a duel to finish" Greywolf said giving Shadow a little punch in the stomach and disappeared down the hall.

"What a fucking idiot" Shadow said starting to get mad and lose some of his concentration on keeping his copy image up.

"Don't lose focus on the mission at hand. Where right in front of the holding chamber."

They walked up to the door as Nightshade waved his hand making the cameras go out of commission. Shadow then began to work on the keypad until the door opened. Inside they found the power stones, each on its own pedestal. Knowing that the stones were on a pressure pad, Nightshade pulled out three replica stones and quickly replaced each power stone with a regular stone.

"Alright we got them. Now let's get out of here. I'm beginning to hate this human form" Shadow said.

They ran out, not before locking the door and fixing the cameras. They headed out the same direction they came in. Outside the balcony they thought they were home free until they heard a voice from behind them.

"Ultimus, are you going to leave without saying goodbye?"

They turned around to see Tasha walking up towards them.

"I just want to thank you for the necklace you gave me. I'll reward you tonight with a special treat" she said smiling.

"Um sure thing no problem. I always think about you." Shadow said trying to come up with things to say.

"Who's your friend?"

"His name's Gary. Excuse me but we got someplace to be."

"Can I tag along? You never bring me anyplace. I want to know more about you."

"Sorry but I don't think where we're going is a good place for a woman" Shadow said as his image started to flash a little.

"What's wrong Ultimus? Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine. Look we really have to go" Shadow said as he turned around and the bag with the power stones started to glow lightly.

"Ultimus where are going with the power stones?" she asked cocking her head to one side.

"Um...I was just going to see what I can learn from them" Shadow said starting to lose it.

"Learn from them? What are you talking about, who are you?" she said backing up.

"Well I guess the jig is up huh Shadow?" Nightshade said.

"Finally I can switch out of stupid human form" Shadow said turning back to normal in a flash of light.

"Who are you people?" Tasha said.

"Let just say we were the clean-up hitters that was batting 100 till you showed up" Shadow said.

"I don't know who you are, but you're not leaving with the stones."

Shadow gave a laugh as she stood ready for anything they threw at her.

"You think you can handle us little girl? Better leave now while you can still walk" Nightshade said.

She gave an evil growl and launched herself at Nightshade as he stood there putting one arm behind his back and using the other one to block every single blow she threw.

"Is this the extent of your power?" Nightshade said laughing.

"I'll show you my power" Tasha said hopping back holding her hands out as the ground shook a little.

"Wow, she's actually got me scared" Shadow said shaking a little before he started laughing along with Nightshade.

"Laugh this off assholes, "Cyclone Slash"."

A huge circular blade made of air tore the ground as it headed towards them. They still stood there laughing as it got closer. When it got close enough, Nightshade grabbed his whip and with a crack that sounded like lightning, spilt her attack in half. He then swung the whip again as it circled around her neck.

"Was that supposed to scare us?" Nightshade said pulling on the whip making Tasha gag.

"Let us show you what real power is like" Shadow said with an evil grin.

Nightshade tossed Tasha in the air as Shadow followed her up splitting himself into 5.

"Here we go, "Doppelganger Fury".

They began to glow and started their assault as they hit her back and forth like a pinball. They finished it off by smashing her down earth as she landed with a thud creating a small crater in the ground. Shadow's images disappeared as he landed next to Nightshade. Tasha's hand twitched as she coughed up blood.

"Humph, she can take beating" Shadow said cracking his knuckles as Tasha crawled to her knees.

"May I have a crack then" Nightshade said.

"Be my guest."

Nightshade gave his whip a lick as Tasha got back on her feet.

"My whip hasn't been this excited in a while" Nightshade said snapping his whip as it wrapped around Tasha pinning her arms to her side. "I hope you like to get dominated, because I love to be in charge."

He tossed her in the air again. The whip began to glow white as he began his assault.

"Dance for me baby, "Whip Frenzy"."

His whip flew so fast and hit so hard that every impact sounded like thunder in the air. Each lash leaving a red mark in her fur filling with blood.

"Faster bitch, dance faster for me" Nightshade said laughing.

He snapped the whip as it wrapped around her feet and slammed her down the ground with a thunderous boom. Nightshade snapped the whip again as it coiled back and he stuck it back on his hip. They walked up to her as she laid there motionless.

"My whip was really happy with you. My hat's off to you."

"What's that old saying, wrong place at the wrong time" Shadow said.

"She's still alive, but barely. Should I finish her off?" Nightshade asked looking at her chest rise and fall very slowly.

Shadow was about on answer when his ears went up as he heard people coming.

"Forget her. We have to get the stones back to master Xellos" Shadow said taking off in the air.

"I'll be seeing you again my little slave. I'll just take a little of your fur as a souvenir of our meeting" Nightshade said cutting off some of her fur from her tail then took off following Shadow.

Tiger, Venom, and Crystal appeared a couple of minutes later from the dirt trail.

"Damn did you have to buy so much beer Crystal?" Tiger said hold a bag.

"Sorry but this is the only time they have them in stock" Crystal said drinking one.

"Hey, what's that over there?" Venom said pointing at Tasha's body.

"It's Tasha" Tiger said running over to her followed by everybody else.

Tiger kneeled down and held Tasha in his arms.

"Christ, somebody did a number on her. Tasha? Tasha? Can you hear me? What happened?"

Tasha opened her eyes slowly and looked at Tiger.

"They....took....the.....stones. I...could...n't....stop....them."

"Who did?"

"Ul...ti....mus" she said before passing out.

"Ultimus? But why would he do that?" Crystal asked.

"Who cares. Right now, the only concern I have is getting Tasha healed" Tiger said carrying her inside to the ER.

"Yeah baby, how about them apples" I laughed as we were sitting down at the table.

"You got lucky man. I never seen anybody use Megaman so damn good before" Tony said shaking his head.

"Don't get mad because I owned you. It was bound to happen sooner or later."

"What ever. Listen I got to jet, I'll talk to you guys later" Tony said getting up with Jean.

"Later" Chris said.

We finished the rest of our drinks and headed to the car. I reached over and opened the glove department and looked at the engagement bands I got a while ago.

"Look at you getting all grown up. Are you going to tell me who the lucky girl is?" Chris said pulling out the driveway.

"Maybe later. I don't feel like having her being hit on by a horny dwarf."

"Ouch man that hurts" Chris said laughing. "Where do you want me to drop you off?"

"Right by the dirt trail is cool."

He pulled over as I got out and leaned on the door.

"You're inviting me to the wedding right?"

"Of course. Who else is going to be my best man?"

"Sweet. Well catch you later" Chris said as he took off.

I watched him disappear around the bend before heading home. As I got closer, I couldn't help but get this nagging feeling that something was wrong. As I got to the entrance, I had to jump out of the way of a quick sword swing aiming for my head.

"What the hell?" I said as I looked up and saw Tiger, Venom, Greywolf, and my mom standing there.

"What the hell are you doing back here?" she said.

"What are you talking about I just got here" I replied.

"Don't lie. You came here and took the power stones back to your father and to top it off you almost killed Tasha."

"I what? What happened here? Where is she?" I said.

"She's in the ER room being taking care of."

I started for the door again before I got cut off by Venom.

"You got a lot of balls coming back here after what you did" Venom said.

"I don't have time for this. I going to see Tasha" I said.

"Why, so you can finish the job" Greywolf said angrily.

"We trusted you and you back stabbed us. You're a traitor" Tiger growled angrily.

"I don't know what went down here but I'm going to see Tasha, even if it means going through all of you to do it."

"I glad you see it that way because that's the only way you're going to see her" Venom said.

I stood there looking at all of them before Greywolf was first to attack. I parried his blow before Venom and Tiger jumped in. I had a hard time after that because I never seen Tiger or Venom fight. I manager to duck under one sword swing before Greywolf's sword caught me in my shoulder. I jumped back against a tree holding on my shoulder which was bleeding pretty good as it leaked down my arm. I felt my anger build up and tried to fight it as a voice in my head started to speak.

"Set me free. Let me kill them."

"No. I can't let you do that."

"But look what they are doing to you. Are you going to let them continue until you die?"

"I have to reason with them somehow. Killing them won't solve anything."

I snapped out of my trance in time to rollout of the way as Venom's sword spilt the tree right down the middle.

"They won't listen to reason."


"Then let's go after the people who did this. Surely you want to kill them."

"Can you find them?"

"Of course I can."

I stood up and looked at all of them.

"If that's the way you want it, I'll leave. Can't say that I'm going to miss you because I won't."

I ran down the trail and took off in the air as I followed the power trail left by the stones. Nightshade and Shadow had stop for a quick bite after a successful mission by a river catching fish.

"Hey man, don't hog all the fish" Shadow said reaching over for a fish that was on a stick.

"Look who's talking. You had more then me" Nightshade said spitting out some bones.

Shadow was about to take a bite out of the fish when he felt a presence coming.

"Somebody's coming" Shadow said standing up.

"I feel it too" Nightshade said standing up also.

I landed down on the ground with a boom as I was beyond angry and looking to vent my rage on something.

"You almost killed Tasha. I'll never forgive you this" I said as my anger got the best of me and I was covered by that crimson aura again.

"Humph, I don't remember asking for forgiveness" Shadow said throwing away the fish he was eating.

"We got orders to take out anybody who got in the way and she got in the way" Nightshade said with a smile as he grabbed his whip.

"Now I'm going to finish the job by killing both of you" I said.

"Ha ha. Let's see if you can do better then weak girl" Shadow said as he spilt into 5 again.

I didn't move as they came at full force. I gave a small smile as the first copy came at me swinging. I blocked his attack with ease as they others followed suit. They couldn't land a single attack as I blocked and counter attack every single move they did.

"Is that the best you can do" I said still blocking and evading.

"I'll show you" Shadow said angrily.

All the shadows lined up as their power started to rise making them glow white.

"Feel our wrath, "Flash Bomb"."

All the shadows threw a huge glowing black ball as they combined into one and headed for me tearing up the ground as it proceeded. I stood there unmoving as it connected sending me back towards the river splitting it in half as the water rose up into a wall.

"There's no way you can survive that attack" Shadow said happily.

"Is that a fact?" I said.

"It's not a fact, it's the truth."

"Then you better make it stronger."

I gave a yell and with a straight punch, knocked it into the air. It flew into the air as it exploded lighting the sky. Everybody went outside as they saw the light.

"Something big is happening over there" Greywolf said.

"We should check it out" Tiger said looking at my mom.

"All right lets go" my mom said as they took off towards the light.

Nightshade and Shadow blinked as their eyes got adjusted and saw me floating over the water.

"Impossible. I put everything into that one" Shadow said angrily.

"We should get out of here. I feel incredibly power coming from him" Nightshade said backing up a little.

"No. He's making a mockery of me. I'm going to kill with him my bare hands" he shouted charging at me.

"Play time is over" I said with a smile.

I held out my hand as he got close. Just as he was in striking distance, a white bubble covered him.

"What the hell is this?" Shadow said trying to break free.

I started laughing as the bubble floated up in the air with him still struggling inside.

"There is no escape for you."

"I'll kill you, you bastard. I swear I will" Shadow shouted inside the bubble.

"That would be a neat trick. But enough talk, get out of my sight."

I held my hand out as a replica bubble with him inside appeared and I started to squeeze it. The bubble in the air begin to shrink as Shadow started to scream in pain because of the compression. With an evil laugh, I clapped my hands hard as the bubble exploded. In that instant, Shadow's body was blown to pieces as his body parts began to fall to earth.

"Pop goes the weasel" I said laughing.

"No, Shadow" Nightshade said tripping over a tree root.

"Don't worry. You'll be joining him very soon" I said as I started walking towards him.

"No, stay away from me."

I got halfway to him when I heard everybody behind me.

"Ultimus, what's going on here?" Tiger said.

"Stay out of this. He belongs to me" I said looking back at him.

"So you are in league with your father. Look, the power stones are by that guy" Venom said looking at Nightshade.

"You're wrong" I yelled as a shockwave of my power pushed them back. "They took the stones and you're still blaming me?"

"Time for me to go" Nightshade said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ball.

He tossed it down as a huge flash of light blinded everybody. Nightshade grabbed the stones and disappeared into the portal he made behind him. That pushed me over the edge as I heard the voice again, this time stronger then ever.

"He took the stones and your revenge is gone. Its time for me to take over. I can feel your hatred which is just enough to set me free."

"No, you can't. Get out of my head" I yelled as everybody looked at me as I started to glow.

"Ultimus what's wrong" my mom said.

"You can't fight me any longer. GIVE IN TO ME."

"NOOOOOOOOOOO" I yelled as my power erupted in an explosion.

A black dome covered my body as red lighting started shooting around it. The ground shook violently as pillars of stone shot up. The river was splashing the shore harshly as the sky grew pitch black as small tornadoes touched the ground around me.

"Do you feel it Xellos? He's back" Thanos said.

"I feel it Lord Thanos. But who is he?"

"The true figure behind the dark side of the crystal, Tyrant."

Tasha opened her eyes slowly and looked around.

"Hey, you're up" Jenna said touching her face softly.

She started to get up before Jenna stopped her.

"Where are you going? You can't move around just yet."

" go. help."

"Who does?"


"But you're not well enough to move."



"Please.....Jenna. We...don't....have...much...time."

Jenna hesitated but shook her head yes as she carefully put Tasha's arm around her neck and headed for us. The dome started to recede as I was kneeling down. Red lighting flashed around my body before I stood up and opened my eyes. My hair was longer as it touched the end of my back and was a deep red color along with my eyes.

"Ahhh, so good to be free at last" Tyrant said stretching.

"Ultimus, are you ok?" Crystal asked.

"Ultimus? That weakling is sleeping right here" Tyrant said patting his chest where the light stone was.

"Who are you?" Tiger asked.

"I am darkness itself. I am Tyrant" he said with a bow. "And I'm going to do what he failed to do."

"What is that?" Greywolf asked.

"Destroy all of you."

Tyrant's movement was a blur as he struck all 4 of them in a blink of an eye sending to the ground.

"Christ, he's fast" Tiger said holding his chest.

"He may be fast, but my sword is faster" Venom said getting up.

He held his sword out as it started to glow yellow.

"Try this, "Phoenix Slash"."

He made an arching slash as a mini phoenix made of pure fire streaked towards Tyrant. Tyrant laughed as it came close and exploded on contact making a huge pillar of fire shot up in the sky.

"Did I get him?" Venom said breathing hard.

"I think so" Tiger said.

Tyrant walked out of the pillar as the shirt I was wearing was completely burnt and the scar I had was glowing red.

"Is that it?" Tyrant said.

"It can't be" Venom said shocked.

Tyrant flew at Venom knocking into a tree as he began a merciless pounding to his body connecting with right and lefts, each blow making the tree shake. Venom coughed up blood as Tyrant grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground.

"How does it feel to be on the receiving end of the beating?" Tyrant said putting more pressure on.

"Ultimus let him go. I know you can hear me. You have to fight him" my mom yelled.

Tyrant dropped Venom and looked at her with an evil smile.

"Ultimus can no longer hear you. You can shout to your hearts content" he said walking towards her.

"Rose, stand clear, quickly" Tiger yelled.

My mom understood and jumped out the way as Tiger let loose. "Absolute Zero" he yelled as the ground Tyrant walked on froze instantly along with him in a huge ball of ice.

"Greywolf, do it" Tiger yelled grabbing my mom.

"All ready on it" Greywolf said. "Tensanki Slash"."

He slammed his sword down into ground as a huge wave of power surged towards the ice block with Tyrant inside. When it connected, it exploded sending chunks of ice into the air. Everybody covered their heads as they hit the ground. When the ice stopped falling, everybody looked over to see Tyrant on the ground not moving.

"All right, nice going bro" Tiger said with a smile.

"Yes, nice going" Tyrant said getting up.

The looked on in horror as he dusted himself off.

"That's quite a punch you pack little wolf. But it's not enough to save you" Tyrant said as he started to glow. "Now then, feel the true power I possess, "Shadow Flare"."

A massive beam of black fire rushed towards Tiger and Greywolf. They stood their ground as they put up shields around them. When it connected it felt like a wrecking ball hitting a building.

"It's....too...strong" Tiger said as his defensive shield got weaker by the second.

"Can't....hold....out....either" Greywolf said as his power got weaker too.

Tyrant applied more power with a quick push of his hands as their shields shattered. The black fire engulfed them as they howled in pain and dropped to the ground still smoking.

"Stop, please, no more" I said.

"What's wrong? This is what you wanted isn't it? I'm just granting your wish" Tyrant said with a smile.

"TIGER" Jenna yelled running up to him.

"Oh, more people to add to the death list huh" Tyrant said.

"Ultimus....I can....hear me."

Tyrant turned around as his eyes narrowed evilly as he saw Tasha leaning on a tree for support.

"You. You're the one that has some kind of effect on him to battle my power to control him" he said angrily.

" are stronger....then he his. You have to...fight him."

"I'm going to enjoy watching you die" he yelled and charged her.

Tasha didn't move as he struck her into the tree as she buckled over on the ground. He kicked across the ground as she slammed into another tree. She whined as blood came out her mouth.

"Once I kill you, then he'll be powerless to stop me from controlling his body."

He reached down the grab her when he stopped and held his head.

"No. No, I won't let you hurt her anymore" I said angrily.

" I....own you" Tyrant said angrily as our body started to glow.

"The only person I belong to is me and my mate Tasha. I will not let you take her away from me."

Tyrant let out a yell as his power exploded creating another dome around him. Light shone through as his yelling got louder and the ground shook roughly. Soon the dome exploded as I was on my hands and knees crying. Tasha weakly got up and walked over to me. She lifted my head and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry" I said softly.

"It's ok. It's all over now."

"I let him out and they got away with the power stones. It's all my fault."

"No it's not your fault."

"He almost killed you. I don't deserve to be with you or anybody else. I can't let him out again. Please forgive me" I said getting up disappearing into the wood.

Tasha sat there with tears in her eyes before she fainted on the ground.

"She just passed out. She'll be fine" Crystal said blowing a sigh a relief.

"Good let's get out of here" my mom said.

They all took off and went for home. After a good day's rest Tasha got better but I was nowhere to be found. They searched everywhere possible but couldn't find a trace of me. Tasha went and asked my mom where the one place I could go where nobody would think of.

"The only place I can think of would be my mother's home in Kensiko."

"Okay I'll go there" Tasha said heading out the door.

"Do you want me to go with you? I feel kind of responsible for this too."

"No I think its best if I go alone" she said and left.

She landed on the front lawn of an old house deep in the woods. A white fence surrounded the area as vines wrapped around the front side of the house. An old bicycle with a rusty chain was parked on the lawn along with tons of roots. Tasha walked up and knocked on the door. There was no answer and all the blinds in the house were pulled down. She turned the doorknob and was surprised to find it was unlocked. She opened the door and walked in. It was completely black with no kind of light showing anywhere except upstairs. She fumbled around until she found the stairs and climbed up. Looking down the hall, she saw me on my grandmother's bed.

"Ultimus?" she said softly.

"Go away. I said I don't deserve to be with anybody, especially not you."

"No I will not go away. I love you Ultimus and nothing will change that" she said and sat down on the bed next to me.

"But because of me they got the 2 power stones we had and are one step closer to reviving Thanos. They only need 2 more and one of them is inside of me along with that monster."

"But you can fight him. I know you have the power too."

"That's the thing. Every time I use the dark side, I feel him getting stronger. The next he comes out, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop him again. If that happens, I want you to kill me before he fully takes over."

"Don't talk like that. I'm sure we'll figure a way to help you so don't give up" she said kissing my cheek.

She got up and looked around the room. On the dresser were pictures of me and my grandmother from various places.

"Is this your grandmother?" she asked picking up a picture.


"You look cute when you were younger. Pity I wasn't around to break your virginity" she chuckled.

"Ha" I laughed. "You wouldn't be able to handle me that young."

"Who says I can't handle you now" she murred happily and pounced on me.

I chuckled as she laid on top on me pinning my arms over my head. She gave me a deep kiss as her tongue explored my mouth freely. She broke off and looked me in the eyes as love shown deeply in them. I was speechless until I remembered the wedding bands.

"Tasha, there's something I wanted to ask?"

"What is it?" she said kissing my neck.

"Will you ohhhhh...." I moaned slightly as she found a soft spot in my neck.

"Will I what?" she murred deepily getting turned on as her scent started to fill the room.

"Will you accept the honor of being my mate?"

She stopped what she was doing and looked me in the eyes as she smiled widely.

"Yes, I accept. I want you by my side always" she said as tears of joy started to fall. "Shall we start the honeymoon early?" she said starting to take off my clothes.

"Sure but you really need to take a shower. Your fur still has some blood stains."

She pinched me lightly and got up and headed to the shower. I heard the water starting as steam came from the bathroom.

"Are you joining me my hubby?" Tasha asked playful from the bathroom.

"Sure thing baby. Give me a second."

I got up and headed to the bathroom before I held my head as I heard Tyrant's voice.

"You can't fight me forever. Sooner or later, I will be set free and then I will kill you and that bitch."

"I'll be waiting for you then, count on it. In the meantime, stay out of my head."

Heading into the bathroom, I took off my clothes and stepped inside. Tasha grabbed me and pinned me against the wall kissing me deeply as water fell on me.

"Now then, let's clean you up" Tasha said with a toothy grin as she started to lick down my chest towards my penis which was rock hard.

She cupped my balls and licked the shaft of my penis from the balls up making me shudder and moan. She played with my head making my knees weak a little. Looking up at my face, she started to inch her muzzle on my penis as my face had a mask of pleasure on it as I started to thrust slightly into her hot mouth.

"Oh god that's good" I moaned as I rubbed her head making her whine happily.

I felt that heavenly feeling inside my stomach as a shot pre came out making her stop short and stood up.

"Care to wash my back darling?" she said pressing herself against the wall, her tail waving seductively side to side.

I grabbed the soap and started to wash her back as the few blood stains that were left disappeared leaving only her beauty showing. Rinising her off, I leaned in and bite down on the sensitive part of her neck making her yip and arch her back towards me. I reached around and squeezed her breasts lightly pinching her erect nipples as she shuddered and her breathing became rapid.

"Ohhh that feels so good" she moaned closing her eyes and turning her head slightly.

I laid one finger at her neck and slowly went down her spine making her whine loudly as her body shook with pleasure.

"You are so beautiful" I said as I stopped at her tail and lifted it up.

Her pussy was wet from the water and her juices as I used one finger and gently rubbed the top of it making her moan louder as her sex tried to grip my finger tightly. I licked my finger clean as she tasted good. Kneeling down, I stuck out my tongue and began to lick up her up and down making her murr happily as her tongue lolled out.

"Take me Ultimus, please. I need your cock now" she whined as I continued to lick her.

I gave slight laugh as I stood up lined my penis with her opening and pushed in. We both let out a moan as I hilted her completely. Her muscles began to grip and massage my penis as I began to thrust into her slowly.

"So hot and moist my little wolfie" I moaned picking up the pace a little.

"All for you my darling, all for you" she said happily putting more pressure on my penis.

I gritted my teeth and began to pound into harder as my balls slapped her thighs with a smack. Each thrust upwards sent her into the wall as she folded her ears down on her head and bared her teeth in pleasure. Grabbing her thighs, I lifted her up a little as I penetrated her deeper making her yip with each thrust. Her nipples brushed against the cool tile wall as she met each of my thrusts with her own.

"Ohhhh Ullltimussss" she whined as her climax rapidly approached.

"That's right my....little wolfie.....cum for.....your mate" I said breathing heavily as I sank my teeth into her neck.

I felt my balls draw up ready to deliver as I fought it back. Her pussy began to really squeeze me as her climax began to set in. I gave one violently hard thrust as she howled so hard I thought the glass would shatter as she came hard. Her juices covered my shaft making it slicker as I moaned and exploded into her. I kept thrusting into her shooting ropes and ropes of cum into her into it finally subsided.

"Mmmm you feel so good" Tasha said milking me a little more making my hips thrust up slightly.

"I think....we better get out of here before we prune up" I said reaching over and turning off the water.

We stepped out as I began to dry her off in between light teasing and kisses. When I was done I couldn't help but laugh as she looked like a white puffball.

"Ha ha laugh it up" Tasha said looking in the cabinet for a comb.

"I'm sorry but you look too cute like that."

She combed herself down and threw away the loose fur until she came out looking like a queen, my queen. I gave a smile as she crawled into the bed and straddled my hips kissing me.

"Care for one more go before we go to sleep?" I asked.

"I thought you would never ask" she said with a smile as she lifted herself up and inched my penis into her.

"Oh yeah" I said closing my eyes as I grabbed her hips and started to lift her up and down.

Tasha closed her eyes and whined as she rested her head on shoulder. I moved her faster as my second orgasm quickly approached. Tasha let out a whining bark as she climaxed again squeezing me like a vice. I tensed up and slammed her down all the way as I unloaded again into her opening. I laid down with her on top of me feeling the nice breeze from the open window.

"Ultimus?" she said softly.


"Promise me that you'll never give up on me and will always be there?"

"I promise my love. Until death do us part."

She smiled and nuzzled my neck softly before falling asleep in my arms. I closed my eyes listening to her sleep soundly before I passed out too.

"Master Xellos, I have returned with the stones, but I lost Shadow" Nightshade said sadly.

"Good work Nightshade" Xellos said taking the stones and placing them on the corners of the pentagram where the statue of Thanos was in the middle of. "You're up next. You already know where the Chaos stone is so just wait until he appears before you bring them both here. Do you understand?" he said to a skunk that was leaning by the door with his eyes closed.

The skunk opened his eyes which held a brown color to them and looked at my father.

"I understand. Leave everything to me. I will bring you the Chaos stone along with your son as we agreed."