A False Trail

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales from The Hub

Bolshoi was a good companion, if a

little on the naive side. It wasn't his fault. The Brotherhood had reigned for

centuries now, subverting the basic facts into their form of truth. He was open-minded,

and if I could prove what I said, it was good enough for him. That was a good

trait to have. Narrow mindedness was a disease that I had inoculated myself

against long ago. I was intolerant of it in anyone I had to associate with.He was quiet, another valuable

quality. If he asked a question, he obviously thought it over before looking

for an answer. And he was inventive and quick thinking. If he had been a dame I

might have considered dropping my prohibition on matrimony.  That made me laugh. If this little furball

had been a female, I would have split him wide open on our wedding night. But

it was his small stature and unintimidating looks that had prodded me into

hiring him on. I had more than enough of the macho shit going on to terrify

half of the police force.His aptitude during this first case

was beyond expectations. I only hoped he wouldn't get frightened off when

things got ugly. And they would, believe you me. I'm not saying we were going

to be dodging bullets day in and day out, but I wasn't in this for the glory

and things were going to get gory.As far as Archimedes was concerned,

he didn't know us and we didn't know him. That made isolating him a little bit

easier. The problem was, how? I could certainly track him down and blow his

head off, but that was against my principles. This guy needed to suffer before

he died. On top of that, I'm pretty recognizable. I don't think I could make

the hit in broad daylight and get away with it. Nighttime might work, with my

natural, shadowy color, but again, it could prove tricky. I needed him alone,

inside, and under my control. I posed the problem to my new partner."I see your difficulty. It's not as

if he isn't trained in killing. That would also make him highly suspicious of

anyone unfamiliar. It wouldn't be a stretch of the facts to assume the other

families have hits out on him as well. So I don't think you're going to get him

alone on your terms.""Thanks! Like I didn't know that,

ya little pipsqueak!" I hollered.He carried on as before, as quiet

as a librarian. "I hadn't finished. What you need is to distract him. Make him

sloppy; get his focus off of his surroundings.""Again, obvious. Do ya have a

concrete idea or are you simply stating the glaringly apparent?"He tapped his fingers on the table.

"I was thinking that what you needed was another victim, someone he could

accost and have his way with. Follow him wherever he went and when he was

distracted, cold cock him."I'd give him a cock alright! "That's

a good plan. Do ya have some willing female all lined up that ya have a

vendetta against? I hope so, because I know for a fact that ya aren't going to

find any volunteers!"He stood up and went to the

quarters I had graciously handed over to him. I'd didn't relish him getting

killed, leastwise not this early in our relationship. Keeping him close was the

best way I could think of. The minutes ticked by as I heard the faint rustling

of clothes. When he came back out again, I nearly fell down and asked him to

marry me on the spot. That little bastard came out wearing a dress, heels and

enough jewelry to fill a store window. Now I ain't gay, though I don't mind a

little mano a mano now and again. But I couldn't tell him from any other vixen.

The bastard even managed to show off a nice pair of tits under his blouse.I forced my cock down. "Godammit

Bolshoi! You make a damn good lookin lady...maybe too good. You might attract

unwanted attention!"He smiled and fluttered his eyelashes.

"Not from you I hope, big boy!"                "You

just might if you dress like that for very long. And how the hell can you get

your voice like that? You sound like one of the girls from the concert hall."                Again

with the eyelids. "I have training in many different things. Not the least was

a stint at the Echo Theatre. I can perform well enough when I need to."                "I just

bet you can. It's a good thing you're my partner; I'd hate to be you if you got

on my bad side. But you've made your point. I hope you understand that if he

catches on to your little charade, he'll snuff your lights without blinking."                 So we

had part of the plan figured out. The next one was finding out where that

bastard called home. Not a house, ya fool, but his watering hole. Everybody

drank. Even the Brotherhood called alcohol the Tears of the Gods. We needed to

figure out where he went to unwind, that is to say, when he wasn't killing,

raping and maiming. I figured he had a favorite dive, but my partner corrected

me.                "These

murders happened all over town. I doubt he would pick a victim and drive her

across town before committing the deed. "                "Ya got

a point short stuff. Still, everyone likes a place to hang out. I'll keep my

eyes open for anything solid. You do the same. But whatever ya do, don't go

making folks suspicious. If he finds out we're on his trail, he'll park himself

outside my door and you'll never see the light of day again!"                 I'll

not bother ya with the details of how we tracked him down; just know that we

did. His favorite haunt was a dive called The Club Asinis. It was a Carn-only

joint, meaning I couldn't step foot inside without causing a ruckus. Bolshoi

qualified, if barely. Since he was going in as a lady, I doubted he would have

much trouble getting through the door. It was getting back out again I was

worried about.                As it

turned out, I was half correct. Dressed to kill, Bolshoi boldly walked into the

door with nary a second glance. The only thing a Carn liked better than fresh

meat was fresh meat, if you get my meaning. I told my partner that I would give

him an hour. After that, I would break down the door and come in gun

blazing.  As it was, I was a little more

generous, at his request. I gave him an hour and a half.  He came out with ten minutes to spare. He was

hanging on the arm of a slim, well dressed Carn, draped from foot to ears in

fine clothes. You could barely see his stripes under all his finery.                I

watched as Bolshoi hailed a cab. I also couldn't help miss the wad of paper he

dropped on the curb.  I headed their way

before the cab left, hoping he had the brains to write down an address. I

un-crumpled the sheet and read the following.Made a new

friend. Going back to his place. 17635 Groshure Way. Follow ASAP. Once in, give

me an hour, then it's all up to you.                I

jumped on my vintage cycle which I had hidden in a nearby alley. I already knew

where Archimedes' house was located. Chances were good I could make it there before

the cab. An original protean-drive engine was more than most folks could

handle, but for me, it was necessary to move my enormous weight. It cranked out

enough power to get me going up to 240 kph on a straight away. The average cab

couldn't do a third that. As it turned out, I had time to tuck the bike in the

shadows and stake out the house from a good vantage point.                The cab

pulled up less than ten minutes later. My partner climbed out, then turned and

stuck his arm back into the cab. With an effort, he pulled hard, extracting the

inebriated looking hit man. He paid the fare, slammed the door, and with a heave,

helped the drunken Carn into the house. It was now down to waiting. The

situation was not what I had pictured when we had set out on this mission.

There was something distinctly odd about it and it made me rather uneasy.                A few

lights came on inside, and for one brief moment, I could see my partner

silhouetted in the window. Then the curtains were pulled and the room went

dark. I hoped he knew what he was doing. There were no screams or cries during

the next nerve-wracking half an hour. After that mark, each minute ticked away

with a teeth-grinding, turtle-plodding pace. At the one hour mark I got up,

figuring to bust down the door and save what was left of poor Bolshoi.                 I

pulled myself up from my hiding spot and made a run at the door. Halfway to it,

I saw a light come on and the entrance to the house was flung open. Standing

there was a disheveled Vulp. I screeched to a halt, nearly falling over in the

process.                "Well,

look who was coming to my rescue! Isn't that sweet!" He was still using his

falsetto voice.                "You

little jerk!" I cried. "What the hell have you been doing for an hour. I

figured this guy had ya off your guard with his drunk routine and was making

mince meat out of ya!" I sounded pissed because I was pissed.                "Calm

down big boy!  Follow me and I'll show

you to Archimedes." I walked in. Bolshoi quietly closed the door and clicked

all five locks. This guy was pretty savvy about his security to then go hooking

up with just any random chick he met. Either that, or Bolshoi put on one hell

of a show.  I walked to the back of the

house.                The

door opened to an incredibly erotic scene. The centerpiece of it was my next

victim, tied down to the bed with soft cords. There were candles lit, music was

playing, and he looked like an acolyte of the Brotherhood after being told he

had a shoe-in for heaven. I looked from this scene to Bolshoi.                "Would

you mind explaining what the hell all this is?"                That

spunky little fool had the audacity to smile. "You were dead set on killing

him, so I figured I get a little use out of him first. The funny thing is, I

don't think he's the one you're looking for." He turned towards the slim

striped Carn on the bed. "Are you dearie?"                Archimedes

mumbled a bit before his voice cleared. "Is that you sweetie? I hope we're not

done yet. You are so wonderful!"                I

couldn't believe my ears. This was the Morou family's horrid hit man? He

sounded like a lovesick teenager. I was speechless on so many levels. First, I

don't know what I thought about the sexual orientation of my partner, but I

guess I didn't blatantly think of him as gay. I didn't care, mind you. It just

wasn't what came to mind. I guess I should have guessed with all of the foppery

and finery he wore. Which meant either this Carn was gay, or so out of his head

he had no idea he was being fucked by another male. Then I grinned. Been there,

done that!"OK Bolshoi, I think I deserve an

explanation. I ain't mad; just plumb confused."The first thing he did was to pull

two bottles out of his purse. "This one is opitalmine and this one is

gentilamide.I gazed at them for a moment. Maybe

I thought that longer I stared the meaning of what he was holding would come to

me. I was stumped. "What the hell are those?"He chuckled. "Perhaps you'll know

them better as Puff and Peace."Now that got my attention. I didn't

know there was any other name for those wonderful little drugs besides those

simple titles. The stuff was near impossible to get your hands on thanks to the

Brotherhood. They had commandeered it for the sole use of their members. You

can bet when they had a stranglehold on something, it was hard to come by."OK, so now I get it. You slipped

some of those to our friend here. It would go far to explain his peaceable

demeanor."                My

little foxy partner only grinned. "No, I don't think so. I've been talking to

him about his work. He's admitting to killing nearly forty members of the

various mob families, plus a few cops. He completely denies having anything to

do with The Vivisectionist murders. As open as he's been, I don't think he

would have allowed that information to stay inside him. He's pretty proud of

his abilities with a rifle. I think that if he was as equally proud of his

rapes, he would have spilled that info as well."                I had a

sinking feeling in my gut. It had to do with several things, not the least of

which was the fact that I wouldn't, in good conscience, be able to kill this

guy. I had planned a wonderfully tortuous time for him, and now, poof, it was

gone. "Hey Archimedes!" I bellowed.                He

looked over at me. Normally, my appearance made even the toughest Carn quaver.

He just smiled and then looked over to my partner. "You didn't tell me were

going to have a threesome dear. Tell your big hunk of meat to undress and we'll

get started."                Either

Bolshoi overdosed this freak or else he wasn't our man. I looked down in his

face "Look you good for nothing piece of shit, I want to ask you a question!"                His

eyes rolled dreamily. "Questions at a time like this? OK; here's the answer. I

like it rough, I like it a lot, and I prefer only one at a time but I'm open

for more. You'll do just fine!"                I was

dumbfounded. This was the great sniper, the killer of Kerto "Big Dog" Callimee?

This was the one who took down Daddy Terisomo at 600 meters from the top of the

old transmission tower? Somehow, I had pictured someone more, uh, macho. But I

guess just about anyone could handle a rifle. There was no accounting for style

or taste.                "Look

you striped idiot, I have a different question. Did you or did you not commit

The Vivisectionist murders?"                He

looked hurt. "No! My friend asked me the same thing," he said, pointing at

Bolshoi the best he could with his hands tied down. "What's the point in

killing a lady who just might spend a month in your bed? I don't get my jollies

from killing you know. That's my job. It's what I get paid to do. It pays for

this," he finished, rotating his head around the room.                I was

stumped. He certainly didn't behave like a psycho. I still didn't trust him

though. I turned to my partner. "I agree. I don't think this asshole has

anything to do with the murders. Maybe Charise's husband wanted him bumped off

and dropped the "leak" on purpose. I can't say for certain right now. Let's get

out of here and regroup."                He got

a sly look on his face. "You go. I'll call a cab when I'm done here."                I

sighed. "Alright. Get your jollies while you can. But make sure you leave

before the sun comes up, and make sure he understands that he's still not free

and clear. It's lucky for him he hasn't offed anyone I happened to have liked,

or it would still be all over for him." I turned without looking back and

pushed out the front door, making sure to slam it once I was on the stoop. I

didn't approve of Bolshoi's activity, though I could hardly talk. I've used sex

to kill off a few less than savory characters over the years. He was only using

one for his own pleasure. I guess I was pissed because both of them were lucky

bastards tonight.  It's was too bad the

Carn was so out of it he couldn't tell he was getting fucked by another guy.                I

jumped on my cycle and revved it up good before tearing off down the street. If

my partner made it home in one piece, then I guess I would keep him. Obviously,

if he did not, then I would be looking for a new one. I hit the bed in a

piss-assed mood. When I got up in the morning, Bolshoi was already up, or still

up, I didn't know which. He seemed happy enough, which pissed me off even more.

I hadn't taken time to satisfy y own needs for over a week. I had intended to

get out my stress on last night's quarry. We all know how that went.                He looked

up at me and smiled. If he kept it up, I was going to bash in his pretty face

and use the rest of him for dick-meat. Then I realized I was getting worked up

for no good reason and relaxed. In this world, you either used or got used. If

you were fortunate, you came out dead even and in one piece. I could hardly

blame him for getting some where he could.                "Look

you little sly boy, I want you to know you did good. You're unorthodox, like

me, but in a different way.  I respect

that. But we're going to have to sync up at some point. I need to know what you

doing so I can formulate my own plan in case something goes wrong."                He just

grinned even wider. "OK. I made an adjustment to your plan last night. I don't

like killing for no reason. Arc is a hit man by his own admission, and from the

sounds of it, the people he killed are no great loss. He himself is kind of

cute, and since you said he wasn't off the hook, it got me thinking. Someone

wanted him dead maybe. We have no idea why. If you or I didn't kill him,

someone else would. So it seemed to me the best answer was to kill him after

all"                Now I

was really pissed. I could have been ramming my billyclub of a cock into this

Carn's asshole last night. "You killed him? Mother fucking jerk!"                Before

I could get into a full rage, I heard a voice behind me. "Yes. It seems that if

you were supposed to kill me, then it was a better idea to let whoever it is

think you had."                I

whipped around to see Archimedes standing there completely naked. He wasn't

looking at me as much as he was past me, to Bloshoi. "She had the best idea! I

was to stay hidden for a while, while you two looked deeper into this case."                I was

torn between bending that striped ninny over the table and giving him a dose

and forcing my brain to think it through. If someone was playing me for patsy,

then I wanted to know who it was. If he stayed out of sight and another murder

took place, I'd know for certain it wasn't him. But what was really getting me

was how these two were getting action and I wasn't. What my bran finally came

up with was that I needed to get the hell out and find someone to bang. I

figured the only one who could deal with me right now was Uma.                I

didn't ride the bike during the daylight hours. It was banned. No one was

supposed to have old tech anymore. It was hell finding parts for it, but I

managed to keep it running. No, this morning it would be a cab. When it arrived

I recognized the driver and he, me. "Where yous off to this morning Very?"                "Drive

over to the Coratcha District Benny. I need to see Uma."                 The

driver made a face but said nothing. He understood, he just didn't approve. But

then, he would have been less approving if I had taken my needs out on his

hide. He drove the distance in good time, and didn't even charge me. "You got

bigger problems if you're coming here to see Uma. Give her my regards!" he said

with a chuckle.                Uma was

misunderstood. True, she was ugly by most accounts, but then Pachs usually got

a bad rap. Uma was nearly as big as I was. Her skin was grayish, which in some

light made her look sick. Nothing could be farther from the truth. She was as

healthy as you could be in this corrupt town. Her mind was a little off, but

then growing up with the taunts of your fellows tended to sour ya. Besides, it

suited me.                I had

to push my way through the bar to the back stairway. Tomma's Tavern was open day

and night, so Uma may or may not be awake. She would be in a few minutes,

regardless of her present repose. She served as barmaid and bouncer, usually at

the same time.  Sometimes it was for a

whole day. Oh, there were other bouncers, but none like Uma.                 I found

her reclining on her bed, hands behind her head, eyes closed. She didn't even

crack them open. She knew the sound of my tread on the stairs. "Hello you big

lunk. Are you here for chatter or something more satisfying?"                She

knew me well. "Hello Uma. I hope you have a little time for a poor soul like me

who needs saving from himself."                She

grunted. "Too late for that, you silly bastard. The best I can do for you is to

fuck your brains out and leave your soul to wander the fields of delight!"                She

always said the right things. "Thanks Uma. I had my night all planned out and

some fool came along and tweaked my conscience. The ordeal has left me with an

aching void that needs filled."                She

grunted louder, followed by a laugh. "Void? Hell honey, I'm the one with the

void that needs filled. I'm sure you've got just the thing to fill it!"                I was

already undressing. My pants were difficult to get off over the erection I had.

She dropped to her knees with a thud and promptly engulfed it like it was a

lollipop.  I was ready for something more

substantial, but she was making sure I had the endurance to satisfy her as

well. That was fair.                Few

could deep throat me like she could. She was big, and that helped a hell of a

lot. She had the room to fit in a cock like mine. She tackled it like she

hadn't eaten in weeks. But then, a girl like Uma found satisfaction was hard to

find. You took advantage of it when you could. She never turned me away.                She

worked down every inch of my cock, grinding her tough lips around the base of

it like she was chewing on wood. A normal guy would have screamed uncle after

the first thirty seconds, but I liked it. I had outgrown soft and mushy a long

time ago.                 I grabbed

her head in preparation for the volcano to come. She retaliated by sinking her

sharpen nails into my ass. She'd been known to leave rivulets of blood when she

was done. Then again, so had I. This was no different.  Charise was good, but with Uma, it all came

naturally. I wasn't afraid of hurting her, even if I wanted to. She was one of

the few who could toss it right back.                She

continued to work my cock like it was some sort of foodstuff. I ground my hips

into her face like a mad man. I hate to say it, but I was picturing Archimedes'

sweet little ass as I was doing it. It was hard to get an idea out of my head

once it was there, so this was the best way of ridding me of it. I came so hard

even Uma had to swallow in double time. I continued to fuck her face for

another few minutes until I was entirely spent.                 I loosen my grip on her head, and she

extracted her nails from my ass. Sitting was going to be a chore for a day or

so. She took her time working herself from off of my cock. She had the suction

of a vacuum. By the time my cock hit daylight, it was hard again.                She

knew how I liked it, so without a word from me she turned and grabbed the

bottom bedposts. Luckily for me she was big. It meant her bed was tough enough

to take what was coming. She spread 'em wide and hung on for dear life. I

worked my cock into her hot pinkness with as much gentleness as a hurricane.

She grunted again as I forced myself in deep. "Sugah darling, make this one

long. I need it about as bad as you do!"                I

grunted in return. "Ain't nothing in this city longer than me, Uma." I finish

the sentence with a mighty heave that landed my belly right against her hole.

If she had been on the bed on her back, my balls would have been staring

straight into her ass. Of course, when I was done here, assuming I had any

energy left, that puckered grotto would be my next stop. As it was this one was

just fine. It could take a licking and kept on, well, you know.                I

grabbed her hips and went to it. I fucking pounded her cunt for an hour before

I blew. She came twice during that time; a squeezing, constrictive climax that

you found in few females. I was driving it home with as much force as I could.

She occasionally let out a grunt or a squeal, which I took to mean I needed to

try harder. She had no idea what a turn-on it was for me. It was like I was

raping someone without actually doing it. That's not to say that everyone I

raped didn't deserve it or worse, only that it was nice to cut loose with fear

of the consequences.                What?

Raping? Yeah, I admit it. Ain't never done it to someone that hadn't done it to

someone else, which pretty much means I've done it to males only. It's one of

my favorite ways of doing a person in. I mean, I kind of hate killing, but when

they beg ya for it, then what's a guy to do? Too bad if ya don't like it; I

never claimed to be a hero. I do things my way. Sometimes it's the only way.                Back to

Uma and her nice big ass. I could feel her hips creak from the pressure I was

putting on them. Or maybe it was the bedposts; I couldn't really tell. Her

grunts increased to the point they became a staccato of low pitched cries. I

had increased my pace until I was working on her like a jack hammer. All at

once I cut loose. I slammed into her with enough force for her to lose her legs.

I picked up the extra weight and pounded away. When I came, it was nearly

painful it was so hard. Her cunt went rigid, crimping off the flow and forcing

it to backlog inside me. Few females could do that! She relaxed a second, allowing

a little to siphon off, then clamped back up again. She repeated this for a

good five minutes before my wad was free to roam around her insides.                I nearly

fell over myself when it was over. It was always good for me to get a few loads

off on a routine basis. Otherwise, it too hard to think, what with all those

hormones and steroids bubbling around inside me. This just might hold me for a

week. But Uma wasn't done yet. She struggled to her feet and dragged herself up

on the bed, stomach down. Apparently she knew what I had been thinking. I heaved

myself up and climbed on top. I wasn't hard yet, but I doubted it would take

long. She knew it too.                "While

we wait, big dark and handsome, why don't you fill ole Uma in on what you've

been doing the past few weeks."                I told

her about hunting down The Vivisectionist, and how I had talked with Charise,

and how I had gotten the hitman's name. She was interested in it all, including

how my ex had fared after all this time. But she got nostalgic for the Carn.                 "Archimedes,

that old devil. He used to come in here more often in days gone by. How sad to

think I'll never see his bright eyes ever again."                "I didn't

kill him, mores the pity. My partner intervened on his behalf. And I hate to

say it, but I think he's right. I think I might have been set up by Blackmore

to kill his own cousin."                Uma

latched on to something I said. "Partner? You darling? The last I looked you

could bash down a bank vault and flatten a cop car. What the hell do you need a

partner for? It's so unlike you to form a relationship with anyone!"                She was

right. I had to explain it all to her. "So you're telling me you only picked up

this nobody because you needed a fool to run errands for you; is that it? I

hope so, because no Vulp would survive your method of making love. Doesn't

matter if it's male or female. You'd have damaged goods before you got the

package open."                "Look

Uma. I told you. I ain't into fucking this guy. Besides, he seems to have a

thing for ole Arc. They're probably fucking as we speak. Which gets me thinking;

why am I here talking when my cock is ready and waiting?" For an answer, she

lifted her ass in the air and spread her butt cheeks. The rest of our

discussion was wordless, though hardly noiseless.

Getting in Harms Way

                They say either ya love the city or ya hate it. As the joke goes, if ya hate it, move out. Where's the joke in that? There's nothing else but the city. Yeah, sure, there're the Outlands, and people do live in those forsaken crap...

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Danger Drifts In

When Jon-Tom re-entered the street later, he had just a slightly awkward gait in his step. Not only that, he nearly ran into a group of clerks from the store. They were laden with goods for the soon-to-be mated equines he was just now leaving behind....

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Trifecta Perfecta

The room was deathly quiet. Well, not deathly exactly. Four sets of heartbeats could be distinctly heard, all running faster than normal. It was a grand indication of the high emotions running like electricity through the occupants of the room. No one...

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