Chapter 6

Story by godgodpl on SoFurry

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They walked all the way to school without talking to each other, Amber was still half asleep and David saw no need to say anything. As they were getting closer there where many more furs around, most of them heading in the same general direction. Human noticed how most of them were examining him, but still trying not to stare excessively at him, which some, despite their best efforts, failed to do.

David just couldn't shake the feeling that he doesn't belong here. Yes there was no hostility at all visible in others expressions, but it defiantly was far from normal. He reassured himself that after some time everybody will get used to him, but it will take a long time, and until then, well he just has to cope with it.

When both of them go inside Amber showed the human where are the offices he was supposed to go to, and excusing herself ran off to her class in a hurry. Now he felt completely out of place, when he walked through the corridors conversations around him were cut in half, everybody seemed surprised to see the human. "they will lose attention, sooner or later." He told himself.

When he finally arrived in the offices and closed the door behind him, he felt a relief as the noise of the high school remained outside. Living far away from the civilisation for a while got him used to undisturbed silence. The school secretary looked at him for a moment, surprised, and then shook his head and said that they were expecting him.

During the time me when first lesson took place one of the teachers showed David the school. He received all the books he would need, got his timetable, locker combination and was familiarised with the rules. David was a bit surprised when he hear that each student has practically a separate timetable, so chance of having many classes with the same group and maybe making some new friends were severely reduced. "Guess I'll have to make some friends outside classes, no one said it will be easy." He smiled to himself when he was waiting for the second lesson to start so he could join the rest of the students in search of his next classroom.

The short break was barely enough to find the maths room. Human found an empty desk in the back of the classroom, he was quite happy with it, there won't be anybody starring at his back he thought to himself.

The classroom itself was fairly basic. Five rows of single desks faced run down blackboard, posters with mathematical formulas and geometry drawings decorated the walls. Teacher in opposition to the surrounding seemed quite young and energetic.

David didn't have a lot to do that lesson as test results. were handed out and entire lesson was spent discussing the right answers. "That's a advantage of joining a class during the year, the drawback is I have no idea what they were talking about." He thought to himself as he joined many other students flooding the corridors after the lesson.

Throughout the day he had English, history, social studies and art lesson. The day passed quickly for the human, surprisingly considering how long the lessons felt. He didn't see Amber at all, which made him actually a little sad, yes they agreed to meet each other in front of the school after lessons, but he would like to meet her beforehand and hopefully eat lunch with her, unfortunately because she was nowhere to be found human ate it alone.

When the final bell rang he went to leave his art books in the locker. Luckily there was no homework for him to take care of, and it was not looking like homework was something that he would have to worry a lot about.

When David got to the locker he found a piece of paper that was probably slid inside through the space above the locker door. On it there was a single word written in capital letters: "freak". He threw it away without much of a second thought, it was to be expected and nothing really happened. Human took his bag and headed outside looking around for a familiar vixen.

When Amber said goodbye to David she ran towards her classroom hoping to be able to talk with her best friend as soon as possible. She found Sarah quickly, she was waiting with a group of other students near the classroom she was supposed to have lesson in.

"Morning Amber, someone is a little sleepy I see." She started the conversation.

"Morning Sarah. Yeah, I couldn't sleep, you know why."

"Someone has quite a crush, huh?"

"You know it, just stay quiet for now please," Amber blushed a bit, still she was trying to hide it from others and was uncomfortable talking about it in the crowd.

"Aww, and I wanted to tell my boyfriend this afternoon..." They both laughed "But I wanted to tell you something, lunch break at usual spot?" Sarah expression turned serious,

"Ok, but what do you want to discuss? Amber was getting curious.

"Not here, someone may hear" She responded in a confidential tone. "Don't worry, it's nothing super important right now." Again that honest reassuring smile, that helped Sarah get so well-known around the school despite her not wanting it.

"If you say so..." Amber didn't look to convinced. Then she looked at the clock on the wall. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. I can't be late for my lessons, and you know our maths teachers." She started walking away.

"Ok, good luck. Remember: lunch break, our spot!" Sarah shouted after her.

Amber's lessons passed uneventful, nothing important happened. He was impatiently waiting for the lunch break. When the bell finally rang she ran to the cafeteria, grabbed something to eat before long queues formed and went outside. She and Sarah had a place behind the school fields since they became best friends. Sarah found Amber there when she was crying and depressed when her father died. Threes there provided shadow in the summer and nobody seemed to be interested in that spot.

"Sarah, so what was so important, huh?" Amber asked.

"You know, yesterday I was thinking a lot about David too..." Sarah took another bite of her sandwich.

"And?" Amber was really getting impatient and curious.

"And, I wondered how do you expect thing to go when you finally get together? You know, how will you do those kinds of things..."

"Oh, I didn't think about it..." Amber smiled awkwardly. "I guess we will have to wait and see. But do you really think I have any chances with him?"

"Any? I'd say it's just a matter of time, unless someone gets him first, of course. But as we bother know that is not an issue."

"Wow, thanks."

They talked through the entire break, not even realising when they finished their meals. The talk about Amber's future with the human really cheered her up.

When the break was coming to an end, both of them started walking slowly back towards the school.

"Amber, what do you say about taking a look around his room when he is not home?"

"I don't know, wouldn't it just be.... bad?"

"Come on, it's nothing bad! It's not like we will be digging through his things. Just a quick look around. Maybe we can find something that would make understanding him easier."

"I guess you're right, just a quick look though, I don't want him thinking that I'm a creep."

"Don't worry Amber, he won't even notice. We just have to find some time that he won't be home and we will."

"Ok, see you later than!"


They went the opposite ways, both trying to get to their classrooms before the break was going to finish. Amber was in a hurry, so when she didn't see a wolf leaving one of the classes on the way, and bumped into him. She quickly apologised and that realised. It was that wolf. Several days ago she cared about him so much, now she barely thought about him. They looked at each other awkwardly for a moment. Maybe he was expecting Amber to react someway, he remembered turning her down couple of days ago. She just shrug her arms slightly and walked away, leaving not only him but several of his friends wandering how the vixen got over it so fast.

Lessons now passed much faster, and she was already looking forward to meeting David again. She had to stay a while after her lesson to discuss some details about her homework. As soon as she could Amber ran through the school towards the exit, stopping at her locker for a while. Somewhere along the path Sarah saw her and called her name, but Amber just waved at her and continued running. Vixen best friend understood her well, she sometimes behaved like that too.

David was clueless, looking around in front of the school, trying to spot familiar vixen in the crowd, after all it was here they were supposed to meet after lessons. He told himself that he is going to wait fifteen more minutes and go home without her. Soon after that hi finally spotted Amber rushing about of the school. Human waved at her and saw that she noticed her.

"Hi David!" She said with a happy expression on her face.

"Hi Amber." Human smiled back. "You didn't have to hurry so much, I'm not impatient, at least not so impatient. Maybe something happened?" That last thought worried him somewhat. It was obvious that right now she was David's only friend, and the "message" he found in his locker...

"No, no! Everything is fine" Amber noticed his concerns. "I just had to stay a while longer and didn't want you to wait."

"If you say so..."

"Yes, don't worry. Come on, let's go home, I'm tired!" David smiled at her straightforward argumentation.

On the way back David talk about how his first day in school went, he decided not to tell the vixen what he found in the locker, not wanting to worry her. Amber on the other side companied a bit about her teacher having her stay longer after the last lesson instead of talking to her during the break between lessons.

When they got home Lara was already there, she left the work early to be able to prepare for her journey. Still she found time to prepare food for them, after all its going to be only chance to do it because she was leaving in after they would eat.

"Hi mum!" Amber shouted when she stepped inside, human following her.

"Oh, your already home." She emerged from the kitchen door. "So how was the school today? Is it much different that what you were used to?"

"It was fine" They both responded and than David continued. "W had schools like this, but I never went to one of them. So no, its actually completely new to me. I hope that I'll be able to get used to that style of teaching quite fast."

"I'm sure you will." Amber's mother smiled reassuringly. "Food will be ready in fifteen minutes so you have some time to unpack."

And that is what they did. Both the vixen and the human went to their rooms. David took care in placing everything as it should be. He wasn't sued to things being that organised and knew that his room won't stay like that for long. It's just that he had a quarter to do something that would take as long as opening the door to the room and sliding his bag somewhere into the room so I would be in the way. David thought that Amber would take a lot of time to unpack so he would have to wait for her, so he just took things slow and then relaxed on his bed for a while.

To be honest Vixen didn't really even bother with opening her bag, just put it under the desk and stared through the window. Not much was happening, there was only a couple walking down the street. Amber recognised them from the school. "Probably parents of one of them were gone for some time and they were going to spend some time together..." Amber thought to herself.

She let her imagination fly: It was her and David walking down the street, holding each other's hands. Suddenly it got a little colder and wind started blowing. Amber feeling cold hugged the human, he put an arm around her. And they were walking like that with Amber feeling his breath on the fur on her head and feeling happier than she was ever before. When they finally got home and left their jackets Amber pulled David closer, put her paws around his neck and looked him deeply into the eyes. That moment said more about what they felt towards each other than their conversation on their way home. Finally, the human leaned down and kissed her. Amber closed her eyes and just melted into his arms, enjoying the moment, wanting for it to last forever than David started slowly undressing her...

"Amber!" Lara shouted once more, this time louder, thinking that her daughter may have been listening to music.

Suddenly Amber was aware that she is alone in the room, she was hugging a pillow and outside was quite warm with no sign of wind.

"I'm going!" She shouted back. "I really spaced out there, still it was worth it..." Vixen thought to herself with a smile when she was walking downstairs.

David was already sitting at the table, as well as Lara what made Amber feel a little bit bad, after all she didn't hear when they were calling her.

All three ate vegetarian lasagne in silence. When they finished Lara stared lecturing them both how to behave when she is away. What David found quite amusing, is that she was treating him almost like a son, not someone from outside the family.

"And David, please take care of Amber, will you" The lecture was near end.

"I will, I promise" He said.

"Now, before I go I want to talk to Amber alone. I'm sorry David, but could you leave us alone for a while. You know woman's business."

"It's not a problem, call me when you finish." All three of them laughed, although Amber laugh was a little forced, she was wandering what her mum wanted to say.

When David left and Lara was sure that hw couldn't hear, she leaned towards Amber and said in a lowered voice: "Amber, I hope we are both right and there won't be any need to, but in case something goes wrong don't hesitate, just call me. From what time I spent with David he seems ok, but I need to behave like a overprotective mother, you know. So I'm saying it just in case. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but do you really think he could do something bad?"

"Not really, I'm just saying it for the sake of saying it. after all he is, you know human."

"But mum.."

"Don't worry, I'm sure nothing is going to happen. We can't behave like we are paranoid. Now I have to finish packing, my taxi will be here soon."

They called David, and Lara went to her room to make some final preparations.

After w while everything was ready. David helped carrying the cases, and putting them near the front door. Shortly after taxi arrived. The driver was putting the cases into the car while Lara was saying last goodbyes to both of them.

When Lara was about to get into the taxi Amber ran after her and hugged her tightly, she suddenly realised what is happening, how much everything is going to change. She wanted to hear some more advice from her mother regarding David, but it wouldn't be possible now.

"Mum, I'm not sure if I'll know what to do..." Vixen was close to crying.

"Don't worry, just do what you feel is right follow your heart. Now I'm sorry but I have to go, I don't want to be late. Stay strong honey."

Lara got into the cab and drove off. She and Amber waved at each other but soon the car made a turn and she disappeared from her view. Now the vixen was standing there, in front of her house, not knowing what to do. She was feeling really sad, like some part other happiness had drove away with her mother. Tears welled in her eyes. Than Amber felt human putting his arm on her shoulder. He saw what was happening with the vixen and he knew how emotional saying goodbye to someone close can be.

Amber just turned around and buried her head in the human chest, she wanted to feel close to somebody, not alone. They both warped arms around each other and stood there in silence. Vixen was feeling completely safe, she just knew that David would never do any harm to her. She looked up into his eyes.

Human broke the eye connection surprisingly fast, and led amber back inside. The expression in her eyes reminded him of something he would rather forget, and he couldn't stand it. Amber just thought that.

When they got inside, David closed the door and realised that Amber is still sad. He knew he couldn't leave her alone right now, so he hugged her again trying to calm her down.

Right now she realised why David seemed so startled, he didn't want to be seen hugging her! Vixen didn't care if he was just shy or didn't want them to be talked about, but what was important that he felt something towards her too. It made her much happier. It was true she had to just let things go, and everything would be fine.

Now, Amber could truly enjoy the intimate moment with the human, this time it wasn't to calm her down but to show her some kind of feelings towards her, even if they weren't fully realised and formed yet.

"Don't worry Amber, it's going to be ok." David tried to calm her down, he couldn't stand seeing her crying, regardless of anything.

"It's just, everything changed around so fast... It seems so unreal."

"It is not only for you, believe me..."

"So it makes two of us than!" Amber chuckled slightly, she felt much better now.

David loosened his arms a bit, and vixen, not wanting to press her luck today reluctantly let him go. They looked at each other for an awkward moment, and human excused himself to clean after the dinner and disappeared into the kitchen.

Amber jumped from joy, surprising herself how her mood changed from sad to extremely happy. David wanted to keep her for himself and not share her with the world, it meant he cared. She told him that she is going upstairs to her room.

Vixen closed her door and immediately called Sarah, she didn't want to wait until tomorrow, she had to tell her what happened today. Sarah was at her boyfriend house, but he had some kind of training in the evening so they could meet then. Amber wanted to go to Sarah's house not the other way around, that way she could be more comfortable talking, not having to worry that David might hear.

Human had just finished cleaning, and putting everything in place when vixen returned downstairs. Amber told him about her plans for the rest of the day. They spent around two hours helping each other prepare to school and mostly just talking. Time flew by and soon vixen left and went to visit Sarah.

As soon as the door closed behind her David sat back down on the couch, took a deep breath and buried his face in his hands. Something told him that he can't go on like that, something has to be done. Last time someone had looked at him like that with so much trust in their eyes it didn't end well and now everything came back.

"What to do? What to do now?" He spoke to himself. Human was completely lost,, not knowing what do. Yes something told him that holist conversation with Amber would solve a lot of thing, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Now with her mother away for a long time he felt responsible for the vixen. After a long while that there is no sense thinking about it, and took a shower to take his mind out of this loop, luckily it helped.

He watched TV for the rest of the day, grabbed something to eat and waited for Amber to come back, vixen got back home late, and after exchanging a few words with David she went to sleep. He checked if everything around the house is in order and want to his room too. He turned off the light and threw himself on the bed. Today was a little too much to him.

Sleep didn't bring the human the relief he wanted, he woke up through the night, cowered with sweat and his heart pounding. The memories always come back with those eyes filled with complete trust. How somebody used to say back home: You can't get rid of your past. If you pretend it's not there it will come back in the least expected moment.

The problem was that David didn't know how to stop it from coming back...