Blake's Daily Life: BFFs Since Grade School

Story by BlakeStory01 on SoFurry

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#1 of Blake's Daily Life

A new chapter, but this time, we're going to introduce a new set of characters. They're the main focus of this chapter. They're also ladies.

It is now Lunch hour at Yuki High School, and many of the students are enjoying their lunches and free time.

One student, a teenage female grey wolf with short silver hair and large blue eyes, wearing a dark blue over sized jacket or a plain white shirt, and baggy grey cargo pants and brown shoes, sat down quiet on the floor with back to the wall, playing with her PS Vita. Her name is Lucy Fang, another freshmen in Yuki. She had finished her lunch already, and has decided to play with her vita to pass the time. Besides, she's near the end of the game she's playing.

She seems really focused on the game she's playing.

"Hey, Lucy!" called a somewhat tall lioness with long brown hair. She more a pink shirt, and skin tight blue jeans. She also wore dark brown sandals. All of these brought out her curvy and busty figure. This teenage lioness is named Margaret Law, but her friends call her Maggie.

However, Maggie's wolf friend, Lucy seems to be off in another world. She's still focused on her game. Naturally, she has earphones in her ears, so she can't hear a thing.

"Hello~! Lucy!" Maggie called to Lucy again, as she approached to her long time friend. She didn't hear her. Maggie hates being ignored, and now grows irritated, "If you could pause the game, and take your earphones, and listen to me, that'd be really nice!"

Still no answer, or reply. Lucy is still focused on her game.

Maggie just sighed. She knew there's only one way for her to respond. "I've got some grilled steak." she said in a deadpan tone.

That sparked a reaction. Lucy whipped her head to her buddy Maggie. She paused her game, and took out her earphones, and stands up to greet Maggie, "Oh! Hey, Maggie." Lucy said, with a sort of soft and quiet tone.

"It's about time you noticed me! Geez!" Maggie complained.

"Sorry. I so engrossed in the game, I didn't hear you. I'm close to the final level, and that also means I'm close to beating the game too. I just need to level up my character a little more, and then I can face the final boss, and save the world."

"Okay. I get it. You were having fun with your little game thingy." Maggie smiled, somewhat glad to know that Lucy hasn't changed at all during summer vacation. seconds later, she found Lucy staring vacantly at her. "What gives?"

"You said you had grilled steak with you, didn't you?" Lucy asked. Naturally, being a wolf, she's a meat eater too.

"What? You want it as a reward?" Maggie laughed, "Sorry, but saying that was just the only way to get your attention."

At this, Lucy frowned. She didn't like to be tricked, especially by her best friend.

"Don't look at me like that! It's your own fault for not listen to me." said Maggie.

"Still, you shouldn't lie. That was mean." Lucy scolded.

"And ignoring your only friend since grade school is any better?" asked Maggie, "You're such a gamer freak. I bet you still have those old school game consoles at home. Not only that, you're still wearing those over sized baggy clothes!" Maggie pointed out.

"Yeah, I still have those console. Classic are great too." Lucy said, "And what's wrong with my clothes?" Lucy asked, naively.

"Everything! You've got a great figure, even better than mine, yet you refuse to show it off. What's with that?" Maggie questioned her wolf friend.

"Huh? Is that how it seems?" asked Lucy, "It's not that I don't wanna show off, I just don't think about it that much."

"You don't think? What is wrong with you?" Maggie asked, thoroughly frustrated with Lucy's ditsy personality. Sure enough, she hasn't change at all, not even since the day they first met. Back in grade school, she would sit alone playing some kind of hand held game, ignoring everyone else around her. Not out of anything like being snotty, or stuck up reasons. She just had more interest in video games, and less interest in socializing and fashion. Maggie wanted to be friends with her despite that, so she took her under her wing, and they've been together since then.

"Excuse me." said a small voice. The two turned and saw a glasses wearing female brown cat, with neatly cut black hair. She wore a black turtlenecks sweater, white jeans, and also had big round glasses. She's pretty short, but she's a sophomore in Yuki, and she was also carrying a few books in one hand, so this means she must work in the library of the school. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but would either you be interested in joining the Library Committee?" the cat asked.

"The Library Committee?" asked Maggie.

"Yes. My name is Eileen Stephen, and I'm a sophomore in Yuki."

"You're a sophomore?" asked Lucy.

"That's right. Starting this year. I'm also a member of the library committee. We're looking for new members, since the seniors have graduated last year." said Eileen.

"I see." replied Maggie, "Sorry, but we'll pass. I don't think you'll want either of us in your committee."

"W-Why not?" Eileen asked.

"Let's just say too many books will me nuts." Maggie said, "And as for my friend here, she's got a one track mind when it comes to video games."

"I don't have a one track mind!" Lucy denied, before pausing for a short second, "... do I?"

"So, there you have it. Sorry." said Maggie.

"I see. That's too bad." Eileen sighed, "In that case, could you both tell me your names? I don't have many friends my own year, apart from my seniors in the committee, so..."

"So, you wanna hang some time, huh?" Maggie grinned, "In that case, sure. The name's Margaret Law, just Maggie for short. Pleasure to meet ya."

"And I'm Lucy Fang. Nice too meet you too." Lucy smiled.

"D-Did you just say your name is Fang?!" Eileen asked, shocked by the revelation of her name. She practically dropped her books. Her eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.

"Yeah." the wolf girl answered.

"T-Then does that mean you're related to a student named Jason Fang?"

"Huh? How do you know my big brother?" Lucy asked, unwittingly confirming her relation to this Jason Fang.

"Just as I thought!" Eileen cried, before regain her composure, "You see, your brother Jason and I were classmates last year, and he has a fearsome reputation in the school."

"Oh that's right. I forgot he goes to this school." Maggie said, "But yeah, I'm sure the "fearsome reputation" thing goes without saying." sighed the lioness.

"Jason isn't bad. He's can be nice and surprisingly sweet sometimes, but he has issues with his temper, that's all." Lucy said.

"Of that I'm aware." said Eileen, who had just picked her books back up. Though she may not have talked to him personally, she seen enough of him to know his temper has a tendency to get the better of him. He's beaten a few people around campus as a result of said temper.

"Speaking of which, I remember this one time he got angry with these weird guys who were just talking to me."

"D-Did he now...?" Eileen nervously asked. She already had a good idea where the story would end.

"Yeah. And he sent them to the hospital." Maggie added, "They probably deserved it since they were hitting on you."

"They were hitting on me?" Lucy asked Maggie.

"You seriously had no clue?" Maggie asked, astonished. Something like this is nothing new for Lucy, but this wolf girl's naivety is an astonishment to behold. "Do you not remember them saying "hey baby", or asking you out on a date? Or better yet, did you ever notice them staring at your boobs the whole time?" Maggie's eyes scanned towards Lucy's breasts as she asked this.

"What's so special about my boobs?" Lucy innocently asked. A slight shift in her body's movements caused her breasts to jiggle somewhat.

This made Eileen and Maggie stare at her. It only took a slit second for Maggie to lose her own temper.

"Grr!" Maggie glared at Lucy, before suddenly lurching towards the wolf girl, "Here's what's so SPECIAL!!!" the lioness thrusts her hands onto Lucy's breasts and squeezed very hard as she began groping them.

"AH?!" Lucy gasped as she was being groped.

"Oh?!" Eileen gasped in shock of what she is witnessing.

"Back all through elementary school we were about the same, until middle school came along! You suddenly grew these udders fit for a cow!" Maggie roared in frustration, whiles tilling fondling Lucy's breasts.

"Y-You got big ones too, you know!" Lucy retorted.

"Yeah! But yours are bigger!" Maggie retorted, "You get all the guys thanks to these things!"

"It's not like I wanted them to grow!"

Meanwhile, Eileen stared off into space while the two girls in front of her argued and carried on. Her eyes were focused on Lucy's breasts, and then she looks down to hers. No doubt, she's flat chested, and she wasn't happy about it. "Flat... pancake... ironing board..." she muttered, "I want big ones too..."

"Hey, Eileen." Lucy said calmly, making Eileen snap to her senses, "Would you mind letting me go?"

"Eh?" Eileen was confused at first, but her hands felt something soft and warm. The cat girl found her hands mounted on Lucy's breasts just like Maggie's a moment ago. She realized that she was groping Lucy's breasts unconsciously. This moment was likely triggered by her envy of Lucy just now. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Eileen cried, letting go of the fun bags she was groping. They bounced in the air soon after. "They're bouncing..." Eileen stared.

"And could you stop staring too?" Lucy asked, covering her chest now free of groping hands.

"I wanna bounce too."

"Excuse me, ladies." said a teacher, who appeared out of nowhere and surprised the three girls. The teacher happened to be a reptile, but lizard, with large round glasses, and a dark grey suit. He appeared to be quite aged, but still young.

Lucy and Maggie didn't recognize him since they're freshmen and otherwise new to the school, but Eileen sure did, and her face suddenly went pale. "Mr. Grey?!" she cried.

"Do you mind keep it down in the cafeteria? You're conversation did not go unnoticed." said Mr. Grey. Just as he said, a group of students were standing around the three, and watched the events unfold. Most of them were boys, and some of them had expression that should go without saying.

"Lechers..." muttered Maggie.

"It's your fault for groping me!" Lucy retorted.

"Lucy! Maggie! Please! Shh!" Eileen tried to hush the two girls.

"Um, I don't mean to be rude, but if you're going to do things like that..." Mr. Grey paused, adjusting his glasses, which were reflecting the image of Lucy's breasts, "I suggest somewhere off campus if you can help it."

"Hey whoa, teach! You got it all wrong!" Maggie retorted, before being Eileen clasped her hand on the lioness's mouth.

"Yes sir! We'll do just that sir! Please excuse us!" Eileen quickly grabbed Lucy and Maggie's hands and ran as fast as she could, dragging them along with her. She wanted to get as far away from the lizard teacher as possible.

Mr. Grey just stood there for a good ten seconds before opening his mouth, "Bouncy..."

The students around them suddenly back away from him with creeped out faces.

Having dashed as fast possible, Eileen stops near the stairs. She released Lucy and Maggie soon after.

"Hey, why were we running away from that teacher? In fact, who is he?" Lucy asked the cat.

"Um... that was Mr. Grey... our ethics teacher and career counselor." Eileen answered.

"Let me guess, he has special reputation in Yuki?" Maggie asked. By 'special', she most likely meant "perverted" or "lecherous".

"Yeah... some students say his eyes tend to wander to... certain places. And he has a habit of popping up when least expected. There hasn't been incidents yet, but he's... creepy to say the least." Eileen explained.

"How did a old guy like that become a teacher?" asked Maggie, "And how did he land himself as an ethics teacher?"

"Don't ask, because I don't know." replied Eileen, "But, I can tell you this, if you can help it, try to stay away from him."

"We'll do just that. I'm quite worried where his eyes might wander, right, Lucy?" Maggie turns to Lucy.

"Um... where would his "eyes wander" exactly?" Lucy asked, innocently. Eileen and Maggie had sweat drops behind their heads.

Blake's Daily Life: First Day of School

After the opening ceremony for Yuki High School was over, classes were getting under way. Of course, our main focus is on Blake's class. Blake, Max, and Jaden wound up in the same homeroom class, just like their days in middle school. Well, class...

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