Hal's First Day

Story by 420raptor on SoFurry

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Here we have part one of a commission for my good friend Sewercroc ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sewercroc ) one of the best dirty artists out there! Today I introduce Kale's cousin, a filth-loving gryphon herm named Halconia. She's a new transfer to Kale's high school and the two don't waste any time getting into some nasty incestuous debauchery. Remember to check out his gallery if you like this type of stuff!

Another day in class, and like most days, I was far more focused on when my next session of filthy sex would be than the lesson at hand. I was even more distracted than usual thanks to a newly transferred student who just happened to be my cousin, having been expelled from the other school in town after instigating an all-out orgy in the cafeteria. It had certainly worked out well for me though, as I now had the promise of daily incestuous sex whenever I could escape to meet up with her - oh yes, my cousin Halconia Amalric was a purple-feathered griffin herm with a ravenous appetite for debauchery that perhaps even surpassed my own.

I listened to the teacher absent-mindedly, keeping my cell phone hidden beneath my desk as I thumbed back and forth through a set of pictures Hal had been texting me throughout the day: a down-the-shert shot of her lovely feathered tits, another taken beneath her skirt with fingers spreading open that cute purple and pink griffin cunny, one taken by someone else of her ass bent over in the locker room, tail lifted above her gaping cream-filled pucker and surrounded by several other furs holding their eager cocks. I grinned to myself, a slut like that would have no trouble at all making plenty of friends even on her first day.

My mouth was already dry from staring at the lewd pictures of my cousin, my hard-on aching as I grinded it up against the bottom of the desk when the phone lit up with a text from Hal. "Hey stud ;> Almost lunch time? Meet me in the girl's room! xxx<3xxx"

My heart started pounding instantly at the thought of getting to unload all this built up pressure on my slutty cousin for the first time in school. I quickly gave her my reply and once again feigned paying attention to the lesson as I waited for the minutes to tick away until break time.

The bell rang at last and I almost flipped over the desk with my erection slamming into it as I rapidly stood up. Covering the throbbing bulge with my books I quickly shuffled out of the classroom and made my way to the restroom where we had agreed to rendezvous. The hall was busy with staff and students changing classes or heading to lunch as I impatiently pretended to drink from the water fountain waiting for my chance to slip into the girl's room. After a teacher walked by I quickly slipped right into the ladies' restroom, my heart pounding once again.

It wasn't the first time I'd been in the girl's bathroom, in fact it was one of the sexiest places I could imagine. I'd been sneaking in both for quick fucks or simply by myself to listen to girls use the toilet while I frantically pawed off. Sometimes I'd get lucky and they wouldn't even flush, leaving me free to crawl in and masturbate over a load of fresh waste.

Today would be the beginning of an all out smorgasbord of shit and sex with my cousin though, as I squatted down to look beneath the stalls. One set of furred paws, and further along, a pair of scaled yellow feet tipped with gleaming black talons. I walked past the first stall but did enjoy the sound of flowing urine from its occupant before I made my way to the one occupied by Hal. A light push on the door proved she hadn't bothered to lock it, unsurprisingly, as the grinning purple griffin came into view.

"Welcome to our side of the tracks, Hal, your first day treating you well?" I couldn't help but smirk at the state she was in, her already skimpy outfit clearly streaked and stained with cum, some of the feathers on her face matted as well. she was reclining back on the toilet, skirt pulled up and legs spread with panties below her knees, her fat griffin cock and balls dangling into the toilet below. her top was pulled down to expose a pair of luscious C-cup breasts, matted with cum as well; all in all, the perfect image of the slutty griff I knew and loved.

"Oh hi Kale! The day's been great so far, had a blast in gym when I sent you those pictures, been making lots of friends..."

I grinned, "Mm, just how many friends?"

"Well, half the class had gotten to use my tailhole before the bell rang, I had to promise the rest their turn tomorrow."

I laughed, unzipping my jeans and pulling out my throbbing, stiff cock in front of Hal as I'd been eagerly waiting to do all day. I stepped forward to stand above the purple griff herm sprawled out on the toilet, holding my cock to her face and starting to playfully slap her with it.

"Rrr, glad everyone's given you such a warm welcome, sounds like you'll be the most popular slut in school in no time." I contined to slap my cousin on the face with my shaft, bouncing it off her beak as strings of precum drooled out into her feathers, pointing the tapered tip of my shaft into one of her eyes and rubbing it slowly there.

"Rrrhhw... you're still my favorite Kale, no one's as nasty as you are." She sniffled and hawked into her throat, a thick wad of heavy, slimy saliva pooling on her tongue which she let slowly drool out in a long string.

I eagerly held my cock beneath that strand of slimy drool and let it coil back and forth across my dick like icing on a cake, then put a paw on my cock and pointed it downwards between her tits so I could lean in and grind the sticky, slimy thing in and out of her cleavage as she helpfully squeezed the perky ripe things together for me.

"Mmh, thanks Hal, I can't wait to spend the whole school year fucking and sucking every day in here." I was getting close already, hyper-excited by our first incestous fuck session in my favorite place to get filthy with my lovely griff herm cousin.

"I loved that pic of you bent over with your gaping asshole, it looks like you really got pumped full in gym class."

"Mm, those studs bloated me with cum, it's been drooling out my ass all day," she purred, reclining back on the toilet and lifting her feet into the air, using a footpaw to pull her panties further down her feathered legs until they dangled from the talon of one of those lovely griffin paws.

I could see the fabric splattered with loads of thick, slimy brown cum that had been oozing out of her ass since taking a gangbang in the locker room, lifting the sticky panties to my jaws and starting to slurp out the mess of lukewarm cum inside. "I hope you've been saving some for me in that slutty ass of yours,"

"Oh there's still plenty left," she cooed and stood up, turning around and lifting her tail along her back, bending over deep against the back of the toilet and putting her big bubbly griffin ass on full display.

her pucker was still quite wrecked, gaping sore and red as it quivered before me, a string of cum rolling slowly out of the gaping orifice. "Hmm, looks like you've still got enough room for me," I grinned and slid my cock forward between her cheeks and straight into her greasy little butthole, not stopping until my desperately stiff cock was fully submerged in the steaming hot cum-vent of her bowels. Without another thought I was plundering her lusciously loose anus, churning the hours-old cum inside her rectum into a stringy slime that sloshed out to drool from my balls with each plunging wet thrust into her back door.

My claws wrapped around her chest to roughly tug and slap around her tits as they swung freely with the vigor of our anal fucking, making her squawk and scream nicely with my talons torturing her nipples, my cock freely ramming in and out of her loose anal cavern. I shoved her face down against the toilet seat, watching delightedly as the slut licked it over in submission, letting her bowels be violated by cousin's cock.

Within seconds more, my cock surged and pulsed, erupting with a seemingly endless stream of fresh, hot raptor cum to soothe and nurture Hal's creamed and bloodied rectum, pushing in each thick load with my cock and savoring the loose river of cum and feces that dripped slowly out of her gaping anal ring.

I pulled out and licked up a strand of filth that was oozing down my cousin's taint and pussy, a satisfied grin spreading across my lips. "And just think, there's still 20 minutes left for lunch.."