Hal's First Day

Another day in class, and like most days, I was far more focused on when my next session of filthy sex would be than the lesson at hand. I was even more distracted than usual thanks to a newly transferred student who just happened to be my cousin,...

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More Dirty Raptorsibs!

I grinned and closed the door behind me, quickly turning my attention to my sister Felicia who was currently on hands and knees on the bed, tail lifted high above her back, flaunting her gorgeously large raptor rump. She was wearing just a tight pair...

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Getting Dirty At The Mall

I was just calmly looking down at my junk while taking a piss in the men's bathroom at the mall, splaying my taloned raptor toes on the slimy, wet, nasty tile floor at my feet, a noticeable puddle of god knows how many other male's urine sloshing...

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Dirty Raptors On The Beach

The hot summer sun sparkled on the invitingly blue expanse of ocean stretching out to the horizon; I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath of the invigorating breeze dancing through my feathers. The clean sand was nice and warm under my scaled raptor...

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