Encounter In The Woods Part 2

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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This is (obviously) the sequel to Encounter In The Woods Part 1 so while this is stand-alone from it for best double-your-pleasure-double-your-fun do give it a read as well. In the sequel you get to see what happens when one goes looking to repeat an encounter with a horny feral vixen in the woods. Do enjoy and please helpful comments and feedback is most welcome!

Part 1 is here -> https://www.sofurry.com/view/649424

part 3 is here -> https://www.sofurry.com/view/649537

Encounter In The Woods Part 2


Charles Terrell Jr. AKA Nightmask

The morning sun cast long shadows across the landscape as Martin glanced around nervously as he looked out his front door, heart racing as he contemplated what he was considering. Memories of two weeks before kept filling his mind's eye; memories of his strange sexual encounter with an unnaturally large female fox in the woods hear his home. In the days since he'd been unable to escape thinking about it almost constantly, his dreams wet as he woke nightly to dreams replaying that day together when she'd come upon him and forced herself upon him. Wrong though it was he found he couldn't resist trying to repeat that day with such dreams haunting him.

In planning for things he'd dressed in a cheap pair of gray sweatpants and matching top today, items he didn't have to worry about being damaged if events repeated themselves and she showed up once again and easily removed as well. A small zippered carry bag dangled from his right hand as he set off from his door, carrying what other items he felt he needed to prepare for things. As he shut the door behind him he had to fight the urge to run back inside and steeled himself to put one foot in front of the other as he walked his familiar path up into the woods behind his home. Most likely he'd encounter nothing and it'd all fade like a dream in the days to come but part of him hoped it wasn't a dream and would result in another encounter with the vixen.

The sack bounced in his grasp as he trudged up the hill, the undergrowth denser with the peak of the growing season having encouraged the greening of the area. His senses seemed hyper-aware as the leaves rustled and the breezes carried the scents of nature to him. He jumped at every creaking limb and snap of old twigs and dried leaves underfoot and the occasional scurrying rabbit fleeing from his intrusion into nature's domain. A sigh of relief escaped him when he finally reached the area where the vixen found him and tried to settle in.

Looking about he could see the fading signs of where he'd torn up the undercoating of pine needles as the vixen had mated him beneath their source, where he'd been for hours as she'd slept on top of him only to wake and demand even more before finally being satiated and casually pulling free of him. With little more than another of those 'kisses' of hers and licking him clean where they'd been joined she turned about and wandered off into the woods leaving him there alone and dazed by events.

Unzipping the bag he pulled out a large gray blanket, thin but sturdy enough to protect him from the ground as he laid it out fully. Dropping onto his hands and knees he stroked and rubbed the blanket out checking it for areas that might be particularly uncomfortable and moving things to smooth those areas out. When he was done he stretched out on the blanket and rested back against the tree to be able to see what might come along, heart still beating rapidly as he was caught between hoping and dreading it would happen again.

While he hadn't brought a watch along he could tell that time was passing as the sun worked its way up into the sky, his thoughts all over the place as he tried to occupy his mind with everything but what he was hoping might occur. It was a losing battle though as anyone who happened by would have easily noticed the tenting going on in his sweatpants from the arousal he couldn't restrain. With that building arousal he found himself without even thinking rubbing himself on occasion, then more intently, until as he grew more distracted he glanced around guiltily before removing his sweatpants and shirt to leave himself bare to the sun and wind and took himself in hand. A little self-help couldn't hurt could it? he thought to himself, and perhaps it might even attract the vixen if she were in range to smell what he was up to.

Martin wasn't really sure how long after he was naked that he heard the sound of a branch snapping loudly nearby and froze in fright, glancing around rapidly to find out where it was from. Unlikely as it was he couldn't resist the first thought that it was one of his neighbors moving around for some reason and stopped to cover himself with his hastily grasped sweatpants. When he saw the source though his heart skipped a beat as he found himself looking across the way to the eyes that no human had gazing at him.

Foxy eyes gazed at him steadily from the greenery, the intensity of their gaze embarrassing him as he sat there naked save for his sweatpants covering his crotch and throbbing erection. Only when he realized how foolish it was to keep covering himself did he set the pants aside with trembling hands and sat back with legs spread and open, erection bouncing up and down gently with the beating of his heart. His entire point in being out here like this was for her to have her way with him once again after all.

"I, I'm here again, if you want me," he said softly, lacing his fingers behind his head to keep from putting his hands in the way if she came over. While he doubted she'd understand the words perhaps she'd understand the tone and intent from his presenting himself as he was. It seemed to pay off when she pushed her way through the underbrush and came padding closer to him.

Except it wasn't her! He realized with a shock when the fox was completely in view, the length of the black fur for the boots and gloves was wrong and the bodyshape was different he was sure of it. Here he was totally exposed to a completely different fox that he'd just invited to have their way with him.

Panicked he almost got up to run away but just like before realized he could never get away and didn't have even a scrap of clothing between him and the stranger to protect himself with. Whatever the newcomer wanted he'd have to hope it wasn't anything worse than what the other fox had wanted when he'd been out here last. In any case he had little say in things by this point as he lay there watching the fox pad closer to him in slow, almost hesitant steps. It's eyes remained locked onto him though as it moved close enough to nose at his foot curiously and gazed up along his body.

The touch of the fox's nose tickled his foot and caused him to wriggle his toes as it sniffed at him before its tongue flicked out and left a wet streak across the top of his foot as it lapped at him. He could see its fluffy red tail flicking about behind it as it licked steadily at his foot causing him to wriggle and squirm about from the ticklish feeling of it. As long as the fox wasn't hostile he wasn't going to complain and there was the embarrassing hope on his part that this one would prove as exciting as the first had.

He didn't really pay attention to how long it took for the fox to tire of licking his foot but it seemed to get everything it wanted eventually and stepped between his spread legs, its toeclaws catching at the blanket as it promptly lowered its head to use it against his bouncing shaft, perhaps drawn by the motion of it to first sniff at it then start licking it as it already has his foot. It jumped back briefly and growled though since he couldn't prevent the reflexive jump from the fox's tongue along it but after it settled down watched the way it was moving it moved back in to lick more firmly at his erection chasing the taste it found there.

Even as the fox was doing that Martin was gasping softly from the lap of the fox's tongue along his sensitive shaft, already on the edge from his previous stroking of himself and kept there by his embarrassment with what amounted to another stranger having their way with him and this time at his own encouragement. Its tongue seemed to be everywhere as it not only lapped over the tip and wrapped its tongue around the bouncing shaft but nosed up beneath his dangling ballsac to lick beneath and around it as well. It seemed as if the new fox was intent on licking him with that exploring tongue until there was nothing left to taste with the way it left no part of his crotch unknown to its tongue.

Under such a stimulating assault combined with his already heightened state of arousal it wasn't long before he was climaxing with a jerk of his shaft and spray of hot musky cum across his chest, leaving him clutching at the back of his head as he watched his seed spraying out while the fox watched. Occasionally the fox's tongue would lick across the tip cutting off the flow and it seemed to enjoy the taste as it focused on the tip until he'd been left drained. From there the fox simply licked its way up his chest chasing after what had splashed onto it, its bellyfur rubbing at his still hard and super-sensitive shaft as it stepped around his hips to clean him up until nothing was left for it to find. When it was done it paused nose-to-nose with him its breath blowing into his face as it breathed and held his gaze with its.

With the fox covering him much like the first had he realized another shock, for what he felt rubbing against his crotch when theirs met wasn't the canid vulva of a vixen but the furred sheath of a todd fox. He'd offered himself to a male fox! A male fox that clearly didn't have problems with going after another male with the way it was rubbing against him and grinding its furry sheath against his shaft.

The todd wasn't any less commanding than the vixen had been though he soon found out, when it stepped off him and nosed at his side, a few nips and growls getting the point across as he rolled over onto his stomach and up onto his hands and knees with further encouragement.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Martin whispered aloud, crouched on all fours as the fox padded behind him and planted its nose between his legs and lapped at his dangling sack once again and causing him to shiver in response. That wet and probing tongue moved up between his rumpcheeks as it started lapping at his anal ring firmly, its intensity so embarrassing as it even managed to get its tongue inside of him after a while. He had no idea such behavior was possible but it did start to feel good after a while and he felt a brief sense of loss when the fox eventually stopped what it was doing.

It wasn't hard to tell what the fox had next in mind when it placed its paws on his back and climbed on top of him, making him have to work to support the heavy weight of the fox on top of him. He could feel its fur rubbing along his skin as it dropped into place, haunches rolling about as it probed around trying to get its now fully extended foxshaft into his rear entrance. Biting his lips he resisted the urge to pull away when the tip finally caught and slid into him, far too late to back out now as the fox's shaft sank into him.

The pain of such an unfamiliar intrusion wasn't as bad as he'd feared, no worse than what some of the more thorough medical exams might bring he thought to himself as he crouched there. He had plenty of time to study the sensations as the fox clutched his forelegs around his chest, claws scratching at his chest as it hunched forward to bury its erection almost completely inside of him and left him feeling more full than he ever had been before and his anal ring clenched around the todd's erection as it tried to resist the unnatural entry.

Martin's fingers gripped hard at the blanket when the fox went from simply trying to get inside of him to full-scale mating, moaning with the surprising sensations of its shaft sliding in and out of him hard and fast as it thrust away at his upturned buttocks. Just like with the vixen before it was like nothing he'd ever experienced and left his own member growing hard once again and slapping against his belly as he jerked forward under the fox's hard and urgent thrusting.

He didn't know how he could be enjoying being mated by a wild animal like he was some bitch in heat but he was, the pounding from the fox on top of him leaving him wishing he could stroke himself and didn't have to use both hands to support himself under the fox's weight. Its loins slapped against his backside in a rapid rhythmic pace as it rode him, jaws catching at his neck as it claimed him as its bitch, the prick of its teeth breaking skin as it bit down onto him causing him a spike of pain that quickly ebbed as he adjusted.

Even with the pain of the bite he couldn't help humping back after a while to meet the fox's thrusts, the sliding shaft inside of him rubbing at his prostate and causing him to feel his arousal growing once again. He started leaking precum from the tip of his bouncing erection as he got caught up in the carnal pleasure of things, until when the fox buried itself completely into him and filled his bowels with its hot seed he came as well with a few spurts and an even more intense orgasm than before.

Hips still jerking even as it emptied itself into him Martin slipped down onto his his chest, head supported by his arms while the fox's jaws remained locked to his neck, both left panting from the orgasmic release they'd both experienced. Another spike of pain bit at him when the fox finally released his neck and started lapping away at the wounds, causing him to shiver as he hoped it was done out of tender concern and not simply to enjoy the taste of his blood. Legs finally given way he settled onto his stomach with the fox still on top of and inside of him, chest having to work a bit to breath with such a weight on top of him and exhausted from everything he'd been through.

When he felt the fox fall asleep on top of him like the vixen had before he sighed and decided to sleep as well, having no doubts he'd be kept busy when the fox awoke until it tired of things and returned to the wilds like she'd done and wondering what next was in store for him at this rate.