Scars Secret

Story by gotommax on SoFurry

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Justin was really upset, since he had turned 16 he had had nothing but trouble with his parents.

They still treated him like a kid and tried to force their will on him, he already planed to leave the house when he became 18, yeah then he would be free!

This weekend was a very hard one for Justin, his parents planned to take a vacation to Disney Land with Justin and his 6 year old baby brother Steve.

But Justin wasn't very interested in meeting some dull comic characters, he knew already that he would have to ask his parents for permission for every single ride and of course. The coolest things would be banned ...because he is not old enough for them and it was such a load of shit.

Well... it wasn't long before the day of the fight, Justin shouted at his parents and his parents shouted back.

They sent him up to his room and at the next day they started the vacation without him.

As punishment he had been grounded, he always had to stay home and told that there would be no party and no friends for the whole weekend. Uncle Stephe who lived next door kept a close eye on him.

Well it wasn't too bad after all at last they left some money for some pizzas and goodies for a nice long movie night.

That evening Justin began to search for a nice film to watch, he began to rummage through his father's DVD collection but found nothing of interest. After half an hour there was only one movie left,

Justin pulled the DVD from the frame and looked at the title. "The Lion King III...Scar's Secret."

Justin sighed, dam what a dull collection.

He threw the disc on the table jumped on the couch and began to zap through the channels.

A documentary about lions, news from around the world and a talk show. "Are my breast too small?" An old war movie...crud, there wasn't anything interesting.

Justin sighed again, he looked at the cover of the cartoon again. Should he watch this movie... he knew the other parts of The Lion King from his past. A few years ago he had watched them together with his brother and he never heard of an episode with this title oh well.

Justin took the disc out of the case and put it into the DVD player, after he got some potato chips he sat down on the couch and pressed the play button on the remote control and the movie started.

It was a real weird story because it was about Scar as a kid, he looked like Simba from the first movie, only that his head had Scar's characteristics.

The story was very unspectacular, Justin didn't even notice any kind of story but he did notice something else.

After ten minutes of watching Scar looked somewhat more muscular, Justin was a little surprised by that but perhaps the animators tried to show how Scar slowly began to grow up. With every minute the movie became more odd, Scar jumped around the screen and for a second Justin was sure he saw something like a sheath and testicles between the cub's hindquarters.

Naw...Disney would never draw something like that Justin thought.

But about five minutes later there wasn't a chance of denial, Scar's body had become a package of pure overdeveloped muscle...he looked like some strange muscle freak and between his legs now wobbled a big cock. The cock was almost hyper phallic...running along his whole body and even poking out between his front legs, only a few scenes later the cock began to dribble something like precum with every step.

"What kind of shit is this," Justin asked himself, grabbing the remote control and pressing the stop button, nothing happened and Justin tried again but the remote didn't react. He threw the device back on the table and went to the DVD player to stop this perversity, meanwhile Scar was fucking with an equally muscular and hyper phallic cub version of Mufasa.


Justin rushed forward to fast and stumbled and fell in the direction of the TV set. In the same moment when he touched the screen Scar jumpened against it and the boy could swear that he had felt Scars hot breath and furry snout before he hit the ground.

For a moment his vision became black, when Justin looked up again the screen only showed the background of the movie and nothing more. The boy rubbed his head.

"Man, what kind of person would make such a movie. All those hyper phallic muscle freaks fucking like fags...disgusting." Justin said to himself.

"Do you think so?"

Justin turned around in shock, on the couch sat Scar watching the human with an evil grin. His muscular chest swelled with pride and his thick lion cock poked out from his front legs several inches leaking precome on the couch.

"Seems that you like what you see don't you?" Scar continued in his young cub voice.

"I think you would like to have a nice bulky body like mine too and of course a nice fat cock, then you would also want to fuck nice hot asses." With that Scar began to stroke his cockhead with one of his paws.

"What?!? How are you...?" Justin was shocked and surprised at the same time, how could this be! How could a cartoon figure come alive and what is he talking about?!?

"Ohhh, did I scared you?" Grins Scar.

"Well Don't worry, I will make you feel a lot of better very soon!" He continued while he observed Justin who still knelt in front of the TV.

"Never! Get back in to the movie, get back you little faggy freak!" Justin shouted as he recovered from shock.

"Wow... such a strong will." The lion cub said in an amused tone.

Scar sat still on the couch for a moment then he stood up on all four paws and jumped to the floor.

"Ok... I will go you have won!" He said and began to walk into the direction of Justin and the TV set.

"What a shame we could have had so much fun." He purred while he approached the teen.

Justin didn't react to any of his commentaries just glared at him with an angry look on his face.

Scar was already at Justin side when it happened, suddenly the lion jumped against the human and pushed him to the ground. Justin's head hit the floor hard, for a moment all went dark and when Justin could see again the bright ceiling lamp blinded him, the hole world seemed to span around and the boy began to feel very dizzy.

Through the chaos Justin could hear a well known voice. "Oh... I hope I didn't hurt you."

Scars face came into view and the teen could feel the weight of the lion cub on his chest, there was Scar his massive chest and his oversized muscles protruding at Justin while he pushed his unbelievable long cock slowly in the direction of Justin's face.

"You have been a bad kid." grins Scar. "Just like me." He giggled." I think you deserve this more than anything else."

Scar took his cock into his right front paw and stroked a little gush of precome out of it, the strong musky fluid hit Justin's face and covered it with a sticky coat.

Even some drops spilled into the kids mouth who was to shocked and stunned to react.

Scar let go of his cock and placed his forepaw on Justin's chin, with little effort he forced the teens mouth wide open.

"Open wide kid." he smirked twisting his body to place the tip of his cock over the humans mouth.

Thick drops of precome oozed out of his penis and began to seep into Justin's oral cavity.

"Oh yeah, swallow it, this is the real stuff that dreams are made of." Scar let his cocktip run over Justin lips covering them with his stringy juices, Justin coughed but couldn't prevent himself from gulping some drops of the liquid.

The muscular lion cub laughed tauntingly and hopped off Justin's chest, slowly Scar wandered back to the couch jumping on the sofa and taking his seat again as if nothing had happened.

As for Justin the world swirled faster around him, he felt more dizzy than ever he couldn't remember what happened or where he was.

Now only one thing dominates Justin's mind... Scars cock that still stood proudly between his legs. The cock that throbbed with every beat of the lions heart, the cock head was still half covered with it's thick foreskin a heavy scent of lion cum in the air.

The hole world seemed two twist around and the cock was the only thing in the room that Justin could locate, Justin sat up slowly only to crawl on all fours in the direction of Scar.

"Yes cub come to me, just follow the beautiful scent of my thick horny fucker." the lion purred in arousal.

With great satisfaction Scar noted the slight furry coat that began to spread over Justin's skin, with every movement of the boy the hair thickened.

When Justin finally reached the couch his hole body was covered with thick brown and gold fur, it was a lot of brighter than Scars but the color was the only difference.

Justin didn't notice his changes he only had eyes for Scars cock, finally he climbed to the lion cub on the couch and stopped moving when his head was level with the lions cock.

For the first time Justin had a clear close-up of the lions dong, its skin was dark brown and leathery thick veins ran along the shaft and it's base was a thick swollen ring ending in a big sheath. Under the impressive tool hang a pair of nearly grapefruit sized testicles, bloated like balloons and connected with a long fold of skin that nearly seemed to rip under the heavy weight of Scars balls.

The penis was already coated with precum and glinted erotically in the light of the living room lamps.

Carefully Justin lifted his right hand and reached out for the hyper phallic cock, only inches away he stops, something wasn't right. He suddenly had a bad feeling about the whole thing, he tried to concentrate but he couldn't clear his mind.

"What's the matter cutie?" Scar smiled and then he pushed his hips forward his big cock also jutting forward directly into Justin's open hand.

Instinctively the boy grabbed the hot swollen dick and began to stroke it slowly, his mind immediately fogging up again the only thing that was important was the big hard pole of the lion cub again.

"Yeah kid just let yourself go." purred Scar.

Justin Carefully pulled Scars thick foreskin back until the big cock tip was fully exposed. A strong odor hit Justin's nose and began to permeate throughout the living room.

The boy bent forward to sniff at the glands with curiosity, it didn't take long before Justin was occupied with stroking the long hard shaft and inhaling the heavy scent of the cock deeply.

Scar was very pleased with Justin's development and soon the boys face pushed out into a nice lion muzzle, his ears wandered to the top of his skull and long whiskers grew out from his new snout. The changed human suddenly licked his lips with his new thick tongue and bent forward to take the cock tip into his mouth. Justin began to suck at it like a cub at the teats of its mother, Scar grinned wickedly feeling the rough tongue at his pole.

"Uhh... yeah suck it. Get a nice taste of my lion prick... hmmm... it will be your favorite flavor from now on."

Justin didn't react he Just licked and sucked, touched and stroked the big penis in front of him. Scars suggestions took hold in his brain and become more and more his own, he began to feel very hot and soon he couldn't stand it any longer. While he was still giving head to Scar he started to slowly remove his clothes one by one. He only interrupted the blowjob to get rid of his T-Shirt and continued on totally naked.

His hole body was covered with his new pelt and soon Scar could see something between the boys legs began to move. He had to smirk when he noticed Justin's cock tip that slowly slid alongside the boys belly, Justin's body slowly beging to shrink. With each second the humans body lost more and more weight loosing its bulk and reshaping into its new form, at the same time Justin's cock started to stretch out. Soon the cockhead was level with the boys chest while the shaft began to swell and thicken. Long veins running alongside the it's length, a thick muscle ring formed into an almost overstretcht furry sheath. Between the kids legs the testicles began to bulge, soon they were almost as big as Scars connected only with a fold of skin that let them hang deep under Justin's crotch. With every movement they clumsily dangle around pulling with all their weight at the fold reminding their owner of his new needs.

Justin's hands and feet also began to change slowly morphing into big paws,

Scar delighted at the wonderful view he now had. Between his legs now suckled a young lion cub which looked similar to a young version of Simba only this lion owned a almost gigantic cock and big balls. But Justin's transformation wasn't over, the former boy still licked Scars cock while his body began to gain weight again. His arms thickened and become that of an over muscled body builder, his chest barreled out to freaky proportions and his ass reshaped into a well muscled tight butt.

His legs also became beefy and well shaped, Justin's cock jutted out until the cockhead passed his front legs and stopped at the level of the new cubs head. It was now identical with Scars dong, only that it had a pink almost reddish color instead of Scars brown one. A thick leathery fore skin still half covered the thick cocktip which already began to drip precum.

Scar couldn't wait any longer he was in a sexual frenzy and he needed it now!

"Hey cutie... enough playing now we're going to do some real fucking." The reddish Lion pulls his cock out of his friends mouth and turned around, he began to present Justin his butt lifting and his tail high to reveal his ass hole.

"It's humping time now!" Scar grins. Justin looked fascinated at the shivering ass muscle while his cock started to throb with need and oozing cum like crazy.

Way back in his mind he still tried to understand what was going on but for some reason he really didn't care any more.

"Yeah... humping time" He repeated jumping onto Scars back. His big dick immediately found its target and Justin jammed his thick cockhead into his partners tight anus.

"Uhhh... yeeessss, this is great!" Purred Scar pressing his ass against the stiff hyperfallic shaft.

"Wow... oh shit... this is so intense." Justin grunted forcing his cock deeper into Scars body.

Justin could only gasp with satisfaction at how the cubs hole melted around his hyperdick like a glove, he had never felt anything like it. A pussy would

never have felt this good and there was no way that he ever would try a dull pussy out in his life. The lions ass was milking him the further his prick

pushed in, so he would give him the whole thing.

More than willingly he now gave totally into his feelings and the though of fucking another males ass became a second nature to him.

Soon he began to carefully bang Scars ass while images of freaky muscular cubs filled his mind.

Both lions grunted loudly their motions became more and more rhythmical until they moved in perfect synchronism.

"Yeah that's it fuck my ass hole, don't be such a sissy hump me harder! Show me the real butt fucker that you are now!" sneered Scar.

"OK... you asked for it." Justin grunted and pushed his entire cock with one hard thrust into his mate. Both lions roared loudly.

Their fucking became wild and hard the former human now fucking Scar madly. This is real fun he thought pumping his thick cock into his mate's muscular ass. To hump Scar even harder he lifted one of his hind legs and looped it around Scars hindquarters, his swollen balls now smacked hart against his friend's firm butt reminding him with every thrust of the need to fuck.

Scar felt real great, his own cock oozed precum like mad and his arise was stretched and violated by an oversized cock. All he could think of was the moment when his new mate would released himself into his ass. Scar knew that the mind of his victim was nearly corrupted but he also knew that there would be still a little resistance in this kid so he decided to mock him a bit.

"Guess what cutie? You can still fight against it perhaps you can even change back into your old human body, all you have to do is stop fucking me." Scar sneered.

"Zip it! I don't know anything shit about a human life and I don't give a shit about humans. I'm here to screw your lion ass and pump my spunk deep into your guts." Justin grunted almost forgetting everything about his former life and only driven by new instincts, he increased his thrusting showing Scar who was the boss now.

Scar happily groaned. "Well seems that you like being a freaky lion fag, sucking big cocks and screwing tight asses."

"Yeah... sucking cocks, screwing asses..." moaned Justin getting hornier by talking about such things.

"But I thought you hated this strong overmusceled body and those freaky big cocks didn't you?" Scar asked still teasing his lover.

"Never. Don't say such shit, I love every inch of my strong body and I am proud of my thick fuck tool. I love thick cocks and hard muscular bodies!" Justin shouted in pure lust his dick rammed all the way into Scars ass.

"That's the spirit, fill my hole up with your hot cream and make your transformation irreversible. You will become a queer ass fucker just like me." Whooped Scar pushing his ass against Justin's cock.

"Yesss... I want to be a big muscled faggot, want to be a big dicked lion just like you!!!" Justin cried while he fucked Scars hot ass hole wildly.

Their strong muscular bodies crushed together steadily, their fur was completely soaked with sweat and boths cubs grunted and growled in total bliss until finally Justin shouted.

"Oh yeah... I'm cumming, oh fuck... yeah... take it bitch, take my spunk!" The new cub released himself into his beloved mate. Scar could feel hot jets of cum that gushed out of Justin's flared cock. It didn't take long and soon a great amount of cum oozed from Scars overfilled ass, Justin continued pushing every single drop of his cream deep into the sexy lion cub underneath him.

Scar was such a hot stud and Justin couldn't think of anything better then fucking him. With his strong overmusculed body those big low hanging testicles and the abnormal gigantic cock he now possessed he had all characteristics that Justin now longed for.

Such a fuckable fag Justin thought, who would be able to resist him?


Moments after Justin's huge orgasm Scar blew his own load roaring proudly, thick ropes of cum gushing out of his shivering cock splashing on the already sperm stained couch.

Both cubs gasped for air while they still continued there mating. Justin's thrusts became slower and more gentle both lions enjoying the afterglow and Justin's newfound queerness.

But the lions weren't truly satisfied, they just reached another level of horniness that gave them even stronger feelings for each other.

"Oh yes cutie that was one hell of a fuck really great, now you are a real ass fucker." Scar turned his head back to Justin's face and when their eyes meet both cubs sneered at each other.

"Thank you Scar it's so cool to fuck a males tight arse." Justin's said lustily.

"Yeah, I know!" Scar grinned pressing his ass around Justin's hot shaft, the former human groaned in delight.

"You are a great piece of ass faggot." Justin pressed his body hard against Scars back to get as much contact as possible with those muscular shoulders and nibbled at the lions ears.

After a few minutes Justin finally pulled his dick out of the now overstretch ass. Scars anus was wide open. Justin admired the view of the lions overstretch hole in which he could see his cum, that he sprayed only moments before.

"Looks great doesn't it?" Laughed Scar while he shook his ass seductively in front of his mate.

"Wow Scar, this is really cool." Justin said sniffing at Scars ass. The new smell that oozed out was so erotic that Justin's cock began to shiver under his body. Pure lust filled his mind again and he was immediately ready for more lion sex!

"Smells great I know." Scar grinned sniffing the air that was filled of the odor of both oversexed lions.

"Ok faggot... its your turn now" Scar continued and turned around to Justin.

"I hoped you would say that, I couldn't wait to get your nice male pole up my ass." The freshly transformed cub sneered while he lowered his head to lick over scars still cum covered cock tip.

"Hmm... yes cutie... now you behave like a real faggot! Don't suck so much on it, I want to shoot my spunk in your ass not your mouth, at least not this time." Grunted Scar

Unwillingly Justin let go of the wonderful tasting cock and licked his snout clean.

"Turn around!" Commanded Scar, Justin immediately obliged.

He lifted his tail and exposed his puckered hole to his lover.

The lion wasted no time jumping on Justin's back and rubbing his thick pole between the crack of the muscular ass before him.

"I want your gates as wide open as mine now, you will like it as much as I do trust me." Scar said and positioned his cock head at Justin's entrance.

"Open wide." He added.

Justin laughed at this joke and stuck his ass even more towards Scars pulsing cock.

He knew it would hurt, the hyperpallic penis would stretch his ass to the limit and he wanted it, wanted it bad, wanted to feel that huge lion meat slide into him, open him up, fill him.

Scar began to push his dick against Justin's hole and very soon the pucker gave way and led the thick glands slowly slipping in the tight warm tunnel.

Justin grunting in pain and horniness, while his own prick jumped uncontrollably up and down under his body dripping precum everywhere.

Slowly, he felt every thick inch of Scars lion hood sliding in, tight, hot stretching searching its way deep into his body.

"Oh yes cub, we are almost there, only a view more inches and then we can finely fuck your ass raw!"

"ugh... yeah Scar." Justin only grunted while he enjoyed his first buttsex.

After about five agonise minutes Scars hole thick cock had vanished in Justin's once virgin hole and the original lion cup turned and twisted his boner in the tight ass, to gave the former kit a good feeling of his lion meat.

And then finally he began to fuck his mate. His first gently thrusts became wilder and harder, until he humped the furry ass as hard and forceful as he could.

Justin groaned in pleasure under him while he began to move with each of Scar's thrusts.

"Who's the boss now faggot?" Scar shouted in lust.

"ugh... you are the boss!" Justin hissed while he tried to push his ass harder against his mate's body to gain more cock in his hole.

Scar grinned and continued: "Do you lust for me now?"

"Yeah Scar you are the hottest assfucker in the shit world" purred Justin earnestly.

The new cub couldn't think of a better lover. Scar was now his perfect image of a mate as well as his perfect image of sex was now the hot hart mating of male lions.

Knowing this, Justin squeezed his ass around Scars dick feeling every vein of the thick hyper phallic meat that impaled him.

"Oh year,... just like that." Scar grunted and felt how a great amount of precum left his cock.

"Tell me cutie who his you mate now?" the lion on top bellowed.

"You are my mate!" came the answer immediately.

"Yes that's right, I think you deserve a real hard fuck!" Scar pumped his shivering cock even harder into Justin's backdoor.

"Oh fuck, yes Scar fuck me, fuck me hart, this is so great." Justin shouted. He couldn't wait any longer; he wanted to get filled up with cum.

"Uhg... don't worry I will fill you up with my nice hot spunk." Groaned Scar while their bodies smashed forcefully together.

"Oh Scar being a lion cub queer is so cool," Justin gasped.

"Yeah, lion faggots are the best fuckers." Scar agreed happily unable to hold it any longer.

"Here I come... take it lover, take my thick load!"

And with that Scar began his orgasm shooting load after load into Justin's ass while his mate under him began to pump thick ropes of cum on to the couch.

Minutes later they both lay on the cum covered couch watching at the TV screen which now showed some old dull war movie.

Justin's gates were now as wide open as Scar's. The former boy enjoyed the slimy and smelly mess that Scar has created in his overstretched ass.

"Uuhh, Scar you were so dam wonderful it feels so good to have your ass wide open." Justin giggled and Scar looked at him with a knowing smile on his face.

"And what we do now Scar?" Justin asked while he pressed his furry body against his mate.

"Well we have two options." Scar answered and licking Justin's snout.

"Two options?" Justin asked excitedly.

"Yeah... we could go back into my world, I bet you will love to be taken by Mufasa he is a real good ass fucker you know?" Both cubs giggled.

"And the second option?" Justin questioned.

"I'm thinking about messing up this world a bit, there are still more boys out there who deserved to become muscled lion fags." Scar grinned.

Both cubs laughed naughtily like the beasts they were while their cocks became rock hard again oozing precum in anticipation.

The End?

Ok,.. and here are the thirf and fourth part of the story.

By the way, it would be nice to hear, what do you think about it?

Scar couldn't wait any longer, he was in a sexual freeze and he needed it now!

"Hey cutie,... enough of playing, now we do some real fucking" and with that the reddisch Lion pulls his cock out of his friends hot wet mounth and turn around. He began to present Justin his butt and then lifted his tail high to revealing his butthole.

"It's humping time now!" Scar grins. Justin looked fascinated at the shivering assmuscle while his cock started to throbb with need and oozing cum like crazy.

Way back in his mind he still tried to understand what was going on, but for some reason he really didn't care any more.

"Yeah,... humping time" he repeaded and then jumped onto Scars back. His big dick immediately found its aim and Justin jammed his thick cockhead into his pales thigh anus.

"Uhhh,... yeeessss, this is great" purred Scar, while he pressed his ass against the stiff hyperfallic shaft.

"Wow,... oh shit,... this is so intense." grunted Justin while he still forced his cock deeper into Scars body.

Justin could only gasp with satisfaction at how the cubs hole melted around his hyperdick like a glove. He had never felt anything like it. A pussy would

never felt this good he thought and there was no way, that he ever would try a dull pussy out in his life. This lions ass was milking him the further his prick

pushed in. So, he thought, I'm gonna give him the whole thing.

More than willingly he now gave totally into his feelings and the though of fucking another males ass became a new truth to him.

Soon he began to carefully bank Scars ass while images of freaky muscular cubs filled his mind.

Both lions grunted loudly while their motions became more and more rhythmically until they moved in perfect synchronism.

"Yeah that's it fuck my ass-hole. Don't be such a sissy, hump me harder! Show me the real buttfucker that you are now!" sneered Scar.

"OK,... you have asked for it" Justin grunted and pushed his entire cock with one hard thrust into his pale. Both roared loudly. There excited no more tenderness.

Their fucking became wild and hard and the former human kid now fucked Scar madly. This is real fun, he thought by himself pumping his thick freaky cock into his mate's muscular ass. To hump Scar even harder he lifted one of his hind legs and looped it around Scars hindquarter. His heavy swollen balls now smacked hart against his friend's firm butt reminding him with every thrust of the need to fuck.

Scar felt real great. His own cock oozed precum like mad, his arse was stretched and violated by an oversized cock and all he could think of was the moment, when his new mate would released himself into his ass. Scar knew that the mind of his victim was almost corrupted, but he also knew that there would be still a little resistance in this kid, so he descided to mock him a bid.

"Guess what, cutie? You still can fight against it. Perhaps you can even change back into your old human body. All you have to do is stop fucking me." he sneered.

"Zip your lips! I don't know anything about a shit human live and I don't give a shit about humans. I am here to screw your lion ass and pump my spunk deep into your guts." Justin grunted almost forgotten everything about his former live and only driven by new instincts. He even increased his thrusting showing Scar who was the boss right at the moment.

Scar happily groaned. "Well seems that you like being a freaky lion fag. Sucking big cocks and screwing tight asses."

"Yeah,... sucking cocks, screwing asses..." moaned Justin. He just got hornier by talking about those things.

"But I thought you abominate this strong overmusceled bodies and those freaky big cocks, didn't you?" asked Scar still teasing his lover.

"Never. Don't say such a shit. I love every inch of my strong body and I am proud of my thick fucktool. I like thick dongers the most and hart muscular lion sex!" Justin shouted in pure lust while he pushed his dick all the way into Scars ass again.

"Well,... that's the spirit, then do it, fill my hole up with your hot cream and make your transformation irreversible. You will become a queer bumfucker, just like me." whooped Scar and pushed his ass hart against Justin's cock.

"Yesss. Want to be a big muscled faggot. Want to be a bigdicked lion just like you!!!" cried Justin while he fucked Scars hot asshole wildly.

Their strong muscular bodies crushed together steadily, their fur was completely soaked with sweat and boths cubs grunted and growled in total bliss for the next minutes until finally Justin shouted:

"Oh yeah,.. I am cummming. Oh fuck,... yeah,... Take it bitch! Take my spunk!" And with that the new cub released himself into his beloved mate. Scar could feel the big hot jets of cum that gushed out of Justin's wild flaring cock. It didn't take long and a great amount of cum oozed out of Scars overfilled asshole while Justin continued pushing every single drop of his cream deep into the sexy lion cub under him.

Scar was such a hot stud and Justin couldn't think of a better or viriler lover then him. Yes, with his strong overmusculed body that big low hanging testicles and the abnormal gigantic cock the lion had all characteristics that Justin now longed for.

Such a fuckable fag Justin thought. Who would be able to resist him?


Only a moment after Justin's huge orgasm Scar gained his own one roaring proudly while thick ropes of cum gushed out of his shivering cock and splashed on the already sperm stained couch.

Both cubs gasped for air while they still continued the banging. Justin's thrusts became slower and more gently while both of them enjoying the afterglow and Justin's newfound queerness.

But the lions weren't satisfied in any way, they just reached another level of horniness that gave them even stronger feelings for each other.

"Oh yes, cutie, that was just the hell of a fuck, really great. Now you are a real assfucker." Scar turned his head back to saw into Justin's face and when their eyes meet both cubs sneered at each other.

"Thank you Scar, it's so cool to fuck a males tight arse." Justin's said in a lusty voice.

"Yeah, I know!" Scar grined and pressed his ass around Justin's shaft and the former human groaned delightfully.

"You are a great piece of ass, faggot." With that Justin pressed his body hart against Scars back to get as much contact as possible with those muscular shoulders and nibbled at the lions ears.

After a view more minutes, Justin finally pulled his dick out of the now overstretch ass. Scars gates were now wide open. Justin admired the view of the lions overstretch hole in which he could see his cum, that he sprayed moments ago in there, swapped around.

"Looks great, doesn't it?" laughed Scar while he shacked his but seductively in front of his mate.

"Wow, Scar, this is really cool." Justin said sniffing at Scars ass. The new smell that oozed out of it was so erotically that Justin's cock began to shiver under his body. Pure lust filled his mind again and he was immediately ready for more hart lionsex!

"Smells great, I know." Scar grinned sniffing the air that was filled of the odor of both oversexed lions.

"Ok faggot... its your turn now" the original Lion cub continued and turned around to Justin.

"I've hoped you would say this, I couldn't wait to get your nice smelly fucker up my ass." The fresh transformed cub sneered while he lowered his head to lick over scars still cumcovered cock tip.

"Hmm,... yes cutie,... now you behave like a real proud faggot! But don't suck so much on it, I want to shot my spunk in your ass and not in your mouth, at least not this time." Grunted Scar

Unwillingly Justin let of the wonderful tasting cock and licked his smears snout clean.

"Turn arount!" Commanded Scar and Justin immideately obliged.

He lifted his tail and exposed his puckered hole to his lover.

The lion wasted no time and jump on Justin's back and rub his thick pole at the hart muscular ass before him.

"I want your gates as wide open as mine are now. You will like it as much as I do, trust me." Scar said and positioned his cock head at Justin's entrance.

And then he added: "Open wide."

Justin lought at this joke and stuck his ass even wider towards Scars shivering cock.

He knew it would hurt, he knew the hyperfallic penis would stretch his ass to the limit and he wanted it, wanted it bad, wanted to feel that huge lion meat slide into him, open him up, fill him.

Scar began to push his dick against Justin's hole and very soon the pucker gave way and led the thick glans slowly slipping in the tight warm tunnel.

Justin grunting in pain and horniness, while his own prick jumped uncontrollably up and down under his body dripping precum everywhere.

Slowly, he felt every thick inch of Scars lion hood sliding in, tight, hot stretching searching its way deep into his body.

"Oh yes cub, we are almost there, only a view more inches and then we can finely fuck your ass raw!"

"ugh,... yeah Scar." Justin only grunted while he enjoyed his first buttsex.

After about five agonise minutes Scars hole thick cock had vanished in Justin's once virgin hole and the original lion cup turned and twisted his boner in the tight ass, to gave the former kit a good feeling of his lion meat.

And then finally he began to fuck his mate. His first gently thrusts became wilder and harder, until he humped the furry ass as hard and forceful as he could.

Justin groaned in pleasure under him while he began to move with each of Scar's thrusts.

"Who is the boss now, faggot?" Scar shouted in total lust.

"ugh... you are the boss!" Justin hissed while he tried to push his ass harder against his mate's body to gain more cock in his hole.

Scar grinned and continued: "Do you lust for me now?"

"Yeah Scar you are the hottest assfucker in the shit world" purred Justin earnestly.

The new cub couldn't think of a better lover. Scar was now his perfect image of a mate as well as his perfect image of sex was now the hot hart mating of male lions.

Knowing this, Justin squeezed his ass around Scars dick feeling every vein of the thick hyper phallic meat that impaled him.

"Oh year,... just like that." Scar grunted and felt how a great amount of precum left his cock.

"Tell me cutie, who his you mate now?" the lion on top bellowed.

"You are my mate!" came the answer immediately.

"Yes, that's right, I think you deserve a real hart fuck!" and with that Scar even pumped his shivering cock harder into Justin's backdoor.

"Oh fuck, yes Scar fuck me, fuck me hart, this is so great." Justin shouted. He couldn't wait any longer; he wanted to get filled up with cum.

"Uhg,... don't worry I will fill you up with my nice hot spunk." Groaned Scar while their bodies smashed forcefully together.

"Oh Scar to be a queer lion cub is so cool," Justin gasped.

"Yeah, lion faggots are the best fuckers." Scar agreed happily and than he couldn't hold it any longer.

"Here I cum,.. take it lover, take my thick load!"

And with that Scar gained his orgasm, shooting load after load into Justin's ass while his mate under him began to pump thick ropes of cum on the couch. Both lions hotly road, sticking their big muscular chests out in proudness.

Minutes later they both lay on the cum covered couch watching at the TV screen which now showed some dull old war movies.

Justin's gates were now as wide open as Scar's. The former boy enjoyed the slimy, smelly mess that Scar has created in his overstretched ass.

"Uuhh, Scar, you were so dam right, it feels so good to have your gates wide open." Justin giggled and Scar looked at him with a knowing smile in his face.

"And what we do now Scar? Justin asked while he pressed his furry body against his mate.

"Well, we have two options." Scar answered and liked over Justin's snout.

"Two options?" Justin asked with a nosy expression in his face.

"Yeah,... we could go back into my world, I bet you will love to be taken by Mufasa. He is a real good assfucker, you know?" Both cubs giggled.

"And the second option?" Justin questioned.

"I am thinking about messing up this world a bit. There are still more boys out there who deserved to become muscled lionfags." Scar grinned.

Both cubs laughed naughty like the brads they were now while their cocks became rock hard again and began oozing precum in anticipation.

The End?