After the Hunt

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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The sequel to Fox Hunt, where we get to learn more about the kinky loving couple.

Fox Hunt is here ->

After The Hunt


Charles E. Terrell Jr. AKA Nightmask

It was the scent of grilling meat that woke her, drifting in through the open flap leading into the tent she shared with her husband and caused the black-furred vixen to stir. Stretching as she awoke the thin yet heat-retaining blanket slid from her form with a whisper of synthetics across the ebony fur that covered her from head to toe and exposed one of her breasts to the dim light filtering in through the tent material. The sounds of the air-mattress creaking beneath her filled the room as she rose up to a sitting position, an errant yawn displaying rows of sharp and pristine feral teeth while her digitigrade legs poked out from the other side of her blanket displaying equally sharp toeclaws as she wriggled her toes about.

She wasn't the largest of creatures by any means, likely topping no more than 4' 9" at most standing upright but as more of her came into view it was obvious she was a fully mature member of her species from the lift of her bust relative to her form and the full curves of her hips. Her form was more feral in presentation than some other species might be, in spite of her having merely a pair of breasts instead of groups of them like her unevolved cousins possessed. The rest of her held more closely to her smaller cousins in form though, from the shape of her head to the long vulpine tail rising up from her backside to the evident fox musk that clung to her fur and permeated the interior or the tent.

There was no embarrassment to her movements either as she set about folding up the blanket and putting it aside, being left bare in the revealing light of day. Her tail flicked idly about as she rubbed at her wrists and along her legs and inner thighs, whimpering briefly at the little bits of pain left over from the day before and the roughness of her playtime with her husband. Much as she enjoyed the rough and wild matings and the thrill of the hunt she couldn't do it too often given the differences in size between the two of them.

The growling of her stomach from a fresh influx of the cooking going on outside reminded her of how hungry she was, although more immediate concerns nagged at her as being fully awake now she couldn't escape noticing the fullness of her bladder demanding it be emptied. Rolling back onto her hands and knees she crawled outside into the brightness of the newly-dawning day to be greeted by the sight of her husband busily at work with the solar-powered heater preparing breakfast for them both.

"Ah there you are, been up for more than an hour now Sasha love waiting on you," he declared with a smile gracing his well-tanned face as he flipped over a steak to cook the other side and shifted a finished piece off onto a plate and offered it to her.

"Well if you hadn't wore me out yesterday Barry I'd have been up before you and you know it," she snapped back good-naturedly before waving off the steak. "Got to water the grass first dear," she murred as she padded off just far enough from the tent to relieve herself, unconcerned with the exposed position or that Barry watched. Indeed she loved to show off for him since he was a rare human who accepted all her non-human quirks and she all his non-vulpine ones. They truly were perfectly matched for all their faults and good qualities went well together.

"Always nice to watch you water the grass love," Barry said with a chuckle. Most humans might not enjoy the sight but there wasn't anything about her that he didn't love; she was too attractive a creature in his eyes to not enjoy anything related to her.

"I'll make sure you have warning enough to get a closer look next time," she tossed back to him as she finished up and moved to where they had their water tank set up to wash and clean herself up at least enough to eat. Her fur was still a mess but she'd take care of that after breakfast.

"I'll hold you to that," he grinned, moving a larger piece of meat over to his own plate and putting another to cook while she padded back over to join him at the electric grill. Taking up her plate and eating utensils she crouched down with her tail balancing her and settled in to eat ravenously.

Sasha didn't bother replying her focus completely on taking the edge off of her appetite, only bothering with the utensils because she didn't want to deal with the mess eating it with her fingers or right off the plate would cause. Knowing how she was first thing in the morning Barry didn't make any effort to talk with her and simply ate his own meal at a more sedate pace while watching her eat and keeping her supplied with fresh food as she worked through the meal. It wasn't until she was nearly stuffed that she slowed enough to be able to converse while eating.

"Keep that up and we'll have to take up some actual hunting while we're out here," Barry pointed out while winking to his wife and reaching over to rub her between the ears affectionately.

"Well after that work-out yesterday you can do all the hunting," she murred while sticking her tongue out at him and swatting him with her tail. "I'll be sore for days after our game," she reminded him, ears flicking at the rubbing while she lifted her head up against his fingers.

"Of course dear," he replied, moving to kiss the side of her muzzle before drawing her into a quick kiss that she responded to with delight, reaching to place her hand behind his head and hold him to the kiss before she overbalanced and fell back onto the ground pulling him down on top of her. Luckily for Sasha it wasn't the first time such had happened and Barry quickly braced himself so he didn't land with his full weight on top of her and his elbows struck the ground instead to add some fresh grass stains to his camouflage shirt from the day before.

Sore though she might be Sasha seemed quite randy with the most urgent needs of hunger and bladder service taken care of, her naturally heavy musk getting more potent as she rubbed her hands down along his back and over his sides. Her nimble fingers delving into his waistband to reach inside for a short hunt for her husband's member and stroke it steadily.

"Sure you're up for that already love?" he asked concerned even though he knew how Sasha's horniness fluctuated and she'd been on a high-point for days leading up to their vacation in the woods.

"I'm sure we can work something out," she murred huskily, right hand stroking him while the left worked at unbuttoning and unzipping him to release his shaft into the air. Her hips rolled about in heated gyration as she humped up at him and dug her toeclaws into the ground.

"Something that won't get in the way of you recovering," he told her while catching at her hands and pulling them away from his erection after she got him unzipped and exposed, struggling to get her hands positioned so he could hold her firmly enough to roll over and pull her on top of him instead. Once he was on his back with her grinding herself down onto him instead he nuzzled at her neck and bit it hard enough to cause her to freeze up briefly before going limp on top of him.

"That's it love, relax, you know what we do when you're too sore for a normal mating," he whispered into her ear. His hands stroked along her sides gently and soothingly as he coaxed her enough out of her heat-induced desire to draw her hands up to stroke at his chest and bites him back in return, adding a few new light cuts to the many already marring his neck from previous love bites.

"Sorry love," she murred back to him, tongue brushing over his neck as she licked at the wounds and cleaned his neck softly. Her tail hiked up behind her though as she squeezed her thighs against his sides and kept rubbing against him while her chest vibrated with her throaty murring. "I don't know how you put up with me when I get like this," she murred into his ear while trying hard not to drive herself down onto his member.

"Because I love you and accept you for all that you are love," he told her simply, his hands stroking down along her sides to cup and fondle her backside affectionately.

"Oooooooh yes!" she moaned when he started stroking her backside and fingering beneath her tail and tickling at her tailhole. "God but you're just too good to me!" she panted, her sex dripping her musky juices all over him and soaking his crotch along with her thighs. She couldn't keep her hips from rising up to push into his hands and those fingers playing about between her furry buns.

"Such a thing isn't possible," he told her between loving licks at her muzzle, tongue brushing over her lips while she raked her claws lightly down the front of his camouflage top. Sasha felt a blush creep across her skin even if her husband couldn't see it, embarrassed by the praise but happy to be blessed with such a fine mate.

"For that you get a reward," she murred throatily, her tail lashing about as she sat up on his lap for a bit before turning around and draping herself facing the other way on top of him and wriggled herself backwards until she felt her sex pushing up against Barry's chin.

"A reward for me or a reward for you?" he teasingly asked while he wrapped his arms around her waist as he got an eyeful (and nose full) of musky vixen sex and she got a similar eyeful of his musk-coated shaft as it bounced gently with the beat of his heart before her eyes.

"Any reason it can't be both?" she asked with a playful nip at the tip of his erection, just enough to tease without actually hurting. Her small hands wrapped around his shaft as she held it up and started lapping at the tip, tasting her own juices on his member while she explored the tip with her tongue and teased into the opening at the end.

Barry chuckled softly, not even bothering to answer as he simply pulled her back the rest of the way to place her sex to where he could kiss the puffy folds of her vulpine entrance, the rich taste of her juices coating his tongue as he slipped it inside to lick within her. It had taken time to adjust to the taste of her as well as the potent musk of a vulpine mate but he'd come to love it as he loved the rest of her. The heat she was apparently in was adding to the tartness and general flavor of her juices as well as he could taste the change from what he expected from her.

Her moans of delight traveled through the air to mix with the general sounds of the forest as Sasha ground back onto her husband's tongue, rubbing her clit against his lips and teeth as she felt her arousal rising thanks to his efforts. Returning the favor she slid the tip of his erection into her muzzle, mindful of her teeth as she licked and suckled on the tip and stroked along the exposed length with her hands, caressing steadily as she shared her pleasure with him.

Sasha's toeclaws dug into the ground next to Barry's head when he started scratching is fingernails along her spine with his left hand while the right started playing with her tailhole, tail hiking against her back while she humps and rolled her hips around from the steadily increasing stimulation. Her juices flowed almost like a river into his mouth where he drank them down with gusto and kept his tongue stabbing into the grip of her clutching sex and brushing it over the concealed entrance to her urethra leaving nothing in reach on his mate untouched.

Closing her eyes she could barely focus on keeping herself from biting down on her mate's erection she was getting it so good from his tongue and fingers, but had schooled herself to where she didn't do more than leave him shivering a bit from the slight prick of her teeth into the sensitive flesh of his member. Her hot breath panted over his throbbing shaft as she felt her muscles tightening up as her climax grew closer and closer until with a silent cry she arched and jammed herself down onto his face when his finger entered her backside sending her over the edge.

With no awareness of time passing as her bliss ran on Sasha rode out crashing tides of the orgasm working its way through her, tailhole clutching at Barry's finger as it rested inside of her. Her sex did its best to grip at his tongue as it kept wriggling around inside of her, until she eventually collapsed on top of him still panting around the tip of his erection resting inside the front of her muzzle. A warm sweet afterglow enveloped her as she rested and recovered on top of him, tongue going back to lapping at his erection as she suckled on his shaft.

Once it was evident his wife had had her orgasm and settled into a more relaxed state Barry set about enjoying some after-glow play with her tasty gifts to him, tongue swirling around the edges of her sex and cleaning her up and tonguing her clit on occasion as well. His nose was filled with the potent scent of vixen as he had only her to breath, his breath puffing up between her rumpcheeks as he panted a bit himself since she was still keeping him well stimulated with her hands and tongue.

While her own orgasm had passed Sasha still sought after the taste of her mate's to complete her need. She tightened her grip on his shaft and stroked up and down the length faster and faster and worked more of it into her muzzle, testing her jaw as she worked the first three inches into her hot and needy muzzle, tongue lapping hard across the tip again and again. In the face of such stimulation few males could hold out and Barry wasn't one of those males, his erection suddenly jerking in her grasp as he climaxed, spraying his hot seed into her muzzle and splashing against the back of her throat as he clutched at her.

Sasha drank greedily of her husband's seed as it filled her muzzle and choked her a bit before she managed to drink enough down to be able to breath freely, savoring the coating of it over her tongue and how it tasted. She milked him dry although didn't give up suckling on him until the sun was much higher in the sky, a languid feeling enveloping her after the dual joys of her release from the sexual tension of earlier and the taste and scent of her husband's release filling her senses. When she finally managed to release his erection from her muzzle she licked and nuzzled it affectionately before resting her head on it and murring contentedly. Life was good.