The Expanse

Story by Medkit on SoFurry

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An inflation story of a whole new kind! Organs turn to balloons under the strange effects of the gas, bursting and filling the victim with more of the dangerous gas, until nothing is left but a horny shell, devoid of a brain or most vital organs, a living balloon, searching to burst in front of it's next victim!

Cover image by Grandstorm on Fur Affinity.

** Bam! Squeeaak! **

Davlan hesitantly lifted his gaze from the junk mail in hand, to look toward the glass doors of the apartment building. Almost immediately, a stranger caught his attention. Davlan recognized the man as a resident of the apartment, but it was the obscurely lustful behavior of the man that truely interested him. The man was dressed pretty plainly, in a somewhat worn-out T-shirt with a faded Metallic shirt. The resident also wore a pair of blue jeans, unbuttoned and pulled down, along with the grey boxers underneath, to reveal the man's uncut cock, pressed against the glass and streaming a line of pre.

Behind the man, the street was deserted. A thick green fog had rolled in, perhaps only over a few minutes. And oddly enough, a similarly thick green smoke seemed to rise occasionally from the man's ears and nostrils, in small pufts barely noticable. But again, Davlan was more preoccupied by the man's junk. Davlan idly adjusted his own erect member, watching otherwise motionlessly.

The stranger's eyes rolled like he was being fucked recklessly, but no force seemed to infiltrate him. Davlan furled his brow as the man licked the glass and snorted at once, inhaling enough of the thick green fog to clear a bit of air around his head.

But oddly, it seemed as though the fog was only adding to the man's lust. He slammed his crotch against the glass and moaned, taking a deep breath and furiously rubbing the length of his manhood with his right hand, his left holding him in place.

Davlan was amazed and aroused by the resident's lewd conduct, tugging idly on his own jean's zipper. But as he did this, Davlan spotted the stranger's bellybutton. It peaked out from under the man's faded shirt, bulging like he had eaten a christmas dinner._ W-What.. Wasn't he like.. slender a second ago?_

Davlan fought his urge to stroke his own cock as the man took another breath. The stranger's chest rose and filled, like a beachball under the now taut black shirt. What bothered Davlan most was the lack of a loss of mass. It was like the man was just some bag of air, filling himself with each breath.

** Phsss! **

Davlan's eyes grew wide, and his jaw dropped in awe. The stranger's ballsack seemed to suddenly inflate, reducing some of the pressure on the man's new pear-shaped physique. But Davlan's interest turned to concern, as the man's wrinkly balls lost their flabby and hung natue, growing larger and larger, to the size of grapefruit, now nestled close to the twitching meat of the man.

** Phsss- Bang! Bam! **

Davlan cringed as the stranger's ballsack sagged and deflated a fair amount, before gradually refilling with what Davlan assumed to be the fog. The man's scrotum expanded enough to become transparent, just enough to show Davlan that both of the man's testicles had burst like tiny bean-shaped balloons, left as rubbery scraps and two shadows, a sign that the liquids within had been released as well.

Just the thought of his balls literally exploding made Davlan whimper. And judging from the green haze beginning to fill the lobby, it was time to warn Kendrick.

Now frantic, Davlan rushed toward the elevator, holding his breathe until the lift arrived. The trip to Kendrick's floor was a harrowing experience. As the elevator rose past the second floor, a loud explosion rocked the building. _ No doubt, it was that guy at the door.. That's fucked up.. _ Davlan thought to himself, his erection still bulging underneath his tight jeans. He wasn't dressed very different from the victim, and that reminder only served to make him more anxious.

A woman's orgamic cries accelerated Davlan's fear, but the elevator doors finally slid open. Terrified, Davlan nearly tripped over himself as he reached Kendrick's apartment. After six frantic knocks, Ken opened the door.

"What's up? Did you get the mail?" Kendrick muttered. But after a few moments of silence, Kendrick spoke in a more worried tone.

"You look like you've seen the dead."

Davlan stumbled toward Kendrick, still pale from his harrowing experience. "Y-Yeah.. Listen, lets go to your room."

Kendrick gave Davlan a blank stare and a kiss on the cheek. "We haven't had breakfast yet?"

"S-Shut up! We've got to get to the bedroom, okay? I don't know how long we've got.."

Kendrick cringed at Davlan's sudden snap, only to reply with his soothing voice. "Alright.. I'll follow you then."

For somebody who was facing certain doom, Davlan was taking it pretty well. _ One last fuck, before we blow.. That's all I want.. All I need.. _

Davlan pulled open the closet's sliding door and began to yank out various garmets, tossing them onto the bed. The half-naked Kendrick watched in stunned curiosity, his slightly visible member getting stiffer by the second. Davlan's dominance was Kendrick's turn on.

Davlan gestured Kendrick inside, as he pulled off his yellow V-neck, tossing it into a pile which he would soon add his jeans and briefs to. Kendrick could tell Davlan was horny. The smell of cum and.. dirty gym equipment seemed to radiate from him.

The smell of musk and sweat happened to be a turn on that Davlan didn't know about. As soon as Davlan sat down in the tight closet, Kendrick pounced on him. Flinging his over-washed and far too large shirt over his shoulders.

Davlan writhed at Kendrick's touch, the familiar movements of sex becoming less mundane and more supernatural by the second. But Davlan immediately halted at a scream from a floor below, followed by a another floor-shaking explosion.

"D-Davlan? What's going on?" Kendrick muttered as he dreamily laid before Davlan's bare feet and erect cock.

Davlan shook his head. "Nothing, nothing.. Sorry, I'm just.. Never mind. I love you."

Kendrick gave his reply with his lips, planting them over the tip of Davlan's cock..

Davlan peacefully sighed in response, putting a hand behind Ken's neck, after running it over his shoulders. A couple of dull moans from below quickly stole Davlan away from any semblance of relaxation, however.

"What's wrong now?" Kendrick muttered, leaving Davlan's cock coated with saliva and pre.

"There's nothing wrong, okay? Just don't worr-y.. about.." Davlan sniffed the air. The stench from below had begun to fill the air. The smell had mixed with a variety of other smells too, now. Davlan recognized the faint hints of pot smoke and booze from one of the basement suites, mingling with the grotesque mixture of farts, cum and foot sweat. The odor was oppressive, but Kendrick seemed to be enjoying the new ambient stink.

Kendrick shrugged off the peculiar behavior of his boyfriend, if only because of the arousing stink that seemed to fill the closet. Davlan whined as Kendrick sucked and fondled his balls. The smell was starting to arouse Davlan as well, suspiciously enough. Images of his boyfriend bloated and squirming made him hornier by the second, so Davlan shut his eyes and pressed lightly on Kendrick's neck, feeling his tongue hungrily lick his cock's tip.

Kendrick too a long breath, inhaling the invisible fog having filled the closet. The sound brought more feverish fetishistic thoughts into Davlan's mind, of popping or being popped. Without his intention, Davlan's tongue hung out from his mouth, each suckle driving Davlan further to the brink. Kendrick's deep snorts between sucks had begun to have an effect on his body.

Davlan could feel Ken's expanded pecs against his thighs, while Kendrick began to grind himself against the carpet of the closet. Davlan himself gasped exasperated, taking a deep breath and groaning from the pleasure it brought fourth.

** Phhrrt! **

"S-oo... Mmm..." Kendrick attempted to apologise, but was immediately met with a surge of pressure along his chest. Another deep breathe brought a subtle hiss from Ken's ears. But Davlan was preoccupied by his expanding rump, which had now trapped him in the corner of the closet.

** Braap! Urp! Phhrrt!**

Davlan let loose a loud belch as Kendrick failed to hold his gas, both men unable to resist the fog's bloating infection.

** Squirk! Frrt! Squeak! Pffrt!**

Kendrick's habit of humping and sucking lead to him bouncing on his overinflated gut, pressed against the wall and the door of the closet. Davlan sighed with each suck, his own body starting to balloon in the cramped space.

Kendrick could feel a slight pressure in his chest, before something abruptly burst.

** BANG! **

Cum shot out from under Kendrick's ever-expanding body, splattering the carpet he continued to hump, until he was so large that it was impossible for him to even move. Even in the dim light, Davlan could see through his boyfriend's thin gut, spotting the strange balloon-ified organs within. Worse yet, he could feel the same thing happening within. It tickled, itched and felt good to Davlan. Every release of the gas, the reduction of the build up, it all felt so good.

** Bam! Pop! **

Kendrick's head was firmly trapped between Davlan's overinflated thighs, now. And at least two important organs had succumb to a less vital fate, having burst into rubbery scraps and green gas, now spilling out from Davlan's nostrils' and ears, along with Kendrick's.

The amount of room the two ballooning lovers had was growing smaller and smaller by the second, although all either one cared for at this point was to live out their orgasmic end. Davlan's over inflated cock was shoved deep into Kendrick's mouth, now causing a sort of blockage within the poor man turned potential explosive. Kendrick's rear end was planted against the wall, pressed on all sides.

Kendrick's blowjob became literal, without any other way for him to release the gas, it had to come out some way. Unfortunately, it came out of him and into Davlan, who had already begun to whine in pleasure, his bellybutton touching the ceiling at this point.

The woodwork creaked as the two balloon men strained, their cocks having grown distended and oval-shaped, forthing cum and gas and backing up Kendrick's attempt to siphon off his own fill.

** Errk.. KER-BLAM!**

Kendrick violently exploded, blasting the closet door open, and sending bulging organ-replicate balloons drifting to the ground, only to explode seconds later. Davlan could only experience his body progress toward it's end, fog filling the room and clouding everything as it had been released from Kendrick. But a fair amount of the alien gas leaked from Davlan's orifices.

** Errk... .. Tsssh.. BLAM!**

Davlan came a frothy mix of cum and gas, before finally rupturing, his inflatable heart exploding, only to be followed by the rest of his mock-organs.

Unnaturally Natural

Kuro cautiously slipped his hand around the dirty brass handle of his bed-side drawer. Disturbed by a natural creaking, the squeamish man retracted his hand and slipped under the covers of his king-sized bed, the drawer left half open. Once his fear...

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Wishful Thinking & Unfortunate Circumstance

Brink held his breath, watching the stars with his cellphone in hand. Before Brink could even answer the abrupt buzz, a flash of light from the sky caught his attention. _ A shooting star.. I should make a wish.. I.. I... I wish I was a balloon....

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