Chapter 2: The Initiation

Story by nomen on SoFurry

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#2 of Mid-Summers Daydream

"Help me" she pleaded weakly. She was almost consumed by the dragon's pussy, its fluids affecting her, making her horny and weak. One last convulsion on the dragons' part causes her to gasp as her breasts sparked in pleasure as she lost sight of sunshine. Her last thoughts as a human dragged out in her drugged mind, "Am I going to die?"

Another voice answered quickly and rang clear in her head, "No, my precious, you won't. But you will dream."


"That's the dragon again, it can hear me..." exhausted from her struggles she gathered the last of her energy to shout silently at the dragon. "You won't get away with this!" with that promise of vindication she passed out suspended in the darkness inside the dragon.

Outside the dragon a man was fighting to button and belt his pants when the dragon returned her attention to his presence. "Oh, I had almost forgotten about you. Why don't you come here so we can chat?" She spoke to him, and before he could react her tail dived into his pants pulling them off his waist.

"Shit!" He cursed before tripping as he tried to back away from the serpentine tail too late. Confused he looked down to see himself sitting on her tail. "You won't get me like you did her." His determined words merely amused the dragoness.

"I can see that," She said with a glint in her eye, "But still it's not polite to curse in front of a lady." And with that she lifted her tail high into the air so that the man slides down it while at the same time removing his pants, socks, and shoes.

His breath escaped him as he hit the dragon's belly, and his dick plunged into the slick hole the girl just disappeared down. He tried to lift himself off the dragon, but she had other ideas as her tail curved up his back side pinning his waist to hers.

"There's really not much there for a girl like me, is there? Well I'll just have to add that to my list." She said smugly watching for his reaction as he propped himself up in-between her hind legs. As he opened his mouth to respond she rolled her hips up and down and giggled.

The man had his hands on either side of her rounded belly and as her hips went up he lost his grip and fell hugging her. As her hips came down he slid into a deeper sitting position still trapped under her tail. He groaned as he his head lay turned on her stomach, listening to the sound of her gel like lubricant squishing in between their hips. Making everywhere it touched sensitive, tingle, adding greatly to his arousal.

"Mhhm, now that I have your attention. I suppose we can get started." She murred, "Would you mind cuming in me now? I'd hate to lose the girl."

Wilbur looked aghast, "No pressure or anything, with a life in the balance. It's not like I haven't fucked a dragon I've never met before either." His mouth made an "O" as the dragoness worked his cock and balls into her box. Feeling the warmth and smoothness of her lower lips envelope his equipment completely shot him over the edge. As he let years of pent up sexual tension loose into her depths.

The dragoness smiled feeling the man's release, "Oh, see that wasn't so bad. She wasn't in danger of dying; I was just hoping you'd donate some genetic material so she wouldn't hatch a complete dragon." She sighed as she shifted again, putting her hind legs behind Wilbur's and kept her tail raised behind him.

Wilbur's face fell as watched the dragoness settle herself for a more lengthy session. "What now?"

"Well, how would you like to work for me? We have a special need, and you being here, may speed things up for us." She titled her head and looked at him closely, "Yes, so you like both of them?"

Wilbur sat back, as far back as he could and shudder at the sensations his tool was giving him from inside her. "Huff..., both of what? I think I enjoy having both of my balls, if that's what you are talking about."

"No, silly, the girls you live with. See, my people have been given this planet as a chance to boost our production." She rolled her eyes and looked at Wilbur intensely, "I'm talking about you paying for your play time with me."

"Wait, what? Why..." Wilbur thrust into her involuntarily, the warmth of her juices making him horny and increasing his production. He groaned, "I won't let you take them, if it's the last thing I do."

She smiled and quivered as he thrust into her, "Oh, famous last words. I don't want to take them; I want you to take them. She was just supposed to test the compatibility between our two species, but I think it's been tested enough between the three of us." She started to use her dexterous lower lips to shift him to different position inside of herself. "Thanks for accepting my offer; I'm sure you and the girls will help out a lot."

He gritted his teeth and tried to pull out of her. As he tried she suddenly adjusted her tail, running it quickly down his back till the very end came up to his ass. "I need you to stay put for this," She said right before she prodded his butt hole with the spaded tip. "Otherwise it might hurt the both of us."

He moved forward quickly with a gasp at the sudden prodding at his rear end, the new and uncomfortable feeling reminding him that he was spread-eagle over the dragoness. Wearing only a tee shirt that was soaked in her cum. Looking down over his shoulder, he felt the warm afternoon breeze flow across his ass making him shiver at the feeling. He jumped a little and trust at the dragoness as she vibrated the tip of her tail as it was partially embedded in him, the movements stimulating him further. The dragoness was stimulating his prostate and he tried to speak but only managed to turn his head to the side and start up a regular rhythm as the strange yet pleasurable sensation took his voice away. Starting to feel the testosterone flood his veins he gathered himself and spoke, "I am not a fucking animal you beast!"

They were getting into a rhythm as he started to sex her with a strange passion, unable to stop himself. Her tail moved with him still vibrating as he tried to force his hips deeper into her depths as she ground against him. Then he started to breath in huffs, and with the pleasure it became more forceful till he roared and mated with her for the second time that hour. Right as his seed started to flow into her he felt a sharp pinch at the end of his penis but didn't stop cumming into her. To his confusion he felt like he was continuing to climax long after he should have stopped. He felt one of his balls start to swell and grow heavy as they started to slip out of her. The dragoness was laid back her head on the ground, moaning in pleasure. Wilbur was standing, legs spread wide, feeling one of his balls then the other leave her warmth and hang heavy beneath his legs.

The dragoness smiled and closed her eyes as she felt the process end successfully and withdrew from Wilbur's dick. She was contently satisfied that she had successfully transferred all of her seaman reserves from her recent mating session with a virile male of her kind.

Wilbur saw stars as he was overcome with visions of a very male dragon. He was the dragon and he in rut, courting a female, and mating her at the first sign of a raised tail, caring only to slake his lust. Time speed up in his perspective and the dragoness turned into a human girl and he also changed so that he stood on two legs. She looked surprised as they climaxed together and again the vision changed so that she also was a dragon morph squatting and birthing eggs and he watched feeling pride that they were successful in helping their new species. He blinked and saw her change once more, this time slowly into a full dragon. Noting that she was changing color, she was gold. And she wasn't birthing eggs, rather swinging her tail in a circle. br/>

While looking at him with a mischievous smile she suddenly straightened her tail out starting at the base of her spine so that the loop traveled to the very end. "You have no idea what about to happen, do you?" she said as she launched the last of her cum mixed with both Wilbur and her earlier victims>

"Wha? Ulp!" Wilbur said as the projectile entered his mouth and traveled straight to his stomach. It knocked him wide eyed on his naked ass.

a thread of the thick gel in his mouth he tried to dislodge it as he sat up feeling euphoric. The dragon wasn't around anymore, disappeared in seemingly thin air. He felt full from the forceful swallowing of the love juices, and noted while his equipment didn't look any bigger his nuts felt very heavy. They tugged on his groin as he stood up and got his bearings. "Shit, shit, shit." He said out loud as his mind raced over the very recent events. He looked for any of his discarded clothing and didn't find any. His mouth felt dry and he started back to his house half naked and soaked on a cloudless day. He started running cupping himself, knowing that his sister and the family friend would be back any time now after their day at work.

cold sweat broke out as the wind flew through his naked legs and around his body. "I can't be seen like this" he thought, "How the hell will I explain this to anybody? Agh, and I smell!"