Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 11 The Master of a Master

Story by YiffyGreenDragon on SoFurry

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Warning: This story, but not every chapter in this story contains acts of a homosexual nature. If your squeamish and don't like homosexual sex depicted in graphic detail then don't read this story, otherwise enjoy.

Check out the story overview at the beginning of chapter 1

A few comments from me on chapter 1

Chapter 11: The Master of a Master

The heavy sound of steel boots striking against stone echoed in the enormous hallway as General Calos made his way deeper into his masters fortress. The flickering glow from the many torches hanging from the vaulted ceiling could be seen reflecting off the highly polished black stone.

The fortress was a labyrinth of complex passages, and countless chambers which had been carved directly into the side of a mountain. It was capital of Lord Nas's empire, on this world. The fortress was as large as the city which had been built around it, and housed thousands of people.

General Calos continued down the long hallway, as slaves and workers of many different races scrambled to get out of his way. Smaller hallways branched off from the main hallway, and anyone unfamiliar with the layout of the fortress could easily get lost in the maze of intersecting corridors and passages.

Calos could hear the familiar sound of rattling chains and grinding gears, as he entered the main lift room. The room was busy with activity, as people were either getting on or off the many lifting platforms which lined both sides of the enormous chamber. Each lift rode in shafts, which ascended and descended through the height of the fortress, and provided access to the fortresses many different levels.

He approached a set of massive doors at the end of the chamber and waited impatiently as four guards struggled to open the massive double doors. As he waited he turned, and watched as a human slave driver was repeatedly whipping and yelling at a team of sellga, who were trying to turn the wheel which operated the lift they were stationed at. There were a dozen of them chained to the massive wheel, and the shortest was at least a foot taller than the human who was whipping them.

The sellga were plant eaters which made feeding them much cheaper. They were built similar to their predatory cousins the Vash. Their skin was colored in a pattern of green and dark patches with more of the dark green patches covering their backs. Their muzzles were thick with large cow like lips, and their teeth were dull and flat. They had large nostrils and large eyes. The ears on the sides of their heads were large by human standards, but weren't as large as the ears of their vash cousins. They had a large bony frill protruding from the back of their heads, which looked similar to the frill of a triceratops, except they didn't have any horns. The claws on their hands and feet were short and dull, which made them easier to manage than the vash, who's razor sharp teeth and claws had to be constantly cut, or filed down.

As the man's whip fell across their backs the chains which disappeared into the hole in the floor started to rise more quickly. The slave driver stopped whipping them when he was satisfied with the speed with which the lift was now moving. All of the sellga were naked except for the permanent steel collars around their necks, and the steel manacles that were bound to their wrist and ankles. The flickering light from a nearby torch danced across the curves of their muscular bodies, as the huge reptiles fought to keep the giant wheel turning, and to keep themselves from getting whipped again.

Calos looked away from the sellga, and walked through the entrance before the guards could get the doors all of the way open, and entered another large chamber.

There were four additional guards stationed on the other side of the door, and they quickly went to work to close the huge doors again. The doors closed with a thunderous bang, and as he walk across the stone floor he could hear the guards locking the doors and sliding the huge steel bolts home. The chamber he had just walked into was round with a domed ceiling which was over fifty feet high. Long tapestries displaying the symbols of the royal houses of this world, and the previous conquered world of Tallona lined the walls. There was a set of smaller double doors on each side of the room. On the other side of the doors were additional storage areas, and a fully equipped barracks which provided housing for the palace guards. There was another set of doors at the far end of the chamber which were identical to the first set he had just walked through.

As the last set of bolts were slid into position Calos could hear the bolts on the next door being unlocked from the other side. The four guards stationed in front of the second set of doors started to push them open as the last set of bolts were unlocked.

He was still walking across the room, as the guards started to push the doors open with a creaking sound of metal grinding against metal. As he got to the other end of the room, the guards had the doors open far enough that he didn't have to stand and wait, and he proceeded through the entrance without even look at them as he went by.

Calos made his way down another long hallway, and everything became very quiet, as the guards slide the last steal blot back into position. With the doors closed the only sound he could hear was the sound of his own boots striking against the stone floor, and the occasional crackle from the torches which hung from the ceiling high above. The hallway ended in another rounded chamber which was much smaller than the previous one. The room housed the only means of access to Lord Nas's personal chambers, high up in the top of the mountain.

Calos entered the room, and walked onto the lift which was nearly thirty feet across. As he stepped onto the rounded lift a well dressed human pulled on a rope, and he could hear the faint chime of a bell far above, and it began to slowly rise upwards. The chains rattled, and the lift creaked, as it was lifted off of the stone floor. The lift was decorated with intricately carved railings, and even had benches for passages to rest on, while they endured the long ride.

Unlike the other lifts this one had its own torches, which were attached to the railing. Calos could do nothing but wait, as the lift slowly rose up the three thousand foot shaft. He found himself stared at his own reflection in the smooth stone which had been magically polished to a glossy shine. He looked over his black, nonreflective, armor, and everything was in its proper place.

He was almost one hundred years old, but hadn't been human for a very long time. Those who served his master faithfully were rewarded in many different ways, but the greatest reward was to have your body enhanced through magical transformation. The ability to transform people was one of Nas's numerous abilities. Anyone who was fortunate enough to be transformed however, had to go through many stages before becoming completely transformed. Nas could transform someone fully, but he had chosen to preform the transformations in stages. With each stage in the transformation process the person would become larger and stronger than before. Since each enhancement had to be earned it kept his subjects immensely loyal, because they would do anything to receive the next level in their transformation.

Calos had earned his full transformation over fifty years ago, and he now stood just over eight feet tall. His new body had many characteristics similar to that of a salamander. His snout was short and rounded, with small slits for nostrils. His yellow eyes were large, and granted him greater sight at night, as well as under water. He could hear, but their was no visible sign of ears on his head. His skin secrete a protective layer of greasy mucus which gave his black skin a glossy shine.

The armor he wore was expensive, and had to be created by magical means. The slime which always covered his body would cause normal armor to rust in only a few weeks. His legs had the same three segments similar to the reptilian sellga. He also had a tail, but it was short and stubby, and it hung just above his knees. He was well suited to life in the water with his webbed hands and feet. His webbed hands made him an excellent swimmer, and didn't hinder his ability to hold a sword. When he had been fully transformed he was left with a body that was extremely muscular. His height alone was enough to intimidate people, but it was difficult to tell just how large he really was when he was wearing armor.

The lift ground to a halt with the sound of clanking chains, as it reached the top. A short ramp was lowered to the platform, and he walked off. The top chamber housed the lifting system, which was far larger than any of the other lifts held with in the mountain fortress. There were four massive wheels, and each was operated by its own team of sellga slaves.

Normally it wouldn't require that many slaves to operate a lift, but this lift was held in place by two dozen chains, and each was over three thousand feet long. The combined weight of the lift and the chains was why so many slaves were needed to operate it.

One of Nas's human servants, a man wearing a long dark robe strode through the opened doors at the far end of the chamber. The man had a long white beard, and he wore a thin gold helmet which conformed to the shape of his bald head. The gold skull cap signified that he was of the highest level of Nas's personal servants. Even though the man was no longer a slave, Calos still thought of him as one. He had hated the man ever since he earned the position. He technically had as much authority as he did, at least where it came to running the personal affaires of his master's palace. Whenever he had to visit his master he had to obey the instructions of this man, which infuriated him to no end. Fortunately his authority didn't extend beyond Nas's palace.

The man walked up to him, and he made a fist with both hands, and brought them together under his chin and bowed, and Calos did the same.

"General Calos, it is a pleasure to see that you have returned from your long campaign," the man lied.

"Yes, I have business to discuss with Lord Nas."

"O," he paused with a smirk on his face. " I'm sorry he is busy performing a transformation spell at the moment, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until he's finished."

The man had a pleasureful tone to his voice, and he knew he was antagonizing him on purpose. The man's arrogance was intolerable, and he could feel his anger rising at being denied by someone who he considered to be no better than a slave. He had to resisted the urge to reach out and crush the mans head with his bare hands, and managed to node his head.

"Then if you'll follow me I'll show you to the study, you can wait there until he is ready to see you."

"That wont be necessary, I know where it is," said Calos, with burning anger in his voice.

Calos walked down the hall, and Nas's servant followed along behind him. He rounded a corner, and was about to let himself into Nas's study when he heard the clanking sound of doors opening further down another hallway. He knew the sound came from the chamber where Nas usually cast his spells, and turned and headed in that direction.

He rounded a corner, and had to stop suddenly as he was almost hit by a human servant who was pushing a cart with a man strapped to the top of it. He waited as the servant pushed the cart past him, and he got a glimpse of the man on top of it as it went by. The man was naked, and all of his hair had already fallen out. He knew that this was the first level in the mans transformation. His skin had already turned a dark grey, and he could tell that he was fairly young. His body was thin and muscular, but he couldn't tell if it was natural or due to his transformation. The cart past him quickly, and was followed by four additional servants who had to get out of his way as he rounded the corner.

"Ah General back so soon, I trust you had some success during your raids?" said Lord Nas, as he exited the spell chamber.

Nas was in his human form, which was the form he usually took when he was casting difficult spells. His head was completely without any hair, and he appeared to be a healthy man in his thirties. His black eyes seemed to absorb any light that hit them, and his skin looked ghostly pale. The man didn't look intimidating, but he knew he was probably the most powerful creature on the planet. He wore a black shirt and pants which were covered with intricately carves metal objects. He wore a long black rob over his other clothes which almost touched the floor. His rob was covered in a uniform pattern of objects, which all looked to be made of the same, or similar metals. Calos brought his hands together in a fist under his chin, and bowed deeply before speaking.

"Yes Master. This has been one of our most successful raids. The large animals which roam their forest are now so few that my men are having a difficult time finding any to kill. I ordered my men to attack a few of the unfinished forts, which they are building up and down the cost. Casualties were lower than I had expected, and we were able to capture several thousand new slaves."

"Ahh, excellent, I'm in need of a few new slaves, and how long before they will be ready for inspection?" he asked.

"I have already had two hundred of the most promising slaves already picked out, and they are ready for your inspection now my Lord. The remaining slaves will take some time to process."

"And have the questioners found any useful information?"

"They haven't learned anything new my Lord. Most of the information they have gotten out of the ones they have questioned so far is mostly an update of things we already know. But I will have a complete report for you by the end of the week."

"Locnel," said Lord Nas to the servant wearing the gold skull cap. "See to it that the spell chamber is cleaned, and ready holding cages for six new slaves. When they get here have them washed, and make sure they are well feed."

"Yes my Lord," said the servant with a deep bow.

General Calos answered Nas's questions as they made the time consuming journey to the slave pens, which were in the sprawling city outside the mountain fortress. They were accompanied by twenty fully transformed guards, with ten in front and ten to the rear.

The slave pens were part of a massive structure, which was made of wood and stone. The building was actually many buildings that were interconnected, and was itself as large as small city. The complex contained thousands of pens, as well as areas where new slaves could be broken or trained. There were galleries both large and small, where buyers could examine and purchase new slaves. The slave market, as it was called, was also equipped to deal with any slaves that might have magical abilities.

The head slave master had been expecting them, and greeted them as they made their way inside the market. He was a tall man, and rather large for a human. His head was shaved, and covered in a pattern of tattoos. His cloths were made of a dark brown leather, that was covered in a pattern of steel plates. His shirt had a wide collar which came together partway down his chest, and was meant to show off his physique in as much of an intimidating manner as possible. He wore a thick belt which had many pouches, as well as a whip tied to it.

"Greetings Lord Nas," said the slave master in a deep booming voice, as he bowed. Nas waved his hand upwards motioning for him to rise.

"Gon I trust your not going to keep me waiting?"

"No of course not my Lord. The slaves are ready for your inspection," said the slave master. Gon lead the way, and brought them to the main arena. The arena was nothing more than a large patch of open ground which was surrounded by a high wall made of logs. There were many arenas and training areas, but this one was the largest, and it worked well when it came to displaying new slaves in large numbers.

Nas entered the arena, and his company of personal guards fanned out to his left and right. Several dozen guards could be seen stationed around the periphery of the wall. The guards on the wall looked into the arena, and were meant to keep people in, not out.

The likelihood of a slave climbing the wooden walls was only possible when their chains were removed, which only happened during training sessions. The guards were equipped with blow guns, instead of bows. Very often slaves would rush the wall hoping the guards would kill them, and if the guards had used bows then it might have worked, but they didn't use bows. Their blow guns were loaded with darts that were tipped with a fast acting poison, and the darts themselves would cause very little physical damage. The poison would cause paralysis in a matter of minuets, and death in a matter of hours. But everyone who either worked at training, or the breaking of slaves, carried a small vile which contained the anti-poison. The arena guards were also charged with stopping any slaves that might attack their handlers. Each guard was an extremely good shot, and could easily hit someone up to a hundred feet away.

There was no sign of the training equipment, which would normally have filled the large open space. The ground was packed hard, and was covered with dark patches of dried blood. There was a long line of slaves lined up shoulder to shoulder in the center of the arena, and they were all wearing collars and chains. There was a mix of races on display, and about half were human, and the rest were either vash or sellga.

Nas carefully examined each slave as he proceeded to walk up and down the line of slaves. The human slaves wore new cloths which consisted of a simple shirt and shorts, which had been given to them the day before. They wouldn't get another pair until the ones they wore rotted apart. The vash and sellga never wore clothes even in their homeland, and except for their collars and manacles, they were completely naked.

Nas strolled up and down the line of slaves several times, and as he walked back down the line of slaves one of them stepped forward. The mans chains fell to the ground, and his hands came together as he summoned a ball of fire in the palms of his hands. Before the guards could react the man hurled a ball of magical fire right at Lord Nas.

Nas caught the sudden movement out of the corner of his eye, and turned just in time, as the fire ball struck him in the chest. In the next second two darts struck the man in his chest, and two more struck him in the back. The man tried to resist the effects of the poison and summon another fire ball, but his knees gave out, and he fell to the ground. He tried to get back up, but his muscles wouldn't respond, and he laid still.

Nas's guards rushed forward to surround, and protect their master, but Nas stopped them with a raised hand. The talismans which he wore on his robe had protected him from the ball of magical fire. Nas walked up to the fallen slave, and casually brushed the soot from his robes. Nas waved for the slave master to approach as he made his way towards the man laying on the ground.

"I don't know how this could have happened," said the slave master hysterically, with a posture like that of a frightened child, the confidante from his lager stature replaced with fear.

"Give him the antidote before he dies!" ordered Nas. The slave master quickly pulled the two darts from the man's back, and removed the small vile containing the antidote from his belt. He poured several drops of a green liquid onto each wound, and rolled the man over. He pulled out the two darts from his chest, and applied more of the green liquid to the other wounds. He then opened the mans mouth, and poured the rest of the liquid down his throat. The slave master checked to see if he was still breathing, and was relived to find that he was.

"He'll live," said the slave master as he stood up. Gon was about to open his mouth to ask for his forgiveness, but Nas stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"This one is obviously very talented if he could fool the questioners, and break his collar. I want him healed, and sent to my palace," ordered Nas.

"Yes Lord Nas of course," said the slave master, as he waved for several handlers to approach.

"Summon a healer, and put the best inhibiting collar we have on him," ordered the slave master to the two handlers.

The handlers said nothing, but bowed quickly before picking the man up, and carried him out of the arena. The slave master was about to open his mouth to give Nas some kind of an excuse, but Nas stopped him with a scowl.

"Your guards acted quickly, see to it that you give each guard who hit him a bonus, say an extra ten gold pieces," said Lord Nas with emphasis on the word "you."

"Yes my Lord," said the slave master as he bowed in the traditional form of the striking fist.

Ten gold pieces was the equivalent of three months pay for a guard, and the man was hit by four guards. He knew that Nas wanted him to pay their bonuses with his own money, which meant he was out forty gold pieces. He wasn't happy to be out of so much money, but he was actually pleased that Nas had given him a punishment that was actually more positive than negative. Not only would he make damn sure he didn't lose any more of what he really cared about in life. But it would also raise moral, and the faith in Lord Nas among everyone who worked in the slave market once word of the bonuses got out.

"Now back to business. I want those six slaves," said Nas as he pointed them out to the slave master. "The rest are yours for the standard price, and one last thing," said Nas as he waved for General Calos to join him, and he quickly stepped forward. "General you have done an excellent job with your campaign. As an additional reward you may pick out one slave for yourself."

General Calos politely bowed his head as Lord Nas turned and exited the arena accompanied by his guards.

General Calos already knew what slave he wanted, as he pointed him out to the slave master. He pointed out what was perhaps the largest sellga he had ever seen. He was even prepared to buy him himself when he went up for bidding.

Most sellga averaged somewhere between seven to eight feet tall, but this sellga was a little over nine feet tall. It was extremely rare to find a sellga that was this large, and Calos hadn't seen one this big in years.

He laughed silently to himself as he realized the kind of price he would have fetched on the open market. He knew that this sellga had killed several men with his bare hands before he was finally knocked out with poison darts.

Calos walked up to his prize to look him over one last time before he had to leave, and resume his duties. He looked the huge male sellga in the eyes, and he turned away from his gaze. 'Ahh an excellent sign,' he thought to himself.

He was fully mature, but he was still young. His troops had captured him when he was working on one of their seaside fortresses. His job on the construction project was lifting and moving the large stones in one of their quarries, and he could see the affects that, that arduous labor had on his body. His chest was huge, and his pecs were so thick that deep curving lines could be seen spreading out from the center of his chest. His shoulders were so broad that a woman could sit on each shoulder, and would still have room to spare.

He could feel his pleasure building, as he looked down his arms. The muscles in the sellgas arms were so big that he could clearly see veins running down his biceps, and even thicker veins running down his massive forearms. It wasn't uncommon to see the faint impressions of veins through the thick scaly skin of a sellgas forearms, but it was definitely rare to see it in their biceps. The veins in this sellgas arms protruded against his scaly skin with shocking detail, and Calos upped his estimate on the price that he would have sold for on the slave market.

Calos moved his eyes further down his body, and he quickly looked over his bulging stomach, and then down onto his legs. His legs were thickly muscled, and bulged in all directions. He could clearly make out the individual muscles in his legs, as they bulged against his scaly green skin, and his calves were so thick that they looked almost round. 'I bet he would be worth at least a thousand gold pieces,' he thought to himself as he finally turned, and walked away with a smile spreading across his slimy lips.

Nas had returned to his palace, and had a long dinner while he waited for his apprentices to ready his spell chamber for the spell he was about to preform. It also gave him some time to look over some of the many new reports from the recent raids. He was interrupted, as he was reading a report, as his servant entered the room.

"Lord Nas everything is ready."

"Ahh good, about time. That will be all for tonight Locnel, you can deal with cleaning of the spell chamber in the morning." Locnel bowed, and without saying another word he left the room.

Nas drank down the last of the exotic tea he had been drinking for the past hour, and headed for the spell room. The doors were already open and his apprentices closed them, as he entered the room. The room was large and round, with a high domed ceiling. The stone that the room had been carved into was polished to a smooth, glossy, shine. There were no windows, and the only light came from the torches which were mounted to the walls.

Nas's apprentices were wearing their robes and other clothes, but had removed their sandals. All of his apprentices were still human, but once their apprenticeships were completed they would be allowed to chose the new form they would want to be changed into. A successful apprentice was granted the right to be transformed in one session. An apprentice could earn a transformed body in sometimes as little as a few years compared to decades for those in the army. But only the most skilled would complete their apprenticeship.

Nas couldn't preform the spell while clothed, so he preceded to remove and hand his robes and other clothes to his apprentices. When he had shed the last of his cloths he quickly double checked to make sure everything was in order. The six human slaves he had picked out earlier in the day were bound to the stone floor with their heads pointing towards the center of the circular room. There were three men and three women, and they were all naked. They were laid out in a repeating pattern of one man and then one woman. A perfect circle made of a sticky black substance, which looked like mud encompassed the six slaves. The substance was mounded up, and rose several inches above the floor.

The men and women had been drugged, and didn't make any noise as they stared blankly at the ceiling. They had been given a potion created from a plant with unique magical properties. There were many different ways to preform the spell Nas was about to do, but he found that this way worked the best, for this particular need.

People and animals weren't the only ones who could use magic, plants could use it as well. Except when a plant used magic it was usually as part of it's natural life cycle, or self-defense. The plant used in the potion that was given to the slaves had the ability, once ingested to cause the life force in whatever ate it to dissipate from it's body. The plants sap would drain the life force from the creatures body, and it would get weaker and weaker. It was possible to recover from it, but if enough of the plant was consumed it would continue to remove the creatures life force until it killed it.

Nas could already feel the life force draining from the six humans, as he walked around the room. Their purpose, to be used as a kind of magical battery. He was impressed that the flow of energy leaving their bodies was constant, and was nearly even between all of them. His apprentices had given each slave just the right amount of the potion, while taking into consideration their body weigh.

"Everything looks in order," said Nas as he walked around the room. "Now let us begin."

The six apprentices quickly snubbed out the torches sending the room into total darkness. All of Nas's apprentices's had preformed this spell many times before, and they moved through the darkness with practiced ease. Nas walked to the center of the room, and sat cross legged, and began to clear his mind. Each apprentice removed a knife from their belts, and stepped forward through the darkened room towards the slave they were each assigned to. Each apprentice lifted the head of a slave, and made a deep cut along the back of their heads, and then removed themselves from the circle. They walked towards the walls of the chamber, and removed the lids from large urns that had been placed along the walls. They carried the urns in complete darkness to the edge of the circle, and began to pour the liquid contents onto the floor. The black mud like substance which was mounded up on the floor prevented the fluid from flowing outside the circle. They continued to pour the liquid until their urns were empty. The liquid spread out across the floor creating a shallow pool.

Nas could feel the cold liquid touching his skin, and he waited a few minuets until the floor inside the circle was completely covered. As the blood flowed from the cuts in the slaves heads their life force flowed into the fluid on the floor. Nas could feel their energy flowing through the liquid like electricity, and he willed it to him. He felt a sudden rush of power as he pulled the life force of the six slaves from the liquid, and into himself. He calmed himself, and steadied the flow of energy until it was steady and constant. His breathing slowed to a rhythmic pattern, and he began to separate his conscious mind from his body. A low vibration began to fill the room, as he focused on his task. With a loud whoosh of air, and a rumble like thunder he separated himself from his body.

He had to stay linked to his body while in astro form otherwise his body would die, and he would be trapped in astro form forever. Astral projection required a great deal of energy to maintain, and that was what the slaves were for. The flow of energy from the slaves would give him the energy he needed to sustain his form long enough to contact his master.

Nas's apprentices couldn't see or feel their master, as his ghostly form passed through the ceiling, and began to rise above the city. He moved through the vastness of open space, and made his way towards the sun.

Stars were the only doorways for someone in astral form to past from one universe to another. He moved into the sun, and in a blinding flash he passed from his universe, and into the higher universe of his master. He didn't look back as his form sought out his master's home world.

He couldn't perceive color while in astro form, as he came upon his masters planet. The planet was completely covered in swirling grey clouds, which would have looked the same even if he could perceive color. He passed down through the thick cloud cover, and was greeted by the occasional white flashes of lightning, and rumble of thunder. He passed below the clouds and a vast swamp spread out in all directions. He knew where he was going, and he propelled himself towards his master's resting place. He pasted over lakes and ponds that were filled with bizarre looking plants.

The swamp was for the most part completely flat. Occasional hills or short mountains rose above the swamp, all of which were encrusted with plant growth. Vast open tracks of swamp stretched for miles before Nas would see any sign of trees. The trees he did see grew in clumps which gave them the appearance of rounded hills.

As he got closer he came upon a curving black wall which stretched high into the clouds. The area around his masters home was protected by a spell which prevented spies, in astro form from spying on his domain. He hovered in place at the edge of the impenetrable wall, and waited for his master to find him. Unless his master was already in astral form he would have to wait until he went to sleep before he could contact him

He waited for several hour before the black wall began to shimmer, and his master came into view. His master could take on many forms, and even though he had never seen this form before, he still knew it was him. He was as tall as a three story building, and not bound by gravity, his astral form floated through the air. His body was shaped like a giant serpent, with dozens of tentacles of various lengths and thicknesses protruding from his sides. His head was made up of six tentacles which tapered to a point. His masters body looked completely black, and he guessed it was most likely his actual color, even though he couldn't perceive color in astral form. Nas bowed in the traditional form of the striking fist, and waited for his master to allow him to rise.

"Rise Nasaruga." His masters voice boomed with a serpentine hiss, as he said his full name.

"Lord Zezzis, I bring you an update, and good news," said Nas with a pause. Nas had heard his masters true name before, but couldn't even come close to pronouncing it correctly, and he called him by the name he had given to him. Zezzis held himself perfectly still as he hovered in mid air.

"My lord, my plan to deny the Vash of their supply of meat is proving effective. Even though they are still able to keep themselves alive by supplementing their diet with plants they have grown weaker and fewer in numbers. As I have predicted, they have turned towards the sea, to make up for their lose of meat. They are currently building fortresses along the seas to provide protection for their fishing ships. As you know we have tried to build fortresses of our own on their land, and each time we have tried they destroy them before they can be completed."

"And you plan to allow them to build them for you," said Zezzis finishing Nas's train of thought.

"Yes my Lord."

"This is good news indeed, and how long before they are completed?"

"Some of them are already completed my Lord. But I plan to wait until they are all finished before attacking. I'm guessing it should take about two years until they are all built. Once the forts are in my possession I can land troops without the treat of being attacked. From there it should be much easier to seize control of their cities."

"This plan has potential, even though it is more time consuming than I am accustom to,"said Zezzis with a thunderous hiss. "You have done well so far Nasaruga, perhaps more so that if I were in your place. I personally do not have the patients for such time consuming conquest. However you have my blessing, and you will have my support for your campaign. I will send you whatever supplies you may require. When your campaign is completed I will have a few new gifts for you as well." Nas knew better than to thank him directly, and he merely bowed his head in acknowledgment.

Nas spent the next few hour answering more of his master questions, and going over the finer details. Zezzis never moved or even twitched as they conversed. Nas also remained motionless, and had to resist the urge to move his hands, as he explain things. He knew his master found it incredibly irritating when people used hand movements, as they tried to explain themselves. He regarded it as a sign of lower intelligence, and Nas had no desire to piss him off.

"I will have your supplies sent to you in seven days. Make yourself ready to receive them," said Lord Zezzis.

"Yes my Lord," said Nas with a deep bow, and with that Zezzis's astral form turned in mid air, and vanished behind the black wall.

Nas took in a deep breath as his spirit returned to his body. His apprentices knew their master had returned, and they quickly relit the torches. Nas sat in the pool of liquid which glowed green under the light of the torches. He felt weakened and drained as his senses returned. Nas had only been gone for about 4 hours, which was rather quick for a meeting with his master. Sometimes he could spend up to a day waiting for his master to fall asleep before he could make contact with him. The life force of the slaves allowed him to extend the time he could remain in astral form. The life force of the slaves was still strong, and could have sustained his astral form for much longer.

Nas took another deep breath, and pulled their energy from the green liquid, strengthening his body. His fatigue quickly vanished, as the power began to saturate his body. He got up with green liquid dripping from his legs. Two of his apprentices held out a plain rob and he slipped his arms into the sleeves. The other four apprentices unlocked and pushed the huge doors open.

"See to it that my robs are returned to my study," said Nas. "I will be in my sanctuary for the remainder of the night, and I will not be disturbed. Whatever life force that remains in them is your," said Nas as he pointed towards the slaves on the floor, and the six apprentices bowed as Nas exited the room.

Nas walked down the hall, and passed through a tall door, and into another large room. There were doors on the walls to his left and right, and an open hallway in front of him. He went down the hallway until he entered his sanctuary.

The sanctuary was a series of interconnected rooms some of which stretched out for hundreds of feet. The ceilings were carved as high as the stone would support without collapsing, and most were well over fifty feet tall. Huge slitted windows which were over thirty feet high had been carved through the mountainside.

He could see the night sky through the windows, as he made his way towards another chamber, and into his bath. At the center of the room was a large pool which was feed by water pouting from the mouth of a realistically sculpted swamp beast. He removed his rob, and entered the pool to wash off the remaining green liquid. He didn't waste his time, and quickly dried himself, and put on a new rob.

He had ordered the young man who had thrown the fire ball at him earlier that day, to be sent to his sanctuary, and he found him exactly where he had ordered him sent. Nas closed and locked the door to a large rounded chamber, which he used only for his own personal pleasures.

A soft white light emanating from magical globes, which hung from the ceiling, illuminated the room. The room was filled with cages of various sizes. Rows of chains hung from the ceiling and walls, as well as the floor. There were benches of various sizes, and designs scattered about the room.

He saw the young man laying on the floor at the far side of the room. He walked across the room, and the man woke as he heard him coming. The man had been given a new and better collar, which would prevent him from using his powers.

"What is your name?" he asked him. The young man pulled his head back, and spat at him, his spit landed on his rob. Nas smiled to himself at the mans defiance. It wasn't often that someone would show the courage to challenge him. After having such a busy day he was going to take his time and enjoy himself, which was something he hadn't had the time to do in awhile.

He reached within himself, and summoned the form he wanted to take on. The magical energy which filled his body obeyed his command, and surged through his flesh with the blueprint of the chosen form.

The young man who was chained to the floor watched him shudder briefly as the energy surged through him. The rob Nas still wore began to expand. His skin started to turn black, and his toes began to elongate. The sound of cracking bones filled the room, as his body began to change shape. He rose up onto the tips of his toes, and his feet began to lengthen as the third segment of his legs took shape, and he grew taller as his legs elongated.

His rob expanded outwards as his chest grew larger. The buttons on his rob popped off, and the sleeves started to rip. His face turned black, and began to push outwards forming a rounded muzzle. His ears disappeared into the sides of his head, and his eyes grew larger, and turned yellow. He reached up, and ripped the torn rob from his body, and threw it to the floor. As he grew taller his muscles began to swell even faster, and his arms began to bulge.

The young man watched as Nas's dick and balls were absorbed into his body, and a short stubby tail grew out of rear. The muscles in his legs swelled until each muscle stood out against his black skin. Thick veins could be seen protruding against the thin skin of his overly muscled body. The sound of cracking bones stopped as he grew to his maximum height. As he neared the end of his transformation his skin suddenly became glossy, as a thick layer of mucus pulsed from his salamander like skin.

His transformed body made him nearly eight and a half feet tall. Mucus dripped from his body, as his stood in front of, the now terrified young man. The from he had chosen was the same, as the one that he gave to most of his troops, except his was slightly larger. He had a few larger forms he could have chosen, but he didn't want to kill his new pet. Death would have been to good for him, he wanted him to suffer over and over for his defiance.

He waved a hand, and the chains at the mans feet sprang open with a loud clanking sound. As soon as the man saw his chains unlock he did a back flip, and was on his feet. Nas let the man get part way across the room, before chasing after him. He ran to the door, and tried to pull it open, but it was locked. He was still asleep when Nas entered the room, and he never heard him lock it.

As soon as he realized he couldn't get it open, he dashed along the wall, and ran behind a row of cages. Nas followed him, his webbed feet making a slapping sound, as they hit against the stone floor.

The man looked around frantically for anything he could use as a weapon, and the only thing he could find was an extra pair of chains hanging on the wall. He quickly picked them up, with one in each hand, and walked backwards from Nas. Nas walked towards him slowly, while giving him the chance to run. The man suddenly stopped and spun the chains in an arch above his head, and lunged forward. The first chain fell across the side of Nas's muzzle. He spun around, and the other chain made a zipping sound as it cut through the air, and struck the opposite side of his face.

Nas realized he was trying to take out his eyes, and he held his arm up and blocked the chain, as he whipped it around at his head again. The chain wrapped around his forearm, and he jerked his hand back so fast he pulled the chain from the man's hand. He tossed the chain against a cage, and caught the end of the second chain as it whipped around towards his head. He held onto the end of it as the man tried to pull it from his grip. When he realized he wasn't getting it back he let it go, and Nas dropped it to the floor with an amused expression on his salamander like face.

Nas crouched down with his arms spread wide, and moved forward like a predator stalking his prey. The man tried to run around him, but Nas quickly stepped in front of him to block his path. He dashed in the opposite direction, and Nas blocked him again. He continued to move forward driving him towards the wall.

When the man felt his back hit against the wall, he turned and quickly looked over his shoulder. When he looked back, Nas had closed the distance, and was only a few feet in front of him. Nas put a hand to each side of his chest, and leaned forward, and he could smell a deep musky smell coming from his transformed body. The man tried to duck under his arms, but the massive salamander creature caught hold of his shirt, and held him in place.

The man thrashed, as Nas griped his shirt with his other hand, and ripped it from his body. Nas threw it to the floor, and without his shirt for him to hold onto the man ducked under his arms, and started to run for the discarded chains. Nas turned, and in a few quick steps he caught the man by his arm. He spun around with the man firmly in his grip, and threw him into the stone wall with a loud thud. The man wheezed, and struggled to breath, as he had the wind knocked out of him.

Nas walked up to him, as he tried to crawled away. He slipped his hands under his shorts, and ripped them off, leaving him naked. Nas knelt down, and flipped him onto his back, and he tried to pull himself away on his elbows. Nas grabbed his ankles, and held him in place.

He looked up the mans body, which was naked except for his collar, and he was surprisingly fit for his age. Nas looked his body over several times, and then lowered his head, and licked his cock. He took his cock into his mouth briefly, and then moved his tongue up his stomach and chest. Nas grabbed his arms and held them in place, as he ran his broad tongue across his pecs covering him in a layer of sticky saliva. He moved his tongue up his neck, and over his collar, and then across his lips. The man turned his head as the huge black tongue passed over his face.

Nas pulled his head back, and opened his jaws, and let his tongue fall out for his new pet to see. The slave watched as the black tongue, which was incredibly thick and nearly two feet long, move towards his face.

He tightened his jaw, and pressed his lips together, and tried to turn away. Nas forced his tongue in between his lips, and kept pushing forward until he forced his mouth open. His tongue filled the slaves mouth, and he preceded to drive it down his throat. The man's throat swelled, as the thick tongue was forced deeper. He started to choke, and struggle for air, as Nas wrapped his jaws around his head.

Nas's snout hit against the floor, and all the slave could see the inside of his mouth. Nas pulled his tongue out of him, just before he was suffocated into unconscious. Nas got up onto his feet while holding onto his pets wrist, and walked over to one of the benches. Nas dropped him on the top of it, and pulled his arms away from his body, and locked them into the arm like extension which were part of the bench, and he did the same with his legs. The man laid on the bench looking up at Nas's huge beast form. Nas leaned forward, and put his hands on the leg extensions, and his breathing began to grow deeper.

As Nas's chest heaved up and down, he noticed something pushing it's way out of his crotch. The slave knew plenty about the vash and sellga from before he was captured. He knew it was impossible for a vash or sellga to get an erection without the aid of physical contact. He could see that Nas was giving himself an erection just by thinking about it. He watched as a thick layer of black slime pulsed from his opening slit. Soon he could see the pointed tip of his black cock, as it came all the way out, and the tip of his cock looked ridged like it was armor plated.

He knew from the size of his body that his cock wasn't going to be small, but as the first foot came out he noticed something odd. The shaft was smooth, but as more of it came out it began to twitch. At first he thought the movement was caused from his heaving chest, but then he saw it flex and twist on it's own, and the motion couldn't be mistaken for anything else. His cock began to lift into the air, and move from side to side, as more of it came out of his body. The shaft grew thicker and thicker, as more of his cock came out from between his legs. His cock reached, just over three feet long, as the last inch came out.

The slave could see thick corded muscles, and thick veins, running down the entire length of his monstrous, glossy, black, cock. It flexed and twisted, like a python, and the slave could see the muscles on his cock ripple, and bunch up as he moved it about.

Nas took a step back, and he stretched his cock out until the tip was touching against the man's balls. He then took one short step forward curling his cock up as his got closer. He raised his cock up into the air, and moved it back and forth several times, giving his new pet a good look. He flexed it into an S shape, and pushed the tip in between his legs. Without moving his hips his cock began to straighten itself pushing into the mans anus. The mans ass hung over the edge of the bench, and he lifted his hips just slightly as sheering pain shot threw his body. As Nas straighten his cock he drove more of it into him.

When Nas could feel he had gone as deep as the man could take it, he stopped, and took another short step forward, and his cock took on the S shape again. He put his hands on his hips, and he pulled his cock part way out, and pounded it back into him. He began to thrust his cock into him over and over. He then started to curl his cock into a ball inside the slave pulling move of it into him.

The man started to scream in pain, as his insides were stretched to their limit. Nas took a step backwards and forcefully pulled his cock out of him. His cock moved through the air like a snake, showing off his cock's muscular form.

Nas stepped forward, and climbed on to the bench, and it creaked under the height of his transformed body. Nas straddled himself over the young man with his hands and feet resting on his. He dropped his cock downwards, and curled the end of it that so it was horizontal with the mans ass. The muscles on his cock rippled, as he pushed the tip back into him. He pushed forward until he felt resistance. He moved the tip of his pointed armor plated cock back and forth inside the slave, searching for the softest spot. When he found it, his cock grew ridged, and he thrust deeper into the slave, tearing his way through his flesh. The mans screams filled the room, as his senses were filled with nothing, but overwhelming pain.

Nas moved the tip of his cock like a snake tasting the air, and he began to push it through the man's intestines. The slaves stomach rose, and fell as Nas thrashed his cock around inside him. He drove his cock downwards, and then back up again as he ripped his way through the man's guts. He could feel the mans organs hitting against his cock, and he pushed his way around them, as he drove the first two feet into him. The mans anus started to bled as the thickening shaft ripped his hole. Nas lowered his hips, and pressed his crotch into the mans ass. He had made sure not to penetrate any of his vital organs. The man could feel Nas's cock hitting against the backside of his ribs, as he pulled himself completely inside.

After getting all three feet of his cock into him Nas pulled his hips back, and started to thrust into him. His body began to secret more mucus, as his pleasure began to build. Thick sticky lines of slime started to drip off of his body, and onto the slave he was raping.

He didn't hold anything back, and every muscle in his body rippled, as he pounded him with all of his strength. He slammed into him with such force that the manacles started to cut into his skin. The man knew he was going to die, and as that though entered his mind Nas began to convulse, and he could feel his cum explode into his chest. The man had a hard time breathing, as his chest filled with his cum, and put pressure on his lungs. The sensation let up as his seed pushed down his abdomen, and out his ass. A thick stream of black cum poured from the man's ass, and splashed onto the floor.

Nas thrust his cock into him several more time, as he emptied his load into him. The man had stopped screaming, as he blacked out. Nas pulled his cock from the mans torn ass, and let it hang between his legs. He could feel the mans life fading from his body, and in a matter of moments he would be dead, but he wasn't about to let that happen.

Nas closed his eyes, and focused on the energy in his body. He willed the magical power down his arms and leg,s and into the slave. As the energy filled the mans body he willed it to do his biding and regenerate him.

His cum was flushed from the man's body, and his torn flesh regrew rapidly. Nas pushed and pulled the magical energy through his body, regenerating his flesh and repairing his damaged organs. The slave opened his eyes, as he felt the pain subside, but not completely disappear.

Nas got down off the bench, as he finished healing the man's body. Except he didn't completely finish the job, and he left his body sore, so he would agonize in pain until his own body recovered on it's own.

He waved his hands at the manacles which held down the man's hands and feet, and they unlocked. He picked him up around his chest, and his body hung lifelessly, as he carried him to a cage, and tossed him in. He locked the door, and snuffed out the torches with a wave of his hand and left the room.