The Odd Couple Part 1

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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Featuring the odd relationship of a lesbian mouse and a human male in a unique 'friends with benefits' relationship and how they relate to one another and those around them.

Part 2 is here ->

Part 3 is here ->

The Odd Couple Part 1


Charles Terrell Jr. AKA Nightmask

Soft white light brightly lit the immaculately kept laundry room in the basement of the expensive apartment complex as one of its occupants made use of the selection of machines that came free for the use of everyone living there. The sound of her toeclaws clicking against the elaborately patterned tile echoed off her surroundings as the room's sole user moved about amongst the machines arranging her laundry for washing. From her size one might have thought her more a teenager rather than an adult in her prime; at least until they took in her curves or had the option of seeing her from the front.

She was short, only five feet tall at most but in keeping with what one would expect for a mouse if one disregarded the lusciousness of her curves. Indeed her bosom was almost too generous and left one wondering how she kept from tipping over or what back problems she endured as a result although from her movements she seemed most adept at dealing with her creator's generosity. What little fur one could see was a soft gray on her arms, head, and down into her exposed cleavage.

Her choice of attire was perhaps unusual as one's eyes were drawn to the sturdy bright white stockings that sheathed her digitigrade legs from her toes to disappear up beneath the red and black plaid skirt she wore down to just above her knees. One could easily make out the contours of her nicely padded derriere from the snugness of the fit with the well-tailored hole for her tail to emerge from without revealing anything else to any curious lookers. The fit of her equally bright white blouse left no illusions that she bothered with any form of undergarments for support and accepted that no amount of effort would prevent eyes being drawn to her bosom so she lived without shame of what she'd been born with.

With the first load ready she was in the midst of closing the lid when her sharp hearing picked up the sounds of someone coming down the stairs into the basement level. Letting it fall the rest of the way she lifted up onto tiptoes to reach the controls unmindful of the view she might present and set the machine up for her load and pressed the Start button on the panel.

"What a nice view to present someone with Chris," she heard from behind her in a voice most familiar to her, eliciting a smirk from the mouse as she dropped back and turned to look at him over her shoulder with her sea green eyes.

"Like that was what was on my mind when I was doing that Walter," she tossed back to the human and flicked her tail in mock annoyance of his comment.

"Makes it all the better then," he noted with a smile and chuckled softly as he moved to place his own basket of clothes nearby. "Such an unintended display is worth admiring."

"Something you never waste the opportunity to do," she commented right before he patted her on the head in a playful and friendly fashion and ruffled up her headfur in the bargain.

"I wish you wouldn't do that Walter," Chris told him although made no move to pull away from the only male she'd ever let touch her. "You know my girlfriend doesn't like it when she can smell you on me."

"Gayle doesn't like me or our relationship period," he pointed out while brushing his hand around her head to tilt her muzzle up to gaze down into her eyes. "Remember the fit she had when we went rock climbing a few weeks ago? Or when we competed in that Battlebot competition? We couldn't even head to our alumni reunion without her getting upset."

"Well you do have special privileges she doesn't understand," Chris reminded him as she reluctantly pulled away to return to sorting clothes and getting a second load ready for washing. Knowing that the only one around was Walter she simply bent at the waist as she worked rather than more modestly kneeling down beside her clothes, skillfully tossing them up into the open washer while he watched.

"Then you should explain things to her instead of leaving her in the dark," he told her as he shifted between admiring the view of her bent over like that and the shapely toned look of her stockinged legs and sorting out his own dirty clothes for washing. "If she can't handle it she's just not the one for you. You don't want to lose another girlfriend because you wouldn't explain things to her do you?" he asked while trying to not react to his friend's unintentionally exciting display.

"I don't think anyone could understand what we have," she said sadly; tail drooping a bit as she thought about her previous girlfriends and how things had ended with them. "Lesbians aren't supposed to have relationships like we have."

"I doubt it has anything to do with whether or not you're heterosexual or homosexual dear," he suggested to her as she finished loading up the second machine and proceeded to strain to reach the controls once again only to have him come over and grabbing her by the hips lifted her up to where she could more easily reach them.

"I doubt it'd be quite so hard to understand if I were straight or bi," she commented dryly after thanking him, then looked up to him over her shoulder as his hands slid up to cup beneath her breasts when he let her back down onto her feet. "You do realize we're in the laundry room right? Remember what happened last time?" she asked him while trying to see if she could hear anyone coming over the sounds of the running washers.

"It's not like they saw us doing anything," he pointed out while caressing her breasts with casual familiarity, fingertips brushing over the points of her nipples through the thin material of her blouse and the pearl buttons running down the middle.

"But they could have, and they knew we'd done something ," she reminded him as the embarrassment of that moment still lingered with her. "I had to spend the next four months fighting off another wave of dating requests from all the males the rumors attracted my way saying I was really straight and only pretending to be a lesbian because I was picky or stuck-up."

"You're too attractive to both sexes to not end up having to do that anyway," he told her while giving her a firm hug from behind. She felt him give her a kiss on the top of the head as it rested back against his chest and gave a resigned sigh.

"Okay, fine, just don't go taking your time like you did last time," she admonished him before leaning forward to press her chest into the top of the washer and rested her head on her crossed arms to protect it from the hard metal top. She could feel the vibrations of the machine through her chest as his hands slid down to catch at the hem of her skirt and start rolling it up her thighs and as far up as her tail would allow.

"You are such a Godsend dear," he told her while she spread her legs and turned her feet inwards slightly to make things easier for both of them. Gray fur gave way to pink skin as her lack of panties was evident as was the shaven nature of her sex and the line between her nicely padded backside.

"I know, I know, I'm an angel in gray fur," was her reply, eyes closing so she could better focus on listening for anyone who might come along even as unlikely as it was given the early hour they'd chosen. "You can just forget about putting it in my ass," she snapped at him when she felt his fingertips brush over her anal ring as he was unzipping himself with the other hand. "There's no way you're getting in there without lubricant and that is not my idea of how to get some Cheer in my life."

"Wouldn't dream of it," he told her as his erection popped into view, jutting out of his pants to slide up between her legs as the much larger human pressed up against her from behind. She could feel the head sliding across her smooth labia before he reached between her legs to gently spread her folds so he could slide into her.

Chris had never gotten used to that feeling no matter how often she'd been mated by Walter since their relationship took the strange twists that brought them to the point they were at now. Outside of the fingers and tongues of her previous girlfriends nothing had ever been inside her until she'd had him inside of her stretching her in ways she'd never been stretched before. It was such a curious sensation once she got over the initial pain due to their relative size differences and loss of her hymen and could focus on how it filled her up inside.

It didn't take him long to fill her deep inside, almost nudging at the gateway to her womb before his angle and her plush bottom brought him to a stop. Even if it wasn't anything she took pleasure in she did enjoy the compliments he murmured into her ear as he held onto her, the amply bosomed mouse appreciating the intent even if she couldn't enjoy the rest.

True to his word he didn't pause to savor things and she felt his hips settle into that familiar motion of his as he mated her, erection sliding in and out while his hands stroked at her belly through her blouse and down between her legs and over her inner thighs. It did feel nice and she appreciated that he tried to find a way to make her enjoy it even if she hadn't to date. She couldn't resist squirming a little whenever he touched her clit though; even if she wasn't aroused it was still sensitive and brought her little ripples of pleasure.

Walter was certainly enjoying himself as his thrusts rocked Chris back and forth against the washing machine, his chest against her back squishing her breasts into the cold metal. She'd learned the signs of his pleasure with the way he panted and clutched at her and the little sounds he made as he thrust into her. He even made a cute little squeak on occasion that she couldn't help but smile when she heard it.

Chris was glad for the padding her breasts provided as Walter's pace increased, it kept things comfortable as he grew closer to his peak and thrust into her harder and more often. She couldn't help blushing though when she realized as the washer shut off that he'd been mating her for a lot longer than she'd realized and had completely lost track of time and was amazed someone hadn't come in by now and caught him mating her. That was way too long to be bent over a washer with her skirt up and being like this in a public location even if it was a low-traffic area.

"Come on Walter hurry up I need to finish my laundry," she called out to him and concentrated on tightening herself up in hopes the added tightness would hurry him up like it had in the past.

"Oooo God yes!" he cried out as the increased tightness and friction and her voice sent him over the edge, just a few thrusts more setting him off as he clutched at her, fingers digging into her hips as he climaxed with a cry he muffled in her neckfur. Chris gasped at the suddenness of his orgasm and from the feel of his seed splashing inside of her, feeling the heat of it washing over her inner walls as he spurted inside of her and his semen leaked out around his shaft to trickle onto her thighs.

Giving him as much time as she could feel comfortable with giving him to recover (particularly with how long he'd already had with her) she finally gave a little wriggle and pushed back at him and lifted up off of her arms and stretched them out to push against the control panel for the washer.

"Come on Walter this is not the place to take your time getting off on the afterglow," she declared while trying to get him off of her. "You can do that when we aren't someplace someone can find us."

"Okay okay, can't fault me for that though," he replied, not at all contrite about it given how often they bantered back and forth and poked each other over things. His softening shaft slid out of her with a soft pop as he patted her on the backside and stroked her bottom gently before reaching for something to wipe himself off with.

"Hey don't you dare use any of my clothes for that," she snapped at him and swatted his hand with her tail. "Use something that won't be stained by it," she told him while she stood there still leaning against the washer with her skirt up.

"You know full well I paid to replace what got stained last time," he protested although dropped what he'd been reaching for and picked some dirty towels out of his basket and tossed one to her before starting to wipe himself off.

"Doesn't mean I'm okay with anything else being ruined when it doesn't have to be," she replied while pulling the towel off of her head and tossing it back at him. "You know the rules too: you made the mess you clean it up."

"For someone in a hurry you sure don't seem to be helping things along," he pointed out with a chuckle as he tucked himself in and zipped back up.

"Just get over here and get me cleaned up so I can finish my laundry," she murred, glaring at him as she braced her hands against the washer and curled her tail against her back.

"Fine, I'll get right to it," he capitulated, not that he required orders to touch her or want to clean her up but they couldn't resist the occasional snipe or jab no matter what they were up to. It was a mark to just how close they were and how durable their friendship was that they could behave like that towards one another and not have it be any real problem or rise above the level of good-natured ribbing.

"I hope you're satisfied now; I want to at least try and get through a week without Gayle complaining or accusing me of cheating on her," Chris stated while he was kneeling behind her diligently wiping up the mess along the insides of her thighs and rubbing the cloth across her sex doing his best to wipe up enough that she wouldn't leak anything after he was done. When he was done with as much as he could do he gave her a pat and pulled her skirt back down and carefully straightened it up and brushed out the wrinkles.

"There you go best I can do without soap and water," he told her.

"Thanks," she replied before poking his chest with her finger. "Now let's get our laundry taken care of before someone comes along because at least half the people living here can still smell what went on in here and will be able to do so for the next hour at least."

"I surrender!" he declared while putting his hands up and chuckling a little. "I'm well satisfied and much appreciate the inconvenience on your part dear, so let me help you with what's left of your wash while I'm here."

"You know I don't mind helping you out Walter but when are you going to get some nice straight female to take care of you?" she asked while unstacking several baskets so he could empty the one washer she pointed to while she set about emptying the one she'd been mated on just minutes before.

"It's not for lack of trying, you know what trouble I have with them," he reminded her while he started doing as instructed, careful not to get anything on the freshly laundered skirts and blouses he was transferring into the basket.

Chris had to admit that it was true, he did seem to have a terrible track record finding a straight female to date or be intimate with. He seemed ironically enough to get along better with her and around her lesbian friends than with the straight females around him. He was a great guy and she knew what a great heart he had and it hurt her that so many others didn't see in him what she did. If only he were female, she couldn't help thinking; he'd make such a great girlfriend.

"Well we still need to find you someone so I don't have to worry about Gayle giving me trouble over your benefits," she murred with a hint of added inflection when she said benefits.

"Or just get a GF who doesn't mind or likes threesomes," he teased as he finished up removing her clothes from the washer and carried them over to start placing into one of the available dryers instead.

"Just because that's a favorite of the adult films you like to pick on film night doesn't mean I want to live out a cheap porno dear," Chris said with a snort as she set about putting some of his laundry into the now vacant washers while he took care of transferring hers over into the dryers.

"Here I thought we just did," he teased back while retrieving her other basket and transferring its load into another dryer while the other ran.

Chris rolled her eyes and gave him a little swat with her tail. "You know what I mean," she snapped back. "I already had one GF after she learned about our relationship think I was going to try and bring her back to play with you at some point no matter how much I told her otherwise."

"That was Gloria right? That squirrel you dated a few years ago?" he asked as he rejoined her and helped add the detergent to his clothes while she finished getting them sorted out for him and into their respective washers.

"Yes, that's the one," Chris confirmed with a sigh. "She had one of the nicest natural scents I've ever smelled."

"She also had a serious problem with the male of every species whether it was sentient or not," he pointed out remembering his one encounter with her. "Why do you seem to always get girlfriends who have issues with males?" he asked as he took a seat on the bench nearby to watch over things and she padded over to sit beside him.

Chris shrugged and leaned against him, tail draping along the rest of the bench while she rested her head against his side. "It's not like I intentionally go looking for a girlfriend who has issues, it just works out that way. Not all of them show it right off you know. After all I tend to meet them at lesbian hangouts and not too many males hang around places like that, not even the homosexual ones," she pointed out.

"I don't know, you took me to that one place, Heidi's Hideaway remember? Seemed like there were a few males around there," he said while slipping his arm around her to hug her with gentle affection to his side.

"That's because Heidi's open-minded and insists on everyone who comes there behave in a decent and respectful fashion. Since not too many want to end up in a fight with an 8' tall tigress you don't run across too many male-bashing lesbians in there or if you do they keep it to themselves for obvious reasons," Chris explained, giving a little contented sigh at the feeling of safety his arm around her gave her. "So males are welcome there as long as they behave in the same way. I knew I could take you there and we wouldn't get hassled."

"It was pretty nice," Walter admitted while he simply enjoyed having his lovely mouse friend resting against his side. Contrary to what any outside observer might have thought in seeing them together earlier not a single sexual thought was going through his mind as he relaxed with her while waiting on her clothes to finish up and his to be ready to dry. "Why haven't we gone back there lately?"

"Because I'm dating Gayle and someone would say something to her and she'd just throw more of a fit about my being friends with you," Chris reluctantly admitted with a less happy sigh.

"Ahhhh, okay," he said, understanding completely and not wanting to generate more problems for her while wishing the world didn't complicate things so much for people. "Well we've still plenty we can do without heading there."

"True, and if you really want to go back and enjoy the game room again I think I could find someone who could go with you. Thera enjoyed that time we were hanging out for Girls night at the bowling alley," Chris suggested, her right hand reaching up to idly stroke at his shirt and chest.

"She's that blue mouse with the extra-full chest right?"

Chris chuckled softly and nodded before nipping his chest lightly through his shirt. "Figures you'd remember that. Yes she's the one who outdoes even me when it comes to bra size. Well if I wore a bra that is."

"Sounds great, as long as you're sure she wouldn't mind hanging out with a male," Walter replied after a little gasp at the nip.

"She doesn't," Chris reassured him. "While she's probably more lesbian than I am since she's never been with a male she hasn't any problems with having them as friends or just hanging out with them. Well as long as they aren't crude or trying to get her to put out."

"You're the only mouse I need for that," he stated with a smile, head tilting down to plant a kiss between her ears and lifting his left hand up to stroke her cheek softly.

Chris' ears flushed bright pink at that, embarrassed by the sentiment and at that momentary flash of comfort that brought her. She had no idea how to respond to that or that strange mix of feelings she had when he said it so simply closed her eyes and listened to the beat of his heart and the drone of the dryers and washers as they did their jobs in service to the waiting pair.

Sensing her embarrassment Walter didn't say anything more, instead he simply held her close and scritched her behind the ears the way she always enjoyed and quickly had him having a contentedly murring mouse nestled beneath his arm. He was quite grateful for the circumstances that let him get this brief bit of unscheduled time with her. Even if she hadn't been receptive to taking care of him in the laundry room of the complex that they lived in he'd have still been glad for this time together with her; he had no friend closer to him than her and none who knew him better. Surely he was blessed that going off college had brought them together from practically their first day there.

Unfortunately things had to come to an end when they heard the first of the dryers sounding off that it was done and a few minutes later the next one. Stirring reluctantly Chris sat up gently pulling out from beneath Walter' arm and patting his cheek lightly with the pads of her fingers.

"I guess it's time for me to get going," Chris said, as she looked him in the eyes, warm fondness in her eyes and voice as she rested her hand against his cheek. "I'm going to have to get some extra grooming in so I'm not leaving some mess behind because of earlier so can't stay until you're done with your laundry too."

"That's okay dear I quite understand," he told her as he stood and moved to help her with retrieving her clothes and move them into her baskets. "I'll still see you tomorrow night at least for movie night right?"

"You know you will Walter," she said as she collected her baskets from him; tail curling around his waist to give him an affectionate squeeze since her arms were occupied. "We haven't missed a night in years and I don't plan to now."

"I'll be looking forward to seeing you then and will have everything all set up for when you drop by then dear and have a good time with Gayle later," Walter offered in all sincerity and gave her an affectionate swat on her backside that earned him a glare and a wriggle of her backside.

"You can have all you want of that tomorrow you silly male," she murred, tail flicking. "Take care in the meantime and if anything comes up give me a call."

"Will do and you take care as well; don't want anything happening to you either," he told her as she gave him a smile and nodded her goodbye to him as she padded out with a wiggle of her backside and click of her claws on the tile as she left him to finish his laundry and set to work on her day.

The Odd Couple Part 2

The Odd Couple Part 2 By Charles E. Terrell Jr aka Nightmask []( By the time the next day rolled around and had worked its way into evening Chris was glad...

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The Good Samaritans

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