The Odd Couple Part 2

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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The second part to The Odd Couple, revealing more about the unusually close relationship between the lesbian mouse Chris and her best friend Walter.

Part one is here ->

Part three is here->

The Odd Couple Part 2


Charles E. Terrell Jr aka Nightmask

By the time the next day rolled around and had worked its way into evening Chris was glad for the opportunity to wind down and get ready for the evening of movie watching with Walter. While her time with Gayle was good and the intimacy rewarding there had been a tension there as well, not something she could see openly but brushed at the edges of her more primitive instincts. She hoped it wasn't something related to her relationship with Walter; it was wearing her out with her girlfriends being unwilling or unable to understand her relationship with him and how it simply wasn't going to go away. It wasn't like she ever gave them trouble over their friends that they spent time with outside of her and they at least in most cases she might have reason to be justified in being jealous or suspicious of.

With her fur freshly groomed straight from the shower she stood naked before her closet, her soft gray fur glossy from the fur care oils she'd brushed into it. It was even more evident how generous her curves were in the light as well as how her aureole were larger than average, easily the size of a half-dollar and her nipples as well quite full even without any measure of arousal on her part. Pink skin was even more shockingly evident between her rumpcheeks where a good inch of fur was removed along the insides of each of those furry buns right up to the base of her tail and along her mound leaving both her nether holes highly noticeable even to a casual observer.

Not really sure what she wanted to wear she eventually decided on something especially sexy for the night since Walter could always make her feel sexy and never left her feeling taken for granted like her girlfriends sometimes did. A nice red leather bustier to lift her breasts up and add to the appearance of bottomless depths to her already deep cleavage and let her nipples peek over the top. It took several minutes of wriggling around to get it into place just right but given how impressive she looked in it once she was done it was well worth the trouble. Toss in the matching red leather skirt that barely came below her derriere and she was feeling like quite the head-turner once she had it settled properly.

It didn't end there though as she seated herself in her reclining chair she favored for putting on her stockings and other attire that went below the waist. Deciding to go with some contrast she went with glossy black stockings that with expert care and the help of a specialized brush slid up her legs to come to rest at mid-thigh. Sure it left her more distracting that way but she didn't have far to walk and had an outer coat to wear that'd cut back somewhat on unwanted attention. Topped off with a pair of black heels customized for digitigrade feet and she felt delightfully hot as she modeled before her mirror and amused herself bending over and seeing how much she flashed from behind.

"If you can't enjoy checking yourself out in a mirror there's something wrong with you," she murred to herself as she admired what a fine figure she cut, already feeling better and forgetting her earlier uneasiness about things. Slipping into the last of her clothes, the button up red sleeveless vest covered up her nipples with a few inches to spare and creaked as she took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

"Either I'm getting bustier or my outfits are shrinking," she commented before judging everything satisfactory and checking the time. She already knew Walter was home by now so even though it was early decided to head off to his place since she didn't have anything else left to do and didn't feel like remaining home and waiting the hour before they generally started movie night. All she needed to do was snatch up her quite plain (especially compared to what she was wearing) gray overcoat that extended almost to her ankles and slip into it and she could be on her way.

Checking to be sure everything was off that needed off and on that needed to be on, paying special attention to be sure that the air filters that all anthros in particular kept to reduce the problems of lint and fur getting everywhere she exited her room with a snappy little swish of her tail as the door shut behind her.

It was a bit of a walk with Walter off in another wing of the complex and several floors up but fit as she was it wasn't a bother to travel such a distance; well other than dealing with the other occupants who might be out at the time. She didn't necessarily have any problems with the neighbors but her figure all too often left her the center of attention and target of unwanted advances no matter how often she refused them or how blunt she was about it. At least she knew the quickest route to his apartment and could get there without running across too many people at this point in the day.

The walk wasn't completely without incident; an envy-driven hateful stare from the flat-chested vixen in 3D who couldn't see the downside of being as overly endowed as Chris was and a more lascivious gaze sent her way by the male squirrel that lived a few doors down from her came her way. One of these days she was going to have to get it over with and confront both of them as it was getting tiresome. The vixen's sourness over her figure was surely seeing to it she wasn't getting any and blaming it on every other female she felt was getting it because of course all it took was a large chest to attract and keep a male around and no one built like her could ever be homosexual. Not much different really than all the females that felt that no male could ever be homosexual and that with a little effort they could 'turn' them back to females but aggravating all the same. The squirrel on the other hand was just living down to the stereotype of a horny male that she'd hated since she first started developing as a teenager. Still they weren't more than a minor distraction that didn't really slow her down much and quickly forgotten once she got to Walter' door.

Tapping the buzzer in the code that had developed over the years to let him know it was her and not someone else waiting she stood facing the door while she waited on him to get it. Her tail flicked about behind her as she waited, fingers laced behind her back to present a fetching view even in her overcoat while her leather creaked beneath it. The wait wasn't long at least and within a few minutes she was rewarded with the door swinging wide and Walter looking down at her.

"Chris, you're early!" he declared with a smile, blue eyes gazing warmly into hers as he stepped back and motioned her inside. "I wasn't expecting you for another hour and don't have much set up yet."

"No problem hun I got done early and decided to come on ahead over," she murred as she stepped into the hallway leading past the doors to the closet and half bathroom for people to make use of as soon as they arrived if necessary or the main one was occupied. "I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not just hang your coat up and make yourself comfortable," he told her as the door shut behind her. "Why the coat though, isn't that a bit hot given how warm they keep the hallways?" he asked while heading off into the living room to hastily clean some things off the coffee table in front of the couch and rearrange the remote for the entertainment center it faced.

"Because I didn't want to make things any hotter," she murred with a soft chuckle that drew his attention back to her just as she was hanging up her coat and giving him a fine view of her from behind. The sharp intake of his breath alone made it worth it and perked her tail up as she not-so-innocently dropped her coat and bent over to pick it up with a creak of leather and perfect shot of her backside and her toned legs within her stockings.

"I haven't seen you in that for a while," he declared, remote falling from his hand to pop the back open and send the batteries about the floor as he completely forgot he was holding it from the unexpected display. While she generally didn't dress plain when she came over she did tend to go casual and that outfit was everything but casual except perhaps at an erotic leather show. It was more than enough to leave him having to adjust himself from the surprise eroticism that even their level of comfortable intimacy couldn't leave him immune to.

"Means I'm long past due giving it a wear to help keep the stiffness out, which from how stiff it feels I need to wear it more often," she replied as she looked over her shoulder at him and giggled as she watched his antics both for adjusting himself and chasing after the batteries for the remote. "Not many places I can wear it after all where I won't get either in trouble or hit on after all," she pointed out as she padded over to flop down onto the couch and wriggled around as she stretched to get comfortable.

"What makes you think either of those won't happen here?" he teased from where he knelt, getting quite the eyeful as he put the remote back together using just his peripheral vision and sat it off onto the tabletop.

"Because I know what to expect from you," she tossed back to him before tickling him beneath his chin with the tip of her tail. In retaliation he caught her left foot and tugged off her shoe and started tickling at the pads and along her leg leaving her squirming and trying to pull away.

"S-stop that!" she squeaked as she tried to escape the tickling, tail flicking about as she rolled around on the couch until she got her leg free only for him to catch and de-shoe the other and set to tickling it instead. Several minutes passed as he went from tickling her feet to tickling her sides and tummy around her bustier before leaving her curled up and panting on the couch.

"You meanie," she gasped out when she could, not really angry with him but all her wriggling around having caused her skirt to slide up off her backside and her breasts to pop out of her top and necessitating trying to get back into it while he sat on the floor watching her for a bit before helping her out.

"Hey you tickled me first," he stated, which was technically true after all. It was just a bonus that it gave him an excuse to tickle her like he hadn't in a while, she just didn't do enough laughing he felt and sometimes he had to find ways to get her laughing and smiling even if just for a short while.

"You just wanted an excuse to feel me up," was her reply, even though she knew that he didn't need one since she had no personal space relative to him. She just couldn't resist bantering with him when they were together.

"As if I'd ever treat you so crudely," he told her with a kiss planted on her forehead as he stood up and cupped her cheeks to draw her head to him. "You make yourself at home while I hurry up with the snacks," he added before patting her on the head and heading back to the kitchen area.

"Don't rush on my account Walter, I am early after all!" she called after him although didn't hear any reply back and gave a little shrug. Readjusting her bustier without much effect she settled back onto the couch and after tossing a pillow onto the coffee table stretched her legs out to rest her feet on top of it with a wriggle of her toes. Deciding to hold off on watching anything on the TV she went with one of the nearby photo albums instead that almost littered the otherwise neatly kept room.

While she knew what each one held by heart she never tired of looking through them and the record of past fun with her best friend. Indeed most of the albums featured them in some fashion, mostly for their camping trips and battlebot competitions but pretty much every outing they'd had together. The only thing one wouldn't find would be anything of a more adult nature of her or of them together; they simply didn't think that way.

She was halfway through her third album, the one featuring their graduation day from college when he returned with the first of several platters with an assortment of snacks on it. He always did go a bit overboard she thought to herself as she looked at mix of deli meats and associated condiments arrayed neatly across it and left her wondering if he just liked to watch her eat. Either that or he liked to help burn it off later given how randy he was. If she didn't dislike that vixen so much she'd probably point him towards her so she could get that breeding she so obviously needed and he could work all that excess energy off on someone more able to enjoy it than she did.

"So how was your date with Gayle last night?" Walter asked once he'd finished laying out a fruit platter, some chips and dip, buttered popcorn piping hot and salty, and plenty of sweet iced tea for the two of them to wash it all down with.

"Oh, it was okay enough I guess," she replied in a lukewarm tone, feet down on the floor now after having to give up her footrest on the coffee table for their buffet layout. "We had a nice dinner and dancing afterwards and some nice lovemaking after we got home but I don't know, something just feels wrong but I don't know why."

"Sounds like you need to make time to talk with her then Chris," Walter replied, voice tinged with concern. Sitting down next to her he slipped his arm around her and gave her a hug before reaching to tilt her muzzle up to gaze into her eyes. "Can't do anything about it now but better to talk when things first start feeling wrong instead of letting it get too bad to fix. I know you hate confrontations ever since what happened with Honey but whether it improves things or ends them better for you both to just talk and clear the air. Could be you're just imagining things and end up making things worse not talking them out."

Chris tensed up at the mention of her first girlfriend's name, it still invoking pain for her ten years later with the reminder of the abuse she'd undergone and the destruction of her trust that even with Walter' support had been painstaking to rebuild. The memories of that always seemed to haunt her and she only felt safe from them around him. Probably because he'd done so much to rescue her from that bad situation without any thought to himself: he truly was her knight in shining armor if she were to think about it.

"Can we talk about something else please?" Chris finally asked; eyes closing as she rubbed her muzzle softly against his fingers and palm. "Movie night's not for serious stuff it's for kicking back and relaxing."

"No problem dear you just lay back here and make yourself comfortable, already got the movies in the DVD changer so don't have to get up for anything," he told her while stroking her muzzle gently and scritching along the jawline where she liked it most.

"So what do we have for watching tonight?" she asked as she rested her head against his side, arms crossing beneath her ample bosom as she nestled in, tail draping along the rest of the couch.

"Well I picked up that one sci-fi movie you were curious about, a classic disaster movie, and to end the night a few Sappho films we'd both been wanting to see."

"Really?" Chris's ears perked up a bit when she heard that and set her tailtip to flicking against the couch pillows. "The ones featuring Delilah?"

"The very ones," he confirmed with a smile before gathering up the remote and clicking the power button to start up the entertainment center. "Plus I hear she's got a few new ones coming out later this month we can watch when they're released."

Hearing that almost caused Chris's heart to skip a bit: the thought of more films of what was probably the most sensual and erotic mink she'd ever seen almost embarrassing her with how damp it left her. If she were with anyone else she would have been embarrassed by it but here she felt okay letting it show as she squirmed against Walter' side.

"She's also doing a guest appearance over in Whitford to showcase the release if you'd like to meet her in person," he whispered into her ear as the room lighting dimmed to leave the large screen TV the brightest source of light in the room with the first movie already queued up and awaiting 'Play' to begin.

"What's the matter dear Delilah got your tongue?" he teasingly asked when she didn't say anything at first and just wiggled against him in obvious excitement at the thought. "Already got the tickets and things planned out so unless something comes up you can meet her and let her know what a fan you are in person."

"You are just too good to me Walter," Chris finally breathed, his surprise to her completely distracting her from her worries and reinforcing why she saw him as the best friend one could ever have.

"Not possible to be too good to one as sweet as you are Chris," he declared as he got the movie started and offered her some sliced beef from the meat tray.

"Flatterer," she murred before accepting and munching on the juicy meat with gusto, eyes reflecting the TV screen as the opening credits began to run. "Quiet time now, don't want to miss anything."

"As you command," he joked. Settling back against the couch cushions with her nestled against him he idly petted along her side, with occasional snacking from the platters and feeding her while he was at it. Chris for her part lay against his side and enjoyed being fed and pampered by him and barely stirred save for the occasional bathroom break. There really wasn't anything like relaxing watching movies with a special friend, she thought to herself, and didn't even have to feed herself he did it all for her. He'd probably carry her back and forth to the bathroom if she asked although wouldn't go that far as to ask him to do that even if he had done far more to help her out back in college.

By the time she was stuffed full from the buffet Walter had laid out Chris found her outfit simply too tight to keep on and stripped back down to her fur like she often did when with him. Whether she was dressed or not had nothing to do with what they did together and plenty of nights passed with her simply watching in the nude whatever movies they had for the night. Naked she stretched out along the couch now, draped along it with her head resting in his lap while the last of the second movie ran and the first of the Sappho movies she'd been eagerly awaiting came on.

While to the simplistic it would just be labeled Lesbian Porn it was really much more than that, done in soft overtones and filled with romance and exploring the sweetness of female on female loving. It was too perfect to be real but she loved it all the same and Delilah was far and away the most sensual and captivating female she'd ever seen. She knew it'd be too good to be true that she could be anything like her character in the movies but nothing wrong with having fantasies as long as she didn't lose touch with reality.

It wasn't too long into the first film before she found her hands sliding between her legs, fingerpads stroking over her bare folds and spreading the dampness there around. She did it shamelessly, without thought or concern that Walter would be able to see her doing so and even unconsciously shifted so he could see better without losing her ability to watch the movie at the same time.

With her gray-furred thighs spreading as wide as she could comfortably on the couch her left hand opened up her flower to let her fingers on the right hand dip inside and brush along the inner petals as they glistened in the flickering light from the TV. The scent of her arousal was tickling at her nose and simply reinforcing her need as she caressed her inner gateway until the petals parted revealing the slick passage within.

Chris's fingers teased within her silken walls to trace over the more sensitive portions, staying away from her clitoris at first as she held back, pacing herself with the movie so as to not bring herself to release too soon (and perhaps to entertain Walter as well although if asked would certainly never consciously admit to it). No reason to rush after all and another movie awaited them afterwards; so she savored the gentle explorations of her wet feminine charms that had her panting with desire in the comfort and safety of Walter' living room.

While Chris was busy satisfying herself Walter wasn't idle either, even if all he did was stroke her head with one hand and caress her stomach and side with the other. Watching her was often more fun than the movies since she was so natural and enthusiastic, which after enough time watching her he'd learned to tell how much of the pleasure was faked and how much real in the erotica that they watched. That was probably why she liked the ones with Delilah so much; the mink clearly wasn't faking and was enjoying things to the fullest just as Chris was beside him.

A bit of a blush crept beneath Chris's fur though as she felt Walter' manhood stiffening beneath her head and could smell the musk of his own arousal through his thick pants. It wasn't the first time and wouldn't be the last but the reminder of his masculinity never ceased to embarrass her even if he never expected her to do anything about it. She was glad when he adjusted himself enough it wasn't so obvious although it didn't disrupt the dance of her fingers as they slid in and out of her arousal-slicked passage and brushed across her exposed clitoris to send sharp waves of pleasure washing over her.

Eyes moving between her and the screen Walter realized she was pacing herself to the mink and ferrets' lovemaking, specifically the place of the ferret comparing how far along they were. He couldn't resist smiling although quickly hid it as she stroked and rolled her pleasure button between her fingertips, heart racing with the rising heat within her and her juices dripped down along her folds and trickled over her tailhole and tailbase to start soaking into the couch cushion.

When her hips started bouncing off the cushions he knew she was close even without feeling her heart's rapid pace beneath his fingertips as he rested his hand on her chest. She got quite enthusiastic about things when she was close to her peak and tonight was no exception with the added boost from getting to watch her favorite female erotic entertainer in wide screen. Her climax came only seconds after that of the ferret leaving her arched up with a thrusting of her breasts upward while she buried her fingers inside of herself and squeezed her clit up hard to her pubic bone.

It was quite a magnificent sight to watch, Walter thought to himself, for the mouse's orgasm was filled with her total commitment to it and the release it brought to her. Not so easy on the ears though as she let out such a squeal at the peak that he was glad for the general soundproofing the complex had otherwise his neighbors would know quite well what was going on (not that they didn't likely think such anyway with such an attractive female visiting him so regularly). When she finally came crashing down she ended up curled up around herself, thighs squeezing together and holding her hands in place while she lay there panting and recovering, movie briefly forgotten.

Walter didn't do anything to interrupt her recovery period or enjoying her afterglow, simply stroked along her side and caressed her head and hips tenderly. She always looked so beautiful afterwards and he never liked to bring her back from where she went any sooner than she wished to return. He did end up stopping the player before it started the next movie though, since she wouldn't want to miss any of it simply because of her orgasm. When she finally settled down enough to open her eyes again she looked up at him and gave an embarrassed little smile.

"I guess I made a bit of a mess," she confessed sheepishly, still curled up around herself and holding her hands to her mound.

"Wouldn't be the first time," he pointed out with a wink. "So, should I rewind so you can see what you missed?" he asked, unable to keep from grinning down at her at that point.

"Would you please? And thanks for stopping it so I didn't miss the next one," she said, a contented sigh escaping her as she stretched back out face up this time and nuzzled his stomach in gentle appreciation of his thoughtfulness.

"No problem although might want to clean up first unless you want to end up all sticky when it dries out on your fur," he suggested.

"Well there's still another movie to watch," she reminded him with a blush tinting her ears. "And I don't want you not getting to enjoy yourself either," she admitted, since he never masturbated around her because it wasn't something she'd enjoy watching unlike her being able to do so freely around him. Then again given how she let him mate her anytime he wanted not like he had to do that anymore; including tonight since she wasn't going to go leaving him unsatisfied after leaving him so aroused by her open display.

"You know I always enjoy myself just being together with you," he told her causing her to blush when she heard that. While true it didn't keep him from a burst of anticipation in regards to what she planned to do to take care of him.

"I also know how you really enjoy watching movies," she tossed back fighting down the blush. Given how they were together Chris couldn't help thinking she blushed a lot more than she should under the circumstances. Oh well she knew how they would end the evening so that they could both end up satisfied; they'd ended it that way often enough in the past.

"Yes but I wouldn't go insisting on it dear," was his sincere reply as he petted her head stroking her headfur softly and scritching around her ears.

"If you were one to insist on it you wouldn't be one to get it," she pointed out with a smirk and playful scritching under his chin that left it smeared with her juices and the scent of her teasing at his nose.

"You're one of a kind Chris," Walter said before gently taking her hand with his and giving her fingertips a kiss before licking away some of her natural honey.

"And don't you forget it," she said with a wink, after which she shifted off the couch to stand unsteadily on her feet facing away from him. Her naked pink tail arched up along her back and pointing down the soft gray expanse of her fur to the matching pink valley between her furry buns. "Just let me know when you're ready," she murred back to him.

The sound of Walter unzipping soon reached Chris' ears as he slipped his pants down to his knees, his erection springing free to slap against his stomach as her casual display helped him retain the arousal her earlier antics had stirred up within him. While she couldn't see what he was up to she could tell from the scent of the strawberry-flavored lubricant on the air how far he'd progressed, although gave a start as she often did when his slick fingers stroked right up between her rumpcheeks and right across her tailhole.

"You're supposed to warn me remember?" she chastised him as she looked back over her shoulder at him, receiving in return an embarrassed 'but I can't help myself' kind of smile that had her rolling her eyes at her friend. If they weren't so close she'd probably give him a little whack with her tail instead she simply looked back forward while trying not to squirm too much as he spread the lubricant around.

For some reason she'd really come to enjoy his attentions to her rear entrance, it always gave her a pleasant tingling sensation she'd never enjoyed from anyone else. Maybe it was just a difference between human fingertips and those of her kind; she didn't really know as she'd never had a human female as a lover. What she did know was how nice it felt when his finger slid right into her and wiggled around for a bit before withdrawing.

As soon as the "All Ready Now," came to hear ears settled backwards, guided by Walter's left hand on her hip while the right held his shaft away from his belly and in line with her descending derriere. A soft squeak escaped her when the head of his erection came into contact with her ready anus as it slid inside of her, the many times she'd taken care of his anal desires leaving her well able to handle his shaft as she settled into his lap. Still Walter kept her from going too fast while he watched inch after inch of his member ascending into the luscious mouse's gift to him, no eager horndog to disrespect her and take any risk of hurting her in the process.

"Oooooh but that feels so nice," Walter declared once she was snug in his lap, everything that could reside within her nestled within the hot clinging depths of Chris' backdoor. The soft gray fur on her backside and legs pleasantly rubbing against his skin where it came into contact with him.

"You always say that Walter," she teased, giving a little wriggle of her backside and reaching to adjust her rumpcheeks to get more comfortable and giving him reason to gasp from the little bit of stimulation it gave him. Once she was ready she rested her head back against his chest and gave a contented sigh when he wrapped his arms around her listening to the beat of his heart through his chest and feeling it from the gentle throbbing of his shaft inside of her.

"Because it's always true," was his reply, a gentle kiss landing between her ears as he held onto her, arms crossed beneath her breasts. He could feel them resting against the tops of his arms and the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

"Flatterer. I think we've some movies to finish watching," she pointed out, idly stroking the backs of his arms and hands as she crossed hers over his.

"I think you'll have to get it, seems like I'm a bit occupied now," he said, which got him a playful nip on his arm before she looked around enough to find where he'd left the remote and with some artful maneuvering managed to bring it over with her tail.

"Just didn't want to let me go I'm sure," she eventually replied once she had the control in her right hand so none of her sticky juices from the left would get onto it.

"Well we wouldn't want you falling out of my lap, safety first," he quite innocently replied in spite of the more erotic stance they occupied. Shaking her head in rueful amusement since he did worry about such things no matter how naughty he might get with her Chris simply gave his hand a squeeze with the left before restarting the movies with the control and setting it aside.

As the rest of the first Sappho movie finished up Chris idly wondered if couples ever did things the way she and Walter did, or if other friendships went so oddly. It just felt so natural in his lap and feeling him inside of her while his arms held her safe, like a warm blanket wrapped around her soul. She just couldn't imagine what it would be like without what they had between them, or how others got by without it.

Feeling a bit bold for a change she laced her fingers through Walter's and brought his right hand down between her spread legs with her left, brushing his fingertips over her petals while the second movie started. Using his fingers in place of her own she idly stroked herself and enjoyed the warmth it rekindled after her blazing release earlier.

With the right claimed by Chris Walter soon started stroking her side and the underside of her right breast with the left. The velvety soft fur could have rivaled a mink's for thick, lush and senses-pleasing softness and he never tired of the chance to touch and caress it. One of the many things he gave thanks for and nearly all of them courtesy of his friend.

Chris didn't even need to move around or make an effort to see Walter's own passions inflamed, as she sat there she could feel his heartrate increasing through where they were joined. She couldn't resist the occasional bounce in his lap though just to add to his pleasure, her ego stroked even if she never would consciously admit to it by the gasps she heard from him.

As the movie played though she became more engrossed in it, more peripherally aware of what else was going on as she watched her favorite mink in a rare threesome with a skunk and the ferret from the previous film. She unconsciously worked Walter's fingers along with hers into her sex, juices flowing once again to trickle down and this time coat his loins and dribble over his ballsac. Her right hand reached up to fondle her left breast with lusty abandon, fingers digging in and pinching her engorged nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

Heated as she was she even confused Walter's attentions to her other breast with her own as he mirrored her activities. Pinching and tugging on her nipple he added some of his own caresses to her inner recesses with the hand she held between her legs. The cries of lusty sexual expression on the TV mixed with their own and soon Chris felt the hot splash of Walter's seed flooding up into her just seconds before she clutched at his hand and ground it to her clitoris as she climaxed with a squeal even louder and more intensely than before.

Only the ending of the movie gave the two of them how much time they lost while recovering, an especially embarrassed blush to Chris' ears as she realized she'd completely forgotten the movie as she sat there in Walter's lap recovering. After her second climax her fur was a total mess all sweaty and damp and Walter wasn't any better for all that he hadn't really had to move around much at all. The situation so hot that all he had to do was sit there nestled inside of her for him to climax with just the mental stimulation that made up the bulk of things.

"I think I'm going to need your shower," Chris finally said as the silenced stretched on, the comfortable afterglow still there but reluctantly seeing that they'd have to end things some time.

"We both need a shower after that," Walter agreed while giving her a hug with his free arm, since he hadn't bothered to remove his hand from between her legs nor had she.

"Mmmm, well you can go first I don't think I'll be able to stand well enough to shower just yet," she confessed, then shivered a little as he slipped his fingers out of her and drew them across her still hyper-sensitive clit in the bargain.

"No problem dear, you can just rest here on the couch and when you're ready I'll just carry you in and give you a nice bath like I used to in college," he told her, then with a moment's warning lifted her off his softening shaft with a pop and settled her onto the couch beside him.

"I can take care of myself now," she replied sharply, then softened her tone as she pushed away the negative memories that brought and focused on the positive. "But it was sweet of you to offer."

"Okay dear, see you in a few," he promised, shrugging off the sharpness knowing the source for it and ruffled her headfur affectionately. "But if I catch you playing while I'm gone I'm definitely going to give you that bath," he teased.

"You'll have to catch me first," she said while sticking her tongue out at him, then turned away as he was pulling his pants back up and headed off towards the shower. Stretching out on the couch heedless of the mess she was laying in she yawned and knew she'd sleep well tonight as she let the comforting warmth of their friendship that they reaffirmed each day envelop her.