A trainer's story [17]

Story by LucarioLover95 on SoFurry

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#18 of A trainer's story

A climatic rescue Mission

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own pokemon or any related materials, but I will change the plot, as well as create new characters to make sure my stories __doesn't follow the anime's or video game's storylines, hope you will enjoy it.

The battle between Jackson and Jake had finally come to and end, with the latter emerged victorious, Jackson was forced by Jaden and Ryan to keep his words and apologized to Jake. However, still holding a grude for his defeat, Jackson vowed to destroy Jake at all cost, thus considering the trainer his new archenemy.

As for Jake, although having won an important battle, he could not enjoy his victory for very long, because now he had to face an even bigger task: Finding a proper way to tell his mate, Lucario, about what had happened the previous night between him and Typhlosion.

Lucario's reactions were exactly how Jake had imagined they would be. Nevertheless, the trainer had managed to pull it out at the end...

"Jake, are you in there?" came Ryan bashful voice from the door, "The gym leader had returned, and she...she is badly hurted."

"Okay, okay I'm coming..." Jake replied, grabbing his red jacket and put it on, then walked to the door and opened it, revealing Ryan, who was panting for air and having a troubled look on his face.

"Hey, calm down..." Jake said softly, "Where is she now? I meant the gym leader."

"At Eterna Gym. Jaden wanted to take her to the hospital, but she insisted on staying at the gym, and she fainted before we could say anything else, so he had to asked the doctor to come there and treat her wounds."

"Alright, let's go to the gym." Jake suggested, and received a nod from Ryan.

Jake, Ryan and Lucario ran as fast as they could to Eterna Gym, where they saw Jaden, waiting at the entrance with a worried look on his face.

"Been waiting for you guys." Jaden called. His face broke into a grin as he saw Lucario, who growled quietly in his throat, apparently still having a dislike for the guy whose pokemon had just beaten him a few days ago.

"What happened to her?" Jake asked.

"I have no frickin' idea. She came back about an hour ago while Ryan and I were talking, and boy, it looked as if she had just been attacked by an extremely angry hamster." Jaden replied, shrugging "Ah well, I was about to have her hospitalized, but Gardenia said that she had a favour to ask me, so I let her rest here. C'mon, let's go in there and check her out."


Following Jaden's guide, they walked across the battlefield before entering a small corridor. There were several doors in both sides of the corridor, and the group stopped in front of one which had a tag that said _gym leader_on it.

Jaden brought a finger to his lips, signaling Jake and Ryan to keep silent, before clearing his throat and knocking the door, "Gardenia, are you in there? It's me, Jaden."

"Yes. The door is opened, please come in." came a voice in respond. Jake could tell from her voice that Gardenia was just about the same age as him, or even younger.

Jaden nodded and opened the door. As he walked inside, Jake curiously ran his eyes at the surroundings. There weren't much to see: A worktable on which laid a pile magazines, a medium size bookshelf, a mini fridge and a small flat-screen TV. But Jake's attention was captured by the way Gardenia decorated her room. On the walls, were various pitures and posters of beautiful meadows, forests and gardens, with brought a nice, refreshing atmosphere to the room.

Gardenia was laying on a bed at the right corner of the room, wearing her signature clothes, which included a short green mantle, a long-sleeved black cropped t-shirt, orange baggy shorts and a pair of green boots. Jake grimaced slightly as he noticed several spots on her arms and face were covered in badages, not to mention all the bruises, and he just couldn't figure out who, or what had done this to her.

"You look terrible, Gardenia." Jaden said softly, "Just where exactly did you do, and what happened?"

"Alright, I'll tell you, but is it okay...to have them here too?" Gardenia replied, gazing at Jake, Lucario and Ryan. Jake could tell there was suspiciousness in Gardenia's brownish, orange eyes as she looked at him, and it made the trainer feel slightly uneasy, simply because the gym leader had decided to trust Jaden more than him.

"Nah, it's fine, these three are my good friends. Let me introduce to you: Jake, his Lucario and Ryan. They actually come here for a gym battle, but I guess you can't take on any challenger at this stage." Jaden said cheerfully and gestured his hand at Jake and Ryan, as if he were presenting some sort of celebrities, but he quickly became more serious as he continued, "Let's cut to the chase, Gardenia. Who did this to you?"

"Team Galactic." Gardenia said.

Jaden frowned when he heard that name, while Jake and Ryan exchanging curious gazes, then turned back to Gardenia, "Team...Galactic?" they said in union.

"I met them once before." Jaden grumbled, getting everyone's attention as they all looked at him and wait for an explaination, but the champion only shook his head, "Long story. I'll tell you later. What are they schelming this time, Gardenia?"

"Recently, cases of citizens' pokemon gone missing have been reported, and many people told me they highly suspect a mysterious building which has a strange design..."

"A four-floored building with six spikes?" Jake asked. Gardenia nodded, "Yes. Many have come and asked me for help, and it's also my responsibility as the city's gym leader to investigate the missing cases. Today, I tried to sneak into that building, but team Galactic found out and beat me up. They're mostly small fries, but there were too many, plus a fairly strong woman who, apparently, is their commander." The gym leader said and shook her head sadly.

Jaden listened intently, and he could mostly figure out the flavour Gardenia wanted to ask him for, but he still wanted the gym leader to comfirm it herself, "So...what do I have to do with all of that?"

Gardenia looked ashamed as she spoke, and the gym was, literally, squeezing out, every single word, "Well...from the battle we had yesterday, I know you're very strong...much stronger than me. Plus...you're a former champion from Hoenn, you have more battle experience battle than me..."


"There's no doubt the citizens' pokemon was kidnapped by team Galactic, and you have to save them. I tried, but it's almost impossible to enter that building from the ground. I know you have a Latios, a very powerful pokemon that can fly, so you can easily break into the building from the rooftop." Gardenia pleaded, her eyes slowly watering, but she quickly wiped the tears away, "At first, I wanted to ask our champion, Cynthia, for help, she has also disappeared. People said they last saw her at Celestia Town. I tried to contact her, but nothing seems to work. The other gym leaders are too busy with their battles and challengers...Chaos is spreading through the city as the number of missing pokemon just keeps increasing. Please help me, Jaden! you're my only hope now."

Jaden had almost refused. The fact that Gardenia considered him nothing more than just a substitute for her champion Cynthia, had absolutely pissed Jaden off, because it made him feel like a faker. And yet, this girl still had the audacity to ask him for help?

But his pride as a trainer didn't allowed him to say no. Beside, there was no way Jaden could say no after Gardenia had begged for his help so desperately. He understood the life of being a gym leader. Days after days were a constant battle against the challenger, and high expectation from the citizens, who consider their gym leader as a guardian. Now, the burden had become too heavy for Gardenia to carry alone.

"Alright, I'll help." Jaden declared, "But I still need a distraction from the ground. Can you do it, Gardenia?"

The gym leader was about to nod, but Jake had spoken first, "I will be the distraction. Let me go with you, Jaden!"

"No!" the former champion refused, "This isn't a game, Jake. You have no idea how dangerous it is!"

"You think I don't?" Jake replied, his voice contained a hint of sarcasm, "But there's noway I would let you go alone. Didn't you say we were good friends? What kind of jerk I would become if I just stood here and watched you face the danger."

"He's right!" Ryan added, stepping towards Jaden to face him, "I'll go too. Let us help you, Jaden. We might not be as strong as you are, but we won't get in your way. Beside, I also have a flying pokemon, my Charizard. You'll need all the help you can get."

Jaden looked at his two friends, and the only thing he saw was determination. He really didn't want to get either of them involve in such a dangerous mission, but he knew it was pretty much pointless to say no at this point. Jaden reclutantly nodded, "Okay, you can go, but I won't be responsible if anything bad happens."

Jake and Ryan looked at each other, smiling smugly as if they had just been awarded some sort of grand prize.

"We still need a plan...and lunch for my growling stomach. C'mon, guys, let's go!" Jaden said. Jake and Ryan nodded as they followed Jaden and quickly made their way out of the gym.


Ten minutes later, the trio managed to find a small restaurant (Lucario had been returned to his pokemon, not without giving Jake a goodbye kiss). They chose a table in a corner of the restaurant and ordered cheeseburgers for a quick lunch.

"Alright, let's get into business." Jaden said and took a large bite of his burger, "First, I need to know what pokemon each of us has. My team includes Latios, Dragonite and Turwid. Jake?"

"I have Lucario, Luxray, Starly and Typhlosion...But the last one is still recovering from this morning battle. I don't know if he could take part in such a dangerous mission."

"Charizard and Monferno are all I have." Ryan said, "So...what's the plan?"

"I think it's best to start at night. The darkness will be our greatest ally." Jaden suggested, which Jake and Ryan both agreed, "Now, if what Gardenia said is true, then we have no choice but to enter from the roof."

"Wait a second...if the base is secured_that_ heavily, there's a chance they keep the missing pokemon on the top floor. What do you think, Ryan?" Jake asked.

"Indeed." Ryan replied, entwining his fingers. He had eaten about three quarters of his burger, but it seemed like he didn't want to finish the rest, "But don't let our guards down. If the pokemon are really at the top floor, I'm afraid team Galactic's strongest fighters will be there to guard them."

"You're right...which is why we need to lure them to the ground floor, as many as possible. However, that's an extremely dangerous task. If you get surrounded, game over, and it'll be very difficult to escape too." Jaden explained. He was trying to make it sound less risky, but his efforts seemed to have the opposite effect. Both Jake and Ryan looked very nervous, "So...who wants to be the decoy?"

Jake was about to volunteer, but Ryan took the words out of his mouth, "I will. You two go rescue the pokemon."


"We don't have time to argue over these things, Jake. I know it would be dangerous to lure them out, but you must play to your strength. You have Luxray, and his vision will come in handy while serching for the kidnapped pokemon. Beside, I think you'll make a great team with Jaden. Don't worry about me."

"He's right..." Jaden said. Suddenly, the food didn't taste very good to him anymore, "It is risky, but we have no other choice."

Silence swept across the table. Perhaps Jake, Ryan and Jaden all awared of the danger they were about to face, and it was just better not to express it by words.

Eventually, Jaden broke the silence, as he couldn't affort to have Jake and Ryan become more nervous before their mission even started, "Well, that's about everything. We'll start at 11 p.m this evening, so you guys should go home, or wherever you're staying at and get some rest. The last thing we need is falling asleep for a middle of a fight."

Jake and Ryan nodded. They paid for the food and quietly made their way back to the pokemon center.


Jake sat on his bed, leaning against the headboard, arms folded behind his head. Looking at the ceiling, Jake slowly recalled the events that had happened from this morning so far, and it felt almost like a crazy rollercoaster.

He went into a battle wich decided his and Typhlosion's fates, having almost been defeated, but somehow pulled it out in the end, thanked to some sort of hidden ability called blaze (Jake personally thought it was just his pure luck).

As if that wasn't enough, right after that stressful battle, Jake still had another bigger problem to solve: Telling Lucario about...stuffs happened between him and Typhlosion the night before. Jake would be quite honest: He didn't get scared easily, but Lucario's fury had really freaked him out, and that...meant a lot. Jake somehow managed to pull it out, again, using some naughty tricks of his own (as for what those tricks were, you would have to figure out yourself ).

But when Jake thought his day couldn't get more troublesome, he was dragged into another mess, and things got even more interesting, because the trainer brought it upon himself.

Sighing, Jake took out three pokeballs and gently tossed them onto the ground. The balls opened almost at the same time and emitted three flashes of crimson light, which manifested into three figures. Even in his gloomy stage, Jake couldn't help but smiled when he looked at them: His loyal and magnificent pokemon companions.

Lucario, literally, squealed in delight at the sight of his trainer/mate. He greeted Jake by tackling and nuzzling him like a small pup. Luxray gave a smile of approval as he watched the couple share their affection. The electric pokemon had always been the strong-and-silent type. He observed everything and rarely spoke, but when he did, every single word made senses.

That left only Starly. The little bird still wore that stubborn, untamed expression of a newly caught pokemon, which didn't surprise Jake the slightest bit, although the trainer wished there was a way to improve their friendship and get Starly closer to him, as well as his team.

"What's the matter? Why suddenly let all of us out?" Luxray asked.

"Oh, that's right..." Jake said. He was having trouble speaking as the fur on Lucario's head tickled his neck and chin, "Uhm Lucario, can you move a little?"

The aura pokemon gave a quiet growl of dismay from his throat, but obeyed his trainer nevertheless as he curled up on Jake's lap and continued to nuzzle him.

"That's more like it," Jake smiled and ruffled the aura pokemon's head fur as he spoke , "Now, where were we? Right, there're a few important things I need you guys know. Now please, listen carefully..."

Jake began to tell Lucario, Luxray and Starly about the gym leader's request, as well as their upcoming mission.

"So..." Luxray began as Jake finished his narration, "In other words, all we have to do is break into a suspicious building, facing some bad guys and rescue the kidnapped pokemon, right?"

"Uhm, not exactly facing..." Jake corrected, "We won't stand a chance, so it's best to avoid them at all cost. Remember, our goal is to rescue the pokemon, not trying to play heroes."

"Got it!"

"However," Jake countinued, his voice became grimly, "If we fail and get captured by team Galactic, or whatever Gardenia...that's the gym leader's name by the way, called them, there's big chance they will take you away from me, like they stole the citizens' pokemon. I don't mind anything bad happens to me, but I can't stand watching you get hurt, or even worst, be used for evildoing. So I will not force you to take part in this mission. There's still time if you want to withdraw now, especially you, Starly..." he said and looked at the small avian. "I know you hate being with by a guy like me. I'll be honest: I didn't want to catch you at first. Heck, I've never caught any pokemon beside you. Usually thing goes like this: I help pokemon, and they follow me. Of course, some has their particular reasons, heheh..." he paused and glanced at Lucario, who took the hint and blushed under his fur, "Anyway, I'm willing to release you right here and now if you feel comfortable living in the wild, because I want a friend and companion, not a prisioner. Think carefully and make your decision."

"Is it true? You guys really wanted to follow him?" Starly asked, running his eyes at the other two pokemon in the room.

"Yup." Lucario replied almost as fast.


"Long story. If you really wish to know, then...very well. You see, Jake isn't my only trainer. Before he came into my life, I was with another guy, my original_trainer..." Lucario frowled, as if every word had a bitter taste in his mouth. He glanced at Jake, who gave him a nod of encouragement, then continued, "Day after day, my life was nothing but a never-ending nightmare. He forced me to battle, but he didn't know anything about my strength or weakness. He just ordered me around, and that's why we constantly lost, but when we did, instead of learning from his mistake, he would beat me up and leave me there like a pile of garbage. With him around, I felt like a cheap pet. In fact, he _did consider me nothing more than a pet, given to him by his parents..."

Everyone was listening carefully to the aura pokemon, especially Luxray, as he had never had any chance to study Lucario's past. Jake shifted uneasily, his eyes wearing a pained look, and he started to seriously feel guilty about cheating on his faithful mate.

"I knew, without a shadow of doubt, that I would die if that torturous life continued, so I ran away. I didn't have any plan. I didn't know what to do when I returned to the wild, I just ran away...and then, I met him." Lucario said, looking at Jake over shoulder, his voice almost cracked, but a satisfying smile was presenting on his face, "It was kinda funny, because I was caught while trying to steal his food. I was pretty scared. I thought he would beat me up, but no. He cured my wounds and gave me food. He protected me when my old trainer arrived and tried to get me back. He offered me a chance to be his friend. That was the first time in my life that someone treated me with kindness."

"And you accepted his offer?"

"Figured." Lucario grinned, "Since that day, Jake has always been with me. He teaches me how to believe in myself, how to awake the power hidden within me, and how to be nice with others. If I hadn't met him that day, I don't know what would have happened. Thanks to him, I was able to let go of my cursed past and keep moving forward. You might as well can say he has given me my second life."

"Whoa..." Starly said, his beak hung open, "That sounds...really amazing!"

When Lucario finished his story, a pair of arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer to their master. Tears trickled down his back, damping his cream-colored fur.

"I'm sorry..." whispered Jake, so quietly that Lucario was sure only he could hear. Don't be, Lucario replied via telepathy, his aura melted into Jake's, giving the trainer a warm, soothing feeling of forgiveness, You're the only one I can't get angry with, no matter how many silly things you do. But next time, before you do any funny thing, please take a second to think about my feelings first.

"What about you, Luxray? What's your reason." asked Starly again

"Huh, what?" the electric pokemon exclaimed as if someone just snapped a finger in front of his nose. He was surprised to know Lucario and Jake had such a dramatic and complicated history, but at the same time, it explained why they felt for each other...all made senses now!

"Well, my story isn't very different from his." Luxray said and glanced at Lucario, "I was a wild pokemon, out looking for food, and was ambushed by another trainer. It's embarassing to admit, but I wasn't strong enough and had to run away. Of course I managed to escape, and then I met Jake. You can figure out the rest."

"So, what will do now, Starly?" Jake asked, "I'm waiting...."

Starly had his eyes glued onto the ground, before bring his head up to look at Jake and his two loyal companions. At first, he had planned to accept Jake's offer and return to the forest, but still doubted the trainer, thinking that Jake had merely wanted to toy with him. However, after having listened to Lucario's and Luxray's stories, Starly comfirmed that Jake's intention was genuine, and he felt particularly interested by the way Lucario described Jake like a true hero, his life savior.

Starly was a loner. He had lived by himself for most of his life until now, and it did made him feel bored sometimes. But the pokemon wasn't afraid of taking risk, and if Jake was as nice as how Lucario stated him to be, then Starly would really like to have a taste of that kindness.

"Okay, I've made my choice. To be honest, I've never trust human, but you're an exception. I'll stay, for now...but don't get too smug, because I'll observe and study everything about you. Let time decide it all, whether you're a good and worthy trainer or not."

"You sounded like an old man," Jake grinned, "But I can get used to that. Welcome to my team...and my family!"

(That night)

Jake was disturbed from his slumber by a series of *beep* emitted from his pokedex. Groaning, Jake forced himself to wake up before he would grab the annoying tool and smash it onto the ground. Quickly dressing up in his usual clothes, Jake made his way out of the Pokemon Center while everyone else enjoying their sleep. It was about 11 p.m, the time to begin their plan.

Ryan and Jaden were waiting for him at the Center's entrance. Although he couldn't read their face expression in the dark, Jake could tell both of his friends were nervous, because they were shifting uneasily.

"Now Jake...." Jaden began, "Since you're going to enter from the rooftop with me, I'll let you borrow one of my pokemon. Here..." he said and tossed two pokeballs onto the ground, revealing two draconic figures, "I think you're familiar with Latios, and the one next to him is a new member of my team, Dragonite, but we don't have time for any furtherdetails. Dragonite, can you give my friend here a ride?"

Jake shivered when he met Dragonite's grey eyes, gleaming in the darkness as the pokemon gave him a percing look, before nodding quietly.

"Alright, let's go!" Ryan said. Jake amost didn't realize Charizard was standing next to him. Together, they climbed onto each respective pokemon and soared into the sky.

It wasn't long before the trio were flying above team Galactic's building. The slashing winds and midnight's cold, humid air also contributed to make the building look even creepier.

"I will use flamethrower as a signal." Ryan said, "Remember: The faster you rescue the pokemon, the earlier I get to escape."

"Roger!" Jaden nodded, "Good luck, Ryan, and...I'm glad to have you and Jake as my friends."

It was difficult to tell, but Jake knew Ryan was smiling and blushing. He gave his two friends a thumps up and flied away with Charizard.


Ryan landed in front of the building. Just like Gardenia had described, it was isolated from the rest of the city by a fence of trees.

"Big deal!" Ryan mused, "I just need to get rid of them. Charizard, use cut!"

Charizard smirked, the claws of his left hand started to glow light blue and become a little longer. With one strike, the pokemon's razor-sharp claws slid through the trees like a knife through butter.

"Now for the signal. It's time to turn up the heat." Ryan declared, "Charizard, light this creepy place up with your flamethrower!"

Taking a deep breath, the fire pokemon unleased his blazing fury. He shot a column of flame onto the sky, before firing another one at the fallen trees, incinerating them instantly.

As Ryan had predicted, immediately after he had set fire on the trees, the emergency alarms went off, and rushing out from the builing's entrance was dozens of grunts, who Ryan believed to be team Galactic's foot soilders.

Ryan would have laughed his ass off if he hadn't been in this serious situation, because these 'Galactic' guys seemed to have absolute no senses of fashion. Their leader must have had the worst taste in the world, because their uniforms were the ugliest kind of clothings Ryan had ever seen: Some sort of crazy spacesuit-like, black and grey outfits, with a modified yellow G letter in the middle of the chest.

"Let's play, Charizard!" Ryan mused, his eyes gleaming with fighting spirit. The fire pokemon smirked and unleased a mighty roar as they went into battle.

(Jake and Jaden)

"Look at that!" Jake exclaimed, pointing at the virgorous column of fire, "It must be Ryan's signal, let's go!"

Thanksfully, there was no guards on the roof. As soon as Jaden landed, he returned both Latios and Dragonite to their pokeballs, then looked around as if he was searching for something.

"There it is!" Jaden said, "The hatch! C'mon Jake, we don't have much time!"

The door was locked, but Jaden somehow solved the problem with his pocket knife, much to Jake's surprise. He then took out 2 small flashlights from his backpack and handed one of them to Jake, "Here, it's very dark inside, so watch your step, and I think we need Luxray's help now. Can you let him out now?"

"Not here. We have to get in there first!"


The duo were now walking on a dark corridow, with the flashes being their only source of light, led by Luxray, who had been asked to use his vision to locate the missing pokemon. His eyes were literally gleaming like a pair of headlights.

There were machines everywhere. Some of which looked like a combination of coffee blenders and fridges, others looked like giant electric ovens. Jake had absolutely no idea what were the machines' functions were (he didn't want to know either), but they were certainly doing a great job to make this place creepier.

"This way!" Luxray said and and turned to his left, "The kidnapped pokemon...I can see them, over there!"

They followed Luxray, and only stopped in front of the last room in the left cornor. Jake examined the knob, and it wasn't locked, so the trainer proceeded to open the door, so gently that it almost seemed like he was afraid of hurting it.

Jaden gasped as his flashlight illuminated the room. It was nearly empty, except for lines of shelves that contained dozen and dozen of pokeballs. They would definitely have a hard time moving those balls out of this building.

"The pokemon are all here!" Jake exclaimed, and quickly covered his mouth, "Look like team Galactic isn't that very smart after all."

"No, something's wrong..." Jaden mused, "Why didn't they lock the door, and leave those pokeballs here without any guards? Could this be..."

In a millisecond, Jaden dreadfully realized what was going on, and that was all he could do, as the lights were suddenly turned on.

Jake and Jaden immediately spun around, but it had already been too late. Surrounding them were about 8 or 10 Galactic grunts and a young woman who was wearing a modified version of the grunts' uniform, based on which Jaden could easily tell she was the commander that Gardenia had mentioned.

"A trap, of course! You think we're foolish enough to let our guard down after that cheek gym leader tried to sneak in?" the commander annouced with a smug. She had dark purple hair and eyes. The way she did her makeup almost made Jake throw up, because her face looked as if someone had just dumped a ton of face powder on her face, and it made her look pretty much like a ghost, cooped with her horribly blood-red lipstick. Overall, the first impression when you looked at her was pretty much like this: Was she a vampire, or a kool-aid addicted ghost?

"What do you think of our base?" she asked, "Nice and cozy, isn't it? My name is Venus, one of the three commanders, selected by our boss himself."

"Whoa, time out! Your name's Venus?" Jake asked sarcastically as he tried to stifle his laughters, "_Seriousl_y? Then, what does your boss call himself? The Sun?" his mouth slipped, and he quickly regretted it.

Venus' nostrils flared and Jake could saw the flushes of embarassment start forming on her face, even through that thick layer of powder, "It's obviously a code name, you fool, and don't you dare make fun of our boss. He's wise and visionary. With his lead, we'll rule this entire Sinnoh and soon, the world will bow down before us!"

"It's offical: You're nuts!" Jake grumbled, "Hey Jaden, got any plans?"

"I'll handle the commander," Jaden replied, "Can you take care of the rest?"

"No problems."

"Oh, look like you plan to fight." Venus smiled evilly and licked her lips (Jake thought it was kinda gross with the lipstick and other stuffs, but she seemed fine with it), "That's good. I want my preys to struggle before getting slaughtered. Get them!"

Jake barely had enough time to summon his pokemon when the Galactic grunts started to attack. Each of them was using two exact same pokemon, a Zubat and a Croagunk.

"Zubat, air cutter; Croagunk, poison sting!" ordered the grunts.

"Lucario, use bone rush to deflect the stings; Luxray, attack them with sparks; Starly, use whirlwind!" Jake shouted.


"You have quite a lot of nerves to challenge me," Venus snorted, standing face-to-face with Jaden, "And you're also quite a hottie. Too bad we have to be enemies, cuz you really are my type." She said flirtatiously

Jaden frowned, feeling incredibly sick in his stomach, but he maganed to keep his cool and replied, "Of course I do. The name's Jaden, former pokemon champion of Hoenn. Remember it, because I'll take you down!"

"How insolent! Purugly, Weavile, teach him a lesson about respect!"

"Shool's out, teacher. Latios, Dragonite, let's make this showy!"

"Lady first. Weavile, night slash; Purugly, fury swipes!"

Both pokemon charged towards. Weavile's claws glowed dark purple as it attemped to slash Latios with them, while Purugly's claws extended and glowed white, ready to strike Dragonite.

"A lady? You?" Jaden asked mockingly, "Is that a joke, cuz I'm not impressed. Latios, use protect. Dragonite, finish them with hyper beam!"

Latios smirked, his eyes glowed crimson and an blue energy barrier started to form around him and Dragonite, deflecting both Weavile's and Purugly's attacks and knocked them backwards. As they recovered from the impact, Dragonite quickly made his move as an orange energy ball formed in front of his opened mouth, before turning into a mighty beam and fired itself at Venus' two pokemon. Weavile and Purugly stumbled as they barely dodged Dragonite's deadly blow.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Venus protested.

"Who said I would play fair?" Jaden grinned, "But I hope you can do better than trying to scratch my pokemon."


Sparks flied everywhere as Luxray unleashed a powerful discharge, paralyzing more than half of the enemies' pokemon. Unfortunately, the maneuver had also nearly drained Luxray of his energy, as the pokemon trembled and felt onto the floor.

"Luxray, are you okay?" Jake frowned and rushed to the collasped pokemon. However, that was a bad call, because at that exact same moment, Lucario was using his energy staff to deflect a poison sting, but he didn't watch where the sting was launched to.

"Whoa!" the trainer exclaimed and stumbled. One second slower, and he would have been pierced by the purple dart. As he felt on his back, a small blue gem rolled out of his pocket.

"No!" Jake and Lucario shouted, both tried to reach for the precious mega stone. They made it at the same time, but Lucario was faster, as he grasped the gem and hold it tightly in his paws. However, taking advantage of that opening, the remaining Zubat let loose a series of wing cutter, aiming for Lucario, who was completely helpless and could only watch as he was struck. Jake gasped in horror as his mate took the punishment and fell right into his arms.

"Why, Lucario?" Jake asked, his voice broke into a quiet sob as tears dripping onto the pokemon's cheeks, "Why do you have to be the one that always get hurt?"

Lucario had wounds all over his body, his fur was stained by his own oozing blood, but he still smiled in content, "Don't know. Maybe because I'm a silly pup..." he muttered, "But on the bright side...You look pretty cute when you're worried. Here..." he tried to give Jake the gem.

"This stupid piece of crap!" Jake shouted in rage. He had almost snatched the mega stone and thrown it away, but managed to control himself when he thought about everything Lucario had gone through to protect it, so instead, he took the pokemon's shaky paw and squeezed them gently.

And that was when it happened...

The gem in Lucario's paw, as well as the smaller one attached to Jake's glove, started to glow white and shine brightly, as if they were responding to each other. The light quickly spred over Lucario's body and encased him. It was so intense that Jake had to cover his eyes, in fear of going blind.


Lucario felt like he was floating, lightheaded and no longer bounded to the ground when he heard a familiar voice, a voice he had only heard once before, but could never forget, "Wake up, chosen one!"

"A-Arceus?" the aura pokemon muttered and opened his eyes, only to have his jaw nearly dropped. He was literally floating in a middle of a white, completely empty, boundless space, as if he was the only being existed here.

But what Lucario saw surprised him even more. Standing, or floating in front of him was a pokemon - the same pokemon that Lucario had seen when he first held the mega stone.

"Who are you?" Lucario asked, "I thought Arceues was calling for me."

"No, I'm just a spirit, an agent of Arceus - the true Creator," the other pokemon said, pointing his paws at Lucario's chest, "I've been here all the time, deep within your heart and soul, watching you silently, and now, the requirements have been met: You have forged the strongest bond possible between human and pokemon, your aura has completely merged with your trainer's, so it's time for you to accept this power and fulfill your destiny. From now on, you and I will become one, the being known as Mega Lucario!"

The siprit stretched out his paw. Lucario didn't know why, but his mind simply ordered him to take it. As their paws touched, Lucario felt a surge of energy flood into his body, filling every single one of his vein with life. His vision became clearer and more focus, his body became more stronger and more muscular, his fure became thicker and longer; Lucario could feel the range and power of his aura had just been increased by at least tenfolds.

"Yes, that's it! Become one with me, accept my power!" the spirit urged, "You will be the first pokemon to hold the key of evolution. Your heart will become hard and resillent as steel; your soul will shine and bring hope to this world with its light!"


White energy streams emitted from the mega stone started to swirl around Lucario's body, encasing him in a sphere of energy.

"What's happening?" Venus yelled.

"This is..." Jaden muttered, looking at the white orb in awe, "Could it be...the rumored Mega Evolution!"

The energy sphere suddenly exploded. Jake covered himself from the impact, as well as the wind slashing against his face, and when the intense light finally died down, the trainer found himself looking at a strange, yet familiar figure.

"Lucario? Is that really you?" Jake stammered.

"Wrong..." the new pokemon said with a deep, ancient voice, as if he was reading from an old book. He opened his crimson eyes - they were fierce and gleaming with power, "I am Mega Lucario."

(To be continued)