Delicate Delicacy

Story by Carnoustie on SoFurry

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Anno Domini 1267

The dragon lifted its magnificent head, roused from slumber and turning from side to side to survey his surroundings. All was quiet and normal. He let out a mighty roar, moth as a warning to other males, and a mating call to females. He flapped his mighty wings, sending small gales all around him. He turned his head to his side, scratching his dazzling blue scales under one wing with one horn. He let out another cry, then curled up again to return to slumber. He had been restless recently. He had no idea why, perhaps a feeling of foreboding. But nothing could happen to him! He was a mighty dragon. Virtually immortal.

Our dragon looked to the south, then, deciding he needed a drink to calm his nerves and oust his insomnia, flapped himself into the air and started to head in that direction. His gaze didn't falter from the lake south of him. He was there in minutes, even though it was several miles to travel.

He arrived at the lake almost immediately, and plunged into the water. Drinking his fill, he swam around in the cool liquid. The moon shone visibly through the water. He resurfaced on the other side of the lake, shaking his head to get the droplets off. He sensed a movement to his left. The dragon turned, seeing a hint of white vanish into the forest. Some creature had wanted to get a drink and found out he was swimming in it. This meant nothing to him, as the only thing that registered in his mind at this point was the fact that this could be a meal.

He fluttered, quite silently, to where he heard the noise, and looked about. Tracing the scent, he bounded east and caught up with the creature, jumping on it and pinning it to the ground. It was a unicorn, its fur a creamy pink and its horn sharp and deadly. It wriggled frantically, trying to move, escape, or something. The dragon was about twice the size, though, so the unicorn had no chance of getting away at all. The dragon licked its chops, then got an idea. Raising one of the unicorn's hind legs, while keeping the other pinned down, he concluded it was a female, though he wouldn't have minded a male. This unicorn was now struggling furiously, knowing what might happen to her.

The dragon pulled the unicorn up so it was standing normally on all fours, still holding the poor creature in place, and got behind her. His member had long arisen from its cetacean slit, and he pressed it firmly against her backside, sliding it into her equine sex. There are no words that can describe how the unicorn was feeling now, though "broken" was high on the list. Moans of furious pain and minimal pleasure escaped its mouth, while the dragon was grunting and groaning furiously as he held her in place with one talon and gripped her delicate underbelly with the other.

It was quite a sight for many a creature that night. The dragon was now yiffing the unicorn furiously, gripping either side and forcing her to accommodate his member. His pumping went on for many minutes, before he finally let forth enough spooge to make a blue whale jealous. The unicorn's womb was entirely filled, and bloodied cum started pouring out of her. He withdrew, finally, ending the unicorn's suffering. He rubbed her side softly, then got to her side and gently pushed her to the ground. He looked in her eyes in a manner associated with asking permission, and she nodded softly. With a long, razor-edged claw at the end of one talon, he made a long gash along her side, soon making a second and literally tearing her open.

The unicorn whinnied, as this was the most hellish experience almost anyone could ever go through. The dragon had his head inside her, tearing out vital organs quickly and eating without bothering to chew. He rubbed her side again, making her feel the slightest better about having her side torn open. Swallowing the heart, he quickly felt the life drain from the poor unicorn. Sighing, he ate what he could, kept the pinkish horn on its head as a souvenir, and turned, flying back to the lake and diving under to wash the blood off his beautiful scales.

Dirty Thoughts

Adam glanced up at the clock. He had been invited to his best friend Serina's to hang out and play video games, perhaps go to the mall later. He tossed on a new shirt, groomed his upstanding fur, and, deciding it was time to go, set off for her...

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