Sudden Vacation (A2,B2,C14)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#14 of Twilight of the Gods Book5

A darker, more passionate side of Topaz emerges. I'll write a mini-series about her adventures with Karla, Fox and Vincent soon enough. It will focus heavily on thee, uh, you know... stuff that some of you guys really want to read. For now, this story marches on towards it's conclusion. Nearly there! All the parts are written, I just have to re-read them.

This chapter, however, is brand new. It was never in the old draft at all. I just cut two weeks ahead to Topaz flying home from a vacation. Well, now I wrote this chapter to help explain that in-between time.

It's 10k words. I started a few hours ago while it snowed outside. So, fresh off the presses, I present to you...Topaz Parker. Enjoy!

Chapter -14- Sudden Vacation

January 2, 2024 mid-morning Pacific Ocean Uncharted Island ...

** Topaz Parker opened the rolling door** for her mother and brother. She glanced back at the group on the yacht. Her friends worked diligently to scrub the side of the submarine with brushes. She glanced back at her mother and brother then lowered the rolling door from the inside of the vault.

Sinopa wore a beautiful, traditional kimono with a large sash tied at her back. She walked with grace and a relaxed posture, taking in the splendor of the main hall. Lavish marble walls and a reflective gold-tinted floor made the seemingly windowless room vibrant and fully lit.

"Where's light coming from?" asked Fox.

"Each section is mirrored in various ways to continue the light that comes from torches in the other areas. I came over here and got everything ready for you guys so you could see it in all its glory.

She led them through the receiving hall and into a circular room filled with torches. There were vents in the ceiling that looked, at first glace, as though they were part of the decoration.

"Is it all this ... this opulent?" asked Fox.

"No. There are rooms for each of the four families, and some of the branches had these generational rooms for each member that ascended to Master status. And, to ensure expansion, there are a lot of empty carved rooms that are just dirt and bedrock. The ventilation system is really complicated, too. And it self-cleans using some sort of analogue self-winding clock-like system. Not really sure how it works, just that as it runs it winds up another weight-controlled mechanism, then switches back to keep running."

Sinopa glanced back at her daughter in the center of the round room. "Which way leads to the Parker family section?"

"Dad didn't have some special room dedicated to him or his collected valuables. He wasn't like that. Actually, he used one room as more of a storage place for junk. Everything is in crates and labeled in faded marker. But there is a small box with your name on it."

She glanced around at the eight doorways around the circular hub room. She counted them with her finger. "Okay, mom, Fox, you guys see how there are seven more hallways, plus the one we came in from? Four of them lead to family branches. The other three lead to winding hallways that lead back out. The exits are on each of the four cardinal directions of this island. The other three hallways are insanely covered in traps."

Fox furrowed his brows. "So they left the main one unguarded?"

"No. The one we came through was the hardest to cross. It just looked like the easiest. I read that three people died in that room trying to access the vault. One of those three was a Master. But his abilities weren't good enough for a trap that caught him off guard. He had toddlers, too. Guy was in his prime. I made my way through the room and reset it before inviting you both in. Better safe than sorry and I know what I'm doing."

Sinopa frowned. "The man you just spoke off ... he did not die of overconfidence did he?"

"Probably." Topaz feigned a smile then picked one of the hallways and said, "Northwest, that's us." She waved for them to follow her.

"Why is the Parker family the northwest corridor?"

"Because from where we are on this island in relation to where we live in California, it's to the northwest of here. The families went in various directions, all spread out from where this island is in the Pacific. One family went to South America. One family went to Australia. One family went to Japan. We went to California."

Sinopa folded her hands. "That seems familiar to me. The family that resided in Japan was tasked to work with a Japanese messenger deity."

Topaz replied with a thin smile. "That's apparently how you met our father. One of the Japanese family members asked my father to aid him on a heist in China while working for one of the Shinto deity messengers. Together, they returned something to Japan. You met him and there was some sort of instant chemistry. The family in Japan took offense to you showing interest in our father instead of one of our Japanese cousins."

Sinopa frowned. "Your words feel so familiar to me. I wish I could remember the details better. But I don't seem to recall there being any level of extreme animosity."

"No, they just thought it was inappropriate. But they didn't hold a grudge. They just stopped talking to us unless both families met in passing or here at the vault."

They walked through the hallway lined with incandescent panels. The ceiling and floor were made of polished mirrors.

"Any traps in the family hallways?" asked Fox.

"A few. But they are passed down as a secret of the family. I don't know the 'combination' of the other three hallways if you know what I mean. Believe it or not, the Parker family was the least famous and most forgotten family of the four. The other three strived to do great things. Not with their abilities, necessarily. They judged one another by the value of their treasures. Dad didn't give a shit about who stole the best stuff. He did what he thought would help everyone. He had this thing about seeing the bigger picture, which led him to working almost exclusively for the Esoteric Council in times of dire need."

Fox opened a door for his mother and sister. "Then how could we claim to be the world's unofficial richest family?"

"Because in raw currency, we are," said Topaz with a wry smile. "We didn't go after paintings or diamonds, or talismans or artifacts unless it was for someone who wanted to commission our family. Fox, I matured at an early age, and you matured, well, now. So dad took me on as his protégé."

"I thought you and him didn't see eye to eye?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Because he took me out here and pushed me to be this person that I didn't want to be. So I resented him for it, even though I still did it and broke all the speed records." She shrugged again. "He started taking me out here when he had 'visitation' from mom. I was ten."

"I'm a little jealous," Fox replied with a playful smile.

Topaz crossed another golden room and opened a door at the end. "No, don't be. Fox, you had your childhood. I didn't. I was ten. I was ten years old, dodging blades coming from a wall. I was ten fucking years old, learning how to dodge a blow-dart with a dagger. I was ten years old, learning how to untie myself from knots, dangling from a rope by my ankles over a table covered in candles. Sweat dripping down my face, blinding my eyes. I cried. I told him I would turn him into the police for abusing me. He asked where my proof was, and to calm down, focus, and get out of the knots without falling onto the table of hot wax beneath me. I would work the knot while swaying back and forth. I'd fall to the floor and dislocate my shoulder. Ten, Fox. He would pull my arm and force the ball back into the socket. I balled my eyes out."

Fox swallowed. Sinopa said nothing and looked down at the ground. "I see now why you harbored such a fine line of resentment for Jonathan."

"It clicked later," she said with a sigh. "I was the only one who was capable of protecting the rest of us once he became too old, and once the family split apart."

"Now I see why you were so upset about moving in with us when you were fourteen."

"I thought the torture would become more often, Fox. That's what I called it back then. Torture tests. But I was wrong. When I moved in, I got to see a normal side of him. The side that picked me up from school and took me to get ice cream, and bought me clothes, and threw me a sweet sixteen party. I still resented him, but I got to know the other side of him."

Fox rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Didn't you threaten to run away from home once, when you were fifteen?"

"Yeah. I did. But he took me aside and begged me to stay. He said he couldn't make me stay, but needed all the help he could get in keeping you safe and alive. I didn't care much for you at the time. But I felt obligated to do that much because, at the time, I thought you were a weakling and a dork."

Fox winced. "And now?"

"You just need the training I got." She smiled slightly. "And you'll get it. I'm going to show you the obstacle course. It's so self explanatory, you can train yourself. Then I'll walk you through the thieving stuff."

"Dad showed me how to be a great thief."

"Yeah, but you were never shown how to use your abilities to be the best thief. You think Karla would make a good thief because she can teleport stuff and ward off a lot of traps with telekinesis? But she doesn't have the eye for the job. She doesn't have the focus for it. She doesn't have the ability to do a lot of the things expected of us to be considered a Master thief."

Sinopa followed the siblings to another room. It was darker than the others and had no mirrors. The room was the far end of a hollowed out mountain with the sloped walls and reinforced concrete taking the shape of the mountaintop above it. She glanced at the stack of crates on a plain concrete slab then looked back up. "I saw trees along the mountainside. Where do their roots go?"

"They're filtered in to go between behind walls that make up our hallways. There is one weakness due to lack of maintenance. Another room on the far end, there is a root that came in through the ceiling. I cut it out but humidity gets in and bugs could potentially get in. We'll have to fix it at some point."

"Paz, what about the other family sections? What if they need serious maintenance? We can't get in, right?"

Topaz replied with a confident smirk. "I never said I couldn't get in. Just that the secrets to the riddles and traps that protect their hallways are passed down to that branch only. What can I say? Daddy said I was a prodigy. How else do you think I knew that the other families liked to have special rooms made for each family member that ascended to an Esoteric Master Thief. I breeched those hallways when I was seventeen, Fox. I was smart before I was fast. And, thankfully, those traps didn't require timing like the family trials do."

Sinopa saw one box set off to the side with her name spelled out in Kanji lettering. She lowered to her knees and eased the top off. It was filled with stuffing. She eased it free by the handful and found a photograph inside. In it, she looked the same age as she did now, but Jonathan was at her side in his early thirties. At their side, Topaz and Fox appeared about twelve or thirteen. She lifted a hand and a flaming orb appeared over her shoulder, adding significant brightness to the storage room.

The kitsune traced her fingertips over the glass, touching each of the faces in the picture. "I wish I could remember this moment."

Fox peered over her shoulder and replied with a nervous chuckle. "No you don't. I was such a brat that day. I made you cry, then I felt bad. You said something to the effect of..."

Sinopa cut in, reciting, "All I want is a family photograph. Just one nice portrait of my family. And one day, when you're older, you'll understand this sentimentality and what it means to me." She looked back at him and smiled with glistening eyes. "Perhaps some of it is still locked away in my head but seeing these things may help."

Topaz swallowed, not wanting to see another female cry, especially one that looked her own age, with such a pretty face. "So, uh, there's probably more than just a photograph in there."

"Yes, of course." Sinopa reverently placed the photograph into Fox's hands. "You remember this moment. You did your best to try and behave after that because you knew it meant so much to me. I want you to hold onto this for me. And I would love to have a new photograph with the both of you before long."

Sinopa buried her hands back into the stuffing and withdrew another picture. In it, she was posing with Topaz, Fox, and Kuda. The little animal was perched on Topaz's shoulder. She showed it to the twins.

Topaz rubbed her mouth. "I don't remember seeing Kuda before now. Ever. I mean, he took to Karla more than either of us. He sure looks comfortable with me, here, though. He's really that old?"

"Hai. You were about thirteen here. This was taken during the separation but before the legal divorce, I believe. It was all on paper, though. This was when I had visitation of Fox for a weekend. I vaguely recall some things now."

"Like what?" asked Fox.

Sinopa swallowed then smiled. "Personal things."

Topaz grinned and ribbed her brother with her elbow. "She used to leave me home in the middle of the night and sneak over to dad's house. She'd let herself in and sleep in his arms at night."

Sinopa swallowed and looked back to the picture so as not to face her daughter. "You remember?"

"I'm a girl. I knew you were sneaking off to sleep with dad. I just didn't understand why you were keeping the family apart, except for one weekend a month. But yeah, I knew you were getting laid. I was perceptive to that. What you didn't know, though, is that I was inviting a girl over from school to stay the night. That's where I had my first, uh, you know. Same-sex kiss."

"I see." Sinopa handed the photograph to Topaz. "I'd like this on my dresser. Could you hold onto this so we bring it back with us?"


Sinopa thrust her hands into the stuffing again and withdrew a jewelry box. She eased it up over the lip of the crate then set it down and opened it. She peered through a few of the drawers, smiling fondly at some of the pieces within. After a few moments, she reached back into the crate and groped about in the fluff. She paused then continued rifling through more slowly.

A moment later, she withdrew two heavy metallic objects, one in each hand. She stood up and smiled and held them aloft. "Oh I remember these."

"What are they?" Fox asked.


"What's that?"

Topaz turned to her brother with a dull glare. "Seriously? Tessen, Fox." She saw his look of confusion and sighed. "Foxie, I swear. They're iron war fans."

"Oh, that's what they're called? I've only seen that stuff used in Asian kung-fu films."

Topaz turned back to her mother and said, "You remember how to use them?"

"Do not be silly, Topaz-chan, I surely remember how to use..."

Paz brought her right fist up without warning.

Sinopa instinctually thumbed open her right fan and brought it across, with her left fan, still closed, held upright. In a split second, she guided Topaz's punch away, stepped out into the attacking arm, then brought her fan across her daughter's chin to the left and deflected Topaz's left fist attempt. The fan collapsed upon connecting with Topaz's jawbone beneath her right cheek.

Crevan's right fan, now collapsed to match the other, met the inside of Topaz's left bicep. She brought her other fan up and stopped it against the left side of her daughter's neck. They both grinned at one another and froze to make eye contact.

"Guess you still got it." Topaz slowly stepped back from the attacking posture. She placed her right palm against her jaw. "That's going to bruise isn't it?"

"Hontou ni, gomenasai."

"Don't apologize. I threw two jabs to see if you still had it."

Fox smirked. "If Kuda was here, he'd have been biting your ankles off right now."

Paz laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She picked the photograph up from the floor and passed it to Fox. "Here, carry them both, would ya?"

Sinopa glanced down at Fox's wrist then said, "juuniji desu," casually. Her eyes lifted to the twins and she cleared her throat. "Excuse me. I said it is twelve o'clock. We should return to the others. It's is time for lunch." She offered a smile to her children, switched both fans, collapsed, to one hand and reached up to gently rub her thumb over Topaz's cheek. "I'm sorry I struck you. I do not know what came over me. I could have deflected your jabs without striking you."

"I'd have thought less of you," Topaz replied with a grin. "That was impressive." She led them back the way they came and added, "Fox. After lunch, I want to come back here and start training."



Sinopa tucked her fans away and put her hands against each of their backs and said, "I also remember teaching you both, at a young age, to speak Japanese. Why do neither of you know it?"

Topaz grimaced. "Uh. Gomen ... uhm, okaasan?"

Sinopa smiled. "You called me mother."

"I vaguely recall that you had us call you, 'haha' or something. It was a long time ago. I was just trying to use what few words I know, that's all."

The kitsune frowned. "Oh." She swallowed down her feelings then said, "Topaz, repeat after me. 'Watashi wa gakusei desu.'"

Topaz frowned. She spoke a weak dialect, somewhat mirroring her mother's own. "Watashi wa ... gakusei ..."


"Desu," she repeated.

"Very good. Fox, repeat after me. Washi wa gakusei desu."

Fox glanced at his sister, cleared his throat then said, "I am a student. Washi wa gakusei desu."

"Is that what that meant?" asked Topaz. "I'm supposed to be the worldly one."

"And you lived with mom. I'm surprised you weren't extremely proficient with Japanese. Dad kept making me practice. I thought he was going easy on you because he didn't force it on you."

"That's because he felt bad about beating me up in the practice trails, and stuffed my face full of ice cream and tried to act like a swell guy when we were home. He even wrote a book report for me when I was pissed off at him. The last thing he'd tried to do is force Japanese on me." She frowned and sighed. "I ... I'm being a bitch. I'm sorry."

"Paz, it's okay."

"No, I mean to Sinopa." She glanced over her shoulder and frowned. "Let's talk for a moment." She cut her eyes back at Fox. "Head back to the boat. We'll be right behind you."

Fox leaned in and kissed the side of his mother's face. "Gokouun o inorimasu." He opened the rolling door and headed down the path towards the makeshift harbor where the yacht and sub were moored.

Topaz licked her lips. "What, uh ... what'd he say to you?"

"His Japanese is a bit stiff, but he basically wished me good luck. What did you wish to speak of?"

"I'm sorry. It's all so much right now. It's hard for me. When things usually get this bad, I typically take a vacation. I leave town and clear my head. I have this thing where I run away from my problems. It happens a lot. I'd leave the mansion and move into a girlfriend's house. Then we'd fight, and I'd move right back out. I face my problems head on, unless they get emotional. Then I just ... run the fuck away. I'm emotionally broken."

"No, Topaz. You are emotionally incomplete. If Dr. Falcon has genetically engineered you to be whole when you are in Fox's arms, then you will never be happy with any relationship unless it is with him. I know many people have difficulties with what they consider to be a taboo relationship. But if you were made for each other, then fighting and denying your soul mate will only bring you emptiness. I accept you and love you as my daughter. My memories are slow to return, but my feelings are here, in my heart. I may not remember my past with you, but I remember how you make me feel."

"Yeah? How do I make you feel?"

"Proud. Very, very proud. I adore you. You are strong, and noble, and focused. So focused, in fact, that you are too hard on yourself. We all have needs. If you hammer a brittle sword, it will break. If you heat it, you can bend it. It becomes malleable. Sometimes, you cannot solve all your problems by hammering on them. Sometimes, Topaz, you need to warm up to the situation so that you will be flexible in your response. Do this make sense to you?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Repeat this simple phrase. 'Ogenki desu ka?'"

Topaz eyed her for a moment. A weak smile crossed her face. "Genki ... desu?"

Sinopa grinned. "So you understood me?"

"Yeah, you asked 'how are you?' and I said I was fine. Right?"

"But are you really fine?"

Topaz swallowed and grimaced in reply. "Not fine."

"Then consider taking a small vacation soon. Be brief. But do what your heart needs. Regarding Fox and in regard to your need to get away. Just clear your head then come back. We will wait at the island."

"Where would I go?"

"The Aleutian Islands. Hawaii. Fly to California or Paris, or visit Reno's brother. Perhaps you still feel a touch of guilt over watching him die. Seeing him alive may further alleviate the burden you carry on your shoulders."

"Fox told you, huh?"

"We were in a very small space for a month. He is very, very fond of you. It was easy for him to talk about you. I feel horrible that I was less attentive to him after we left Tokyo. But I was afraid I would tell him what I learned before I could confirm it. I didn't want to complicate things, especially since he thought his mother died. If I had been misinformed, then I would have made a mockery of a sensitive issue. I had to be sure before I said anything. And I knew I would be unable to keep it to myself, so I avoided him. Topaz, you are not the only one who runs away from her problems. But learn from my mistakes. Go tonight. Clear your head. Then come back."

"How is that not running away from my problems?"

"Stepping away from a situation and then coming back to it is akin to meditating. If you walk away from something that frustrates you and come back when you are feeling clear-minded, you will be more productive. Work with Fox this afternoon, then take your short sabbatical. Please."

"Okay. And you're right about Vincent. I watched him die. He saved my life and lost his in my stead. The fact he somehow survived is ... I don't even know. I really let that bother me."

"Practically scared of women. But he saved your life. Hug him. Tell him you appreciate what he was willing to sacrifice for you. Tell him he was noble and brave. Men have frail sensibilities. A boy is forged into a man by bolstering his confidence. You instill that confidence by telling him he did the right thing. You reinforce it by giving him praise. And then he is reborn as a man."

"You make it sound as though I should date him instead of Fox."

"Date who you wish. Date them both, casually. Traditionally, women are always surrounded by potential suitors. We are very lonely creatures, hardwired for companionship. Friends, suitors and family make us strong until we settle on a life mate. But I assure you we, as women, have enough love in our hearts for more than one person."

"How do you mean?"

"I am Sinopa the lover to Jules. I am Sinopa the mother to you and to Fox. I am Sinopa the guardian to Kuda. I am Sinopa the loyal servant to Inari-Okami. A woman's heart is large enough to give love to more than one if she wishes. And, with all you have been through, you need all the love your heart can take. It will complete you when you are feeling empty."

Topaz bit her lower lip. "You know I only date women, right?"

"Hai, but Karla-san is taken. And you forget. I saw you when you and Fox shared a kiss. You radiated with happiness. You were glowing."

Topaz suddenly felt bashful. She slowed her pace and dragged her feet, crossing the opulent main room.

Sinopa opened one of her fans, swatted Topaz on her backside and said, "Go on. We're having lunch with him. And you will like it more than you care to admit. Now pick up your feet and move, silly girl."

Topaz bit her lip with a chuckle. "Now I know how Vincent felt around me, because I'm feeling that way around him. You're making it really hard to focus." They continued to walk together.

Sinopa continued the playful teasing all the way back to the yacht.



January 2, 2024 - 2pm HST Uncharted Pacific Island ...

Fox Parker grunted and tucked into the roll. He came to his feet facing a wall, put his foot up against it and bound from it then landed behind Topaz.

She pivoted and gave her brother a knowing smile. Her hands came up, blocked each of his attacks then she faked him out with a quick posture change. She ended on kick at the side of his knee, then guided him up against the wall so that she stood taller than him, with his knees bent. "I've got you so that you have no traction on your feet, now."

She saw Fox's eyes lift, meeting her gaze.

"Keep your eyes on my body, not on my face," she scolded softly.

"Are we going to talk about that kiss?" he asked in a soft voice.

Topaz's pupils dilated. Her throat felt tight and her chest ached. She faked a weak smile. "What about it?"

"I just need to know you're not going to resent me for kissing you."

"Fox, I kissed you. Not the other way around."

"That's not how I remember it."

"Yeah, well, I'd been planning that ever since you got back from Japan."

"I put my hands on your face, I looked at your lips, then I looked in your eyes. And then I leaned forward and kissed you."

Topaz swallowed. "Fox, I need you to train before we go up against Falcon. I tried to fight him. I kicked him as hard as I could. He caught my foot and threw me aside like I was nothing. That man scares the shit out of me like nobody else can. And now Vincent is rumored to be working with him. I think I need to talk to Vincent. If we can have an inside man, we can learn more about Falcon before we make an attack. It increases our chances of getting through this alive. And I really, really need for us to get through this alive. Now that I know how you feel about me, I can't lose you."

"How are you going to convince Vincent Nevada to play on our team? If he thinks Aris Falcon saved his life, he's going to be pretty loyal to the guy."

"He had enough of a crush on me to get himself killed for me. I just need to talk to him. To feel it out."

"Topaz, can you separate emotions and sex?"

"What? Fox what kind of question is that? I mean, yeah, of course. I fuck Karla and I'm not attached to her. I dated guys when I was a teenager, and never loved any of them. What kind of question is that, anyhow?"

"Have you ever considered smooching on Vincent? Just hug him. Kiss him. Make him feel like a hero. If he already had a crush on you, you'll seal the deal. I've seen you use every resource you have as a means to an end at one time or another. You know_I won't judge you for it, so you can get that thought out of your head _right now. Just butter him up and tell him he's our inside guy. Don't forget, he really looks up to his brother, who is on our side."

She bit her lower lip. "Yeah. You're right, he has more allegiance to us than Falcon if you look at it that way. He likes me, he's related to Reno. I suppose I could call him. After all, he did tell Reno that we're both invited to go out there."

"Seduce him," said Fox with a sly grin.

"Yeah? So what do I do? The last time I saw him he had the biggest most awkward crush ... and then he died. I failed him. Besides, how would I even get out there? I'd need to hire a pilot to pick me up. We don't want anyone to know where this island is, remember?"

"You take the Chriscraft. Y'know that big beautiful motorboat with the wood finish that's hanging off the back of that big ass yacht dad bought for Karla? Don't worry about it, we'll get another one later or something. Whatever. Just call ahead, take the Chriscraft out to the shipping channel and someone will pick you up. A helicopter can take you to Hawaii, where you can fly wherever this guy will want to meet you."

"Still, what if he doesn't want to meet me? I froze up and sat there while he was ripped open by that creature. I wasn't strong enough to save him the way he saved me."

Fox shook his head. "No guy will think you failed to save them. He'll feel like a stud for having saved your life. I'm not even kidding, stick your tongue in that kid's mouth and he'll do whatever you want."

"Jesus, Fox."

"What? You can't kiss him after New Years?"

"No! That's not it at all!" She eyed her brother with a smirk. "New Years was a good kiss, but it wasn't that freaking good."

"Oh." Fox paused then offered her a wry grin. "Well, it was for me. It was my first. And now I have this 'biggest, most awkward crush' because of it."


"Sorry. You told me I could tell you whatever is on my mind anytime I wanted."

"No, it's not that. It's just the fact that ... New Years wasn't our first kiss. Remember? Our 18th birthday when I came in late at night, drunk as hell?"

"Oh, I remember. But we had to pretend that never happened. And we had to pretend like that accidental kiss on top the Museum in L.A. last summer didn't happen, either. So that means New Years was my first time kissing you. And I liked it."

She bit her lip. "Did you now?" She lowered her eyes then lifted them once more. "Maybe ... just one more little kiss wouldn't hurt, right? It might even motivate you to keep training while I'm visiting Vincent or whatever."

Fox put his hands on her shoulders and pivoted so that her back was against the wall.

Her hands went to his hips. "God this is so wrong."

"I know."

She arched her back against the wall, pressed away from it, and into his arms. Her lips met his and her palms came up, cupping either side of his face.

He tilted his head one direction and she tilted the other. They closed their eyes, immediately consumed by their passionate act.



January 3, 2024 - 9am, Atlantic Standard Time Aris Island, Atlantic Ocean ...

Topaz placed her left hand on the window and gazed at the shadow of the helicopter below. The dark blue water lightened to a beautiful aquamarine. Seconds later she saw a beach and a beautiful island. Her eyes lifted looking across it.

She saw what looked like a processing facility and a harbor on one side. There was a hospital-like building on the other end, and at the far corner, remote from the rest of the island, she saw what could only be described as a country club.

The helicopter moved into descent. She felt something soft against her neck and reached up to run her fingers through Kuda's furry pelt. "Just relax," she told the small animal. Her words went on deaf ears, lost against the ambiance of the chopper's motor.

Parker reached for a pair of headphones on the wall. She put them on and adjusted the boom mic then said, "What's the plan? Should I interlock my fingers on my head and lay down on the ground when we arrive?"

The pilot replied over the headset. "Excuse me, ma'am? I was told to take you directly to the hotel. If you look down, you can see the golf course, now. Just sit back and relax. If there's anything you need, let me know and I can radio it in ahead of time. Favorite drink, anything at all?"

"Exactly who is it that you think I am?" she asked.

"Uhm, I'm told you're Topaz Parker. Daughter of the football superstar, Jon Conner Parker, right? He was the only Rookie to make MVP, and be considered for Hall of Fame. Uh, hey, if you don't mind me asking, why did he quit after only two seasons?"

She sighed. "He wanted to raise his family and didn't need the money. So you think I'm here because it's a secluded resort?"

"Uhm, no ma'am. I'm told you're a potential investor and to treat you like the Queen of Sheba to make a lasting impression. I'm also told you'll be a special guest of Mr. Nevada. The kid is amazing if you don't mind my saying so. He could be the Second Coming for all I know. He healed an entire ward of cancer patients. I've seen him stop bullets."


"Yes ma'am. They, uh, they frown upon people bragging about him but he's amazing. If he walks on water next, I'm sold."

"...Right." She leaned back in the seat and rubbed a fingernail beneath Kuda's chin. She couldn't help it - her curiosity was piqued. She wondered if Falcon managed to give the boy supernatural abilities. She thought about Reno's situation then wondered if the boy manifested his ability at death, like Reno. Then she remembered how he stopped the freaky monster in mid-dive that time they met.

She drew Kuda into her lap and began petting him to dispel all the nervous energy that manifested itself alongside of her curiosity and interest.

The helicopter settled down atop of beautiful high-rise building. She opened her designer handbag, a loan from Karla, and Kuda climbed in as though he knew his role. A wry grin tugged at the corner of Paz's lips. She shouldered the bag and waited for the co-pilot to open the sliding door.

"This is definitely the most luxury-modified Sikorsky Black Hawk I've ever seen," she said over the headphones. "I especially like the ESSS Stub wings and external fuel tanks. What's this bird's range?"

"Wow, you know your choppers, Ms. Parker. About thirteen hundred miles at a cruise speed of 170. And you're right, she was modified for luxury. How do you know so much about helicopters?"

"I've seen Black Hawk Down once or twice," she said and moved into position. The co-pilot secured the deck, opened the rear panel door and reached a hand up to Topaz.

She considered ignoring the hand but decided she wanted to look inconspicuous instead. At least for the time being. She slid her gloved hand into his and eased down to the rooftop. Topaz glanced over her shoulder in the reflection of the side panel window. She smiled.

Fashionable handbag, designer shoes, beautiful dress and Wayfarer sunglasses. She watched her recently styled auburn hair swirl around from the blades above her then turned around. A receiving crew came out to meet her and guided her inside the posh hotel building.

She stepped into the receiving lobby on the top floor then tilted her head left. With a quick toss of her head, her hair swished back behind her, together. Her head lifted and she saw Vincent Nevada. She recognized him immediately. His eyes widened, seeing her dressed up such a way.

He approached her. "T-Topaz. Wow. Look at you, you look amazing!"

She smiled and opened her arms to him. The gesture surprised him. He reluctantly stepped into her hug. "Hey you. You look a lot better than the last time I saw you, too. Hell, I don't even remember what I was wearing last time."

He eased his arms around her, unsure of how long to hug her. "Oh, uh, a t-shirt, and soggy wet pants. Your hair was a little shorter, and it was in a ponytail but folded in half to be shorter, and wrapped in several hair ties. You really, really look great."

She gave him a squeeze then whispered into his ear. "I never thanked you for saving my life. My hero."

The boy went stiff. She eased her head back to look at him. "Are you okay?"

Vincent blushed brightly. "Oh, I uh. I'm fine. I just remember you being a lot more, uh, stern."

Topaz felt guilty at the way she'd treated him in the past. She reached up with her white-gloved hands and gave his left cheek a gentle pinch. "We were fighting for our lives last time you saw me. I guess I didn't handle the stress very well. I mean, you know, I thought we were going to die." She abruptly brought her hand over her mouth. "Sorry if that's a sensitive ... that was really rude of me."

"No, it's okay. Dr. Falcon and this really gifted surgeon managed to repair everything. I haven't seen the surgeon around lately but he was amazing. If it wasn't for him, I would never have been able to walk again. They had to do a lot of work to my spine. Up until recently, I was in a wheelchair. But I really wanted to stand on my own when meeting you. So I've been practicing this whole month. The physical therapy here is great."

"Who, uh. Who was your surgeon?"

"His name is Dr. Milford. I think he's on the mainland, now. Everyone has been really good to me. I was told you wouldn't remember having a phone conversation with me, but we talked about all of this months ago."

"I..." She pursed her lips together, immediately untrusting of what Falcon may have done to the boy's mind. She took a deep breath then smiled again. "You'll have to refresh my memories. I've been through a lot since my father passed away."

"Oh, God, yeah ... I'm really sorry about that, Topaz. I read about it in the news. It was all the buzz for like three straight days on the Internet. Look, why don't I show you around?"

"If it's all the same to you, I'd like you to show me to my room. Then I'd like to relax. Maybe we could talk some more and have room service or something. Does this hotel allow pets?"

"Hotel? Oh, this place! It's actually just a mock up of a hotel. It's a physical therapy center on the first floor. You'll love the pool. And since a lot of the people that are brought through here are investors or workers relocating to New Atlantis, they made this place feel like a resort hotel. I've requested you to have the Presidential Suite."

"All for me?"

"Well, you're important to me. And I found out you're shockingly wealthy. I wanted you to be comfortable. I'm sure you're used to a certain level of style, comfort and sophistication and such, right?"

Topaz shook her head and laughed. "So do they allow animals?"

"I don't see why not. What'd you bring? Where is it?"

They began walking together. One of the escort attendants pressed a button on the hotel for them. The doors slid open. "Ma'am. Sir," said the man.

Topaz frowned. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think to bring physical cash on me with which to tip you."

The man replied with a wan smile. "American currency is no good here, Ms. Parker. Just let any one of us know if there is anything you need. Absolutely anything at all."

"Thank you, I'll do that. For now, just privacy to catch up with my friend, here."

"My pleasure." He stepped aside and gestured to the elevator.

She held her gloved hand out to Vincent. He blinked with incomprehension. She grinned. "You take my hand and lead me, Vince. It's the whole ... posturing for polite society thing. Some call it etiquette."

"Oh, uhm, right!" He took her hand and stepped onto the elevator with her. The doors slid shut, giving them some measure of privacy, finally.

Topaz turned to him and threw her arms around him, surprising him completely. He stood there, eyes wide, and slowly brought his hands around and rested them on her back. "Uh, wow. That was unexpected. But nice!"

"I promise I won't leave you stranded on this elevator. Sorry I was such a fucking bitch to you last time. You seem a bit surer of yourself this time around. I take it you got some confidence, huh? Makes you stand a little taller."

"Oh, well, I learned how to use my gift. I've been saving lives. I can control and focus radiation. They wanted me to practice a lot, so they let me use it on cancer patience. I got really good really fast because I was motivated to help the dying. Before long I was bringing people from stage four into remission."

"I heard a rumor that you can stop bullets," she said, relinquishing the hug but reminding herself to stay friendly with him. She placed her palm on his bicep, just above his elbow, using touch to make him feel comfortable.

"Focused radiation spikes can cancel out inertia. The bullet thing always excited people."

She eyed him for a moment then grinned. "That's how you stopped that monster when it dove at me."

"Uh, well, yeah! I'd forgotten about that part. I just remember the gun sliding across the ground, the pain, the crying, and lying in your lap. I remember saying I would have really loved to get to know you better."

Topaz swallowed and licked her lips. "Those were your last words. You died before you finished that sentence."

"Oh. Awkward. God, I can't imagine what you were going through. I'm so sorry I put you through that."

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Put me through? All these months, I was devastated that I failed to save you. I felt so guilty that I let you die. I was angry I didn't try harder or train harder in the past. The fact you died is the reason I forgave my father for all the hell I went through as a kid. All my training - I felt like, had I taken it more seriously, I'd have saved your life."

"What are you talking about? What training? What hell?"

She grimaced then laughed in spite of herself. "How many floors have we gone down?"

"Uhm, a couple, why?"

"This is the part where I make that horrible comment about sex on the rag, right? I was such a jerk that night. I'm really sorry."

"Topaz, do you trust me?"

"Sure, why not? I've been practically living with your brother in California. Him, Karla, my brother, two best friends, and a couple who are in love. We've been on crazy adventures together since my father died, and ... God you must think I was in a cult. I just met some really great friends and one of them is your brother." She lifted her hand and snapped her fingers. "In fact, for two weeks, I lived in your childhood bedroom. Wild huh? I slept in your bed where you grew up."

"Wow, seriously?" He cleared his throat then said, "I was born with this ability I have. It showed up months ago. In fact, it showed up right before I met you. I wrecked my car in the rain by doing the radiation spike thing. Caused it to flip. Krys and Anne Monroe were rushing to find me to warn me that I was manifesting and would be a danger to myself. They were trying to save me and I flipped my car trying to get away from them."

"Why did you ask if I trust you?"

The elevator door opened with a melodic tone over the ceiling speaker. She looked to the posh corridor then back to him. With a thin smile, she offered her white-gloved hand again.

Vincent took her hand and walked her off the elevator. "I asked because it seems like you might not trust me. Then you mentioned something about training and your father putting you through hell. All at once, you got quiet about it. I just want you to feel like you can trust me. I'm not a freak. And if I am, well, I was born this way. I don't want you to think any differently of me."

She shook her head with a soft laugh. "No, no! It's not that at all! Vincent, you're not the only one with an ability. Mine is just different than yours. And mine required very focused training to master. My father thought I was a prodigy with my ability, so he started me out at ten years old, trying to help me become something I wasn't yet ready for. I resented him for years. But then when I saw you die ... I was upset that I didn't push myself harder. To be better. To be faster. To be sharper. Because if I took his training seriously, I could have saved your life."

"It's okay. I didn't die. There was spinal repair surgery. There was brain tissue repair surgery. There was cellular revival surgery. And, geeze, the physical therapy was day in and day out. But this facility is a pretty awesome place to recover, so it wasn't so bad."

"Where is everyone? It seems empty other than the staff."

"Most of the people were already processed through and sent to New Atlantis to settle in. We practically have the whole place to ourselves, save maybe a handful of others." He stopped in front of another elevator and pressed a button.

"We're going back up?"

"This is the only elevator that goes to the Presidential Suite. It's a private entrance. So, you really have an ability? What is it?"

"I'm still finding it difficult to believe it's something more than training but ... it's supposed to be supernatural agility, balance and grace. It makes me a better shot with a gun. It allows me to tightrope walk without even thinking about it or practicing it. I could..." she trailed off and shrugged. "I could probably scale this building on the outside like a wall climber on a rock-wall at the local fairground. I have increased hand strength that lets me grip onto things. I have a lot of arm and leg strength. I'm ridiculously flexible. To the level of a contortionist. I can dislocate joints and escape from things like handcuffs and do all sorts of Houdini jazz. That's it in a nutshell."

"Wow. That's wild."

"I always thought it was just my father's training. Turns out his training is the reason my family is the best at what we do, and not just some Hollywood ninja thief. But it wasn't enough to save you from that thing and I'm sorry."

"Lara's not a thing. She's a seven-year-old girl who mutated into a creature. They've been trying to save her. Turns out she can't die. We just thought we killed her. Since she couldn't die, they had to keep her locked up instead. She used to have the ability to regenerate. Like, if you cut her head off, there would be two of her. And they were freezing all the attempts they created while trying to put her out of her misery decades ago. Eventually, she became so completely immune to physical harm that they can't cause her to regenerate anymore. She's impervious to, say, being cut in half."

"Jesus Christ. Can they freeze her?

"They froze all the regenerated versions of her. She would auto-clone herself. Completely indestructible. But the original version of her ... she became immune to cryogenic temperatures. It only slowed her down."

"I shot her, I thought she was dead."

"No, you just had such steady hands that you put several bullets into the exact same hole. With that many bullets in a row, it created a gap in her brain so that she was immobilized. That's how they had to move her out of that room. They learned from you. They need something with the velocity of a bullet. They used a tungsten spear to immobilize her and moved her to a new facility and..." The second elevator's doors opened to a palace-like suite.


"I don't want to talk about that stuff. I want to hear about you. Lara is fine. She's being confined in California and is being studied. They'll find a way to help her one of these days. For now, uh," he paused then said, "How about you tell me why you asked about animals earlier?"

Parker grinned. She un-shouldered her bag and pulled the handles apart. A miniature fox popped up and looked around then offered a little bark that made Vincent laugh with delight.

Topaz walked to the bed and dropped down onto it. "Nice! Soft." She patted the mattress besides herself. "C'mon, sit down and talk to me. I'm glad you saved my life, and I really am glad I can thank you in person for that. But I'm even happier that you didn't die. Not because I felt guilty, which I did by the way, but because you didn't deserve that."

"I promised myself I was going to see you again. I mean, I died in your lap."

She swallowed and nodded.

Vincent sat down besides her and reached out towards the fox, cautiously. Kuda ducked his head beneath Vincent's palm, practically forcing him into petting the creature behind its ears. "Oh, he's friendly." A pause, then, "Really friendly."

"Yeah. Mom demanded I take him with me to keep me safe."

"This little guy?"

"Maybe if he was with me when we first met, I'd have kept you alive."


"Don't worry about Kuda right now. I promised if I ever saw you again, I'd do something sweet because you saved me. I don't want you to think I was that cold, callous, spiteful person you met that day all those months ago."

Vincent drew his hand from Kuda's head and leaned forward. "I promised myself I'd do something sweet, too. Thanks for holding me in your lap while I went through all that crap. I felt really alone and ... just knowing you were there made it bearable."

"I'd do it again if I had to. You're a good guy, Vincent. You were my protector that day."

He scooted closer to her on the mattress and leaned forward. With a soft smile, he brushed his lips against her forehead.

Kuda stood up from her handbag, between them, and used his head against the bottomside of Topaz's chin and forcefully pushed her head up. It caused her lips to meet his. They both froze. Their eyes went wide, looking into one another's gaze. Neither moved.

After a moment, Vince brought a hand up and put it on the side of her face. He tilted his head slightly, never having kissed a girl before, but having seen it in movies enough times that he wanted his first kiss to be a good one.

Topaz relaxed the rigidness from her body. She parted her lips and gave into the kiss. It was confusing. She liked what happened with Fox yesterday. She enjoyed it. She fell in love with him.

However, she enjoyed this, too. She couldn't understand it. He wasn't a girl. He wasn't her brother. But she liked the boy. He was innocent and sweet, yet brave and courageous. He was both strong of heart and gentle of spirit.

Her emotional intelligence went out the window. She reached up and cupped both of his ears in her palms and deepened the kiss. Did she have to lust and love her brother in bed? What if she could have a normal relationship? What if everyone was wrong about her and Fox? What if she didn't need to have a taboo relationship?

After all, Fox even told her to do whatever it took to bring Vincent to their side. To make Vincent want to be an inside man for her side. But now things were even more complicated.

Her hands were all over him. She guided his touch to her body, showing him the 'ropes.' And it wasn't anything like a romantic scene in the movies. There were no candles. There was no dim mood lighting. Instead, the morning sunlight filtered in through a gorgeous window that overlooked the Atlantic on one side and a mysterious island on the other.

But right now, all she could think of was a nagging set of questions. Was she emotionally broken? Was she in love with Fox or Vincent? And if she loved one, did she only lust the other? And if so, why? She always preferred effeminate partners before.

Her thoughts were broken by the fact her hand now unfastened the front of his pants. She briefly broke the kiss. "You must think I'm a slut."

"Topaz, there's something you should probably know."

She blinked. "Yeah? What's that?"

"Before right now, I thought I was gay. I really did. When I said you're my first kiss, I meant ... the first girl I've kissed. And I liked it. I see, now, why Katy Perry wrote a song about it."

Topaz burst into soft laughter. "I liked the Jill Sobule song better. More emotion." She grinned. "God, both those songs are before our time. And don't feel bad, I was gay too. And then, suddenly, 2024 started. I guess my New Years Resolution is to be more sexually open-minded. You really don't judge me?"

"God no. Can I kiss you again?"

"Yes, but there's something I have to tell you first."


She bit her lower lip.

"Topaz, I swear I don't judge people. I'm not that person. Just tell me."

She took a deep breath and let it out. "I had sex with Fox less than twenty-four hours ago."

"Fox...? Your boyfriend?"

"My twin brother."

Vincent stared at her for a moment. He slid off the bed with a frown.

"No, wait, you promised you wouldn't judge me. You said you swear. You said you're not that person."

"I ... I'm not judging you. I just thought you were making another 'cold shower line' like when you said that bit about fucking a girl on her rag in the elevator last October. You were being serious?"

"I don't know how I feel about it. I'm kind of confused."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, God yeah."

"Then don't regret it, Topaz. I thought you said that so you could get me worked up then turn me off."

"Hon, no. I'm sorry I was so rude when we first met. I'm not that person. That person just ... came out of necessity because I thought Falcon had my brother and I was scared for him, and worried for myself, and didn't know or trust you yet. I was just out of my mind. I didn't mean to say any of those things. I swear."

"Topaz, shh," he put his hands on her face the way Fox had done yesterday.

She melted into the touch, suddenly yearning to feel loved but not understanding why her body so desperately needed it. "I love him. I really do. I desire him. Still. The sex was amazing. But what happened between us - you and me - was life changing. And I cried myself to sleep in your bed every night at that little house out in the middle of nowhere. And I went through some of your childhood things. And I fell in love with you, too. And I'm so fucked up in the head right now."

"Topaz ... will Fox come after me if I kiss you again?"

She cried and laughed at the same time. Tears ran down her cheeks but she couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up from her chest. "Fox told me to come out here and give you a kiss you'll never forget. He said you deserve nothing less than to feel like a hero for saving my life. My twin would never judge me. If anything he'd want to know if you like playing video games and bring you a beer."

"I like him already. So he wouldn't judge either of us if I kissed you again, huh?"

"He wouldn't judge either of us, even if we did more than just kiss."

"I like the sound of that." Vincent pressed his lips to hers.

She had to admit. With Fox, her sexual connection was emotional and chemical. But Vincent was enjoyable in a different way. He was a gay boy that found a connection with her. The kiss was surprisingly good. She even came to realize that Vincent had a very nice touch. Firm and passionate yet ... soft. Effeminate. She guided one of his hands to her thigh.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she saw Kuda hop off the bed. The little animal climbed up into a windowsill and curled up, happily, in the warm sunbeam.

Meanwhile, Topaz found herself laid back on the enormous, comfortable bed by a boy she liked, whose touch was as effeminate as she always preferred in the past. And before they even got their clothes off, she already knew the romance would be wonderful. Even if she didn't plan on going all the way with him just yet.

Next Chapter: