Story by Silver Teh Coyote on SoFurry

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#3 of Furry Fan Interviews!

Episode three of Furry Fan Interviews has Tommyfox interview Balto! We learn that Dragons are weak to ice and fairies. And that chili dogs are spicy.

SILVER: I could really go for a chili dog right now.

NITRO: Aren't you still upset about the laptop?

SILVER: That's why I could really go for one.

ANIRO: What's with your obsession with chili dogs?

SILVER: Cuz they're good...and spicy...?

ANIRO: Who do you think you are? Sonic??

SILVER: No...?

TOMMYFOX: So I guess that would make you Silv-


(Tommyfox giggles)

SILVER: In fact, just for that, you're interviewing today.



NITRO: I think you messed up his comeback!

TOMMYFOX: I know. Hehehehe.

(Thunder can be heard)

ZIGGO: Guess we're getting a storm today.

ERIK: That's weird, they said it was supposed to be sunny.

ANIRO: Yes, weatherfurs tend to derp a whole lot.

TOMMYFOX: Anyways, you, with the Mohawk, who am I interviewing today?

SILVER: Balto. So pack your bags, we're headed for Nome, Alaska.

NITRO: Cool! Maybe I'll see some relatives there!

ANIRO: I can't go.

SILVER: Why not?

ANIRO: Ice tends to be super effective on me.

(Erik does a rim shot on a drumset)

NITRO: Where did you GET that at???

ERIK: I dunno but it's gone now.

NITRO: ...

SILVER: Anyways, I was joking.

(Nitro playfully punches Silver in the arm)

NITRO: Should have known!

SILVER: Aren't you also weak to fairies?


NITRO: I don't get what is happening at all.

SILVER: Don't worry about it, buddy.

(Aniro can be seen rocking back and forth on the floor in a corner)

SOMBRA: That happened.

NITRO: Yepp.

SILVER: Anyhoo...I guess we'll just have to not tape this episode.

NITRO: Not so fast! I got my GoPro stick. I'll just shoot the interview from the audience!

SILVER: That could work.

NITRO: Better work!

TOMMYFOX: So when should we get on out there?

SILVER: Now, actually. Both of ya better start going.

TOMMYFOX: Alright.

NITRO: Okay.

(Nitro exits the prep room through a door marked "Audience" and Tommyfox walks onto the stage.)

TOMMYFOX: Welcome to another episode of Furry Fan Interviews! At this time I would like to remind you that by our top dog Silver's wishes, no hoomans are allowed here.

UNCLE KAGE: What about me?

TOMMYFOX: You're an exception, so saith the coyote. Glad you could make it!

UNCLE KAGE: You're welcome! :)

TOMMYFOX: Anyways, we've got a really special guest tonight! Let's have a round of the paws for the star of one of the biggest fandoms within our fandom, Balto from...Balto! Now, where is he?

(Balto walks onto the stage)


BALTO: Sorry I'm late. Boris kept trying to talk himself out of looking after Muk and Luk.

TOMMYFOX: Think he's okay with it?

BALTO: Aw, come on, what's the worst that could happen?


Luk: NO, Muk! Don't sit on...Uncle Boris.

Boris (muffled): I...HATE...BEARS.

(Back to Balto...)

TOMMYFOX: Anyways, why don't you sit on the...wait...where's the interviewee chair?

BALTO: Silver howled at me that I wouldn't need a chair because I'm a quad.

TOMMYFOX: Oh, right. So first question. Well...second question.

(Tommyfox giggles)

BALTO: I'm ready.

TOMMYFOX: you might know, you are a huge staple in the Furry Fandom. Many fursonas are based off of the characters from your universe. How do you feel about this?

BALTO: I'm honored...although I don't really care much about fame, because that was what made Steele become evil. I'm just glad that I'm a great father with a wonderful mate and a wonderful family that I'd give anything for.


TOMMYFOX: That was a really great answer.

BALTO: Thanks!

TOMMYFOX: So, next question. Where did you meet Boris?

BALTO: I met him when I was an abandoned pup, wandering around Nome. He didn't know how to fly, and I didn't know where my mom and dad were. He asked me if I could fly and I told him that I couldn't, but I would do what ever it takes to encourage him. He thanked me, and then I asked him if he knew where my parents were. He said he didn't know, but that I now could have something that would really help me get by: a friend. And he helped me hunt from what I remembered, and that is how I survived and how he learned to fly.

TOMMYFOX: That's really a great story. What happened to Steele after he was shunned from the team and the dog community?

BALTO: I actually don't know. He was never seen or heard from again. A rumor is going around that he may be a very distant family member of Niju.

TOMMYFOX: The villain from Wolf Quest?

BALTO: Huh? I don't know what you mean. Are you talking about when Aleu went off on a quest to find out who she was?

TOMMYFOX: Yeah let's go with that. I need something to make this less awkward...

STEELE: Hello.

BALTO: What are YOU doing here?!

STEELE: Dunno.

TOMMYFOX (aside): ...Thanks?


TOMMYFOX: Anyways...last question before we go to audience questions.

BALTO: Actually, do you mind just going to audience questions? I actually have a bad feeling about what's happening to Boris...

TOMMYFOX: No problem. You heard the wolfdog. Seat 9.

NITRO: Hello!

TOMMYFOX: Hi. Seat 23.

NITRO: Hello!

TOMMYFOX: Ignoring you. Seat 73.

ROBIN HOOD: Why are you more famous than me?! I was the original furry!

MICKEY MOUSE: I resent that! Ha ha.

THE BIG BAD WOLF: Wanna say that to my face?!

MINOTAUR: Wanna say that to MY face?!


TOMMYFOX: I'm surrounded by 99. And PLEASE make it a good question!

SANDY CHEEKS: What do y'all think is the most important part of being a canine?

BALTO: Three things: Leadership, companionship, and loyalty.

TOMMYFOX: More questions like that, guys! Seat 14.

SURLY (from THE NUT JOB): Have you ever stolen anything?

BALTO: Only Boris from when he got stuck in that butcher shop.

TOMMYFOX: These are good questions! I'm liking this now. Final question goes to seat 82.

MRS FRISBY: What is it mean to you that you are a true hero?

BALTO: Honestly, it means that at the end of the day, others have someone to look up to and inspire them, and that is really all that matters.

TOMMYFOX: Well that's all the time we have! Thank you so much Balto, for being a great interviewee!

BALTO: Hey, no problem. See you around. I usually attend these interview shows.

(The lights dim and Tommyfox and Nitro head back to the prep room)

TOMMYFOX: Did you really get all of it?

NITRO: Yepp!

TOMMYFOX: How did you go from one seat to the next?

NITRO: Magic.

SILVER: The good news is the camera didn't break!

NITRO: ...


ANIRO: ...

ERIK: ...


ZIGGO: ...


NITRO: Guess it didn't.

(An anvil is dropped on Silver)


ZIGGO: Happy tails.



Nitro: You owe me a new camera. Silver: Why? Nitro: It turned to dust. Silver: That was completely out of my control! How was I supposed to know that the Arwing was gonna explode? Nitro: True. But I still need a new camera. How are we supposed to...

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Furry Fan Interviews Character Guide

![969138_1395512787330409_809985227_n.jpg]( Silver Species: Coyote Fur: Brown with tan markings and gray paws Hair: Turquoise maned Mohawk Born:...

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\*Silver sits in a turquoise director's chair in a dimly lit room with his legs crossed, twiddling his thumbs\* SILVER: I'm hungry. \*Aniro enters the room\* ANIRO: What are you doing, you derp?! SILVER: Thinking about how I got into this mess. And...

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