Forbidden Fruit, Part I

Story by StrangeInterludes on SoFurry

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This is probably the longest fic I've ever been commissioned to write. Pretty kinky, too. :P

Specter and Shade are two OCs with a fairly long background. They never canonically did anything mentioned here (and Shade never ended up with Evening Star). This is sort of an alternate universe, written for fun.

Brilliant Shade & Brilliant Specter belong to Lynneth, of course.

commissioned by Lynneth

_ Well, old boy_, Brilliant Specter thought to himself,isn't this awkward? He stood in the middle of the main room of Evening Star's astronomy tower, holding a parchment from the Canterlot Court in one hand, and a golden medallion. Evening Star the earth pony astronomer was nearby, sitting by the cluttered table they had just had lunch on. His sister Brilliant Shade stood in front of him, a curious frown on her face as she watched him.

The letter was an informal and simply-worded admission by the Sun Princess that both she and her Lunar counterpart had forgotten to give Brilliant Shade her commendation. He had been named a Lord after services rendered to the Crown, and peerage rules stated that Shade should become a Lady. And it seemed Princess Celestia also intended for Shade to receive the same commendation Specter had during his Lordship ceremony. With the commendation would also come the medallion. It was a circular golden medal with a waxing moon within a starburst delicately carved upon its surface, mounted on a beautiful gleaming silver chain. The parchment had specifically mentioned Lord Brilliant Specter as being qualified to perform the commendation ceremony.

He had been baffled at the suggestion. His own ceremony had been very quick, and he had been so nervous at the time he could barely remember half of it. Thankfully, neither of the two young mares present would know any better. If it was all the same to everypony involved, he'd just improvise.

"Right," he started, clearing his throat to gain a little time. "Kneel down, please?"

"What?" Shade's reply was instantaneous, the tone completely flat.

"I had to do it, too." Specter nodded, as if to punctuate the answer.

"For what?"

"You'll see in a moment," at least if it works like I think it will.

"Like this?" Shade kneeled down on the circular mat he was standing on, looking rather indignant with her hands on her knees, holding her pleated skirt in place.

"That's fine, Shade." He nodded and cleared his throat again. "Now, this is going to sound incredibly silly... but bear with me. It's all part of the proceedings." He paused, partially for dramatic purposes but mostly to give himself a little more time to recall the speech.

"Brilliant Shade the Unicorn," he started in a solemn voice, "daughter of Brilliant Spectrum and Brilliant Ruby, brother to Lord Brilliant Specter, descendant of Brilliant Prism, creator of the Holographic theorem three centuries ago; descendant of Brilliant Starburst..." He paused for a moment, trying to remember anything about Starburst and failing, "Um, and loyal subject of Princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria. I, Lord Brilliant Specter, hereby give you commendation and title you Lady Brilliant Shade, as well as reward you the Order of..." The solemn tone vanished from his words as he glanced down at the golden medallion. "Uh, might be the Radiant Crescent again. It looks a bit different from the one I got. Ah, well," he shrugged and motioned to place the medal around Shade's neck. Shade herself looked up at her brother with an utterly confused look, but allowed the chain to rest lightly upon her shoulders.

She picked up the medallion and examined it. "So... what is this?"

"Basically the same medallion I was given," Specter replied, opening his shirt to reveal the black crescent within a starburst imprinted upon his chest, "except yours is golden instead of onyx."

"Specter, that's a mark on your fur, not a medallion." Shade seemed unconvinced. It all smelled too much like a prank to her. She was the one more given to playing tricks on her sibling, but Specter had occasionally gotten the better of her when was out for revenge.

"It was a medallion when I got it." Specter smiled gently at her, buttoning up after the short display. Evening Star was watching them, after all.

"And why is it not now?"

"Because it sort of merged into me, I guess?" The young stallion shrugged. "It's what allows me to summon the wings I used to get here. If yours infused with the same sort of magic as mine, it should let you do the same."

"Huh," Shade muttered quietly, raising her eyebrows and examining the medallion more closely. "Order of the Radiant Crescent, hmm? How did it happen?"

"I don't know, I didn't pay attention." He smiled. "Took maybe fifteen minutes."

Shade let the award rest upon her chest, over her simple t-shirt. "Well... I guess we'll have to wait?"

"Under the shirt with it." Specter gestured, tugging at the collar of his shirt.

"Ah." Shade slipped it down her neckline. The shiver ended in a quiet giggle. "Ooh, cold!"

"Now it's waiting." Specter walked to the nearby couch and sat down, pulling his tail so it curled to the left around his leg.

"Right," his sister started, scratching her head. "Well, I guess my first act as Lady Brilliant Shade will be to take the dishes to the sink!" She floated the empty bowls and dirty dishes in her telekinesis and headed into the kitchen.

Evening Star, who had been silent through the entire event, blinked confusedly and looked at Specter. "So... what was that all about?"

"Basically, I tried replicating the ceremony in which I got the medallion," Specter replied simply. "I could have used a few illusions to replicate the noble ambience, but I don't think Shade would have appreciated that anyway."

"What medallion?" Evening Star quirked her head, one eyebrow raised. "You pointed at your chest, but I couldn't see anything from where I was sitting."

Specter undid the top button of his shirt and simply pulled down at the fabric, exposing the thin black pattern on the fur of his chest. It was a beautiful little design, as elegant as it was simple. The midnight blue earth pony nodded slowly.

"Ooh, so it merged with--" she would say more, but a loud euphoric squeal wafted out of the kitchen, immediately drawing the two ponies' attentions.

Yep, that's Shade, all right.

"Yes, it did, Evening Star." Specter smiled and turned his head towards the kitchen. "C'mon, Shade! Show us!"

Barely a second passed before Shade burst into the living room.

"Look, it vanished!" she exclaimed, pulling her shirt up and grinning wide. Much to Specter's chagrin, she had not been wearing anything underneath. He quickly averted his eyes, barely having time to see that she had the same mark as he did, placed squarely between her breasts, with the moon flipped the other way.

"Excellent, Shade. Now put your shirt back down." Specter stuck his tongue out at her, one hand held up by his face so he could look at Shade's face and shoulders but not see anything below.

Shade stuck her tongue back at him and walked closer to the two ponies. "Look, Evie! Isn't it cool?"

Evening Star's face was beet-red even through her dark fur, but she still looked. Specter closed his eyes and leaned back on the couch. He soon felt a poke on his shoulder.

"What do I do now?" Shade asked.

"Is your shirt down?"

Sigh. "Yes."

Specter reopened his eyes hesitantly, making sure she had been true to her word before standing up and looking at her. "All right. Now just concentrate. Imagine the wings, pour magic in to the medallion, carefully..."

"Okay!" Shade closed her eyes and did as instructed. Her horn started to glow faintly... and then faded as she looked at her brother. "Uh... won't my shirt get kinda... ripped up when the wings pop out?"

"They're ethereal, don't worry about that. They don't rip my clothing, either."

"I don't wanna risk it," she declared, pulling her shirt over her head, baring her back but keeping her arms through the sleeves so the bunched up cloth still covered her chest. Most of it, at least. Specter rolled his eyes, a gesture that made his little sister protest: "What? I like this shirt!"

Shade closed her eyes again. A swirl of magic formed at the tip of her horn, coiling around it like a glowing orange ribbon. Specter could see her jaw muscles clenching a little as she poured more energy into her horn, the ribbon now splitting into two and snaking behind her ears, down around her neck and onto her chest. Warm light emanated from under the shirt as golden vines slowly spread over her shoulders and sides, curling up on themselves just as much as they moved towards her back.

"Let's see how the wings look for you..." Specter said softly, taking a step back as he watched the light grow brighter. By the table, Evening Star was transfixed, barely blinking eyes firmly placed upon her lover.

The grey mare let out a quiet groan, straining and biting her lower lip. The medallion had taken over the spell, drawing her magic into itself, making the golden lines meandering through her fur pulsate more intensely. She gasped. With a blinding flash, the spell was concluded! Long tendrils of solidified light sprang out from Shade's shoulders, bursting in a beautiful radiant display before twisting and laying upon each other. The tendrils quickly formed and merged into two beautiful translucent golden wings, spread wide. Ethereal feathers coruscated with solar glory, their glow gentle like the early morning light.

Shade was on her knees, breathing hard. It took a few seconds for her to be able to speak again, that euphoric warmth inside her simply impossible to control. "Did... did it work?"

"It did," Specter replied, summoning his own wings. They were seemingly made of the same ethereal matter as the wings he could summon, only his reflected the cool and comforting light of the full moon, feathers midnight blue and twinkling with glowing stars. Their materialization was far less spectacular than Shade's, for Specter was both used to the spell and an understated spellcaster. He smiled at her, approaching again. "Feels interesting, doesn't it?"

"It's... so weird..." Shade was still panting, peering over her shoulder to look at her wings. It was hard to believe it. Her heart sang, beating heart inside her chest as the wings quivered slowly. She felt her brother's arms embracing her, his warm body pressing against her in a tight hug. She returned the gesture, hovering up in the air to wrap her arms around his shoulders and to look into his eyes. Inside them, she saw her reflection. Tears of joy were starting to roll down her cheeks. Beyond her image, she saw her brother's pride and exultation at her achievement. He asked her something her ears could not hear over the sound of her own elation. It was all like a dream.

She held on to Specter's head and pressed her lips against his. Specter's eyes opened wide and Evening Star gasped, but Shade did not notice. For her, that kiss was all that existed. It was deep, strong and passionate, a mirror of all the sensations coursing through the filly's body. She shivered as she sustained the kiss. Heart and soul were laid bare in that moment of pure, unmarred happiness.

The kiss lasted only a few seconds. Not nearly enough for Shade. Finally, she pulled away. It was a slow, delicate movement. A thin string of saliva stretched in the air between her lips and Specter's, holding only a moment before they grew too further apart. Shade's eyes regained focus and blood rushed to her face as she realized what she had done.

"I... um..." Shade floated backwards away from him, covering her mouth in embarrassment. "Whoops...? I..." she stammered, eyes wide, "I'm sorry, brother..."

"Sh-- Shade!" Specter was flabbergasted, his cheeks already fully red.

"I-- I-- I..." Rare was the moment when Brilliant Shade stumbled over her words. "I... I'm sorry! I have wings! And I can fly! I-- I couldn't help myself, I wasn't thinking straight!"

Fighting against his own discomfort with the situation, Specter hugged her again, gently kissing her nose.

"It's fine." He tightened the hug, glancing sideways towards Evening Star with a questioning look. The midnight pony looked stunned. She shook her head before he could answer, her words uncertain:

"Well... ah... it was a very intense moment!" blurted Evening Star, shock still writ large upon her blushed face. "I think anypony would kiss the nearest pony like that... I-- I know I ended up kissing a colleague in astronomy school more than a few times after passing a particularly hard test..."

"See?" Specter smiled as encouragingly as he could, his heart still beating hard. "It's fine, you didn't do anything wrong." His wings wrapped around Shade, enveloping the floating filly in cool, comfortable air. She returned the gesture as best she could, wings hugging his warmly. He nuzzled her nose. "I love you, little sis. And I'm proud of you."

"I love you too, big brother..." Shade kissed him on the cheek and let go, drifting away slowly. Her face was still red as a tomato; that was not something she could control, but at least some of her humor had already returned. She smiled at Evening Star, then at Specter, and laughed. "Oooh, that was awkward, wasn't it?"

* * * * * * *

Specter spent the afternoon watching Evening Star, who was skilled with magical theory despite not being an unicorn, trying to teach Shade how to disguise her newfound wings. She could dismiss and summon them at will, just as he could, but even the flashier of the two siblings had to admit that an unicorn flying around with ethereal, golden wings would draw a bit too much attention. Evening Star had identified the spell Specter used to disguise himself as an alicorn as a Superior Transmogrification charm. A difficult spell for an illusionist like Shade, but one that Evening Star was certain the skilled unicorn would be able to learn quickly enough. After all, her brother was also an illusionist and could cast it just fine. Evening Star's efforts were foiled by her pupil. Shade would often start floating around, playing with her wings, giggling with a smile plastered on her face like a foal with a new toy. She simply could not focus.

Specter had tried to pay attention to Evening Star's lesson at first, given he had learned the spell itself, but the theory still eluded him. He soon found out it was a futile task for him as well. At the tiniest distraction, his treacherous mind was taken over by memories of that brief moment when his lips touched Shade's. That shiver running down his spine when the kiss intensified, the warmth of her body so close to his, her delicate hands sliding through his mane...

Focus! He took a deep breath, watching Shade plop herself down on a heap of pillows between two bookcases, dragging a protesting Evening Star down along with her for some enthusiastic cuddling. She's your sister! What are you thinking?! His eyes wandered over the sight of the two young mares nuzzling and kissing each other upon the pillows and he swallowed hard.

It was something he simply could not understand. They were twins. He had literally known her ever since they were born. He had seen her naked more times than he could care to count, especially given Shade's habit of teasing him, and never he had felt even a sliver of attraction to her. Even through his most horny and awkward teenaged years. In fact, most of the time he was indifferent. It was something he was used to, even if he still felt annoyed when his sister decided putting on a shirt to pick up the newspaper outside early in the morning was too much work (nevermind the fact she could just float the newspaper over with her magic!). That was how things were between him and Shade. If that was the case, then why am I looking at her like that?!

The kiss. Clearly, it was the kiss. Shade had pecked him on the lips on occasion before, generally to startle him when he was focused on his books or practicing his illusions. He would invariably lose concentration and get into a short fight with his sister, which always ended with both of them laughing on the floor. No kiss she had even given him had shaken him like this. It stirred something inside him. Something he knew was wrong, but also something he knew he was failing to suppress.

He snapped back to reality as he heart Evening Star let out a surprised exclamation. Shade's hand had insinuated itself under the filly's shirt. Specter laughed quietly.

"If you're gonna have a romp, please take it to your bedroom," he said, shaking his head.

"Nooo," Shade giggled in return, the hand sliding towards Evening Star's front, "we're gonna do it riiiight here!"

"I'm gonna have to watch my sister going at it with her marefriend, then." Oh, boy... No! Focus! "Alright. Not weird at all."

"Shaaaaade!" Evening Star protested, shivering as her breast was massaged under her shirt. Oh, Celestia... do those fillies ever wear bras?!

"Yeeees?" Shade planted a playful kiss on Evening Star's lips and smiled lovingly at her.

"I know you like teasing, but this is too much...!"

"You know," said Specter, leaning back on the couch again, "going unsupported like that is eventually going make your breasts sag like champions, girls." He smirked and looked up towards the ceiling. Yes, saggy breasts! That mental image would help keep things under control.

"With the right spells they'll be perky as kittens, forever!" Shade replied, unrelenting in her caresses. Evening Star failed to hold back a quiet moan, whimpering as her token resistance fell before the skilled unicorn.

"Are you really gonna do this here, Shade?" Still looking firmly at the ceiling and marveling at just how interesting that little dirty spot a little to the left looked, Specter raised an eyebrow.

"No, but I like teasing." She smirked, pulling her hand out of Evening Star's shorts and licking her fingers slowly. The other hand stayed under the midnight earth pony's shirt, cupping that breast as Evie's chest heaved. The poor mare had her beautiful starry mane all messed up due to Shade's advances. "Besides, there are a few things you could learn from me. I understand your dearest Night Sky is an insatiable mare?"

"Thank you, I have quite some experience by now," he replied and stuck his tongue out at Shade, feeling his cheeks getting warm again. Night Sky's mood changed with the lunar cycle, and she had a knack for leaving him begging for mercy every night of full moon. "It's not like I do the same things every time. Some experimentation keeps a relationship healthy, as you know."

"Oh?" Shade smirked, finally letting Evening Star go. Evie sat up quickly, pulling her shirt down and her shorts up again. "What are you experimenting with?"

"Things." He smiled knowingly.

"You tell me, and I tell you..."

"Shade!" exclaimed Evening Star, startled.


"Are you trying to barter with me, Shade," Specter started, turning his head to look at her inquisitively, "to find out things that the general populace would consider private matters?"

"I'm not the general populace."

"You're also a silly filly."

Shade grinned wide and resumed cuddling with her marefriend, innocently. "I expect a full written report!"

"What...?" Specter scowled in mock-anger. "You're not a Princess. You can't demand reports!"

"I have wings, I have a horn, I can fly, I can cast spells, and I look regal!" she shot back instantly, winking at him. "I'm basically a princess!"

"You're silly, that's what you are."

Shade just pouted affectedly and focused her attentions on the mare besides her, who had barely had time to catch her breath once more. Shade did have a way to divide her attention to make sure nopony felt forgotten around her. Specter couldn't help but smile at his sister's blatantly theatrical gestures. She was after all a good actress as well as an illusionist. Although that kiss did not feel like it was part of an act. She felt just as good a kisser as his wife, and that surprised him. Night Sky had much skill with her warm tongue, would Shade be the same...?

Specter looked over at the pillows, blushing slightly. Shade was still laying down with Evening Star, giggling as she had finally convinced the other filly to lick her fingers. Specter sighed and leaned back. Eyes to the ceiling, old boy. Don't think about it.

Useless. Luscious visions made their way to the surface as he listened to the two females laughing in their badly-disguised foreplay. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to will away the images. They pushed his willpower aside effortlessly, dancing in his mind as they suggested things he knew he would never be able to do with his beloved little sister.

"Ugh... you two..." he groaned, running both hands through his mane in exasperation.

"What?" replied Shade, raising her head. "We're just kissing!"

"Still! You're making me want to cuddle and kiss my fiancée!"

"You've got those beautiful wings on your back," Shade shrugged at him, "so fly back and cuddle and kiss her!"

"She's out on a diplomatic mission, remem--"

"Alternatively," she interrupted, smiling suggestively at him, "bring her here and let's have a foursome!"


"What?!" Shade laughed cheerfully, defending herself from Evening Star's retaliatory poking.

"Heavens..." muttered Specter, shaking his head and rolling onto his side on the couch to avoid the two fillies. He found himself wishing Shade would kiss him again. Damn it, get out of my head!

Maybe she would kiss him a little lower down next time...? No, that was even worse. He was engaged to Night Sky! No! Forget being engaged! Shade was his sister! The forbidden fruit he would never taste, he did not want to taste! The only reason she liked to tease him like she did was because she felt comfortable around him, she knew he would never do anything. And yet now he felt himself wishing he could act upon it.

He cursed his sister, then immediately regretted it. It was not her fault. Still... if only she knew how conflicted she made him feel. The color drained out of his face as he realized the bulge in his pants would make that conflict far too obvious. Thankfully, he was on his side, thighs pressed together so tightly it hurt. She would not have noticed it, busy as she was with Evening Star... although she was bound to have seen the results of her previous attempts at teasing him.

The mind resisted bravely, but the flesh was weak.

"You are an evil little sister, Shade," he muttered through his teeth. "Just letting you know."

Shade raised her head again, beaming coyly at him. "Why?"

"You know exactly why."

"I don't know," she said, laughing quietly, "show me why!"

"What?" He opened his eyes. Shade might have had dense moments on occasion, but there was no way she did not know what she was asking for.

"Show me why I'm an evil little sister!" Shade nodded, then leaned down to kiss Evie again.

"Really?" Unbelievable. "You want me to show you?"

"Why not?"

Specter took a deep breath to steel himself and lifted one leg. The fabric covering his groin was taut, stitches groaning with the strain. Both fillies immediately stopped what they were doing and sat up, blinking as their eyes focused upon... that.

"Ah... what did I do?" Shade was puzzled. She had seen Specter in a similar state before, specially when she snuck up on him when he thought it was safe to take a peek at the naughty magazines he kept hidden behind his desk back home, but it had never been that size.

Specter brought a pillow to his crotch, embarrassed. "You're teasing the hell out of me, little sis," he said. "And that kiss earlier..." Another pillow was picked up, this one pressed against his face, muffling his voice. "I'm still trying to forget it."

"I... ah... well," she said, fumbling with her hands as she gestured, "the teasing is fine, you know... but... I didn't mean that kiss, I was just so... so happy..."

"I know. But intentional or not, it's still fuel for the fantasy." He shifted the pillow, leaving only his mouth visible. He could not believe he was saying those things. He, Brilliant Specter, a gentlecolt if there ever was one, admitting his attraction to his own sister!

"F-- fantasy...? You mean you--" The grey filly's face, already slightly blushed from the view a mere seconds before, received a renewed helping of red. It was a rare day indeed, when Brilliant Shade was at loss for words twice.

Specter groaned and turned to lie on his front, face down, holding the fluffy pillow over his head as if trying to vanish under it. He had said far more than he had wanted to. Other ponies talked about the "spur of the moment", but Specter had never been given to impulsive actions. He was very much a pony who thought things through. Yet, his method had completely failed him. He had backed himself into a corner and was now at their mercy. Evening Star probably thought of him as a perverted weirdo. Shade...

She must hate me now...

Evening Star looked from Specter to her lover and back again, confused.

Shade swallowed hard. "Ah... Evie?"


"Don't mind Specter, he... uh... overthinks things." She managed to give Evening Star a convincing smile. "Just lemme have a quick word with him and I'll get him back to normal right away!"

"Well... go ahead!" replied Evening Star, scratching behind her ear awkwardly. "I have no idea what is going on here."

Shade gave Evening Star a quick kiss and rubbed her nose against the filly's cheek encouragingly before letting go of her to help her brother. It was a... strange situation. But she would take control of it and defuse it. Then everything would be all right. Hopefully. She chewed on her lower lip anxiously, crawling over to the couch. She brought her mouth close to Specter's ears, pressing her cheek against the couch.

"Well, uh..." she hesitated. Just what_was she going to say? She could hear Specter holding his breath. Well, if things had come to that, she would make the most out of it. Specter was the one who repressed his feelings. She would _not do the same. "I'll... be honest with you, big brother..." she whispered quietly.

Specter opened his eyes wide under the pillow, lifting it up so she could see one of his ears. His heart skipped a beat as he heard his sister taking a deep breath.

"I'm trying... well... that was a serious kiss, wasn't it?" she whispered again, her voice apprehensive. "I can't forget it either... but... you know we can't-- so... um..."

"You think I'm weird, don't you?" Specter replied, his voice just as quiet as hers, and turned his head so he could look at her nervous face. Such a pretty face, even in that situation. A few feet behind Shade, Evening Star had picked up a book to distract herself from the uncomfortable scene. If only he had a book to vanish behind instead of that silly pillow. I must be looking just plain ridiculous.

"No, I don't, I..." Shade swallowed hard and giggled. It was a tense laugh, but it did seem to relieve her somewhat. "I was going to offer to give you some, um... inspiration..."

"You're what...?" Specter suddenly felt completely lost, babbling in shock for a couple seconds before gathering at least some of his wits. "You... stupid, sexy little sister..." he moaned silently, "stupid, teasing little pony..."

"You know we'd both regret it if we went through with this," she said softly, then leaned in to kiss his ear gently. "But I do so love being sexy and teasing my stupid, horny big brother."

His ear wiggled. He felt his spine shivering, his tail trembling lightly. That situation was just surreal. "I'm but a male, Shade... my mind... it laps your teasing right up..."

"I know, and that's what makes it so much fun!" Her nose rubbed slowly against his ear. "We can both play along... but promise you will behave, okay?" Shade gave him a meaningful look. "I'll tease you and let you see as much as you want... but you won't touch me unless I let you. I'm Evening Star's, and you're Night Sky's, remember that."

"Mrh, fine... I'll try to behave." Specter sighed quietly, rubbing his head a bit on her cheek. The situation had escalated far beyond anything he had ever imagined. He expected to wake up from that weird dream at any moment. But while he was still asleep... "I don't suppose I can have another kiss, though? I mean, if Evening Star is fine with it..."

"Don't try." A hard knuckle hit his ribs, and he winced. "Do behave." With the reprimand out of the way, she stopped to think about his question. "I'll give you a kiss every month. Ask me for more and I'll punch you where Night Sky is bound to notice." Her horn glowed faintly and he felt a certain pressure in a certain area he would most certainly not wish to be harmed in any way. He swallowed hard and nodded.

"Alright... is there, uh... anything you want from me?"

Shade pondered that question as well, then gave him her most inoffensive simper, "Just that you spill your seed for me every now and then." She bit her lower lip sultrily, her tail swishing back and forth on the polished floor. She was having fun being so naughty.

"How... am I to understand that?"

"Evie!" Shade raised her head and asked out loud. "Can you bring Specter here a glass of water with a couple ice cubes? I think he needs to cool off a little before he can join us in the land of ponies who lay on top of the pillows as opposed to under them." She laughed.

Evening Star laughed as well and nodded, standing up. The midnight pony's tail had barely cleared the door when Shade grinned down at Specter and brought her face close to his. Another electrifying kiss made him squirm and breathe deeply. She sustained the gesture for a short while, just enough for Specter to lose himself in it, then stopped and pulled back so she could whisper into his ear again.

"Just, you know... if you are bored and your fiancée isn't around... think of me." The tip of her tongue ran over the edge of his ear, slowly. "I'll be doing the same."

Specter's breathing was shallow after the kiss, and he smiled a little at his little sister. "Mrh... thank you, Shade. I will."

"And here's your prize for being such an understanding big brother!" Shade whispered quietly and hovered back onto the pillows, her expression betraying her lewd plans. A quick glance was given towards the kitchen, where Evening Star could still be heard trying to pull the ice cubes out of the tray. She had never been very good at that. Shade made herself comfortable on top of a large flat pillow and pulled her skirt up with one hand. The other hand slowly made it way to her sheer white panties. Two fingers tugged at the damp cloth, gently pulling it out of the way as she spread her legs just a bit. Eyes half-lidded, she watched his reaction as his stupefied gaze wandered over her pink, glistening wet sex. The spectacle did not last more than five seconds before Shade slid the panties back, closed her legs and let her skirt fall into place. "Ah, thank you my love!" She smiled at the returning Evening Star. "There you go, Specter. A bit of cold water, as you asked!"

Specter blinked and sat up, accepting the glass. He was sure he would never need cold water more than at that precise moment. He drank almost all of it in one gulp. The last few drops he splashed onto his face, and he could have sworn he felt them instantly turning into vapor. Shade giggled at the exaggerated gesture. By the Heavens, the sight of that thin line between his sister's legs... it would be forever pasted into the album of his memory. It was so close, and yet hopelessly out of his reach. The throbbing mass between his legs was now completely out of his control, yet thankfully covered by the first pillow which he still held firmly in place. Sheepishly, he handed the empty glass back to Evening Star. "Could I have another, please?"

Shade smiled as Evening Star wandered back into the kitchen. Specter looked towards his sister expectantly, but Shade only looked at him and smiled. She had her knees touching and her hands resting upon them. He raised an eyebrow in a silent query, which his sister answered by asking loudly: "Actually, Evie! Since you're already there, I bought oranges this morning, could you squeeze some for me? I'm feeling a bit thirsty, too!"

The young stallion barely heard Evening Star's reply, watching Shade winking at him and bringing one hand to her skirt's waistband. She brought her index finger and thumb together in a pincer, then pressed it against the cloth and slid down as if opening a zipper. He hesitated and pointed at the pillow still on his lap. Shade nodded, her eyes gleaming in expectation.

Heart racing, he moved quickly. He spread his legs and undid his belt and the button underneath. Everything looked like it would work out, until his trembling fingers started slipping as they tried to gasp the zipper. He could hear Evening Star humming to herself as she worked, the squelch of oranges being put through the juicer echoing out of the kitchen. Oh, Celestia... she would walk in at any moment now!

"Ah... Evening Star...?" he said aloud, trying to mask his nervousness. "I... I hope it's not asking too much, but... could I have some juice, too? Ah... instead of the water?"

Again, he could not hear the lavender pony's acknowledgement, his mind fully focused on the sublime sound of his zipper finally coming undone. He glanced feverishly at Shade, who was chewing her lip with her eyes fixed upon his groin, almost in a trance. Button undone, one finger hooked onto the waist of his boxers and tugged down.

Shade shivered quietly as she watched her brother's malehood being revealed as he pulled his pants halfway down his thighs. The heavy, veiny shaft throbbed hard in his hands as the stallion stroked it slowly, his cheeks furiously blushed. Generous drops of clear precum formed at the end of the large, purple head, then rolled down his length. She felt something quivering in her lower tummy and rubbed her thighs together as she followed the path those drops took, realizing the full extent of her brother's endowments. She had only seen a single specimen bigger than Specter's, which did not lessen her surprise in any way. Her eyes reveled in the bulk of her brother's sex, appreciating the tautness of the sheath enveloping the base, then letting her gaze flow downwards. A glimpse of big, proportional balls, and then he hastily rubbed a handkerchief onto his cock to clean up the pre and pulled his pants back up. It seemed impossible to her that his member would fit back inside.

He breathed heavily, trying to will that incriminating blush away as he struggled to fit back into his trousers. One he was done, she smirked and ran her tongue over her lips, slowly. "That's what I'm talking about, big brother..." she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Have fun fantasizing..." Specter replied, leaning back onto the couch and replacing the pillow on his lap. He thought about closing his eyes, but quickly forgot about it as Shade drew his attention.

"Don't worry, I will... also..." she winked, horn glowing as panties slid down her legs. The drenched garment floated in the air towards Specter, hovering it in front of his face. He inhaled deeply, letting that forbidden scent fill his nostrils, until Shade's magic pulled at his neckline, letting the panties drop into his shirt. "We can also share gifts, you know?" She simpered innocently at him, straightening her skirt, legs firmly closed. Try as he might have, he could not catch a single fleeting glance between her legs through the entire exchange. Oh, Celestia... he thought to himself, she's good.

"I..." The stallion tried to ignore the damp white panties bunched up against his stomach. They still carried a bit of Shade's warmth. He fidgeted, looking around nervously. "I don't have anything to give you right now..."

"It's okay!" She winked and lowered her voice down to a whisper again as she heard Evening Star's hoofsteps approaching the kitchen door. "I expect to find a sticky handkerchief in my makeup box any day now..."

Shade smoothed out her features and floated a book into her hands, cracking it open and lowering her eyes to the pages. Specter finally felt the warmth on his cheeks going away and stuffed the used handkerchief back into his pocket. Not a second too soon. His hand had barely slid out the pocket when Evening Star walked out of the kitchen with a tray and three full glasses resting on it.

"Sorry for taking so long," she said, smiling at them. They looked like they were doing fine now, the awkwardness seemed to be gone. "I decided to make myself some juice, too."

(To be continued.)

The Waterfall, Part II

_commissioned by Lynneth_ _ _ Faye woke up to Taylor's hand stroking behind her ears. She stirred lightly and purred, half-opening her eyes. The jaguar smiled down at her as she lay her head on his lap. "Good girl..." He said, his hand still dancing...

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The Waterfall, Part I

_commissioned by Lynneth_ _ _ "Hello, Mrs. Sostra!" "Ahh!" Diane Sostra started and turned on her heels, looking at the teenaged jaguar boy poking his head through the living room window. "Taylor, how many times did I tell you, don't do that?!" She...

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