Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furr...

This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furry, don't read. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) or your locality prohibits looking at subjects of a pornographic nature, don't read. This also contains themes of a mature nature. Otherwise, please enjoy ;)

Characters and story by SpikeFoxx

[email protected]


"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." ?--Martin Luther King, Jr.

"We hate some persons because we do not know them; and will not know them because we hate them."

--Charles Caleb Colton



One-hundred-eighty ceiling tiles. Which differed from his last count, which was one-hundred-eighty-two. And yesterday was one-hundred-seventy-six. They all just seemed to run together to his eyes, and made them really hard to count. Which was the only thing he had to do. Just lying on his back, in his boxer shorts, counting the only thing in his line of sight.

Sighing, Trayne Hart closed his eyes, listening to people and things outside. From his room, he could hear everything down on the other front lawns and the road around him. He lived on a small back road in a housing community; row after row of manicured lawns and cream siding. Everything was the same. Always was, and always would be. This summer, though, something was very different; his best friend was gone.

Trayne sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. His PlayStation3 sat untouched, and his TV had not been turned on in days. His desk was littered with books he did not feel like reading, and crumpled drawings he had gotten halfway through and hated. The young arctic fox was just bored. When David, his best friend since first grade, had moved away, he had been left with no one else to hang out with. He did not make friends easily, and found the idea of just striking up a conversation with one of the neighborhood guys daunting. At eighteen, he just felt alienated, even from his schoolmates. The young wolf that had left was his best and almost only friend.

Hopping off the bed, he padded across the hardwood of his room. The fox pulled on a plain black T-shirt and tan cargo shorts, walking through the hallway and down the stairs at the end. The stairs came down to another hallway, which opened to the left to the front door, and to the right to the kitchen and another, smaller set of stairs that went down to the living room. He smelled lunch cooking in the kitchen, his mother set busily over the cooking range.

The female arctic fox, Lorna, looked over her shoulder at her son. "Well, hello, stranger."

"Mmf," was Trayne's only response. He reached into the refrigerator, grabbing the gallon of milk and then a glass from the cabinet above him, pouring a glass.

"It's almost one, you know," his mother prodded.

"So?" asked Trayne. "It's summer."

"Didn't your dad ask you to get the lawn done before he came home today?" she inquired, stirring a saucepan full of spaghetti sauce; Trayne ventured a guess that would be dinner, and that he would be on his own for lunch.

"Yeah, something like that," replied Trayne, sitting down at the kitchen table and looking out the window, into the backyard. He could see cubs playing in the yard behind theirs, and he could remember when that had once been him.

Lorna stopped stirring for a moment and looked at him. "Honey, I'm worried about you. School's been over for two weeks now, and you've only left this house to mow the lawn and the one night we went out to dinner."

Trayne shrugged, sipping on his milk. "Guess I just didn't feel like doing anything."

She stirred the sauce again. "I wish you'd find something to do; a club, a job, start your college exams, anything. Aren't there some school friends you could hang out with?"

The fox shook his head slowly, taking another sip.

Lorna sighed, turning the flame off. "Well, when you're done with that, why don't you go out and get the lawn done at least?"

Trayne huffed, like all teenagers do when asked to perform chores. "I guess." He chugged the milk down, and walked out of the kitchen. He pulled his sneakers on at the front door, heading outside. His mom watched him go, wondering what was wrong.

The vulpine walked around the garage, to the side door, opening it and stepping inside. The smell of mildew assaulted his nose immediately, along with a pungent draft of gasoline and motor oil. His dad liked to think he was a mechanic, and tried to do most of the car repairs himself, but usually just ended up with a pool of fluids on the garage floor and paying for more repairs than if he had just taken the vehicle to a real mechanic in the first place. The lawnmower sat in the middle of the garage, the aroma of last weeks greenery genocide still attached to it. Trayne grabbed it by the handle, pressing the button to open the door. He wheeled the contraption out into the yard, the sunlight catching his pearl fur and giving it golden and cerulean highlights. His ice-blue eyes roamed the street; one other person out doing the lawn, and nothing else. It was like everyone knew he was coming outside, and left before the unpopular one could spot them.

Stopping the mower at the edge of the lawn, he primed up the gas lines and was about to pull the chord when he heard laughter and voices from down the street. He turned his head to see who was coming. Four furs were coming his way from down the street on their bikes. Trayne recognized them from school; David had hung with them sometimes, when he was not hanging out with Trayne. They were talking amongst themselves. For one brief, fleeting moment, Trayne wanted to call out a hello, but just held his muzzle shut. He only watched them ride by. And, then, felt his stomach tighten when one looked back at him, tapping one his friends on the shoulder and pointing back. Now Trayne was concerned; what did they want?

They all turned their bikes around and came back, pulling into Trayne's driveway, stopping right in front of him. The one in front, a wolf, and the one that had noticed him, spoke up, "Hey, there. You're David's friend, right?"

Trayne hesitated for a second. "Yeeeah..."

The wolf looked at the rest of his friends, than back at Trayne. "Haven't seen you around since school let out." He looked down at the mower. "You busy? We're just headed off to get something to eat."

Trayne's stomach tightened; were they really asking him to come hang out with them? "Uhhh...no, not really. I mean...this can wait. I can get my bike real quick."

The wolf smiled. "Okay, no hurry."

Despite the wolf's assurances, Trayne hurried as fast as he could, afraid the second he turned his back they would disappear and laugh the whole way to wherever they were going about how they got up the hopes of the loser fox.

Trayne dumped the mower in the garage, the machine almost tipping over. He opened the rear door and called up, "Mom! I'm goin' out!" He could not tell what his mother had said back, he was already halfway across the garage when she answered. Picking up his bike and getting over the door frame, he was relieved to see the group still waiting for him. Straddling his bike, he rode over to them. He hoped they weren't going anywhere too expensive; he only had twenty dollars in his wallet. The rest of his money was upstairs in his room.

"Ready to go?" asked the wolf, turning his bike, as did the other three furs.

"Yeah," answered Trayne, pedaling with them, the five of them biking down the road. The fox fell in line with the wolf in the front; he was still half-afraid they would ditch him somewhere.

"So, what's your name?" asked the wolf.

"Trayne," replied the vulpine, having to talk against the wind in their faces as they rode on, away from the housing district and back towards the main road.

"I'm Dylan," answered the wolf in kind. "I used to hang out with David all the time; why weren't you ever with him?"

Trayne shrugged. "I dunno, I guess I figured you guys were HIS friends..." trailed off Trayne.

Dylan laughed a little. "Nah, we don't mind new people. If you were friends with David, you must be a pretty cool guy. He was fairly selective of who he hung out with."

The fox nodded. That he had known, and it had often made him wonder why David had even hung out with him. When he was hanging out with that wolf, Trayne had felt he could do anything. David had shown him a lot of things. And he had been the first fur Trayne had told he was gay. David himself was not, and Trayne had always respected that; for awhile, he had a bit of a crush on David, but he realized it was just an infatuation after awhile. David had always been understanding about it, and never told a soul. The day David left, he had kissed Trayne on the cheek; not a lover's kiss, just a kiss between good friends, something that almost transcended love. Trayne had been left dumbfounded, standing there watching his car leave. David had promised as soon as his internet was installed at his new place, they would talk over instant messenger. Trayne had not yet heard from him, but it had only been two weeks.


Trayne looked over at Dylan. "You sort of zoned out there," remarked the wolf, with a grin.

"Oh, sorry," replied Trayne, embarrassedly. "Was just...thinking."

They were now biking along the main road, which lead them to center of the town. The town of West Lake was a quiet one, even during the summer months; it was not known for its tourist trade, or any landmarks that kept furs coming in at all times of the year. They were north of Crystal Springs, which was where the majority of the tourist trade ended up, and there was enough runoff into the local towns that they reaped some of the monetary gain of being adjacent to an area like that. West Lake's only real claim to fame was that their bay area was part of a massive boat regatta every year. At just about two o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon, the town was dead quiet; not a lot of cars on the road, not a lot of people on the streets. A few greymuzzles did their shopping for the day, some mothers out with kids. Trayne sometimes enjoyed living in a small town, and sometimes hated it.

The main square, which was where most of the shops and other things were, was the nicest spot in town. In the middle of the square was a traffic circle, with a statue in the middle of it depicting some old war scene; Trayne had never paid attention in history class when they started talking about local history. One direction from the circle lead out to the residential section, the other side, opposite the troupe of furs on their bikes, lead out to the fifty mile drive to Crystal Springs. In between was little more than farm country.

Mostly in West Lake, the shops were privately run; the pharmacy, the market, clothing boutique, restaurants, and things of that nature. Over closer to Crystal Springs were malls and whatnot, but Trayne usually only got there once a month or so.

The five of them stopped in front of a small restaurant, "Millie's." It was the local favorite diner, serving everything from fantastic burgers to passable lasagna. The five furs got off their bikes, Trayne falling in step with Dylan again, still feeling out of place slightly. The wolf opened the door, holding it open for Trayne and the fox stepped inside quickly.

It had been awhile since he had been to Millie's; his folks did not like to go out to eat that often. Trayne was happy for the change of pace.

"Hi, there," called the hostess, a petite-looking cat. "Five of you guys?"

"That's right," confirmed Dylan.

"Right this way," she said, snapping bubble gum at the end of her sentence. She seated them in a corner booth next to a window, leaving them menus and disappearing quickly.

"We come here all the time," Dylan remarked to Trayne. "We almost know the menu by heart!" The other three laughed, and Trayne forced out a laugh, not wanting to seem out of place.

The wolf leaned over to one the hostesses, a pantheress. "Hey, could you put the football game on?"

The pantheress looked up at the TV and shook her head. "Naw, sorry. Lots of people want to see this."

Trayne squinted at the TV, which was showing the world news network, which had the sound turned down and subtitles on. He could catch the news tagline, 'Congress to vote on dragon bill.'

"What is it?" asked the fox, at length.

"It's that damned bill about amending the law that dragons can't have a 'legally binding' marriage, and that there can't be inter-species marriage," muttered Dylan. He snorted. "Fucking scalers."

Trayne frowned. He had heard his parents talking about the bill trying to get passed into law that would amend the law so dragons would be on the books as legally binding married couples and get the same perks that married mammals were eligible for. Numerous parties were opposing it, as well as campaigning for it. His father had been furious that they were even thinking of 'making them equals.' For now, dragons could only have civil unions, so they were not considered legally married, but were still considered 'together' with their partner. Trayne had heard the term 'scaler' before, mostly from his dad, and just knew it was a derogatory term for dragons.

"So...why shouldn't we just let them get married?" asked Trayne.

Dylan looked at him critically. "You a scale-lover?"

Trayne swallowed hard. "Um...no. Just...wondering?"

"Because they shouldn't be allowed," answered Dylan, like that explained it all. "They're not like us; they're different."

Trayne did not see what the bearing of being 'different' had on allowing one to get married, but he kept his mouth shut and did not say anything else, just perusing the menu, and pretending not to hear everyone boo the TV when the bill was passed fifty-four to forty-six.


It was only in the last fifty years dragons had been considered 'citizens.' It was documented that for about two-hundred years, they were used as 'beasts of burden,' kept on small farms to do work. They had been brought over from a far-away continent, where they had lived amongst themselves peacefully. Mammals had stumbled into this small sect of the great lizards, and had forcibly brought them back. In recent history, it had been argued that dragons possessed intelligence of their own, and therefore could not be used as slave workers. They could reason, and used logic, and spoke English now. The president at the time agreed with the studies, and released the dragons from captivity. But, they were left on their own, given a meager amount of money with which to go and live on.

Segregation followed swiftly; separate schools, separate work zones, separate living zones, separate seating. States passed their own laws, most of which made it impossible for the recently freed species to make it on their own. Each political party that came in had their own agenda for the dragons; a few presidents had been able to gain small amounts of liberty for the dragons, but an overwhelming majority were just stuck. A 'scaler-lover' president would be one without a repeat term.

Now they were starting to be allowed into general living areas, and schools. The segregation laws were being broken down, slowly, mostly due to great public speakers and leaders, those not afraid to take a stand. Trayne was largely against politics, but could not escape it in the schools. They had not yet had any dragon students come into their school. But the teachers, especially history teachers, were trying to downplay the activists that were trying to gain equality for their brethren. Trayne just honestly did not see the problem. But his father did not feel the same way.

"It's an outrage!" thundered George, Trayne's father, over the dinner table. "If you give them this, they're going to think they are as good as we are!"

Trayne just kept eating, and Lorna did not say anything. Trayne was used to this. He knew his father did not like dragons at all; he was afraid they would come and take away jobs, bring down the educational standard, and take away public funds from social security and welfare that would be used for mammals.

"They have no right to any of the things we have gained as a society!" continued George. "They should go back where they came from!"

The young fox held his tongue when he wanted to point out that mammals are the ones that brought dragons here in the first place, and they would not even be in the country if they had not been brought here against their will. But he knew that would be like throwing a can of gasoline on an already-raging bonfire. He shoveled down his food as calmly, but as quickly, as he could so he could have an excuse to leave the table.

"There's even supposed to be a family moving into the neighborhood; damn home-owner's association caved like a house of cards," ranted on George.

Trayne perked his ears a little, but did not look up. A dragon family? Here? He had never really seen a dragon up close; he had seen them one time, through the car windows, when they passed a rally downtown where some of the dragons were protesting a restaurant that would not hire scalies. Trayne had just buried his face in his Gameboy and pretended the world just was not there.

"Soon they'll be in our schools, taking money away from our kids!" he shouted further, pointing to Trayne, who looked up finally when the elder fox's finger trained on him. Trayne swallowed hard, wondering if this was the classic point where his father was looking for someone to agree with him so he would not look like the raging bigot he was.

"I know, dear," said Lorna, quietly, his mother taking the proverbial bullet.

"I just don't want our son to grow up in a world where he has to kowtow to those THINGS!" finished George, and seemed satisfied at that point to settle in on his food finally.

Trayne set his fork down with a minimal clang against the plate. "I'm...uh...gonna go upstairs," said the fox quickly, getting up even as he said it, long ago giving up the practice of asking to be excused. His mother just nodded, and his father seemed too worked up now to pay attention to much of anything that didn't involve his public outrage.

Leaving the dining area, which was part of the kitchen area, he crossed the hallway quickly and padded upstairs. Dying light was still being thrown across the floor from the nearby windows in his room. He opened the blinds in his room, letting in the amber and teal colors of the setting sun. Pulling his chair up to the desk, he flipped on his computer. Trayne booted up the internet, disappointed when his messenger service came on and David was still nowhere in sight.

He leaned backwards in the chair, putting on a pair of wireless earphones and listening to his new CD from Smashing Pumpkins. He closed and locked the door as he did so, making absolutely sure it was locked; his parents had insisted he get the earphones to listen to music, but the danger was that he had no early warning when they were coming upstairs. He had to fight with them one night that he was at the age where he should be allowed to have his door locked; they had relented after a bit. He did not really care about his privacy; he just did not want them to walk in on him when he was looking at gay porn, since it usually led to him pawing off.

The fox opened his folder marked 'School Stuff,' figuring that would be innocuous enough to throw off anyone who did end looking through his computer. He had a couple gigs of smut, mostly just vanilla things; plain blowjobs, pawjobs, anal-yiff. He browsed through the folders lazily, looking at the throbbing, erect cocks in front of him, some of them leaking precum, some post-orgasm, some with their penis in another fur. Trayne absent-mindedly rubbed himself through his jeans as he kept going through them, music thumping in his ears as he did so. "Starz" played on as he let a slow breath go to a wolf bent over, spreading his ass cheeks and revealing his pink tailhole. Trayne felt a stirring in his testicles, his young fox cock growing stiff in his pants. He adjusted his headphones, smiling a little as he stimulated himself. He looked about himself, and slowly undid his zipper, letting his dick free of its fabric prison. Even being by himself, he still felt self-conscious. But as he kept rubbing himself a little, that slowly ebbed away.

Really getting into it now, he was alternating between closing his eyes and panting gently, and keeping his rapt attention on his computer. His other paw was getting jerky as his hormones flooded throughout his body, and it was all he could do to keep it steady enough to open a video of a wolf mounting a submissive little fox. The fox whimpered and whined as the wolf threw the vulpine's legs in the air. Despite his pleas, the fox was clearly enjoying it as the wolf slammed his canine cock into the other mammal's insides. Trayne clamped his paw over his muzzle, fully grabbing his erection and pumping his paw up and down, moving his zipper down and repositioning the surrounding fabric to give him space to work with. The wolf was humping faster and faster, and all Trayne could think of is how bad he wanted to be that red fox.

"Trayne?" came his mother's voice. The fox gasped, not sure at first he actually heard it, tearing his headphones away at the same time he rampantly closed his computer windows. "Trayne?" she called again.

He cursed under his breath, shoving his penis back into his pants despite its protests, turning off his computer monitor. Trayne reached over and undid the lock, quickly jumping up and lying down on his bed, his cock pressing against the mattress, trying to hide the fact his jeans were tenting as best he could.

His mother opened the door and stepped in, looking around. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, why?" he countered, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Just took a second for you to open the door," she prodded, subtly.

"Had my headphones on," he half-lied. "What did you want?" he asked, trying to steer the conversation away from what he had been doing in the moments before the door opened.

She frowned, but relented. "Just wanted to know if you wanted some ice cream; you left the table to quickly."

"Yeah...," murmured Trayne. "No, I'm okay."

Lorna sighed. "You know your father...when he says those things...he's just worried about us; all of us."

Trayne nodded. "I understand." Even though he did not.

His mother smiled, apparently satisfied. "Okay; don't stay up too late." She closed the door, and Trayne could hear her retreat and go back downstairs. He reached under himself, feeling at his crotch; he was already soft. There was no mood killer quite like one's own mom. He did not feel like getting himself all yiffy again. He just rolled over and grabbed his PS3 controller, turning on the TV and just using the TV volume, leaving his stereo off.

While he was blasting aliens on some far away planet, his mind was even farther way than that. He had half been using jerking off as a way to keep his mind off of the things his father had been saying at dinner, and now it was all just creeping back up on him. He hated it when his dad got so closed-minded; he did not even want to think what his dad would say if he found out his only son was gay. He would probably kick Trayne out and have another kid

The fox frowned, reloading from a save point again when he died. It was sort of a moot point to even think about having to out himself; he did not even have a boyfriend. He had a problem getting regular friends, let alone a mate. The prospect of having someone to do those things he saw in his pictures, was thrilling to him, and almost made him yiffy right on the spot again. A part of him also was developing to that point where he wanted someone to spend time with that was more than a friend; he had felt that with David, and now that he was gone, the spot was begging to be filled again.

Also pressing in there somewhere was the idea of seeing a dragon up-close. It was a thrilling concept, and made him swish his tail a little as he lay on his stomach playing video games. If his father knew he was excited at having dragons in the neighborhood, he would be furious. But Trayne did not care; he still did not see the big deal. Dragons were just like them, only without fur. It was only because so many people felt they were 'inferior' that they were so persecuted. He just could not figure why mammals insisted on keeping that going.

He tried to push the distracting thoughts out of his head, and lost himself in his game, blowing things up again.


He stood on the front steps, a gentle wind sweeping over the front lawn and pushing low-hanging clouds in; the weather report was calling for potential of scattered showers. But to Trayne, it was another great summer day. His new friends were supposed to coming by any minute, and they were going down to the old quarry pit to swim. It was a popular place among the high school aged kids, since the minerals they had been mining were completely harmless, so the ground water that had filled the area was perfectly safe to swim in. He and David had been there a few times before.

The fox tapped his footpaw impatiently, wondering where they were. His usual feelings of self-doubt were already creeping it; if they were ditching him, if they did not like him, if he had done something wrong.

But they were all out to rest when he saw the group round the corner, Dylan waving to him. Trayne smiled and waved back, getting his bike off the ground where he had put it to be ready, straddling it as they rode up.

"Hey, there," greeted Dylan.

Trayne just smiled wider, not really able to say anything in return. "So...are we still going?"

"You bet!" answered Dylan.

The fox examined their bikes closely. "You guys aren't bringing any extra clothes?" inquired Trayne, when he did not see any bags or anything on their bikes.

Dylan grinned crookedly. "We're going au natural," he smirked a little. Trayne felt his stomach tighten up; skinny dipping? He had not done that with anyone except David. What was he going to do with a bunch of hot guys, and he was naked, too; they would all be able to see that he would be getting hard.

"Ummm...sounds like fun," faked Trayne, dropping his bag of extra clothes on the steps, not wanting to look like a wuss. They all pedaled away from Trayne's house, down the street to the right, riding out towards the outskirts of town, where the farm country began; that was where the quarry had been. Trayne still did not know what he was going to do. But his worries were temporarily put on hold when they rounded the corner.

Dylan stopped his bike, the rest of them stopping behind the wolf. Trayne looked around, wondering why they were stopped in the middle of the street; they were near the edge of the residential neighborhood, as far from the rest of the houses as possible without actually leaving the township. "What's wrong?" asked the vulpine at length. Dylan just pointed ahead.

There was a large van parked in a driveway, marked 'E-Z Movers' on the side. Movers were taking furniture and boxes inside. Trayne did not see what the big deal was until one of the new owners stepped from the front door; it was a dragon.

He had to crane his head down slightly under the top of the doorframe. He was easily almost eight feet hall, with a set of wings furled up against his back. Ebony scales mingled with green-blue ones, and a cream-colored belly, which Trayne could see over the collar of his shirt, that extended up the front of his neck and to the bottom of his jaw. Two small horns protruded from his head, just above his eyes, and swooped back near his ears, which were pointed upwards, and slightly back. His critical, yellow eyes swept back and forth, his elliptical pupils surveying everything. A smaller dragon stood behind him, colored a subdued green, and nowhere near as splendorous in color; Trayne assumed the other dragon was a female.

"Scalers," sneered Dylan.

Trayne did not say anything, just watching; they were impressive creatures, and the young fox could easily see where the would inspire fear. The workmen passing them with their belongings clearly did not appreciate being in the employ of dragons, but also did not seem to be doing anything to incur the large reptile's ire.

Looking back at the van, Trayne saw another dragon stepping down from the back seat of a truck behind the moving van, presumably their personal vehicle. Another smaller dragon, but had the same bright, engaging scale colors of the older male; vibrant black, mingled with blue, and pure white belly. His wings fluttered a bit, and he was clearly uncomfortable as more and more of their neighbors were taking note of the new family moving in, coming to their doors and porches to watch.

"Won't be long before they take over the place, then the schools, and then jobs," muttered Dylan.

Trayne did not look at him. "You really think it's as bad as all that?"

"That's what my dad says," replied Dylan. "Come on, I don't want to look at them anymore."

Trayne turned his bike to follow the rest of them, looking back over his shoulder at the dragons, and at the younger one, who looked so lonely. Trayne could not help but think that had been him just a few days ago.


"Hey! Watch this!"

Trayne looked up and saw the nude figure of Dylan on a rocky overhang. He dove off and into the deeper end of the natural lake, making a splash and then resurfacing. Trayne smiled when the wolf came back to the top.

"How was that?" asked Dylan, rhetorically and smugly.

"Cool," replied Trayne, trying to pretend he cared. He was sitting on a flat warm rock shelf in the sun, naked himself. He was crossing his legs Indian-style, and willing his sheath to behave. He could not help himself from looking at the naked males right in front of him; their sheaths hanging bare, some of them with pink peaking through their sheath slit. Dylan had such a nice ass, too. Trayne did not get tired of watching him get out of the water and walk back up to the overhang to try his dive again. He was just content to watch all of them, not even getting in the water himself. He knew it was safe enough; the old mine had just been a mineral mine. It had been shut down for years, so there was no danger of further contamination from vehicles still operating.

He stretched back and lie on his back, staring upwards through the canopy of branches above him. Putting his paws behind his head, he sighed, feeling content for a change. There really was not much right now that could be better

"Gonna join us?" asked Dylan, jumping from the water and sitting next to Trayne. The fox watched the wolf sit down, getting a last look at the lupine's ass before averting his attention back upwards before Dylan noticed what he was doing.

"Just enjoying the sun," replied Trayne, trying to keep himself from getting aroused. Dylan was so close, Trayne could reach out with his right paw and touch the wolf's ass, or sheath. Or both. "And thinking."

"About anything in particular?" inquired Dylan.

Dragons. Your cock. "Nothing much."

Dylan just laughed. "Well, okay then." He sunned himself next to Trayne, air-drying himself. A gentle wind cut over the low-cut area the swimming hole was situated down in, and in the middle of a summer day, it felt really nice.

"We're gonna be going in a few minutes," remarked Dylan. "Gonna go grab something to eat. You in?"

Trayne smiled. "Sure."

"Great," replied Dylan. He stood up, shaking off the last bits of water and pulling his pants on. Trayne took one last glimpse of the wolf's sac through the cleft of his pants, and then it was gone. Trayne huffed, and got up to get dressed himself.

The rest of them were getting dressed as well, either already dried or content to put their clothes on wet bodies. Trayne did not even realize how late it had gotten; it was already late afternoon. And not that Dylan had mentioned food, his stomach was grumbling.

The group got back on their bikes, pedaling out of the quary and back up towards the main road. Trayne was looking forward to going to get food with his friends, and hang out more. But then, all that was shattered.

"Hey, look over there," remarked the black lab.

Their gazes followed over to a low mound of discarded rocks. Sitting near the base was the dragon Trayne had seen getting out of the car back at the house on the way to the quarry. He was facing away from them, and not even aware of their presence yet.

"Should we go say 'hello?'" asked the lab, with a sneer, and the rest of the males laughed.

"Yeah, let's," agreed Dylan. Trayne felt his stomach tighten, knowing this would not end well. But he followed them all over the juvenile dragon.

"Hey!" shouted Dylan, when they got a bit closer. The dragon was snapped from his reverie, and finally looked up, a stricken look crossing his face almost immediately when he saw the five mammals coming at him. He stood up, looking about himself, and realized there was no help, and with them on the bikes, nowhere to run to. The four males got off their bikes, Trayne staying on his and just watching.

"What do you think you're doing here, scaler?" asked Dylan, as if the wolf had any more right to be there than the dragon. But the dragon did not respond. Dylan frowned, and kicked dirt and small rocks at the dragon. "I asked you a question, boy." But the reptile remained steadfast in his silence.

"Maybe he thinks he's funny," suggested the lab, laughing. "You think you're funny?" he asked to the dragon, who still stayed quiet.

Dylan picked up a rock and threw it at the dragon, pelting him on the chest. The dragon winced a bit, but still did not move or say anything. "Looks like he thinks he's tough, too. Let's prove him wrong."

At that, all four of them started flinging rocks at the helpless creature, the dragon turning himself away from the hailstorm of projectiles, but they kept going. He whimpered a bit, and this only seemed to encourage them to keep going. Trayne watched in silent horror, not sure what to do; if he did nothing, it was as bad as participating, but if he tried to stop them, he would probably be a target. But he could not stand to idly watch, and it got the better of him.

The fox got off his bike, running to Dylan and grabbing the wolf's arm as he was winding up for another throw. "Stop! Please!"

Dylan looked over his shoulder and frowned, shaking Trayne loose, and throwing the rock anyway.

"You have to stop!" shouted Trayne.

"Shut it," was all Dylan said, grabbing another rock. Trayne frowned, and this time he shoved Dylan from behind the, the wolf falling down. The other three males stopped, looking at Dylan. The wolf rolled over on the ground, glaring up at Trayne. He heaved the rock in his paw at the vulpine, hitting Trayne in the face, just above his eye. Trayne grunted and reeled back, putting his paw to his face as he felt warmth spreading down the side of his face; blood.

Dylan was on his feet, and shoved Trayne down in the dirt, the fall knocking the wind out of Trayne as he was completely blindsided. "Fucking scaler-lover," muttered Dylan, standing over Trayne. He looked over at the dragon, who was timidly watching his would-be savior now becoming the object of scorn. "You fuckers aren't worth it." With that, Dylan got on his bike, and the others followed.

When they were out of sight, Trayne sat up, not wanting them to come back when they realized he was not hurt as badly as he had let on. He was bleeding quite a bit, but he knew head wounds always bled more, it would stop. He just held his paw to it and got up, approaching the dragon.

"Are you ok--" started Trayne, but he was cut off.

"Stay away from me," pleaded the dragon, quietly. "Please..."

Trayne held his free paw out. "I don't want to hurt you; are you injured?"

The dragon flexed his wings and stood. "No, I guess not. These scales are pretty thick." He appraised his would-be savior. "What about yourself?"

Trayne took his paw from his forehead. The bleeding was already stopping. "Just a scratch."

The dragon was still watching him carefully, as though it were all a clever ruse on the part of the mammals. Not that Trayne could blame him.

"I'm Trayne, by the way," the fox introduced himself, holding out his paw.

The lizard tentatively took the offered paw. "I'm Kier." He sighed. "I'm sorry I got you into that."

Trayne sat down on a large flat stone, wiping the last of the blood away. "It's okay. I knew they were kind of assholes, but they were someone to hang out with. I don't have...a lot of friends..." trailed off Trayne.

The dragon did not say anything, looking for a moment like he was just going to leave. But at length, he sat down next to Trayne, letting out a deep breath. "So...will they come back?"

The fox shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think so. They just fear what's different."

"And you don't?" asked Kier.

"Not dragons, anyway," replied Trayne. "You're not different, you just...look different. As odd as that sounds, I guess I can't think of a better way to put it." He laughed nervously, fidgeting a bit with his paws.

The dragon looked over at the fox. "I guess I really don't have any friends right now, either. We just moved in here."

"Yeah, I saw you with the van earlier today," remarked Trayne.

Kier nodded. "My parents decided moving into one of the new areas where dragons weren't being herded into 'special' housing districts for us was a good idea; said it would get others to do the same." He leaned forward, bracing his arms in the tops of his legs. "They just never seemed to think of what it would be like until others showed up."

"Weren't they afraid of moving into a place that's all mammals?" asked Trayne.

"Dad says we'll be accepted when we start acting like we belong here," responded Kier. "I don't know if I believe him all the time, but since I'm just eighteen, guess I don't have much of a choice, yet."

"You're the same age as me," observed Trayne, smiling a bit. From his size, Trayne had thought the dragon would be much older; he was at least eight inches taller than Trayne. But Trayne forgot Kier's species grew much taller.

Kier smiled a little. "I should go; I don't want to wait around for your 'friends,' or anyone to come along. I guess this isn't as secluded a place as I initially felt." He stood up, brushing off his shirt. Trayne marveled at his wings sticking through the back of the fabric.

"You want a ride or something?" asked Trayne, standing as well.

The dragon looked at Trayne's bike. "That's only big enough for one, and wouldn't fit both of us."

"Oh, yeah," agreed Trayne, feeling stupid.

"You could come with me, though," encouraged Kier, taking a few steps and then looking over his shoulder.

Trayne scuffed at the ground. He did not know how enthused he was at the idea of someone seeing him with a dragon. What if his parents found out?

"It's okay if you don't want to," added Kier.

Screw it, thought Trayne. "No, I'll come along." He had just alienated any chance he had of keeping friends for the summer; what more harm could be done?

He coasted his bike next to Kier as they walked back towards the main road. The dragon had little trouble keeping up even when Trayne was peddling a bit quicker. Fortunately, it was not far back to town. Trayne was even enjoying the slow trip back to town on the summer afternoon. He was almost afraid the others would be waiting for them somewhere along the way back, but it was uneventful.

They skirted the edge of town, taking the backroads towards the neighborhood. But even then, Trayne was more than aware they were drawing a few stares. He was trying to not look at anyone except Kier, but when other furs stopped mowing their lawn or playing in the sprinklers to watch them pass, it was hard to not look back. And also hard not to wonder if they were looking at the dragon, or the mammal with him.

Trayne stopped his bike at Kier's driveway, not really knowing what to say to the male. He could not very well tell him to just drop by, and could not ask to just come in. It was just a awkward silence.

"I guess I should get inside," remarked Kier finally, looking about uncomfortably.

"I guess...," trailed off Trayne. "I...you know, there was a swimming hole over there by that quarry."

"Mmhmm," replied Kier. "I saw you guys on my way in. I wanted to go to the forest behind the quarry, though."

Trayne knew of it, and knew there was also a lake back there where he and David had gone swimming once or twice. "I could...I dunno...go with you?"

Trayne was not sure if he saw a quick glimmer of a smile pass the dragon's muzzle. "I think I'd like that, Trayne."

The fox smiled. "Great. Why don't I meet you there tomorrow, around two?"

Kier nodded. And with that, walked up to his door and disappeared inside without another word. Trayne took a deep breath, sighing. He had traded in four friends for one, but somehow, everything that had happened felt right.

A gurgle in his stomach reminded him it was closing in on dinner time. He turned his bike around and pedaled away, most of the furs that had come from their home to see the new 'neighbor' going back into their homes. Trayne rode down the street, his mind anywhere but the stupid folks that wanted to see him and the dragon.

He turned into his own driveway, dropping his bike off in the driveway. Opening the door to the house, he felt like his parents would clairvoyantly know where he had been, and what he was doing. And for added measure, they would have found his gay porn.

But they were sitting in the living room, his father reading the paper and his mother reading a book. They looked up when the young fox walked in.

"Trayne," started his mom, "I thought you were eating out with your friends?"

"Ummm....they had to go; other stuff to do, I guess," replied Trayne as nonchalantly as he could, going into the kitchen. "Did you guys already eat?"

"Yes," called his mother, "but there's leftover spaghetti in the fridge."

Trayne curled his lip; cold pasta was disgusting, and reheated was even worse. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed some cold cuts and mustard, setting about making himself a sandwich.

"Are you going anywhere with your friends tomorrow?" asked his mother.

"Yeah," responded Trayne, "just around for a bit tomorrow."

"Okay, just call if you're not going to be home by dark," answered his mother.

Trayne rolled his eyes; he was too old for calls home. He finished his sandwich, and sprinted upstairs before he could be interrogated further about his day, or his upcoming plans. Closing the door to his room, he sat down at his computer, holding his sandwich in his muzzle and booting up his computer. The fox munched on the sandwich to placate his stomach, waiting impatiently for his computer to finish initializing.

Once it was up and running he clicked his internet explorer and pulled it up, reaching over to his doorknob to double-check that it was locked. Using the search, he looked on his usual sites, but for something slightly unusual; he wanted to see dragons nude. And there were plenty of them. Reclining backwards and pawing off, bent over and showing off, spreading their wings as they mated with another of the great lizards. Trayne felt his cock get stiff almost immediately.

Lifting up his butt, he slid his pants off, letting them drop to the ground. His cock was already free of his sheath, and glistening gently in the light from outside and the low glow from his computer monitor. His paw drifted down to his crotch, and rubbed under his balls. Trayne grunted and murred under his breath, looking at one dragon's enormous black cock, with a small rivulet of precum running down the underside of his shaft. It was odd that dragons did not have a scrotum, but Trayne could definitely see two large bumps under their sheath where their testicles were. They did not have a 'sheath,' per se, more like a slit in their crotch where their cock emerged.They were also much differently shaped; pointed, with a thick shaft that ended at the bottom in a couple of ridges. Not quite a knot, but a bit wider than the rest of the cock.

Trayne stroked himself slowly, wanting to draw this out plenty. He let a video play, so he could use both of his paws to pleasure himself. His second paw fondled his furry testicles while he kept pawing himself off. Shivers came up and down his body, and he had to clamp his jaws closed tightly to keep himself from breathing, or even crying out, too loudly. His abdomen felt warm as it spread out from his groin and all across his body; a steady feeling of contentment. The sort that he had only felt by himself like this, but could only imagine what it would be like to feel from another. While he watched two of the dragons in the movie, while one lie on their back and take it from the other, being as vocal as they cared to be, he imagined what it would be like if he were the dragon on the bottom. And while he imagined that, he was more than aware that it was making his cock twitch in his paw. He grunted and worked to keep himself under control, not wanting to alert his parents through the thin walls what he was doing up there.

He looked down and saw his fat knot coming free of his sheath. He repositioned his paw under the knot, squeezing gently, a thin drip of precum freeing itself from his penis and slowly sliding down his shaft. Using his free paw, he put some on his finger and licked it off, the saltiness a familiar taste, as he sampled himself often. His paw still squeezing gently under his knot, he resumed his motion, his paw gliding up and down, doing it in shorter strokes now. Clutching his knot was electrifying, something he had discovered when he had first begun pawing himself off. It shot down his legs and up his body, into his arms and head, a feeling just unlike any other. He wanted to cum as much as he wanted to hold it in.

But eventually he just could no longer hold it in, and felt his cock contract in his paw. it pumped his thick seed out of his slit, doing so with such force he had to reach up with the paw holding his knot to keep it from landing on his computer keyboard. He huffed and grunted as his orgasm finished, the last of his semen trickling down over his paw. Drawing in a deep breath, he licked off the majority of his paw, a much stronger flavor accompanying this prize. On his computer screen, the dragons were finishing, and the screen fading to black. He sat in his chair, not moving, just reclining backward, and staring at the ceiling. And wondering idly if those dragons looked like Kier when he was naked.


Kier sat by the edge of the water, hugging his knees up to his chest. Birds sang nearby, but other than that it was a still day. No breeze stirred nearby, and the sun shone down through the branches, hitting him on the face. Unlike the popular theory, dragons were not cold-blooded; they were just as warm-blooded as any mammal. It was a myth perpetrated by many mammals, and one he could not stomach. But in the grander scheme of things, it was one of the smaller bits of propaganda that was spread around. He sighed and smiled, completely free of mirth.

The little fox had not shown up yet. He was starting to wonder if the vulpine had reconsidered coming. Or if maybe he had gone to his friends to tell them all how the dumb dragon had believed that the fox was coming. He sighed again, hoping deep down that it was not the case. It would be nice to make a friend so fast here. There were no other dragons around that he knew of; they were all still back in the housing communities for dragons that had been springing up. But his folks had not wanted to go into those places; they claimed it was just one more way for the governments to keep the dragons under their thumb. Kier had wished they had just gone to one of those communities; it would have just been easier.

He stood up, bending down and dipping his paw into the water. Ripples spread out from his paw hitting the glassy surface of the water. He could see right to the shallow bottom here near the shoreline, his paw distorted under the water. He had expected a bit of silt and mud, but it was actually pretty solid. He slipped his shirt off, tossing it aside. Spreading his wings, he stretch backwards, then forwards, his wings fluttering slightly. Kier looked over his shoulder and still no sign of the fox. Oh, well; the vulpine could join him when he got there.

The dragon undid his belt and pants, pulling them off of himself, followed by his underwear. He laid the out. along with his shirt, on a nearby rock. He ran his paws down his smooth scales, down his belly, over his hips, and around his crotch. He rubbed the internal pouch where his testicles were, gently bringing his paw over his sheath slit. Kier walked to the edge of the water, wading in slowly. It was the perfect temperature for the day, slowly warmed by the sun overhead. He closed his eyes as it sluiced around his legs, and then up around his groin and belly as he got in deeper. Even out towards the middle of the small lake, the water level did not even hit his chest, coming up just short of. He snorted, squatting down a bit so it came up to his neck. He liked the feel of water on himself, always had. His parents would constantly have to war with him to get out of the tub when he was a hatchling. And the few trips to the beach he had, he never had wanted to leave. For some reason, when he thought about those times, they always seemed like a long time ago.

Somewhere nearby, a twig snapped. Kier whipped his head around, and spied Trayne struggling past a branch that had snagged in his clothing. The fox smiled sheepishly when he was caught, coming over to the edge of the water.

"Heya," called the vulpine.

"Hello," responded Kier, gently. Kier sloshed back over to the shore, coming naked out of the water. Nudity and modesty were not two things that went hand in hand in dragon culture, which he could tell was a bit of a shock to the fox, who was blushing furiously; visible even through his white fur under his eyes. Trayne's eyes were transfixed on Kier's sheath slit, openly staring; Kier was not sure if the fox was conscious of it or not.

"Wanna go for a dip?" asked the dragon, off-handedly, pretending not to notice the mammal's line of sight.

Trayne snapped his eyes upward, immediately feeling like an idiot; staring at Kier's sheath like that. Idiot! he chided himself. But it was so nice to stare at...

"Uh-huh," replied Trayne, turning around and taking off his shirt. He lay it next to Kier's, fumbling embarrassedly with his belt buckle, the clasp jingling as he tried to pry it off himself. Unzipping his jeans, and he stepped out of them, down to just his boxers. The irony that he was naked with another male two days in a row was not lost on him.

The fox pushed his boxers down past his hips, letting them drop to his ankles, and stepped out of them, tossing them on top of his shirt. For some reason, he was more self-conscious of having Kier see his sheath than the other males he had been with yesterday. All he could think about were the dragons he had seen on the internet yesterday. He willed himself not get hard, though, and fixate on something else.

He turned, presently himself completely naked to Kier. He knew there was nothing sexual about what they were doing, but still felt embarrassed.

Kier smiled. "Come on, the water's perfect."

Trayne returned a weak smile, getting in the water with the dragon. He was just happy to have someone to hang out with, even if they had to do it far from any prying eyes. But he put all that out of his head, and kicked his legs out from under himself, floating on his back. He was aware of a bit of pink sticking up through his sheath, but he ignored it. Kier merely seemed content to be in the water, just standing there next to the fox, and soaking up the sun.

"Whatcha thinking about?" asked Trayne, looking over at the dragon.

"Not much," replied Kier. "Just that I never expected to be skinny-dipping with a fox today."

Trayne laughed. "I guess I never expected to be skinny-dipping with a dragon." He turned his face back skyward. "My dad always said dragons were 'big, mean things, that breathe fire, crush houses, and eat smaller animals.'" He laughed mirthlessly. "But I guess my dad was wrong about a lot of things," he added, quietly.

Kier just regarded him for a moment. "Well, I assure you, I don't do any of those things. I don't even fly."

"Really?" asked Trayne, looking back over at him. "What about the...wings?"

Kier laughed a little. "They're more for display, and a big pain in the ass. You really think anything could lift something this big off the ground?"

Trayne smiled self-consciously. "I guess not."

"They're for mating; males have brighter wing coloration. Supposed to attract a female." Kier shrugged. "Never tried 'em, I guess."

"Never had a girlfriend?" asked Trayne.

"Nah," replied Kier. "Probably a good thing; what with the moving in here."

Trayne nodded, getting his feet back under him with a bit of a splash. "Guess so." He crossed the small lake, which was actually surprisingly large. Walking towards the other side, he noticed it was getting progressively deeper again, as he moved towards a stand of low trees.

"Bit deeper over here for you," called Trayne, who was now about ten yards from Kier. The dragon walked over to where the fox was, noticing it did indeed get deeper. Kier noticed that it wasn't a stand of trees, it was all dead trees, either fallen or placed there to block off what was beyond.

He watched the vulpine crawl past the branches. "Hey, look at that."

The dragon met up with Trayne, looking through the branches. Beyond was more of the lake, cut off from casual view from the other bank by the trees there. There was another twenty yards of water, with a small shack beyond, taken over by local vegetation.

Pushing branches out of their way, the two finished the trek across the lake and to the far bank, stepping up onto the shore. The shack was aged and weathered, looking as though it had been abandoned for at least year.

"Probably someone's fishing cabin," remarked Trayne, stepping forward, remembering the two of them were still naked. But he was more fascinated by their new find then, for a change, another male's sheath.

Trayne could spy a premade path leading to the front door. It went down away from the door, and off into the woods. It was starting to get partly overgrown with fresh grass and weeds, but he could tell it went around the left side of the lake and back the way they had come. If he and David had come here more often, maybe they would have seen it.

Peering through a broken window, Trayne could not see anyone or anything inside. Gloomy dust mots floated through the air, and there was a thin layer of dust over everything. There was no sign of any recent activity. Stepping away from the window, Trayne reached over to grab the doorknob.

"You think we should really be going in there?" asked Kier, from behind him.

Trayne thought it was odd that the one speculating about whether or not they should go in was the biggest of the two of them. "No one has been here in forever, it looks like." He turned the knob, and the door opened with a faint growing of accruing rust along the hinges. Trayne took a tentative step forward, kicking a beer bottle that spun across the room with a faint clattering sound. Aside from that single, lone bottle and a table off to the right, there was no evidence no one had ever been here. It was all one room, with two windows in the back, two in the front, and one on each side; none of them were intact.

"Doesn't even look like any animals have been in here, yet," observed Trayne, checking the rafters overhead for insect nests.

"So? It's all dirty and gross," replied Kier.

"But it's somewhere we can hang out that no one knows about and can hassle us," responded Trayne. "Wouldn't have to worry about anyone giving us a hard time."

"That would be boring."

"Well, we wouldn't have to come here ALL the time," assured Trayne. "Just when we want...privacy."

Kier cocked an eye. "Privacy?"

"Yeah....y'know...," stuttered Trayne, feeling stupid. "Privacy...no one around to bother us."


On that remark, Trayne was suddenly reminded they were both naked. He unconsciously cupped one paw over his sheath and testicles, knowing he could not get dressed until he was dry anyway. If he came home wet all the time, his parents would start asking questions.

Wiping off the edge of the table, Traye hopped up, crossing his legs once he was sitting. "If we bring a broom and a couple lights with us, it wouldn't be so bad."

Kier looked around, walking the edge of the room. "No, I suppose not. And it is outside; that's not all bad."

Trayne smiled. "Yeah." He hopped off the table. "There's a meteor shower in two days; we could come out here to watch it. Sort of like a campout."

"A campout, huh?" asked Kier. He had not ever really gone camping; most of the parks where he had lived did not allow dragons in. The closest he was ever able to come was a small pup tent out in the yard, and that was leagues from the real thing.

"That sounds like fun," he replied at length.

Trayne was almost beaming. "Great! You'll just have to bring a sleeping bag, and we can scrounge up some stuff to eat. It'll be a lot of fun!"

The dragon could not help but be excited right along with the fox; it was almost infectious. It probably would be fun, and even better to be doing with a new friend.

"So...what should we do with the rest of today, though?" asked Kier.

"Well, I'm still sort of wet...," trailed off Trayne.

Kier chuckled, forgetting he dried off faster because of his scales. "I'll go back and grab your clothes, and when you're dry, maybe we can get something to eat." He stepped back out of the shack, following the trail back to the other side. This was going to be a very interesting summer.


Closing the door behind him, Kier sighed. He and Trayne had just split company, and it seemed like it was going to be a long two days before he got to hang out with the vulpine again. He still felt bad about making the little fox alienate all his friends just for him, but still was glad he now had a friend. At least not all mammals were that closed-minded.

"Hi, honey," called his mother from the kitchen.

"Hey, mom," he called back, walking into the living room. He poked his head into the kitchen, where his mom was setting the phone down.

"Dinner should be here soon," she said. "Pizza okay with you?"

Kier nodded, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah, it's okay by me."

She smiled. "Good." She set about loading up their dishwasher with breakfast's items. "Have fun out and about?"

"Yeah," was all he replied with, reaching into the refrigerator for a soda. "Just...y'know, hangin' out."

"Mmhmm," said his mother. That was her favorite reply when she did not have much else to say on the subject. "Your father's working late today; probably won't be home until around ten."

Kier shrugged. His father, Aden, had been working late almost everyday since they moved in. It was a combination of him looking for overtime, and the company dumping all their stupid projects in his lap. He worked for an advertising firm, so there was always plenty to do; and even at overtime, he was just barely getting paid what his co-workers made regularly an hour. For now, he had the sole income; Kier's mother, Lara, was not working yet. She had been on several interviews, and despite being willing to work a dollar under everyone else, was not getting any call-backs. Kier had overheard her say she was almost willing to go back to waitressing to Aden. Kier knew how much she had hated those jobs; being a dragon did not quite rake in the tips. She had a bachelor's in business, and still no one would hire her because the degree was from an all-dragon university. The catch was that dragons still were not allowed to attend mammal universities. So there was no winning that circle of defeat. Kier was hoping by the time he left high school, he could attend a mammal university, just his degree would have some meaning behind it; since he would probably be allowed into a mammal university before the dragon universities were taken seriously.

"Any calls from your interviews?" asked Kier, popping the top on his soda with a slight fizz.

Lara sighed. "No..."

Kier did not say anything, just walking down the hall leading off of the kitchen and to his bedroom in the back. He flopped down on the king-size bed, setting his soda on the bedside table. He did not know what to do with himself. He did not feel like music, or playing video games. He was glad he had a system, though; his parents had gotten him a PS2, despite it being an expense they probably should not have sprung for at the time. But they had gotten it for him the year after they were launched for a birthday present. He knew the PS3s were out, but he did not really care; he did not play it that much, anyway.

He reached over and opened the window, still hearing birds singing in the late afternoon, that would soon stretch into early evening and night. He wanted to go for a walk, hang out in the backyard, anything. But the idea of a dragon in the neighborhood was still too new, both for him and the neighbors. He wasn't quite ready to be trotting around by himself.

Thinking of the afternoon, just staring at the ceiling, he could not help but smile a little. The fox had been checking him out all day; Kier had kept catching those stolen glances here and there. Trayne was adorable about it. Kier still wasn't quite sure if he was gay, or even bi; the dragon wondered idly how the fox would take it if Kier came clean and admitted he was gay.

Kier rolled over, resting his head against his pillow. The fox sure was a little cutie. But he had no real way of knowing if the fox really had anything resembling intentions towards him yet. Kier sighed. He had not been attracted to anyone for over a year, and that had been another dragon in his last school. It had not gone anywhere, of course; Kier had been too afraid of what might happen if he made a move. If he was wrong, it would just be awkward, and he'd lose a friend.

The dragon frowned. No. This time he would find out, one way another, if there was anything. He knew he had to take it slow; he had just met the fox. But he would be steadily keeping tabs on whether or not he felt it was a good idea to go for it. This time, he would not an opportunity slip past.


The redolent smell of hamburgers floated under Trayne's nose as he sat on the back patio reading a book. His father was busy at the grill, his mother inside getting a few other things together for dinner. It was just edging in on sunset, but it would be another hour or better before the sun was truly set for the day. As long as he could still make out the words on the page, he was content.

"So, how did your day go?" asked George, off-handedly as he flipped burgers.

"Oh, y'know...nothing special," replied Trayne, his heart betraying him as it jumped into his throat. He was still certain any second now his father would tell him he knew exactly where he'd been, who he'd been with, and what he had been thinking. Tayne still was not sure what scared him more; his dad figuring out the gay thing, or that he was hanging out with a dragon. Of course, those two things also were not mutually exclusive.

"Good to see you making some new friends," his father went on. "You only ever seemed to have that one friend before...Don, Dan..."

"David," corrected Trayne, quietly.

"Right," said his father, as though he were just feigning forgetfulness. "Nice kid, but you need more than one friend."

"I suppose," agreed Trayne, just to not get drawn into a lengthy discussion, burying himself into his book. If there was one thing his father was good at, it was making a whole argument out of one off-handed comment. And with the nice day he had, Trayne didn't feel like getting dragged into one of those right now.

"Burgers are almost done," commented George. "Why don't you go in and set the table?"

Trayne put his bookmark in and got up without a word, opening the sliding door and stepping inside, closing it again behind him. It wasn't that he hated his father, it was just that they did not always see eye to eye. His father was a product of a different era, and Trayne wanted to distance himself as far as possible from that time and place.

"Hi, sweetie," said his mother as Trayne walked into the kitchen and reached up to grab plates.

"Hi, mom," he replied. "Dad said he's almost done outside."

Lorna nodded. "That's good; everything in here is pretty much all set."

Trayne's mother was, essentially, a housewife. She had briefly held a job when she and George had met, but with George's six-digit income, it wasn't really necessary for her to continue working. She had for a bit, but with no formal training, she only ever held entry-level positions and minimum-wage jobs. So, she had settled down into the home. Never complaining about it, she seemed to enjoy it mostly. Trayne was not sure how she would react to some of his choices lately; she mostly kept her opinions to herself. George was the outspoken one of the two of them.

Setting the table, Trayne looked out the back window and sighed wistfully. Two days before he would get to see Kier again. He should have given the dragon his online messenger name. Oh, well; too late now.

"Did you hear me?" asked his mother.

He snapped his head around. "No, sorry. Guess I was daydreaming." He forced a half-smile.

She sighed, good-naturedly. "I just asked if you were going out tomorrow."

"Not tomorrow," answered Trayne. "But one of the guys did invite me to stay the night at their place the day after. A bunch of us are showing up for a sleep-over."

"A sleep-over, huh? Well, I see no reason you can't go," she said.

"Thanks, mom," he replied. "I just need to find my sleeping bag; and some stuff to take with me. Everybody is bringing some snack food."

"Okay," Lorna said. "I think your sleeping back is in the basement if you want to look for it after dinner."

He felt awful for lying to his mother. But was he going to tell her; 'I'm going out into the woods at night with a dragon that I'm sort of attracted to.' Not the greatest idea in the world. It was better to do it this way.

George opened the patio door and came inside, setting the plate of burgers down on the table. "Everything ready in here?" he asked his wife, kissing her on the cheek.

"Just about, dear," replied Lorna, getting a bowl of potato salad and a few others together and putting them on the table with the burgers. Trayne sat down, as much to get out of the way as he was just hungry. His parents sat down as well, the three of them passing bowls and plates around, mostly in silence. Trayne was more or less used to quiet dinners; most things just instigated his father to go on a rant.

"I could use help with the flower beds in the back and the sides of the house tomorrow, Trayne," remarked his father. "If you're not going anywhere already."

Trayne shook his head. "Nope."

"Good," said George. Trayne had learned a long time ago it was just easier to agree to it if he didn't have anything better to do. He knew full well that by his father saying 'help,' it meant Trayne would be doing it all himself. But that was okay with him; it was outdoors, and all it would be probably was fertilizing and weeding.

Leaving half of his burger, Trayne got up, despite his stomach's growling protests.

"Trayne, aren't you hungry?" asked his mother.

"Not as much as I thought I was," he answered, walking past her to the stairs and going to his room. He closed his door and opened the window above his bed. It was getting darker now, some stars already dotting the sky. He still felt famished, but he could just sneak downstairs after his parents had gone to bed and grab something.

Bouncing off the bed, he turned on his computer, checking his messenger; still no David.

He sighed. It was going to be a long, lonely two days.


Trayne stuffed his sleeping bag and a light blanket into his backpack. The weather prediction was calling for unseasonably cold temperatures and the possibility of rain. He hoped the little shack would hold up; he couldn't remember seeing any holes in the roof. So even if it rained, they should be okay. And besides, there was no way he was calling off going.

"And you'll be home tomorrow, right?" asked his mother, standing by the door.

"Yeah, maybe in the late afternoon," answered Trayne, zipping up his bag, not able to get out of the house fast enough. He didn't want Kier to think he wasn't coming. And he was looking forward to seeing the dragon again. He tried to shuffle past his mother, but she wasn't moving.

"If anything happens, be sure to call home," she said, sternly. "I don't want to have to find out from the police."

"Okay," huffed Trayne.

"And don't forget to brush your tee--" she started, but Trayne cut her off with a 'muh-OM!"

With that, she let him past. He opened the door and bounded down the steps, grabbing his bike that he left there last night for easy access, and started riding back towards the quarry. It was still sunny out in the late afternoon, and Trayne just could not imagine it raining at all. But he also knew the weather could change in a moment here.

Pedaling as hard as he could, he was wearing himself out. Grudgingly, he eased off, going at a slower, but brisk, pace. Cars whipped past him on the road, the traffic getting thinner as he reached the road that passed the quarry. Trayne turned onto the dirt road, riding past the large mounds of earth that concealed the swimming hole he had been at a few days ago. He rode past it quickly when he was sure no one was over there.

When he reached the edge of the stand of trees, he had to leave his bike there; the trees were too close together to risk trying to weave in between them. Getting injured out here, he'd have quite a task in explaining it to his mother.

Moving aside branches as he went, he guided himself along to the lake in the woods. His footpaws stepped on brittle twigs, snapping them underfoot, and shuffling through dead leaves. Already, he could hear wind-rippled sounds of the small lake. Stepping into slightly less dense foliage, he could see Kier sitting on the bank. He looked over his shoulder at the fox and smiled. "I was almost afraid you weren't coming," said the dragon.

Trayne smiled sheepishly. "Had to get past the folks, first."

Kier laughed a bit. "I took my things over to the cabin."

Trayne nodded, following Kier around the far side of the lake, over the path they had previously found. Trayne still marveled how clear-cut the path was; if this place was deserted, it hadn't been for long. Maybe since the end of spring. Unless it was only used seasonally; if that was case, he hoped the owner did not decide to use it tonight.

Progressing over to the cabin, Trayne opened the door and went inside. He could tell Kier had swept up a bit and removed a lot of the dust and debris that had blown in. His things were piled in the corner, Kier's sleeping bag unpacked and left bundled up on the floor. Trayne dropped his bag next to Kier's.

"So..." started Kier, "what did you wanna do?" He secretly hoped the fox would want to go swimming again. If not now, then at some point in the next day. He wanted to take full advantage of the fact that they were out of sight from prying and disapproving eyes.

"I dunno," replied Trayne. "I didn't really think about it!" He laughed nervously, feeling like an idiot now. "I guess we could got for a walk, see what else is out here."

Kier nodded. Not what he was hoping for, but still a nice idea. "Sounds good."

They both stepped back outside, letting the sunlight dapple over them, and taking in the fresh air all around them. Trayne had never gone past the point of the shallow water on the far side; he had not even known the cabin had been here. So everything was new to him.

"We should go to the top of the hill," remarked Kier, pointing over to the obvious sloping edge of a hill just beyond the cabin.

Trayne nodded and started off through the low brush, pushing aside foliage and stepping over fallen branches. Kier was right; there was a definite incline upwards. Trayne tried to get as best he could, trying not to make it obvious he was struggling. Kier seemed to have no problem, obviously the more muscular and athletic of the two of them. Trayne grabbed roots that were protruding from an exposed elm, hoisting himself up the last bit of earth.

The top leveled out into a field, sun-bleached expanse visible as far as they could see. Kier sat down on a patch of grass, looking out over the tall grass as it waved in the breeze.

"Sun will be setting soon," remarked Kier. "Another hour or two."

Trayne sat down next to the dragon, trying to sit as close as he could without being obvious. "We could stay here and watch the sun set."

Kier didn't reply immediately. "What time does the meteor shower?" he asked, finally.

"Oh, um...around midnight, I think," answered Trayne.

"Guess we have a bit, then," mused Kier. "I did bring along a couple things; a deck of cards, and a few other things if we get bored."

"I don't think we'll get bored," commented Trayne, looking out over the field.

The dragon looked over at the fox, down his trim waist, lingering on the vulpine's crotch for a moment, then looking away himself. "No, I suppose not."


It was after dark, the last streaks of daylight well gone over the western horizon. Kier set a small portable lamp on the table near them. "Had to really hide that from the folks," he said, with a laugh.

"What did you tell your parents to get them to let you come out here tonight," inquired Trayne.

"Not much, really," replied Kier. "Told them I wanted to get out of the house for a night; for dragons, independence at my age is highly valued. They didn't ask many questions." He looked up and saw the puzzled look on Trayne's face. "It's not that they don't care," assured Kier. "It's just a dragon thing, I guess."

"Lucky," muttered Trayne. "I can't get out of the house without the third degree; it's like they don't trust me." And as the words left his mouth, the irony set in, and Trayne laughed a bit. The fox sat down on his sleeping bag. Kier stretched out across his own, lying on his belly. He reached into his pack and pulled out a pack of cards, taking off the wrapper. "Know how to play rummy?" asked the dragon.

"I've played once or twice," replied Trayne, watching as Kier shuffled and dealt the cards deftly. "Looks like you may have played more then twice."

Kier laughed. "I've played a lot of cards; mostly just by myself, solitaire and the like." He was quiet for a moment. "Never really had anyone around to play with."

"Didn't you live near other dragons before?" asked Trayne, putting his cards in order.

"Sort of," replied Kier. "We live in tenement housing; a lot of small apartments just piled in on top of each other in the bad part of the city. It was where we all used to have to live, until the law was passed, repealing the other law, that said we were allowed out of the 'communities.' Dad had gotten a decent job, because we had scraped for a few years so he could get a degree. So we got out of there. They tried to offer us 'affordable' housing, but it was just more communities they were going to herd dragons into; these were just now duplexes and some single houses. My folks saw right through it, and wanted to move in here. Dad thinks nothing's going to change until we all finally step up and change it ourselves." Kier played his hand and discarded. "I dunno how I feel about that."

"I don't know what the big deal is," said Trayne. "It's not like dragons are really any different from mammals; it's just the fur. Other than that, we all need and want to the same things. That's what would really matter."

Kier smiled. He'd never heard a mammal be so open-minded about the issue, and he was grateful for that. So many mammals just wanted to make the 'dragon problem' go away. But Kier knew that wasn't going to happen; the riots that were becoming more and more prevalent were going to see to that.

"I think you're winning," remarked Kier, not wanting to drag both of them down with this sort of subject.

Trayne laughed. "And here I was thinking it was you." He played his hand. "It's still funny; I never thought I'd be sitting here, sneaking out of the house, playing cards with a dragon. Between this and being gay, my dad would kill me."

Kier's ears perked up a bit. "Gay?"

Trayne smiled sheepishly. It had just slipped out, he hadn't even done it intentionally. "Yeah..."

Kier smiled. "I don't know how my parents would take it either."

The fox tilted his head to the side. "You....too?"

"For a couple years now, yeah," confirmed Kier. "Never done anything, though; it's not much more wide-spread accepted in our culture than your's, from what I understand. The recent issue of dragon's rights has sort of overshadowed it, but that doesn't mean there's a mute acceptance by default." The dragon laughed a little. "I have a small library of gay porn under my bed," and on that he laughed harder, and the fox joined in.

"I dunno when it hit for me," remarked Trayne. "I've never had the chance to be...with anyone myself." He blushed a little. "There's was one guy, but I knew he didn't feel the same..." He just trailed off.

Kier appraised the fox quietly. Cute and gay; perfect package. But could the fox really be feeling the same way about him? They'd only spent a few days together; there was no way Trayne would feel such strong feelings already.

"I think I win," said Trayne, smiling.

"I think you did," agreed Kier, not really bothering to count. The fox did have a pretty good collection of cards in front of him; could have hit five-hundred already easily. Kier looked outside. "Think we can see the meteor shower better outside?"

"Probably," agreed Trayne. "It's such a nice night; we could take a dip before it starts."

Kier smiled. "I like that idea."

Trayne smiled inwardly; the dragon could probably see right through his pitiful excuse to get in the water together, and naked, but he didn't care at this point.

The two of them stripped off in the cabin, setting their clothes on their sleeping bags. Padding down to the water, they slipped in, the tepid water sliding up to their hips quickly. Trayne's nightvision adjusted quickly, so he could see Kier's sheath in the darkness, above where his testicles pressed against their leathery pouch encased in his body; both of which were larger than Trayne's. The fox wondered idly if Trayne could just as well. He didn't know Kier could see just fine in the dark, and was also looking at Trayne's sheath; and the way the fox was looking at his exposed area. Kier just smiled, not saying anything.

Trayne still loved the feeling of the water washing over himself. There was nothing like being free and uninhibited out in the woods like this, the wild part of his nature that modern culture repressed, urging to be acknowledged and let out. And the part of him that just wanted to let Kier bury his cock deep in the vulpine's insides also wanted to be answered.

Kier glided through the water, rippling it gently away from himself as he moved into the deeper portions of the water. He marveled at Trayne, who just seemed at home in the water. In the moonlight, the arctic fox looked like an apparition, his fur a pale blue. Kier just wanted to touch him; not even sexually, just run his paws through that fur, over his chest and stomach, feel his legs, caress his rear end, and, yes, even fondle his sheath and hear the fox speak in pleasure. But even if the fox would let him, they would still have to go back to the real world sooner or later, and there was no way a relationship between the two of them could thrive.

"Kier," said Trayne, in the darkness, looking at the dragon.

"Yeah?" replied Kier.

"I'd sort of like to to...," started Trayne, feeling embarassed. "Sort of like it if you'd come cuddle with me."

Kier half-smiled. "Really?"

Trayne giggled nervously. "Yeah."

Coming to the fox in the deeper water, Trayne up to the top of his belly, Kier at about his waist, Kier reached for the fox, finding his soft fur. Trayne came in closer, letting himself get pulled to the dragon, affectionately flattening himself to the dragon. Kier smiled, and put his arms around the fox, feeling more fulfilled than he had in a time longer ago than he could remember. The warmth of the fox against his midsection spread up himself, and it was all that mattered. While crickets chirped nearby, and fireflies flew in and out and around them, Kier just felt like he was lucky. Trayne stretched up as far as he could, the dragon bending down a bit to meet him, the fox nuzzling into Kier's neck. Kier didn't know how to react to that or what to see; he just enjoyed the feeling, an intimate feeling, like only lovers would share.

"Trayne," he started.

"Mmhmm?" was the fox's only reply.

"I...we...should we be doing this?" he asked, slowly.

Trayne looked up at Kier; and then he knew that Kier could see him clear as day. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...you're a mammal, and I'm a dragon...not exactly a match sanctioned by either one of our elders," Kier answered, quietly.

"But, I...I like you," stammered the vulpine. "And I'm pretty sure you like me."

"I know, but..." trailed off Kier.

"I don't care if everyone I know stops talking to me," assured Trayne, snugging in tightly to Kier. "Kier...I...I don't think I've ever felt this way about someone before; not even the guy that moved away. I think I liked you the minute I met you." He nuzzled into Kier's neck again, giving his muzzle a quick lick. "If we have to be quiet about it...I still think it would be worth it."

Kier smiled. "We haven't even been on a date yet."

"We can fix that," countered Trayne.

Kier laughed despite himself. "Okay, okay. You really don't mind being seen in public with a dragon, huh?"

Trayne nosed the dragon a bit, stretching up as high as he could. "Not even a little."

Smiling, Kier licked him back a bit, hugging the fox tightly. He never wanted to let go of Trayne in that moment; it just seemed so perfect. "Hey, look."

Trayne looked up with Kier. The meteors were starting to fall, and they were in a perfect spot to see it. No trees obscured their view. Just the heavens above, dashed by small streaks as they fell earthbound. Trayne was almost distracted too much by Kier's arms around him still; that was more impressive to him than the meteors.

"So, you're serious about a date?" asked Kier, quietly.

Trayne nodded. "Yeah...I was."

"I don't have much money...." trailed off Kier.

"It's okay; I have some money. Parents give it to me, and I never use it," reassured Trayne.

Kier just smiled in the darkness. So he had a boyfriend; and he's a mammal. It was odd how what he wanted and what he expected could be so different, but he could not be happier about that. They just stayed there, holding one another, letting the water gently brush past them, and watch the exhibition in the empyrean.


Trayne put the phone gently down on the cradle when he heard the front door open and his mother came back from grocery shopping. He poked his head around the corner from the kitchen. "Hey, mom." He went over to help her get the groceries in the house.

"Thanks, dear," she said, bringing the rest.

He was glad she made so much noise coming through the door; gave him a minute to say bye to Kier. The dragon was by himself during the afternoon, since apparently his mother had gotten a job as a an overnight file clerk, and his father was working until after midnight every night. They had been planning for Trayne to come over on some night soon when both of the dragon's parents would be out of the house for sure at work.

"Not going anywhere today?" she asked, starting to put some of the things away.

"No, not today," he answered. "What time is dad coming home?"

"Not for a few hours yet," she responded.

Good, thought Trayne. He had promised Kier he'd call him back in a bit; they had to talk in short conversations, and he wanted to do it before his dad got home. Of the two of them, he figured his dad was more apt to catch him at it. His mother would be busy with dinner, and after dinner was done, would probably just sit in the living room the rest of the night. His dad, however, was all over the house, and often would make calls for work when he got home. So Trayne had to be careful if he was going to make calls when his father was nearby.

His thoughts were also mildly distracted with the idea of going on a date with Kier. They hadn't seen each other in a week; since the night out in the woods. They had talked nearly every day though; Trayne thankful that Kier was close enough to be a local call. It wouldn't cost anything on the phone call, and if his parents asked about the number, he would just say it was one of his friends.

Kier had suggested Trayne come over to the dragon's place for their date; of course the fox had been more than willing to go with the idea. Both of Kier's folks were out of the house by three, and not home until eleven at the earliest, so they could have plenty of time. Trayne had inventoried how much he saved up from the allowance his parents still gave him; he had over four hundred dollars tucked away. He never had much of anything to spend it on, so it had just sat there. But now he was happy he had it. He had already called and made reservations with an expensive restaurant in town, "Chez Pierre."

"I'll just be upstairs until dinner," remarked Trayne. "Just yell when it's ready." With that, he ran upstairs before his mother could say another word, stopping only briefly to quietly open the door to this parents room and grab their cordless phone to take to his bedroom with him.

Setting the phone on his desk and closing the door, he sat down at his desk chair, sighing. It was going to be hard getting a relationship going when they were seeing each other a week apart, but they would find ways to see each other more and more as time went on. They were already going to be able to get together more often now with Kier's house being empty

Trayne picked up the phone and dialed back to Kier, locking his door and lying on the bed, looking out the window. Hopefully his father wouldn't be along for a bit, like his mother said.

Three rings, and a pick up; "Hello?"

"Hi," said Trayne, shyly.

"Hey, there," replied Kier. "Away from your mom now?"

"Yeah, she came home faster than I expected," grumbled Trayne. "So...are we on for tomorrow?"

"I think so," confirmed Kier. "Both of them are working; I don't think they actually have a day off until two days from now."

Trayne's heart jumped at the news. "Okay. So what time can I come by?"

"Four would be good," answered Kier. "That way my mom will be gone to her job by then; she leaves at three."

"Sounds good," replied Trayne, reaching over and taking one of his newly acquired magazines out from under his mattress. It was called 'Scale,' and was all-male dragon porn. He had bought it from the store he had gotten the rest of his smut from; a no-questions-asked place the next town over. He felt fairly secure no one from around the town would know him, and he could live with the odd looks from the checkout fur when he picked up the magazine. He thumbed through it, eventually just landing on the centerfold, which was one dragon straddling another and cumming all over the bottom lizard's chest, the one being cum on with a massive erection that was leaking precum down the underside of his shaft. He loved looking at it, but thought Kier looked sexier naked; and wished he himself was that bottom dragon, and Kier would be on top.

"I kinda miss you seeing you," Kier said, quietly, snapping Trayne out of his daydream.

The fox smiled. "I miss you, too. But, I'll be by tomorrow. Don't worry." With that, he heard a faint rumbling; the sound of the garage door going up. "Damn, my dad just came home; and I'm more worried about him catching us than my mom. I'll come over at four, okay?"

"Okay," replied Kier, with a faint sigh. "Bye."

"Bye," said Trayne, quietly, and pressed the 'End' button. He quickly stalked down the hallway and put the phone back just as he heard the front door open and his father come in. Trayne quickly went back to his room, not wanting his dad to see him. These days, he pretty much just avoided his father altogether whenever possible. He didn't like the way his dad talked about dragons, and with all the news so much lately, it was almost constantly. It wasn't going to be easy trying to go out with Kier. But Trayne had meant everything he said; if everyone he knew shunned him over it, he would still go out with Kier.


Kier sat in the living room, trying to concentrate on the TV show he was watching and not on the fact that it was still going to be a whole day before Trayne would show up. He sighed and just mindlessly flipped through channels.

"Dinner's in the fridge," called his mother, while she quickly threw on her jacket. "Your father will be home around midnight, as usual now." She bent down and gave Kier a quick kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye, mom," was all he said. She opened the front door, and with that was gone. Kier hated being here by himself, which was almost all the time. He couldn't go outside, because there were only so many places he could go without being stared at or ostracized. And aside from Trayne, he hadn't made many other friends. But having Trayne almost made up for that.

When they had woken up the morning after the meteor shower, they were cuddled up naked together, Trayne cuddled up with his back against Kier. The sky had become overcast during the night, rain falling gently, and making quiet noises as it hit the water and leaves outside. As far as Kier had been concerned, it had been the perfect way to wake up.

After saying their good-byes, Kier had gone home and looked up something he had never really thought to before; mammal porn. The idea was provocative, both to have an idea of Trayne would look like aroused, and the forbidden nature of the whole thing. Urban legends were abound for dragons that there were special content filters for dragons using the internet, and that when they accessed mammal porn, the government made a note of it. But Kier found that whole notion preposterous.

Since then, his mind was filled the idea of swollen knots, glistening pink shafts, and all sorts of things he wanted to do. He pressed his paw to the front of his pants as his cock started to escape its slit as he imagined those images yet again; every time was almost an instantaneous erection for him. And he liked it. He could only imagine what it would be like to be in the same room as Trayne if they were going to do that. When he thought about that, he didn't even know how they'd end up at that point; how long were they supposed to wait? When would be the right time?

He sprawled out on the couch, just looking at the ceiling, not even paying attention to whatever was on the TV. He'd never had a real relationship before, and though he loved the idea, and really liked Trayne, it was also all so new and unknown, and a little frightening. But he knew it would be well worth in the end.

Kier glanced over at the clock; two minutes had passed. He growled and went back to watching TV.


Trayne hopped off of his bike and walked it up the driveway to Kier's house. Both of the cars were gone, which he had made sure of from down the street before he got closer. He had called Kier again just before leaving, and the dragon had said to come to the back door. He was taking care to not get his nice clothes dirty before they went out to dinner.

The fox leaned his bike against the side of Kier's house, knocking gently on the backdoor. Kier opened the door, smiling when he saw his boyfriend, the two of them embracing tightly.

"I missed you," Kier whispered in Trayne's ear.

"I missed you, too," replied Trayne, wagging his tail happily.

They grudgingly let go, Kier stepping aside so Trayne could get in, suddenly feeling vulnerable at the idea of errant eyes of the neighbors.

There was a small hall just inside the door, and then opened directly onto the kitchen. Trayne marveled at how high the ceilings were; he felt dwarfed by comparison.

"We're going to have a contractor come and put the ceilings up and expand the doorways," remarked Kier, watching Trayne stare up in awe. "Dad always has a hard time getting through."

Trayne's eyes widened a bit more, trying to process the idea of what the size of his father must be if he still had trouble getting around.

"You want something to drink?" Kier asked, then frowned a bit. "And what's with the fancy clothing?"

Trayne blushed, forgetting he was wearing a button-up shirt and khakis. "Oh, I got us a reservation at a nice restaurant....you know...for our date?"

"I thought we were going to stay in...," trailed off Kier, a little nervous at the idea of going out in public as the mixed-species couple.

Trayne scuffed at the floor. "I wanted to take you out. If you don't want to...it's okay."?

Kier shook his head. "No, it's okay" He smiled. "What time?"

"Shortly," replied Trayne. "If you wanna get dressed."

Kier cocked an eye. "Am I underdressed?" he asked, jokingly.

Trayne laughed a bit. "Well, it is a pretty nice place."

"Okay," agreed Kier, "come on, I'll show you my room while I get changed."

The fox followed Kier down the hallway to the dragon's bedroom, Kier opening the door and the of them stepping inside. Trayne could not believe how huge the room was, even with the queen-size bed in the middle of the room. Kier could freely move around the room without the danger of knocking anything over.

"Wow!" exclaimed Trayne, "nice room."

Kier shrugged, getting a shirt out of the closet and taking off his current shirt. Trayne sat on the edge of the bed, watching his now-boyfriend getting undressed out of the corner of his eye. He pressed one of his paws to his groin, feeling the swelling in his sheath.

"Could you give me a hand?" asked Kier, distracting Trayne from his fantasy.

"Um, sure," answered Trayne, snapping himself back and getting up. "With what?"

"The buttons in the back," explained Kier, pointing to just below his wings. "Dragons-exclusive clothing is hard to find, so mom just buys me extra-big things and tailors them for me. Rather than trying to cut around the wings and make it fit, she just cuts slits in the back of the shirts and puts buttons on to make it so they don't hang open."

Trayne was impressed with the craftsmanship; it looked like it was the way the shirt came. He also marveled over Kier's wings; so beautiful in light, glittering with all the colors caught therein.

"Could you fly with these?" asked Trayne, suddenly.

Kier looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Not really. They're pretty much for attracting a mate."

Trayne touched the thin membranous tissue. "Do they work?"

The dragon fluttered them a bit. "You tell me," he remarked, smiling.

Trayne blushed. "You ready to go?"

"Just gotta change my pants, I guess," said Kier, reaching into his drawer and pulling out a pair of black dress pants. He undid his current pair, letting them fall to the floor, and he stepped gingerly out of them, the large lizard showing surprising grace. However, it was also then that he realized that Kier didn't wear underwear, and it launched the vulpine into a furious blush. But he couldn't wrest his eyes away.

Kier caught notice of the fox getting a little red under the cheeks and chuckled a bit. "Come on, you've seen me naked before."

"Yeah, but that was....unexpected," stammered Trayne, afraid that Kier would notice the tenting in his pants.

"That's the best kind," remarked Kier, smiling. He pulled up his new pair of pants, cinching them in with a belt. "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Good," said Trayne, standing up, trying to hide his erection. He followed Kier back out of the house, through the back door again, and back into sunlight. Trayne knew it wouldn't be long before the sun would be setting in the west, and rising on empires of the far side of the world. It was already after six, and their reservations were for seven. The two of them went down the drive, walking down the street towards the main road that would take them into town. Trayne felt like an ass for walking to his first date ever; but his dad would not allow him to get his license until he was twenty, and said he couldn't take the car by himself until he was twenty-one. So, there was nothing he could do about it anyway.

"So, where are we going?" asked Kier, as they strolled along.

"A really nice place," replied Trayne, smiling. "But it's a surprise."

"A surprise, huh?" inquired Kier, rhetorically, taking the arctic fox's paw. "I suppose I can wait a few more minutes." He gave Trayne's paw a gentle squeeze, and Trayne returned it, grinning widely at actually having somefur's paw to hold. He was vaguely aware of the stares they were garnering, but was doing his best to ignore them. A few furs that were out together were whispering quietly to each other, and Trayne was fully aware it was about them.

"Having seconds thoughts?" asked Kier, quietly, when he saw Trayne looking at the furs they were passing.

"No," replied Trayne, quickly. "Just...nothing."

Kier didn't say anything else, the two of them just continuing on their way.


The sun was just starting to set when they approached the restaurant, "The Champagne House." Trayne was almost happy they didn't bring a car, because the lot was packed. He was happy he'd bothered to make reservations. But, he did almost feel underdressed when he saw other furs going in wearing tuxes and evening gowns.

"This looks...expensive," said Kier, lowly.

"It's okay," assured Trayne. "I've got plenty of money with me."

"It also looks like there's a lot of rich mammals in there...," trailed off Kier.

Trayne looked up at Kier. "Is it really making you that uncomfortable?"

Kier sighed. "I guess not...I'm just worried...about furs seeing you with me. It's a huge stigma, you know."

The vulpine reached up and nuzzled Kier's muzzle, putting his arms around his boyfriend. "You're sweet. But I'm okay; I want to be seen with you."

Kier sighed good-naturedly and smiled. "Okay. Let's go."

Following Trayne, Kier walked in behind the vulpine, noticing the looks and outright sneers of disgust he was getting. One female in an evening gown forced her husband to turn around when she saw the dragon. His ears drooped a bit, but he followed Trayne in.

The interior was immaculate. Crystal chandelier in the middle, accenting the mood lighting. High walls separated some of the booths, making them a bit more popular, and there were private rooms in the back, segregated by smoked glass. Everything looked fantastic, and Kier could not believe he was standing in such a place. The smells that drifted under his nose were delectable, and he knew then and there he wanted steak when he picked the aroma out of the cluster of flavors hitting his palette.

Trayne approached the maitre'd, Kier in tow. Several of the parties waiting either moved back or left the area all-together when Kier got near them. He kept telling himself to ignore them, just concentrate on Trayne.

"Good evening....sirs...," started the badger overseeing the desk, stopping when he looked up. "Can I...help you?"

"Reservation for two, under Hart," answered Trayne, looking back at Kier and smiling.

The maitre'd cleared his throat, more from disgust than actually anything bothering him. "Sir, surely you cannot expect us to let the...patron...with you in."

Trayne frowned. "What're you talking about?"

"Your compatriot is a dragon. This establishment does not serve their kind," explained the maitre'd, slowly, like being with a dragon made Trayne stupid.

Trayne looked back at Kier, who was just fixated on the floor now, and then turned back to the maitre'd. "Well, why not?"

The garcon bristled a bit. "Because our clientele does not wish to be near such brutes. It is uncouth."

Trayne growled slightly, hearing some of the other furs waiting to be seated laugh and whispered quietly.

"Trayne, can we just go?...," asked Kier, shamefully.

"No," answered Trayne. "We want to be seated. I have reservations, and there's nothing legally that says we can't be served here."

The maitre'd sighed. "There's also nothing legally that says you have to be served, either. Trust me, you are not the first to try. Now please, before you disturb our other guests."

"Look, this isn't--" started Trayne again, but he stopped when Kier grabbed his paw. Trayne turned to the dragon and saw tears welling up in his eyes.

"Trayne, please, I...I don't want to stay here," pleaded Kier.

The fox sighed and glared at the maitre'd. "Yeah, me either." He turned and brushed past the other furs, Kier following him and not looking at anyone. The vulpine burst through the doors, wanting to say something, but feeling too angry to say anything. But his anger just disappeared when he saw how upset Kier was, and Trayne just wanted to make all this go away.

"There's a park near here," said Trayne, quietly. "We could go for a walk."

Kier sniffed a bit and nodded, taking Trayne's paw and letting the fox lead him away and down the street. The lights of the restaurant were soon gone and forgotten, replaced with twilight. The dragon snuggled in closely to him, feeling better when he felt the warmth of his boyfriend against himself.

They walked through the small park, lights along on the path on classic-style poles lighting up, and fireflies darting in and out around them. The sun was all but forgotten over the horizon, stars taking the place of the blazing behemoth, and a sliver of silver moon rising into the heavens. Trayne was steering them towards the middle of the park, where there was a small lake he knew looked gorgeous in moonlight. They walked in silence, Trayne putting his arm around Kier's waist and giving the dragon's paw an assuring squeeze. Kier smiled a little and squeezed back.

"Where're we going?" asked Kier.

"Just a little further," answered Trayne. He also knew there was a pizza place just up the path from the park where he could get food for them. A far cry from The Champagne Room, but after the way they were treated, Trayne was glad they didn't eat there after all.

Trayne brought them to the end of the path, and the lake there. The reflection of the sunset and the intermingling twilight was cast over its glassy surface, and made a picturesque scene. The two of them went to the edge, leaning over the guardrail, Trayne leaning into Kier, the dragon putting his arms around his smaller mate.

"It's nice here," said Kier, quietly.

"Mmhmm," agreed Trayne, happy for the silence, and the company. "There's a pizzeria just outside the park; I can go and grab food. I'm sort of hungry."

Kier nodded. "Good idea."

Trayne broke the embrace, heading off towards the opposite path. "I won't be gone long. Grab a bench, sweetie."

Kier smiled inwardly when Trayne called him 'sweetie.' He had never had someone do that, and it felt so good. "Okay."

The fox walked off, and in a matter of moments was out of sight as he went past the trees. Kier was left with just himself and the gentle croak of spring frogs nearby. He went to the bench and sat down, sighing. And as soon as he was sitting he cried, letting it all out; all that shame and embarrassment. Trayne may accept him for who he was, but there was an entire world that would never do the same. He braced his face in his paws, thinking not just of himself, but what Trayne must be feeling. Even though he was being so nice, there had to be some part of the fox that was scorning him now.

He felt so alone. Even with Trayne, he felt alone. He leaned back on the bench, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. This was not how he had wanted his first date with this amazing male to go. His dad was wrong; acting like they belonged did not make it so.

Making Trayne endure all this, he felt like the worst thing on the planet. Maybe Trayne had just used going to get dinner as an excuse; Kier honestly would not be able to blame him. This had been a mistake, and now Trayne would probably leave on their first date.

But, to his surprise, the fox emerged a few moments later, with a small with, if Kier smelled correctly, pizza. Trayne sat down on the bench, opening it up and smiling. "Hungry?"

Kier sighed. "I guess."

Trayne frowned. "What's wrong."

"I...," started Kier. "I embarrassed you back there!"

"In the restaurant?"

"Well, yeah," went on Kier. "We got thrown out because of me, and--"

Trayne cut him off my placing his paw over the dragon's. "Hun, the only reason we got thrown out is because they're all bigots and narrow-minded. It had nothing to do with you, and if that's how were going to be treated, I'm glad we didn't give them any of our money."

Kier sniffled a bit. "I suppose..."

"Hey, don't cry," said Trayne, quietly. "I really like you, and I'm not gonna let something like being thrown out of a dumb restaurant wreck that."

Kier wiped his eyes. "R-Really?"

Trayne smiled and nodded. "Really."

The dragon fumbled with his paws nervously. "I...I really like you, too."

Trayne leaned in, looking the dragon in the eyes for a moment. Then did the last thing Kier expected; the fox kissed him. Kier's eyes went wide; he didn't know what to do. He'd never been kissed by anyone before. But he liked it, and closed his eyes, just enjoying it. He squeezed Trayne's paw, the fox squeezing in return.

Trayne couldn't believe he had just done that. He was going to say something, and his mind went blank, and next thing he knew, he was kissing Kier. The dragon did not pull away, so at least he wasn't completely disgusted. Trayne put his paw around the back of Kier's head, keeping them close, enjoying the intimacy.

At length, they broke their embrace, both of them grinning nervously.

"I liked that," whispered Kier, as if it was some egregious violation between the two of them.

"Me, too," answered Trayne, kissing him on the cheek this time. "Should we finish up dinner and head home?"

"You want to come back to my place? We'll have a few hours yet before my parents are home."

"Yeah," answered Trayne, happily, "I'd like that."

They ate their dinner in silence, now not feeling they needed to say anything between them. Just letting the frogs and gentle sound of the water fill the space between them.


Kier unlocked the door, letting Trayne in before he closed it again. The fox followed him into the living room, Kier putting on something on TV, neither of them really caring what it was. Trayne was just waiting for Kier to sit down, and when he did, the vulpine pounced into his lap and snuggled in tight.

"Affectionate little thing, aren't ya?" asked Kier, now seeming a bit more upbeat, the other events of the evening all but forgotten.

"Maybe a little," answered Trayne, looking up at Kier. Kier smiled and put his arms around Trayne, hugging him tight.

"Hey...Trayne," started Kier, slowly.

"Yeah?" answered the fox.

"You want to go lay down? We'd be more...um...comfortable," finished Kier, embarrassed.

The vulpine smiled wide. "Yeah, I would."

Trayne got off of Kier's lap, letting the dragon get up, the fox taking his boyfriend's paw as he got to his feet. Trayne smiled, leaning in to give the dragon a kiss on the cheek, and then letting him lead the way. Kier's tail swished behind him; something that Trayne had not seen him do before. Obviously the dragon was happy again.

They went into Kier's room, the dragon closing the door behind them. He flipped on a bedside light, so as to not cast as much light as the overhead lamp. Kier sat down on the bed, Trayne sitting next to him. The fox snuggled up close against the dragon again, Kier smiling softly and putting an arm around the vulpine.

"You seem pretty content," remarked Kier, quietly.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" asked Trayne, looking up at him. "I have you here."

Kier didn't know quite what to say to that. No one had ever professed feelings like that to him. His own culture was not familiar to things like that. Even among mates and family, such sentiments often were not expressed. But here was this fox, just saying these things like it was nothing. And it made Kier feel better then ever before.

Letting go of the fox, Kier lay down and opened his arms for Trayne. The fox was more than willing to accept the offer, nestling into Kier's strong arms, putting his back up against Kier and letting the dragon's limbs encircle him. Trayne closed his eyes, listening to Kier's gentle breathing, and the beat of his heart. Trayne could hear his own beat as well, and the two felt almost as if they were in time.

"How long do we have?" asked Trayne.

Kier craned his neck to see the clock on the bedside table. "About two hours."

Trayne breathed deeply. "Okay." He let his paws flop over the side of the bed, and felt them brush against something. He frowned, pulling at it, since it was tucked under the edge of the bed. He brought it to eye level, and realized it was a smut magazine, 'All Foxes.'

"What's this?" he asked, rhetorically.

Kier looked over Trayne's shoulder, seeing the magazine, and immediately grabbed for it. "Nothing!"

Trayne laughed, pulling away. "Aw, come on, it's nothing to be ashamed of." Kier looked away embarrassedly while Trayne looked through it. Trayne flipped to the centerfold, pulling it out. It was an arctic fox, like him, spreading his legs on a bed, holding his hard cock in his paw, smiling for the camera.

"I...sort of wanted to know what you would look like naked," admitted Kier, still not looking back at Trayne.

Laughing, Trayne snuggled up next to Kier again. "It's not funny...," muttered Kier.

"No, it's not that," assured Trayne. "But you've seen me naked."

"Not like that picture," said Kier, quietly, finally looking back at Trayne. At his adorable eyes, and body he just wanted to take all for himself.

"Well,"started Trayne, moving in closer, "all you had to do was ask."

Kier looked surprised, and Trayne just grinned. "Don't you think it's...quick?" asked Kier. But even as he said it, he felt his cock starting to betray him.

Trayne moved to his was straddling the dragon. "I don't know...I really guess I don't know what 'too soon' is. I've...never had sex."

"Neither have I," admitted Kier.

"But, I wouldn't mind if you were the first person I got to have it with," whispered Trayne, licking the end of Kier's muzzle. "We don't have to go all the way. We could just...y'know...play around a little."

Kier smiled at the idea. "I guess so." He looked down beneath Trayne, and could see the beginnings of an erection pushing against the inside of the fox's pants. And admittedly, he was beginning to feel tight himself. "I just feel...awkward, I guess."

"It is our first time," agreed Trayne. He reached down between Kier's legs, like he had seen done in so many videos and images. He could feel a bit of a bulge under his paw and the fabric of Kier's clothes. It throbbed and pulsed a bit when Trayne's paw lay overtop it, and then proceeded to swell larger. Trayne smiled as Kier gasped and breathed deeply at the touch. Like Trayne, he had never been able to experience this with anyone before.

"Wait," Kier managed to get out. He undid the snaps on his pants so Trayne could pull them off. The fox was only too happy to oblige, pulling gently and bringing Kier's pants down to his ankles. The dragon's cock was visible, emerging from the slit which held his sheath behind it. Half his shaft was already exposed. Unlike Trayne's canid cock, Kier's penis had a diamond-shaped head atop a long shaft, which thickened considerably as it got to the base. Trayne was absolutely entranced; it was much better in person than it had ever been looking at it online or in magazines.

Kier was blushing furiously, but also enjoying how much attention Trayne was giving to his maleness. The fox looked completely thrilled to have the five inches of dragon in front of him, and another five still concealed until Kier became completely aroused. "Do...do you like it?"

"Yeah," answered Trayne, not taking his eyes from it. "I do." He placed his paw on the shaft, gingerly, as though he was touching a priceless figurine composed of glass. Like his own cock, Kier's was soft and supple, yielding to his touch, and glistening gently in the light. Since it was jet-black, it caught all of the light better than Trayne's cock usually did. The fox drifted his paw up and down what was exposed, dipping down the base, at the slit, and down over the internal pouch where he knew Kier's testes were. The dragon watched the fox intently, delighting in all the new sensations that roamed over his body.

"Trayne, I...," he stopped mid-sentence to take another breath. "I like that."

The fox smiled, watching with delight as more of the dragon's phallus was emerging from his slit. "Do you...want to see me?" asked Trayne, now blushing himself.

"I would delight in that," replied Kier. In actuality, he had wanted nothing more since the day they gone to the lake in the woods, and he had seen the fox's nude sheath for the first time.

Getting up on his knees, Trayne took off his shirt and tossed it aside, and then leaned back to undo his pants. Like he had seen a lot of furs do, he undid his pants almost achingly slow, reveling in the dragon's hungry look as Trayne undid his zipper and folded his pants aside, revealing his sheath with a bit of pink poking through. Kier watched as Trayne slipped his pants off his legs and dropped them over the edge of the bed. The fox rubbed his sheath, massaging his paw over himself and down across his balls. Kier licked his lips, wanting to touch the fox's sheath for him. But for the moment he was willing to just sit and watch as Trayne's penis got harder, emerging from his pouch. The fox's spade-shaped cock was glistening in the low light, his pink shaft something Kier just wanted to wrap his lips around. But more, he wanted to bend the fox over and put his cock in the fox's tailhole.

Trayne was so lost in touching himself, he almost forgot Kier was there. He looked over at Kier and smiled. "Sorry, old habits." He laughed, and so did Kier.

The fox leaned down between Kier's legs, feeling all ten inches of Kier's cock press into his thigh. He positioned himself so it was rubbing under his tail, the feeling for both of them so intense. All of Trayne's cock emerged from his sheath, and now Kier could feel the fox's cock rubbing against his stomach. It was all so new to him, but he was so wrapped up in the moment that it all felt so natural. Trayne leaned down and kissed Kier on the muzzle, Kier putting his arms around Trayne's waist.

"You're cute when you're naked," murmured Kier.

Trayne smiled sheepishly and blushed furiously "Nah. I'm not..."

"Yeah, you are," assured Kier, kissing him again. "You're adorable."

Trayne murred softly, reaching down between the two of them and gripped Kier's shaft, pumping gently. Kier shivered with the waves of pleasure that rippled through his body. His muzzle hung slack as Trayne rubbed Kier's cockhead. Now that all of Kier's penis was free of his slit, Trayne could feel the base of his cock. It was bulbous, like the knot on his own cock, but about half the size. And judging by the look on Kier's face, it had an equally-stimulating effect. The dragon's eyes widened as Trayne gently found every inch of Kier's cock there was. With his free paw, the fox started to jerk himself off, gently stroking up and down.

"I...I can take care of that later," gasped out Kier, barely able to contain himself. He wanted to howl, yell, gasp, everything he could think of. But not wanting the neighbors to hear, he kept himself quiet. And Trayne had barely started.

"Enjoying this, hun?" asked Trayne,

"Mmhmm," murmured Kier, thrusting his hips up a bit into Trayne's paw.

Trayne smiled. "Then I think you'll enjoy this more." He slid down Kier's body, until his muzzle was down to Kier's cock. He gripped Kier's cock at the base and licked the dragon's cockhead, feeling the soft flesh under his tongue. It was so much different than anything else he'd ever felt. He could feel Kier shudder at the touch of his tongue, arching his back a bit and bucking his hips up into the air. "Don't get too worked up yet," teased Trayne, "I'm just getting to the good part." He engulfed Kier's penis in his muzzle, suckling on it gently.

"Oh, God!" yelled Kier, not able to keep it in any longer. He curled the blanket on the bed in his paws, his wings fluttering a bit. The brand new sensation across his member was so fervent, wracking every part of his body. He had pawed off before, but this was beyond that feeling. He wanted this feeling to last forever. His balls tingled, the length of his shaft was electrified by Trayne's tongue, and he couldn't help from flexing his abdominal muscles involuntarily.

"Mmmf...Trayne, that's...ohhh, don't stop," murmured Kier.

The fox started to bob his head, letting his tongue slide along the underside of the dragon's shaft as he did so. He tried to relax his throat, relaxing as much as he could to get Kier's cock s far down his throat as possible. He managed to get about six inches of Kier's maleness into his muzzle before he'd gone far enough. Trayne could feel Kier's cock throb against the back of his throat, putting his paw around the base of Kier's penis again. Kier moaned at the touch, Trayne licking over Kier's cock faster now. He twirled his tongue over Kier's head, licking off the dragon's precum as it trickled from his slit. It was a bit salty, just like when Trayne had tasted his own semen before. The warmth mingled with his own body heat in his muzzle, and he let it all down his throat. He wanted to capture every drop.

Kier was lost in the thralls of the blowjob he was getting. He reached down and placed his paw on the back of Trayne's head, pressing down on the arctic fox's head and pressing down him down further without realizing it. Trayne faltered a bit at first, but let it all into his throat. The fox's throat tensed as he deepthroated his boyfriend, slowly relaxing. He knew Kier was moaning profusely now, the dragon clamping his paws over his muzzle to help stifle some of the noise. He grinned inwardly and took his paw from under Kier's base and played with his testicles while sucking him off. He was rewarded with another round of loud moaning, bordering on a growl of pleasure. The dragon scritched him behind the ears, still pressing on the back of the fox's head. Trayne did not resist anymore, letting the dragon begin to muzzle-fuck him. Kier just started to hump into Trayne's muzzle, his tail flicking back and forth and his wings fluttering with every thrust. Trayne just wanted to feel his new mate's hot spunk flow down his throat like a river, feel the cock in his mouth pulse with an orgasm.

Bucking his hips up into Trayne's muzzle, Kier's world was just limited to the feelings in his head. He could see Trayne, his muzzle touching his pelvic area, all of Kier's cock in the fox's muzzle and throat. But he was more intent on the swimming in his head, and the intoxicating feeling that spread out from his malehood. His testes felt fuzzy, and he knew his seed was welling up inside his cock. It was more intense than he ever had experience from pawing off, and he held that he would never feel anything as good again.

When he came into Trayne's muzzle, it was like an explosion. His penis was so far down Trayne's throat that his semen just went straight down, Trayne not even needing to swallow, just enjoying the pulsing in his muzzle. He felt closer to Kier now than he ever to anyone else, even David before he moved. He felt like the two of them were already one, even before he was ready to let Kier mount him.

Kier growled and howled in pleasure, not caring anymore who heard. He sprayed his cum down Trayne's throat, loving the sensation of his orgasm. He shut his eyes tight against the waves of ecstasy rippling over him. He thought it would never end, but it only lasted for a few seconds like all his orgasms. When it was over, he was left breathless, his chest heaving as he enjoyed his post-orgasm feeling. Trayne gingerly brought himself off of Kier's cock, wiping the last remnants of semen from his muzzle, and licking it off his paw. Trayne grinned as he got the last traces of spunk off his paws. Somehow, it tasted than his own ever could have.

The fox lay down on top of Kier, licking the dragon's cheek.

"Thank you," said Kier, quietly.

Trayne looked at him inquisitively. "For what?"

Kier poked him good-naturedly. "For that." They both smiled, and kissed

"I think I feel someone who needs to get taken care of," whispered Kier. Trayne's penis was poking into his stomach. The fox leaned back, a small rope of precum attaching his cock to Kier. He smiled sheepishly, letting Kier put his paw on Traye's cock. It felt so different from having his own paw on there. He'd always read on some of the websites that someone else's paw felt so dissimilar, but had never really believed it. But now he knew different. As Kier pumped his paw over Trayne's shaft, rubbing his canid cockhead. Kier liked how it felt under his paw; a bit different from his own. Kier rubbed from top to bottom, noticing Trayne's knot wasn't free of his sheath yet. He remembered from some of the pics that the knot only appeared when they were extremely aroused, and nearing orgasm.

"Mmf...that feels nice," whispered Trayne, kissing Kier on the muzzle.

"I'm glad you like it, sweetie," replied Kier, licking his mate.

Trayne laughed. Kier frowned while he was pawing off the vulpine. "What?" asked Kier, with a lop-sided smile.

The fox took a deep breath as his own throes of pleasure started to take him. "You called me 'sweetie'," he replied, with a breathy laugh. Kier giggled, rubbing the underside of Trayne's shaft. Trayne brought his paws up to his chest, throwing his head back in a moan, and Kier thought it was the cutest thing he had ever seen. The dragon pressed his thumb to Trayne's cockhead, rubbing in slow circles. Precum slowly trickled from the fox's slit, dripping over Kier's paw. Kier knew the fox had to already be worked up from sucking him off, and could tell for sure from the pre and heavy throbbing Trayne's cock was doing.

"You like that, foxy?" asked Kier, quietly.

"Yeah...I do, sweetie," whispered Trayne, getting on his knees and humping up into Kier's paw now and then, but still mostly letting Kier do all the work. He loved the way Kier's paw going over his penis, hitting every little spot that he loved to play with himself. It was already like Kier knew his pleasure spots, how to just stroke him, where to rub, how hard and fast to go. Trayne moved his paw to Kier's free paw, taking the dragon's in his. Their fingers mingled, holding paws with one another. Kier gave Trayne's paw a squeeze, the two of them just looking into each other's eyes while Kier pleasured his mate.

"This is....a great first time," breathed Trayne.

Kier smiled. "I would have to agree." He felt Trayne's cock flex under his grip, and finally saw the bulb of his knot emerge from his sheath. Kier was always fascinated to see a canid knot. He knew the base of his cock swelled like a knot, but it was nothing like Trayne's. He wanted to top the fox more than anything, but a part of him also wanted to feel that knot buried inside him.

"Mmf...I'm gonna...oh...," stammered Trayne.

"Let it out," whispered Kier. "I want to see that fox spunk..."

With that, and one last moan, Trayne came all over Kier's stomach and chest, his cock spasming with his orgasm. Kier was delighted to see the fox's semen all over the place. He used his free paw to grab some off his chest and licked it off his paw. Trayne leaned back again, sighing in release and pleasure. Kier milked all of the semen out of Trayne's cock he could, lapping it off his paw.

"That was...fantastic," said Trayne, leaning in against Kier. Kier put his arms around his fox, squeezing lovingly. Trayne just snuggled in as close as he could, thankful he even someone to feel beneath him, let alone share a moment like this with.

"You'll have to go soon," mumbled Kier, dejectedly.

"I know," replied Trayne, burying his face in Kier's neck. "Just a few minutes longer?"

"Yeah, a few more," assured Kier. "A few more."

Trayne wanted to hold onto his boyfriend as long as possible. And even as they got redressed a few minutes later, and Kier saw him to the door and kissed him goodnight, Trayne held onto his dragon every step of the way. Even as he walked home, all he could think of was how he just wanted to be with Kier again, and how long it would be before he would see the dragon again.


Enduring the days, which stretched into weeks, was almost unbearable to Trayne. He managed to steal a visit here and there while Kier's parents were at work, or if they could arrange to slip out of the house and meet somewhere. He spent most of the days in his room, not able to stand listening to his father. There were more and more talks of dragon's rights. In the previous month, since he and Kier had shared themselves physically, there had been rising talks about outlawing segregation laws. Many mammals were up in arms over the idea of having to sit in the same areas in restaurants, losing the separate housing districts, and finally letting dragons into the public schools, breaking down the final barriers. His father had nearly daily tirades, every time he picked up a newspaper or saw the TV news.

"It's an outrage!" stormed George, out of his seat and pacing in front of the room. "Not only are the damned scalers asking for equitable hiring practices, now they want a standardized minimum wage for mammals and scalers! It's ridiculous. And now they're getting organized! Some Martin Luther, or some shit..."

Trayne looked over the top of his book at his dad, at least feigning interest, knowing full well it would be worse if his father started to suspect Trayne was just tuning him out. When his father realized neither Trayne nor his mother was going to pursue the subject, he sat down again in a snit, flipping the news back on.

"Do you have the tickets for this weekend, dear?" asked Lorna, quietly.

George nodded, and Trayne perked his ears up. "Tickets?"

"Yes, we're going out of town this weekend," said his mother. "We're going to your father's business convention for the weekend. We'll be gone from Friday until Sunday."

Trayne could barely contain himself at this news, and the chance it would give he and Kier. Three days by themselves; that would be fantastic. "Oh?" was his only reply. He set down his book and stood up. "I'm just going to go upstairs until dinner, okay?"

She nodded, and he disappeared before getting his father's reply. Going to his room and closing the door, he picked up the cordless phone he had left on his desk. He dialed Kier's number, knowing it was a great risk with his parents in the house; especially with his father in a mood like he was, since he invariably needed to find an outlet to release in. And Trayne knew that his son dating a male dragon would be that outlet.

"Hello?" came Kier's voice on the third ring.

"Hi," said Trayne.

"Hey, sweetie, what's up?"

Trayne smiled. "I have great news for this weekend."


Standing in the driveway, Trayne waved cheerfully to his parents as they backed out.

"There's a number for where we're staying on the refrigerator," called his mother from the passenger's seat. "And plenty of food around."

"He'll be fine," chastised his father. "See you in a couple days," he said to Trayne.

Trayne forced a smile. "Bye." He watched as they drove down the street and around the corner. And when he was sure they were gone from sight, and weren't coming back for some last-minute item, he raced back inside, waiting for Kier to show. The dragon would be coming by any minute, now.

Closing the door behind him, he looked out the front window, hoping to see Kier immediately, but no such luck, yet. His boyfriend was using the same excuse he had for their overnight in the woods; sleep-over at a friends. His parents still were accepting of his liberty, and had not asked for a contact number or any such thing.

As he reached into the fridge for a can of soda, he realized how lucky they had been to get a weekend alone like this. He wished his bed was a bit bigger; he did not know where they would get to have sex. He supposed it would be big enough for the actual act; he would just maybe need to bring his old air mattress up for Kier. Not that he wouldn't like to have Kier sleeping next to him; the idea itself made him giddy. Having the guy he liked bedded next to him after they were finished exploring one another; it was almost too good to be true.

He perked his head out of the fridge as the phone rang. He frowned, wondering who was calling now; could his parents be that worried about leaving him alone.

Taking a deep breath, he picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi, there. This is Trayne, right?" came the voice.

The fox smiled slowly, realizing who it was. "David?"

"The one and only," replied the voice of the wolf on the other end. "I didn't have a chance to even call before. Apparently mom and dad didn't feel that a phone line and internet was that high on the priority list from moving in. Anyway, what's up?"

"Not much, really," answered Trayne. "Just, uh...waiting for someone to show up."

"Ohhhh?" asked David, rhetorically. "Someone special coming over?"

Trayne blushed, glad David couldn't see him, but almost felt like he would know anyway. "Yeah, actually, it is. Met him about a month ago, just after vacation started."

"That's great!" encouraged David. "I'm glad for you Trayne."

Having David be glad for him about meeting someone was probably the best feeling he had since being mated to Kier, aside from actually having the dragon to call his own. He just could not prevent the grin from claiming his muzzle.

"So? What's he like?" David inquired.

Trayne sighed. David had been like a brother to him, and he still was not sure how David would take the idea of him dating a dragon. But, it would need to come out sooner or later. "Well...he's sort of like a dragon."

David was quiet for a moment. "Like a dragon, as in...he IS a dragon?"

Trayne laughed dryly. "Yeah, like that." David didn't say anything again, and Trayne felt his stomach turning to knots.

David laughed a little. "That's great. If that's what makes you happy, then you need to go for it."

The fox let another little laugh of his own go. "Thank you," he whispered. "You know, when you left...that kiss...I almost wondered..."

"You looked like you needed it," explained David. "And I kinda wanted to, anyway. I sort of knew you had a thing for me. I'm straight, but...I always felt close to you, y'know?"

"I felt the same way," said Trayne, softly.

The knock on the door was almost took faint for him to hear. Trayne tilted his head a bit; there it was, again, softly. "He's here. I'm gonna have to..."

"Go on, and meet your dragon. We'll talk again later, okay?"

Trayne said his good-bye, and hung up, feeling on top of everything with his mate here, and finally hearing from his best friend. He walked down the hallway to the door and opened it. Standing on the steps was Kier, smiling back at him. "Hi."

Trayne grinned back. "Come on in." He opened the door and stepped aside to give Kier some space. Trayne quickly closed the door, looking around for anyone who was being nosy. Luckily, the street looked fairly empty. He locked the door, not planning on going anywhere for the next two days. He had everything he wanted here, now.

Before he had a chance to say anything, Kier scooped up the fox into his arms, hugging him tight. "I missed you," said Kier, softly.

Trayne nuzzled the dragon. "I missed you, too."

Kier let Trayne go, still not able to remove the happy smile from his face. "So...what do you want to do?"

The fox shrugged. "Maybe watch a movie? I thought we could order a pizza in a little while."

"That sounds perfect."

Trayne lead Kier down the hallway, traversing the stairs down to the living room area. Trayne turned on the stereo, and then the TV. It was left on CNN, which his dad had been watching. Trayne was mesmerized for a moment by what they were showing. Rioting had broken out in several cities, mammals turning over cars, looting stores, and waving banners with things such as "Scalers Stay Second." The current shot was of police officers advancing on a wave of rioters, popping tear gas into the crowd, dispersing them, and arresting the remaining ones.

"It's awful," murmured Kier. "All that...just because of us..."

Trayne quickly changed the channel. "It's not because of you...it's because mammals are too ignorant."

Kier sighed. "I know. But sometimes...I wonder if it's just better to accept what we have."?

"If you did that, your family would never have moved here," started Trayne, taking Kier's paw, "and you wouldn't have met me." He gave his mate's paw a reassuring squeeze.

Kier gave a weak smile. "That's true."

"Come on," encouraged Trayne, "sit down, I'll go order the pizza, and we can start the movie." He waited for Kier to sit down and skipped upstairs, grabbing the phone and menu. Kier could hear the fox on the phone, ordering. He reached over and snagged the remote, turning the TV back to the news. They were showing, in graphic detail, a video sent in by a watcher of a dragon family being burned out of a house. Mammals in white robes and hoods stood in front of the house, wielding torches and firearms, not using them on the dragons themselves. The video cut out abruptly, and the camera went back to the anchor, who commented on what a tragedy it was; but Kier could hear the derision in his voice. His stomach tightened. Even though there were civil rights groups forming for dragons, there were as many rising in opposition. What if they came for him and his family? Or Trayne?

"You want a drink, hun?" called Trayne from the kitchen.

But, despite all that evil, there was something about freely being in the same house as his mate, and having just the simple act of his fox asking him if he wanted a drink, that was freeing. "Sure. Just whatever you're having," replied Kier. And being able to work to having this moment all the time would make everything worthwhile.

Trayne came down from the kitchen area, handing Kier a glass of Coke. "Here you go."

"Thanks," said Kier. He patted the seat next to him on the couch. Trayne sat down with a smile, kissing Kier on the cheek.

"Pizza should be here soon," remarked Trayne. "Which movie did you want to watch?"

Kier shrugged. "I'm not fussy, really. Whatever is good with you."

Trayne got off the couch, bending down in front of the DVD rack. Kier spied a good view of the vulpine's tight ass as his boyfriend's tail waved in the air. The dragon wondered idly if he was doing it on purpose or not; but he also didn't care. He was content to enjoy the way that Trayne's jeans tightened against his ass and the cleft of his butt was visible under his tail. Kier reflected that they had not been able to be intimate with one another really since the first night they had sex; and the fox was so hot.

They ended up settling on watching 'Casino Royale,' since Trayne had a soft spot for Bond movies, especially the new ones. He cuddled up against Kier, the dragon putting his arms around his mate. Trayne loved feeling someone against him, spending time with someone just lying around the house. And just being there was all he needed.

However, the movie was barely past the first scene before Kier's muzzle was locked against Trayne's. Trayne put his paw around Kier, murring deep in his throat. They broke their embrace, Trayne licking the side of Kier's muzzle. "That didn't take long," said the fox, quietly.

"I didn't intend it to," whispered Kier. "You're so adorable, and I wanted it to be...y'know...like last time." Running his paw through Trayne's headfur, he kissed the fox on the cheek. Trayne swung his legs around, straddling over Kier's hips, putting his paws on Kier's shoulders.

"You know, I think I might like you," teased Trayne, kissing Kier on the muzzle. "Maybe a little."

Kier smiled up at his mate. "Just a little." His attention was that Trayne's rear end was over his crotch, and he could feel his pouch bulging at the idea.

Trayne leaned in closer, whispering in Kier's ear, "I want you to take me tonight."

Kier's eyes went a bit wider at the statement. "You...you do?"

The fox blushed intensely and smiled. "Mmhmm. I think I'm...ready. And ready for someone like you. I've always wanted to know what it would be like to be...with someone that way. And I've never felt about anyone else the way I feel about you. You're the nicest, cutest, most caring person I've known." Trayne looked down, embarrassed. "So...do you want me?"

Kier put his paw under Trayne's chin, tilting it back up to meet his eyes. "Of course, sweetheart. It will be my first as well, and I also can't imagine anyone else I'd want it to be with." He leaned up and kissed Trayne once more. "I--"

The doorbell cut Kier short. "Damn," he snorted.

Trayne laughed. "I'll grab the door." He got off his boyfriend and went up to the door, opening it and paying the delivery boy. Trayne thanked him and closed the door. He barely turned around when Kier grabbed him in a tight embrace and put his muzzle to Trayne's, his tongue finding its way into the fox's muzzle. Trayne just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling, dropping the pizza box on the floor next to them and putting his arms around Kier. As he felt Kier's tongue sweep over his own, Trayne realized it was slightly forked, and tickled as it caressed his tongue. He realized Kier was fiddling slightly with his belt, trying to get it undone.

Trayne broke away for a moment, looking down. "What're you doing?"

"Trying to get your pants off. What does it look like?" answered Kier, with a devious smile.

The fox laughed. "Can we at least get upstairs first?"

"I suppose," replied Kier, faking exasperation. The two of them went up the stairs, paw in paw, the pizza box on the floor forgotten.

Trayne stopped at the top if the stairs, pausing for a second. "What?" asked Kier from behind him.

The fox did not say anything, just opened the door at the top of the stairs. "In here," he whispered, as if someone would hear them. "Think we have a bed big enough for both of us." Clicking on the light, Trayne smiled. "I don't think my parents will mind."

The low light from the table near the door cast a gold glow over the room, illuminating Trayne's parents' bedroom. Trayne guided Kier over to the bed.

"You sure your folks won't mind?" asked Kier, looking around the room.

"What they don't know won't hurt them," replied Trayne, wryly. He kissed the dragon on the cheek and sat down on the edge of the bed. Kier sat next to him, rubbing the top of Trayne's thigh. His other paw busied itself with Trayne's belt again, the buckle jingling as it was unclasped. Trayne giggled a little as Kier undid the fox's button and zipper, starting to pull Trayne's pants over his thighs. Trayne lay on his back, lifting his butt up to give Kier easier access. The dragon pulled off Trayne's pants, revealing his white-furred crotch, round balls, and sheath with a slight amount of his cockhead peaking through the slit. Kier smiled wide, and Trayne blushed while Kier stared at his half-nakedness.

Trayne stripped his shirt off himself, throwing it over the edge of the bed. "C'mere," he said, softly, to Kier. The dragon smiled and climbed up on the bed, kneeling over Trayne. The fur of Trayne's crotch rubbed against his leg, and Kier liked the feeling. Licking his fox, he reached down and rubbed his paw over Trayne's sheath. Trayne's cock responding by throbbing and growing in Kier's paw, lengthening into his palm. Trayne murred and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his arousal.

"I seem to still be clothed," remarked Kier.

Trayne took a deep breath and sighed. "How did that happen?"

Kier laughed. "I have no idea." He undid his pants, and soon they fell with a gentle rustle next to Trayne's. His pouch swelled, and Trayne took advantage of the opportunity to reach up and rub Kier's slit in his crotch, watching intently as the dragon's spade-shaped head emerged, his black head glistening gently. Trayne stroked what had emerged, elated with the hard cock under his paw, and the obviousness of the pleasure he was brining to his mate. Kier's tongue lolled from his mouth, and his breathing was heavy as his ten inch penis slid into view. Trayne's tail swished with delight as he gripped the dragon's cock and pumped it slightly, getting him fully erect. Kier responded in kind by gently rolling his fox's testes around in his paw.

"I guess this is foreplay, huh?" asked Kier, with a crooked smile.

Trayne giggled a bit. "I guess."

"Are you...ready?" asked Kier.

The fox took a deep breath again. "Yeah...I am." His stomach clenched tight, and his heart felt like it was beating a million miles a minute. But at the same time, he could not believe he was lying in bed with a hot male that wanted to have sex with him.

Sliding back up onto the bed, Trayne lay his head against the pillows, spreading his legs wide, letting Kier see his sheath yet again. Crawling over in front of Trayne, Kier rubbed his paw up Trayne's legs, over the inside of his thigh, and gently caressing his balls again, rubbing them, stroking them gently. Trayne murred, and smiled abashedly. He brought one of his feet up, and gently placed the underside of his footpaw against Kier's cock, rubbing with the furred footpaw. To Kier, the feeling of fur against himself was one of the greatest sensations. Trayne's soft fur contacting against his cock was so pliant and warm, each individual strand of fur feeling like a different stroke against his maleness. He came to full arousal, the knot-like double ridge at the base of his penis the last bit to be released from his internal sheath-pouch.

"Erf...foxy, that....feels really good," Kier manged to stutter out, almost lost in the sheer delight.

Trayne was gently bucking his hips upward, humping against Kier's paw as it softly stroked his groin. Reaching down with one paw, the fox began to caress himself. He had to concentrate on keeping his footpaw going on Kier's cock, since his own spreading contentment was pulling his attention away.

The stimulation becoming almost overwhelming, Kier put his paw over Trayne's footpaw, rubbing it gently. Trayne looked up the dragon, pausing his pawing for a moment. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," replied Kier, with a tender smile. He leaned forward to Trayne, kissing him on the muzzle. "But I don't want to finish before we even get started."

Trayne smiled in return, understanding what the dragon meant. "Whenever you're ready, babe."

The dragon wasted no time in taking the little fox up on the offer. Taking Trayne's feet, he lifted them up onto his shoulders, setting Trayne's footpaws on them. He could feel the fox trembling through his legs. "Are you okay?" asked Kier.

Trayne nodded. "Just excited...and a little nervous. It is my first time, after all," he finished, with a blush through his ivory fur.

"Mine, too." whispered Kier, rubbing Trayne's leg reassuringly. "We can stop...if you want."

Trayne shook his head this time. "No, I...want to be with you." He shifted his lower body, so now his tailhole was clearly visible, doing what he could to move his tail out of the way. "Please..."

Kier's cock twitched at the idea of being able to make love to this fox that he was falling for so hard. The soft pink spot against the sea of white fur was so enticing. Kier brought his head forward, pressing it to Trayne's tailhole, feeling the supple flesh against his.

"I love you," Kier breathed, just before entering his mate. "I just...want you to know that."

Trayne scritched his mate's belly lovingly. "I love you, too...and I want to do this with you."

So many emotions crossed the two of them. Kier had never been with anyone so loving. And Trayne had never thought he would have a moment like this with anyone. But here they were, sharing their bodies with one another, ready to give of themselves in a way that they could with no one else.

Kier gently swiveled his hips forward, the tip of his spade-shaped cockhead entering Trayne. Kier could hardly contain himself as his head was engulfed inside of Trayne, marveling at him tight yet soft the fox felt. His first three inches was inside of his mate, and already he felt like he wanted to explode. Trayne gasped beneath him as Kier's cock spread him apart, opening his insides.

"Are you all right?" asked Kier, closing his eyes as ecstasy moved through his body, radiating from his groin.

"I'm great," sussurated Trayne. He had fooled around his dildos and other artificial things in his tailhole before, but none of them had even come close to this feeling. Kier's cock seemed to just radiate heat; he could feel it inside him, and he loved it. His own member twitched as Kier's maleness made its way inside him. His chest heaved with his excitement, and his footpaws jerked a bit over Kier's shoulder.

Kier continued to plunge his erection into Trayne, his cock cocooned in the fox's velvet innards. Kier growled low in his throw in pleasure, his wings fluttering out around him and his seventh inch reached into the fox, just before his knots would be pushed into his lover. His maleness tingled and quivered within Trayne, and he was content to just let himself stay there, not even beginning to hump yet.

"Mmf...I like having you inside me," said Trayne, taking one of Kier's paws to hold. "You feel really good."

The dragon giggled a bit. "I was going to say the same thing. You still feel okay?"

Trayne took a deep breath and closed his eyes, exhaling slowly. "Fantastic." Better than he had in a long time, actually. He really never wanted this moment to end. And when Kier started to withdraw his cock, and then slowly re-enter Trayne, the feeling only got better. The dragon's member felt so smooth coming back into him, as if it had always meant to be there. As far as Trayne was concerned, it was the perfect size for him; and eventually, he wanted to feel all of it within him.

When he started to hump in and out of his boyfriend, Kier's head was almost spinning from the new feelings. Trayne's body heat surrounding his cock was so exquisite, and the fox was nice and tight. Now and then, Kier could feel his mate's tailhole flex around his penis, and that just drove him wild. He leaned down over Trayne, the fox moving his legs to wrap around Kier's back as the dragon dipped down towards him. Putting his arms on either side of Trayne for balance, he was closer to Trayne's muzzle now, and the two of them kissed quickly before Kier resumed his motion. Limber and flexible, Trayne had no trouble accommodating their new position. If anything, he enjoyed it more, because now Kier was able to get deeper inside him; and now every thrust of Kier's cock was hitting his prostate, which send a tingle up the length of his fox cock every time. Pre-cum was slowly leaking fro Trayne's cock and down the back of his shaft.

Kier looked down into his mate's eyes, met by the fox's loving gaze from those intense blue eyes. "So how's the..first time?" panted out Kier, smiling lopsidedly.

Trayne just smiled in return, beckoning Kier down for another kiss. Their muzzles met, and Trayne opened his muzzle, inviting Kier's tongue into his muzzle. The dragon was more than happy to accept, his forked tongue making it's way into Trayne's muzzle and mingling with his tongue. Kier's thrusting in and out of Trayne became more fervent as their muzzles locked in embrace.

In between their bodies, Trayne reached for his own penis, gently wrapping his paw around it and stroking himself gently in time to Kier's humping. He could feel the slightly warm fluids dripping over his paw, milked from his shaft by his stroking and Kier's humping. His cock head rubbed slightly against Kier's stomach, and Trayne marveled yet again at how smooth the dragon's stomach was. For as fantastic as Kier thought Trayne's fur felt against his cock, Trayne enjoyed the sensation of Kier's scales on his own. It was so different. His precum smeared against Kier's belly, strands of pre linking Trayne's maleness to Kier.

Kier could feel Trayne's paw between the two of them, his fox pawing himself off. Trayne's cock rubbed against him, and Kier liked the feeling, of his mate's penis touching him. It was almost as good as the two of them being coupled, joined through their sex, the dragon impaling his fox on his erection. His cock tingled and spasmed inside Trayne's ass, his testes prickling with pleasure at the impending release of his seed.

Beneath him, Trayne gasped and grunted as he pleasured him, while getting stimulated inside his tailhole. He brought other free paw down and tucked it down between himself and Kier, rolling his own balls around in his paw, and murring deep in his throat. He breathed deeply, and tightened his stomach muscles against the raw sexual feeling roving over his body. The fox could feel his bulbous knot just beneath his sheath pouch, begging to come out, and Trayne knew any second now it would be freeing itself. Clutching his balls in his one paw, and slowly fondling his cock in the other, this was what he was sure perfect pleasure felt like.

As he sank himself in once more, Kier could no longer take it, and gently started to slip his first knot inside Trayne. Trayne's response was instantaneous; a slight arching of his back, and a gentle groan escaped his muzzle.

"That was...wow...," managed out Trayne, his knot freeing itself from his sheath finally.

"One more, hun," breathed Kier. Trayne just smiled in anticipation, and closed his eyes and moaned as Kier's second knot-ridge slid into his tailhole. All ten inches of Kier's maleness now sat within Trayne, and the fox loved the feeling of being filled. It was even better than just having the shaft within his ass, as his penis was erupting so much precum, it looked almost like a small river down the back of his shaft. He could also feel Kier flexing his member inside of him, the knots expanding gently with each twinge and spasm of Kier's cock. The dragon was gently rocking his hips now, only humping a little to keep his knots firmly seated inside Trayne. They weren't as big as Trayne's own, but certainly felt magnificent.

Kier's pounding of Trayne had now picked up to a fervent pace, the dragon breeding his boyfriend as he approached his climax. The fox had since resumed masturbating himself, now playing with his knot, and just even the idea of that was also helping to take him to the edge. The base of his cock felt fantastic, his knots rigidly placed in Trayne's tailhole; and now when Trayne tightened around him, it was a whole new feeling. Almost electrifying in its intensity. He would slow slightly for those moments, and then vigorously begin again. He licked Trayne lovingly in his throes of sex, bearing down on his fox, getting as deep as he could, hilting himself in the vulpine.

Trayne, of course, loved the feeling; of being filled, of being pounded the way he was. Every thrust of Kier's knotted cock was another wave of rapture up his cock, passing through his knot, and right to his head. He wanted to cum so bad, but at the same time, never wanted the feeling to pass. He stroked himself from base to tip, his paw squeezing his knot as he wandered his paw over it, holding his shaft tightly as he made the migration back up again, and then back down. His fur was matted in his fluids, as was Kier's belly.

Kier licked his mate again, and Trayne licked back, opening his eyes to see his mate, the male he loved. The male he was going to have his first time with, and accept his seed inside of himself.

"Are you going to feel me up?" asked Trayne with a blush.

Kier grunted, breathing, "Soon, love....soon."

With that, the dragon bent down again, and gently clamped his jaws around Trayne's neck in a love embrace. The action was so unexpected, Trayne just cried out, but in pleasure, not pain. Another feeling that was so different and new, and just added to the mingled blend of sensations across his body. Kier's muzzle around on his neck was surprisingly erotic, making his stomach and testes tighten again, almost his entire body feeling paralyzed.

Kier bit down on his mate in a breeding embrace, feeling his climax approaching. He pounded Trayne's ass harder, but careful not to hurt him. He wanted to release into his mate, breed him completely. But Trayne was more than a lover or a mate to Kier; he was and is also his best friend.

Biting down a bit harder, Kier felt the base of his maleness become almost numb, a feeling that spread down into his testes. The feeling was overwhelming, and he knew his orgasm was approaching. He humped a bit harder, as his shaft tightening, and his head tingled. He could detect his semen flooding up through him, aching for a release. And it came, his cock spasming inside Trayne, his cum set free inside the vulpine. His orgasm wracked his body, and he just closed his eyes and surrendered to the rapture. His wings spread behind him fully, and he growled lustily. Trayne moaned beneath him, willing to accept his mate's cum into himself. Kier's penis pressed against his insides with every spasm so hard, Trayne was afraid he himelf would explode. But he just enjoyed the feeling, and the sensation of the spreading warmth within him, that he could feel dribble from his tailhole and down his ass.

Releasing his hold on Trayne's neck, Kier just gasped for breath as he orgasm finished, leaving his cock within Trayne as his last few drops of semen left his body. The fox had been so enthralled with the orgasm, he had stopped masturbating, and Kier reached down to finish him. He gripped the fox's penis and pumped gently, Trayne taking notice immediately.

"Mmf, yeah...like that," whispered Trayne, his tail swishing behind them.

Still in the grip of euphoria from his orgasm, Kier stroked the fox gently but intently, wanted to feel his mate's cum against his stomach. It was getting hard to hold himself up with one hand, but he endured. The look of complete delight on his mate's face kept him going, though.

Trayne began to hump up into Kier's paw a bit, moving his hips as best he could with Kier's still-erect cock in his ass. He, too, knew his orgasm was close at hand, heralded by his knot started to tingle.

"Come on, foxy. Make a big mess," encouraged Kier. "Cum for the dragon."

Trayne could only respond with a slight grunt as his cock twitched, and his unloaded his semen all over his belly, chest, and Kier's stomach. The dragon smiled as he felt the spreading warmth on himself, and could see the enjoyment on his mate's face.

"That was great," breathed Trayne, with a sigh. Kier bent down and kissed him again, then gave his nose a quick lick.

"I can't imagine anyone else I would have wanted this moment to be with," said Kier. He gently disengaged himself from Trayne, the face grunting a bit as Kier's knots slipped back out. His tailhole was smeared in sticky, creamy dragon semen, more of it escaping his confines as Kier's penis came out. Drops of semen also clung to and fell from Kier's cockslit.

Kier lay down next to Trayne, the two of them cuddling in the afterglow of their sex. Trayne was content to lay in Kier's arms, the dragons strong limbs encircling him.

"We should take a shower, hun," remarked Kier, feeling the sticky semen between the two of them.

"In a few minutes," replied Trayne. "I just want to stay here with you."

The dragon was content to not move as well, happy to have his mate in his arms. And before the two of them could even think of getting into the shower, Trayne was snoring softly in Kier's arms. But Kier did not mind, because he had drifted off just before the fox.


Trayne rolled over in bed, gently removing himself from Kier's embrace. The bedside clock proclaimed it to be four in the morning. He swung his legs over, looking over his shoulder at his mate. The dragon was so cute, even when he was asleep.

Getting to his feet, Trayne cock his head. He could have sworn he had heard a noise downstairs; like a key in a lock. And now he could very definitely hear another noise; the front door opening. And voices.

His parents were home!

His chest tightened. What were they doing home!? He had no idea what to do; he was standing in their bedroom, naked, with his dragon boyfriend lying in the bed, also naked. He quickly scrambled for his pants, at least able to get those on. Then he shook the dragon.

"Kier!" he whispered, fiercely. "Kier, wake up!"

The dragons eyes cracked open slightly. "Huh?"

"Shh, my parents are home," said Trayne, quietly.

The statement took Kier a moment to process, but then he was wide-eyed and out of bed. Kier fumbled on the floor for his pants and shirt, dressing quickly. Trayne urged him on as he heard footsteps on the stairway. There was nowhere for them to go.

"Duck down behind the bed," said Trayne, "maybe I get them back downstairs. Then go to my room."

Kier did as suggested, trying to conceal his tall frame behind the bed. Just as he did, the door opened, light from the hallway spilling into the bedroom. Trayne tried to look innocent as his parents stood in the doorway, all of them in awkward silence.

"Trayne?" asked his mother. "What are you doing in here?"

"Oh, um...I was sleeping in your bed. Thought I would take advantage of it while you were gone," he lied. He had reached the conclusion that being yelled at for sleeping in their bed was better than them finding out about his dragon boyfriend he had just finished having sex with.

"I see," replied his mother. His father didn't say anything; Trayne was sure he could see right through the lie.

"What are you two doing back so early?" asked Trayne, at length.

"Car broke down," answered his father, walking into the room and throwing his bag on the bed. Trayne winced inwardly, feeling lucky his dad didn't flick on the light. "We took a cab back," continued the elder fox. "Car won't be ready for a few days; fan belt broke."

"That's too bad," remarked Trayne, looking nervously over the bed. "Why don't we go downstairs, and you guys can tell me all about it."

"Nah, we just want to go to bed," answered his dad. "Rotten day can't get any worse," he muttered, reaching for the bedside light.

"Wait, dad--"

But George had already turned on the light, and seen a rather large black shape on the other side of the bed. "What the hell?"

"Dad, I--"

"Come out of there!" barked his father. "Goddamit, I knew I should have bought that gun!"

Kier nervously stood up, looking from Kier, to Lorna, to George, and back to Trayne. He didn't quite know what to do.

"A goddamn scaler!? In MY house!?" raged George. "I'm calling the police!"

"Dad, wait!" exclaimed Trayne. "Dad, he's...he's my boyfriend..."

George's eyes narrowed. "Your...what?"

Trayne swallowed hard, but steeled himself. "My boyfriend. We've been going out for a few weeks now. We're together." He looked over his shoulder at his mother, who was still in the doorway, seeming stunned into not moving. "I'm...sorry."

"Sorry?" started George. "You're....SORRY!? You're with one of them, and you're sorry!?"

"I...I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was gay, but I'm not ashamed--"??George cut him off. "I don't care you're gay! You're with a scaler! You've let him...touch you. Scaler and mammals are supposed to be together!"

"Dad, that's just fucking ignorant!" yelled Trayne, surprising himself, and also clearly his father. "You've always been that way! Talking about how 'scalers take our jobs' and 'bring down property values'! Well, they don't. They're just like us!"

His father didn't say anything. Then just turned to Kier, finally seeming to remember he was there. "I don't know what you've done to my son, but out of my house!"

Kier didn't move for moment, just looking at Trayne.

"NOW! Before I call the police anyway!" yelled George.

Kier, despite being the biggest thing in the room, timidly made his way around the bed, and gingerly past Trayne's mother before going downstairs.

"Kier, wait!" called Trayne, going from the room himself.

"Stop there!" yelled George. But Trayne paid him no heed. The fox just went downstairs, following his mate. George was right behind them, Lorna trailing.

Kier had the door open and was halfway out, Trayne talking to him in hushed tones. With that, the dragon was out the door, and Trayne closed it behind him. Then the fox turned to his father.

"So, what now?" asked Trayne.

"I don't know, yet," answered George, evenly. "Just...go to your room, for now."

Trayne brushed past his father and mother, starting back up the stairs. He stopped halfway up, and turned back to face them. "You can't keep us apart. You can try, but you won't."

"Just go," said his father, quietly. And with that, Trayne disappeared upstairs.

"What ARE you going to do?" asked Lorna, quietly.

"I just...don't know...," mumbled George. "Never thought my son would be a scaler-lover....literally..."

Lorna said nothing else, just turning to go upstairs.

"Lorna, what should I do?" asked George, finally.

"I don't know," she said. "But you're just going to drive him away. I've been watching for you for years with these ideas of your's, and I've always held my tongue. But really...it may be time to stop these idiotic ideals. The world is changing, and you're going to be left behind, alone."

And with that, she did leave George behind, alone with his thoughts, while above them, Trayne hung precariously from his window sill, before dropping down two stories to the ground, where his mate was waiting to catch him.


The door opened, and Kier and his mate stepped into the dragon's house. It was almost five AM, and his parents were up with the coffee maker brewing.

"Kier?" asked his mother, noticing the fox with him. "What are you doing here?"

"I...uh...," fumbled Kier. And then just laid it all out; him dating Trayne, where he had really been going, the incident at Trayne's. His parents just took it all in, saying nothing. And then when Kier was finished, they both just hugged him.

"It's okay," said his mother. "We're glad you've found someone." She looked over Kier's shoulder at Trayne. "Trayne...was it?" She offered him a paw. "I'm Lara. It is very nice to meet you."

Trayne took the proffered paw, shaking gently. "You're not...mad? That your son is dating a male mammal?"

"Not at all," she replied, shaking her head. "Why would we be? We want our son to be happy; if that's with you, we're okay with it."

"We have no problems with the mammals," interjected Aden, Kier's father. "Really, we just want equal rights. No more, no less."

Trayne sighed. "That's just what my dad doesn't want dragons to have. That's why I left. I just...couldn't take it anymore."

"That's not unusual," replied Aden, matter-of-factly. "We just have learned to deal with that thinking, and are patient to wait when acceptance is more the norm, not a rarity. To even have someone as young as you open-minded to it is really a positive sign."

Trayne smiled self-consciously. "It's just...I don't see how you're different." He looked at his mate. "And I really...like Kier."

Kier smiled back. "We're really tired," he said, to his parents. "I think we'll just go to bed. We had a long morning."

"Of course," said Lara. "We'll see you two later."

The fox followed his boyfriend out of the room, both of them going to Kier's room, closing the door. They stripped down, lying in bed, Kier lying down first and Trayne sitting between his legs with his back to the dragon. Kier put his arms around Trayne, and nuzzled his neck.

"I love you," said Kier. "More than anything, you know."

"I love you, sweetheart," replied Trayne.

"So...what are you going to do about your parents?" asked Kier, quietly.

Trayne shook his head. "I...I don't know. I really don't want to think about it right now. I just can't take it anymore.

Kier said nothing else, reaching over for the TV remote, flipping on background noise. It happened to be a newcast, reporting from downtown of the capital where a dragon named Dr. King would be giving a speech on equal civil rights. The newscaster went on to say how Dr. King would heading up several political rallies in the coming weeks.

The two of them looked outside as the sun began to come up over the houses, casting a pink and orange hue over the sky. A promise of a new day.

"Quite a sunrise," remarked Kier.

"Yes, it is," agreed Trayne. "Do you think there will ever be a world for us? For mammals, dragons and couples like us?"

"I hope so," answered Kier. "And if there isn't, we'll make one."