The Houseboy - CH 03

Story by DoggyStyle57 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Houseboy

This story was commissioned by Phrax ( or ), placing his original character Remiel Townshend in the same world as my Swiss Mix stories, as a new houseboy at one of the secondary mansions where Bernerholdt Foundation maids and houseboys are trained.

There will be some crossover of events and characters between Swiss Mix to this story, and what happens here is considered 'canon' for Swiss Mix. But this story is written to stand on its own and to be enjoyable even if you have never read Swiss Mix.

Remiel and any members of Remiel's family belong to Phrax. All the other characters are my own creations. Art for the icon is from a character sheet that Phrax commissioned to be drawn by Arkaid, and the original is here:

One small warning to Swiss Mix fans - The timeline and posting schedule for this story is not locked to the posting of updates from Swiss Mix, so it may contain minor spoilers about events yet to come in Swiss Mix.

The Houseboy A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for Phrax Written January 2014

Chapter 3

Bern, Switzerland: June 12, 2010 (Saturday)

Remiel went to the dining room and waited for the other maids and houseboys to arrive. He particularly watched for Gretchen, Peter, Michael, Klara and Danielle, and as each of them arrived, the otter boy arranged to spend some time talking with them after lunch.

After the meal, Gretchen took him back to her room to talk. Remiel noticed that her room was right next door to Natalia's room. But where the black bunny's room had been full of childish stuffed toys and dolls, Gretchen's had very few decorations other than two posters of popular boy bands.

"You can ask me anything you want, nothing's off limits," the light brown bunny girl said, brushing a hand through her short, dark-brown hair and playing idly with one of her ears.

"Umm, thanks," Remiel said, sitting in a chair near her bed. "Well, ummm, when I first got here, an' you were unloading the trunk, did you, ummmm..."

"Did I let you look under my skirt?" she asked. "Yes. I hope you liked it. I think you're nice."

"Well, ah... that was the first time I ever saw a girl without her panties on. Except for my little sisters, when us kids all went skinny dipping and we were all still too little to care. It was... nice... looking at you like that, but it kinda confused me, too, 'cause I didn't know about the French Maid stuff yet," Remiel replied. "Well, you like it here, right? So, ahhh, if nothing is off limits, why did you end up here?"

"Umm humm. I'm a lot happier here, with all the sex, than I was at home," she said. "My parents were kind of uptight. They didn't tell me anything really about sex. Thought I was too young, I guess. Well, that_was_ five years ago, when I was only ten. But I learned about sex anyway, from boys at school or in my neighborhood - boys who were a few years older than me. At first, they would offer me a little money to pull up my skirt and pull down my panties, so they could look at my cunt. But after I did that a few times, they would offer me more money if I would suck their cocks and swallow their cum. It tasted funny at first, but I got used to it, and I liked getting the money. None of them was reckless enough to risk trying to fuck me, but I sure sucked a lot of cocks! I even sucked the cocks of a couple of my teachers, and for a couple of married guys who lived on my street! But then I got caught in the bushes at school on the lunch recess period, by a female teacher that didn't think a bunny my age should be having sex, and I got suspended. They told my parents I was disruptive and should be sent to a vocational school, to learn discipline. So I ended up here. When I got here and met Lord Roderick, he told me flat out that my parents were afraid I was becoming a little whore. But then he told me that the boys and grown up men that had paid me for sex hadn't been paying me a fraction of what I was worth, or treating me anywhere as nicely as I deserved, but that he would change that. If I would agree to have sex with_him_, he would train me to be really good at sex, so a rich man would pay me lots and lots of money to be his girlfriend, and treat me like a princess. Wow, I just laughed out loud when he said that! My parents would have_such_ a fit if they knew he was screwing us kids! But I was so happy with his offer that I let him take my cherry right there in the library! And I've had some sort of sex almost every day since then, with him, or with some of the other maids that really like girls. I do it most with Natalia, because our rooms are connected through the bathroom. We both got here within a week of each other, and neither of us had ever even kissed a girl before our Master asked us to make out with each other. But once we tried it, you could hardly pry us apart! We both love sex with our Master, and with William, and with Michael, since he got here. But we both can't get enough of the way a girl's cunt tastes."

"Ummmm, what _does_that taste like?" Remiel asked, getting more curious.

"Ohhh, it would be so tempting to just let you see for yourself by licking me!" she said, playfully slapping her own paw and saying, "Bad bunny! We can't have him yet!" Then she giggled and said, "Sorry, but I'd get in trouble if I disobeyed our Master and Miss Cora and put the moves on you now, so you'll have to settle for just knowing that until you taste it, there's really nothing to compare it to. But it tastes wonderful!"

"And sucking a cock doesn't?" he asked.

"Well... that depends a lot on the guy, and what they eat," Gretchen replied. "Some of the guys at my old school tasted really bitter and nasty. Most were okay, though. But our cook, Miss Francine, she knows what to feed us so we all taste really good. Like, have you noticed how many of the things we eat here have sweet berries in it? That sweet stuff makes a girl's juices or a guy's cum taste a lot better."

"Oh! I thought they were just trying to spoil us with tasty goodies!" Remiel said with a laugh. "So, ummm, what about Michael and Peter? Are they like... well, like you and Natalia? Are they lovers?"

"Well, they take care of each other a lot, but I think I'd call them 'fuck buddies' more than lovers," Gretchen replied. "Peter's gay, and doesn't like sex with girls at all, but no one else here is a strictly gay guy. William is straight, and he's just as insistent that he will only have sex with girls as Peter is about only having sex with boys. Our Master is bisexual, but he has to spread his time out to take care of all of us. Michael likes boys a little better than he likes girls, but he likes girls enough that he couldn't just pair up with Peter as an exclusive couple. Michael and Peter both got here about the same time, so they share a bathroom, like Natalia and I do. And they probably sleep with each other most nights, since Peter doesn't really have anyone else to turn to other than our Master. But if there were more gay or bisexual boys for Peter to have sex with, I think Michael would spend more time in bed with girls."

"All this 'girls with girls' and 'boys with boys' stuff is really new to me," Remiel said. "Before I came here, I never thought two boys or two girls would kiss each other, or do other sex stuff with each other. I barely understand how a boy does something with a girl in the first place. I have no clue how they would do it when you're the same sex."

"Oh, it's easy. Master will teach you, if you let him," Gretchen said, and then she looked at her watch and said, "Well, I have to report to the laundry now. Go ask Peter and Michael how they feel about gay sex. They can tell you all about it."


A little while later, Remiel found the two mouse boys out on the playground, playing on the swings.

"Hi guys! Do you have some time for me to talk with you?" the otter asked.

"Sure!" Peter said. "We're all done with our chores until dinner time. Wanna go down to the boat house? There's a bench down there with a great view of the lake, and the mountains in the distance. We like to go there to be alone, or to talk."

"Sounds good to me!" Remiel said. He followed the two mice down a trail that led past the swimming pool and down to the lakeshore, where there was a boat ramp and a dock with several boats tied up to it, and a boat house that the boats could be stored in for the winter months. The offered bench was on a deck that connected to the dock, on the lake side of that boat house, with the building between the bench and the mansion. It certainly was beautiful out here, and Remiel longed to go for a swim in the inviting waters of the lake.

"Can we ask the first question?" Peter asked.

Remiel laughed, and said, "I think you just did! Sure, that's fair. What do you want to know?"

"Do you like boys too?" Peter asked hopefully. "I saw you eyeing the otter girls. I guess anyone of your own species has to be the best attraction. But how do you feel about sex with other boys?"

"I... don't know. Never occurred to me to think about boys the same way people expect me to think about girls, until people here started talking to me about how you all do so much with just about everybody," he said. "Heck, I only started thinking_girls_ were fun to look at a few months ago. What about you guys? Did you, you know, think you just liked guys before you came here? Gretchen told me you're 'together' a lot."

"I always have been attracted to boys," Peter said. "Got along better with girls as friends and playmates, and had fun watching cute boy butts like they did, instead of wanting to kiss the girls. In the orphanage, some of the older boys that were gay or bi would sometimes ask me to have sex, and word got around pretty fast that I liked it. I even like dressing in girl clothes and pretending I'm a girl, so a guy that isn't really into guys that much can enjoy seeing me suck his cock more, or can pretend I'm a girl while he fucks my butt. But I like fucking another boy's butt and having my cock sucked too."

"I'd never had any kind of sex before I came here, with guys or girls," Michael said, when it became his turn. "I hadn't ever thought much about sex at all, before Master brought me here, about 4 months ago. Sort of like you, I guess. But I was really glad to be out of that orphanage and living in such a swell place as this, so when Master asked me if I would try sex, I said I was game for anything. He had me try girls, first. Mia was the first girl I ever had sex with. That Ferret girl really loved being fucked by me, but being fucked by our master turned her on more. She's into older guys, I guess. Then our Master had me try sex with Peter, and he was my first boy. I didn't have sex with our Master until a month later. He thought it would be easier if I got used to it with someone my age first. I've really only had sex with two guys - Peter and our Master. What about you?"

"Like you when you got here, Michael. I still haven't had any sort of sex. I still haven't made up my mind yet, about guys or girls," Remiel said. "But I guess it makes sense to try a little of everything, if I do say yes. Like my mum said, 'if you turn yer nose up at a new food, how will ya ever know if ya liked it or no?' She wouldn't stand for finicky eating!"

"That's a good attitude to take, if you want to stay here," Michael said.

They talked a while longer, about nothing in particular, until the sun started getting low in the sky. Then Peter said, "Better go back for dinner. Cook hates it when we're late!"

"I haven't met the cook yet," Remiel said, as they walked back up to the mansion. "Is there a reason for that? What was her name again?"

"Her real name is Miss Francine, and you'll meet her tomorrow, for sure, when you get kitchen duty the first time. All the new kids start with clearing the tables and washing dishes. We all just call her 'Cook', which is fine with her," Michael said, "She keeps to herself a lot, an' you hardly ever see her outside of the kitchens. She's a brown bunny, but turning pretty grey, and she's getting old and fat. She's the oldest person working here. She's like, 50 or something. She's older than our Master by almost ten years. She was his father's cook too, an' probably mated with the old Lord when our master was still a kid, back when she was young and pretty. The way I heard it, Miss Francine was the one that popped our Master's cherry, when he was just fourteen! So I guess he has a soft spot for her - even heard he still beds her, if you can believe that! She likes her own food too much, but don't you ever tell her to her face that she's fat! She feels bad about how fat she is, when nobody else here is even pudgy. An' if you make her upset, Master won't be happy."


After dinner, Remiel had to wait an hour before Miss Klara and Miss Danielle were free to chat. They both had kitchen duty, just like the mouse boys had said, and had to go wash dishes.

Remiel waited for them in the library, and read a book to pass the time. It was an adventure story with pirates and stuff. But unlike the books he had read at school, these pirates had lots of sex with women in taverns and with women who they captured from the ships that they attacked. It didn't make sense to Remiel, why a lady that had the ship she was travelling on attacked by pirates would want to have sex with the pirates that sunk that ship. But in the book, the ladies all objected at first, but later became quite happy to have sex.

"You're reading a 'bodice ripper'? I thought only girls liked that type of books," Miss Danielle said, as she and Miss Klara came to join him.

"Didn't know what sort of book it was, really," the otter boy replied, setting it back on the shelf. "I just picked one at random. So, ummm, I suppose they have you two in rooms that share a bathroom, like Michael and Peter do?"

"I guess. I didn't know anything about those boys' rooms," Miss Klara said. "They put us together because we got here about the same time. I guess all the rooms look the same, for us maids. We haven't done any decorating in our rooms yet, really. I have a few framed pictures of my parents and my two little sisters and my big brother in my room. Danielle found a neat poster for her room that looks like you're looking out through a window, and can see the Eiffel Tower, in Paris."

Remiel nodded, and said, "Yeah, I have a picture of my parents and pictures of my three little brothers and three little sisters in my room. I miss them already. It was really strange, sleeping alone here, without my three little brothers sharing my bed."

"So, what did you want to talk to us about? We really haven't been here very long ourselves, you know," Danielle said.

"Well, ummmm, Miss Cora said you two have already watched three times from her office, like we're gonna do tonight, to see what Lord Roderick does when he calls a maid to his bedroom, right? So, what have you seen so far?" Remiel asked.

"The first time, we watched him in bed with Miss Irene," Miss Danielle said. "She's only a year older than we are, but she didn't seem to have any trouble getting his cock into her, and he was very gentle with her, and let her be on top of him most of the time. Her doggy tail was wagging a whole lot, so she must have enjoyed it. She's the only dog here, and that's because she's an Italian Greyhound, and as small as we are. She could choose later to go to Lord Karl von Bernerholdt's mansion instead, where there's more dogs as maids, and where her Master would be a dog, like her. But there were more places open here, and she didn't seem to care which mansion they sent her to. She... doesn't talk about her family or what she did before she came here. She just says she used to live in Milan, Italy, and then she changes the subject."

"The second night, Miss Cora set us up and then left, because_she_ was the maid that Lord Roderick had summoned!" Miss Klara said. "William was there too, and she has sex with_both_ of them, at the same time! It was only the second time either of us had ever seen anyone having sex, and it was pretty wild! William even fucked her butt!"

"Wow! Yeah, some of the others told me that Lord Roderick likes fucking the kids' butts," the otter boy said, squirming a bit in his chair. "Kinda makes me feel sore, just thinking about it. But they all said they liked it!"

"Seems like it would hurt to me, too," Miss Klara said. "But yeah, Miss Cora told us she likes it."

"What did you watch last night?" Remiel asked. He was having trouble making pictures in his mind to go with what the girls were saying. He guessed he would understand better after watching a few times from Miss Cora's office.

"Well... Last night... Ummm, have you talked to the twin otter girls yet? Kate and Farah?" Miss Danielle asked.

"Yeah, I talked to them earlier today, why?" Remiel asked. "Was it one of them with him, last night?

"Ummm, it was _both_of them, actually. Have they... told you what they do when Lord Roderick summons them?" Miss Danielle asked. She was beginning to blush, and she looked like she was uncertain if she should go on.

"Well, not much," Remiel said. "Kate told me she's had sex with Peter, while the Lord watched them. Guess she was the first girl Peter had ever done it with. An' I know she let Peter fuck her butt. An' they both said they'd had sex with some of the girls here, too."

"Did they say _which_girls they did it with?" the squirrel girl asked.

Remiel couldn't help but notice the way Miss Danielle was blushing now. "Hey! If they did it with you, that's okay with me. I guess they gotta do it with anyone the Lord says."

"NO! It wasn't me! I haven't ever..." the young squirrel girl said, her voice rising to a squeak and quickly hiding her face behind her bushy tail in embarrassment.

"Kate and Farah had sex with each other," Miss Klara said. "I guess it wasn't the first time for them, either. They... they both took off their clothes, and while the Lord watched, they got on his bed together, and they put their noses in each other's crotches and licked until they were both squirming and moaning. Lord Roderick didn't tell them to do it. Then he mated with both of them, and when he was done, they... they licked each other clean, and started moaning and squirming again. They did other stuff too, like sucking his cock and letting him fuck their butts. But Danielle and I could hardly believe they did it with each other. They're twin sisters!"

Remiel blinked, opened his mouth, and closed it again. The otter twins had admitted that they liked having sex with girls, but... incest with each other? He remembered what his mom said, that it would be wrong to breed babies with a girl that might be his sister, and he wondered again how it could be that his mom might think he could ever not recognize that a girl was his sister. But his parents had also said there was no shame in sharing pleasure with someone you loved, or really liked a lot. So... maybe it was okay, since two girls couldn't get each other pregnant? "Oh... Well... I can't imagine any of my little sisters doing things like that to each other. But then again, I can't imagine them being interested in sex at all, yet. I guess... well, if they love each other, I guess it isn't wrong for them to share pleasure. I just... well, I never thought about anyone doing something like that."

"We'd never seen anything like that either," Miss Klara said. "But Lord Roderick_did_tell us that girls do stuff with girls here, and that most of them like it. Kate and Farah... they sure did seem to like licking each other. It just seemed so... strange. I have two younger sisters and an older brother at home. I never... thought of any of them as possible mates. But when I went to bed last night, I had dreams about my sisters licking each other, and my brother... doing what Lord Roderick did."

"So, ummmm, do either of you think you're gonna say yes yet?" Remiel asked.

"I'm not ready to make up my mind yet," Miss Klara said. "And I'm a little afraid. I'm so small, and his cock looks so big!"

"I'm not sure yet either," Miss Danielle said. She had finally stopped hiding behind her bushy tail, but she was still blushing. "He... he_is_ rather handsome, and he seems so gentle and loving. But I want to watch some more, and then decide."

"Well, I guess it's about time to go to Miss Cora's office," Remiel said, getting up. "Wonder who he will be with tonight?"


In Miss Cora's office, they sat side by side as the senior maid turned on the TV screen and adjusted the camera positions.


Soon Gretchen came into her Master's bedroom and she immediately sucked his cock, and showed him her mouth was full of his cum before swallowing it. Then she got on her back and he mated with her, and when he was done, he slid down and licked his own cream back out of her, until the bunny was moaning happily again. Then she got on her hands and knees on the bed, and he stuck his cock in her butt and fucked her there, before they both got into bed and turned out the lights.


Bern, Switzerland: June 13, 2010 (Sunday)

The next day, Remiel washed dishes after each meal time, and helped to carry fresh towels and bed linens to various bedrooms in the maid quarters, as other maids changed the bedding and cleaned the bedrooms and bathrooms.

After dinner, he met in Miss Cora's office again with Miss Klara and Miss Danielle.


Miss Valerie was with Lord Roderick this night. The thirteen year old mink girl called her Master 'Daddy' a lot, and was very eager to please him.


Miss Danielle squirmed a lot in her seat while they watched, and as the evening drew to a close, Remiel saw that the ten year old squirrel girl had her hand under her skirt, and seemed to be rubbing her crotch.


Bern, Switzerland: June 14, 2010 (Monday)

On Monday night, Miss Klara was there with Remiel in Miss Cora's office, but Miss Danielle was missing.

"Where is Miss Danielle?" Remiel asked. "I haven't seen her all day."

"She has made her decision," Miss Cora replied, as she adjusted the cameras carefully. "She will not be watching with you any longer."

"She... did she ask to get sent back home?" Miss Klara asked, holding her tail nervously.

"Oh no, not at all. Take a look," Miss Cora said, as she sat between the children and pointed to the screen.


The bedroom door opened, and Lord Roderick walked in, saying, "Come in, my dear. Don't be frightened."

Miss Danielle came into the room behind him, in her French Maid uniform. She glanced up at the three cameras, whose positions she could guess pretty well from having watched through them several times, and when she saw the little red light was lit on one of them, she nervously waved at her friends. Then she knelt in front of Lord Roderick, and solemnly said, "Master, I... choose to offer you my full and unrestricted service."

"So you told me earlier today," her Master said. "You are certain you enter this agreement willingly? You are ready to give me your virginity, and accept me unconditionally as your Master? Think well, for the reply you give now is what will shape your life. If you say yes, I will cherish you and train you, and I will seek to expand your interests in many ways. You will not only be giving yourself to me. You will be required to have sex with whoever I tell you to do it with, in whatever ways I see fit. So I may require you to have sex with William, or with Michael, or with Gretchen, or even with Miss Francine! But I promise that I will never harm you, and that if you give me your best effort, even on those things that seem strange at first, I believe most of what I ask of you will be quite pleasurable. So... are you truly ready to be my maid, and accept me as your Master?"

"Yes sir," she replied, with only the slightest hesitation. "Please, accept me as your maid, and I want you to be my Master. I will obey your every command. Teach me, Master."

"I accept your service, and welcome you. Come and kiss me, to seal our agreement," he said. When she rose and approached him, he knelt so his face was on the level with her, and as they shared a kiss and their tongues touched for the first time, his hand slipped under her skirt and he began to fondle her virginal slit.

Miss Danielle stiffened for a moment when he touched her pubic area, but then she relaxed and continued kissing him.

They broke their kiss slowly, and he assisted her in removing all of her clothes, and then had her remove his dressing gown. When they were both unclothed, he said, "That was a very nice kiss. Now, I want you to kiss and nuzzle my sheath. You have seen other girls taking me into their mouth. I want you to try that, just a little. You do not have to make me cum yet, or try to swallow anything. I just want you to feel my cock in your mouth, all right?"

"Yes Master," she replied. She got on her knees and rubbed her face against his sheath and balls, kissing his sac and his sheath as she had seen Gretchen do. And when he slowly emerged from his sheath, her tongue gently licked at him until the exposed shaft was long enough for her to place it in her mouth.

"Very good! That isn't so difficult, is it?" he asked.

She took his cock out of her mouth, and replied, "It's all right, Master. What should I do next?"

"Lie on the bed, with your tail hanging over the side of the bed, and place your ankles on my shoulders," he replied. "I want to taste your virginal flower, and to give you a nice orgasm, before I take your cherry. Have you ever had an orgasm before?"

Miss Danielle got on the bed, blushing, and said, "I... ummm... Last night, Master, I... touched myself in bed, until I moaned like your other girls. It felt really good, so I guess I did it right. That was my first time."


"So _that_was what I heard last night!" Miss Klara said. "I thought she was having a nightmare or a weird dream!"


Lord Roderick took his time, expertly licking and nibbling at the virginal slit of the young squirrel girl until she was panting heavily and her body was shaking with a wonderful orgasm. "So, how was that?" he asked, looking up at her from between her thighs.

"W-wonderful! OH! I never knew anything could feel that good!" Miss Danielle replied. "Are... are you going to take my cherry now, Master?"

"Yes, if you're ready," he said quietly. "But you do not have to lose your virginity tonight. There are many other things I can teach you first, and all of those are painless."

"Will... will it hurt?" she asked.

"Yes, for most girls it does hurt. I won't lie to you about that. That pain is the price all girls must pay to become a young woman. But the pain is brief, and once the soreness subsides, it will only be pleasurable after that, I promise," Lord Roderick said. "I will be as gentle as I can, and I will use a condom once I have opened you up to me, so you will not get pregnant. Say that you are ready, and I promise you, before the sun rises, the pleasure we will share will make the orgasm you just enjoyed pale by comparison. Vaginal sex is the greatest pleasure two people can share. Are you ready to give me that gift? Are you ready to become a woman?"

"I am yours, Master! Please, take my virginity!" she replied, rising to sit on the edge of the bed and kissing him passionately.

The old squirrel had her lay back on the bed, and he placed a towel beneath her hips, to catch any blood. Then he set a condom packet and another small towel beside her on the bed, and got atop her.

"First I will take your cherry. Then I will clean my shaft and put on the condom. I want to feel you completely, and for you to feel me, in that first precious moment. I also don't want the condom to break because you are too tight, and risk my not realizing it," he explained, as he positioned his tip at her wet entrance. This was one of the things he enjoyed most about training a new maid - the act of taking a very young girl's virginity and introducing her to the pleasures of the bed.

The ten year old squirrel girl felt his slick, pointed tip easing into her folds, where even her fingers had not yet trespassed, and she quivered in anticipation. She propped herself up on her shoulders and watched in fascination as the first inch of his shaft slid into her, stretching her wide open. Then she gasped as his tip touched her hymen. "Ah! That hurt!" she cried.

He eased back and said, "I'll give you a moment to get used to me so far. Think about something else. What is your favorite dessert?" he asked, as he stroked in and out with short strokes, allowing her natural lubrication to make her as wet and slick as possible.

"Ahhh, pecan pie? Served hot, with cool creamy vanilla ice cream? Or maybe a berry tart? With..." her musings were shattered by a jolt of pain, as her Master thrust deep into her and her hymen was torn apart. "OUCH! OWwieee! Oh geeze that hurt!"

Lord Roderick had thrust into her while the child's mind was distracted by food. He cuddled her close, and lay still, with his shaft embedded to his balls inside her. "Sorry, but I have found it usually is better to do it when the girl is distracted. There now! The worst part is over how. You are truly a young woman, and no longer a child. I will hold very still until you tell me the pain is lessened enough for it to begin to feel good."

Miss Danielle cried into his shoulder fur for a moment, eyes tightly shut. After a minute or two she sniffled and said, "It... it doesn't hurt so bad now."

Her Master eased out of her and wiped his cock clean, and then he quickly rolled the condom down over his shaft, before easing it back into her bleeding vagina. "There, now you won't get pregnant. And before I summon you again, our doctor will get you on Norplant or in the Pill, so we won't need a condom. Is this starting to feel better now?" he asked, as he slowly eased in and out of her freshly deflowered sex.

She gasped and whimpered when he pulled out, and sighed when he slipped back in again. "Still sore, but yes... better now. Starting to feel kind of good. Feels awfully big! I can't believe you have it all inside me!"

"Men of other species are even larger, but with time and training you will be able to serve any master," Lord Roderick said, carefully beginning to thrust faster. "Perhaps you could never manage to serve a stallion, but just about anyone smaller in length and girth, you could mate with. I know that seems impossible now, but just ask the older girls, like Magda. She's a squirrel, like we are, but she has mated quite happily with Lord Karl von Bernerholdt, and his cock is much larger than mine."


Miss Klara and Remiel sat there with their mouths agape as they watched their friend losing her virginity. And true to his word, before they went to bed that night Miss Danielle was giggling and pleading for her Master to give her yet another wonderful orgasm. He went through three more condoms after that, and she came at least six more times, before they turned out the lights. They went to sleep with Danielle spooned against her master's chest.


"Wow..." was all Miss Klara could say.

"Yeah..." Remiel said. His cock was straining against the front of his short pants, making a very obvious bulge. "I... good night! I need to go to my room!" he said, blushing as he turned away from Miss Cora and Miss Klara and fled from the room.


Bern, Switzerland: June 15, 2010 (Tuesday)

After breakfast the next day, Remiel approached Lord Roderick, and said, "Sir? I... I think I have made up my mind, sir."

"Oh? Good! Then let us go somewhere more private to discuss it. Miss Cora? Would you accompany us to your office? I think we will need access to the maids' schedules," the Lord said, as the he led the otter and bunny down the hall and into the maids' quarters.

Once they were in the office and the door was closed, Remiel said, "I... well sir, I... I want you to train me, sir, in... well in everything. I've never had sex yet with girls or boys. Hadn't really given it that much thought yet. But I gather you'll take care of that for me, once I say yes."

"That I will, my boy, that I will," Lord Roderick said. "Tell me, for what little thought you_have_ given to the matter of sex, what appeals to you the most?"

"Well, I always thought I was supposed to start liking girls, and I had a magazine I found in my dad's car that i used to look at, when I rubbed myself off. Haven't done that much - no real privacy at home, you know? But I liked how it felt," Remiel replied. He looked aside and added, "Doing stuff with guys is something I never thought about at all, but after talking to the boys and girls here, they all seemed to pretty much like whoever they were with. So I guess it's only fair to try it that way too, so I can make up my mind proper like."

"I think we'll start you off with girls, then. Is there any girl here in particular you'd like as your first sex partner?" Lord Roderick asked. "Several of them have made the offer. Even Miss Cora here would be glad to be your first lover." He grinned as he saw the boy's eyes widen and glance at the bunny lady that was old enough to be his mother. "No? Well, I know that Kate and Farah are particularly keen to mate with you. Would that be to your liking? Someone of your own species and closer to your own age might be easiest to relax and enjoy it with."

"I... that would be swell, sir, but... how could I decide which one?" Remiel asked.

"Why not enjoy both? I usually do. You can mate with both of them tonight. Make the arrangements, Miss Cora," the Lord said.

The bunny consulted her schedule book and said, "Miss Magda was to be with you tonight, Master, but she can trade nights with Kate and Farah. She won't mind missing tonight, if she gets to be in your bed twice in one week next week." Then she smiled at the otter boy and said, "You'll have fun with the twins tonight. But_do_ give me a chance later, won't you? I can teach you plenty of fun things that those younger girls have yet to learn."

"Yes ma'am, I will," Remiel said, blushing.

"Kate and Farah will bring you to my rooms at eight, then," Lord Roderick said. "I will formally accept your submission to me at that time."


Bern, Switzerland: June 15, 2010 (Tuesday Night)

For the rest of the day, Remiel went through his assigned chores in a daze. He didn't manage to talk to Kate, Farah, Danielle or Klara all day, though he was looking for them. They were there at lunch and dinner, of course, but seated pretty far down the table from him. And when he tried to find them after the meal, they vanished. He was much too embarrassed to talk to any of the other kids about what he was going to do after dinner in Lord Roderick's bedroom, so he just did his chores and spent most of his free time in his room.

Right after dinner, Miss Cora brought him to her office, and explained a bit more to him in terms of what sort of responses were expected when he swore to accept Lord Roderick as his Master.

"Remember, Remiel, that in accepting him as your Master, you agree to be subservient to him. You will be giving him far more control over your life than even your parents had. You will be allowing him to make_every_ decision about what you may and may not do. It requires a great deal of trust, on your part. But it also relieves you of any responsibility for what he has you do. It can be a very liberating feeling, really," the bunny lady said.

"I think I can trust him that much. He is so nice to everyone here, and everyone seems to love him so much," Remiel said.


When Miss Cora was done talking to him, Remiel went back to his room, showered and used the bathroom, and then dried off and put on a fresh houseboy uniform. He was just finishing brushing his fur and hair when someone knocked on his door. He set down his brush and opened the door.

The otter twins, Kate and Farah, were in the hallway outside his room, but they were not in their maid uniforms. Instead, they wore matching scarlet red silk dresses that left their shoulders bare to show off their tribal marks, and that had skirts that came to just above their knees. They wore red high heeled shoes, which made them seem almost half a foot taller than the young otter boy, and they had perfume on, too - a light floral scent that he couldn't quite recognize. The red dresses looked very nice with their light brown fur, and Remiel could tell that they had freshly re-dyed their tribal marks, so the colors were nice and bright, and the edges crisp and sharp.

"Wow! You two look really pretty!" he said. "Was I supposed to wear party clothes too?"

"Oh, your uniform is the right choice for you, tonight," Kate said. "We just wanted to dress extra nice for our first 'date' with you. Are you ready to go?"

Remiel nodded, closed his door, and said, "Yes. But now I kinda feel like I shoulda found some flowers or candy for you. I... well, I hadn't really thought about this being like going on a date with both of you, but I guess it is, isn't it?" He giggled a little and added, "I've never had a real date."

"Mumm humm! And this is the best part of a date. Come along, sweetheart!" Farah said as she took one of his hands.

"Don't worry about anything, Remiel. We'll have lots of fun tonight!" Kate said, as she took his other hand.

"I... Well, thank you, both of you," he said, as they led him through the halls. When they got to the Lord's bedroom door, the girls walked right in, taking Remiel with them.

Lord Roderick was waiting for them, in his dressing gown. "Welcome! I'm glad to see all three of you!" he said. He led them into his bedroom, and then turned to face them, asking, "Shall we begin?"

"Well, ahhh... what do I do now, sir?" Remiel asked.

The old squirrel stepped closer to the otter boy. "First, my boy, I will accept your formal submission to me, and then, with the aid of these two lovely girls, I will teach you the pleasures of sex with females. But we will leave teaching you about sex with me or with any other males for another night. One new experience at a time. Now, to start with, I want you to kneel in front of me."

Remiel did as he was told, and knelt in front of Lord Roderick, and then, recalling how Miss Danielle had done her submission, he solemnly said, "Master, I choose to offer you my full and unrestricted service."

"Very good. Now, you are certain you enter into this agreement willingly? No one seduced you or enticed you to make you choose this path?" the old squirrel asked.

"No one touched me or promised me anything for saying yes, sir. They all told me how much they liked being your maids or houseboys, but they said I had to make up my own mind. And I have," Remiel said. "I want you to teach me... everything. Girls, boys, you, Miss Cora... I'll try to do whatever you want me to do."

"I am very glad to hear you say that. And are you ready now to give your virginity to these two girls while I watch, and you accept me unconditionally as your Master? Think well, for the reply you give now is what will shape your life. If you say yes, I promise that I will cherish you and train you, and I will seek to expand your interests in many ways. You will be required to have sex with whoever I tell you to do it with, in whatever ways I see fit. So in addition to having sex with the maids and the other houseboys and myself, I may even require you to have sex with older adults, such as Miss Francine, or even with my friend, Lord Karl von Bernerholdt. But I promise that I will never harm you, and that if you give me your best effort, even on those things that seem strange at first, I believe most of what I ask of you will be quite pleasurable for all of us. So... are you truly ready to be my houseboy, and accept me as your Master?"

The young otter looked up at his new Master, and said, "Yes. I want you to be my Master, and I want you to teach me."

"Then I accept you fully as my Pet and Houseboy, and I will strive to be a good Master for you," he replied. "Now, stand, and kiss our two lovely companions."

Kate helped the boy to his feet, and embraced him as she gave him a slow, lingering kiss. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and touched his, and Remiel tried to move his tongue in a similar manner. When she let him go, he said, "Wow... that was nice. You two are the only ones that have ever kissed me like that!"

Farah hugged him and said, "That is how real lovers kiss, Remiel, and it looks like you're catching on pretty fast. Now do it with me, sweetie!" They shared an equally passionate kiss, and this time Remiel tried to push his tongue into her mouth first. She parted her lips at his probing touch, and sighed happily as they kissed.

Lord Roderick watched the kisses and then said, "Very good. Well, shall we see what our new Pet has for us to work with? Undress him, girls. Let's see how well he is equipped."

"Yes Master!" Kate replied. "Should we get undressed too?"

"Not yet, I think. Just remove his clothes and get him aroused for us," her master replied.

Remiel blushed as the two girls sat him on the bed, removed his shoes and socks, and then stood him back up again and quickly stripped him. The only time he had ever had his pants off in front of a female who knew what sex was had been when his mom made him pull down his pants so she could paint his tribal marks on his butt! That was way different than this, though, because these girls actually wanted to have sex with him!

Farah was the one who pulled off his underpants. She nuzzled his cock, but looked curiously at him, as if not finding something she expected to see.

Kate saw her sister's puzzled expression, and said, "Look on his butt, sis."

Farah turned the otter boy around and studied his parental marks carefully. "Nicely painted. I don't know those marks, but that's no surprise, since our two tribes are from different continents."

"My mum painted them," Remiel admitted, blushing further as he admitted his mother had seen him there. "Dad says she's really good at painting tribal marks."

"I agree. His mom did these quite well. We'll be glad to help you to keep your marks looking nice, Remiel. We do it for each other," Farah said, turning him around again. "Come over here and help me get him ready, sis."

"Gladly!" Kate said, kneeling side by side with her twin. The two girls nuzzled the boy's cock and balls, kissing his tip as it stiffened, and licking his shaft as it got longer and thicker. "Mummmm, yummy!" Kate said, as she licked a drop of precum from his tip. The boy's aroused shaft was six inches long and an inch and a quarter thick. "He's not quite as long or as thick as you are, Master, but he has a very nice cock!" she said.

"I agree, and he should get bigger as he gets older," their Master said. "Now, show him what oral sex is really like, girls."

Remiel shuddered and groaned as the girls licked and kissed at his cock. He leaned back against the bed, hoping his knees wouldn't buckle and drop him to the floor. This felt a_lot_ better than rubbing himself did! Better than anything he had felt before! Then he gasped as Kate slipped his cock into her mouth and started sucking on it. That was even better! Her mouth was so soft and warm, and her tongue... he couldn't find words to express how it felt to have his cock sliding over that wonderful, soft tongue. "Oh wow! You're really... Oh, that's good!"

"Hey! Let me have some too, sis!" Farah said, slipping the boy out of her sister's mouth and into her own.

Their Master watched and stroked his own cock, until Farah had been sucking the boy for about as long as her sister had, then he said, "All right. One of you girls can finish him off, and the other one will suck me. I want you to do a good job, and try to make it last. The girl whose guy cums_last_ is the one who will get to be the first girl our young friend will actually mate with. Remiel, you had better lie on the bed for this. I don't want you to fall over."

Kate and Farah quickly played 'rock, paper, scissors' to see who would stay with Remiel, and Farah won. She got on the bed with the boy, kicking off her high heels and lying between his thighs as she took him back into her mouth. Kate squatted in front of her master and took his cock into her mouth, while reaching below her skirt to finger herself.

Remiel watched Kate and Lord Roderick in fascination, as he enjoyed his first real blow job from Farah. It wasn't long before he exploded into the twelve year old otter girl's mouth, and she hungrily swallowed every bit of his seed. She showed him the last creamy mouthful before swallowing it and smiling at him. "Well, my sister may get to be the first to fuck you, but at least I was the first to taste your cream! You taste nice! Now, I'll get you nice and hard again for her!" She ducked her head back down to his crotch and started the process over again, nuzzling his cock until it got semi-stiff again, and then licking and kissing at his shaft until he was nice and hard again.

Kate swallowed her master's seed, showing him her last mouthful, and then pulled off her dress, kicked off her shoes, and got on the bed beside the otter boy. She hadn't been wearing any underwear at all, and Remiel could see that while she didn't have any breasts yet, her nipples were erect, pink nubbins poking through her light brown fur. Then she leaned closer and gave the boy another French kiss.

Remiel could taste the traces of their Master's seed in her mouth. She had swallowed almost all of it, but she definitely tasted different than her previous kiss. The boy decided the maids he had spoken to were right. It tasted funny, but not bad, really.

Kate slipped her dress off and knelt on all fours, raising her tail invitingly. "Help him to mount me, sis! Show him what to do," she said.

Farah stopped licking the boy's cock and helped him to get behind her sister, on his knees. "Now, you just put that nice cock of yours into her slit, all right?"

Remiel looked down at Kate's firm young butt cheeks, and froze. Her fur was beautifully smooth, and completely unmarked. "W-wait! I... Oh no..."

"Is something wrong, Remiel?" Lord Roderick asked, as he removed his dressing gown.

"She... Sir, tribal law says an otter can't breed until the tribe says they're an adult, an' allows the kid ta' paint their parent's marks on her butt, like the marks I have. She doesn't have those marks! That means she's too young to have sex!" Remiel groaned. "I want to obey you, but it would be really bad if I broke our tribal laws!"

"It's all right, Remiel," Kate said, looking back at him over her shoulder. "Our tribe just puts those marks in a different place. See?" she rolled over on her back, and exposed her crotch to him. On her right side of her groin, beside her vulva, was a small red six pointed star, made of triangles around a hexagon. On her left groin, on the opposite side of her mound, was a red otter paw print, toes down. "This is for my mother, and this is for my father," she explained, touching the star and then the paw print. "And if I ever become a mother, my mark will go here, just above my clit," she added, touching her belly, just above her slit.

Farah stripped her own dress off and showed him that she had the same marks. "Our mom gave us our marks just before we were sent here, just like yours did. And your marks are different from ours. You also don't have to use a condom or worry about babies. We're both on Norplant. We can't get pregnant, no matter how much you cum inside us. So, are you okay now?"

"Yeah, that makes sense now, I guess. In our tribe, those go on the butt, and when I become a father, my mark will go here, on this side of my groin," he said. He looked at her sister and asked, "Ummm, can we do it with me facing you, Kate? I... I want to be able to keep kissing you while we do it."

"Sure. I only started on all fours because it would be easier for my sis to help guide you. Just lie on top of me, and support your weight on your arms, like you're going to do pushups. Then slip your cock into my slit, and move it in and out," she said.

"We'll demonstrate for you," Lord Roderick said, as he had Farah lie beside her sister. He got into position and she guided his shaft into her. Once he was balls deep, he held his body up so the boy could see he was all the way inside the young girl. "Just like that, see?"

"Yes, Master," Remiel said. He got into the same position, and shuddered as Kate wrapped her hand around his cock and touched his tip to her hot, wet slit. Sliding into her was the most unbelievably wonderful thing he had ever felt. Without even thinking about it, his hips began thrusting in and out of her as soon as he reached full depth.

"Good boy! Just like that! You like how this feels?" Kate asked.

"It's wonderful! So good!" he kissed her as they mated, lost in pleasure as his next climax built.

"Slow down with that eager thrusting, lad," Lord Roderick said. "Slow and steady will give her time to get her own pleasure, before you get yours."

"Yes sir," Remiel said, trying hard to match his Master's slower pace.

Once Farah and Kate were both shuddering and moaning, Lord Roderick said, "Well done! Now go faster and join her with your own pleasure. Fill her up with your seed, young man! Do it right!"

"Y-yes... sir..." Remiel gasped, as he picked up the pace and hammered away at the squirming and moaning girl beneath him. He felt her fingernails digging into his shoulders as she cried out in pleasure. And then his own world exploded as he flooded her depths with his thick and potent young seed. "Unghhh! Oh wow! Thank you so much! This is fantastic!"

"Mummm, you're not half bad yourself, sweetie!" Kate said, hugging him tightly as they watched her sister and their master reaching an equal satisfying double climax.

When he was done with Farah, Lord Roderick pulled out and said, "Sit beside me, lad, and let the girls entertain us while we get our second wind."

Remiel pulled his cock free, pausing to look in fascination at his own cream pooled in the gaping opening of the young otter girl's cunny. And then he watched in utter amazement as Kate and Farah went nose to crotch with each other, and eagerly licked until they had swallowed all the cream from their sister, and each of them had enjoyed another orgasm.

"Isn't it beautiful, how much they love each other?" Lord Roderick asked.

"Y-yeah. I... One of the older girls told me they do... this... with each other, I mean. It's... Ulp! It's pretty interesting to watch, all right." Remiel said, blushing but getting hard again pretty fast.

"As soon as you feel ready, we will trade girls, and you can mate with Farah. Make sure you cum inside her, just as you did with her sister. And this time, I want you to try to keep going after you cum. Just don't stop thrusting. You may be able to give her an extra orgasm or two, and, as young as you are, you can probably keep it up until you have a second orgasm yourself," the squirrel instructed.

"Yes sir! I'll do my best, sir!" Remiel said eagerly. He could hardly wait to try mating again, and to enjoy that wonderful experience once more.


They mated with the girls side by side. Remiel managed to give Farah three orgasms, and he filled her twice before pulling out of her and rolling over onto his back, panting with exertion.

Farah immediately placed a hand in her crotch, pinching herself shut, and moved to squat over the boy's face, while facing his belly. "Lick me clean, Remiel! It won't hurt you to taste your own cream. Lick it all out of me and make me cum again! See? Our master is already doing it for my sister!"

"Uhhh, okay? I..." was all that the boy managed to say, before she settled down over his mouth and a glop of his own cum landed on his tongue. He swallowed reflexively and began licking, as he had watched the girls doing for each other. The taste was stronger than the remnants when he kissed Kate earlier. The texture felt a little odd, too - sort of like licking jelly from the edge of a sandwich. But he didn't mind the taste of his own cum.

He could just barely peek sideways through the bend of Farah's knee, to see that the Lord and her sister were locked in the same nose to crotch embrace, and that the Lord was quite obviously enjoying the creamy feast. Remiel resumed licking and swallowing until Farah's taste changed, as his own juices were replaced by hers. He found he really liked that taste, and now he thought that maybe he understood why the sisters liked licking each other, and why Gretchen and Natalia did too. A girl tasted really good while she was enjoying sex!

After she had her first orgasm, Farah leaned forward and licked at the tip of the boy's cock until she got it firm again, and then she slipped it into her hungry young mouth. This time, she took him all the way into her throat, until her nose was tightly pressed his soft sac.

Remiel couldn't believe how it felt when the tip of his cock entered the tight confines of the girl's throat. He felt like he was being milked, and soon started splashing his seed right into her throat. He wondered how she could even breathe like that, and was answered a moment later when she withdrew enough to take in a big gulp of air through her nose, before thrusting him down her throat again and swallowing the last spurts that his aching balls had to offer.


Later, as they lay in the Lord's bed, with Remiel cuddling with Farah and Lord Roderick cuddling with Kate, the Lord asked, "Well? How did you like that experience, my boy?"

"It was unbelievable, sir. Better than I ever dreamed it could be!" Remiel replied.

"Thank you, Remiel!" Farah said. "I'm glad you enjoyed mating with us so much! And if you want to mate on your own with us, any night that we're not summoned by our Master, just let us know. We'd love to pair with you again."

"But the others will want you too," Kate said, "And that's only fair. So don't expect to be with us all the time, like we were your girlfriends, now. We all belong to our Master, and none of us is supposed to get possessive about anyone else."

Remiel didn't reply. He was already sound asleep, cuddled close to Farah, with his face pressed to her chest.