The hidden alpha pt 2

Story by PO1Wolfy on SoFurry

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Here is part 2 I hope to get the third out tonight.

"State trooper?" A distorted voice repeats.

Connor first thinks he has gone blind.

"State trooper?" The voice comes from his left he turns his head and the yellow eyes appear next to him.

Connor jumps and slides back till he lays against a cold center block wall. The eyes advance to Connor. Connor reaches for his BUG (Back up gun) in his left boot. "Don't move!" "Officers down, need back up." sparks come from the nearly crushed radio. The eyes stop advancing.

"Don't move? I don't move master." the voice becomes submissive.

~Master~ Connor thinks trying to aim the baby glock.

"Who is that up stairs?" connor asks.

"Upstairs? Master upstairs sleep." the eyes.

"Are you a sex slave?"

Eyes blink. "Master buy me when I was seven."

Jesus. "How old are you?" he pushes.

"Too old now master wanted to make me sleep." the eyes disappear. "here" something soft is placed in his lap. Connor jumps as she is very quick and quiet. Connor feels to be what seems is a stuffed animal connor puts the baby glock back in his boot, and whipes the blood from his head. The gash is very small and was more of a cut. Connor gets up and feels for the stairs. "what is your name?"

"Master named me Heather."

"Okay Heather follow me okay im here to help."

"State trooper help?" she takes Connor's hand.

"Yes state trooper help." he looks into the glowing eyes and finds the stairs and starts to climb them.

"No! Master say no heather upstairs! Master punish Heather. Master hurt Heather." she tugs away.

"It is okay master wont hurt you no more." Heather still pulls away. Connor pulls her to him and lifts her up. "dont move."

"I dont move." Heather stops fighting. Connor carries her upstairs and avoids the body taking her outside. she gasps and clings to Connor as he steps outside. "Where am I?"

"You've never been outside?" He is stunned when she now finaly exposed to the moon light shakes her head in a no. The young she wolf has dirty grey fur coated in dried seaman. Ticks and flees cover her along with cigar size burns and whipping scars. To Connor she had every right to kill that man for hurting, torturing, and scaring this beautiful wolf anthro woman.

Connor opens the passenger side door of his squad car and sits her in the seat.

"STAY dont move I help okay state trooper help. I come back." connor looks in her eyes which beg for help. He close the door and opens his trunk grabing a thermal blanket and a bottle of water. He opens the door she springs out and hugs him tightly his first reaction is to grab his gun but he realized that she ment no harm. He wraps the blanket around her and gives her the water bottle she struggles to open it he opens it for her and she downs it desperately. Connor closes the door again and goes to the trunk closes it and enters his car. Grabing his cell phone he calls his supervisor. "ma'am its Connor I got a dead body, male, 50ish, just off of 67 near Bruceville. Gunshot wound to the head. Shooter ran off lost the trail looks like a sex slave case." Heather looks over at him. "yes ma'am, understood ill whipe the scene. Fd wont respond right?"..... "yes ma'am time off at least a few days."... "will do ma'am." Connor ends the call. "ill be right back Heather. " Connor exits the car runs into the house. Moments later smoke comes out of windows and door Connor runs out coughung and enters the car stars it and throws it in reverse as the hell hole bursts into flames. Heather watches her former prison burn to the ground in the mirror. Tears start rolling down her face. "thank you..," Connor looks at her "Connor, my name is Connor." Heather kisses his cheek, and whispers in his ear. "Thank you Connor."

Connor heading home stops for gas and grabs food for her and himself more for her though. Comming back to his patrol car he sees her with a smile watching a couple makeout. She wasnt hiding she wasnt afraid she was smiling realizing that her personal hell was over and never going to happen again. Connor opened the door and sat down giving her a armful of junk food. He knew it wasnt good for her but he felt she needed a treat. She ate slowly as he drove the 40 miles to his home in the country.

He pulls into his driveway concrete curtain and gravel pathway. The two story house big but no to big nice for a big family but not over doing it. tan sidding and metal roofing. South of the house a matching two car garage and north west a two story building. Offices on top and storage on ground floor. Conner pulls into the left garage door. To the right, a work in progress project late 60s ford Mustang fast back. In front of the patrol car a armory. Rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Heather shivered and looked down. Connor parked the patrol car and exited going over to passenger side door opening it and extending his helping hand with one word. "Safe."

The hidden alpha pt 3

The third and final part. Forgive me if the sex is bad first time writing like that. Moments later Connor is leading Heather to the guest bathroom, her eyes wide taking in the amazing sights of the inside of Connor's home. Cathedral ceilings, wood and...

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The hidden alpha pt 1

Please forgive me for the lack of proper grammar. I am writing this on a tablet. Connor, a 22 year old state trooper is asleep in his patrol car. The unfortunate gift of a 12 hour shift paired with the cold moon lit night gave good reason for wolf...

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I look up at her in a mixed emotion the doctor behind the window starts asking her questions, but I am fixated on her eyes and tone out the doctor. She had an "Oh shit" expression or at least that's what it looked like to me. I look down at the bent...

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