Ragnarök Now! chp1 Prologue : Late, for more things then one.

Story by Ulrik the Fell Handed on SoFurry

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#1 of Ragnarök Now!

All characters and situations between them are copywrited to me and further, are my intellectual property. Any use of them without my express written permission will be prosecuted.

The following contains material of a graphic nature, if you are under the age of consent(whatever that may be in your area) and do NOT have the permission of your parent or guardian do not read this.

I beg your indulgence, for the sake of grammar, readability and most importantly my on going sanity. I ask that you imagine all characters with a west Texas drawl.(unless otherwise specified)

"Thankee ya'll that's mighty kind of ya" I am from Texas By the way so I get to talk like this without feeling shame. :D

note that {} denotes that this speech is in another language;

"...First impressions can be misleading; at least that is what I believe. You must first get to know someone before passing judgment, so saying if I ever catch you mistreating a woman again I will personally cut of your phallus and strangle you with it."

~~~ Leif Eriksson to his brothers son while on a viking.

"...And the warrior said to the holy man' I shall go we shall fight and he shall die, and tonight I will have a fine meal once again in my own hall.' And the holy man did say' but what if you are injured...what if you are slain?! Are you not afraid?' And the warrior laughed, embracing the holy man saying' then I shall go, we shall fight, and I shall die, and have my fine meal in Odin's hall. Either way little priest tonight I will eat well."

~~~unknown author, King Grigvald to father Leofric from the play "the comedy that is Europe"

Our story begins, like most stories of its kind with a young man.

And like most stories, this young man is destined for many great events, destined to see things the likes of which make even the greatest of men tremble.

Unlike most stories however, this one involves a choice.

This choice will affect more lives then any living soul would care to know.

And so gentle readers; let us start our tale in the most fitting of places, the beginning.

Our story begins in a place called Jomstown Texas. This one time oil boom town is right on the edge of the west Texas badlands, just within sight of the of the hill country.

Now although it no longer produces crude like it did back in "the days of glory" as the old timers call it. The town still supports a fairly large infrastructure.

It is located on one of the main routes between El Paso and the rest of the world. Needless to say a town located on one of the main roads connecting Mexico and the US tends to see more then its fair share of crime. Though the majority of it is not, as most people would assume, committed by wanderers or illegal aliens. No the majority of crimes committed in the middle size towns is perpetrated by youths age 13-20. Or so reads the United States census pool of 2006.

What it doesn't don't tell you however is the percentage of youths that lead fairly normal lives.

________________________Talks about the moon__________________

Our stories protagonist is one such young man, unassuming and fairly happy with his life.

His parents refuse to tell him his full name, seeing as how his birth mother was stoned out of her gourd when he was born and was at that time not the most intellectually acute person in the hospital. His father and stepmother thought it was best that all his documents were just signed, "Rick". That, they said was an abbreviation of his full first name. This did not bother him any for he figured that it was not so much a persons name that mattered as how their actions.

Rick had grown up on his daddy's ranch tending beef cattle, milking dairy cows and butchering hogs as a result of this he was a very competent young man. He had gone out on his first herd drive at the age of 11, something about those 3 weeks had stuck with him since. He could remember clearly the first night away from the house and the barns and the lights of town, remember what it was like to have no distractions on one's thoughts. What it was like to have nothing to take away from the simple pleasure of sitting out under the sky's canopy and watching the wheel of the heavens turn. One of the hands had stayed up with him that night and eventually asked him what it was that he was looking at?

"I'm looking at the moon" Rick replied. "wellp, that's fine enough...think you'd like ta hear a story bout the moon?" said the ranch hand, whose name was Reggie.

"Yeah I would!" whispered an excited Rick. "mmmm I figured you might" said a smiling Reggie as he habitually fingered a little silver hammer that hung from a leather cord around his neck.

"Well now....way back when, long afore you or I or your grandpappy or even HIS grandpappy was born. There was born a girl. Now this girl was purtier then anything you care to think on, as was her twin brother. Made all the people who sawr em happy for not only were they purty on the outside, they were the nicest people you would ever care to meet. Now this girl at the time of her birth was given the name "Mani" what used ta mean "Guardian" and her brother was given the name "Sol" which used ta mean "Watcher or protector". Now these two siblings grew to be so loved by the people that the queen of the giants grew angered that folk did not love her more then two mere humans of lowborn parents. And though she was cruel to all the folk thereabouts she expected them to love her as a mother.

One day the brother and sister were walking down a road when from out of the bushes a giant wolf appeared. It had a red glowing light shining fiercely from inside its hollow eye sockets. Now I tell ya son this wolf was the biggest damn Lobo you ever saw, bigger then the feed barn back at the house. Leastwise the brother and the sister both new that this was one of Loki's brood. Then as the two were about to flee from this great beast, another wolf just as big and mean looking as the first un jumped out on the other side of the road.

Just when the man Sol was about to tell his sister to run while he kept them wolves at bay the first one spoke. "My name is Skoll" he told em "and this is my brother Hati Hjordvitinsson, we're here to eat you"

"Why would you want to eat us?" asked the girl "we have never done any ill to you or your kind" "Well seems like the lady of the giants hasn't taken a liking to you, she told us to come here and eat you so that's just what we're going to do!" and so saying Skoll leaped at the girl while Hati lunged for her brother.

But before either of em got to the siblings they had all finished, thrown up into the sky by the gods them selves. See the gods did not take to kindly to the giant queen a thinking she could just kill any old person she felt like, and so as a punishment to the two wolves and a reward for the good the brother and sister did during their lives. The gods entrusted them with the moon and the sun, and the responsibility to keep em on track. However both the wolves got throwed up with em and started to chase em as they carried the moon and the sun around the earth.

So the gods gave to the man Sol a horse named "Skeenfaxi" which used to mean "Bright mane", and to Mani they gave a horse named "Hrimfaxi" which used to mean "Frost mane." And on these two horses Sol carries the sun, and Mani rides with the moon."

Reggie grew still then and would say no more.

Rick sat there for the rest of the night thinking never stopping, always pondering some new facet of the story he had just heard.

And so every night on that trip Rick asked Reggie to tell him a story like the one he had told the first night. Reggie told him about an eight-legged horse and about a wig out of gold that turned black because of a lie. Reggie told him about a man going fishing and catching a snake as big as the world was around, he also told him about a different heaven then the one he learned about in Sunday school.

When he had returned from that trip his father had remarked that he seemed like a whole new person. And indeed Rick felt like a new person, the moment he got home from school he would do his chores and get on the internet to find out more about the things that Reggie had told him. He even found books about them at his school library (which to him constituted nothing short of an act of divine intervention.) for a year he kept going to church but the more he went and the older he got the more he wanted out of church. He wanted his pastor to tell him why people did bad things if they wanted to go to heaven, he wanted to know why he was not allowed to hurt someone if it meant helping someone they were hurting, these things and many more besides. it was during this time that he got his father to allow him to take martial combat lessons. Rick paid for them with his own money though, he figured he was not spending his wages from the ranch on any thing else so he would spend it on something he thought was useful.

It was on his thirteenth birthday that he told his dad and step mom that he wasn't going to church any more. His step mom was a devout catholic and was already upset that the family was not attending mass on Sundays. But when Rick's father asked him why he was not going to church any more, and Rick told him that he was a Pagan now, a follower of the old faith. His step mom lost what little patience she had left within her. Screaming and yelling and calling him all sorts of vile names, she was ignored for the moment by the father and son sitting in the middle of the room, facing each other.

"Is this really what you believe in?" his father asked. "yes sir it is." Rick replied simply. Never once looking away from those old blue eyes that had had crow's feet around them since before he could remember. "Well then son I'm proud of ya fer coming and telling us, I know that must a been a skull fuck if ever there was one." Rick just smiled and went back to his room, letting his father handle the still screeching woman that was his stepmother.

_________________________Years pass________________

it had been five years since Rick had "come out" to his father. In that time many things had changed, yet many had also stayed the same.

His stepmother had sworn that she would not talk to him until he repented his sins before god. As far as Rick was concerned this was nothing but positive, since he had no intention of becoming a catholic he figured that he might not have to speak with the hatful women again.

Now I will make clear to you something that Rick must to explain to all the people he meets. Rick firmly believes there is a god, in fact he believes that all religions are true, and as he would say "not in that wishy washy I am covering my bets" way. No Rick believes that once a person dies they turn up beside a river, and on the other side of that river are all the possible rewards and punishments from all the religions of the world. And that depending on what faith you follow determines where you end up. Now that you are aware we shall continue.

Rick had filled out quite a bit, ending his growth at 6"4 and weighing on about 230 pounds.

He had grown his sun bleached hair to just passed his shoulders, and wore the top half pulled back with a tie, letting the rest fall loose around his back and shoulders. His green eyes already had small crow's feet at their corners, due mostly to is incessant smiling. As Rick says " everything is something to smile about...till it isn't"

In addition too the heavy manual labor he was assigned at the ranch, he made time in the week to work out in the weight room at the school. This would usually be followed by whichever combat class he happened to be taking that day. At that moment he held a black belt in three different schools of impact centered martial arts, as well as two in grappling and a 7th level swordsman ship belt. Over the past two and a half years he had been working on the European martial arts, those involving grapples and weapons mostly, using everything ranging from a pocketknife to the highland claymore of Scotland. Including as much of everything in between as possible. Recently he and a friend had begun "mixing styles" in an attempt to create a completely new style of fighting that fit an individuals personal biomechanics,.

So far Rick was having enormous success with the bearded axe and the ninja-to.(a slightly curved, single edge medium length sword.) Rick was pretty normal compared to most of the youths in his class, everyone had some kind of problem or disease, or was a goth, or an emo, or one of any of the multitudes of things that teenagers classify them selves as. But Rick was pretty normal, he made his lunch at home, drove the old ranch truck into school, wore jeans with boots, plain T-shirts with no logos on them.

Rick even left his knives in the truck when he went to school. (sorry everybody break from the story for a sec...I just wanted to let you know, that in Texas especially west Texas it is a tough decision leaving your knives in the truck...they almost end up bonded to your flesh :O)

In fact the only abnormal things about Rick were his religion and his passion for combat.

Rick had a few friends, and more then a few acquaintances. Everybody knew Rick, he was an easygoing kind of guy.

I say, "was" because that, and everything else in his life, changed over the course of his senior year in high school.

______________________Late, in more ways then one_________________

Rick was in a foul mood this morning, everything ached and he was sore all over. This would not normally have put him in a bad mood, but today he did not know the cause of his aches and pains and this concerned him. On top of this his stepmother had "barrowed" his truck yesterday to go to the airport in El Paso. She was supposed to have had a friend ride with her to bring him back his vehicle, but she had called from the airport to say that her friend had "baled out" on her. Personally Rick understood, anybody who would willingly spend 3 hours in ANY automobile with his stepmother, much less his old beater of a ford F250, was a primetime candidate for sedatives and medication.

Nonetheless, without his truck Rick had two options open to him on how to get to school. He could either ride his horse, something he would never live down considering the great influx of yuppies that had moved into town. Or he could carry his books and guitar case up the 3-mile easement road to get to the highway and the bus stop.

Considering the fact that he rather enjoyed being able to go places without being ridiculed he chose the latter.

Rick had already cleaned and prepared himself for the day when his father came walking up the stairs.

"Son, Vicky didn't bring the car back did she?"

"No sir she didn't I'm going to walk over to the bus stop."

"Well shit boy you best get moving! Elsewise you going to be late!" Rick looked over at the clock on his bedside table, it read 5:38.

"I still got an hour before I have to leave" said Rick.

His father just shook his head and held up his watch, its face seemed to wink evilly at Rick as it read 6:36.

"Daylight savings time boy now get going!"

"SHIT!" was Rick's eloquent response.

Slightly over 45 minuets later, a winded Rick stood panting at the bus stop watching the gaudy yellow vehicle approach his patch of road.

"Fucking Benjamin Franklin..." he muttered under his breath.

"Couldn't just be happy with time like it was, OH no he had to get all fancy on the rest of us and screw over our schedule twice a fucking year."

Just as the bus doors were opining, Rick's cell phone blared to life jingling out the first few notes to Ozzy's Crazy Train.

"Fuck Alexander Graham Bell too!" he shouted as he ascended the steps into the cab, turning his phone to "movie mode" in the process.

"Watch your language mister" scolded Mrs. Fisch, the school bus driver.

"I wouldn't want to have to kick your butt again this weekend now would I?"

Rick looked into the wrinkled old face staring at him from the drivers seat.

"Naw not this weekend Fischy, Botler, gave us an AP Extra planer Geometry quiz, I'll be lucky if I SLEEP this weekend, much less make it to the range"

Mrs. Fisch scowled a bit at this news. "I swear that man is a slave driver, I'm going to have a talk with his mother about his study practices. You just remember to relax a little you goddamn work-a-holic, I don't want to win cause you boys fell asleep in the middle of a match."

Mrs. Fisch was in almost every way the nice, cookie baking old lady she seemed to be. Except on every other Saturday when she and a group of students from the high school went to the "great Texas paintball and competition airsoft course. She said that it "takes stress of these old bones," they had all at first been reluctant to, as they saw it shoot an old lady. This view was quickly abandoned after it became apparent that if they DIDN'T shoot her they would end the day with welts all over their bodies. While Mrs. Fisch was not the strongest or the quickest, she was most defiantly the meanest player on the field.

"You eat breakfast?" Mrs. Fisch inquired as the doors shut and she pulled the bus out onto the nearly deserted road.

"No ma'am I forgot it was daylight savings today and woke up late."

"Well here then, can't have any of you kids keeling over on my bus from starvation now can we?" She chuckled, handing Rick a brown paper wrapped lump about the size of his fist.

" Thanks Fischy, I owe ya, and don't worry I promise you can kick my ass as much as you want next weekend" Rick said over his shoulder as he walked down the aisle looking for an unoccupied seat.

"Hey you miscreant! No cussing in my goddamn bus!" she shouted over her shoulder.

Rick just shook his head as he sat down at the back of the bus, taking the paper off the lump in his hand. It was reveled to be a block of saltwater taffy, which he quickly wrapped back up. Mrs. Fisch's saltwater taffy was legendary in Jomstown; people would pay obscene amounts of money for it, and would mob anybody under suspicion of having it in their possession. Rick didn't want this day to turn out any worse so he stashed it in his rucksack for later consumption.

A few minuets later another student climbed onto the bus, but instead of looking for a seat up front he walked directly back to where Rick was sitting,

"Soooo I hear you got car jacked" said the young man sitting down next to Rick.

"Shut your mouth Conner, your letting valuable brain cells escape." Rick replied without looking away from the window.

"Loki's black breath dude, you carry a lot of shit with you" grunted Conner as he shifted the case that held Rick's Gibson 500.

"Well usually I have a truck to put it in so I don't notice how much there is" said Rick finally looking at the heavily tanned brown haired blue eyed boy sitting next to him.

"Damn hos you look like shit!" said Conner tactfully. Conner, being Rick's best friend was one of four people who Rick let talk to him like this, anyone else and he would have had "words" with them. (note: hos is our way of saying horse, or "big guy")

"Yeah well I don't exactly feel like a spring daisy either, but that don't mean you have to rub it in."

"Sorry man sorry, so what else is up? You look a bit fidgety."

{Mrs. Fisch just gave me a chunk of taffy as big as your fist... my day has already sucked and I don't want to add being mobbed to today's list of bad thing s that happened}" Rick now spoke to his friend in old Danish, the language they had been studying on the side foe fun and extra grades in language composition. It was a very convenient way of communicating when you did not want anyone else to know what it was you were talking about.

"{Crap dude, where did you put it?} Rick gestured towards his rucksack and said.

"{don't worry to much no one saw her give it to me, I think that if this is the biggest thing I have to worry about today then I will be lucky}"Yeah well just don't let any one see it ok? I would rather not spend my afternoon scraping you of the pavement."

Said Conner, switching back to English lest any of the other students become suspicious.

Rick nodded his head to this, he had to practice in band hall this evening and did not wish to do so bruised and battered.

When the bus arrived at school it was still 10 minuets until Rick's first class, however this class was located on the exact opposite side of William Barrett Travis high school. This fact spurred Rick to run down the halls with his rucksack and guitar case held firmly in his arms.

He did not have the time to drop his things off at his locker so he brought them with him into his AP History class. Rick was 99% sure the teacher of the class wouldn't mind, he was pretty relaxed for a guy who taught teenagers, Rick always thought that if he ever became a teacher he would wind up beating one of his students with their own over priced sneakers.

Surprisingly the first half of the day went fairly smoothly, only one person got busted for drug dealing on school property and when the bell rang for lunch Rick had already gotten the mornings worth of his homework completed. And so after the bell rang he finely dropped his stuff in the music room then went to lunch.

He was still in his black mood when he got to the table near to the back of the room. This was his favorite table, as strange as having a favorite table might sound, this one held a lot of memories for him. This was the first place he had ever gotten in a fight, the first place he had ever written a poem and it was the first place he had ever thrown up. This table and he went way back and every mark upon its surface was a story in its self.

As Rick sat down he saw his other best friend start walking towards the table. Her name was Katie, and Rick had known her since they were still in diapers, she had been the most supportive of his change in religion, never talking down to him or calling him names. It had made him very protective of her, not that she needed it, for she had been in many of the same classes as Rick. Though not as naturally gifted towards combat, she was still a more then formidable opponent.

About a year ago Katie had "gone goth" as they say, though Rick thought she was much more moderate about it. Her usual attire consisted of a t-shirt with either black jeans or a skirt with black stockings and knee high buckle boots. She did not were make up and had no piercings or tattoos as far as he knew. She changed her hairstyle every day and redid the color once a month, some days her hair was long and wavy and others it came to her shoulders and was spiked up, not severely but enough for it to be noticeable. Rick had asked her once how she did that; she had smiled and said that it was her secret and if he was good maybe she would tell him. The only reason she had become slightly gothic was the school's diagnosis for her mood swings, bipolar they had said, going from quiet, contemplative and shy one day to affectionate, nerdy and happy the next. She had not taken kindly to this and had refused to take the prescribed medications the doctors gave to her. This coupled with being from a divorced family had conspired to create a need to rebel in her that she had most happily satisfied.

"Yo mop head what's up?" she asked before whacking him on the back of the head and sitting down.

"Feel like shit and I don't know why... and I just found out for the umpteenth million time that I really don't care for people" he said as a group of people went past their table, bumping his arm and making him spill his cream soda all down his shirt.

As he looked around he noticed that the group had not moved on, they were still standing behind him. Rick suppressed a groan as he noticed that all four of the teenagers were firmly into the "Gangsta" fad, all with their belts down at their thighs and various other pieces of clothing worn awkwardly on their bodies. All of them were of different ethnicities and this lightened Rick's mood somewhat. Even thought it was a stupid fad in his opinion, at least they were not being prejudiced about it.

(Ignore this if you want to keep the flow. Sorry people I am interrupting you again but I just got to put this in here...my spell checker recognized "umpteenth" as a word :D)

"Watch it bitch" the first one said, for a moment Rick thought he was talking about Katie, but then realized that the young man was in fact talking to him. For some reason this struck Rick as obscenely funny and he could not contain the laugh that escaped his throat.

"You think I'm fucking funny cocksucker?" he said in a distinctly Californian accent as he leaned slowly towards Rick.

"This is our first day, and we've been hearing your some kinda motherfuckin badass...well you don't look so badass to me." And so saying he reached over Rick's left shoulder and grabbed a hand full of his French fries. Rick did not really have a problem with this but he had learned early on in his life that people like this needed boundaries to be set at an early time frame. Otherwise it would take FAR more work to convince them that it was not worth their time to try this stuff with him.

And so thinking this Rick gave a mental sigh and quicker then the youth could react, seized his wrist with his right arm and spun his chair on two legs so it completed a 360 degree turn and placed his left hand on the young mans shoulder, forcing his entire upper body to bend at the waist. Planting the would be hoodlums face directly into the corned beef hash. Rick then exerted pressure on the cup and ball joint that made up the mans shoulder, pinching the nerve and effectively immobilizing the entire shoulder.

"Now, there aint no reason to, but we can do this every day if you want. It won't make me no never mind, but you best listen good, I don't want trouble with you or your buddies, you just leave me alone and I leave you alone, got it?"

The man nodded his head as well as he could with it buried in pseudo imitation beef and Rick let him up saying. "Good then I hope you have a WONderful day." And with that little sarcastic flare Rick scooted is chair back into the table, where he found Katie almost finished with her meal.

"In a hurry are we?" said Rick with a classic Spock eyebrow pointed towards the sky.

"mmph you should be to, look at the clock."

He did so seeing that there was only half an hour of the lunch period left.

"Loki's black balls!" he swore, he only had 30 minuets left to work out in the school's weight room.

"Well come on lets go! You are way to slow today boy." said Katie, as she got up from the table with her empty tray in hand. Rick took a moment to admire the way Katie's black leather pleated skirt swished around her stocking covered legs as she walked away.

Shaking him self from his reverie Rick bypassed the usual social niceties and simply tipped his tray up and let the ugly morass they passed off as food slide into his mouth. "Blech!" he uttered, force-feeding someone this stuff might just cause internal hemorrhaging! He thought to himself as he ran his tray to the counter then headed down the hall towards the gym.

"8...9...10!" he said to himself as he ladder bench pressed 340 pounds. He was wearing sweats with no shirt on so as to take full advantage of his bodies range of movement. Most of the people who trained without a shirt were trying to show something off, Rick was under no illusions as to just how attractive he was, and the answer was not very. He was not ripped like a lot of the athletes at school, he was far stronger and you could most definitely see were his muscles were developed, yet he was not cut like others just big and strong and quick. It was something he secretly wished he could achieve but knew would never happen.

He looked back behind him as Conner placed more weights on the bench bar.

"Think you might make 400 hundred today ma friend?"

"Naw" said Rick as he watched Katie work with a punching bag.

And with that he laid back down to continue his reps.

"Hey dude I'm gonna go get us some water be right back ok?"

"Yeah cool." Grunted Rick as he started in on 350. About half way through his reps a figure appeared to his left.

"Think your fucking better then me cocksucker?" said a voice he recognized just as the sound of the weight pin being popped came to his ears.

"Shit!" was all he had time to think before the lack of weight made him over balance and drop the 125 pounds of weights on his right shoulder.

He could hear and FEEL the sickening 'pop' his shoulder made as the cartilage tore and his shoulder separated from its socket.

The pain was extreme but not something new to him as he had dislocated joints several times before. As he rolled off the bench he caught a glimpse of his attacker, smiling as if he had just won the world heavy weight boxing title, what he didn't see was the very angry Katie about to land on his shoulders after jumping of the rowing machine. She landed with her long legs wrapped around his neck, even knowing what came next Rick still winced as she swung her body around, using it as a counter weight and flipping the very surprised gangsta onto his back, laying directly in front of a very angry Rick.

"Let me see if I got this straight." Said their principle as the gangsta, Katie and Rick stood in his office.

"You" he said pointing at Rick, "Embarrassed him at lunch, then he sabotaged the weights you were working on, causing you to dislocate your shoulder?"

Rick nodded yes and rubbed his still aching shoulder, even though he and Conner had reset it, it would still pain him for a few weeks.

"And so then the both of you pinned him to the ground and dislocated BOTH of his shoulders?" again Rick nodded yes, adding" I only did his right arm, but Katie felt like she should do the same for his left, we don't hold to the "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" thing sir, meaning no disrespect to the man himself."

"Hmmm yeah well, we can't have our students beating the shit out of each other now can we? No we can't so I am going to give the two of you a two day suspension, starting Friday. And as for you, since you are new and this is your first infraction I will let it go. However pull any more stunts like this and be expecting an expulsion! Now get out of my office all of you."

Rick was about to point out the logic behind starting a two day suspension on a Friday when Katie stomped hard on his foot making him shut his mouth by relax. It then dawned on him what it was that the principle was doing and he smiled his thanks to Katie for keeping his mouth shut for him.

Just as he was about to say something his cell phone started to buzz inside his pants pocket.

"Fuckin A! When will today be over!?" he almost shouted as he flipped his phone open. Only to be treated to a hail of incomprehensible babble.

"Slow down ! and THEN tell me what you want!" he shouted at the phone.

"Rick! Holy shit men glad I caught you have you gone home yet? Please tell me you haven't!"

"Naw Conner I'm still at school, why what's up?"

"Luke's got fucking Mono man, he can't play the gig tonight! I need you to come play guitar for the opining song tonight."

Conner was the drummer for a local band that called themselves the 'nitro fish.'

Rick had subbed for them a few times and even joined in on a normal night to ja m, but tonight was not a normal night. Tonight they were playing the super bowl of west Texas, the "The Becland Bros. traveling demolition derby, tractor pull and monster truck rally" there were going to be over a thousand people there Rick had never liked large groups crowds and with the way his shoulder was feeling...

"Look man I don't think I can, I just messed up my shoulder and I don't even know your set for tonight and-."

He stopped and looked at Katie as she motioned to attract his attention, "yeah go for it!" she mouthed.

Rick looked into her bright blue eyes, eyes he had been thinking about more and more lately, eyes he was rapidly beginning to suspect he had fallen in love with.

"You said one set right?' he asked over the phone as Katie beamed.

"Yeah yeah just one set then tom will take over and you can go home!"

"K fine when do I have to be there?"

"In about ten minuets." Conner said, sounding FAR to smug for his own good.

"SHIT!!!" said the disgruntled teen as he whirled around about to ask Katie if she wouldn't mind driving him, only to see her already holding up her keys and smiling from ear to ear.

After grabbing his Gibson and rushing out to the car they had made the trip from school to the event center in record time, walking towards the stage entrance, rubbing his hands to get the feeling back in them from the death grip he had had in the car. Rick was wondering what song they were playing that they would need him to perform instead of tom, who was the singer and backup guitarist.

His question was soon answered as he found Conner and the other band members already in their stag cloths and ready to go on.

"So should I change into something or what?"

"No time for that we are going in right now!" said Conner as he started pushing Rick towards the curtain that lead in stage.

"Wait wait wait! I don't know which song we're playing!"

"Here's your K-pac dude, first one up is the rage so its all you!"

Rick nearly fainted as he was pushed out on stage, "The rage of Skullgaffer" was a song by TYR his favorite Viking metal band, however it was the most difficult song he knew how to play. It required him to, at different points in the song put the K-pac on the middle of the fret board to simulate his fingers holding down all the strings at once. Then he had to PICK with his fingers, two completely different sets of notes on either side of the K-pac. Add to this the fact that the 1:47 song was one big guitar solo and he was about ready to shit his pants.

But as he was turning around to tell them he could not do it his eyes met Katie's and he could not bring himself to disappoint her. So he turned back to the crowed and started out the first power riff of the song.

Somewhere along the line Rick had lost him self to the music. After successfully completing the rage any one in the building who had not been paying attention to the stage was now enthralled by the band as they hit their groove. Song after song went past Rick's head, played out by his fingers without the conscious control of his brain.

After the show was over and he had cooled down a bit he asked Conner where Katie was.

"She had to leave early left us this note saying we were awesome and that YOU were epic with the rage." The band members all hung out backstage for a while before deciding that the entire town needed to know just how awesome they were. Rick had them drop him off at Katie's, saying he would probably stay the night with one of them instead of someone driving all the way out to his house and back on a school night.

As he walked up to Katie's door he had the strangest feeling come over, he did not know it then but this was a premonition, an early warning of a fateful occurrence.

As he knocked on the door he found it to be unlocked and slightly ajar he opened it, worried for Katie and her father's safety. As he opened the door he was greeted with a sight that would, from that moment on be seared into his memory.

The first thing he noticed was the trail of men's cloths leading from the doorway into the kitchen into the living room, he heard the grunts and the stifled screams of pain but his mind refused to process these things in a way that would make sense.

Until he looked at the back of the couch, there behind the couch was Katie's father, Rick had never had any respect for the man. Drinking one's self into a stupor every night did not account as being a good parent. Yet there the man was, naked in his living room with a women bent over the back of his couch. he was yelling at her and beating her over the back of the head.

"Yowl for me you goddamn whore! you fucking love it when i take you from behind don't you? you like it when i shove my dick up you little animal cunt and screw you like a beast! Can you guess what i'm going to do? i am gonna cum into your pussy, get you fucking pregnant with my kids, you want that?" As the women the women shook her head frantically Katie's father produced a knife, flipped her over and started to make little cuts on her breasts as he screwed her. "These are mine! no one else can have em! they're all for me!"

As Rick looked closer he saw that this women was entirely covered in gray and white fur with little rings of black. The gray was mostly on her back and limbs, were as the white was located on her neck, belly and the insides of her arms and legs. Indeed she was covered in fur from her toes to the tips of the ears that stood atop her head. As Rick watched Katie's father pound into this women from he realized that her arms were tied behind her back, she was being forced over the back of the couch so she could not run. Then he realized her head was facing him...and that she was crying.

As he looked into the befurred women's eyes he realized something, her eyes were a bright and vivid shade of blue, exactly like Katie's. it was then that Rick's overworked brain made all the important connections.

1.This girl WAS Katie.

2.Her father was raping her.

3.....She was crying.

Before putting any kind of conscious thought into it Rick vaulted into the room, used the easy chair on his left to get himself airborne and launched an open palmed strike with all the force of his body weight, muscle torque and rage behind it.

The tremendous blow struck the man just as he was noticing someone in his home, after that it all went black, as he was thrown back to crash through the wall behind him and into the next room, pulling out of his daughter in the process. Rick immediately snatched up his knife from the floor and cut the bonds that held Katie.

As she turned around, for brief moment she looked into his eyes, the windows to his soul and there saw what he did not yet see, love. For that one brief moment the girl entertained fantasies of love and a family within her head, then Rick blinked and the spell was broken. Reality came crashing back down upon her and she fled from the room with a cry, racing out the back door and into the parking ally behind the house. Hearing nothing but the sound of her own tears.

When she started to run Rick had tried to call her but she had not responded, was this really Katie? The girl he had known since kindergarten? Yes he told him self, only Katie has eyes like that. As he rounded thee corner of the fence he saw what looked like a gray furred tail slip down a side alleyway, he picked up his speed and just as he was rounding the corner himself saw the silhouette on the fence opposite.

The last thing Rick saw was a lead pipe flying towards his face.

END chp1

Ok guys that was chapter one!! Thank Odin, thing took me forever to get done, collage sucks like that. Any woo I really need constructive criticism! I am in the process of writing a full-length book for publication and I would love to get some ideas/ help from you guys!!! And who knows? You might even get a spot in the acknowledgments! xD any way enough arrogance, seriously, Barns and noble has expressed great interest in the teaser chapter I sent them.

So if you have any comments or ideas I would love to hear them, and if enough of you like this story I will go ahead and:

  1. make it longer.

  2. out the effort into writing the next one (which is going to be A LOT better. And will have far more romance and yiff in it so don't worry!) I think that's it.

P.S this is my first post on ANY internet posting site so be a little gentle maybe? And also I really DID dislocate my shoulder around the time I was writing that part so I thought about stopping for a while but said to myself "naw just get it done ya panzie" so any thing I write within the next month will be written with a dislocated shoulder! Not wooo!