Alice's Big Break

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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Alice a down-on-her-luck mouse takes a modeling job in a magazine she's found, hoping to earn enough to turn things around only to get more than she bargained for as she gets caught up in the modeling roleplay and gives the photographer more than he bargained for as well!

Alice's Big Break


Charles E. Terrell Jr.

AKA Nightmask

"This looks like the place," Alice thought to herself, eyes darting down to once again to compare the address in the magazine with the place before her. Nervousness was evident in her posture and the way her tail flicked about behind the young mouse. Steeling herself she strode more confidently than she felt up to the front entrance and pressed the buzzer.

"Yes? Who's there?" she heard through the small speaker grill set above the buzzer, the voice blurred by the noise of the older set-up not being up to reproducing the masculine voice properly.

"Uhm this is Alice Miller, I called you earlier about your ad," she quickly replied, hands subconsciously wringing the magazine in her grip.

"Oh yes of course I'll be right there," he told her then the sound cut out, followed by several anxious minutes as she waited to be let inside. Before she could change her mind she heard footsteps from inside just seconds before the sturdy door swung open and she was greeted by the owner of the voice on the intercom.

"Come in come in, I'm Trevor, the man you spoke with on the phone" he invited her most cordially, the much taller human swinging the door wide while giving her an appraising yet professional once-over. "Yes you'll do fine."

A blush crept up to tinge her ears pink in response to the once-over he gave her along with the praise. It brought a little warmth to her heart though while she thought about what he saw.

To her own eyes she didn't really feel all that remarkable, a modest five feet in height she had no splashy fur colorations like some did, just a pure white fur that covered everything but her tail, the palms of her hands, and the bottoms of her feet. She wasn't even all that well endowed, her modest bosom lucky to make it to a C-cup when she was able to keep well fed, which wasn't often without work to be had. Thrift shop blue jeans and a faded button up floral blouse were the best she could spare money for.

"Once you've had a chance to read over the model release forms and sign all the paperwork we'll get right to work and you'll get your first check when we're done today, any questions?" he asked while leading her into a small neatly organized office with an array of photographic stills plastering the walls of males and females in a wide range of attire and poses.

"What all will I be doing again?" she asked, seating herself in the chair he indicated to her in front of the desk where several legal-looking documents rested. She tried not to show how nervous she was but her claws had already ripped up the cover on her magazine before she set it aside and rubbed at her knees instead.

"Branston's Novelty Attire is looking to put out a large combination magazine and catalog featuring their products," Trevor replied, chair creaking as he sat down opposite her and motioned for her to check out the paperwork in front of her. "As long as everything goes well you'll get to be the model for much of the mouse-sized attire and some of the models will enjoy more extensive magazine layouts and other modeling opportunities."

"So I'll be modeling lingerie?" she asked, eyes downcast as she tried to focus on reading through the surprisingly clear-cut language. She'd always heard you had to watch out for really confusing documents so you'd sign away everything and end up with nothing. Some of her anxiety faded as she read and saw that it listed how much she'd make (more than she'd made all last year!), limited use of the photos with her approval and a cut of any such future reprints, and that she wasn't going to be signing away her first born.

"Branston prefers to refer to it as entertainment ware, for couples and singles looking to spice up their lives with pleasant erotic diversions," he told her with a soft chuckle. "Anything else?"

"Does this mean, well, do I have to uhm, you know," she stammered, not sure how to ask.

"Partial nudity is optional," he explained, experienced enough to recognize what her hesitation might be about. "Some outfits are naturally much more exposed than others but all are designed to cover all relevant parts with breakaway features. You aren't required to demonstrate the outfits to that degree, although as you can see here," he said while pointing to a section of the financial pay form, "that the pay goes up twenty percent if you choose to do so."

"Okay, thanks." Alice breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn't have to go that far. The thought of parading around in outfits meant to be seen in private and photographed while doing so was hard enough to get over. Then a small growl from her stomach reminded her why she'd called in the first place and she could live for months on just the basic pay promised her giving her plenty of time to find better.

"Now if you'll just sign everything we'll set you up with the copies for your records and we can get started. Oh and I'll need your driver's license and other ID for photocopying for my records and age verification."

"Yes sir," she murred, reaching into her purse and pulling out her identification and passing it over to him, including her birth certificate.

"Okay, Alice Miller, age 23, height five feet, weight... Hmmm, this doesn't look right," he noted as he looked her over once again his keen eye comparing his estimate of her weight vs that on the card.

"I've been dieting lately," she lied, not wanting to admit how desperate she was for money and had been skimping on her meals.

"Well you should stop that, you've a nice figure and don't need to be dieting," he warned her, thinking how he's seen too many females ruined by over-dieting and too many males from over-exercising trying to look 'perfect' instead of natural.

"Yes sir," she nodded, quite willing to stop as soon as she was paid. Signing the last of the documents where the arrow tags indicated she handed them over to Trevor who scanned them to make sure she'd filled them out properly then initialed the portions required of him verifying he'd witnessed her signatures.

"Here are your copies," he said while pulling out the carbon-copied inner sheet from each stack, then neatly folded and tucked them into a folder titled 'Miller, Alice' and locked them into a nearby filing cabinet along with the photocopies of her identification. "Now I'll show you around and we can get to work."

While she'd seen documentaries and things with photo studios featured in them her first look inside one was quite bewildering as she was led through large rooms set up with backdrops featuring everything from wholesome farm scenes to racy lover's retreats and one that looked like a playroom of some sort. She blinked a bit from the harsh lighting though and shivered a little at the cold, her fur too thin to completely keep it out.

"Oh you'll get hot soon enough once we get shooting," Trevor assured her when she asked about it. "That's why I keep the studio cool and dress in sweaters and warm trousers. Had a ferret faint once from the heat so I keep things cooler for your safety. There's also water always handy in case you get thirsty."

"Okay here's the dressing room with an attached private bathroom for when you need it," he informed her as he swung the door open and motioned her inside. "You can put your clothes over there and you'll find the outfits you'll be wearing in that closet over there. They're each bagged and tagged and any complicated ones have instruction guides. You'll start with the one furthest to the left and work your way to the right as we go through. Wear only what is in the bag nothing else. Since this is your first time doing something like this I'll give you 15 minutes to get dressed but expect you to speed things up as we go along."

"Okay Alice you can do this," she told herself as she looked around the room. Other than a chair, floor length mirror that was large enough for a tigress to view herself all at one time, and some grooming gear on the small table where she was to put her clothes the room was quite spartan. Peeking into the bathroom she saw it included a large shower and grooming gear to cover a wide range of anthros.

Peeling off her shirt she neatly folded it and set it aside, then shivered again from the cold. She blushed once again as her perky nipples hardened up from the chill and hoped they wouldn't be too noticeable in whatever she was to wear. Stepping out of her shoes she pushed them beneath the table then with trembling fingers reached back to unsnap the jeans above her tailbase then unzipped the front so she could shimmy out of them thumbs catching at her plain cotton panties to step out of them in the same motion.

I really should have got the first outfit ready before undressing, she thought to herself. Even though she was going to be parading herself before some stranger in a few minutes she was still uncomfortable being naked any longer than she had to be in the cold studio. Her feet moved without a sound over the rough carpet as she snatched the first bag off the hanger and checked out the tag.

It was a cat costume! A white tiger costume from the looks of it, with alternating bands of black and white featured prominently upon it. A simple enough costume but as she shook it out she found it less easy to get into than it first appeared. Her toeclaws kept catching as she tried to step into it and as it had a sheath for her tail she had to wriggle around frantically in order to get her tail to fit inside of it. It was easier getting her arms into the upper half at least, although the costume came with faux claws that ended up covering her own once she had it on; claws she had to be careful not to nick herself with as she zipped up the outfit. Taking a moment to pat herself down and smooth out the wrinkles she finished up by pulling the back part up that capped her own ears with mock feline ones.

I look just like a tiger! Rang out the thought in her mind as she modeled before the mirror taking it all in. Maybe a puny one next to a real tiger but a tiger all the same. She also felt quite naked given the snug fit and the way the bumps of her nipples lifted up the material in the front. Moving around trying it out she felt it pulling in a bit tightly in the crotch and left her wondering why when she checked that there was a second zipper there that apparently ran from the crotch to just beneath the tail that was hidden in the fabric then blushed a blush that would have lit the room if not hid by the costume when she realized what it was for. Then her thoughts were derailed by the sudden sound of pounding on the door.

"Hurry up Alice you're late and we need to get started," Trevor called through the door, drawing the young mouse back to the reason why she was here.

"Coming sir!" she called back to him, hastily opening the door before she thought about it too much and backed out from the embarrassment.

"Perfect! You look like a real tiger in that," he praised her as he ran a critical eye over her, including leaning forward to look her over from behind. The compliment got her over the worry as she started to preen subconsciously in response. "We'll start you out in the jungle room I think, let you get your feet wet as it were."

Following along behind him Alice tried not to dwell on how she was dressed yet naked at the same time, and the mixture of awkwardness and excitement it instilled in her. Instead she focused on Trevor as he led the way, his long red hair spilling over his shoulders.

As soon as they arrived he perched her on a fake stump in the middle of the jungle glade setting, with an array of lights beaming down onto her leaving nothing to the imagination. Squirming shyly she watched Trevor pick up an expensive looking camera and step into one of the clear spots behind the lights.

"Okay start by stretching out on the stump, that's it, now smile, no show those teeth you're a tiger now, come on you can do it," he began, streaming encouragement and directions as the sound of the shutter clicking with each snapshot came to her ears.

She was slow warming to things at first but as he directed his steady encouraging voice melted away her trepidations as she started feeling like a tiger as she got into the role. She crouched on the stump acting like she was sharpening her claws, clawed at the camera and giggled as she tried to purr or growl like a big cat instead of the small mouse that she was. All the while the camera looked on recording it for all to see (provided they bought the magazine of course).

"Okay time for a break Alice," Trevor finally said, noticing how much she'd begun to pant and the sweat starting to dampen the costume. "You're doing great, I'm sure the readers will insist you're really a tiger made up to look like a mouse."

"Thank you sir," she murred, only realizing how hot and tired and stinky with sweat she was when he called a halt to things. Her blush returned when she noticed she'd sweated a stain in the crotch of the costume and hoped he didn't think she was turned on by it. Well she was, but not like that. She'd never realized how exhilarating dressing up and pretending to be something else could be until today.

"When you're done cooling off you can get cleaned up and switch into the next costume, then meet me back here and don't dawdle," he chided her kindly, as she returned to the small dressing room.

"Oh I wish I could wash this out," she whined once she was alone, she didn't want to return the outfit having a stain like the one she'd left on it but the dry-clean only tag was clearly visible once she shimmied out of the clinging catsuit. Poking herself she repeated over and over again how he was a professional and likely had seen such things often photographing females. He'd not been kidding about things being hotter once the modeling started, never dreaming that modeling ever got that hot and difficult.

She didn't know how long she really had and he told her not to dawdle so she gulped water from the bathroom sink and cleaned herself up as quickly as she could. Not sure if a full shower was possible between costumes she washed the worst places instead, removing the stink of her sweat and straightening her fur up once again with many breaks to drink more water to slate her thirst as well as mask her hunger.

The next outfit was a radical departure from the first, a classic French maid uniform with fur-friendly black lace stockings, open white-laced top that blended in with her fur, and black garters that stood out in stark relief against her white fur.

"Okay that's it rearrange that furniture, stretch up to dust that top shelf, that's it, no no bend at the waist don't kneel down," he instructed, catching front, side, and rear shots as she pretended to clean in the lover's retreat room. Her embarrassment faded faster this time now that she was used to the instructions and realized when her pantied rump was on display it was probably more covered than when she was in the catsuit she'd worn such a short bit ago.

By the time she was finished being the naughty maid and getting ready for the next she wondered if she going to be modeling a full range of erotic costumes. Probably she was, since she wasn't aware that many mice or animals around her size doing much dress-up play. She felt a rush of pride at the thought that her modeling would hopefully introduce more mice to the fun of dressing up and pretend, it had certainly changed her mind in the short time she'd been modeling for the camera. Then she went back to blushing with the schoolgirl outfit that on her small frame made her look way too young to attract any male attention over the age of sixteen.

When she suggested she looked too young to be modeling something like that he reassured her it was fine, no reason a young-looking female should be ashamed of it he pointed out. Once she got over the initial fear she found herself enjoying the look too, or at least getting to pretend to be a naughty schoolgirl seducing a class-mate or teacher as the camera looked on.

"I can't possibly wear this!" Alice declared when she got to the last outfit, although calling it an outfit was being generous of the collection of red leather straps and rings. For all the acclimation she'd received she couldn't imagine wearing something made up of so little and said so to Trevor.

"There's more to it than many bathing suits Alice," he pointed out calmly. "Everything's covered as long as you don't remove the detachable portions at the top and bottom."

"But, but it's so exposed!" she replied, even though he had a point. The explicit nature of bondage-gear and the bondage look making it feel more exposed or sexual in her eyes than much of the other equally naughty attire had.

"At least go and try it on and actually wear it before rejecting it Alice, it's the last outfit in the run and you can't get the completion bonus without it," he reminded her. Plus his own bonus would be smaller he thought, and the line would sell better having one model for the entire run rather than a substitute on the last item.

"Okay, I'll_try_ but I'm sure I won't be able to be seen in it," she relented. She was really too hard up to throw away some of the money if she could pull it off, especially after making it this far.

It was a good thing it came with instructions on how to wear it; she'd have never figured it out on her own. Five separate pieces made up the total ensemble, with leather bands that fit around the wrists, elbows, ankles and knees for the parts for each limb and a thick leather belt and matching collar that went around the neck. The torso part required she step into it and thread her tail through a ring in the back, shimmying it up over her hips until she had the lower section sliding into place. With nothing more than a thick leather strip coming up between her rumpcheeks and separating them widely once it was snuggly in place she had a blush to her ears to rival the red of the leather. By the time she had the leather cups in place over her breasts and the collar in place she squirmed with how hot she looked reflected in the mirror.

"Oh God I can't do this," she spoke to the empty room, she had all the relevant bits covered but even with the straps that fit so tight to her she felt naked. Looking herself over in the mirror once again she felt so on display with how the red strap from the ring beneath her tail left her buns spread and exposed. Buns that she could only imagine who might see them in the magazine. Buns she couldn't stop staring at and thinking how hot they were looking.

"I look hot," she murmured as her eyes lingered on her reflection, could see her profile as she posed for the mirror. Without really thinking about it she picked up one of the tangled leather parts that went on her arms, slipping her hand through the loose strap at the midpoint and down until her wrist was within the leather cuff at the end. Moving her arm about she looked over how it appeared against the pure white of her fur. Then found herself almost without thought attaching the three straps that went to the top and sides of her shoulder. Cinching things up she listened to the creak of the leather once again.

It didn't take her long after getting that far to add on the remaining parts, clad in leather cuffs at wrists, ankles, knees, and elbows to hold the leather straps snug to her limbs. Small steel rings spaced at top, bottom, and sides glittered in the light with larger rings set into the collar of the piece. Her backside twitched up and down as she catwalked around the room, inspecting herself in the mirror the entire time and giggling at the odd ticklish rubbing of the strap that ran up between her buns against her thinly-furred skin.

Maybe I can do this after all, she thought to herself. Clad in the erotic bondage outfit she felt oddly uninhibited in spite of being caught in the cage of leather straps and cuffs. Here she was able to strut around in an outfit that would cost hundreds of dollars if not more, and be paid well to boot. All she had to do was get through one more shoot and she'd finally be able to turn things around, get her college finished up and find a good job she could make a living off of.

Her hand still trembled though when she reached for the door handle, heart racing as she struggled against her fears. Then she thought about what it had felt like last time she was living on the streets and was through the door before she could let her fears catch up again, letting the greater fear of the streets motivate her past the lesser fears of embarrassment.

"So you've decided to finish out the run I see," Trevor stated with satisfaction when she padded into his office. He couldn't help showing more than simply professional appreciation for her form as she stood there in the brightly lit doorway. Only a cold, sexless male would have failed to appreciate the view she presented.

"Y-yes I've decided to give it a try," she stammered, not blind to the change in his gaze. Even though they were already covered in red leather she crossed her right arm across her bosom and dropped her left hand between her legs in a reflexive effort to preserve her modesty.

"Good, good, and relax. Trust me it's not as bad as you're thinking it'll be," he reassured her, pushing his chair back and heading her way. "You've already got the lion's share done just this last bit and you'll have it all behind you."

"That's what I keep saying to myself," she admitted to him, causing him to laugh and ruffle the fur on her head in amused affection. It was the only time he'd touched her and she found the contact welcome, deflating that fear of being isolated in that simple bit of human contact.

"The dungeon setting's back this way," he told her as he led the way, the tinkling of the rings and creak of the leather echoing off the hallway walls as he led her upstairs.

"Dungeon setting?" she squeaked.

"Sure, where else would a bondage gal be," he asked. "Oh don't worry there's no actual bondage involved, although if you accept future modeling gigs there's always the option for full bondage shoots. They tend to be pretty popular as people are always wanting new faces and bodies to check out."

"Oh, okay," she said, relaxing. Well briefly in any case, as once she saw the dungeon setting it was filled with scary things like crosses, tables and all sorts of things that looked more than worrisome to her.

"Alice, it's going to be okay. Trust me," Trevor told her when he saw her returning fears. "It's just a mock-up like the other rooms are. Just like before you'll just be posing and playing the part, only instead of in a jungle as a tiger you're in a dungeon as a sexy slave girl."

"A sexy slave girl..." she softly echoed, unbidden memories of old movies and TV shows that had featured slave girls being sought after for their beauty.

"Just pick somewhere you feel comfortable starting while I head over here and get the camera and we'll get this last bit all done Alice."

Alice really wasn't where to start, finally settling on just having a seat in a simple chair next to the large x-shaped cross against the back wall. Slave girls always seemed to be posed by their owners in the shows she wasn't sure how to go about posing herself. Still it seemed to satisfy Trevor as he took a few shots of her from several angles while she tried to feel as sexy as he said she was.

"That's it Alice now stretch in the chair a little, that's good now slide your arm back and arch forward little show off that profile we want to see those leather straps straining," he instructed, circling around her as he collected shots. "No no move your leg like this," he corrected, reaching for her ankle and moving her leg to stretch it out and better highlight the straps both along the outside of the right leg and along the inside of her thighs after a few angled shots.

"Good good now get up move around show me what a sexy slave girl you are," he encouraged while keeping the camera's certain gaze upon her as she stood up and walked around, trying to think sexy like she'd thought tiger at the start of the shoot.

"That's it now you're getting it," he said as she vamped for the camera and him, seeing how she was warming to the display. She licked her lips sensually while he snapped away, striking poses such as holding her hands above her head hip cocked to the side as if giving a hip bump to something. Prancing over to the cross she climbed up and stretched her arms and legs out towards the ends, pretending she was bound in place while wriggling sensually. The heat of the room had nothing to do with the dampness that was wetting the inside of the red leather as it rubbed against her crotch, the stimulation now that she was going leaving her fully wrapped up in the role of the erotic slave girl.

Trevor was just as caught up in things as Alice, the mouse's erotic transformation and shameless display too hot to fail to respond to. He'd seen hotter from more experienced females but something about the obvious release of the mouse's inhibitions was appealing in ways the others could never capture. When she saw the bulge in Trevor's pants she dropped to her knees and crawled towards him on all fours looking lustily up into his eyes while the camera's clicks went silent.

"Oh Master is that for me," she murred, tongue flicking over her lips from corner to corner rewetting them so that they glistened in the light. When he didn't protest she slid her hands up along his legs until she was pressing her hands to his thighs and rubbing her muzzle into his crotch as she lifted herself up off of her knees and moved to crouch on her feet, bare buns resting against her heels with her legs spread wide.

"For none other," he couldn't resist saying. Unprofessional as it was there wasn't any way he was going to turn down such an eager female even one ten years his junior. Setting the camera aside he focused his attention fully upon her as she sat on her heels before him, right hand dropping down to stroke through her headfur, eliciting her lifting her head up to push it against his hand.

"Your slave is so happy for her Master's gift," she husked, nimble fingers quickly removing the impediment of his buttons and zipper and yanked his pants down. Her hot breath blew across his shaft once his underwear was out of the way. Trevor had to lean back against a table to brace himself when she started to lap at his throbbing erection like it was covered in the tastiest cream.

"Oh God that feels good Slave," he gasped out, getting caught up in the moment as he found himself with a willing slave mouse eagerly lapping away at his member. Her totally unexpected response to the bondage outfit had left him with a tiger of a slave on his hands, one who soon had as much of his erection as she could within her muzzle so she could suckle on it and wash it with her tongue from tip to root.

Trevor gripped the table hard, a loud groan feeding Alice's lust as she heard how she was affecting him. She hadn't had many lovers and had never felt so desired and desirous as she did right now with this stranger who'd let loose the lusty animal within her. Before she left she was going to show him just how much she appreciated it.

"Would Master honor his slave with a proper breeding?" she murred, her voice rough with desire. Her muzzle rubbed along his shaft as she nuzzled at it waiting patiently to hear back from him, finding it so large compared to what she remembered from her previous lovers and so strikingly different in some ways.

"Master would love to give his slave a good breeding," he panted, wanting every bit of her she was willing to give at this point.

The sound of Velcro tearing promptly reached Trevor's ears as Alice ripped away the red leather cover that had been all that stood between her sex and the open air. Her musky aroma promptly tripled in the air without that restraint holding it back. The split of the leather straps it had been attached to traveled in a Y up from the strap between her rumpcheeks to attach to the waist belt making it easy to get at her feminine mound.

"Oh please Master come take me now!" she panted out as she bent over the table, tail lashing about as she presented herself with a shameless rolling of her hips his way. He could easily see the drip of her juices onto the floor while her blood-engorged petals blossomed open.

"You have such a gorgeous ass Slave," he couldn't resist saying, quickly kicking his pants off to avoid stumbling on his way to reach for Alice's uplifted derriere, cupping and fondling those nice curvy globes, her enforced dieting having not yet caused her to lose much of those luscious buns. Claws raking at the table she arched back pushing her backside into his grasp, humping back towards him as she begged in the most primal language of male and female for him to take her. She didn't have long to wait.

Already turned on beyond words to express Trevor could no longer stand to have his erection anywhere but inside the quivering lusty mouse. The brief taste of her mouth leaving him eager for more; stepping forward to slide his shaft up between her legs, head catching at the puffed open hole and pushing forward into her.

The pair groaned in unison as Trevor buried his erection inside Alice's near virgin-tight passage. Stretching her more than she'd ever been stretched before only the wetness that dripped from inside her made it possible for her to handle it without injury. She could feel every vein and imperfection along its length as it sank deep enough to almost nudge at her cervix as he gave her what they both wanted.

She couldn't even voice how stuffed she felt, how much his entering her was helping with the itch she'd developed that only he could satisfy. She could only hump back against him while her tail slapped against his side, the table and the floor. Until this moment she hadn't realized how badly she'd needed this, the validation as a desirable female.

There was no delay in the passage from entering her and mating her, as soon as he'd buried himself completely inside of her Trevor was already pulling back out again, continuing the dance of male and female that had been going on since time began. Her inner walls clung to his shaft as it slid out, pulling her petals out before he pushed back into her, each thrust leaving both of them shuddering with the pleasure from the delicious friction of their bits against each other.

Alice was barely aware of the leather covers being pulled off of her breasts after Trevor leaned forward enough to cover her. Like with the leather covering her mound the cups protecting her chest were equally removable and he certainly knew that to take advantage of it. Tossed carelessly away he cupped and fondled her breasts while they pressed down into the table top, pulling her up enough to get his hands beneath and toy with those modest furry mounds of her.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" she panted in time to his thrusts, her inner walls tightening around his shaft as she grew ever more aroused, the play of his fingers over her breasts merely another note in the symphony that they were playing together. A song that both could have seen lasting forever but must always come to an end sometime. The crashing echoes as they climaxed as one reverberated off the walls, the mouse filling with his seed as he emptied himself into her, her rippling walls milking along his length leaving her ersatz master soon drained into her thirsty depths.

Resting in the throws of their ebbing orgasms and satiated by the afterglow that they shared the pair panted and moaned softly as they were caught within the boundaries of their lovemaking that required no words to be said. The larger human shifting just enough to keep from pressing too hard against the mouse beneath him, his erection resting inside her keeping them joined as they basked in their shared union.

"I hope you know I don't do this with all my models," he whispered into her ear before planting a kiss on her cheek.

"As long as we can keep doing this I don't mind at all Master," she murred back to him, very much the contented female feeling at peace like she'd never felt before.