American Dragon: Love in the family

Story by Daneasaur on SoFurry

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This was written several years ago and was my first non-pokemon story, and it shows as my attention to detail is much better nowadays. However, I've neglected my Sofurry profile a bit, so I cleaned up the grammar and spelling and decided to upload this to one of my favorite places to read stories. Enjoy!

I've had the urge to write a story about Jake and his sister for quite a while, but after an awesome picture and a couple of episodes that I could base this off of, I have finally kicked myself in the pants and got myself to write this story. Now the usual.

This story is of an adult nature and should not be viewed by anyone under the age of 18 or 21, depending on your location. This is a work of heterosexual content, meaning boy plus girl equals sex, and also contains heavy incest content, which means brother plus sister equals sex. This also is a parody of American Dragon.

By listing all that, I can't be blamed by someone reading this and not liking it. Thanks.

Love in the family

It was a bright and sunny day in the town. Everyone was having a great time playing in the nice weather and soaking up the rays. It also brought out the romancing, couples could be seen wandering here and there, causing problems for one very troubled teen.

Jake was staying home from school. Again. He had been suffering from nasty bouts of depression. So bad that he has been doing worse than usual in his classes, so his parents excused him, hoping some time off may help. The reason? A beauty named Rose. Despite the fact that she belongs to the Huntsclan, a clan dedicated to hunting all manner of magical being, namely dragons, through a twist of fate, the two of them started a spark of love. But fate is a cruel mistress. One day, Rose vanished along with the Huntsclan. A short while ago, during a catastrophe brought around by trying to make a portal spell, a portal showed Rose to Jake, but lasted for little longer then a few seconds. Most people would be thrilled to say a few words to one they love so much, but the experience backfired for Jake. Since that night, he's been a train wreck of emotions.

However, this day was destined to be different. While Jake's mother and father left for their respective workplaces, Haley begged to stay home to try and help Jake's condition. Naturally, they allowed her to do so, partially because she seemed so perfect, and partially because they really wanted to help their son.

Jake lay fully clothed on his bed, laying on his stomach, staring blankly out his room window. He didn't even keep up the usual grooming of his hair, it was in shambles as opposed to the usual slicked manner he kept it in. "Rose..." he mumbled.

"Jake? Are you okay?" Haley asked. She knew that he wasn't okay, but she tried to get some sort of response out of him. She had no luck, so she got right next to him, took a deep breath and yelled at the top of her lungs. "HEY JAKE! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Jake jumped about a foot off his bed and tumbled onto the floor.

"GAA! Who-What?!" he said, spinning his head around until he spotted his sister looking at him and smiling. "Awww Haley! What did you do THAT for?"

"You weren't listening to me, so I decided to get your attention." she said, keeping her massive grin on her face.

"Yeah, well, could you try and do something different to get my attention next time?" he said, climbing to his feet and walking towards the living room, Haley following behind.

"Sure Jake, I'll just pour ice water down your pants." she said, hoping to get another rise out of her older brother, but Jake didn't say anything and just wandered into the living room, plopping down on the sofa with a deep sigh. Haley jumped onto the sofa next to him, realizing how bad he actually felt. "So Jake... do you want to talk about what's wrong?" Jake replied with another sigh. "So... It's about Rose, isn't it?" She half expected her brother to jump through the roof at that question.

"Yeah... it is..." Haley's eyes went wide at the fact that her brother would be so honest with her, especially about such a sensitive subject. Perhaps what he really needed was someone to open his heart to and Haley just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

"Well, I'm here for you big bro. I know we usually fight about everything, but this is more important." she said, spouting knowledge that was beyond her years. "So, go ahead and tell Haley everything."

Jake sighed one more time and looked up at the ceiling with a blank stare. "To tell you the truth... It started long before I met Rose..." Haley listened intently. "I was in love with this darling young lady named Martha. She was as sweet as could be. Back then there weren't any magical this or huntsclan that, I was able to act like a normal person. But, then dad got transferred in his job and we moved here." Jake let a lone tear fall from his welling eyes, reliving the whole scenario as he talked about it.

"Wow Jake... That is bad..." Haley said, rubbing her older brother's shoulder in a futile attempt to make him feel better.

"It gets worse." Jake spoke up. "I though that when I met Rose, it may have been some sort of simple crush. I'd act like a fool for a few days and I'd be over her, but that didn't happen. I fell in love again. I knew it couldn't be that way, with me being the "American dragon", everything would have to remain a secret. I got a shock when I found out she was one of the huntsclan who was trying to kill me numerous times, but when she knew who I was, she couldn't bring herself to harm me. That's why I know she loved me... But..." Jake's eyes began overflowing as he buried them in his hands, beginning to bawl and struggling to finish his story. "But now she's gone! Twice in such a small time! Why!? Why am I destined... *sniff* to be alone!? Sure I put on the cool face... But inside I'm tearing myself apart every day because I don't have that one thing that everyone needs... Love..." The last word barley escaped his mouth as he began fiercely crying and bawling into his hands, his tears flowing freely and his back heaving with his sobs.

Haley now had a solid grasp on what had Jake. Sure, he had love from his family, but he didn't have anyone who he could open his heart to. Sure there was Trixie, but she seemed to hang around Spud a little too much. They were probably a couple and just didn't flaunt it, and looking at the wreck of an older brother she had, it was probably saving his life. She grabbed his back and held him tight. "Jake... Shhhhh... Calm down. I'm here for you."

Jake tried to get some control over himself, and he succeeded somewhat in stopping his outward bawling. "Th-Thanks for listening Haley... I feel a bit better... But I know this is destined to happen to me for as long as I live..." Jake closed his eyes as a few more tears escaped.

Haley let go of her brother, turned him around, grabbed him by his shoulders, and pushed him back into the couch, looking into his tear filled eyes with her own eyes full of her own tears. "NO! That won't happen again! I know it won't!"

Jake was startled by Haley's violent reaction. "Wh-what makes you say that?"

"I say that because..." Haley closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again and looking her brother directly in the eyes. "It's because I LOVE you! Not in the brother sister way or the family way, but I LOVE YOU!" Haley then grabbed her brother in a tight one sided hug and she buried her face in his collar and began crying herself.

Jake seemed a little grossed out and more then a little confused, but then he thought back to the day when they accidentally used the Leprechaun mirror and shared each other's bodies for a day. He recalled the fantastic painting of himself and just how much Haley must really care for him. She loved him... For who he is. He doesn't have to act, doesn't have to hide anything, and he doesn't have to worry about her moving away from him or trying to kill him. A small smile crossed his face as he returned the hug that Haley was giving him.

"Thank you sis... I love you too..." Jake wasn't sure if he really did care for her THAT deeply. She WAS his sister and that was... kinda strange...

Haley broke the hug and looked into his eyes again, her tears drying up. "Do you mean it?"

Jake gave a slow nod to which Haley replied. "Then kiss me..." A fierce blush raced across both of their faces. Jake was about to say something but she interrupted him. "If you really love me like I love you..." Her tears began returning as she stared at him, and immediately, Jake knew how she felt. Rejected, left alone, just like he had. This was something Jake would never wish on anyone. Without a second thought, he brought his hands to his sister's face and slowly pulled her close. He closed his eyes and felt the warm tingle of her lips pressing against his. Haley clenched her eyes tight, so happy that he loved her in return. As she sat in his lap, she wrapped her arms around Jake again, loving the feeling of the soft warmth of her lips pressing against her brother's.

With a bit of reluctance from both of them, they slowly broke the kiss. The world didn't end, neither of them were laughed at, it was just them, sharing their love. They stared in each other's eyes, both finding the unconditional love that the other was searching for. Without anymore hesitation, they immediately dove into another kiss. Haley grasped her bother tightly as his hands roamed over her back, feeling the delicate body that was in his arms. Haley was the one to push them further as she opened her mouth and pressed her tongue against Jake's lips. Jake welcomed the intruder and returned with his own tongue, feeling the insides of her mouth and tasting the sweet taste of her tongue. Jake almost hoped that this kiss would never end, but then Haley pulled away, ending the kiss.

Both had glazed over eyes and a small bit of saliva still connecting them together. When it broke, Haley hopped off her brother's lap and tugged at his hand. "Come on Jake. There is something I've been wanting to show you for a long time."

Jake didn't ask, instead he stood up and followed her. She lead the two of them into the bathroom and then shut and locked the door behind them. "There, now we can't be bothered." Jake had a bit of a dirty idea of what this could lead to, made evident by the blush on his cheeks. However, things made a slight turn as Haley transformed into her dragon form. "Now Jake, before I show you my secret, I need you to transform too." Jake gave a little shrug before stretching his arms and smoothly morphing into the slender red dragon. After he transformed, he looked down to his sister who had her hands behind her back and her legs tightly together.

"What's wrong Haley?" Jake asked.

"Oh, nothing is wrong." she replied. "I'm just... a little bashful. But..."

Jake stopped her. "Hey, if it's something you don't wanna do, don't worry about it."

"NO!" Haley jumped. "No, it's okay. I just needed to get emotionally brave..." Haley took a deep breath before flying up and landing on the closed toilet seat. She lay on her back with her tail between her legs and hanging off the bowl. She held her upper body up with her elbows and had her legs spread. "H-here Jake.... This... Is m-my secret... It's my gift to the man who I love so very much..." If Haley wasn't already pink, she'd probably have just turned that color out of shyness.

Jakes mouth hung open for a moment as he saw what his sister was doing. The sight stirred his lower belly, and with a small sigh, he got on he knees and crawled to his sister until his chest was touching her hanging tail. "Thank you Haley... That means a lot to me..."

Haley opened her eyes and was greeted by the sight and sensation of Jake using his long and thin dragon tongue to gently part her dragon scaled muffin in a long lick. She shuddered and let out a moan. Oh, how many times has she wanted her brother like this? How many times has she dreamed to be with this male with the rest of her life? Her thoughts were quickly dissipated as she felt her brother give her another lick with his dragonic tongue. Haley squirmed in pleasure as she felt the strong muscle of her brother's mouth touch her most tender of areas. However, the pleasure stopped when she felt him hold her pink folds apart with his thumbs. She looked at him and saw him with his eyes slightly wide.

"What's wrong Jake?" Haley asked, wondering what could possibly bother him.

"Y-your... Hymen... it's been broken!" Jake said, not sure what to make of it. Sure, Jake may not have ever been in a sexual situation, but that didn't mean he hadn't read a few books that he was actually interested in.

Haley blushed under her pink scales. "It's not what you think! I was... in the tub. I was thinking about you and when I pushed a few fingers into my body, I felt it snap and bleed. I wasn't with anyone!" Haley was terrified at what could happen, but all that she got in response was another long lick in between her folds.

"It's okay Haley... I love you, and something like that doesn't bother me." He said as he licked around the outside of her moist folds. He used his hands to pull back some of her skin and spotted her little clit, slightly swelling to the treatment. He used the fork of his forked tongue to wrap around her clit and gave a gentle squeeze, earning a small yowl of pleasure from his lover. Jake smiled at his work before parting her folds again and diving his tongue as deep as he could into Haley's body. She gave a silent shudder and her insides clamped down at the intruder, forcing a small flood of welling up juices to spill out of her. Jake then used a little something from his teachings and began spinning his tongue inside of Haley's body, clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Haley grasped the top of the toilet hard enough to puncture the porcelain with her claws as her orgasm ripped through her. Her entire body seemed to lock up and freeze, the entire world stopping for a brief moment... Then everything began running again as a flood of pleasurable hormones drenched her mind, and a flood of her juices spilled out onto her brother.

Jake grabbed his tongue with his fingers and manually pulled it out of his sister, who was breathing hard with a smile on her face and glazed eyes, and carefully looked at it. He used both his hands to measure the length of tongue that he got inside his sister, and the looked down to his exposed, moist, and red cock. His eyes went a little wide when he saw that he got his tongue deeper then the length of his penis. At least that would mean that he could mate her and not hurt her. Jake slurped up his tongue and rubbed Haley between her thighs. Jake's heart skipped a beat when they heard a car pull up. It was one of their parents and... "Don't worry about it Jake..." Haley said, slightly tired, but knowing what Jake was going to say. "I DID lock the door, so there isn't anything to worry about as long as one of us keeps quiet." Jake smiled at her forethought.

Haley, having gathered her second wind, flew up off the toilet and over to the tub. She plugged the tub and began running the water, adjusting the temperature before landing in front of her brother. "Lets take a bath together... Oooh... And it looks like you're ready for my next gift!" Haley said, pointing to Jake's erection. Jake gave a chuckle, but was a little at a loss for words as he realized he was only a little ways away from losing his virginity...

The two dragons climbed into the tub, which only had some water covering the bottom at the moment. Haley flew backwards and pressed her back against Jake's chest. Jake held her with one hand and lay a small kiss on her neck. "I'll be as gentle as possible." he said aloud. Suddenly there was a knocking at the door.

"Jake? Are you in there?" said a womanly voice, evidently their mother.

"Umm, yeah mom. What you want?" Jake said back as he and his sister lay on their sides in the tub, Haley spreading her tiny legs and moving her tail out of the way as Jake placed the head of his cock against her moist opening.

"I came home to check on you and was just wondering if you were feeling better." his mother replied.

"Yeah, I'm... erf... fine!" Jake said as he pressed his hips forwards and straining against Haley's tight opening. Although Haley was moaning softly, the running water drowned out her noise. Jake however was getting very frustrated as he strained against her tight opening, angry that he didn't calculate his cock width when measuring. Haley even reached behind herself and tried to help guide his cock into her small frame.

"Oh, Jake, have you seen your sister Haley lately?" their mother probed.

"NOT RIGHT NOW MOM!" Jake shouted back, his frustration with both his mother and his entry getting to him. Luckily their mother didn't ask any further questions and she was soon gone as they heard a car start up and drive away.

Jake pulled away from his sister and sat up and turned the water off, leaving the tub only a quarter full. "That position won't work... You're too tight and the water washes off your juices." Jake huffed, his erection throbbing madly in tune with his rapid heartbeat. Haley stood up in the tub and flew over to his chest, hugging him.

"It's okay Jake... We can keep trying." she said, delivering a small kiss on his neck. Jake reached out and hugged her in return, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. "I think I know how we can get you to fit in me." Haley said with a giggle. Before Jake could react, she had landed back in the tub and had taken ahold of her brother's throbbing meat, the entire thing sticking out of the water with only the base being submerged. The grasp on his sensitive rod earned a moan for Haley. Now he knew why she wanted the two of them in dragon form, every bit of pleasure seemed to be amplified by a great deal when compared to his human form. Haley smiled as she began stroking her brother's cock, working down to the base and then back up to the tip, squeezing out a drop of his fluid. She licked her lips as she prepared herself for the experience that she had in mind. "This is for you my love." she said before closing her eyes and practically swallowing all of Jake's cock.

Jake grunted at the sudden feeling of warmth that swallowed up his sensitive rod. But what happened next, Jake could never had prepared himself for. Haley began sucking on his cock like a baby sucks on a bottle, drawing out the small bit of liquid in his cock and giving the incredible sensation of all the muscles in her mouth undulating against his meat. Jake let out a loud moan, unable to say anything intelligent to this treatment. Jake got louder when Haley began slowly bobbing her head up and down his length. He reached his hands out and placed them on his sister's head as he began to gently hump into her face. Haley smiled to herself and reached between her own legs, quickly sticking two fingers into her scaly folds and quickly pumping them in and out, making certain she got as wet as possible. Slowly, she moved back and off her brother's cock, making him give a groan of disappointment.

Haley balanced on one foot while lifting the other, showing her cute two toed foot and her fingers working on her pink cunny, the entire area including her tailhole was moist with her fluids. "See this Jake? I want you in here... Come on, make me a real dragoness!" she said, feigning bravery, which Jake saw through, even in his lust drunken state. He picked her up and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, to which Haley returned.

"You don't have to act brave Haley, I'm scared too." Jake pulled her hand away from her cunny and stuck it into his mouth, sucking off her juices. Haley smiled at her lover being so honest, but she wanted this, she wanted the two of them to be together, to share each other and get as close as lovers possibly can. With no more words, Haley flapped her wings and slowly moved down until her sopping lips were pressed against his moist shaft. Both of them shuddered as the simple pressing with the slickness made Haley's cunny spread open and quickly accept the head of Jake's rod. Jake grasped his sister by her hips and gently pressed down, making her body slowly swallow more of his love rod. A loud moan erupted from Haley as the culmination of all these events overwhelmed her, a small orgasm rippling through her body.

When their hips finally met, Jake moaned at the warm tightness that welcomed him. Haley however, couldn't keep herself steady and with a loud yell of pleasure, she came hard at the fullness inside her sensitive walls. Her body locking up again as her insides pulsed and quivered around her brother, a small gush of liquids erupting from their union. Jake continued to hold her close all throughout her orgasm. "Wow Haley... that felt awesome."

Haley smiled, feeling a little weak and her insides feeling super sensitive from having cum twice already. "Y-yeah... That felt great... Now Jake... I want you to mate me. Mate me and spill your seed inside me. Mark us as lovers!" Haley half begged. Her insides quivered as she thought about receiving a mating in this sensitive state, but she didn't have long as Jake gently lifted her off his slicked rod. She gave a loud moan of pleasure as she felt the hot movement leave her body feeling empty for a moment, and then she screamed when Jake thrust back into her.

The entry was slick, but still very tight around Jake's rod. He couldn't help but moan himself as every movement he made inside of his sister made her insides suddenly clench and grip him hard. It felt so amazing. Her insides were so hot... her moans and screams dripped honey of pleasure... her eyes blazed fires of love... "Ohhh.. Haley... Haley! I c-can't hold it back..." Jake shuddered as he tried to keep his orgasm at bay, feeling the extreme tightness in his stomach.

Haley tried to speak through her screams of pleasure as she rode her brother's rod. "D-d-do it! Let it ou-ou-out!" Jake needed no more coaxing as she was held tightly to his hips, his rod buried deeply in her body as a shudder coursed through his body, his rod throbbing and pulsing and then spraying his hot dragon juices in thick ribbons into his young lover. Haley let out one final scream as her body slammed her into a final orgasm, her body shuddering once again as she felt her insides aflame with her brother's seed.

The two lovers paused, both feeling exhausted from their lovemaking. This caused the two of them to revert to their human forms, somehow naked, and still locked in their loving embrace. Through their panting, they looked into eachother's eyes before hugging and fiercely kissing, both of them letting out pent up tears of joy.

When the kiss ended, Jake got a worried look on his face which Haley quickly picked up. "What's the matter my love?"

Jake stroked his sister's back. "Well, I'm so happy that we're together, but how are we going to keep this a secret from mom and dad? It's not like we'll get days like this very often where it's only the two of us."

Haley smiled and kissed her brother on the cheek. "It's okay, I know mom will understand and allow it. Even the mystical code say that this is acceptable." Haley then chuckled. "And don't worry about dad. The day where I ate the muffin with that creature's venom, I turned into one of those scorpion snake things and chewed up the stairs. Dad was there the whole time and he thought I was just being allergic to chocolate!" The two of them broke out laughing. Keeping a secret from their dad was like teaching a fish how to swim, pretty darn easy.

Jake and Haley kissed once more before they parted their bodies and began running the bathwater again, the two of them intending on actually getting clean this time.

Afterwards, they dried and snuggled up in Jake's bed, eager to get some rest from their intense lovemaking.

Haley spoke up "I love you Jake."

Jake smiled in return "I love you too Haley."

The end.

New Flowers 3

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New Flowers 2

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Land Before Time: New Flowers 1

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