Steamy Sundays

Story by Cyrona on SoFurry

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#3 of Warming To You

Legal whatnots.

All characters portrayed in this story are created and owned by me, if you wish to use them in any way, ask my permission.

If it is illegal to view things of an adult nature in your country then you are to STOP reading this immediately. But thanks for the view =D

The first thing she heard as he walked towards her with a tray full of drinks, was his sneeze. He picked up a cold, side effect to their lack of downstairs heating.

"There there.." she cooed, kissing his cheek as he put the tray down. "..poor baby."

Smiling as he took his seat on the lounger next to hers as they relaxed poolside.

Stella and Byte, two step-siblings, forced together by a family holiday, except without the family. Their parents, who own a business together, had to delay themselves a week due to problems within the company. Leaving the two flying away to a place they owned in another country. However, these two are not just any brother and sister. On their first night, the heating failed in the downstairs section of the house, this, eventually, forced the two simply to cuddle up for warmth.

That was 2 nights ago. Things had yet to change in the house, downstairs still had a layer of ice, but they stumbled upon the underground pool. Not very big, but enough to entertain them for at least a day or two. After their 'warmer morning' together, they had actually put a small halt on their activities. After Byte's shower, Stella had woken up and cleaned herself up, watching her lie peacefully, Byte knew that she was HIS mate, with knowing this, he took it upon himself not to insinuate anything else. They spent that afternoon touring the grounds, finding a small shop about 20 minutes down the road.

The shopkeeper seemed like a friendly girl, a young mouse, no older than 16. She didn't recognise the two and asked a lot of questions, who they were, where they were from, the usual 'hi your someone new!' questions. Turns out this was a quite little spot, everyone knew everyone, they didn't even notice until on the way back that they passed no people during their 2 hour trip out.

They slept together again that night, but as Byte promised himself, he didn't do anything. Didn't stop her pawing herself just after he fell asleep though.

It was about midday when Stella decided to finally take a dip. Neither had been brave enough, due to the heat problems. Byte watched her from the side, pretending not to watch her as he lazed with one eye open. She had been lying in just a towel, which didn't seem odd to Byte seeing as he had one wrapped around his waist too. But he failed to realise, she was ONLY wearing that towel. But realisation comes quick when it falls to the ground, revealing your sisters small, perfect ass sway in rhythm with her tail, hypnotising you. As she slowly climbed down stairs, leading into the deeper end of the pool, she looked behind her, turning most of her body, to look at him.

"Down boy..." She winked, as his towel tented.

"Ooh jeez, sorry" He stumbled as he padded it down. Stella looked, offended even. "Sorry? Why sorry? Your acting like I have never seen it before. Or did you forget we fucked the other night?" Anger present in her voice as she splashed the water in frustration. "Whats with you lately? Last night, I presented myself to you, and you did nothing!"

"I just.. i'm just... "

"Just what Byte?! HUH!?"

"Scared!" He shouted

She immediately halted her rage as a small 'oh' escaped her.

"Don't you get it? I want you Stella, god I even love you, but after going out yesterday it dawned on me. The public don't see it that way!"

Her face fell to concern. She had also thought that way. Even now, if she heard of a brother and sister, even kissing, she would be disgusted.

"I'm sorry Stella, but I just don't know what to do!" Tears welled up in his eyes, the pain in his voice as clear as the water was wet.

"I know what to do.. always have. We pretend. Those people outside, they don't know us, they know nothing about us, we're just tourists to them. So lets give them what they want. We are a couple, on our holiday, just enjoying our time alone."

He smiled softly, considering it. "And, and people wont think were related?" He sniffed, as his cold, and upset, caused him to run from various places.

"Why would they? We look nothing alike." She replied, confident in their new plan.

"Yeh.. your right. So.. if people ask, we just tell them that we are a couple? Easy as?" Smiling now as his older sister sat on the poolside.

"Easy.. as.. that." splashing a bit of water at him with each word.

Of course, his erection subsided. Crying didn't help. But after a reassuring hug from Stella he's resumed his laying down in a daze. Stella kept swimming, nothing draining, but a sufficient test of the pool.

"Stella?" Range Byte as he broke from his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Echoed the response from the other side of the room

"If were a couple.. we.. we do what couples do..right?" Still staring up at the ceiling as he heard her swim closer to hear him.

"Um.. yeh I guess.. the usual stuff.. that's what we are after all."

"Good.. didn't want this to be awkward."

She had no time to respond, looking towards him to notice him jumping from his seat, charging towards the pool in his boxers. 'Lazy git, didn't even bother dressing this morning, wait.. what am I thinking? That lazy git is charging towards me at full spe-'

Byte dived into the pool, tackling her in flight, pulling her under and locking her in his grasp. He swam with her towards the edge, pressing her back against it. She offered no resistance, realising she was in no danger as he resurfaced her quickly. He bit at her neck, rough, but playful, groping her body as he raised a leg, rubbing it against his side. She groaned in pleasure as he squeezed her rump, pulling her towards him as he bit on her neck.

"Oh Byte.." Groaning as he used her to his well. "..ooh.. right here in the pool, I cant wait!" Growling the last few words as her hands sunk under the water, grabbing his watersoaked boxers and pulling them down, exposing his bare cock to the water.

"I'm ready.. just do it.. mate me Byte!"

He said nothing as his feral rage kept him groping and chewing, she took control of penetration, grabbing his fully erect shaft, aiming it under her hole.


He growled into her, before bucking his hips, using his whole body weight to press her against the wall, and drive his cock into her cunny.

"Ooooooh fuck!" She wailed as she felt it invade her, filling her hole perfectly as he began ramming her with his shaft. She appeared to go into a feral frenzy herself, hands leaving his cock now, to dig into his back, pulling him tighter into her.

"Fuck me Byte, fuck me so hard! OOH" Barking orders as he forced his cock between her lips, sliding it through her tight cavern, and bashing against the back of her cunt. He ravaged her with such ferocity, her claws fully extended, and extremely sharp, nailing his back, breaking the skin. Her cutting his back only encouraged him to fuck her faster, pounding her against the side of the pool, water splashing up around them as they felt it wash against their mixed sexes.

She scratched, carving 8 lines down his back, from shoulder to hips as her orgasm hit. She screamed, by god did she scream. His fucking never slowed as her climax hit, shaking the foundations of her pussy as it pulsated around the invading cock, juices being forced out, mixing with the pool water, the pressure of the water being rushed between them with each thrust, water flowing quickly over her erect bud, tripling her orgasm sensation as the blood dyed the water behind them. He slowed as he felt her weaken. His own orgasm no where near, he decided not to put her through much more of his feral fucking.

"Cum.." she muttered weakly. "..cum.. for me.." breathing heavily, her pussy still gripping him in her residing orgasm.

"You cant take it baby... it'll keep.. you wont" He soothed, slowly retracting his cock from her ravaged love hole.

"Then don't.. use...that.." She looked up at him, breathing hard into her face as she pressed her forehead into his. " mouth.."

She regained some strength as they left the pool, they didn't go far, Byte lay down on one of the loungers, as Stella knelt on the floor next to him, level with his still erect cock.

"You.. know how right?" Asked Byte, concerned.

She only smiled, looking away from him, brushing her long fringe out of the way as she leant over him, taking him into her mouth, whole.

"Take that.. as a... yes.. then?.. oh dear jesus!" Panting in pleasure before sitting up as she tossed and sucked him in perfect timing. Her hand twisting as he tongue flicked the tip, sucking as it passed her lips. Working like a pro, letting her saliva lubricate her hand as she jerked him into her mouth. She then took it out of her mouth, spitting on her hand, before wrapping those lacy fingers around its shaft and tossing it furiously. The speed was blinding, the pleasure immense as her tongue continued to flick the tip.

"Ohhh god Stella.. that is.. amazing.. slow down.. i'm gonna... soon!"

He warned, she grabbed his arm and pulled him up. "Stand up, coat me!" She ordered, as she continued to stare down his cock length. He obeyed, letting her shuffle back as he tilted her head, tossing it into her open mouth, against her rough tongue as it stimulated the tip.

"Don't warn me!" She barked as she felt his legs start to shake, she knew it was soon, but she wanted the surprise of his seed splashing her face. He groaned, loudly, as she got her suprise.

She seemed to have forgotten just how much cum her brother can produce, as the first, large, think and creamed shot of spooge splashed messily against her tongue, sticking to the roof of her mouth and rolling down her chin. She closed her mouth, immediate reflex, she swallowed as the second burst crashed against her cheek, messily clinging to the fur, catching her eyelashes as her face slowly became a canvas for him seed. The third and forth came quicker, but thinner, she rolled her head around, offering him her entire face as each shot landed somewhere fresh. The 3rd hit the tip of her nose, streaking up the bridge as the splash landed on her tongue. The fourth caught her in the corner of her opposite eye, the splash contained by the small cave, but now smothering almost the entire right side of her face. She kept pumping his cock, eager for more, she could still feel the dryness on her face and she wanted it cum soaked. He gave her more, the wait between the 4th and this load, due to a clog, a very large, thick glob of his spooge flew out of his cocktip and collided with her forehead, painting the top of her head with a long line of cum as she shook her head side to side.

"Yes! YES! Coat me brother!" She encouraged before taking him into her mouth. She made sure the dribbling droplets didn't go to waste as they sat securely in her mouth. She suckled on him softly, eager to extract what was left of him, once happy, she let him go.

Feeling the thick globs of his spunk dribble down her face, the swirling of the cum in her mouth and the sensation of the runny streams on seed trailing off her chin, she could only help but smile. She held it in her mouth for a while, playing with it, enjoying her first taste of his cum. She opened her mouth, to show him her savings, opening her eyes and making eye contact with him since the first time he entered her mouth. Seeing him stare down at her, not a spot left on her face that wasn't sticky with cum, and a mouth open, displaying her spoils. She swallowed it, smiling, licking her lips to catch the spots she could reach. He said nothing, only watched as she enjoyed her facial.

"Did you like dear brother?" She asked, refusing to wipe it off, enjoying the feeling of it on her face.

"Mmm.. so very much, you must have had so much experience to make me cum like that." Wheezed the exhausted Byte.

"My first time.." she grinned, finishing before he could respond ".. I watched a lot of.. movies.. easy to pick up." She chuckled proudly. "My first facial too... promise me.. this wont be my last?"

4PM, low on food, another shop trip, another 20 minute walk.

"We'll get them to buy us some bikes when they get here, this walk is an easy 5 minute ride" Chatted Stella as the approached the shop

"I don't mind it, its nice to talk with you." He replied, squeezing her hand. They held hands the whole walk, its what couples do, and to the outside world, its what they are.

"So if anyone asks.. were... boyfriend and girlfriend? Engaged? Married?!' He teased as they got closer.

Laughing as she shoulder barged him "Your my boyfriend silly! Your too cheap to buy me a ring!" waving her bare hand in his face. They both laughed as they entered the shop. The female mouse popped up her ears as the bell rang.

"You go buy a calling card, the phone outside takes one, I get no signal at the lodge so we'll call home." Stella gave instructions as she split up towards the magazines "I'll.. look at these."

He chuckled waving his hand to her, dismissively as he headed towards the counter.

"Hi!" Exclaimed the mouse-girl "I'll Mimish, but you can call me Mi, or Mi-Mi, or anything, no one calls me Mi-Mi, but you can!" she spoke a thousand words a minute. causing Byte to jump back in shock. The small, white all over, mouse, stood up and leant over the top, she wore a school uniform, knee high skirt, purple blazer and a yellow shirt, tie noticeable hanging behind her.

"Uhmm.. I'm Byte.. you can call me Byte."

"Hi Byte! Your new here?"

"Yeh, me and my girlfriend are spending the holiday down in a lodge we own, about half an hour down the road."

"G-girlfriend?" She asked, with a little, un-noticed upset in her voice.

"Yeh, the girl I came in with, you met her yesterday."

She hung her head "Oh... yeh.. I remember her.. pretty girl." She scolded, seems she'd already got attached to Byte.

"Yeh.. uhh.. anyway, i'd like to buy a-"

"OI! You got it yet?!" Barked Stella from the other end of the shop, it was quite large for such a remote shop, so they were out of audio from each other unless they shouted.

"Didn't think so, i'll get it, you pick some drinks." She was already at the counter before she finished her sentence. Byte rolled his eyes at the Mouse before swapping places with his sister.

Stella ignored all conversation, seems something agitated her whilst browsing the magazines.

"$10 calling card please, Byte, no Cream Soda!" She didn't even have to look behind to know he was eyeing up a bottle.

"There, $10, i'll ring it up when you get the rest of your stuff, i'm Mimish by the way, nice to meet you, didn't get a real chance to talk to you yesterday." Spoke the mouse, eager to make a friend

"Oh, i'm Stella, nice to meet you."

"I don't see many people my age, this is a quiet village, my school is an hour away, and there's only 10 students!" Mi-Mi spoke as though she was being asked questions, regardless of whether or not anyone actually did.

"Ah.. well were only down here for a couple of weeks."

"Awwwww.. well.. you can still come down and visit me, I don't get many customers. I run this place for my dad, he's ill.. but.. he runs it when i'm at school."

"Bless your heart darling.." Smiled Stella as she warmed to the mouse. ".. I bet he's very proud of you. I promise, me and my brother will come down as often as we can."

A glass smashed behind them as Byte dropped the bottle he was holding. Silence fell across the store once more as Stella froze in fear, whilst Byte, pressed his hand to his forehead as the mouse looked between them both.


NIIIIIIICE long one for yah, whatcha think, OOPS! Someone didn't take their own advice eh?

Sorry for the delay, been snowed under, britains a busy place you know. Comments, corrections and the lark all appreciated, its now 5am, so.. going to bed, hope it was worth it!

Regards, Cy