The Wolf's Requiem (part 8)

Story by Infernos_Flame on SoFurry

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#8 of The Wolf's Requiem

So part 8 is ready and it is the last for now.

There is a sex scene so viewer discretion is adviced.

Any comments, suggestions and tips are wanted and if you have any ideas for a new short story or series please speak up.

The building stood tall in the warm summer's night, the full moon shining down onto it's roof tiles and walls. Jake and Gale sat at the table in the newly renovated Assassin's hideout, Jake sitting comfortably on Gale's lap. Both locked eyes with each other and passionately kissed each other, blushing slightly.

Leo and Trevor came over and sat next the Gale and Jake, smiling softly.

"What?" Gale asked, coming out of the kiss.

"Just wondering how a master Assassin can be so damn cute," Leo said.

"What can I say? I have more than one side to me," Gale said with a wide smile.

"And we get to see them," a gruff voice said. All four looked up to see John, Gale's father, walking over.

"Hi dad."

"Morning son, looks like you're going into your morning head first." John said, sitting at the table.

Gale blushed bright red through his dark fur, showing his embarrassment. "Y-yeah."

"You do look cute when you blush," Jake said.

"Thanks," Gale said smiling, blush slowly fading.

Gale's ear suddenly pricked up, aiming towards the entrance.

"What is it?" Trevor asked, getting up.

"I think there's someone here to meet Jake."

Jake reluctantly got up from the table, "I'll be back in a minute."

With a quick kiss Jake went over to the entrance, stopping at the sight. Jake's mother was speaking to one of the security team, an angry tone in her voice.

"I'm here to see Jake," she said.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I can't let you in." The security man said.

"It's ok Nick, she's here for me." Jake said going over.

"If you say so," Nick said returning to his post next the door.

"Jake!" His mother half shouted as she hugged him.

"H-hi mum, what are you doing here?"

"I've been looking for you for ages, you certainly did your best to leave, but I'm here to bring you back."


"Yes, back home." Jake's mom said with a smile.

"But mum this is my home now," Jake said gesturing the four furs at the table.

His mother's smile dropped, "i-is this what you want?"


"Then I won't stop you," she said, smiling weakly. She kissed Jake's cheek and left, trying to cover the tears rolling from her eyes.

Jake sighed and turned, only to be met by a chest of black fur and two arms around him. Jake smiled and looked into Gale's eyes, giving him a passion filled kiss.

"It'll be ok," Gale said.

"I know."

"You know, thinking about it, I had something to ask you."

"What is it?" Jake asked.

Gale went onto one knee, pulling a small box out of his pocket opened it.

"Jake, will you do me the most highest honour in being my husband?"

Jake's eyes widened as he looked down at the platinum ring with a large diamond embedded in it.

"Yes!" Jake said, giving Gale a bear hug.

Gale's face glowed as he put the ring onto Jake's finger, giving him another long kiss.

The whole hall erupted in cheers as they kissed, human's and fur's went up to them with congratulations. After half an hour the hall died down enough for Gale and Jake to be heard.

"Thank you everyone for your support," Jake said blushing. "We wouldn't be where we are without the support that not only my friends, but complete strangers have given us."

Everyone in the hall clapped and cheered again, taking only a minute this time round to die down.

"Now if you don't mind, I think we need a little private time so goodnight." They both waved as they left, everyone returning the wave.

Jake and Gale climbed up a few flights of stairs to the accommodations that the hideout offered, finally glad to get a little alone time.

Gale pushed Jake softly onto the bed and start undressing. Jake did the same, revealing his hard member to Gale.

"Well someone's eager," Gale said with a smile.

"It has been a while," Jake said as he pulled Gale down into a kiss.

The tip of Gale's member aligned itself with Jake's tight hole and pressed into it, gaining a moan of pleasure from Jake.

"I need you Gale," Jake said blushing.

Gale smiled and pressed into him harder, pushing more of his red rod into Jake's body. Gale pulled out quickly and returned his canine member into Jake with force. Jake gasped as it entered, digging his fingers into the mattress. Jake readied himself better as Gale started to piston himself faster into his stretching hole, panting every time he opened his hole. Gale's tongue lolled out as he humped, drooling from the experience.

"Y-your going to make me cum!" Gale warned as he pressed his member hard into Jake, filling his hole with his knot.

"Do it, fill me up,"

Gale howled loudly as he released his seed into Jake, waves of pleasure filled them both as they orgasmed in unison, Jake's cum leaking into the small gap between them. Gale fell onto Jake with a huff and embraced him, pressing his muzzle into the cress of his neck.

"Goodnight my dear husband," Gale whispered into Jake's ear.

Jake smiled, "goodnight my dearest gem."