Love in the Hay

Story by speedingz on SoFurry

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So... This is a very late Christmas present for my lovely, loving, and infinitely patient mate HolidayPup! I'm so sorry, Justin, for how late this is... I don't know why it took me so long, for a piece that isn't really all that long in the grand scheme of things. Grr...

Anyways, hope you guys all enjoy it! Love ya Justin, hope you enjoy it too! Happy reading!

"Catch me if ya can, you mangy flea-bag!"

Growling playfully, Speed darted around his fleeing mate, giving him a quick nip to the scruff. "You better watch who you're calling mangy, my dear confused dingo, lest you wind up... Um... Regretting it?" Shaking his head, he slowed slightly, allowing the chortling dingo to dart away. "Damn it, that didn't exactly work," he growled under his breath, putting on a bit of speed and narrowing the gap between the pair.

Despite his gruff words, inside Speed had the biggest goofy grin. Despite how much time he spent with Bandit, he just never grew tired of the goofy dingo's playful antics and quirky sense of humour, and even just hearing his voice was enough to bring him happy tingles. No matter how grumpy he may be, being with his mate always made his day and brought him happiness. Amongst other things..._he chuckled lewdly to himself, giving the dingo's scarpering rump an appreciative stare. _Oh, so many other things...

Abruptly, the dingo cut left, veering sharply off the weather-beaten path they were treading and disappeared into the tall grass. Speed cursed lightheartedly, claws rasping on the timeworn old flagstones as he dug them in, skidding to a stop. Whipping his head around, he reared up briefly on his hind legs, but although he could just barely see over the tops of the grass, all he could see were the tips of the stalks shifting and bending under Bandit's rapidly moving body. "Damn it, that's cheating Bandit, and you know it!" he growled to the fleeing shape, tail wagging slightly. Ears perking up, at first all he heard was the soft susurration of Bandit's body against the waving grass and his rapid pawfalls, but then he heard a short peal of laughter. "That bugger..."

Adding his own laughter to Bandit's, he tore off into the tall grass after his skedaddling mate, shouldering off the tall stalks of grass as he plowed through them. Nose high to the air, he partially followed the sound of the dingo's cheery laughter and partially his lingering scent. Unlike Bandit however he made not even the slightest attempt at being quiet, and consequently trampled nearly every stalk of grass in his path, plowing along through the meadow accompanied by a cacophony of snaps and crackles.

A flash of russet caught his eye, flitting between the tall reeds maybe 10 metres ahead of the dashing wolf. Ah ha! Got you now, Bandit! Panting, he dug his paws in and sprang forwards, charging blindly through the swaying grass and cattails. Leaping forwards, he extended his paws, expecting to land on Bandit's unsuspecting back... And instead came crashing back down to the ground, surrounded by nothing but the tall yellow grass. Dafuq? he thought to himself, shaking himself off and quirking up an eyebrow. Where's that cheeky devil gone off to now?

Laughter pealed behind him, and with a growl he whirled around, catching another glimpse of his mate's dark upper body. "Damnit Bandit, stand still!" he grumbled, surging forwards and springing towards the dark form... And suddenly, it was no longer there, and a very confused Speed came crashing down to the ground for the second time with no dingo between his front paws.

"Gonna have to be faster than that if you want to catch this dingo, wolfie!" Bandit taunted, chortling to himself as he sprang away once again. Darting through the rustling grass, he paused for a moment to check on the wolf... _What the heck? _His mate's familiar black and white form was nowhere to be seen. "...Speed?" Chuckling nervously, he swung his head back and forth, looking in vain for the wolf. "You had better not pounce on me, you little ba..."

Suddenly, Bandit's lungs were forcibly emptied as his mate's bulk crashed onto his back. Grunting, he twisted under the wolf's heavy body, trying to wrestle him off. Swiveling until he was lying on his back, he started playfully wrestling Speed, trying to knock his hefty mass off. Flailing his paws, he began to push at Speed's body, growling and gnashing his teeth as he kicked. And suddenly, Speed was off of him!

Rolling back to his paws, Bandit jumped up, expecting another onslaught of pouncing, but to his surprise Speed was curled up in a ball on the ground, groaning. _Ah shit... I guess that old saying is true, it's all fun until someone gets hurt. _"What's up with you?" he asked, giving Speed a light nudge with his nose. "Did poor little wolfie get a booboo?" Placing his paw on Speed's side, he unrolled the wolf slightly, then fell back to his haunches, erupting with fresh peals of laughter.

"It's... Not... Funny!" Speed groaned out, gritting his teeth as his eyes watered. Immediately his paws flew back down to his nether regions, resuming their former gentle cupping of his balls. "You bloody kicked me!" he growled, whining at the twinges of pain. "And it's still NOT FUNNY! So stop your damn laughing, you lout!"

Laughing all the harder, Bandit gave his head a sympathetic lick. "Well, maybe next time you shouldn't jump on me! I can't help that you put your balls in my paw's way!" Smirking slightly, he gave the groaning wolf a nudge. "If it makes you feel any better, you winded me pretty good on the way down..."

Despite the pain, Speed could feel a slight smirk spreading across his muzzle, and rather than fight it he simply let it happen. "Yeah, well, tell that to my balls! I'm not going to be able to sit down all bloody week..." In honesty, the pain had subsided to a dull ache, but he wasn't about to let Bandit know that. _Nope, gonna milk this for all it's worth. _"I mean, what would you do if they didn't work any more? Bandit, I may never be able to have puppies now! I hope you're happy!" he growled, raising an eyebrow to his mate.

Bandit gave the wolf a light swat to the side. "Come on, Speed, since when are you planning on becoming a dad anyways? I mean, I'm not exactly receptive right now, if you catch my drift, and it's not likely I will be any time soon!" Heaving a theatrical sigh, he rolled his eyes and gave Speed an irritated look. "Do you want me to kiss them better?" Chuckling at Speed's emphatic nods, he rolled his eyes again. "My god, you're supposed to be acting like a fully grown wolf, not a pup barely weaned from his mother's teat! Fine, I suppose..." Rolling the wolf onto his back, swatted Speed's paws out of the way. "Come on, be a good pup and spread 'em."

The dull throbbings of pain in Speed's groin were suddenly replaced by the feeling of a warm, wet tongue sliding over his furry sac. Craning his head up, he groaned as he watched Bandit lower his head down again and give his balls a long, slow lick, a mischievous grin curling up the corners of the dingo's muzzle.

"You liking that, stud?" Bandit smirked at his mate, running his tongue again slowly across the wolf's furred orbs. Winking at Speed's blissful expression, he opened his muzzle and gently wrapped his lips around one of the wolf's balls as best he could, massaging it gently with his tongue. Feel the weight in this puppy... Wolfie's ready and raring to go! Letting the fully lathered testicle out of his muzzle, he gave the other a quick lick before taking it in turn into his muzzle. You know, I bet that bugger's balls weren't even sore. He just wanted me to suck on them, and... Well, I can't resist that, Bandit chuckled to himself. Looking up from Speed's groin, he grinned at his mate's expression. Head thrown back and rested to the side, the wolf's chest was heaving, eyes closed, as his tongue hung limply from his beaming muzzle. How could I resist that face? Bandit thought with a chortle, suckling the musky orb lightly. That's a mighty cute muzzle!

Releasing the wolf's jewels from his careful ministrations, he moved his attention higher up the wolf's body, and wasn't surprised to see the wolf's pink tip poking free of his white furred sheath, along with a slight swelling near the base of the fleshy tube. "Enjoying this, are we love?" Not waiting for a reply, he licked his lips and then planted a light kiss on the side of the wolf's furry sheath. Through his lips, he could feel the heat, the throbbing emanating from his mate's growing cock. Wrapping his lips around Speed's prepuce, he suckled hard on the fleshy cover, tightening his lips over the wolf's pulsing hardness below the skin tube. Just try to explain this hickey! Bandit chuckled, murring around Speed's furry sheath as he felt his own cock tip push out from his sheath.

As the heavenly sensations transferred from his balls to his sheath, Speed could feel himself growing in his sheath, and could barely restrain himself from thrusting when the dingo wrapped his lips around his throbbing wolfhood. "Oooh... Nnngh..." he moaned incoherently to himself, hips twitching in a vain attempt to carry out their instinctual duty of thrusting his cock home. Tongue lolled out of his muzzle, he twisted his head around slightly so that he could see Bandit's face while he was pleasured. The devious grin that Bandit gave him when he noticed sent shivers down his spine and an extra powerful pulse to his groin, and with that he felt his cock finally begin to burst free from his sheath.

Finally! And the star of the show arrives, Bandit thought to himself, grinning and drooling._ Sure took your sweet time getting here, my old friend!_ For now, he simply sat back and watched the show. Sometimes, he just liked watching his mate's cock grow. There was something profoundly sexy about watching the process; he knew that he was the reason behind this particular erection, and was smug knowing this. He couldn't contain his drool as he watched the wolf's pinkish spire of meat growing from his sheath; there were few sights which excited him more, and his own cock pulsed partly free of his sheath in accordance. Bandit's eyes were drawn to the convoluted whorls of veins along the swelling length; the delicate red tracery complimented the pale pink flesh and seemed to grow more persistent the nearer the tip they reached, where the entire rod was turned a dark red. A clear, pearlescent drop of fluid hung from the wolf's pointy tip, quivering with every throb of Speed's powerful heart.

Finally, Bandit could resist it no longer, and dove forwards, wrapping a paw along the underside of the wolf's barely swollen knot and pulling the furry covering down to expose the now-small bulb to the crisp autumn air. Wrapping his toes around the base of Speed's cock, he angled it backwards, tongue darting out to catch the wolf's first drop of pre before it could fall to waste. As the wolf's salty aroma burst on his taste buds, he groaned, now almost fully erect and growing almost painfully within his own sheath. Reaching a paw back, he grasped his own sheath and pulled backwards quickly, removing his swelling knot before it could cause him any more discomfort. Then, with an appreciate stare at the swollen head of Speed's cock, he wrapped his muzzle around it without further ado.

Speed's eyes flung open as a deep, passionate growl rose up from his belly. Gritting his teeth, he writhed with pleasure as the dingo hit all his long-since discovered pleasure centres at once. The combination of a paw wrapped around his knot, another paw gently stroking the outside of his rear entrance, and the warm, moist confining pressure and suckling from Bandit's muzzle was almost unbelievably delightful that he almost came right there and then, just from the sudden onslaught. Clenching his jaw, he squeezed his eyes shut and grunted, concentrating on something, anything to bring himself back from the edge. So intent was his focus upon not climaxing that he didn't even notice the sudden withdrawal of Bandit's muzzle, nor did he notice the cool patter of water along his body, until a poke from his mate brought him around to his senses.

"Speed, get up!" Bandit growled, jabbing him again with a paw. "Cute as you are with your face all screwed up like that, I don't really want to stay out here in the rain."

Feeling his face heat up, Speed was thankful for his thick fur covering any blush which might otherwise betray him. "What, you're just gonna leave me hanging?" Peeking under the dingo's belly, he put on a mischievous grin. "You're just gonna leave you hanging too?" Smirking at his mate, he chuckled slightly. "What, are you going to melt?"

Bandit rolled his eyes, used to the wolf's little gibes. "Do you really want to be out here, in the middle of this already-muddy field, when that comes over here?" Gesturing with his muzzle, he pointed out the large bank of dark storm clouds drifting closer to them by the moment. A faint greenish hue lit the otherwise black clouds, and even as they watched a blinding flash of lightning erupted from the sky. Fur standing on end from the tremendous burst of energy, Bandit shivered slightly as he felt the powerful report of thunder vibrate through his body. "Well? If it makes ya feel any better, I'm definitely not done with you..." Trailing off, he licked his lips suggestively.

Blinking at the blinding flash, Speed quickly got to his feet, giving Bandit's dangling dong a mournful look. As the thunder erupted however, he flicked his eyes skywards and gasped. "You know..." he started, looking with apprehension upon the approaching storm mass, "I think you have a good point. Do dingoes accept rain cheques?"

His mate sighed heavily. "Just... No. No," he muttered, shaking his head. "That was... Awful, Speed, you should be ashamed of yourself for that." Rolling his eyes and grumbling under his breath, he gave the wolf a nudge. "Come on, you twit, I think I know where we can go." Brushing by the wolf, he made sure to rub his hind quarters suggestively against Speed's body, giving his hips a little shake as he began to trot off.

"Oh come on, that was a good one!" Speed exclaimed, beginning to lope after his mate. "Get it? Rain cheque? Because it's raining? No?" Raising an eyebrow, he called out, "Are you even listening to me anymore?"


"Well, fine then, be that way," he grumbled. I thought it was clever. However, setting his sights forward soon had him forgetting all about that poorly planned pun. His mate had a way of working a suggestive sway into his every motion when he wanted to, and now it seemed he was maximizing this. Despite the hardening rainfall and the cold water seeping through his fur, all he could think of was the sexy dingo in front of him. Bandit's hips switched back and forth gently through the air as he ran, tail flagged straight upwards and leaving nothing to Speed's imagination. Not that it's anything I haven't seen before, he thought with a crude grin. He couldn't help but lick his lips as he saw Bandit's half-hard cock bouncing around under the dingo's belly, his plump balls swaying back and forth with his hips as he ran. But the bastard seems to get sexier every time I see him! No fair... I just get fatter, Speed thought with a grin.


Despite the throbbing appendages bobbing beneath their stomachs, the threat of being caught outside in a torrential downpour proved to be excellent motivation, and within a few minutes of quick trotting Bandit was slowing down and turning back onto the well worn path. Turning back to make sure Speed was still there, he called out to his mate, "Come on, it's just down here a little ways. Don't worry, big guy, I haven't forgotten about my earlier promise."

Trotting up to his mate, Speed gave him a wide, feral grin. "I'll hold you to that then, stud. Now let's go! The faster we get out of this, the sooner we can... Well... Whatever you had in mind!" he exclaimed, flashing his teeth in a predatory fashion.

Within naught but a couple minutes, Bandit took a turn from the path down a smaller drive walled in by tall trees, and Speed followed him eagerly, looking forwards to getting out of the driving rain. As they trotted down this smaller path, the trees slowly spread apart, and suddenly they came upon a series of rustic buildings. Speed gasped and jumped a little, startled by how rapidly they had appeared. Stopping, he backed up slightly, and gasped again when they vanished just as rapidly behind the thick foliage. "Now, how the heck did you find this place, Bandit?"

With a wink, Bandit wagged his tail slowly as he made for one of the buildings, a large, gambrel-roofed building coated in a fading and peeling layer of red paint. "I could smell it from the path." He quirked an eyebrow at Speed, a grin tugging at his lips. "I'm surprised that much vaunted nose of yours didn't pick it up earlier!"

Rolling his eyes, Speed gave Bandit a light headbutt, nudging him on into the dilapidated building. "Oh, get stuffed, you sassy dingo."

Bandit turned back and returned the wolf's feral grin with gusto. "Oh, I plan to, my dear wolf!" Winking slightly, he hoisted his tail up a bit higher, giving the now drooling wolf a slight peak of his tight pink tailhole. Tail waving back and forth, he sauntered into the building with swaying hips, leaving Speed to follow.

Abruptly Bandit stopped, shivering and wagging his tail as something warm and wet brushed across his rear entrance. "Oooh god..." Looking back, he blushed as Speed's warm tongue slid slowly up and down his tight hole. The wolf gave him a wink, dropping his head a little lower and giving Bandit's balls a quick lick before trailing his tongue back up to his tailhole once again. Shivering, Bandit reluctantly lowered his tail, pushing Speed's head away. "Hang on there, stud, we'll get there! Can we at least try to dry off a little before getting into it?"

Speed gave the dingo a shamefaced grin, pulling his tongue back into his mouth and licking his lips. "Sorry about that love... I'm a horny bastard, what can I say?" Taking a couple steps away from his mate, he gave his pelt a violent shake, water scattering through the musty air. "There we go, all better, now where were we?" he asked, wagging his tail as he trotted back over to his mate.

"Come on, you horny bastard, you're still dripping," Bandit chuckled, giving his own pelt a quick shake. "At least let's try to find somewhere nice and dry to lay down?"

Blinking, Speed shook himself again, grinning at his mate. "There, all better... Again!" Leaning forwards, he planted a deep kiss on Bandit's muzzle, licking at his mate's tongue before pulling back. "C'mon, I think I saw a nice big ol' pile of hay in one of the back corners, it looked dry enough from what I could tell." Giving the dingo's muzzle a quick lick, he gestured off with his head, waiting for Bandit to join him before he led his mate further back into the old structure.

The first couple of stalls that they checked were barren, with hard, half-rotten looking wooden floors and bare walls devoid of any sort of comfort. Moth eaten blankets hung here and there from the walls, tattered threads of faded colours dangling in the dim light. Every once in a while, the rain drumming on the old roof would find a way in, and small puddles could be seen below these holes, in some places with the floor completely gone and a small black pit yawning up for the water to fall into. Speed made sure he and Bandit stayed well clear of these collapsing parts, nudging each other and pointing them out whenever they saw one.

Just when it was seeming that they would be left out on the hard, chilly floor, they peeked their heads around the last corner and were shocked to find a pile of seemingly fresh hay lying there, as if in waiting for the pair of them. "Well..." Bandit said, walking slowly into the strangely lit stall, "This is mighty convenient!" Sniffing at the hay, he snorted slightly. "This stuff can't have been here more than a couple hours at most. What the heck?"

Speed frowned, walking up to the hay and sniffing it himself. Brows furrowed, he raised his gaze, glancing around the small space, and noticed... "Is that mistletoe?"

Jerking his head up, Bandit followed Speed's gaze and gave a slight gasp. "Okay... This is officially either really weird, or some elaborately romantic prank... Speed?!" he asked with a growl, giving the wolf the dirty eye. "Did you do this? Fess up, you ridiculous mutt."

The wolf couldn't help but laugh, but he shook his head at the same time. "No, I didn't do this at all! I have no more idea of what's going on here than you do, Bandit..." Grinning slightly, he gave the dingo a nudge. "It looks like someone, whoever they are, went to a lot of trouble just for us... Since we're here anyways, we may as well make the most of it?"

Bandit raised an eyebrow, still frowning at his mate, but couldn't help but wag his tail at the suggestion. "Well since SOMEONE clearly went to all this trouble, then we may as well, right?" Leaning over, he gave Speed's muzzle a lick, kissing at the wolf's lips before sauntering past him slowly, rolling his hips seductively. "Now, where were we?"

"I think I remember quite well... I was around here!" Speed exclaimed, diving his head under the dingo's waving tail and attacking his tailhole with a vigourous tongue. Bunching his tongue up, he pressed it hard against Bandit's clenched tailhole, slowly working it forwards until his tongue was buried in the dingo's rear passage, nose pressed tight up against Bandit's hips. With a smirk, Speed began slowly working his tongue in and out of Bandit's tight passage, making sure to apply pressure to the nub of the dingo's prostate. Bandit's moans were music to his ears as he dug in deeper, reaching a paw forwards to gently stroke the dingo's thickening rod. Wrapping his digits around the turgid length, he slowly peeled back Bandit's sheath, exposing the dingo's rapidly expanding shaft to the musty air.

With one final, lingering lick, Speed pulled his delving tongue back, sliding it out of Bandit's tight hole with a slick slurp. "What have we here?" Speed asked with a grin, winking at his mate's panting face as he gave the dingo's slippery shaft a slight squeeze. "I think this merits some investigation!" Leaning lower, he let his breath play over Bandit's balls before planting a gentle kiss upon one. Tongue slipping out of his muzzle, he tenderly caressed the furred orb, murring slightly with pleasure. He could faintly feel the dingo's heartbeat through his heavy, musky testicles; wrapping his tongue around the reddish furred pair he gave Bandit's cock another quick squeeze. Groaning, reached a paw back under his own belly and slid his sheath back over his swelling cock, freeing it before he swelled too much.

Now Speed leaned further forward, pushing Bandit's legs apart slightly as he pushed between them. Tilting his head upwards, he gave Bandit's throbbing member an appraising look before wrapping his flexible tongue around the leaking tip.

Immediately, an array of delicious flavours assaulted his taste buds. Bandit's own musky, heady scent filled his nostrils as his musky, heady cock filled his muzzle. The salty drips of pre hanging on the tip, which soon began squirting out in regular little streams as the dingo's cock bobbed and flexed, saturated his taste buds, and as he wrapped his lips around the dangling mass of flesh he could feel his own cock beginning to squirt pre, aroused as he was. Pulling back, he let Bandit's tip rest upon the end of his tongue, staring down the wide, coral-coloured expanse of rock-hard dingohood. "Damn, Bandit, if you don't have the sexiest cock I've ever seen!" Speed exclaimed, lapping gently at the tip. Slowly moving his muzzle forward, he gave the dingo's rod one final, long suckle, savouring the salty juices pouring from it, before reluctantly pulling his head back from under his mate. Trailing his tongue upwards, he gave Bandit's heavy balls a lick as he moved back up to his mate's tailhole, letting his tongue lap against the still wet, warm flesh.

Pulling his head back, he licked away the strand of saliva which connected him to his mate's tight hole. "Are you ready for this, stud?" he asked with a lecherous wink, giving his mate a smirk.

Bandit gave his mate a wink of his own, wagging his tail and stepping forwards. "Lay down," he said, gesturing towards the pile of hay. "Lay down, I'll go on top, sound good?" he added, grinning at Speed's confusion.

Speed smirked again, moving forwards to do as Bandit said. "Don't expect me to take it easy on you just because you're on top! By the time we're done, you are going to be walking funny for a week!"

"Just a week, wolfie?" Bandit asked, sticking his tongue out with an impious grin. "Make it two, and we're getting somewhere!

Rolling onto his back, Speed gestured to his waiting rod, bobbing and drooling onto his stomach. "I think you've got a deal, my fine dingo!"

Sticking his tongue out again, Bandit crawled forwards onto his mate's belly, letting their throbbing malehoods rub up against one another. Leaning in, he planted a deep kiss on Speed's muzzle, slowly gyrating his hips against the wolf's as he ground their cocks together. A slight groan escaped his muzzle as the wolf wrapped a paw slick with pre around their rods, clasping them together and stroking. "Now... *huff* Now, naughty wolf, let's not get too carried away here!" Murring, he wrapped one of his own paws just below Speed's, gripping their swelling knots tightly. "I don't know about you, but frotting isn't all I had planned for tonight!"

Reluctantly pulling his paw away, Speed gently pried Bandit's paw from it's euphoric position around their knots. "I suppose you're right at that, Bandit." Winking, he ground his cock into the dingo's one last time for good measure, grunting slightly. "Well? This next part is up to you, my dear!"

Bandit winked, giving his mate a lascivious grin. "With pleasure!" Pulling himself forwards, he sat for a moment on the wolf's chest, giving Speed a lick to the muzzle before he reached behind himself and grasped Speed's cock in his paw again. The entire length of it was slick, hot, and rock hard to the touch, and as Bandit squeezed he could feel the wolf's pounding heartbeat through it, slippery drips of pre squirting from the tip and onto his back. Lifting his own tail, he gently lowered Speed's cock to a level with his tailhole and scooted back slightly, grunting as he felt the pointy tip butt up against his rear entry. Ready or not, here it comes... With a low growl, he thrust himself backwards slowly, growl deepening as he felt the tip slowly begin to penetrate into himself, and then as the shaft began to follow suit. The first few inches came in easily, the delightful, sinful pressure against his prostate countering the pain like usual, but as the wolf's cock thickened near the middle he always had a bit of trouble. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to keep going, and with another push he was on the other end of the bulge, sliding his way down to the wolf's engorged knot.

A loud groan escaped Speed's muzzle as he felt his mate's slick hole spreading around his rod, slowly engulfing it in the dingo's hot passages. Muzzle slightly agape, he wrapped his paws around Bandit's back and pulled his mate down, until the hot, stretched ring of muscle clenched around his cock was pressed up against his bulbous knot. Moaning, he lay back against the soft hay and kept his paws wrapped loosely around Bandit's back, letting the dingo pick the pace for their love making. Head propped up, he stared back in euphoric bliss at his mate, slowly lowering himself back down onto his cock once again, the dingo's own magnificent rod standing out long and hard and spraying.

"Oooooh...." Moaning, tailhole constricting around the girthy cock imbedded in it, Bandit began savagely thrusting himself up and down upon the wolf's hard spire of flesh. Pleasure coursed through his body as Speed's cock ground hard into his prostate on every thrust, and with a gasp he felt himself shoot a powerful squirt of pre, watching through half-lidded eyes as it splattered up against the underside of Speed's upturned muzzle. Mind hazy, he gasped as the slick surface of Speed's knot pressed up hard against his tight opening, burgeoning cock hilted up inside of him. Every shot of the wolf's pre served only to lubricate his passages further, ensuring that his cock slid in deeper and easier on each thrust. Pressure was building up in his groin, a burning, blazing pleasure which seemed to grow on every thrust. "Speed... You gotta help me here... I need your knot, I'm way close!" With a loud growl, he began fucking the wolf's throbbing member harder and harder, trying his best to tie with his mate.

Speed growled deeply, only too happy to answer Bandit's request. Tightening his grip on the dingo's back, he began to thrust upwards savagely, groaning every time the swollen surface of his knot came into contact with Bandit's hot tailhole. Balls swaying in time to his bestial rhythm, he pulled Bandit's muzzle to his and locked the dingo into a fierce kiss, tongues locked together in a writhing, passionate dance as his knot slowly gravitated towards his mate's tight hole.

Attacking Speed's tongue with his own, Bandit could feel his body beginning to shake as his balls began to clench up tight against his furry body. Not... Yet... He panted to himself, willing himself not to blow yet. Not until...

Thrusting harder, Bandit began to feel the bulbous mass of flesh part his resistant tailhole, groaning and whining slightly as a little wave of pain washed over him from his overtaxed muscles. Every thrust brought it deeper into his bowels; every thrust brought the tip of the wolf's cock slightly deeper into his body, exploring hitherto un-felt places and sending electric shocks stabbing through his body. He could actually feel his unwilling muscles stretching as the wolf thrust against him, spreading wider than nature intended around the hard, throbbing base of Speed's cock. "Get... In... There!" he growled fiercely, returning Speed's kiss with relish.

Hips slamming against Bandit's own, Speed gasped and panted, whining slightly into the kiss as he fought a tightwire battle to keep from exploding early. The pressure building in his groin was unbelievable; it felt like a bolt of lightning had and was still striking him there, growing more intense with every thrust until his eyes were almost watering from the sheer ecstasy. All his other senses faded away; there was only him and Bandit, his knot and Bandit's hole, his scent and Bandit's mixed together in a heady aroma which permeated the barn. He could feel his chest fur sticking together every time he shifted; the veritable river of pre shooting forth from Bandit's throbbing member coated his chest, his neck, his muzzle, and even splattered up Bandit's muzzle every once in a while. Speed moaned... He was so close...Just... Got to...

Finally, with an audible pop, Bandit yowled as Speed's bulbous knot wrenched its way past his beleaguered muscles and slid forcefully into his bowels. Muscles contracting tightly, he couldn't contain a howl as Speed's tip delved even deeper into his bowels, making it feel like if he opened his muzzle wide enough the wolf's tip would be poking out. As Speed's knot came to rest briefly in Bandit's rectum, the side of the hard mass of flesh was brought into direct contact with the dingo's prostate, and with a high pitched howl, Bandit felt his innards collapse tight around the wolf's throbbing member, feeling the wolf's first blazing shot squirt into his bowels as his orgasm exploded forth in a torrential deluge. His eyes crossed as reality faded to a blur, his sticky, potent seed spraying out from the tip of his quivering cock. Half hugging his wolf, half collapsing on him, he trapped his cock between their bodies and desperately thrust himself up and down upon Speed's cock, tugging hard at his knot on every thrust as an expression of pure rapture filled his face.

Howling in an ecstatic harmony with his mate, Speed turned his muzzle skyward as Bandit's muscles clenched down like a fist upon his cock. Knot still swelling, he panted and trembled, clutching the dingo tight as he erupted in long, sticky streams into Bandit's tight bowels. Looking up, through his ecstasy-bleared eyes he could make out his mate's beautiful face, and with a dopey grin he let his tongue loll out of his muzzle, drool dripping off the tip of it as his hips skittered about in an orgasmic dance. Eyes squeezing shut tightly, all he could do was hold on to his mate as his mind drifted through planes of ecstasy.

With a sighing groan, Bandit slowly came back to his senses, collapsing down onto his mate in an exhausted, panting heap. The wolf's knot tugged at his dilated tailhole, but after their recent session it felt warm and full, without a trace of the former pain. Rolling slightly, he pulled Speed sideways until they were lying on their sides, Bandit's hips locked around Speed's abdomen. Leaning forwards, he gave Speed a gentle lick to the nose, giggling slightly as Speed returned the favour. Snuggling in closwer to his mate, he licked at Speed's lips, then as Speed parted his jaws he slipped his tongue in, pressing their lips together into a tight kiss.

Sighing around the kiss, Speed happily pulled the dingo closer to him, basking in the dingo's warmth. "The perfect way to end off a long day, eh love?" Grinning, he winked and gestured up towards the wall with his muzzle. "Looks like someone was a little pent up..."

Confused, Bandit turned his muzzle up to where the wolf was looking, then he gave his mate a mischievous grin. "I blame you for that one, wolfie. Ruining these poor peoples' decorations like that..." Reaching a paw back behind them, he swiped it against the poorly placed mistletoe behind them, now dripping with sticky white fluids. "Look what you made me do!" Chuckling, he held his paw in front of Speed's face, and grinned as the wolf licked his proffered paw clean. "Find something you like there?"

Licking his lips, Speed leaned his head forwards and kissed the dingo again, letting a little of Bandit's accumulated jizz pass between their muzzles. "You tell me, big guy!" Chuckling, he swallowed the warm fluid, feeling it trace a warm path through his innards to his stomach. Muzzle cracking open widely, he let out a yawn which had been percolating ever since he had lain down beside his mate. "S...Sorry!" he exclaimed, clapping his jaws shut again. "I'm bloody exhausted now," he said ashamedly, hugging his mate tight.

Fighting off his own yawn, Bandit just chuckled. "Always after sex, eh love? You cum, and then you're instantly lights out." Hugging him back, he sighed, saying, "No worries love, I'm the same way." Clenching his tailhole unconsciously around the wolf's still hard member, he moaned slightly. "Doesn't look like this will be coming out any time soon, eh?" Smiling, he licked at Speed again before laying his head down into the soft hay. "I couldn't think of a way I'd rather spend the night than joined here, with you, no matter where we are. I love you, Speed." As he lay back, he felt his eyelids beginning to droop closed as sleep began to take him away.

Laying his head down as well, Speed smiled back. "I love you too Bandit, I wouldn't imagine spending my life with anyone but you like this, joined with you like this." Winking, he let his smile widen into a lascivious grin. "Who knows, I may even give you a chance on top tomorrow!"

Eyes popping open, Bandit gave him a little growl. "You're damn right there, wolf! Now don't get me wrong, I love having you in me, but sometimes a little giving is nice too, wouldn't you say?"

Speed stuck out his tongue, chuckling happily. "You know I'm kidding, Bandit, don't act like you don't! It's been far too long anyways, it's definitely your turn by now!" Nuzzling at the dingo's neck, he tucked his head over Bandit's, resting his muzzle between the dingo's perky ears. "Now let's get some shut eye, got a big day tomorrow, eh?" Smirking, he gave a giggle. "Heh... Big... I'm gonna be feeling just how big!"

Bandit merely rolled his eyes, chuckling slightly as he tucked his head into the wolf's soft-furred chest. "Go to sleep, you silly dog. We'll deal with that tomorrow, eh?" Giving one of the squeaky yawns that Speed loved, he closed his eyes, feeling sleep rushing upon him. "I love you, Speed," he murmured, hugging the wolf lovingly.

"Mmph love you too, Bandit. Sweet dreams, I'll see you on the morrow!" Hugging back, he closed his eyes, mind drifting away. As he fell into a deep slumber, Bandit's laughing face appeared in his mind, and with a grin of his own he sprang after him, chasing each other across the brightly lit dreamscape.

The End

A Steamy Night in Nome: Part 2

"So... What exactly did you have in mind?" Balto quietly asked, following nervously behind the tan chinook as he led the pair through the darkened streets of Nome. Golden eyes flickering furtively off the shadowy buildings surrounding them, he gave a...

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A Steamy Night in Nome

Heart pounding in his chest, Balto carefully made his way across the sleepy hamlet of Nome, paws crunching slightly in the light October snow. Golden eyes glowing slightly in the faint light coming from the houses, he prowled along the corners of...

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Howl of the Winter: Chapter 3

He'll be dead before we see another sunrise. Gren's blunt words echoed in Kalla's head, over and over again. It was a simple truth and she knew it; one look at the wretch they had found was enough to tell that. As one of the pack's primary healers,...

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