A Change of Plans

Story by Fubar de Lizzy on SoFurry

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HOLY SWEET MOTHER MCKAY, it's been too long! I posted my last story, what, more than a year ago? Ugh, I really disappeared there in terms of writing >.<

But I'm back now! And I got a nice little number here to kick off what'll hopefully be my return to the story-writing community here at SF. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little apprehensive about submitting this. But you know what, I like writing, and I want people to SEE my writing, dammit! So screw it, here's some hot gay action for y'all!

This story basically features a gay threesome, femboys, and rimming. If you don't like any of that stuff, I highly suggest you skip this. Otherwise, read on and enjoy!

"You're bailing? Davin, no, please, we've been planning this trip fo-....Yeah, I understand, but we leave tomorrow!...yes...ye-okay...okay, fine. Hope it goes well for you. Yeah, talk to you later too. Loves..."

With a sigh, Ian clapped the phone shut, his long ears drooping while he leaned forward and rested his chin on his paws. Great. Not exactly going to be as fun with only two of us...

_ _

He wiggled his nose in thought. The rabbit had been looking forward to taking a vacation with his two best friends over the extended weekend, away from the crowds and busy life of college. With Davin suddenly caught up in his own little crisis, though, the group was now down to just him and Levi. While it wasn't the end of the world, it did mean that there would be a wasted reservation spot and less company to enjoy the break with. On the day before we leave, to top it off...

It wasn't like he could just invite anyone to come along with, either...not with the "activities" that they had in mind, anyways...

"Why the long face?"

Ian jumped a little and whipped his head over to the door of the dorm room, where a tall, blonde human stood in the threshold, a laptop bag slung over his shoulder. He chuckled. "Sorry, was I interrupting something?"

"Oh, hey Joseph. You're fine, I was just, thinking..."

Joseph let the bag slip from his shoulder as he sat at his desk, pulling out his computer and opening it up. "What about?"

Ian wiggled his nose again, letting out a huff. "A friend of mine canceled on me and Levi. We were all set for this break, but now we've got an empty space for where we're going..."

Joseph pursed his lips. "Jeez, sorry about that. You got anyone else you can invite?"

"That's what I was trying to figure out, but I don't think so. It's the day before we leave, and I'm pretty sure everybody else has already made their own plans." The lagomorph dropped his head, sighing with disappointment. "What about you?" He asked absentmindedly.

The human started tapping keys on his keyboard, focused on his computer screen. "Me? Uh...well, I haven't figured anything out yet."

"'Yet?'" Ian lifted his head up at Joseph and looked at him quizzically. "You know we start our break tomorrow, right?"

"Well, yeah, I mean...I don't know." He gave a little sigh of his own. "I guess I might not be going anywhere..."

The rabbit cocked his head a little, his ears coming back up with curiosity. "Really? No plans with friends, no trips or anything?"

"I think a little time to myself is what I really need."

"What? Why?"

"I just need time to think, that's all..."

The rabbit furrowed his brows. "Is this about Jeff?"

Joseph scoffed. "Come on, Ian, we've been split for a couple months now. I'm over him now."

"But you haven't really gone out and done anything since then, have you?"

Joseph's hands paused over his keyboard as he looked back over to the rabbit. "Well, I mean...I guess, I have...um..."

After a brief pause, finally sighed and slumped back in his chair. "No, not really..."

Ian shook his head with a smirk. "'I'm over him now'. Riiiiight..."

"I am! I just...I haven't felt like doing anything, okay? I just, I don't know..." He rubbed at his temples for a minute. Suddenly, he got up out of the chair,

his eyes widening a bit. "Oh crap..."


"I just remembered I need to get a book returned at the downtown library. Goddammit..." He checked his watch. "Shit, it's gonna close soon..."

"Well, get over there then! I'll hold down the fort."

"Yeah, yeah, I need to go. Be back in a bit," He said. The man quickly rifled through his pack until he found the book in question, then grabbed his keys and hurried out the door, once again leaving Ian alone to his thoughts.

_ _

Poor guy...

Despite his teasing, Ian had a soft spot for his human roommate, and in all honesty, it had been worrying him that Joseph hadn't been doing anything social for so long. It's not as if he was party guy or anything, but it still wasn't like him to be so closed off, especially from his roommate. The rabbit didn't want to nose in on his personal problems, but at the same time he wished he could help him take a load off...

Suddenly, an idea sparked in his head. A very naughty, very risky, and very sexy idea. With his lips curling into a devilish smile, he whipped out his phone and worked his thumbs on the keyboard, the gears turning in his head while he texted Levi. As he got back a response from the lizard, his smile widened into a toothy grin.

_ _

Maybe we'll have a friend to tag along after all...

_ _

* * *

"Goddammit..." Joseph said with a huff as he romped up the stairs. Thirty dollars down the drain...for a psychology book. Fantastic...

Sighing with resignation, he pulled out the keys and started working on the lock, not hearing the clawed feet that padded along the floor behind. He did hear the giggle, however, as well as the scaly digits that wrapped around under his arms and started caressing his chest.

"Jesus!" He jumped and whirled around to see a rather familiar feminine lizard staring back at him, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his scaly muzzle. He brought his arms around his back, his tail slowly swishing back and forth.

"Sorry, Joey! Didn't mean to scare ya there..." He said innocently.

"God, Levi, you kinda did!" He gave a half-hearted chuckle, trying to calm his nerves. "So, uh, what're you...uh..."

His eyes wandered down to the rest of the lizard's body...his rather scantily-clad body, especially considering the fall weather: A loose-fitting pink shirt was all that framed the lizard's upper half, with the collar falling over and revealing one bare shoulder. His waist was covered only by a pink and black miniskirt that took the "mini" to the extreme, not doing very much to hide the black lingerie panties beneath. His reptilian legs were covered with fishnet stockings, the light fabric traveling down to the ankles of his lizard feet.

The human swallowed nervously, while Levi only giggled with delight. "What am I what?" He asked sweetly.

"Uh...wh...what are, what are you wearing that for?" He forced out.

"Oh, this?" He lifted up his skirt a little, showing off even more of the lacy panties and the bulge that was protruding from them. "Well..." He slowly sauntered towards Joseph, his hips swaying in a seductive fashion. The human couldn't help from blushing at the display, backing up until he hit the door to his room. Levi flashed him a smile and he leaned into him. "Ian kinda wanted me to come over. He also said he wanted me to dress up for a special night..." He brought up a claw and trailed a digit around Joseph's chest. "...With you, that is..." He looked up again at the human, his reptilian face taking on a sultry look.

"M...woah woah, what? wait a mi-"

Before he could finish, though, the door suddenly opened behind him, causing Joseph to give a surprised yelp as hit the ground.

"Sorry, Joey, but I don't think he's waiting. I know I won't."

The man blinked and stared up at his roommate at the door, his jaw instantly dropping at the sight.

Where Levi's clothing was scant, Ian's was just nonexistent: A transparent fishnet top that covered only his skinny torso, while his midriff was bare. He had no pants on, but instead only sported a thong on his wide hips, a bump similar to Levi's in full view above him and stretching the thin fabric that covered his crotch. Besides that, only a pair of matching fishnet stockings covered the lagomorph's shapely furred legs, ending in a loop around the middle toes of his footpaws.

Joseph's eyes practically bugged out of his head at the sight, a slight tent already forming in his pants as his mind leapt to rather dirty thoughts.

The bunny laughed again, putting his hands on his knees and looking down at him with dreamy eyes. "Doesn't seem like you want to wait, either. And just look at that bump!" He reached a paw down and gave his tent a light squeeze, making Joseph gasp and scurry away from the seductive rabbit.

"Wait, w-wait a minute here!" He said as he scrambled back up. "Can we just slow down a minute? I mean, jeez, what the hell are you-"

Before he could finish, however, Ian was already on him again, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and mashing his muzzle against his lips. Joseph could only manage a "mph!" before he was silenced by the horny hare. The rabbit quickly darted his tongue into the man's mouth, playing around with his mouth organ while he pressed his furry body against him. Joseph could only manage a moan from the intense make out session, instinctively putting his hands up on the lagomorph's head and back as he hesitantly succumbed to the passionate kissing. Levi could only look on with extreme interest, his eyes watching the two press their bodies to one another while his tail twitched with anxiety, the bulge in his underwear becoming much more prominent.

After a thorough tonguing, Ian finally pulled his head back, a strand of saliva hanging between the two mouths. Joseph could only stare at him with a shocked expression, but the prodding sensation against his thigh and the hand that was still holding his head told Ian all that he needed to know.

"Liked that, hun?"

He nodded his head mutely, still breathing heavily from the passionate exchange. A nudge against his crotch forced a sound out of him, though, and he looked down to see Levi's muzzle wedged in between the two's hips, his snout nuzzling at Joseph's package. Ian could only chuckle at the sight. "Getting eager, lizzy?"

"Well, you're the one hogging him! I want to have some fun too..." Levi said with a pout, bringing a claw up to grope at Joseph's crotch through the fabric.

"Heh, sorry hun..." The rabbit replied apologetically. With one fluid motion, Ian hopped to Joseph's side and pushed him onto the rabbit's bed, quickly bouncing up and straddling the human's chest, while Levi began to work the buttons off of his pants.

Joseph tried to protest, but his complaints were quickly brought to a halt with a furry finger against his lips. "Oh Joey...I've been waiting to do this to you for a while..." The rabbit said seductively. His roommate couldn't help but blush at the comment, and soon the excited bunny was sliding down to work the buttons off of his shirt. "I mean, I always thought you looked rather nice the way you dressed." Joseph tried to reply, but instead he gasped as he felt his penis suddenly slide free from his underwear, only to have it wrapped up in a wet embrace. Ian looked back to see his friend already working on the human cock with his tongue, coiling it around the sex organ as it stiffened and grew. "Heh, looking good down there..." He turned back to face his roommate with a mischievous smile. "Now let's see just how sexy the rest of you looks."

With another quick motion, the rabbit soon had Joseph's shirt flying into the corner, revealing a moderately built body with a lightly toned middle. Soon, Ian's paws started slowly exploring the human's form, the leathery pads earning a small moan from Joseph. "Mmm, not bad. Guess those bike rides really do the trick, don't they?" As his paws glided up his body, the rabbit slowly brought his own himself up, and leaned in to give the human another passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, Levi was starting to have his own way with Joseph's cock. He let his tongue squeeze and pull at the human penis before him, occasionally bringing his tip back up to lap at the head. It wasn't long before it started to spurt a small amount of pre, to which the cockhungry lizard gladly lapped up. Spurred on by the salty taste, Levi quickly uncoiled his tongue and brought his whole maw down on the human sex organ, which earned him a loud groan from Joseph through Ian's muzzle. He sucked on it hungrily while his tongue continued to lick at the underside, giving special attention to the head that was nearing the back of his mouth.

With a slurp, Ian once again pulled back, his eyes becoming heavy-lidded with desire, while his thong strained practically to breaking from the growing rabbit cock it was hiding. Giving a lusty huff, the rabbit quickly turned around and presented his ass to the dazed human. He backed up a little, and soon Joseph's vision was dominated by a couple of large, cream-colored mounds.

"Like what you see there, Joey?"

The roommate gave a choked "yes", having difficulty with forming words thanks to the reptilian blowjob that he was receiving.

"Good. Because I could really use some help getting it ready..." The rabbit said in a seductive tone.


"Yes...I need it ready for your cock..." He grabbed the thong strings at either side of his hips and pulled them down, revealing a winking pucker in between the large ass cheeks before Joseph's face. "Mind helping a bunny-boy out?"

"H-holy shit..."

Ian laughed. "Don't worry, it's nice and clean. We both are, just for you..."

Joseph could only stare back at the ass before him, too dumbfounded by the situation to say or do anything. With a knowing smile, Ian suddenly pushed his hips back, forcing his ass over Joseph's face with only a "Mph!" in response.

The rabbit quickly settled himself with an anxious groan, grinding his ass so that the human's face was wedged between his cheeks, his pucker settling over his trembling lips. "Well, come on, now! I gotta be slick enough for that thick cock of yours, don't I?"

Despite the encouragement, Joseph continued to struggle for a moment, apprehensive about putting his tongue up his roommate's backside. After a patient minute of holding him down with his ass, however, Ian was finally awarded with a shallow lick across his tail star, making him shudder from the warm, wet sensation. "Oooh god...yes, please, Joey, give me more of that," The rabbit pleaded, needily grinding his ass against the human.

After getting a taste and making sure he was actually clean, Joseph slowly began to lick and tongue at Ian's tail hole, alternating between lapping at the wrinkled flesh and dimpling it with pokes from his tip. He was still nervous about eating out his roommate's asshole, but the grindings from the bunny and the hungry lizard suckling on his cock was enough encouragement for him to keep up the treatment.

Growing bolder, he eventually managed to push past the wrinkled entrance, penetrating the bunny's ass and getting a musky taste of him as a reward. He could hear Ian groan loudly above him, pressing his hips down harder while his anal walls clenched at the tongue tip inside of him. Joseph answered with his own moan while he instinctively began to buck his hips, accidentally thrusting into Levi's muzzle. The sudden force only made the lizard growl with lust, however, and soon he was bobbing his head on the shaft, timing it so that his muzzle met Joseph's hips as they surged up to thrust into him.

The rabbit made sure to get a little more tongue inside his ass, gyrating his hips and clenching at the wonderful little mouth organ stuck inside of him. His cock had by now escaped from his thong, a pink fleshy horn displayed proudly at attention. He stroked it a little as Joseph continued to eat him out, but after a minute decided that his entrance was now properly slick. He lifted himself off, leaving Joseph panting and sweating profusely from the confinements of his bunny ass.

Ian tapped Levi on the head, and the lizard turned his eyes up to him, still suckling on the human's dick. "I think he's good and ready, there, lizzy."

The lizard let out a muffled groan of disappointment, slowly coming off the human cock with one last lick from his tongue. Joseph could only gasp again as his cock was revealed to the cold air.

"Oh, don't be a baby! How about we trade? I know how much you love tongue..."

The lizard's tail twitched behind him, while a grin spread along his muzzle. The bunny could only flash a smile in return as he swung his leg over to let the lizard move up Joseph's body. The human lifted his head up weakly. "W-wait. What're we doing now?..."

"Oh, we're just taking turns. Hope you enjoy your new view..." The bunny replied.

Soon, Joseph's view was dominated once again, this time by a pair of green, scaly cheeks. Levi giggled and wiggled his ass in the human's face, quickly working off his own panties and uncovering his entrance. "Better get deeper than you did with bunny-boy," The lizard said excitedly. Before Joseph could reply, Levi sat down, and once again he was engulfed between a pair of large femboy asscheeks.

Ian watched the pair for a minute with an amused look, one of his paws stroking his cock while the other held Joseph's steady. He looked down at the thick meat and licked his lips, lifting himself up by a little higher and moving his ass over his penis.

Slowly, he lowered himself down, just barely feeling the tip poking at his slickened tail hole. He felt a jolt from Joseph's body, which only made Ian grin wider. "Ooohhh, you're gonna love this, Joey..."

Rather than slowly sink himself on the penis, he instead sat down hard, spearing himself on it instead and slapping the human's hips with his own. He gasped as his walls were spread rather suddenly, while he also felt another jolt from Joseph's body. Levi himself moaned as the man's head went up instinctively, succeeding in only mashing his face harder against the lizard's sizable backside.

With the both of them finally seated, the two femboys began to grind their hips against Joseph in unison, both enjoying their own penetration by tongue or dick. The filling sensation in Ian's asshole was blinding him with pleasure, his cock beginning to spurt pre onto Joseph's belly. Carefully lifting himself up, he let half of the human cock slide out of his anus before sitting back down, beginning to work a steady rhythm of impaling himself accompanied by needy moans.

Meanwhile, Levi was having his own fits of euphoria with Joseph's tongue, which had managed to slip in almost as far as it could go. With no more tongue to push in with, Joseph settled for wriggling his mouth organ inside of the scaly ass, his lips locked with the lizard's entrance. His hands came up to knead at the full cheeks that were smothering his head, and the reptilian could only cry out happily while pre began to shoot out of his cock and onto Joseph's chest. He pressed and grinded Joseph's head to his heart's content as he was steadily tonguefucked by the now-eager human.

The threesome had now become a cacophony of lusty moans and groans as all three were feeling their climax approaching. Abandoning any caution, Ian bounced his hips rapidly on Joseph's cock, while Levi began to bounce his own ass on the human's face. Joseph himself could only hold on as he was assailed by the femboy butts, the simultaneous pressure on both his cock and his tongue driving him up the wall. He couldn't hold back much longer from the backside assault, his climax just about ready to break.

The first one to finally come was Levi. With a silent cry, he clenched Joseph's tongue and pressed down hard on his face while his reptilian dick shot ropes of hot seed on both the human and Ian. The bunny was the next to go, this time moaning loud as his own spunk was added to the mess on Joseph's chest. The two climaxes were more than enough for Joseph himself, his hips lifting high and shooting Ian full of his own sperm. The three rocked in a blind euphoria for a moment, unable to do anything but grind against each other in the pleasurable haze.

After a good minute, the collective orgasm finally died down, and with exhausted breaths the two femboys lifted themselves off of Joseph. The human himself could hardly say a word, the climax pushing him to the point of passing out. With tired smiles, the two decided to give him a cleaning, carefully licking off all of the cum on Joseph's chest and stomach. After finishing, they cuddled up to either side of him, taking turns kissing his mouth and neck. Eventually, the effort of staying awake was too much for any of them, and they simultaneously blacked out.

* * *

A searing light penetrated Joseph's eyelids, forcing a groan out of him as he slowly rose from bed. He rubbed at his bleary eyes, trying to remember what exactly happened last night.

I know I got to the dorm...I didn't get the book back on time...what was...wait. Levi...

_ _

He flinched with the memory of last night suddenly flooding back into his head. He looked back at the bed, and sure enough, the seductive lizard was still curled up and sleeping soundly, still wearing the same miniskirt that he came to the dorm in. Wait...where's-

"Hey there, sleepy head!" A cheerful voice said behind him. He turned his head to see Ian up and about, wearing a small green tee and a pair of short khaki capris. He was grabbing clothes and folding them into a suitcase, and Joseph could tell he had a bit of a hurry about him. "I didn't realize we were gonna sleep so late! Gotta hurry and finish packing..." He glanced over at the human, who was still a little flabbergasted at the memory of their naughty antics just hours before. "Did you sleep good?"

Joseph shook his head. "U-uh, yeah, yeah, fine, I slept...good..."

Ian giggled. "Good. Now help me out and wake lazy-bones over there, would you? We gotta hurry and get going soon." He turned around to face him, a shirt in his paws. "You gotta pack too...if you want to come with, anyway..." He watched the human, his paws nervously rubbing the fabric in his grips.

"What?...Um...well, I guess...maybe..."

The rabbit sighed and smiled. "Joey, please, just take me up on it. You need a chance to relax, to hang out with friends. You haven't done that in a long time, and I really like hanging out with you..." He sauntered up to him, slowly leaning his upper body down. "We don't have to have a thing. Think of last night as just...activities, for the trip." He giggled and winked at the human, who's face had become an embarrassed red.

"W-well, I, I don't know..." Joseph tried to choke out a response, saying that maybe it wasn't such a good idea. When he saw the bunny boy's ears start to droop, however, he stopped and just stared at the roommate for a second.

"...okay. I understand, you need your space. Hope you still have fun with your break..." Ian started to turn back, but he suddenly felt a hand on his wrist. He looked back at Joseph, whose face was set.

"Wait. I...I would actually like going on the trip. I guess...I guess hanging out with you and Levi would be fun..." He let go of the bunny's wrist and scratched his face. "Not that it's just because of the sex or any-Gah!"

Once again, he was interrupted by the now-jubilant bunny boy, who pressed up to him in a warm hug. "Oh, thank you thank you THANK YOU! Oh my gawsh, we are going to have so much FUN!"

The human couldn't help but laugh heartily, gently pushing his roommate back. "Okay, okay! Let me get up so I can pack some clothes."

A mumbling voice was suddenly heard, and they both turned to see Levi lethargically rubbing his eyes. "Hi guys. What's going on?"

Ian looked at Joseph, who only looked back with a grin on his face. The happy hare couldn't take off the smile that was on his own muzzle. "Oh, just a little change of plans, that's all."


Aaaaand there's your story! Likey, no likey? Stuff I could work on? Please, for the love of God, LEAVE A COMMENT if you find something that pertains to that last part. I'm always looking to improve my writing.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Expect for more to come (haha)